
RFC1074 - NSFNET backbone SPF based Interior Gateway Protocol

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group J. Rekhter

Request for Comments 1074 T.J. Watson Research Center

IBM Corporation

October 1988

The NSFNET Backbone SPF based Interior Gateway Protocol

Status of this Memo

This memo is an implementation description of the standard ANSI IS-IS

and ISO ES-IS routing protocols within the NSFNET backbone network.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


I would like to eXPress my thanks to Hans-Werner Braun (MERIT) for

his contribution to this document.

1. Overview

This document provides an overview of the NSFNET Backbone routing

with specific emphasis on the intra-backbone routing.

By the end of 1987, the American National Standardization Institute

(ANSI) forwarded a specification for an Intermediate System to

Intermediate System routing protocol to the International

Standardization Organizations (ISO) for the adaptation as an

international standard. This ANSI IS-IS protocol is used as the

interior gateway protocol (IGP) of the NSFNET backbone. Documented

here is an implementation description which also includes further

definitions that were necessary for the integration into an Internet

Protocol (IP) environment. Therefore, it should be viewed as a

continuation of the specifications of the ANSI IS-IS protocol [1] and

the ISO standard End System to Intermediate System (ES-IS) protocol

[2]. While the ANSI IS-IS protocol suffices as an IGP, additional

methods are used to orchestrate routing between the backbone and the

attached mid-level networks; most notably the Exterior Gateway

Protocol (EGP). Further information about the overall NSFNET routing

as well as some future ASPects can be found in [3], [4], [5] and [6].

2. A brief overview of the NSFNET backbone

The NSFNET backbone is a wide area network which currently connects

thirteen sites within the continental United States. All connections

are permanent point-to-point links at T1 speed (1.544Mbps). These T1

links may contain multiple logical links at sub-T1 and up to the full

T1 speed. The result is a hybrid circuit/packet switching network

able to contain a connectivity-richer logical topology than the

underlying physical topology would allow by itself. Each site has a

Nodal Switching Subsystem (NSS) which is responsible for packet

switching. Each NSS is a RISC technology based multiprocessor system

using IBM RT/PC processors which operate a modified version of a

4.3BSD kernel. For the purpose of routing, each NSS is considered as

a single entity which has connections to both other NSS (via the

logical network infrastrUCture) and to regional networks (via local

area network attachments; typically an Ethernet).

The routing protocol which is used for the inter-NSS routing within

the NSFNET backbone is an adaptation of the ANSI IS-IS routing

protocol [1]. The routing protocol which is used between the

backbone and the attached mid-level networks is the Exterior Gateway

Protocol (EGP) [3]. The information exchange between the backbone

and its connected EGP peers is subject to policy based routing

restrictions which are maintained in the Policy Based Routing

Database [4,5].

3. An overview of the ANSI IS-IS routing document

The ANSI IS-IS routing protocol specifies a two level hierarchical

routing where Level 1 routing deals with routing within an area,

while Level 2 routing deals with routing between different areas.

This routing protocol belongs to a class of so called "Link State"

protocols where each node maintains a complete topology of the whole

network. The route computation is based on a modified version of

Dijkstra's Shortest Path First (SPF) algorithm.

Both Level 1 and Level 2 routing use two types of Protocol Data Units


The Level 1 Router Link PDU lists IS neighbors. The Level 1 End

System PDU lists ES neighbors.

The Level 2 Router Link PDU lists neighbor Level 2 routes. The

Level 2 End System PDU lists address prefixes for systems in

other Routing Domains.

The ANSI IS-IS document separates subnetwork independent functions

from the subnetwork dependent functions. Subnetwork independent

functions include dissemination of Router Link and End System Link

PDU's and the Routing Algorithm. The subnetwork dependent functions

cover different types of subnets such as X.25, permanent point-to-

point links and LANs.

The IS-IS Protocol is designed to interoperate with the End System to

Intermediate System (ES-IS) routing exchange protocol [2]. The ES-IS

protocol is used to determine connectivity and network layer

addresses. This information is used to construct the Router Link


4. How the ANSI IS-IS protocol is adapted for the NSFNET backbone


The NSFNET backbone implements a subset of the ANSI IS-IS protocol.

With respect to subnetwork independent functions, it only supports

Level 2 routing. With respect to subnetwork dependent functions, it

only supports general topology subnetworks with permanent point-to-

point links. Since the ANSI IS-IS protocol is designed for ISO

Network Service Access Point (NSAP) addresses, there is a need to

encapsulate IP addresses into NSAP addresses.

For this, the Initial Domain Part (IDP) is unused. The Domain

Specific Part (DSP) includes nine bytes which are partitioned as


2 bytes - administrative domain

2 bytes - empty

4 bytes - IP address

1 byte - empty

In the ANSI IS-IS protocol, each router has its own identifier (ID)

which is 6 bytes long. For the NSFNET implementation, the first 2

bytes of the ID are empty and the last four bytes include the IP

address of a particular router.

The NSFNET backbone PDUs (both IS-IS and IS-ES) are transmitted as a

protocol on top of IP, with "85" being the assigned protocol number

for this purpose. The IS-IS PDUs are distinguished from the IS-ES

PDUs by the Protocol Discriminator Field within the PDUs. The IP

fragmentation/reassembly mechanism provides support for transmission

of up to 64 kilobytes in a single IP packet. Within the backbone, it

is highly unlikely that the size of IS-IS PDUs will exceed this

limit. Therefore, no IS-IS fragmentation/reassembly is implemented

for this environment. This is different from the ISO framework where

the ISIS is located directly on top of the Data Link Layer.

For the purpose of the NSFNET Backbone routing, each Autonomous

System (AS) is treated as a separate Administrative Domain (AD). The

list of administrative domains (as oBTained via EGP and filtered

through the Policy Based Routing Database) which are connected

directly to a particular NSS is distributed in the set of the

partitionAreaAddresses part of the Level 2 Router Links PDU. Each

area address is 5 bytes long and consists of 3 empty bytes (IDP)

followed by 2 bytes of the Administrative Domain.

The reachability information obtained from regional networks via EGP

is distributed within the backbone by End System PDUs. In order to

support multi-domain topologies, the ANSI IS-IS protocol allows for a

set of Address Prefixes to be entered by the System Management at the

boundary IS. In the NSFNET Backbone, these Address Prefixes are

obtained via the Exterior Gateway Protocol. For each network listed

in EGP NR packets which is received from an EGP peer, the network and

administrative domain number of the EGP peer are encapsulated into

NSAP addresses (as described above). A complete NSAP address is used

as an address prefix in the reachable address prefix neighbor part of

the End System PDU. The cost field in the reachable address prefix

neighbor part of the End System PDU is derived from the Policy Based

Routing Database maintained in each NSS.

At each NSS, the reachability information obtained from other nodes

(via their End System PDU's) is passed on to the mid-level network

EGP peers, following the appropriate processing and filtering

according to the Policy Based Routing Database.

The Network Entity Title (NET) (which is used in the IS-ES protocol)

is eleven bytes long and is constructed by first encapsulating an IP

address into a NSAP address, then taking the first 11 bytes of this

address as a NET.

5. Current timer parameters

The following timer parameters are currently implemented:

Hello Interval (IS-ES Hello): 10 seconds

Hold Time (ES-IS protocol): 40 seconds

Other timer parameters for the IS-IS protocol are taken from the

section 6.3.7 of [1].

6. References

[1] "Intermediate System to Intermediate System Intra-Domain

Routing Exchange Protocol", ANSI X3S3.3/87-150R, 1987-10-29.

[2] "End System to Intermediate System Routing Exchange Protocol

for use in conjunction with the Protocol for providing the

Connectionless-Mode Network Service (ISO8473)", ISO

JTC1/SC6/N4802R, 1988-03-26.

[3] Mills, D., "Exterior Gateway Formal Specification", RFC904,

University of Delaware, April 1984.

[4] Rekhter, J., "EGP and Policy Based Routing in the New NSFNET

Backbone", IBM, March 1988.

[5] Braun, H-W., "The NSFNET Routing Architecture", Merit Computer

Network, University of Michigan, April 1988.

[6] Braun, H-W., "NSFNET Inter Autonomous System Routing", Merit

Computer Network, University of Michigan, September 1988.

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