

王朝百态·作者佚名  2016-10-22
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young boyand girlare the future of our country. it ian unremmitting task of great significance that we properlguide our youths, educate and train them so that theform a sound outlook of life and become the pillar of the state in the 21century.

however, there habeen a sharp increase in juvenile delinquency, which meangreat harm not onlto the youngsterand the familieconcerned but also to the destinand prospectof our nation. for thireason, it ia topic of great importance ato how we can create a sound social environment for the young, thupreventing them from committing transgression and crimes.

what constitutethe four major factorleading to juvenile delinquencthe society, families, schooland the psychological phsiological conditionof the youths.

there ireallmuch we can do.in the first place, we should strengthen the function and responsibilitof famileducation.

secondly, schoolshould carrout planof education for students' all round development with equal attention of teaching and cultivating.

thirdly, law education and precautionaralertnesshould be enhanced.

last but not least, criminalinfringing upon the legal rightof the minorshould be severelpunished and modelknowing and abiding bthe law awarded.


it iknown to all that crime rate ion the rise. the meanof committing a crime inumerouand varied. murder and robbery, not to speak of theft, are often seen. what causecrime rate to rise? i think the reasonare afollows:

first, there existthe unfaisnesin distribution. more work doenot result in more pay. the tycoonare not hard-working people but profiteers. some government officialabuse power and make public monetheir own.

second, the influence of violence and horror filmon young people haa negative effect. the filmand songabout love and revenge and friendship teach young people to give kiadnesfor kindness, hatred for hatred and tit for tat.

third, people tend to lose faith and belief. the traditional revolutionaleducation hasomewhat been abandoned. people talk lesabout patriotism but more about making money. the money-oriented people are cold and indifferent to each other.

there are mansocial and economical reasonthat cause crime rate to rise. the above mentioned are just a few. theare the dark side of human society. bthe joint effortof people both of rank and file we are sure to make a better world in which to live.


in today'society, juvenile crime habecome the focuof the society, iwhat causes, teacherand parentwho should take responsibilitfor this?

mpoint inow social pressure iso great, most of the parentare busmaking money, thehave no spare time to go to the children, to education to children, thilet children in the procesof growing up lost manof the parentand the exchange and accept education qualitof opportunity.

in addition, in the classroom, teacherare mostlare in thilecture knowledge, but verfew of the studentthought qualiteducation to carron the system the education and guidance, thilet hasn't fullset up of the character of the teenagerin character in the procesof shape on the crooked road even struggle.

so, through these cases, i think, teacherand parenton a children'growth processhould be true guiding education function, guide them to the waof the resolution, and create the bright future of hilife.


nowadaycyber criminalseem to be everywhere, with a few clicks, committing all kindof cyber crimes. to illustrate, some commit fraud or lift intellectual property. othersubvert deals, snatch passwordor disrupt e-commerce. still otherunleash viruseto crash computers. aa result, these hackerdo a great damage to companieand computer users, causing computer losseup to 10 billion dollarper year.

naturally,there are mancausefor the cyber crimes. in addition to the wicked nature of the hackers, the fraihieof internet partiallnourish the crimes. just because there are holein internet, the complex software ibuggand often infested, the cyber vandalcan find out the weaknesin the website software programand iv manipulating software glitches, gain accesto website, committing all kindof crimes.

however, we shouldn't tolerate these cyber criminalanmore. and it'high time for uto take all the effective stepto battle the cyber crooks. first we should reinforce the cyber lawto protect the web, the powerful engine of economy. besides,we should use high techniqueto improve intrusion detection, encrypfion and computer security. finally, we should train more talented people to build up more firewallso ato make the net immune to all kindof viruseand unalienable to all kindof cyber criminals.

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