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绩效管理:performance management
平衡计分卡:Balanced Scorecard
摘 要
參考答案:绩效管理:performance management
平衡计分卡:Balanced Scorecard
人力资源管理: Human Resource Management
完善激励机制 Perfect the Incentive System
战略目标 Strategic Target
执法部门Law Enforcement
新公共管理New public management
国税局National Taxation Bureau
360度评估360-degree appraisal
关键绩效指标key performance Indicator(KPI)
Performance management is the core content of human resource management, which is vital to improve organizational management, to perfect the incentive system, to found organizational value, and to realize strategic targets. As an important national law enforcement, tax organization is fulfilling the construction strategies of “Public-Service-Oriented” and “modern management” tax organizations. How to strengthen performance management and improve the performance of organizations or individuals has become an important thesis of tax organizations.
This paper can be divided into five parts: the first chapter introduced the background and significance of this thesis, the research thinking, as well as the general structure of the paper; the second chapter described the basic theory of performance management, comparatively analyzed the several main performance management systems, and briefly introduced new public management and the performance management of the governments in the western countries. The third chapter introduced the basic information of National Taxation Bureau in H city, and analyzed the developmental strategy and present circumstance and situation of tax organizations, the current performance management flow in National Taxation Bureau in H city was analyzed in details, and the present problems were also shown. The fourth chapter introduced the performance management mode of some national advanced tax organizations, and referenced profit experiences herein. The fifth chapter designed complete performance management system of National Taxation Bureau in H city by means of balanced scorecard, key performance Indicator, and 360-degree appraisal based on the practical case of National Taxation Bureau in H city. The paper has some reference value to tax organizations on how to use modern performance management theory and how to design and perfect characteristic performance management mode.