任海云 北京师范大学生命科学学院教授、博士生导师。
主持国家自然科学基金委员会(面上项目) : 前纤维蛋白对植物细胞顶端极性生长的调节 时间: 2003年1月-2005年12月
Ren HY , Gibben GB, Ashworth SL, Sherman DM, Yuan M, Staiger CJ ( 1997) Actin purification from maize pollen function in living plant cells. The Plant Cell. 9: 1445-1457
B.C.Gibbon, H.Y.Ren and C.J.Staiger (1997) Characterisaiion of maize pollen profilin function in vitro and in live cells. Biochemical Journal , 327:909-915
C.J.Staiger, B.C. Gibbon and H.Y. Ren (1999) Actin Purification and Characterization. Plant Molecular Biology Manual. 01 , 1-17
任海云 ( 1999 )植物肌动蛋白的纯化及荧光标记。植物学报, 41(10) : 1099-1103
Ren Haiyun and Yuan Ming ( 2000 ) Polymerization of fluorescent analogue of plant actin in vitro and in vivo . Chinese Science Bulletin , 45(17): 1583-1586
Ren Haiyun,Huang Zhonglian, Chen Zhiling, Yuan Ming and Lu Ting(2000) Effects of nitrogen ion implantation on lily pollen germination and the distribution of the actin cytoskeleton during pollen germination. Chinese Science Bulletin , 45(18): 1677-1680
任海云 ,易克喜,荆艳萍( 2000 )前纤维蛋白影响花粉肌动蛋白体外聚合分析。植物学报, 42(5): 476-479
Huang Shanjin , Ren Haiyun , Ming Yuan ( 2001 ) In vitro assembly of plant tubulin in the absence of microtubule-stabilizing reagents. Chinese Science Bulletin , Vol.45 (24)2258-2263
易克喜 陶志华 任海云( 2001 ) ATP 和钾离子对肌动蛋白与前纤维蛋白结合的影响及其在植物肌动蛋白纯化中的应用。 植物学报, 43 ( 7 ): 699-703
Huang Zhonglian, Jing Yanping, Zhu Guoli, Lu Ting, Zhou Hongyu, Ren Haiyun(2001) Effect of nitrogen ion implantation on Ca 2+ concentration and membrane potential of pollen cell. Chinese Science Bulletin, 46(20) 1691-1693
Tao ZH and Ren HY (2003)Regulation of gelsolin to plant actin filaments and its distribution in pollen. Science in China (series C) 46(4):379-388
Jing Yanping, Yi Kexi, Ren HY (2003) Actins from plant and animal sources tend not to form heteropolymers in vitro and function differently in plant cells 。 Protoplasma, 222 : 183-191