

王朝百科·作者佚名  2009-10-30
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双线空间是指服务器采用BGP双线路接入技术(简称双线路技术)具体就是在一个互联网数据中心(IDC),通过用BGP 等技术手段。把不同的网络接入商(ISP)服务接入到一台服务器或一个服务器集群上面,来使其所提供的网络服务访问用户能尽可能以同一个ISP或互访速度较快的ISP连接来进行访问,从而解决或者减轻跨ISP用户访问网站的缓慢延迟(网络瓶颈)问题。 它的产生是由于中国互联网物理现状造成的,原来的中国电信分家,以长江划为界分为两个公司,北方叫网通,南方叫电信。南方的大部分用电信线路上网,北方大部分用网通线路上网。由于电信和网通是两个独立公司,电信线路和网通线路交接处是网络访问瓶颈,所以影响到电信和网通网络的互访。我们在电信和网通各放置服务器,您可以选择其中一个服务器的虚拟主机,就是所谓的单线空间。



单线空间选择:只针对南方或者北方用户为主,例如天涯论坛(www.tianya.cn)、海南之家(www.hinan.com.cn) 、淘宝网(www.taobao.com)等地区性网站。





目前我国有电信网通两个主要的网络,南方大部分都是电信上网,北方 绝大部分都是网通上网特别是北京,河北,山东,辽宁,吉林等7-10个 省.由于电信网通是相互竞争,导致电信用户访问网通网站,网通用户 访问电信网站 都很慢. 无论您网站放电信机房,还是网通机房,都 会丢失另外一半客户. 为解决这个问题,双线虚拟主机就正式产生.双线虚拟主机可以达到南北访问都快.这样最大限度的留住您全国的客户.

什么是真正的双线? 双线路主机(www.92hezu.com是实现国内电信网通用户都可以快速访问.

假双线1. 电信网通网站镜像, 实际是在分别在电信网通各自都有一个网站. 但这样导致

A: 成本高. 一套网站要购买2个空间.

B: 维护成本高. 更新一个网站要同时更新电信 网通 2个空间上的数 据.

C: 有一些程序不适用. 对有一些网站程序. 会导致数据不同步.会出现 很大问题. 例如 电信用户在电信网站上传的图片.网通用户看不到等.

普通双线 是在网站页面 建 "电信站" "网通站" 两个连接. 但客户访 问网站的时候几乎不会去留意这样的选择. 或者客户根本没有耐心访问 您的网站(打开很慢) 这样会导致您的客户丢失.

智能双线 就是采用BGP双线路技术的双线全能空间(www.92hezu.com,能够根据用户的IP 地址 智能判断.电信用户自动访问电信IP. 网通线路访问网通IP,这样达到全国都可以快速访问.“世界上最远的距离不是从中国到美国,而是从网通到电信”这样来形容互联互通问题,双线接入也就成了目前网站解决互联互通问题的最佳解决方案。


1. 选择适合自己网站类型和规模的空间.不要贪便宜,买很低段的空间.一分钱一分货. 也不要被空间商吹的头昏脑热,买了远远超过自己网站需要的空间.

2. 了解要选购空间的种种限制.绝大多数空间服务商都会将自己空间支持哪些功能写的非常详细,而不支持哪些功能. 你自己看吧.了解清楚后就不容易上当受骗. 例如 某空间商提供jsp空间, 却不支持struct映射.如果你不问清楚,只有自己倒霉.

3. 不要盲目听信销售人员的保证,销售人员为了市场业绩,所以东西都是没有问题. 当你付款后发现问题,再找销售人员,却怎么也没有人理会.

4. 不要选购那些不限流量,不限访问量 之类的什么都不限制的低价产品, 那实际上意味着什么都限制到


5. 就近选择空间商,出现问题上门找他们退款也方便一些,如果是外地的,他们会有各种借口和你拖.

6 网站有一定规模的,尽量选择带数据库的,不要使用Access数据库,Access数据库不能容纳大的访问人数.

7. 尽量不要选择Apache服务器(linux)和tomcat 之类服务器,该类无法防止跨站攻击.具体原因不说.点上IIS服务器安全性能比Apache要好



上个星期,在跟朋友聊天王朝的多线解析时,我就问朋友说:“王朝到底有多少个IP呀?”朋友答道:“这个不知道,你看看这个 http://www.duoqiu.com/Report.aspx?domain=www.baidu.com ” 好家伙,不看不知道,一看吓了我一跳,几乎是每个地区王朝就分配了一个IP。



双线空间是指服务器采用BGP双线路接入技术(简称双线路技术)具体就是在一个互联网数据中心(IDC),通过用BGP 等技术手段。把不同的网络接入商(ISP)服务接入到一台服务器或一个服务器集群上面,来使其所提供的网络服务访问用户能尽可能以同一个ISP或互访速度较快的ISP连接来进行访问,从而解决或者减轻跨ISP用户访问网站的缓慢延迟(网络瓶颈)问题。 它的产生是由于中国互联网物理现状造成的,原来的中国电信分家,以长江划为界分为两个公司,北方叫网通,南方叫电信。南方的大部分用电信线路上网,北方大部分用网通线路上网。由于电信和网通是两个独立公司,电信线路和网通线路交接处是网络访问瓶颈,所以影响到电信和网通网络的互访。我们在电信和网通各放置服务器,您可以选择其中一个服务器的虚拟主机,就是所谓的单线空间。



单线空间选择:只针对南方或者北方用户为主,例如天涯论坛(www.tianya.cn)、海南之家(www.hinan.com.cn) 、淘宝网(www.taobao.com)中国信息港(http://www.cncnc.com.cn)等地区性网站。





目前我国有电信网通两个主要的网络,南方大部分都是电信上网,北方 绝大部分都是网通上网特别是北京,河北,山东,辽宁,吉林等7-10个 省.由于电信网通是相互竞争,导致电信用户访问网通网站,网通用户 访问电信网站 都很慢. 无论您网站放电信机房,还是网通机房,都 会丢失另外一半客户. 为解决这个问题,双线虚拟主机就正式产生.双线虚拟主机可以达到南北访问都快.这样最大限度的留住您全国的客户.

什么是真正的双线? 双线路主机是实现国内电信网通用户都可以快速访问.

假双线1. 电信网通网站镜像, 实际是在分别在电信网通各自都有一个网站. 但这样导致

A: 成本高. 一套网站要购买2个空间.

B: 维护成本高. 更新一个网站要同时更新电信 网通 2个空间上的数 据.

C: 有一些程序不适用. 对有一些网站程序. 会导致数据不同步.会出现 很大问题. 例如 电信用户在电信网站上传的图片.网通用户看不到等.

普通双线 是在网站页面 建 "电信站" "网通站" 两个连接. 但客户访 问网站的时候几乎不会去留意这样的选择. 或者客户根本没有耐心访问 您的网站(打开很慢) 这样会导致您的客户丢失.

智能双线 就是采用BGP双线路技术的双线全能空间能够根据用户的IP 地址 智能判断.电信用户自动访问电信IP. 网通线路访问网通IP,这样达到全国都可以快速访问.“世界上最远的距离不是从中国到美国,而是从网通到电信”这样来形容互联互通问题,双线接入也就成了目前网站解决互联互通问题的最佳解决方案。


1. 选择适合自己网站类型和规模的空间.不要贪便宜,买很低段的空间.一分钱一分货. 也不要被空间商吹的头昏脑热,买了远远超过自己网站需要的空间.

2. 了解要选购空间的种种限制.绝大多数空间服务商都会将自己空间支持哪些功能写的非常详细,而不支持哪些功能. 你自己看吧.了解清楚后就不容易上当受骗. 例如 某空间商提供jsp空间, 却不支持struct映射.如果你不问清楚,只有自己倒霉.

3. 不要盲目听信销售人员的保证,销售人员为了市场业绩,所以东西都是没有问题. 当你付款后发现问题,再找销售人员,却怎么也没有人理会.

4. 不要选购那些不限流量,不限访问量 之类的什么都不限制的低价产品, 那实际上意味着什么都限制到


5. 就近选择空间商,出现问题上门找他们退款也方便一些,如果是外地的,他们会有各种借口和你拖.

6 网站有一定规模的,尽量选择带数据库的,不要使用Access数据库,Access数据库不能容纳大的访问人数.

7. 尽量不要选择Apache服务器(linux)和tomcat 之类服务器,该类无法防止跨站攻击.具体原因不说.点上IIS服务器安全性能比Apache要好



上个星期,在跟朋友聊天王朝的多线解析时,我就问朋友说:“王朝到底有多少个IP呀?”朋友答道:“这个不知道,你看看这个 http://www.duoqiu.com/Report.aspx?domain=www.baidu.com ” 好家伙,不看不知道,一看吓了我一跳,几乎是每个地区王朝就分配了一个IP。

那次无意的聊天中,让我认识了这个有趣的网站:多求网。她的功能是多地求值,其实也就是返回不同地区服务器上的ping结果。只要你输入你的申请的域名,如 cxx.com.cn 结果j就可以出来两个IP。这就是证明那是真正的双线空间,以后有客户要买空间了,就直接叫他们输入我们的主站域名,然后告诉他:“你看,我们主站的也是双IP,到时你买了我们的空间后,也是一样的。”这样的说法比较直观,比起理论解释,客户容易接受了很多。



双线空间是指服务器采用BGP双线路接入技术(简称双线路技术)具体就是在一个互联网数据中心(IDC),通过用BGP 等技术手段。把不同的网络接入商(ISP)服务接入到一台服务器或一个服务器集群上面,来使其所提供的网络服务访问用户能尽可能以同一个ISP或互访速度较快的ISP连接来进行访问,从而解决或者减轻跨ISP用户访问网站的缓慢延迟(网络瓶颈)问题。 它的产生是由于中国互联网物理现状造成的,原来的中国电信分家,以长江划为界分为两个公司,北方叫网通,南方叫电信。南方的大部分用电信线路上网,北方大部分用网通线路上网。由于电信和网通是两个独立公司,电信线路和网通线路交接处是网络访问瓶颈,所以影响到电信和网通网络的互访。我们在电信和网通各放置服务器,您可以选择其中一个服务器的虚拟主机,就是所谓的单线空间。



单线空间选择:只针对南方或者北方用户为主,例如天涯论坛(www.tianya.cn)、海南之家(www.hinan.com.cn) 、淘宝网(www.taobao.com)等地区性网站。





目前我国有电信网通两个主要的网络,南方大部分都是电信上网,北方 绝大部分都是网通上网特别是北京,河北,山东,辽宁,吉林等7-10个 省.由于电信网通是相互竞争,导致电信用户访问网通网站,网通用户 访问电信网站 都很慢. 无论您网站放电信机房,还是网通机房,都 会丢失另外一半客户. 为解决这个问题,双线虚拟主机就正式产生.双线虚拟主机可以达到南北访问都快.这样最大限度的留住您全国的客户.

什么是真正的双线? 双线路主机(www.92hezu.com是实现国内电信网通用户都可以快速访问.

假双线1. 电信网通网站镜像, 实际是在分别在电信网通各自都有一个网站. 但这样导致

A: 成本高. 一套网站要购买2个空间.

B: 维护成本高. 更新一个网站要同时更新电信 网通 2个空间上的数 据.

C: 有一些程序不适用. 对有一些网站程序. 会导致数据不同步.会出现 很大问题. 例如 电信用户在电信网站上传的图片.网通用户看不到等.

普通双线 是在网站页面 建 "电信站" "网通站" 两个连接. 但客户访 问网站的时候几乎不会去留意这样的选择. 或者客户根本没有耐心访问 您的网站(打开很慢) 这样会导致您的客户丢失.

智能双线 就是采用BGP双线路技术的双线全能空间(www.92hezu.com,能够根据用户的IP 地址 智能判断.电信用户自动访问电信IP. 网通线路访问网通IP,这样达到全国都可以快速访问.“世界上最远的距离不是从中国到美国,而是从网通到电信”这样来形容互联互通问题,双线接入也就成了目前网站解决互联互通问题的最佳解决方案。


1. 选择适合自己网站类型和规模的空间.不要贪便宜,买很低段的空间.一分钱一分货. 也不要被空间商吹的头昏脑热,买了远远超过自己网站需要的空间.

2. 了解要选购空间的种种限制.绝大多数空间服务商都会将自己空间支持哪些功能写的非常详细,而不支持哪些功能. 你自己看吧.了解清楚后就不容易上当受骗. 例如 某空间商提供jsp空间, 却不支持struct映射.如果你不问清楚,只有自己倒霉.

3. 不要盲目听信销售人员的保证,销售人员为了市场业绩,所以东西都是没有问题. 当你付款后发现问题,再找销售人员,却怎么也没有人理会.

4. 不要选购那些不限流量,不限访问量 之类的什么都不限制的低价产品, 那实际上意味着什么都限制到


5. 就近选择空间商,出现问题上门找他们退款也方便一些,如果是外地的,他们会有各种借口和你拖.

6 网站有一定规模的,尽量选择带数据库的,不要使用Access数据库,Access数据库不能容纳大的访问人数.

7. 尽量不要选择Apache服务器(linux)和tomcat 之类服务器,该类无法防止跨站攻击.具体原因不说.点上IIS服务器安全性能比Apache要好



上个星期,在跟朋友聊天王朝的多线解析时,我就问朋友说:“王朝到底有多少个IP呀?”朋友答道:“这个不知道,你看看这个 http://www.duoqiu.com/Report.aspx?domain=www.baidu.com ” 好家伙,不看不知道,一看吓了我一跳,几乎是每个地区王朝就分配了一个IP。



双线空间是指服务器采用BGP双线路接入技术(简称双线路技术)具体就是在一个互联网数据中心(IDC),通过用BGP 等技术手段。把不同的网络接入商(ISP)服务接入到一台服务器或一个服务器集群上面,来使其所提供的网络服务访问用户能尽可能以同一个ISP或互访速度较快的ISP连接来进行访问,从而解决或者减轻跨ISP用户访问网站的缓慢延迟(网络瓶颈)问题。 它的产生是由于中国互联网物理现状造成的,原来的中国电信分家,以长江划为界分为两个公司,北方叫网通,南方叫电信。南方的大部分用电信线路浏览Internet,北方大部分用网通线路上网。由于电信和网通是两个独立公司,电信线路和网通线路交接处是网络访问瓶颈,所以影响到电信和网通网络的互访。我们在电信和网通各放置服务器,您可以选择其中一个服务器的虚拟主机,就是所谓的单线空间。



单线空间选择:只针对南方或者北方用户为主,例如天涯论坛(www.tianya.cn)、海南之家(www.hinan.com.cn) 、淘宝网(www.taobao.com)中国信息港(http://www.cncnc.com.cn)等地区性网站。





目前我国有电信网通两个主要的网络,南方大部分都是电信上网,北方 绝大部分都是网通上网特别是北京,河北,山东,辽宁,吉林等7-10个 省.由于电信网通是相互竞争,导致电信用户访问网通网站,网通用户 访问电信网站 都很慢. 无论您网站放电信机房,还是网通机房,都 会丢失另外一半客户. 为解决这个问题,双线虚拟主机就正式产生.双线虚拟主机可以达到南北访问都快.这样最大限度的留住您全国的客户.

什么是真正的双线? 双线路主机是实现国内电信网通用户都可以快速访问.

假双线1. 电信网通网站镜像, 实际是在分别在电信网通各自都有一个网站. 但这样导致

A: 成本高. 一套网站要购买2个空间.

B: 维护成本高. 更新一个网站要同时更新电信 网通 2个空间上的数 据.

C: 有一些程序不适用. 对有一些网站程序. 会导致数据不同步.会出现 很大问题. 例如 电信用户在电信网站上传的图片.网通用户看不到等.

普通双线 是在网站页面 建 "电信站" "网通站" 两个连接. 但客户访 问网站的时候几乎不会去留意这样的选择. 或者客户根本没有耐心访问 您的网站(打开很慢) 这样会导致您的客户丢失.

智能双线 就是采用BGP双线路技术的双线全能空间能够根据用户的IP 地址 智能判断.电信用户自动访问电信IP. 网通线路访问网通IP,这样达到全国都可以快速访问.“世界上最远的距离不是从中国到美国,而是从网通到电信”这样来形容互联互通问题,双线接入也就成了目前网站解决互联互通问题的最佳解决方案。


1. 选择适合自己网站类型和规模的空间.不要贪图便宜,买很低段的空间.一分钱一分货. 也不要被空间商吹的头昏脑热,买了远远超过自己网站需要的空间.

2. 了解要选购空间的种种限制.绝大多数空间服务商都会将自己空间支持哪些功能写的非常详细,而不支持哪些功能. 你自己看吧.了解清楚后就不容易上当受骗. 例如 某空间商提供jsp空间, 却不支持struct映射.如果你不问清楚,只有自己倒霉.

3. 不要盲目听信销售人员的保证,销售人员为了市场业绩,所以东西都是没有问题. 当你付款后发现问题,再找销售人员,却怎么也没有人理会.

4. 不要选购那些不限流量,不限访问量 之类的什么都不限制的低价产品, 那实际上意味着什么都限制到


5. 就近选择空间商,出现问题上门找他们退款也方便一些,如果是外地的,他们会有各种借口和你拖.

6 网站有一定规模的,尽量选择带数据库的,不要使用Access数据库,Access数据库不能容纳大的访问人数.

7. 尽量不要选择Apache服务器(linux)和tomcat 之类服务器,该类无法防止跨站攻击.具体原因不说.点上IIS服务器安全性能比Apache要好



上个星期,在跟朋友聊天王朝的多线解析时,我就问朋友说:“王朝到底有多少个IP呀?”朋友答道:“这个不知道,你看看这个 http://www.duoqiu.com/Report.aspx?domain=www.baidu.com ” 好家伙,一看吓了我一跳,几乎是每个地区王朝就分配了一个IP。

那次无意的聊天中,让我认识了这个有趣的网站:多求网。她的功能是多地求值,其实也就是返回不同地区服务器上的ping结果。只要你输入你的申请的域名,如 cxx.com.cn 结果j就可以出来两个IP。这就是证明那是真正的双线空间,以后有客户要买空间了,就直接叫他们输入我们的主站域名,然后告诉他:“你看,我们主站的也是双IP,到时你买了我们的空间后,也是一样的。”这样的说法比较直观,比起理论解释,客户容易接受了很多。



Two-space refers to the server using BGP dual line access technologies (referred to as dual-line technology) specifically in an Internet Data Center (IDC), by using technical means such as BGP. Of various parts of the network access provider (ISP) service access to a server or a server cluster above to make it for users to access network services as far as possible, exchange of visits by the same ISP or ISP connection speed to visit, so as to solve or reduce the cross-ISP users visit the Web site of the slow delayed (network bottleneck) problems. It was the result of China's Internet caused by the physical status of the original separation of China Telecom, to the Yangtze River is zoned for industry is divided into two companies, the North called Netcom, the South called Telecom. Most of the South with the telecommunications line Internet access, most of the northern line with Netcom Internet. Telecom and Netcom as a result of the two independent companies, telecommunications lines and Netcom network access lines junction is the bottleneck, so affecting the telecommunications and Netcom network visits. Telecom and Netcom, we have all placed the server, you can choose one of the virtual server host, is the so-called one-way space.

Single-space advantages: cheaper price than the two-space-around 60%.

Single-space Disadvantages: Another line speed will be slower to visit about 30%. Select telecom space, Netcom lines would be relatively slow to visit about 30%. Select Netcom space, telecommunications access lines will also do so.

Single-space options: only the South or the North users, such as the End of the World Forum (www.tianya.cn), Hainan House (www.hinan.com.cn), Taobao (www.taobao.com) and other regional sites .

Compare hardware investment: Two-server hardware investments, and believe everyone knows the two servers will be expensive than one server, right? Dual-server hosting the high cost of two-plane two-Everyone knows that one machine than the high cost of hosting the two-lane!

Update the maintenance of contrast: Two servers, the maintenance update troubles loom this update and also updated it to Taiwan, just updated the Netcom side, but also to update the telecommunications side, on both sides of a one-time synchronization of data difficult to achieve. . . . The use of dual-line technology can enable the server's data at any time to do an update on both sides, allowing you to save manpower and precious time to do more things conducive to the development of your.

Hope that their Web site services and information provided by visitors to be fast access to the industry are suitable for the use of this technology, for example, portal-type sites, large and medium-sized enterprise Web site, information portal, city-type websites, personal websites, games and other industries.

Dual space of the great advantages:

Netcom China Telecom has two major networks, mostly Southern Telecom Internet, mostly from the north, especially上网Netcom Beijing, Hebei, Shandong, Liaoning and Jilin provinces 7-10. As the telecommunications network in competition with each other, leading to the telecommunications web site users access Netcom, China Netcom users to access telecommunications web site are very slow. Whether you're on ATM telecommunications room, or CNC machine room, the other half will lose customers. To address this problem, two-lane formally generated virtual host. Virtual host can be achieved two-lane north-south access faster. This maximum to retain your customers throughout the country.

What is the real two-lane? Double-line host (www.92hezu.com the realization of the domestic telecommunications network users can quickly access.

Pseudo two-lane one. Telecommunication Netcom mirror site, was, respectively, in the telecommunications network has a respective site. However, this has led to

A: the high cost. A Web site to buy two of space.

B: high maintenance costs. Update a Web site to update the telecommunications network at the same time two spatial data.

C: Have some of the procedures do not apply. To have some websites procedures. Will lead to data synchronization. There will be a big problem. For example, telecommunications customers in the telecommunications web site to upload pictures. Netcom users can not see and so on.

Ordinary two-lane is built on the site page "Telecommunications Station" "Network Station" to connect the two. However, when customers visit the Web site almost do not pay attention to such a choice. There is no patience or customers visit your site (very slow to open) so will lead to the loss of your customers.

BGP is the adoption of smart two-lane dual-line technology, two-lane all-around space (www.92hezu.com, according to the user's IP address smart judge. Telecommunication users automatically access Telecom IP. Netcom Netcom Line Access IP, so the country can achieve fast access . "furthest distance from the world rather than from China to the United States, but from Netcom to telecommunications" to describe this interoperability problem, two-lane access to resolve the current site will become the best interoperability solutions.

How to choose a two-space

1. Choose the type of site and size of space.Just for the sake of cheap Do not buy a low section of the space. One penny at Cargo. Must not be space to dizziness brain blowing hot and bought far more than the needs of your site space.

2. Understand the need to purchase space restrictions. The vast majority of the space service providers will support their own space which features a very detailed written without the support which features. Check it out yourself. And try to find out it will be difficult after the deceived. For example, jsp space to provide a space, does not support struct mapping. If you do not ask a clear, only his own bad luck.

3. Do not blindly listen to sales personnel to ensure that, in order to market the performance of sales staff, so things are no problem. When you payment problems are detected, we find a sales staff, but how no one care about.

4. Do not buy those open-flow, open-visits do not like restrictions on low-priced products, and that in fact what it means to limit to

When you space inexplicably been suspended. They will have a lot of argument and your passing.

5. Nearby options, the problems with door-to-door looking for them also to facilitate the refund, if it is overseas, they have all sorts of excuses and your trailer.

6 sites have a certain scale, he chose to take the database as far as possible, do not use Access database, Access database can not accommodate the large number of visitors.

7. As far as possible do not choose the Apache server (linux) and tomcat server type, such does not prevent cross-site attacks. The specific reason not use it. Point the performance of IIS server security is better than the Apache

IDC industry make many friends, and now basically started to make two-space (of course, have to do some multi-line). The emergence of two-lane, was inevitable. However, because this is new technology, so customers will be issued often wonder: "How can I tell you, is to sell two-lane?" Issued such doubt, customers are rookie. However, for the single-scored, I have to spend half a day to resolve, it is very tired of. I believe that IDC friends, I do have feelings, right?

As we all know, two-space it is best with two IP, because IP is a different take different lines do. And to convince customers to buy our space, that is, let them know that our servers have two different IP. Then how can we enable customers to know? Has no more direct third-party data prove that?

Last week, chat with friends in the multi-line analytical Baidu, I ask a friend said: "Baidu has the number of IP in the end it?" Friend replied: "This do not know, you take a look at this http://www. duoqiu.com / Report.aspx? domain = www.baidu.com "Goodfellas, look scared one of my dives almost every region on the allocation of a Baidu IP.

That do not intend to chat, let me know of this interesting site: Multi-seeking network. Her function is to demand more value, in fact, that is, different parts of the server to return the ping results. As long as you enter your domain name applications, such as the results of j can www.cxx.com.cn out two IP. This is proof of that is the real two-space, after the customer has to buy the space, and ask them directly into our master domain name, and then told him: "You see, our main points is also dual-IP, when you buy a our space, the same. "This is relatively intuitive, compared to the theoretical explanation, a lot of customers find it easier to accept.

Dual space

Two-space refers to the server using BGP dual line access technologies (referred to as dual-line technology) specifically in an Internet Data Center (IDC), by using technical means such as BGP. Of various parts of the network access provider (ISP) service access to a server or a server cluster above to make it for users to access network services as far as possible, exchange of visits by the same ISP or ISP connection speed to visit, so as to solve or reduce the cross-ISP users visit the Web site of the slow delayed (network bottleneck) problems. It was the result of China's Internet caused by the physical status of the original separation of China Telecom, to the Yangtze River is zoned for industry is divided into two companies, the North called Netcom, the South called Telecom. Most of the South with the telecommunications line browsing Internet, the north most of the Internet by Netcom lines. Telecom and Netcom as a result of the two independent companies, telecommunications lines and Netcom network access lines junction is the bottleneck, so affecting the telecommunications and Netcom network visits. Telecom and Netcom, we have all placed the server, you can choose one of the virtual server host, is the so-called one-way space.

Single-space advantages: cheaper price than the two-space-around 60%.

Single-space Disadvantages: Another line speed will be slower to visit about 30%. Select telecom space, Netcom lines would be relatively slow to visit about 30%. Select Netcom space, telecommunications access lines will also do so.

Single-space options: only the South or the North users, such as the End of the World Forum (www.tianya.cn), Hainan House (www.hinan.com.cn), Taobao (www.taobao.com) China Information ( http://www.cncnc.com.cn) and other regional sites.

Compare hardware investment: Two-server hardware investments, and believe everyone knows the two servers will be expensive than one server, right? Dual-server hosting the high cost of two-plane two-Everyone knows that one machine than the high cost of hosting the two-lane!

Update the maintenance of contrast: Two servers, the maintenance update troubles loom this update and also updated it to Taiwan, just updated the Netcom side, but also to update the telecommunications side, on both sides of a one-time synchronization of data difficult to achieve. . . . The use of dual-line technology can enable the server's data at any time to do an update on both sides, allowing you to save manpower and precious time to do more things conducive to the development of your.

Hope that their Web site services and information provided by visitors to be fast access to the industry are suitable for the use of this technology, for example, portal-type sites, large and medium-sized enterprise Web site, information portal, city-type websites, personal websites, games and other industries.

Dual space of the great advantages:

Netcom China Telecom has two major networks, mostly Southern Telecom Internet, mostly from the north, especially上网Netcom Beijing, Hebei, Shandong, Liaoning and Jilin provinces 7-10. As the telecommunications network in competition with each other, leading to the telecommunications web site users access Netcom, China Netcom users to access telecommunications web site are very slow. Whether you're on ATM telecommunications room, or CNC machine room, the other half will lose customers. To address this problem, two-lane formally generated virtual host. Virtual host can be achieved two-lane north-south access faster. This maximum to retain your customers throughout the country.

What is the real two-lane? Realize dual-line host is the domestic telecommunications network users can quickly access.

Pseudo two-lane one. Telecommunication Netcom mirror site, was, respectively, in the telecommunications network has a respective site. However, this has led to

A: the high cost. A Web site to buy two of space.

B: high maintenance costs. Update a Web site to update the telecommunications network at the same time two spatial data.

C: Have some of the procedures do not apply. To have some websites procedures. Will lead to data synchronization. There will be a big problem. For example, telecommunications customers in the telecommunications web site to upload pictures. Netcom users can not see and so on.

Ordinary two-lane is built on the site page "Telecommunications Station" "Network Station" to connect the two. However, when customers visit the Web site almost do not pay attention to such a choice. There is no patience or customers visit your site (very slow to open) so will lead to the loss of your customers.

BGP is the adoption of smart two-lane dual-line technology to the two-lane all-around space in accordance with the user's IP address smart judge. Telecommunication users automatically access Telecom IP. Netcom Netcom Line Access IP, so the country can achieve fast access. "The world's farthest distance rather than from China to the United States, but from Netcom to telecommunications "to describe this interoperability problem, two-lane access to resolve the current site will become the best interoperability solutions.

How to choose a two-space

1. Choose the type of site and size of space. Do not yield to the temptation of cheap, buy a low section of the space. One penny at Cargo. Must not be space to dizziness brain blowing hot and bought far more than the needs of your site space.

2. Understand the need to purchase space restrictions. The vast majority of the space service providers will support their own space which features a very detailed written without the support which features. Check it out yourself. And try to find out it will be difficult after the deceived. For example, jsp space to provide a space, does not support struct mapping. If you do not ask a clear, only his own bad luck.

3. Do not blindly listen to sales personnel to ensure that, in order to market the performance of sales staff, so things are no problem. When you payment problems are detected, we find a sales staff, but how no one care about.

4. Do not buy those open-flow, open-visits do not like restrictions on low-priced products, and that in fact what it means to limit to

When you space inexplicably been suspended. They will have a lot of argument and your passing.

5. Nearby options, the problems with door-to-door looking for them also to facilitate the refund, if it is overseas, they have all sorts of excuses and your trailer.

6 sites have a certain scale, he chose to take the database as far as possible, do not use Access database, Access database can not accommodate the large number of visitors.

7. As far as possible do not choose the Apache server (linux) and tomcat server type, such does not prevent cross-site attacks. The specific reason not use it. Point the performance of IIS server security is better than the Apache

IDC industry make many friends, and now basically started to make two-space (of course, have to do some multi-line). The emergence of two-lane, was inevitable. However, because this is new technology, so customers will be issued often wonder: "How can I tell you, is to sell two-lane?" Issued such doubt, customers are rookie. However, for the single-scored, I have to spend half a day to resolve, it is very tired of. I believe that IDC friends, I do have feelings, right?

As we all know, two-space it is best with two IP, because IP is a different take different lines do. And to convince customers to buy our space, that is, let them know that our servers have two different IP. Then how can we enable customers to know? Has no more direct third-party data prove that?

Last week, chat with friends in the multi-line analytical Baidu, I ask a friend said: "Baidu has the number of IP in the end it?" Friend replied: "This do not know, you take a look at this http://www. duoqiu.com / Report.aspx? domain = www.baidu.com "Goodfellas, look scared one of my dives almost every region on the allocation of a Baidu IP.

That do not intend to chat, let me know of this interesting site: Multi-seeking network. Her function is to demand more value, in fact, that is, different parts of the server to return the ping results. As long as you enter your domain name applications, such as the results of j can cxx.com.cn out two IP. This is proof of that is the real two-space, after the customer has to buy the space, and ask them directly into our master domain name, and then told him: "You see, our main points is also dual-IP, when you buy a our space, the same. "This is relatively intuitive, compared to the theoretical explanation, a lot of customers find it easier to accept.

Two-space Category:

Two-space in accordance with the technology uses different standards are divided into two-lane dual-IP, two-lane single IP that is smart and full two-lane two-lane.

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