With the printing press, reading and writing were no longer confined to religious orders and the rich. This altered the existing power structures: Radical ideas were more easily disseminated and people learned to question the authority of the ruling classes. Hoping to head off this movement, about 30 years after the printing press was perfected Pope Innocent VII established the doctrine of prior restraint, which required printers to submit unpublished manuscripts to the Catholic Church for review. Prior restraint, however, failed to stop the printing and widespread distribution of German theologian Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses in 1517. The printing press thus largely made possible the Protestant Reformation, one of the most significant events of the millennium.Within 100 years of Gutenberg's breakthrough the Americas were discovered, the authority and dominance of the Catholic Church were fractured, and scientists began asking questions that challenged long-held dogmas about creation and the nature of the universe. It is arguable that none of this would have happened without Gutenberg's printing press and the easy exchange of ideas it made possible.
參考答案:在印刷、读写不仅仅局限于教会和丰富. 这一改变现有的权力结构,彻底容易传播思想学人的问题,领导阶层的统治. 希望避免这个运动30多年印刷教宗是无辜七建立健全理论限制之前,必须提交打印稿未发表的教会审查. 限制之前,不停止印刷,广泛传播德国神学马丁路德的95篇在1517年. 印刷,多使新教革命,最重要的事件之一的Millennium.within百年古的突破,美洲的发现,权力和垄断天主教骨折,科学家就提出问题,要求长期教条对建立和宇宙. 可以认为,这会发生在任何便宜的印刷机,很容易就可以交换意见.