
RFC1004 - Distributed-protocol authentication scheme

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Network Working Group D.L. Mills

Request for Comments: 1004 University of Delaware

April 1987

A Distributed-Protocol Authentication Scheme

Status of this Memo

The purpose of this RFCis to focus discussion on authentication

problems in the Internet and possible methods of solution. The

proposed solutions this document are not intended as standards for

the Internet at this time. Rather, it is hoped that a general

consensus will emerge as to the appropriate solution to

authentication problems, leading eventually to the adoption of

standards. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

1. IntrodUCtion and Overview

This document suggests mediated Access-control and authentication

procedures suitable for those cases when an association is to be set

up between multiple users belonging to different trust environments,

but running distributed protocols like the existing Exterior Gateway

Protocol (EGP) [2], proposed Dissimilar Gateway Protocol (DGP) [3]

and similar protocols. The proposed prcedures are evolved from those

described by Needham and Shroeder [5], but specialized to the

distributed, multiple-user model typical of these protocols.

The trust model and threat environment are identical to that used by

Kent and others [1]. An association is defined as the end-to-end

network path between two users, where the users themselves are

secured, but the path between them is not. The network may drop,

duplicate or deliver messages with errors. In addition, it is

possible that a hostile user (host or gateway) might intercept,

modify and retransmit messages. An association is similar to the

traditional connection, but without the usual connection requirements

for error-free delivery. The users of the association are sometimes

called associates.

The proposed procedures require each association to be assigned a

random session key, which is provided by an authentication server

called the Cookie Jar. The procedures are designed to permit only

those associations sanctioned by the Cookie Jar while operating over

arbitrary network topologies, including non-secured networks and

broadcast-media networks, and in the presence of hostile attackers.

However, it is not the intent of these procedures to hide the data

(except for private keys) transmitted via these networks, but only to

authenticate messages to avoid spoofing and replay attacks.

The procedures are intended for distributed systems where each user i

runs a common protocol automaton using private state variables for

each of possibly several associations simultaneously, one for each

user j. An association is initiated by interrogating the Cookie Jar

for a one-time key K(i,j), which is used to encrypt the checksum

which authenticates messages exchanged between the users. The

initiator then communicates the key to its associate as part of a

connection establishment procedure such as described in [3].

The information being exchanged in this protocol model is largely

intended to converge a distributed data base to specified (as far as

practical) contents, and does not ordinarily require a reliable

distribution of event occurances, other than to speed the convergence

process. Thus, the model is intrinsically resistant to message loss

or duplication. Where important, sequence numbers are used to reduce

the impact of message reordering. The model assumes that associations

between peers, once having been sanctioned, are maintained

indefinitely. The exception when an association is broken may be due

to a crash, loss of connectivity or administrative action such as

reconfiguration or rekeying. Finally, the rate of information

exchange is specifically designed to be much less than the nominal

capabilities of the network, in order to keep overheads low.

2. Procedures

Each user i is assigned a public address A(i) and private key K(i) by

an out-of-band procedure beyond the scope of this discussion. The

address can take many forms: an autonomous system identifier [2], an

Internet address [6] or simply an arbitrary name. However, no matter

what form it takes, every message is presumed to carry both the

sender and receiver addresses in its header. Each address and its

access-control list is presumed available in a public Directory

accessable to all users, but the private key is known only to the

user and Cookie Jar and is not disclosed in messages exchanged

between users or between users and the Cookie Jar.

An association between i and j is identified by the bitstring

consisting of the catenation of the addresses A(i) and A(j), together

with a one-time key K(i,j), in the form [A(i),A(j),K(i,j)]. Note that

the reciprocal association [A(j),A(i),K(j,i)] is distinguished only

by which associate calls the Cookie Jar first. It is the intent in

the protocol model that all state variables and keys relevant to a

previous association be erased when a new association is initiated

and no caching (as suggested in [5]) is allowed.

The one-time key K(i,j) is generated by the Cookie Jar upon receipt

of a request from user i to associate with user j. The Cookie Jar has

access to a private table of entries in the form [A(i),K(i)], where i

ranges over the set of sanctioned users. The public directory

includes for each A(i) a list L(i) = {j1, j2, ...} of permitted

associates for i, which can be updated only by the Cookie Jar. The

Cookie Jar first checks that the requested user j is in L(i), then

rolls a random number for K(i,j) and returns this to the requestor,

which saves it and passes it along to its associate during the

connection establishment procedure.

In the diagrams that follow all fields not specifically mentioned are

unencrypted. While the natural implementation would include the

address fields of the message header in the checksum, this raises

significant difficulties, since they may be necessary to determine

the route through the network itself. As will be evident below, even

if a perpetrator could successfully tamper with the address fields in

order to cause messages to be misdelivered, the result would not be a

useful association.

The checksum field is computed by a algorithm using all the bits in

the message including the address fields in the message header, then

is ordinarily encrypted along with the sequence-number field by an

appropriate algorithm using the specified key, so that the intended

receiver is assured only the intended sender could have generated it.

In the Internet system, the natural choice for checksum is the 16-

bit, ones-complement algorithm [6], while the natural choice for

encryption is the DES algorithm [4] (see the discussion following for

further consideration on these points). The detailed procedures are

as follows:

1. The requestor i rolls a random message ID I and sends it and

the association specifier [A(i),A(j)] as a request to the Cookie

Jar. The message header includes the addresses [A(i),A(C)], where

A(C) is the address of the Cookie Jar. The following schematic

illustrates the result:


A(i) A(C) message header


I checksum message ID


A(i) A(j) assoc specifier


2. The Cookie Jar checks the access list to determine if the

association [A(i),A(j)] is valid. If so, it rolls a random number

K(i,j) and constructs the reply below. It checksums the message,

encrypts the j cookie field with K(j), then encrypts it and the

other fields indicated with K(i) and finally sends the reply:


A(C) A(i) message header


I checksum message ID (encrypt K(i))


K(i,j) i cookie (encrypt K(i))


K(i,j) j cookie (encrypt K(j)K(i))


3. Upon receipt of the reply the requestor i decrypts the

indicated fields, saves the (encrypted) j cookie field and copies

the i cookie field to the j cookie field, so that both cookie

fields are now the original K(i,j) provided by the Cookie Jar.

Then it verifies the checksum and matches the message ID with its

list of outstanding requests, retaining K(i,j) for its own use. It

then rolls a random number X for the j cookie field (to confuse

wiretappers) and another I' for the (initial) message ID, then

recomputes the checksum. Finally, it inserts the saved j cookie

field in the i cookie field, encrypts the message ID fields with

K(i,j) and sends the following message to its associate:


A(i) A(j) message header


I' checksum message ID (encrypt K(i,j))


K(i,j) i cookie (encrypt K(j))


X j cookie (noise)


4. Upon receipt of the above message the associate j decrypts the

i cookie field, uses it to decrypt the message ID fields and

verifies the checksum, retaining the I' and K(i,j) for later use.

Finally, it rolls a random number J' as its own initial message

ID, inserts it and the checksum in the confirm message, encrypts

the message ID fields with K(i,j) and sends the message:


A(j) A(i) message header


J' checksum message ID (encrypt K(i,j))


5. Subsequent messages are all coded in the same way. As new data

are generated the message ID is incremented, a new checksum

computed and the message ID fields encrypted with K(i,j). The

receiver decrypts the message ID fields with K(i,j) and discards

the message in case of incorrect checksum or sequence number.

3. Discussion

Since the access lists are considered public read-only, there is no

need to validate Cookie Jar requests. A perpetrator might intercept,

modify and replay portions of Cookie Jar replies or subsequent

messages exchanged between the associates. However, presuming the

perpetrator does not know the keys involved, tampered messages would

fail the checksum test and be discarded.

The "natural" selection of Internet checksum algorithm and DES

encryption should be reconsidered. The Internet checksum has several

well-known vulnerabilities, including invariance to Word order and

byte swap. In addition, the checksum field itself is only sixteen

bits wide, so a determined perpetrator might be able to discover the

key simply by examining all possible permutations of the checksum

field. However, the procedures proposed herein are not intended to

compensate for weaknesses of the checksum algorithm, since this

vulnerability exists whether authentication is used or not. Also note

that the encrypted fields include the sequence number as well as the

checksum. In EGP and the proposed DGP the sequence number is a

sixteen-bit quantity and increments for each successive message,

which makes tampering even more difficult.

In the intended application to EGP, DGP and similar protocols

associations may have an indefinite lifetime, although messages may

be sent between associates on a relatively infrequent basis.

Therefore, every association should be rekeyed occasionally, which

can be done by either associate simply by sending a new request to

the Cookie Jar and following the above procedure. To protect against

stockpiling private user keys, each user should be rekeyed

occasionally, which is equivalent to changing passwords. The

mechanisms for doing this are beyond the scope of this proposal.

It is a feature of this scheme that the private user keys are not

disclosed, except to the Cookie Jar. This is why two cookies are

used, one for i, which only it can decrypt, and the other for j,

decrypted first by i and then by j, which only then is valid. An

interceptor posing as i and playing back the Cookie Jar reply to j

will be caught, since the message will fail the checksum test. A

perpetrator with access to both the Cookie Jar reply to i and the

subsequent message to j will see essentially a random permutation of

all fields. In all except the first message to the Cookie Jar, the

checksum field is encrypted, which makes it difficult to recover the

original contents of the cookie fields before encryption by

eXPloiting the properties of the checksum algorithm itself.

The fact that the addresses in the message headers are included in

the checksum protects against playbacks with modified addresses.

However, it may still be possible to destabilize an association by

playing back unmodified messages from prior associations. There are

several possibilities:

1. Replays of the Cookie Jar messages 1 and 2 are unlikely to

cause damage, since the requestor matches both the addresses and

once-only sequence number with its list of pending requests.

2. Replays of message 3 may cause user j to falsely assume a new

association. User j will return message 4 encrypted with the

assumed session key, which might be an old one or even a currently

valid one, but with invalid sequence number. Either way, user i

will ignore message 4.

3. Replays of message 4 or subsequent messages are unlikely to

cause damage, since the sequence check will eliminate them.

The second point above represents an issue of legitimate concern,

since a determined attacker may stockpile message 3 interceptions and

replay them at speed. While the attack is unlikely to succeed in

establishing a working association, it might produce frequent

timeouts and result in denial of service. In the Needham-Shroeder

scheme this problem is avoided by requiring an additional challenge

involving a message sent by user j and a reply sent by user i, which

amounts to a three-way handshake.

However, even if a three-way handshake were used, the additional

protocol overhead induced by a determined attacker may still result

in denial of service; moreover, the protocol model is inherently

resistant to poor network performance, which has the same performance

signature as the attacker. The conclusion is that the additional

expense and overhead of a three-way handshake is unjustified.

4. Application to EGP and DGP

This scheme can be incorporated in the Exterior Gateway Protocol

(EGP) [2] and Dissimilar Gateway Protocol (DGP) [3] models by adding

the fields above to the Request and Confirm messages in a

straightforward way. An example of how this might be done is given in

[3]. In order to retain the correctness of the state machine, it is

convenient to treat the Cookie Jar reply as a Start event, with the

understanding that the Cookie Jar request represents an extrinsic

event which evokes that response.

The neighbor-acquisition strategy intended in the Dissimilar Gateway

Protocol DGP follows the strategy in EGP. The stability of the EGP

state machine, used with minor modifications by DGP, was verified by

state simulation and discussed in an appendix to [2]. Either

associate can send a Request command at any time, which causes both

the sender and the receiver to reinitialize all state information and

send a Confirm response. In DGP the Request operation involves the

Cookie Jar transaction (messages 1 and 2) and then the Request

command itself (message 3). In DGP the keys are reinitialized as well

and each retransmission of a Request command is separately


In DGP the Request command (message 3) and all subsequent message

exchanges assume the keys provided by the Cookie Jar. Use of any

other keys results in checksum discrepancies and discarded messages.

Thus the sender knows its command has been effected, at least at the

time the response was sent. If either associate lost its state

variables after that time, it would ignore subsequent messages and it

(or its associate) would eventually time out and reinitiate the whole


If both associates attempt to authenticate at the same time, they may

wind up with the authentication sequences crossing in the network.

Note that the Request message is self-authenticating, so that if a

Request command is received by an associate before the Confirm

response to an earlier Request command sent by that associate, the

keys would be reset. Thus when the subsequent Confirm response does

arrive, it will be disregarded and the Request command resent

following timeout. The race that results can only be broken when, due

to staggered timeouts, the sequences do not cross in the network.

This is a little more complicated than EGP and does imply that more

attention must be paid to the timeouts.

A reliable dis-association is a slippery concept, as example TCP and

its closing sequences. However, the protocol model here is much less

demanding. The usual way an EGP association is dissolved is when one

associate sends a Cease command to the other, which then sends a

Cease-ack response; however, this is specifically assumed a non-

reliable transaction, with timeouts specified to break retry loops.

In any case, a new Request command will erase all history and result

in a new association as described above.

Other than the above, the only way to reliably dis-associate is by

timeout. In this protocol model the associates engage in a

reachability protocol, which requires each to send a message to the

other from time to time. Each associate individually times out after

a period when no messages are heard from the other.

5. Acknowledgments

Dan Nessett and Phil Karn both provided valuable ideas and comments

on early drafts of this report. Steve Kent and Dennis Perry both

provided valuable advice on its review strategy.

6. References

[1] Kent, S.T., "Encryption-Based Protection for Interactive

User/Computer Communication", Proc. Fifth Data Communications

Symposium, September 1977.

[2] Mills, D.L., "Exterior Gateway Protocol Formal Specification",

DARPA Network Working Group Report RFC-904, M/A-COM Linkabit,

April 1984.

[3] Mills, D.L., "Dissimilar Gateway Protocol Draft Specification",

in preparation, University of Delaware.

[4] National Bureau of Standards, "Data Encryption Standard",

Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 46, January


[5] Needham, R.M., and M.D. Schroeder, "Using Encryption for

Authentication in Large Networks of Computers", Communications

of the ACM, Vol. 21, No. 12, pp. 993-999, December 1978.

[6] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", DARPA Network Working Group

Report RFC-791, USC Information Sciences Institute, September


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