One day, a man had a dream.
He rambled on beach. But he finded that only one queue foot-impression in the sand by he look back.He plaintive asked The GOD:" GOD, you assure to me that you well accompany me to eveytime if I believe you. But I was lonely in the bother."
GOD answered :"Yes man, I has hiked with you side by side."
"No, GOD. You discarded me. Look, only one queue foot-impression in the sand.I was in big trouble."
GOD answered :"No man, I was't mendacious.It because you were on my shoulder."
他在海滩上漫步了。但是他找那只有者一等待的队伍脚-他的沙子的印象向后地看。他悲哀的问上帝:" 上帝, 你跟我保证,如果我相信你,你很好地对(eveytime)陪伴我。 但是我是孤单的在那烦扰。"
上帝回答 :"是的男人, 我已经和你并排健行 ."
"不, 上帝。你丢弃了我。看,只有一等待的队伍脚-沙子的印象。我有大的麻烦。"
上帝回答 :"不,男人,沙子是虚伪的。它因为你在我的肩上。"
eveytime不太明白,你是不是打错了??这也不是人名啊,还有部分单词有错,不过我纠正过来几个,这个如果是你打错了,请把正确的发上来,不过我看差不多是这样的一句话(他悲哀的问上帝:" 上帝, 你跟我保证,如果我相信你,你很好地陪伴我。 但是我是孤单的在那烦扰。")