1. Get all desired files from the links provided in
The minimal set of files requiered is
{Installer.exe, MATLAB70.zip}.
2. Run/Unpack Installer.exe and put all downloaded zip-files
into the new "archives" folder.
3. Rename "java\jar\installer.jar" to "installer.jar.bak" and
put the provided cracked one there.
4. Start "setup.exe" and enter any PLP ;-)
The license-type will be "individual".
Cracked & uploaded by dirkmill especially for VDOWN@RG.
Thanks to Maxwish for providing the links.
Have fun,
參考答案:1. 从下面的连接中去得到所需要的文件,安装程序必须文件包括(installer.exe 和matlab70.zip)
2. 解压缩installer.exe文件,把所有接压缩得到的文件放到这个新的档案文件中
3. 将"java\jar\installer.jar文件重命名为installer.jar.bak。并且把这个破解文件覆盖到那里
4. 运行setup.exe输入plp;-) 注册码将会激活,软件会注册给你
5. dirlmill破解以及上传,联系地址VDOWN@RG
谢谢Maxwish 提供连接