4.2 机房内墙、柱面装修工程
机房区域内所有房间内墙及隔墙、柱面的面层处理均采用塑铝板墙饰面,板与板间嵌铝合金装饰条。(竖C75系轻钢龙骨墙筋,内填50厚42K离心玻璃棉保温板,满封12mm石膏板, 在石膏板上安装经防火处理的12厘胶合板,宽80mm 间距300mm作基层)。
4.4 机房保温工程
參考答案:4.2 engine rooms inner walls, cylinder repair project
According to the standard engine room repair way, the sideincreases in the engine room decorates the level wall together, andadditionally builds the heat insulating layer in this wall to increasethe wall the hot working performance, avoids appearing thecondensation phenomenon in the room. Moreover, for prevents theoutside dust and noxious gas permeating, but causes each kind ofcomputer equipment breakdown, we suggested does not suppose the engineroom region in the window, uses the artificial lighting. If mustestablish time the window, should use the double-decked seal window,simultaneously installs the block the light window blind.
Wall, cylinder decoration processing as follows:
In the engine room region all rooms inner wall and the partition wall,cylinder surface layer processing uses models the aluminum woodenfence facing, between the board and the board inlays the aluminumalloy decoration strip. (Sets upright C75 is light steel keel wallmuscle, in fills in 50 thick 42K gentrifugalism mineral wool heatpreservation board, completely seals the 12mm plaster tablet, installson plaster tablet after fire protection processing 12 thousandths of aYuan plywood, extends 80mm spacing 300mm to make basic unit).
Engine room all walls surface, all install on, go downstairs the flag,and with the heat preservation, the packing material pastes fully.
Engine room system room partition wall project
The room partition wall is different to the bearing wall andencircles the back wall, it has the following characteristic:
In the engine room room partition wall request has lightly both and isthin, can performance and so on sound insulation, heat insulation.According to the engine room project characteristic, we suggested inengine room system in main working space room partition, uses the 12mmnon- frame steel room partition.
About the glass room partition uses the 6# channel steel and the 4#angle steel system steel frame, the surface fixes with the rivet afterthe fire protection processing nine thousandths of a Yuan or thecarpentry boards, then wraps the 1.0mm Asia light stainless steelplate. The gate the gate clamps and the place spring with thestainless steel about is fixed.
On the special-purpose air conditioning region glass room partition,under on the frame seals with the 12mm plaster tablet pastes anti-burns the oak to model maintains warmth board processing.
According to the central engine room project characteristic, wedesign:
In the special-purpose air conditioning region various room, makesdustproof processing after the ground, Man Tiezu burns the oak tomodel maintains warmth the board, again lays down the high strengthwear-resisting cover, and the high 300mm impractical all steel guardsagainst the static electricity activity floor.
Guards against static electricity activity floor each area is600*600mm2, the use through metal, and completes the equipotentialconnection, completes earth processing.
4.4 engine rooms heat preservations project
For prevent in the engine room the ground condensation but tobring the harm to the equipment, needs the floor structure to take theheat preservation heat insulation measure to the engine room in.
According to the engine room project structure and the characteristic,for the guarantee air conditioning blast temperature, the humidity, touse in the engine room air conditioning blast region in the room tomake the building ground heat insulating layer, the heat preservationdustproof level suspended ceiling and the wall surface heat insulatinglayer construction, achieved 六面体 the heat preservation, andthrough the temperature, the humidity sensor monitors the engine roomwarm the environment, the humidity. Uses the 42K gentrifugalismmineral wool and anti- burns the oak to model the heat preservationboard, its thermal conductivity only 0.05Kcal/m2. H. ℃. In thepersonnel handling room, uses the air conditioning blast the region,makes the wall surface heat insulating layer on all around the wallsurface.