The train on that I was travelling was already half an _____
hour late.I planned to arrive in Chicago at 7:10 in time _____
to catch the 7:50 train to St.Louis,and there was _____
no hope now.I esplained the situation for the conductor ____
who advised me to get off at the stop before ___
Union Station and took a taxi.When the time came,he ____
even helped me with my bags.He hoped me good _____
luck as I jumped off,and a few minute later I was ____
racing towards Union Station in taxi.It was almost ____
7:50 when I stopped outside the station.I paid for ____
the driver quickly,grabbed my bags,and hurried inside.____
參考答案:The train on (that) I was travelling was already half an ___which__
hour late.I planned to arrive in Chicago at 7:10 (in) time __on___
to catch the 7:50 train to St.Louis,(and) there was __but___
no hope now.I esplained ( )the situation for the conductor __to__
who advised me to get off at the stop before __对_
Union Station and took a taxi.(When) the time came,he __As__
even helped me with my bags.He (hoped) me good __wished___
luck as I jumped off,and a few (minute) later I was __minutes__
racing towards Union Station in ( _)taxi.It was almost __a__
7:50 when I stopped outside the station.I paid (for) __for去掉__
the driver quickly,grabbed my bags,and hurried (inside).__in_