
RFC1071 - Computing the Internet checksum

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Network Working Group R. Braden

Request for Comments: 1071 ISI

D. Borman

Cray Research

C. Partridge

BBN Laboratories

September 1988

Computing the Internet Checksum

Status of This Memo

This memo summarizes techniques and algorithms for efficiently

computing the Internet checksum. It is not a standard, but a set of

useful implementation techniques. Distribution of this memo is


1. IntrodUCtion

This memo discusses methods for efficiently computing the Internet

checksum that is used by the standard Internet protocols IP, UDP, and


An efficient checksum implementation is critical to good performance.

As advances in implementation techniques streamline the rest of the

protocol processing, the checksum computation becomes one of the

limiting factors on TCP performance, for example. It is usually

appropriate to carefully hand-craft the checksum routine, eXPloiting

every machine-dependent trick possible; a fraction of a microsecond

per TCP data byte can add up to a significant CPU time savings


In outline, the Internet checksum algorithm is very simple:

(1) Adjacent octets to be checksummed are paired to form 16-bit

integers, and the 1's complement sum of these 16-bit integers is


(2) To generate a checksum, the checksum field itself is cleared,

the 16-bit 1's complement sum is computed over the octets

concerned, and the 1's complement of this sum is placed in the

checksum field.

(3) To check a checksum, the 1's complement sum is computed over the

same set of octets, including the checksum field. If the result

is all 1 bits (-0 in 1's complement arithmetic), the check


Suppose a checksum is to be computed over the sequence of octets

A, B, C, D, ... , Y, Z. Using the notation [a,b] for the 16-bit

integer a*256+b, where a and b are bytes, then the 16-bit 1's

complement sum of these bytes is given by one of the following:

[A,B] +' [C,D] +' ... +' [Y,Z] [1]

[A,B] +' [C,D] +' ... +' [Z,0] [2]

where +' indicates 1's complement addition. These cases

correspond to an even or odd count of bytes, respectively.

On a 2's complement machine, the 1's complement sum must be

computed by means of an "end around carry", i.e., any overflows

from the most significant bits are added into the least

significant bits. See the examples below.

Section 2 explores the properties of this checksum that may be

exploited to speed its calculation. Section 3 contains some

numerical examples of the most important implementation

techniques. Finally, Section 4 includes examples of specific

algorithms for a variety of common CPU types. We are grateful

to Van Jacobson and Charley Kline for their contribution of

algorithms to this section.

The properties of the Internet checksum were originally

discussed by Bill Plummer in IEN-45, entitled "Checksum Function

Design". Since IEN-45 has not been widely available, we include

it as an extended appendix to this RFC.

2. Calculating the Checksum

This simple checksum has a number of wonderful mathematical

properties that may be exploited to speed its calculation, as we

will now discuss.

(A) Commutative and Associative

As long as the even/odd assignment of bytes is respected, the

sum can be done in any order, and it can be arbitrarily split

into groups.

For example, the sum [1] could be split into:

( [A,B] +' [C,D] +' ... +' [J,0] )

+' ( [0,K] +' ... +' [Y,Z] ) [3]

(B) Byte Order Independence

The sum of 16-bit integers can be computed in either byte order.

Thus, if we calculate the swapped sum:

[B,A] +' [D,C] +' ... +' [Z,Y] [4]

the result is the same as [1], except the bytes are swapped in

the sum! To see why this is so, observe that in both orders the

carries are the same: from bit 15 to bit 0 and from bit 7 to bit

8. In other Words, consistently swapping bytes simply rotates

the bits within the sum, but does not affect their internal


Therefore, the sum may be calculated in exactly the same way

regardless of the byte order ("big-endian" or "little-endian")

of the underlaying hardware. For example, assume a "little-

endian" machine summing data that is stored in memory in network

("big-endian") order. Fetching each 16-bit word will swap

bytes, resulting in the sum [4]; however, storing the result

back into memory will swap the sum back into network byte order.

Byte swapping may also be used explicitly to handle boundary

alignment problems. For example, the second group in [3] can be

calculated without concern to its odd/even origin, as:

[K,L] +' ... +' [Z,0]

if this sum is byte-swapped before it is added to the first

group. See the example below.

(C) Parallel Summation

On machines that have word-sizes that are multiples of 16 bits,

it is possible to develop even more efficient implementations.

Because addition is associative, we do not have to sum the

integers in the order they appear in the message. Instead we

can add them in "parallel" by exploiting the larger word size.

To compute the checksum in parallel, simply do a 1's complement

addition of the message using the native word size of the

machine. For example, on a 32-bit machine we can add 4 bytes at

a time: [A,B,C,D]+'... When the sum has been computed, we "fold"

the long sum into 16 bits by adding the 16-bit segments. Each

16-bit addition may produce new end-around carries that must be


Furthermore, again the byte order does not matter; we could

instead sum 32-bit words: [D,C,B,A]+'... or [B,A,D,C]+'... and

then swap the bytes of the final 16-bit sum as necessary. See

the examples below. Any permutation is allowed that collects

all the even-numbered data bytes into one sum byte and the odd-

numbered data bytes into the other sum byte.

There are further coding techniques that can be exploited to speed up

the checksum calculation.

(1) Deferred Carries

Depending upon the machine, it may be more efficient to defer

adding end-around carries until the main summation loop is


One approach is to sum 16-bit words in a 32-bit accumulator, so

the overflows build up in the high-order 16 bits. This approach

typically avoids a carry-sensing instruction but requires twice

as many additions as would adding 32-bit segments; which is

faster depends upon the detailed hardware architecture.

(2) Unwinding Loops

To reduce the loop overhead, it is often useful to "unwind" the

inner sum loop, replicating a series of addition commands within

one loop traversal. This technique often provides significant

savings, although it may complicate the logic of the program


(3) Combine with Data Copying

Like checksumming, copying data from one memory location to

another involves per-byte overhead. In both cases, the

bottleneck is essentially the memory bus, i.e., how fast the

data can be fetched. On some machines (especially relatively

slow and simple micro-computers), overhead can be significantly

reduced by combining memory-to-memory copy and the checksumming,

fetching the data only once for both.

(4) Incremental Update

Finally, one can sometimes avoid recomputing the entire checksum

when one header field is updated. The best-known example is a

gateway changing the TTL field in the IP header, but there are

other examples (for example, when updating a source route). In

these cases it is possible to update the checksum without

scanning the message or datagram.

To update the checksum, simply add the differences of the

sixteen bit integers that have been changed. To see why this

works, observe that every 16-bit integer has an additive inverse

and that addition is associative. From this it follows that

given the original value m, the new value m', and the old

checksum C, the new checksum C' is:

C' = C + (-m) + m' = C + (m' - m)

3. Numerical Examples

We now present explicit examples of calculating a simple 1's

complement sum on a 2's complement machine. The examples show the

same sum calculated byte by bye, by 16-bits words in normal and

swapped order, and 32 bits at a time in 3 different orders. All

numbers are in hex.

Byte-by-byte "Normal" Swapped

Order Order

Byte 0/1: 00 01 0001 0100

Byte 2/3: f2 03 f203 03f2

Byte 4/5: f4 f5 f4f5 f5f4

Byte 6/7: f6 f7 f6f7 f7f6

--- --- ----- -----

Sum1: 2dc 1f0 2ddf0 1f2dc

dc f0 ddf0 f2dc

Carrys: 1 2 2 1

-- -- ---- ----

Sum2: dd f2 ddf2 f2dd

Final Swap: dd f2 ddf2 ddf2

Byte 0/1/2/3: 0001f203 010003f2 03f20100

Byte 4/5/6/7: f4f5f6f7 f5f4f7f6 f7f6f5f4

-------- -------- --------

Sum1: 0f4f7e8fa 0f6f4fbe8 0fbe8f6f4

Carries: 0 0 0

Top half: f4f7 f6f4 fbe8

Bottom half: e8fa fbe8 f6f4

----- ----- -----

Sum2: 1ddf1 1f2dc 1f2dc

ddf1 f2dc f2dc

Carrys: 1 1 1

---- ---- ----

Sum3: ddf2 f2dd f2dd

Final Swap: ddf2 ddf2 ddf2

Finally, here an example of breaking the sum into two groups, with

the second group starting on a odd boundary:

Byte-by-byte Normal


Byte 0/1: 00 01 0001

Byte 2/ : f2 (00) f200

--- --- -----

Sum1: f2 01 f201

Byte 4/5: 03 f4 03f4

Byte 6/7: f5 f6 f5f6

Byte 8/: f7 (00) f700

--- --- -----

Sum2: 1f0ea

Sum2: f0ea

Carry: 1


Sum3: f0eb

Sum1: f201

Sum3 byte swapped: ebf0


Sum4: 1ddf1

Sum4: ddf1

Carry: 1


Sum5: ddf2

4. Implementation Examples

In this section we show examples of Internet checksum implementation

algorithms that have been found to be efficient on a variety of

CPU's. In each case, we show the core of the algorithm, without

including environmental code (e.g., subroutine linkages) or special-

case code.

4.1 "C"

The following "C" code algorithm computes the checksum with an inner

loop that sums 16-bits at a time in a 32-bit accumulator.

in 6


/* Compute Internet Checksum for "count" bytes

* beginning at location "addr".


register long sum = 0;

while( count > 1 ) {

/* This is the inner loop */

sum += * (unsigned short) addr++;

count -= 2;


/* Add left-over byte, if any */

if( count > 0 )

sum += * (unsigned char *) addr;

/* Fold 32-bit sum to 16 bits */

while (sum>>16)

sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);

checksum = ~sum;


4.2 Motorola 68020

The following algorithm is given in assembler language for a Motorola

68020 chip. This algorithm performs the sum 32 bits at a time, and

unrolls the loop with 16 replications. For clarity, we have omitted

the logic to add the last fullword when the length is not a multiple

of 4. The result is left in register d0.

With a 20MHz clock, this routine was measured at 134 usec/kB summing

random data. This algorithm was developed by Van Jacobson.

movl d1,d2

lsrl #6,d1 count/64 = # loop traversals

andl #0x3c,d2 Then find fractions of a chunk

negl d2

andb #0xf,cc Clear X (extended carry flag)

jmp pc@(2$-.-2:b,d2) Jump into loop

1$: Begin inner loop...

movl a0@+,d2 Fetch 32-bit word

addxl d2,d0 Add word + previous carry

movl a0@+,d2 Fetch 32-bit word

addxl d2,d0 Add word + previous carry

... 14 more replications


dbra d1,1$ (NB- dbra doesn't affect X)

movl d0,d1 Fold 32 bit sum to 16 bits

swap d1 (NB- swap doesn't affect X)

addxw d1,d0

jcc 3$

addw #1,d0


andl #0xffff,d0

4.3 Cray

The following example, in assembler language for a Cray CPU, was

contributed by Charley Kline. It implements the checksum calculation

as a vector operation, summing up to 512 bytes at a time with a basic

summation unit of 32 bits. This example omits many details having to

do with short blocks, for clarity.

Register A1 holds the address of a 512-byte block of memory to

checksum. First two copies of the data are loaded into two vector

registers. One is vector-shifted right 32 bits, while the other is

vector-ANDed with a 32 bit mask. Then the two vectors are added

together. Since all these operations chain, it produces one result

per clock cycle. Then it collapses the result vector in a loop that

adds each element to a scalar register. Finally, the end-around

carry is performed and the result is folded to 16-bits.


A0 A1

VL 64 use full vectors

S1 <32 form 32-bit mask from the right.

A2 32

V1 ,A0,1 load packet into V1

V2 S1&V1 Form right-hand 32-bits in V2.

V3 V1>A2 Form left-hand 32-bits in V3.

V1 V2+V3 Add the two together.

A2 63 Prepare to collapse into a scalar.

S1 0

S4 <16 Form 16-bit mask from the right.

A4 16


A2 A2-1

A0 A2

S1 S1+S2


S2 S1&S4 Form right-hand 16-bits in S2

S1 S1>A4 Form left-hand 16-bits in S1

S1 S1+S2

S2 S1&S4 Form right-hand 16-bits in S2

S1 S1>A4 Form left-hand 16-bits in S1

S1 S1+S2

S1 #S1 Take one's complement

CMR At this point, S1 contains the checksum.

4.4 IBM 370

The following example, in assembler language for an IBM 370 CPU, sums

the data 4 bytes at a time. For clarity, we have omitted the logic

to add the last fullword when the length is not a multiple of 4, and

to reverse the bytes when necessary. The result is left in register


This code has been timed on an IBM 3090 CPU at 27 usec/KB when

summing all one bits. This time is reduced to 24.3 usec/KB if the

trouble is taken to word-align the addends (requiring special cases

at both the beginning and the end, and byte-swapping when necessary

to compensate for starting on an odd byte).

* Registers RADDR and RCOUNT contain the address and length of

* the block to be checksummed.


* (RCARRY, RSUM) must be an even/odd register pair.

* (RCOUNT, RMOD) must be an even/odd register pair.


CHECKSUM SR RSUM,RSUM Clear working registers.


LA RONE,1 Set up constant 1.



AR RCOUNT,RONE +1 = # times in loop.

SRL RMOD,26 Size of partial chunk to RMOD.

AR RADDR,R3 Adjust addr to compensate for

S RADDR,=F(64) jumping into the loop.

SRL RMOD,1 (RMOD/4)*2 is halfword index.

LH RMOD,DOPEVEC9(RMOD) Use magic dope-vector for offset,

B LOOP(RMOD) and jump into the loop...


* Inner loop:


LOOP AL RSUM,0(,RADDR) Add Logical fullword

BC 12,*+6 Branch if no carry

AR RCARRY,RONE Add 1 end-around

AL RSUM,4(,RADDR) Add Logical fullword

BC 12,*+6 Branch if no carry

AR RCARRY,RONE Add 1 end-around


* ... 14 more replications ...


A RADDR,=F'64' Increment address ptr

BCT RCOUNT,LOOP Branch on Count


* Add Carries into sum, and fold to 16 bits



BC 12,*+6 and take care of carry


SRDL RCARRY,16 Fold 32-bit sum into

SRL RSUM,16 16-bits


C RCARRY,=X'0000FFFF' and take care of any

BNH DONE last carry


DONE X RCARRY,=X'0000FFFF' 1's complement

IEN 45


TCP Checksum Function Design

William W. Plummer

Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.

50 Moulton Street

Cambridge MA 02138

5 June 1978

Internet Experiment Note 45 5 June 1978

TCP Checksum Function Design William W. Plummer

1. Introduction

Checksums are included in packets in order that errors

encountered during transmission may be detected. For Internet

protocols such as TCP [1,9] this is especially important because

packets may have to cross wireless networks such as the Packet

Radio Network [2] and Atlantic Satellite Network [3] where

packets may be corrupted. Internet protocols (e.g., those for

real time speech transmission) can tolerate a certain level of

transmission errors and forward error correction techniques or

possibly no checksum at all might be better. The focus in this

paper is on checksum functions for protocols such as TCP where

the required reliable delivery is achieved by retransmission.

Even if the checksum appears good on a message which has been

received, the message may still contain an undetected error. The

probability of this is bounded by 2**(-C) where C is the number

of checksum bits. Errors can arise from hardware (and software)

malfunctions as well as transmission errors. Hardware induced

errors are usually manifested in certain well known ways and it

is desirable to account for this in the design of the checksum

function. Ideally no error of the "common hardware failure" type

would go undetected.

An example of a failure that the current checksum function

handles successfully is picking up a bit in the network interface

(or I/O buss, memory channel, etc.). This will always render the

checksum bad. For an example of how the current function is

inadequate, assume that a control signal stops functioning in the

network interface and the interface stores zeros in place of the

real data. These "all zero" messages appear to have valid

checksums. Noise on the "There's Your Bit" line of the ARPANET

Interface [4] may go undetected because the extra bits input may

cause the checksum to be perturbed (i.e., shifted) in the same

way as the data was.

Although messages containing undetected errors will occasionally

be passed to higher levels of protocol, it is likely that they

will not make sense at that level. In the case of TCP most such

messages will be ignored, but some could cause a connection to be

aborted. Garbled data could be viewed as a problem for a layer

of protocol above TCP which itself may have a checksuming scheme.

This paper is the first step in design of a new checksum function

for TCP and some other Internet protocols. Several useful

properties of the current function are identified. If possible

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Internet Experiment Note 45 5 June 1978

TCP Checksum Function Design William W. Plummer

these should be retained in any new function. A number of

plausible checksum schemes are investigated. Of these only the

"product code" seems to be simple enough for consideration.

2. The Current TCP Checksum Function

The current function is oriented towards sixteen-bit machines

such as the PDP-11 but can be computed easily on other machines

(e.g., PDP-10). A packet is thought of as a string of 16-bit

bytes and the checksum function is the one's complement sum (add

with end-around carry) of those bytes. It is the one's

complement of this sum which is stored in the checksum field of

the TCP header. Before computing the checksum value, the sender

places a zero in the checksum field of the packet. If the

checksum value computed by a receiver of the packet is zero, the

packet is assumed to be valid. This is a consequence of the

"negative" number in the checksum field exactly cancelling the

contribution of the rest of the packet.

Ignoring the difficulty of actually evaluating the checksum

function for a given packet, the way of using the checksum

described above is quite simple, but it assumes some properties

of the checksum operator (one's complement addition, "+" in what


(P1) + is commutative. Thus, the order in which

the 16-bit bytes are "added" together is


(P2) + has at least one identity element (The

current function has two: +0 and -0). This

allows the sender to compute the checksum

function by placing a zero in the packet checksum

field before computing the value.

(P3) + has an inverse. Thus, the receiver may

evaluate the checksum function and expect a zero.

(P4) + is associative, allowing the checksum field

to be anywhere in the packet and the 16-bit bytes

to be scanned sequentially.

Mathematically, these properties of the binary operation "+" over

the set of 16-bit numbers forms an Abelian group [5]. Of course,

there are many Abelian groups but not all would be satisfactory

for use as checksum operators. (Another operator readily

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Internet Experiment Note 45 5 June 1978

TCP Checksum Function Design William W. Plummer

available in the PDP-11 instruction set that has all of these

properties is exclusive-OR, but XOR is unsatisfactory for other


Albeit imprecise, another property which must be preserved in any

future checksum scheme is:

(P5) + is fast to compute on a variety of machines

with limited storage requirements.

The current function is quite good in this respect. On the

PDP-11 the inner loop looks like:

LOOP: ADD (R1)+,R0 ; Add the next 16-bit byte

ADC R0 ; Make carry be end-around

SOB R2,LOOP ; Loop over entire packet.

( 4 memory cycles per 16-bit byte )

On the PDP-10 properties P1-4 are exploited further and two

16-bit bytes per loop are processed:

LOOP: ILDB THIS,PTR ; Get 2 16-bit bytes

ADD SUM,THIS ; Add into current sum

JUMPGE SUM,CHKSU2 ; Jump if fewer than 8 carries

LDB THIS,[POINT 20,SUM,19] ; Get left 16 and carries

ANDI SUM,177777 ; Save just low 16 here

ADD SUM,THIS ; Fold in carries

CHKSU2: SOJG COUNT,LOOP ; Loop over entire packet

( 3.1 memory cycles per 16-bit byte )

The "extra" instruction in the loops above are required to

convert the two's complement ADD instruction(s) into a one's

complement add by making the carries be end-around. One's

complement arithmetic is better than two's complement because it

is equally sensitive to errors in all bit positions. If two's

complement addition were used, an even number of 1's could be

dropped (or picked up) in the most significant bit channel

without affecting the value of the checksum. It is just this

property that makes some sort of addition preferable to a simple

exclusive-OR which is frequently used but permits an even number

of drops (pick ups) in any bit channel. RIM10B paper tape format

used on PDP-10s [10] uses two's complement add because space for

the loader program is extremely limited.

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Internet Experiment Note 45 5 June 1978

TCP Checksum Function Design William W. Plummer

Another property of the current checksum scheme is:

(P6) Adding the checksum to a packet does not change

the information bytes. Peterson [6] calls this a

"systematic" code.

This property allows intermediate computers such as gateway

machines to act on fields (i.e., the Internet Destination

Address) without having to first decode the packet. Cyclical

Redundancy Checks used for error correction are not systematic

either. However, most applications of CRCs tend to emphasize

error detection rather than correction and consequently can send

the message unchanged, with the CRC check bits being appended to

the end. The 24-bit CRC used by ARPANET IMPs and Very Distant

Host Interfaces [4] and the ANSI standards for 800 and 6250 bits

per inch magnetic tapes (described in [11]) use this mode.

Note that the operation of higher level protocols are not (by

design) affected by anything that may be done by a gateway acting

on possibly invalid packets. It is permissible for gateways to

validate the checksum on incoming packets, but in general

gateways will not know how to do this if the checksum is a

protocol-specific feature.

A final property of the current checksum scheme which is actually

a consequence of P1 and P4 is:

(P7) The checksum may be incrementally modified.

This property permits an intermediate gateway to add information

to a packet, for instance a timestamp, and "add" an appropriate

change to the checksum field of the packet. Note that the

checksum will still be end-to-end since it was not fully


3. Product Codes

Certain "product codes" are potentially useful for checksuming

purposes. The following is a brief description of product codes

in the context of TCP. More general treatment can be found in

Avizienis [7] and probably other more recent works.

The basic concept of this coding is that the message (packet) to

be sent is formed by transforming the original source message and

adding some "check" bits. By reading this and applying a

(possibly different) transformation, a receiver can reconstruct

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Internet Experiment Note 45 5 June 1978

TCP Checksum Function Design William W. Plummer

the original message and determine if it has been corrupted

during transmission.

Mo Ms Mr

----- ----- -----

A code 7 decode A

B ==> 1 ==> B

C 4 C

----- ... -----

2 check plus "valid" flag

----- info

Original Sent Reconstructed

With product codes the transformation is Ms = K * Mo . That is,

the message sent is simply the product of the original message

Mo and some well known constant K . To decode, the received

Ms is divided by K which will yield Mr as the quotient and

0 as the remainder if Mr is to be considered the same as Mo .

The first problem is selecting a "good" value for K, the "check

factor". K must be relatively prime to the base chosen to

express the message. (Example: Binary messages with K

incorrectly chosen to be 8. This means that Ms looks exactly

like Mo except that three zeros have been appended. The only

way the message could look bad to a receiver dividing by 8 is if

the error occurred in one of those three bits.)

For TCP the base R will be chosen to be 2**16. That is, every

16-bit byte (word on the PDP-11) will be considered as a digit of

a big number and that number is the message. Thus,

Mo = SIGMA [ Bi * (R**i)] , Bi is i-th byte

i=0 to N

Ms = K * Mo

Corrupting a single digit of Ms will yield Ms' = Ms +or-

C*(R**j) for some radix position j . The receiver will compute

Ms'/K = Mo +or- C(R**j)/K. Since R and K are relatively prime,

C*(R**j) cannot be any exact multiple of K. Therefore, the

division will result in a non-zero remainder which indicates that

Ms' is a corrupted version of Ms. As will be seen, a good

choice for K is (R**b - 1), for some b which is the "check

length" which controls the degree of detection to be had for

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Internet Experiment Note 45 5 June 1978

TCP Checksum Function Design William W. Plummer

burst errors which affect a string of digits (i.e., 16-bit bytes)

in the message. In fact b will be chosen to be 1, so K will

be 2**16 - 1 so that arithmetic operations will be simple. This

means that all bursts of 15 or fewer bits will be detected.

According to [7] this choice for b results in the following

expression for the fraction of undetected weight 2 errors:

f = 16(k-1)/[32(16k-3) + (6/k)] where k is the message length.

For large messages f approaches 3.125 per cent as k goes to


Multiple precision multiplication and division are normally quite

complex operations, especially on small machines which typically

lack even single precision multiply and divide operations. The

exception to this is exactly the case being dealt with here --

the factor is 2**16 - 1 on machines with a word length of 16

bits. The reason for this is due to the following identity:

Q*(R**j) = Q, mod (R-1) 0 <= Q < R

That is, any digit Q in the selected radix (0, 1, ... R-1)

multiplied by any power of the radix will have a remainder of Q

when divided by the radix minus 1.

Example: In decimal R = 10. Pick Q = 6.

6 = 0 * 9 + 6 = 6, mod 9

60 = 6 * 9 + 6 = 6, mod 9

600 = 66 * 9 + 6 = 6, mod 9 etc.

More to the point, rem(31415/9) = rem((30000+1000+400+10+5)/9)

= (3 mod 9) + (1 mod 9) + (4 mod 9) + (1 mod 9) + (5 mod 9)

= (3+1+4+1+5) mod 9

= 14 mod 9

= 5

So, the remainder of a number divided by the radix minus one can

be found by simply summing the digits of the number. Since the

radix in the TCP case has been chosen to be 2**16 and the check

factor is 2**16 - 1, a message can quickly be checked by summing

all of the 16-bit words (on a PDP-11), with carries being

end-around. If zero is the result, the message can be considered

valid. Thus, checking a product coded message is exactly the

same complexity as with the current TCP checksum!

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Internet Experiment Note 45 5 June 1978

TCP Checksum Function Design William W. Plummer

In order to form Ms, the sender must multiply the multiple

precision "number" Mo by 2**16 - 1. Or, Ms = (2**16)Mo - Mo.

This is performed by shifting Mo one whole word's worth of

precision and suBTracting Mo. Since carries must propagate

between digits, but it is only the current digit which is of

interest, one's complement arithmetic is used.

(2**16)Mo = Mo0 + Mo1 + Mo2 + ... + MoX + 0

- Mo = - ( Mo0 + Mo1 + ......... + MoX)

--------- ----------------------------------

Ms = Ms0 + Ms1 + ... - MoX

A loop which implements this function on a PDP-11 might look


LOOP: MOV -2(R2),R0 ; Next byte of (2**16)Mo

SBC R0 ; Propagate carries from last SUB

SUB (R2)+,R0 ; Subtract byte of Mo

MOV R0,(R3)+ ; Store in Ms

SOB R1,LOOP ; Loop over entire message

; 8 memory cycles per 16-bit byte

Note that the coding procedure is not done in-place since it is

not systematic. In general the original copy, Mo, will have to

be retained by the sender for retransmission purposes and

therefore must remain readable. Thus the MOV R0,(R3)+ is

required which accounts for 2 of the 8 memory cycles per loop.

The coding procedure will add exactly one 16-bit word to the

message since Ms < (2**16)Mo . This additional 16 bits will be

at the tail of the message, but may be moved into the defined

location in the TCP header immediately before transmission. The

receiver will have to undo this to put Ms back into standard

format before decoding the message.

The code in the receiver for fully decoding the message may be

inferred by observing that any word in Ms contains the

difference between two successive words of Mo minus the carries

from the previous word, and the low order word contains minus the

low word of Mo. So the low order (i.e., rightmost) word of Mr is

just the negative of the low order byte of Ms. The next word of

Mr is the next word of Ms plus the just computed word of Mr

plus the carry from that previous computation.

A slight refinement of the procedure is required in order to

protect against an all-zero message passing to the destination.

This will appear to have a valid checksum because Ms'/K = 0/K

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Internet Experiment Note 45 5 June 1978

TCP Checksum Function Design William W. Plummer

= 0 with 0 remainder. The refinement is to make the coding be

Ms = K*Mo + C where C is some arbitrary, well-known constant.

Adding this constant requires a second pass over the message, but

this will typically be very short since it can stop as soon as

carries stop propagating. Chosing C = 1 is sufficient in most


The product code checksum must be evaluated in terms of the

desired properties P1 - P7. It has been shown that a factor of

two more machine cycles are consumed in computing or verifying a

product code checksum (P5 satisfied?).

Although the code is not systematic, the checksum can be verified

quickly without decoding the message. If the Internet

Destination Address is located at the least significant end of

the packet (where the product code computation begins) then it is

possible for a gateway to decode only enough of the message to

see this field without having to decode the entire message.

Thus, P6 is at least partially satisfied. The algebraic

properties P1 through P4 are not satisfied, but only a small

amount of computation is needed to account for this -- the

message needs to be reformatted as previously mentioned.

P7 is satisfied since the product code checksum can be

incrementally updated to account for an added word, although the

procedure is somewhat involved. Imagine that the original

message has two halves, H1 and H2. Thus, Mo = H1*(R**j) + H2.

The timestamp word is to be inserted between these halves to form

a modified Mo' = H1*(R**(j+1)) + T*(R**j) + H2. Since K has

been chosen to be R-1, the transmitted message Ms' = Mo'(R-1).


Ms' = Ms*R + T(R-1)(R**j) + P2((R-1)**2)

= Ms*R + T*(R**(j+1)) + T*(R**j) + P2*(R**2) - 2*P2*R - P2

Recalling that R is 2**16, the word size on the PDP-11,

multiplying by R means copying down one word in memory. So,

the first term of Ms' is simply the unmodified message copied

down one word. The next term is the new data T added into the

Ms' being formed beginning at the (j+1)th word. The addition is

fairly easy here since after adding in T all that is left is

propagating the carry, and that can stop as soon as no carry is

produced. The other terms can be handle similarly.

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Internet Experiment Note 45 5 June 1978

TCP Checksum Function Design William W. Plummer

4. More Complicated Codes

There exists a wealth of theory on error detecting and correcting

codes. Peterson [6] is an Excellent reference. Most of these

"CRC" schemes are designed to be implemented using a shift

register with a feedback network composed of exclusive-ORs.

Simulating such a logic circuit with a program would be too slow

to be useful unless some programming trick is discovered.

One such trick has been proposed by Kirstein [8]. Basically, a

few bits (four or eight) of the current shift register state are

combined with bits from the input stream (from Mo) and the result

is used as an index to a table which yields the new shift

register state and, if the code is not systematic, bits for the

output stream (Ms). A trial coding of an especially "good" CRC

function using four-bit bytes showed showed this technique to be

about four times as slow as the current checksum function. This

was true for both the PDP-10 and PDP-11 machines. Of the

desirable properties listed above, CRC schemes satisfy only P3

(It has an inverse.), and P6 (It is systematic.). Placement of

the checksum field in the packet is critical and the CRC cannot

be incrementally modified.

Although the bulk of coding theory deals with binary codes, most

of the theory works if the alphabet contains q symbols, where

q is a power of a prime number. For instance q taken as 2**16

should make a great deal of the theory useful on a word-by-word


5. Outboard Processing

When a function such as computing an involved checksum requires

extensive processing, one solution is to put that processing into

an outboard processor. In this way "encode message" and "decode

message" become single instructions which do not tax the main

host processor. The Digital Equipment Corporation VAX/780

computer is equipped with special hardware for generating and

checking CRCs [13]. In general this is not a very good solution

since such a processor must be constructed for every different

host machine which uses TCP messages.

It is conceivable that the gateway functions for a large host may

be performed entirely in an "Internet Frontend Machine". This

machine would be responsible for forwarding packets received

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TCP Checksum Function Design William W. Plummer

either from the network(s) or from the Internet protocol modules

in the connected host, and for reassembling Internet fragments

into segments and passing these to the host. Another capability

of this machine would be to check the checksum so that the

segments given to the host are known to be valid at the time they

leave the frontend. Since computer cycles are assumed to be both

inexpensive and available in the frontend, this seems reasonable.

The problem with attempting to validate checksums in the frontend

is that it destroys the end-to-end character of the checksum. If

anything, this is the most powerful feature of the TCP checksum!

There is a way to make the host-to-frontend link be covered by

the end-to-end checksum. A separate, small protocol must be

developed to cover this link. After having validated an incoming

packet from the network, the frontend would pass it to the host

saying "here is an Internet segment for you. Call it #123". The

host would save this segment, and send a copy back to the

frontend saying, "Here is what you gave me as #123. Is it OK?".

The frontend would then do a word-by-word comparison with the

first transmission, and tell the host either "Here is #123

again", or "You did indeed receive #123 properly. Release it to

the appropriate module for further processing."

The headers on the messages crossing the host-frontend link would

most likely be covered by a fairly strong checksum so that

information like which function is being performed and the

message reference numbers are reliable. These headers would be

quite short, maybe only sixteen bits, so the checksum could be

quite strong. The bulk of the message would not be checksumed of


The reason this scheme reduces the computing burden on the host

is that all that is required in order to validate the message

using the end-to-end checksum is to send it back to the frontend

machine. In the case of the PDP-10, this requires only 0.5

memory cycles per 16-bit byte of Internet message, and only a few

processor cycles to setup the required transfers.

6. Conclusions

There is an ordering of checksum functions: first and simplest is

none at all which provides no error detection or correction.

Second, is sending a constant which is checked by the receiver.

This also is extremely weak. Third, the exclusive-OR of the data

may be sent. XOR takes the minimal amount of computer time to

generate and check, but is not a good checksum. A two's

complement sum of the data is somewhat better and takes no more

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TCP Checksum Function Design William W. Plummer

computer time to compute. Fifth, is the one's complement sum

which is what is currently used by TCP. It is slightly more

expensive in terms of computer time. The next step is a product

code. The product code is strongly related to one's complement

sum, takes still more computer time to use, provides a bit more

protection against common hardware failures, but has some

objectionable properties. Next is a genuine CRC polynomial code,

used for checking purposes only. This is very expensive for a

program to implement. Finally, a full CRC error correcting and

detecting scheme may be used.

For TCP and Internet applications the product code scheme is

viable. It suffers mainly in that messages must be (at least

partially) decoded by intermediate gateways in order that they

can be forwarded. Should product codes not be chosen as an

improved checksum, some slight modification to the existing

scheme might be possible. For instance the "add and rotate"

function used for paper tape by the PDP-6/10 group at the

Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at M.I.T. Project MAC [12]

could be useful if it can be proved that it is better than the

current scheme and that it can be computed efficiently on a

variety of machines.

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Internet Experiment Note 45 5 June 1978

TCP Checksum Function Design William W. Plummer


[1] Cerf, V.G. and Kahn, Robert E., "A Protocol for Packet Network

Communications," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.

COM-22, No. 5, May 1974.

[2] Kahn, Robert E., "The Organization of Computer Resources into

a Packet Radio Network", IEEE Transactions on Communications,

vol. COM-25, no. 1, pp. 169-178, January 1977.

[3] Jacobs, Irwin, et al., "CPODA - A Demand Assignment Protocol

for SatNet", Fifth Data Communications Symposium, September

27-9, 1977, Snowbird, Utah

[4] Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc. "Specifications for the

Interconnection of a Host and an IMP", Report 1822, January

1976 edition.

[5] Dean, Richard A., "Elements of Abstract Algebra", John Wyley

and Sons, Inc., 1966

[6] Peterson, W. Wesley, "Error Correcting Codes", M.I.T. Press

Cambridge MA, 4th edition, 1968.

[7] Avizienis, Algirdas, "A Study of the Effectiveness of Fault-

Detecting Codes for Binary Arithmetic", Jet Propulsion

Laboratory Technical Report No. 32-711, September 1, 1965.

[8] Kirstein, Peter, private communication

[9] Cerf, V. G. and Postel, Jonathan B., "Specification of

Internetwork Transmission Control Program Version 3",

University of Southern California Information Sciences

Institute, January 1978.

[10] Digital Equipment Corporation, "PDP-10 Reference Handbook",

1970, pp. 114-5.

[11] Swanson, Robert, "Understanding Cyclic Redundancy Codes",

Computer Design, November, 1975, pp. 93-99.

[12] Clements, Robert C., private communication.

[13] Conklin, Peter F., and Rodgers, David P., "Advanced

Minicomputer Designed by Team Evaluation of Hardware/Software

Tradeoffs", Computer Design, April 1978, pp. 136-7.

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