血: [ xuě, xiě, xuè ]
[ 国标码:D1AA 部首:血 笔画:6 笔顺:325221 ]
1. blood
<lifeblood> <hemo> <Dutch pink>
1. 她一看到血就脸色苍白。
She paled at the sight of the blood.
2. 那只狗的毛皮上沾有血迹。
The dog's fur was matted with blood.
3. 血液在体内循环。
Blood circulates through the body.
4. 蜥蜴和蛇是冷血动物。
Lizards and snakes are cold-blooded animals.
5. 我感到浑身血液在沸腾。
I could feel blood pulsing through my veins.
6. 血液在她的膝盖伤口周围凝固了。
The blood had congealed round the cut on her knee.
7. 伤口仍在渗血。
Blood was still oozing from the wound.
8. 这名伤员由于失血过多而昏迷不醒。
This wounded soldier was unconscious from his loss of blood.