在编辑这个文库时,我们在两方面下了功夫。 一方面,在选书时,我们求全,求新,求有代表性和前瞻性。我们不偏爱一家之言,也不只收一家外国出版社之书。语言学与应用语言学的主干学科固然受到了应有的重视,分支学科可也不忽视。语料语言学、语言统计学是新兴学科,我们收入了专著;句法学、语义学久已有人研究,我们也找到了有关的最新著作。 另一方面,我们邀请了国内知名的博士生导师、硕士生导师为各书撰文导读,为读者铺平道路。语言学和应用语言学专著包罗宏富,初学者读起来可能觉得茫无头绪。为了助他们一臂之力,本文库中每一种书我们都请专家写了一万字左右的导读材料。哪怕书中内容比较陌生,谁只要在读书前看一下导读材料,读书后把材料再看一遍,一定能弄清脉络,掌握要点。
Part 1 Using corpora for language research
1.Corpora are becoming mainstream jan svartvik
2.Form central embedding to corpus linguistics Geoffrey Sampson
3.Sipping a cocktail of corpora
Randolph Quirk and Gabriele Stein
4.Corpora,databases and the organization of linguistic data Gerry Knowles
Part 2 Corpus-based language studies
5.Towards a unifies account of the syntax and semantics of GET
6.Complement clauses in English
Sidney Greenbaum,Gerald Nelson and Michael Weitzman
7.Methodologies for studying a corpus of doctorpatient interaction
Jenny Thomas and Andrew Wilson
8.Using a corpus for stylistics research:speech and thought presentation
Mick Short ,Elena Semino and Jonathan Culpeper
Part 3 Applications of Corpusbased resarch to Speech and language technology
9.A probabilistic LR parser of part of speech and punctuation labels
Ted Briscoe and John Carroll
10.Machine learning from corpus resources for speech and handwriting recogntion
speech and handwriting recognition
Eric Atwell
11.The robust tagging of unrestricted text:the Bnc experience
Roger Garside
12.Template analysis:Bridging the gap between grammar and the lexicon
Steve Fliselstone,paul rayson and Nicholas Smith
Part 4 Widre applications of corpus based research
13.Sentence and word alignment in the CRATER Project
Tony McEnery and Michael Oakes
14.English Corpus linguistics and the foreign language teaching syllabus
Dieter Mindt
15.Do corpora have a role in language assessment?
Charles Alderson
16.Computer leicography the importance of represen tativeness in reation to frequency
Della Summers
Appendix:Geoffrey N.Leech Academic Honours
and publications
Index of authors
Index of Subjects