
RFC1003 - Issues in defining an equations representation standard

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group Alan Katz

Request for Comments: 1003 USC/ISI

March 1987

Issues in Defining an Equations Representation Standard

Status of This Memo

This memo is intended to identify and eXPlore issues in defining a

standard for the exchange of mathematical equations. No attempt is

made at a complete definition and more questions are asked than are

answered. Questions about the user interface are only addressed to

the extent that they affect interchange issues. Comments are

welcome. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

I. IntrodUCtion

Since the early days of the Arpanet, electronic mail has been in

wide use and many regard it as an essential tool. Numerous mailing

lists and newsgroups have sprung up over the years, allowing large

numbers of people all over the world to participate remotely in

discussions on a variety of topics. More recently, multimedia mail

systems have been developed which allow users to not only send and

receive text messages, but also those containing voice, bitmaps,

graphics, and other electronic media.

Most of us in the Internet community take electronic mail for

granted, but for the rest of the world, it is a brand new

capability. Many are not convinced that electronic mail will be

useful for them and may also feel it is just an infinite time sink

(as we all know, this is actually true). In particular, most

scientists (apart from computer scientists) do not yet use, or are

just beginning to use, electronic mail.

The current NSF supercomputer initiative may change this. Its

primary purpose is to provide remote supercomputer Access to a much

greater number of scientists across the country. However, doing

this will involve the interconnection of many university-wide

networks to NSF supercomputer sites and therefore to the NSF

backbone network. Thus, in the very near future we will have a

large number of scientists in the country suddenly able to

communicate via electronic mail.

Generally, text-only mail has sufficed up until now. One can dream

of the day (not so far in the future) when everyone will have

bitmapped display workstations with multimedia mail systems, but we

can get by without it for now. I believe, however, that the new NSF

user community will find one other capability almost essential in

making electronic mail useful to them, and that is the ability to

include equations in messages.

A glance through any scientific journal will demonstrate the

importance of equations in scientific communication. Indeed, papers

in some fields seem to contain more mathematics than English. It is

hard to imagine that when people in these fields are connected into

an electronic mail community they will be satisfied with a mail

system which doesn't allow equations. Indeed, with the advent of

the NSF's Experimental Research in Electronic Submission (EXPRESS)

project, scientists will begin submitting manuscripts and project

proposals directly through electronic mail and the ability to handle

equations will be essential.

Currently, there exists no standard for the representation of

equations. In fact, there is not even agreement on what it is that

ought to be represented. Users of particular equation systems (such

as LaTex or EQN) sometimes advocate just including source files of

that system in messages, but this may not be a good long-term

solution. With the new NSF community coming on line in the near

future, I feel the time is now right to try to define a standard

which will meet the present and future needs of the user community.

Such a standard should allow the interchange of equations via

electronic mail as well as be compatible with as many existing

systems as possible. It should be as general as possible, but still

efficiently represent those ASPects of equations which are most

commonly used. One point to be kept in mind is that most equations

typesetting is currently being done by secretaries and professional

typesetters who do not know what the equations mean, only what they

look like. Although this is mainly a user interface consideration,

any proposed standard must not require the user to understand an

equation in order to type it in. We are not interested here in

representing mathematics, only displayed equations.

In this memo, I will try to raise issues that will need to be

considered in defining such a standard and to get a handle on what

it is that needs to be represented. Hopefully, this will form the

basis of a discussion leading eventually to a definition. Before

examining what it is that could be or should be represented in the

standard, we will first review the characteristics of some existing


2. Existing Systems

There currently exist many incompatible systems which can handle

equations to a certain extent. Most of these are extensions to text

formatting systems to allow the inclusion of equations. As such,

general representation and standards considerations were not a major

concern when these systems were initially designed. We will examine

the three main types of systems: Directive systems, Symbolic

Language systems, and Full Display systems.

Some text editing facilities simply allow an expanded font set which

includes those symbols typically used in mathematics. I do not

consider these systems as truly able to handle equations since much

of mathematics cannot be represented. It takes more than the Greek

alphabet and an integral and square root symbol to make an equations


Directive systems are those which represent equations and formating

information in terms of directives embedded in the text. LaTex and

EQN are two examples. LaTex is a more friendly version of Knuth's

Tex system, while EQN is a preprocessor for Troff, a document

preparation system available under Unix.

With these Directive systems, it is usually necessary to actually

print out the document to see what the equations and formatted text

will look like, although there are on-screen previewers which run on

workstations such as the Sun. Directive systems have the advantage

that the source files are just text and can be edited with standard

text editors (such as Emacs) and transferred as text in standard

electronic messages (a big advantage considering existing mail

interconnectivity of the various user communities). Also, it is

relatively easy to make global changes with the help of your

favorite text editor (for example, to change all Greek letter

alpha's to beta's or all integrals to summation signs in a document.

This is generally impossible with the other types of systems

described below).

The primary disadvantage of these systems is that writing an

equation corresponds to writing a portion of a computer program.

The equations are sometimes hard to read, generally hard to edit,

and one may make syntax errors which are hard to identify. Also,

people who are not used to programming, and typesetters who do not

actually know what an equation means, only what it should look like,

find specifying an equation in this language very difficult and may

not be willing to put up with it.

Full Display Systems are those such as Xerox STAR and VIEWPOINT.

The user enters an equation using the keyboard and sees exactly that

equation displayed as it is typed. At all times, what is displayed

is exactly how things will look when it is printed out.

Unfortunately, VIEWPOINT does not allow the user to place any symbol

anywhere on the page. There are many things (such as putting dots

on indices) which are not possible. For those things which are

implemented, it works rather nicely.

Hockney's Egg is a display system which was developed at the UCLA

Physics Department and runs on the IBM PC. It has the advantage of

being able to put any character of any font anywhere on the screen,

thus allowing not only equations, but things like chemical diagrams.

Interleaf's Workstation Publishing Software system is not strictly

speaking an equations system, but equations may be entered via a cut

and paste method. At all times, what one sees is what will be

printed out and one may put any symbol anywhere on the page. The

problem with this system is that one HAS TO put everything in a

certain place. It sometimes takes an enormous amount of work to get

things to be positioned correctly and to look nice.

Generally, Full Display Systems are specific to a particular piece

of hardware and the internal representation of the equations is not

only hidden from the user, but is in many cases proprietary.

Symbolic Language systems, such as Macsyma and Reduce, also allow

the entry of equations. These are in the form of program function

calls. These are systems that actually know some mathematics. One

can only enter the particular type of mathematics that the system


We next will look at what should be represented in an equations

system. We will want a representation standard general enough to

allow (almost) anything which comes up to be represented, but does

not require vast amounts of storage.

3. What Could be Represented?

We will first examine what it is that could be represented. At the

most primative level, one could simply store a bitmap of each

printed equation (expensive in terms of storage). At the other end

of the spectrum, one could represent the actual mathematical

information that the equation itself represents (as in the input to

Macsyma). In between, one could represent the mathematical symbols

and where they are, or represent a standard set of mathematical

notation, as in EQN.

It is useful to think of an analogy with printed text. Suppose we

have text printed in a certain font. How could it be represented?

Well, we could store a bitmap of the printed text, store characters

and fonts, store Words, or at the most abstract, we could store the

meaning behind the words.

What we actually do, of course, is store characters (in ordinary

text) and sometimes fonts (in text intended to be printed). We do

not attempt to represent the meaning of words, or even represent the

notion of a word. We generally only have characters, separated by

spaces or carriage returns (which are also characters). Even when

we specify fonts, if a slightly different one happened to be printed

out it would not matter greatly.

Equations may be considered an extension of ordinary text, together

with particular fonts. However, the choice of font may be extremely

important. If the wrong font happens to be printed out, the meaning

of the equation may be completely changed. There are also items,

such as growing parentheses, fractions, and matrices, which are

particular to equations.

We are not interested in representing the meaning of an equation,

even if we knew how to in general, but in representing a picture of

the equation. Thus, we will not further consider the types of

representations made in the Symbolic Language systems. We still

have Directive systems and the Full Display systems. We shall

assume that both of these will continue to exist and that the

defined standard should be able to deal with existing systems of

either type.

Assuming we do not want to just store a bitmap of the equation

(which would not allow any easy editing or interfacing with existing

systems), we are now left with the following possibilities:

1. Store characters, fonts and positions only. Allow

anything to be anywhere (this is what Interleaf does).

2. Store characters, fonts, and positions, but only allow

discrete positions. This makes it easier to place

subscripts and superscripts correctly (this is what

Hockney's Egg does).

3. Use a language similar to EQN or LaTex, which has ideas

such as subscripts, superscripts, fractions, and growing

parentheses. Generally positioning is done automatically

when the typesetting occurs, but it is possible to do a

sort of relative positioning of symbols with some work.

4. Use a language such as Troff or Tex, which is what EQN and

Latex is translated into.

5. Some combination of the above.

In the next section, I will argue for a particular combination of

the above as a tentative choice. It may turn out, with more

information and experience, that this choice should be modified.

4. What I Think Should be Represented

Let us now take a stab at what sort of standard we should have.

First of all, we would like our standard if at all possible to be

compatible with all of the existing systems described previously.

If the standard becomes widely accepted, it should be general enough

not to constrain severely the design of new user interfaces. Thus,

while we should provide for efficiently representing those aspects

of equations which are commonly used (subscripts, parentheses, etc.)

we would like extensions to be possible which enable the

representation of any symbol anywhere.

We would like standard mathematical symbols, as well as all Greek

and Latin letters to be available. We would also like any required

typesetting knowledge to be in programs and not required of the


I feel that the exact position of a subscript or superscript should

not have to be specified by the user or be represented (unless the

user specifically wants it to be). It is nice to be able to place

any symbol anywhere (and indeed the standard ought to allow for

this), but having to do this for everything is not good. The

standard should be able to represent the idea of a subscript,

superscript, or growing fraction with no more specification.

My suggestion, therefore, is for something like EQN, but with

extensions to allow positioning of symbols in some kind of absolute

coordinates as well as relative positioning (EQN does allow some

positioning relative to where the next symbol would normally go).

This has the advantage that the representation is in ordinary text,

which can be sent in messages, the Directive systems can map almost

directly into it, and it should allow representation for Full

Display systems. The ideas of subscript and superscripts (without

having to specify a position), growing parentheses, fractions, and

matrices, and special fonts are already there.

Most equations can be specified very compactly within EQN, and if

positioning is provided as an extension, exceptions can be handled.

(The same could be said for LaTex, however, I consider the syntax

there to be somewhat unreadable and prefer EQN. Essentially, either

will do).

User interfaces should be able to be easily constructed which would

allow one to type in an EQN style specification and have the

equation appear immediately on the screen. For non-specialists, it

may be better to use existing Full Display systems which are then

translated in this EQN like standard (perhaps using a lot of the

absolute positioning facility).

5. Conclusions

In summary:

1. A standard for the efficient representation of mathematical

equations should be defined as soon as possible in order to

allow the interchange of equations in documents and mail

messages and the transfer of equations between various

existing internal representations.

2. Most equations entry is currently done by people who do not

know what the equations mean, and are not programmers. It

may be that the optimal user interface for these people is

different than for those who do know mathematics and/or are

programmers. An equations standard should not preclude


3. The standard should easily handle those aspects of equations

which are common, such as the set of things provided in EQN.

4. It should also be possible, however, to place any defined

symbol anywhere and the standard should allow this type of

specification when needed.

5. As many of the existing systems (all of them if possible)

should be able to be translated into the standard.

6. The standard should not make requirements on the user

interface such that the user must have much typesetting

knowledge. This knowledge should be in the user interface

or printing routines.

7. Full Display systems may be best for non-specialists and for

non-programmers. Directive systems, perhaps with the

ability to preview the final equation on one's screen, may

be best for the rest.

8. A distinction should be made between the representation of

an equation (which we are dealing with here) and the

mathematical knowledge it represents.

I suggest something like EQN as a standard with extensions to allow

positioning of symbols in some kind of absolute coordinates as well

as relative positioning. This has the advantage that the

representation is in ordinary text, which can be sent in messages,

the Directive systems can map almost directly into it, and it should

allow representation for Full Display systems. The ideas of

subscript and superscripts (without having to specify a position),

growing parentheses, fractions, and matrices, and special fonts are

already there.

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