Hello there Alan--
This message is being sent to confirm that all credit card information
has been removed from the World of Warcraft account ghmlj330,
effectively cancelling its recurring subscription as of September 30, 2006 3:02
PM UTC. The account will not bill or renew any further unless new
payment information (credit card or game card) is manually entered in.
The account will remain playable for the remaining time it has already
paid for. This account's current prepaid time will expire on November
10, 2006 2:44 PM UTC.
To check your account status at any time, you can log into your Account
Management page at this link, using your account name and password:http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/accountAt this time, Blizzard has no plans to delete or "expire" characters,
even if an account is deactivated or cancelled. This means that all of
your characters and their progress will be retained on our servers.
Should you decide to return to World of Warcraft and reactivate your
account, you will be able to pick up your characters again wherever you
left off.
In the event you have any other billing questions or concerns, please
feel free to contact our Billing & Account Services team for support.
You can reply to this email directly, or call 1-800-59-BLIZZARD
(800-592-5499) for live phone support between 9am and 6pm Pacific Time. Users
in Australia should please call 800-041-378, if the standard 800 line
does not work for them.
Billing & Account Services
Blizzard Entertainment
你的信用卡帐号信息已经删除,要消费就得重新给信用卡帐号或游戏卡.下次要在十一月十号下午两点四十四(November 10, 2006 2:44 PM UTC)前给你的帐号冲钱,也就是预付钱.
这个网站( )是看你帐号信息的.