关于“ 中央储备粮 ”的译法:
“ 中央储备粮 ”意为“中央人民政府的储备粮”,应译成: grain reserves of the central people ’ s government ,而不能按字面意思译成: the central grain reserves 。按照牛津英文词典的字义解释, central: (1) 意为 “of, at, near or forming the centre of sth ” (中央的,在中心的,形成中心的)。例如, We live in central London. (我们住在伦 敦 中部); Our house is very central, i.e. is in or close to the centre of the town. )(我们的房子就在市中心)。( 2 )意为 having overall power or control (有全部权力或控制力的)。例如, central government, i. e . the government of the whole country, as contracted with the local government. (中央政府,即区别于地方政府)。
以上可见“中央储备粮”,既不是“处于中心的储备粮”,也不可能是“有全部权力或控制力的储备粮”,而是“中央人民政府的储备粮”,应译成: grain reserves of the central people ’ s government 。