我们洗脸、洗澡、刷牙、洗菜等很多 都要用到水。不仅在家里,在工厂、学校、写字楼、公共厕所等都要用到水。但是,可被我们利用的淡水资源却少之有少,而且还有很多人在浪费它。例如洗完手不关水龙头,洗澡很浪费水等等。水是生命的源泉,没有水就没有生命。同志们,醒悟吧,努力保护水资源,不要让最后一滴水成为我们的眼泪
參考答案:With water,we do washing, bathing, tooth-brushing, and vegetables cleaning etc. Many sites like factories, housedwellings, schools, office buildings, and water closets can not work without water. However, some people are wasting water resources while available fresh water becomes rarer and rarer.Water faucets are left dripping after hands washing, and excess water is used in bathing.Water is the headspring of life. There is no life-form without water. My dear friends, come up to your sense! Protect water resources, and never make the last drop be our tears.