No.1 RIS是否可以用来支持对WIN2000 SRV的安装部署。通常地我们用RIS来安装部署WIN2000 PRO,这一点毫无疑问,但就是否能用RIS安装部署WIN2000 SRV仍不明确,在Sybex出的240书中关于如何用RIS安装部署PRO中有这样一个Note(Page no.11)"You can install only Windows 2000Professional with RIS. There is no support to install Windows 2000 Server through RIS.",但在同一本书的关于如何用sysprep+setupmgr安装部署SRV中,也出现了一个Note(Page No.208),其中一句话为"RIS is typically used for remote installation of Windows 2000 professional,and Microsoft has now introduced support for Windows 2000 Server installation through RIS." 这是否表明了起先MS并不推荐在安装部署SRV时使用RIS,而是建议采用原来的sysprep+setupmgr 的传统方法,现在既然在安装部署PRO时采用RIS,干脆在安装部署SRV时也采用RIS了,可以这样理解吗?请指教!
No.2 书上有这样一段关于direct hosting的解释,我不能很好地理解,原文如下:"You cannot use direct hosting of IPX to gain access to resources on any comoputer acting as a direct host server from a Windows 2000 Server. Computers running Windows 2000 do not include a direct hosting client for NWLINK." 请解释一下这段文字阐述的关系。
No.3 关于如何使用win2000srv与GSNW的组合,来使用WIN2000SRV的管理工具完成对Netware的管理,由于没有任何Netware的管理经验,所以,请教通过w in2000srv的管理工具到底能完成哪些对Netware的管理任务,谢谢!
For no.1, i was confused by the same thing when i read this book(sybex's). i have tried to find the answer in Microsoft's Training Kit books, it says RIS is used for remote install Win2k Professional ONLY. So far, i accept what i have seen from the Microsoft's book and i still haven't seen anywhere in MSDN library mention RIS can be used to install Win2k server
For No. 2, are the quoted sentences from Sybex's too? if yes, may you tell me the book name and page number? i have bought and read sybex's books too.
For No. 3, i know nothing about Netware either. But, i find something that maybe help a little.
From MSDN Library,
search by: Administering NetWare Servers
"You cannot administer NetWare servers directly through servers running NetWare 3.x or 4.x. Although you can perform some administrative tasks, you cannot set up users, user rights, and so on. Instead, you can use a networked Windows 2000?based computer to act as the system console and control the administration of the NetWare server.
When you configure a Windows 2000 server with Client Service for NetWare or Gateway Service for NetWare, you can use it to access bindery-based NetWare utilities, such as System Console (syscon), Remote Console (rconsole), and Printer Console (pconsole). In a NetWare bindery-based server environment, use syscon, the primary administration tool, to set up user accounts, define policies, and grant user access permissions to the NetWare network."
No.1 看来我们倒是要感谢Sybex的这本Accelerated书,是它让我们对RIS投入了最大的关注,到底MS会否在安装部署Win2000 SRV时也最终推荐使用RIS,我们至今都没有找到相关的资料,所以,在MS都没有明确表示推荐时,认为RIS不应运用在安装部署 Win2000SRV时,而应该运用在安装部署Win2000 PRO时,看来是非常明智的选择了!(我用了“应该”这个词组,而非“只能”,就代表了RIS在该用途上的未知)
No.2 你说的没错,这是Sybex Accelerated Windows2000 Exam Notes上的一段解释(Page No.221 "Cooperating with Microsoft Resources") 我按照字面上的解释是“不能从一台Win2000SRV,用direct hosting of IPX,访问作为direct hosting server的任何机器上的资源。运行Win2000的机器并不包括direct hosting client for NWLink。”我想知道的是后一句是否就是前一句的原因?是否Win2000的机器(无论是PRO还是SRV)都只能扮演direct hosting server的角色(当NetBIOS被关闭时)?
No.3 详见Accelerated Windows2000 Exam Notes (Page No.225 "Running netware Utilities and Netware-Aware Programs") 非常感谢Jane提供了资料,但由于对Netware没有任何经验,所以还是有点一知半解,好在我认为这不会是考试的重点,哈哈哈,典型的阿Q ,见笑了!
Remote Intasslation Service(RIS) A new techonology that has been introduced with Windows2000 to allow remote installation of Windows2000 professional.
You can remotely install Windows 2000 Professiona; through RIS.For RIS installation,you need an RIS server that stores the Windows2000 Professional operating system files in a shared mage folder and clients that can access the RIS server.Depending on the type of image you will distribute ,you may also want to configure answer files so that users do not need to respond to any Windows 2000 professional installation prompts.
The RIS server is used to manage and distribute the Windows 2000 Professional operating system to RIS client computers.RIS server can distribute CD-based images or RIPrep images.A CD-based image contains the operating system installation files and can be customized for special computer through the use of answer files.RIPrep images are based on a preconfigured computer and can contain applications as well as the operation system.RIPrep images are used to deploy Windows2000 Professional to cumputers that are commony comfigured.