參考答案:During the national holiday, my family and I are going to take a trip to Hawaii by plane. The reason why we decided on Hawaii is because it is very different from the China. Unlike China, Hawaii consists of five major islands, each with its own style of oceanic views and water activities. Majority of our time will be spent on the beaches. We might also go visit the volcanos, ride horses on the ranch, and enjoy the interesting places there.Such as the Great Wall 、the Summer Place 、the Place Museum and so on . l will go there by trian,because it's comfortable and I can enjoy the view on the way.I think I will have a good time!!!
回答者:紫色之回忆 - 魔法学徒 一级 9-27 20:20
During the national holiday, my family and I are going to take a trip to Hawaii by plane. The reason why we decided on Hawaii is because it is very different from the China. Unlike China, Hawaii consists of five major islands, each with its own style of oceanic views and water activities. Majority of our time will be spent on the beaches. We might also go visit the volcanos, ride horses on the ranch, and enjoy the native Hawaiian shows.
回答者:etherealrookie - 魔法学徒 一级 9-29 01:27