标 题:江苏省女职工劳动保护办法
第七条 女职工在月经期间,所在单位不得安排其从事高处、低温、冷水、野外和国家规定的第三级体力劳动强度的劳动,应暂时调做其他工作,或给予公假一至二天。
第八条 对已婚未孕、怀孕和哺乳期的女职工,单位应将其暂时调离下列作业:铅的冶炼、浇铸,铅粉生产;纯苯的生产、回收;汞的生产、蒸馏、回收;镉的生产,二硫化碳的生产,超过卫生防护要求的剂量当量限值的放射性作业;其他明显危害女性生理机能、影响下一代健康的有
第九条 对怀孕的女职工不得安排其从事国家规定的第三级体力劳动强度的劳动和孕期禁忌从事的劳动。对从事经常弯腰、攀高、下蹲、抬举、搬运等容易引起流产、早产的作业的女职工,经医疗单位证明,应暂时调做其他工作或酌情减轻其工作量。
第十条 女职工的产假不得少于九十天。其中产前休假十五天。难产的,增加产假十五天;多胞胎生育的,每多生育一个婴儿,增加产假十五天。
第十一条 有不满一周岁婴儿的女职工,每班劳动时间内给予两次哺乳(含人工喂养)时间,每次三十分钟。多胞胎生育的,每多哺乳一个婴儿,每次哺乳时间增加三十分钟。女职工每班劳动时间内的两次哺乳时间,可以合并使用。哺乳时间和在本单位内哺乳往返途中的时间,算作劳
第十二条 女职工在哺乳期内,单位不得安排其从事国家规定的第三级体力劳动强度的劳动和哺乳期禁忌从事的劳动。不得延长其劳动时间,一般不得安排其从事夜班劳动。
第十三条 女职工较多的单位,应按照国家有关规定,以自办或者联办的形式,建立有专人管理的女职工卫生室、孕妇休息室、哺乳室、托儿所、幼儿园等设施。
參考答案:颁布单位 Sponsored by…..
条: Article
月经期间 during menstruation
已婚未孕 married unpregnant
第三级体力劳动强度的劳动physical Labor of the third degree of intensity as specified by the state
在哺乳期内 during nursing period
多胞胎生育的 Multiple Births pregnancies
产假Maternity leave
月经过多profuse menstruation
Title:Regulations on Female Workers' Labor Protection in Jiangsu Province
Sponsored by Jiangsu Province Government
Article 7
No labor at height, low temperature, cold water, field, as well as physical labor of the third degree of intensity as specified by the state may be arranged for female workers during their menstruation, and they should be arranged to do other works temporarily or given 1-2 days’ public leave.
Female workers doing other work species should be given one-day public leave under the approval of their medical units for profuse menstruation or can’t help doing works for their menstrual cramps.
Article 8
Female workers who are married but unpregnant, pregnant, or during nursing period, should be arranged to leave these works as following temporarily: smelting and casting of Pb, production and recovery of pure benzal; production, distillation, and recovery of Hg, production of Pb powder, Cadmium, Carbon disulfide.
Article 9
No physical labor of the third degree of intensity as specified by the state as well as forbidden labor during pregnancy may be arranged for pregnant female workers. Female workers who often carry on the works easily results in abortion and premature such as bending, climbing, knee-bending, lifting, deliverying etc, should be arranged to do other works or reduce their work effort as possible through the approval of medical units.
Pregnant female workers should not be arranged to do overtime works, and their antenatal check-up during labor time should be considered as labor time, and their labor value should be deducted.
Generally, no night-shift Labor may be arranged for female staff and workers in or past the seventh (7th) month of pregnancy, and one hour's rest in interval of work should be given to them and their labor value should be deducted. As for whom has difficulty in duty, 60 days' pre-maternity leave should be given according to their application and the approval of their units. During the leave, their salary shoud not be less than 80 % of the usual salary.
Article 10
The maternity leave of female workers should be more than ninety days, including fifteen days’ pre-maternity leave. Female workers who have difficulty to maternity should be increased fifteen days’ maternity leave;who has multiple births pregnancies should be enlonged fifteen days’ maternity leave per additional pregnant baby.
Female workers who aborted within three months since their pregnancy should be given maternity leave of 20- 30 days according to the approval of the medical units; more than three months but less than seven months, should be given 42 days' maternity leave; and more than seven months should be given 90 days' maternity leave, respectively.
Article 11
Female workers with a baby less than one year old should be given two times of nursing time (including artificial nursing) per work-time, 30 minutes per time.Multiple births pregnancies,the nursing time should be given more 30 minutes per time per more baby. Two times mursing time of the female workers per work-time can be used as a combination.
Article 12
Female workers should not be arranged to carry out physical Labor of the third degree of intensity as specified by the state and forbidden labor during nursing period.
Article 13
Units with fairly more female workers should found up rest rooms of pregnant women, nursing rooms, nurseries, kindergartens according to national regulations with the meas of self-found or combined -found.