.Towards the semantic web.
1 IntroductionA holistic view is required and technology often play a large part in cultural factors than is sometimes acknowledged.
The focus of this book is semantic-web based tools for knowledge management,it is equally important to undertand the cultural and organizational contexts in which such tools can be used to best effect.
1.1 The semantic web and knowledge management² Weakness of current knowledge management system:
※search information
※extracting information
※maintaining weakly structured text…
※automatic document generation
² The semantic web is envisioned as an extension of the current web where,in addition to being human-readable using www browsers,documents are annotated with meta-information.this meta-information defines what the information(document) is about in a way whitch is machine processable.
The explicit representation of meta-information accompanied by domain theories (i.e.ontologies),will enable a web that provides a qualitatively new level of service.
1.2 The role of ontologies² Knowledge engeering,natural language processing &knowledge representation->intelligent information integration,cooperative information systems,information retrieval,electronic commerce&knowledge management.
² What ontologies promise:a shared and common undertanding of a domain that can be communicated between people and application systems.
² RDF:resource descripton framework
² The tools address thress key aspects:
※acquiring ontologies and linking them with large amount of data
※storing and maintaining ontologies and their instances
※quequing and browsing semantically enriched information sources
1.3 An architecture for semantic web-based knowledge management
1.3.1 Knowledge Acquisition1.3.2 Knowledge representation1.3.3 Knowledge maintenance1.3.4 Knowledge use1.4 Tools for semantic web-based knowledge management