
RFC1072 - TCP extensions for long-delay paths

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group V. Jacobson

Request for Comments: 1072 LBL

R. Braden


October 1988

TCP Extensions for Long-Delay Paths

Status of This Memo

This memo proposes a set of extensions to the TCP protocol to provide

efficient operation over a path with a high bandwidth*delay prodUCt.

These extensions are not proposed as an Internet standard at this

time. Instead, they are intended as a basis for further

eXPerimentation and research on transport protocol performance.

Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


Recent work on TCP performance has shown that TCP can work well over

a variety of Internet paths, ranging from 800 Mbit/sec I/O channels

to 300 bit/sec dial-up modems [Jacobson88]. However, there is still

a fundamental TCP performance bottleneck for one transmission regime:

paths with high bandwidth and long round-trip delays. The

significant parameter is the product of bandwidth (bits per second)

and round-trip delay (RTT in seconds); this product is the number of

bits it takes to "fill the pipe", i.e., the amount of unacknowledged

data that TCP must handle in order to keep the pipeline full. TCP

performance problems arise when this product is large, e.g.,

significantly exceeds 10**5 bits. We will refer to an Internet path

operating in this region as a "long, fat pipe", and a network

containing this path as an "LFN" (pronounced "elephan(t)").

High-capacity packet satellite channels (e.g., DARPA's Wideband Net)

are LFN's. For example, a T1-speed satellite channel has a

bandwidth*delay product of 10**6 bits or more; this corresponds to

100 outstanding TCP segments of 1200 bytes each! Proposed future

terrestrial fiber-optical paths will also fall into the LFN class;

for example, a cross-country delay of 30 ms at a DS3 bandwidth

(45Mbps) also exceeds 10**6 bits.

Clever algorithms alone will not give us good TCP performance over

LFN's; it will be necessary to actually extend the protocol. This

RFCproposes a set of TCP extensions for this purpose.

There are three fundamental problems with the current TCP over LFN


(1) Window Size Limitation

The TCP header uses a 16 bit field to report the receive window

size to the sender. Therefore, the largest window that can be

used is 2**16 = 65K bytes. (In practice, some TCP

implementations will "break" for windows exceeding 2**15,

because of their failure to do unsigned arithmetic).

To circumvent this problem, we propose a new TCP option to allow

windows larger than 2**16. This option will define an implicit

scale factor, to be used to multiply the window size value found

in a TCP header to oBTain the true window size.

(2) Cumulative Acknowledgments

Any packet losses in an LFN can have a catastrophic effect on

throughput. This effect is exaggerated by the simple cumulative

acknowledgment of TCP. Whenever a segment is lost, the

transmitting TCP will (eventually) time out and retransmit the

missing segment. However, the sending TCP has no information

about segments that may have reached the receiver and been

queued because they were not at the left window edge, so it may

be forced to retransmit these segments unnecessarily.

We propose a TCP extension to implement selective

acknowledgements. By sending selective acknowledgments, the

receiver of data can inform the sender about all segments that

have arrived successfully, so the sender need retransmit only

the segments that have actually been lost.

Selective acknowledgments have been included in a number of

experimental Internet protocols -- VMTP [Cheriton88], NETBLT

[Clark87], and RDP [Velten84]. There is some empirical evidence

in favor of selective acknowledgments -- simple experiments with

RDP have shown that disabling the selective acknowlegment

facility greatly increases the number of retransmitted segments

over a lossy, high-delay Internet path [Partridge87]. A

simulation study of a simple form of selective acknowledgments

added to the ISO transport protocol TP4 also showed promise of

performance improvement [NBS85].

(3) Round Trip Timing

TCP implements reliable data delivery by measuring the RTT,

i.e., the time interval between sending a segment and receiving

an acknowledgment for it, and retransmitting any segments that

are not acknowledged within some small multiple of the average

RTT. Experience has shown that accurate, current RTT estimates

are necessary to adapt to changing traffic conditions and,

without them, a busy network is subject to an instability known

as "congestion collapse" [Nagle84].

In part because TCP segments may be repacketized upon

retransmission, and in part because of complications due to the

cumulative TCP acknowledgement, measuring a segments's RTT may

involve a non-trivial amount of computation in some

implementations. To minimize this computation, some

implementations time only one segment per window. While this

yields an adequate approximation to the RTT for small windows

(e.g., a 4 to 8 segment Arpanet window), for an LFN (e.g., 100

segment Wideband Network windows) it results in an unacceptably

poor RTT estimate.

In the presence of errors, the problem becomes worse. Zhang

[Zhang86], Jain [Jain86] and Karn [Karn87] have shown that it is

not possible to accumulate reliable RTT estimates if

retransmitted segments are included in the estimate. Since a

full window of data will have been transmitted prior to a

retransmission, all of the segments in that window will have to

be ACKed before the next RTT sample can be taken. This means at

least an additional window's worth of time between RTT

measurements and, as the error rate approaches one per window of

data (e.g., 10**-6 errors per bit for the Wideband Net), it

becomes effectively impossible to obtain an RTT measurement.

We propose a TCP "echo" option that allows each segment to carry

its own timestamp. This will allow every segment, including

retransmissions, to be timed at negligible computational cost.

In designing new TCP options, we must pay careful attention to

interoperability with existing implementations. The only TCP option

defined to date is an "initial option", i.e., it may appear only on a

SYN segment. It is likely that most implementations will properly

ignore any options in the SYN segment that they do not understand, so

new initial options should not cause a problem. On the other hand,

we fear that receiving unexpected non-initial options may cause some

TCP's to crash.

Therefore, in each of the extensions we propose, non-initial options

may be sent only if an exchange of initial options has indicated that

both sides understand the extension. This approach will also allow a

TCP to determine when the connection opens how big a TCP header it

will be sending.


The obvious way to implement a window scale factor would be to define

a new TCP option that could be included in any segment specifying a

window. The receiver would include it in every acknowledgment

segment, and the sender would interpret it. Unfortunately, this

simple approach would not work. The sender must reliably know the

receiver's current scale factor, but a TCP option in an

acknowledgement segment will not be delivered reliably (unless the

ACK happens to be piggy-backed on data).

However, SYN segments are always sent reliably, suggesting that each

side may communicate its window scale factor in an initial TCP

option. This approach has a disadvantage: the scale must be

established when the connection is opened, and cannot be changed

thereafter. However, other alternatives would be much more

complicated, and we therefore propose a new initial option called

Window Scale.

2.1 Window Scale Option

This three-byte option may be sent in a SYN segment by a TCP (1)

to indicate that it is prepared to do both send and receive window

scaling, and (2) to communicate a scale factor to be applied to

its receive window. The scale factor is encoded logarithmically,

as a power of 2 (presumably to be implemented by binary shifts).

Note: the window in the SYN segment itself is never scaled.

TCP Window Scale Option:

Kind: 3


Kind=3 Length=3 shift.cnt


Here shift.cnt is the number of bits by which the receiver right-

shifts the true receive-window value, to scale it into a 16-bit

value to be sent in TCP header (this scaling is explained below).

The value shift.cnt may be zero (offering to scale, while applying

a scale factor of 1 to the receive window).

This option is an offer, not a promise; both sides must send

Window Scale options in their SYN segments to enable window

scaling in either direction.

2.2 Using the Window Scale Option

A model implementation of window scaling is as follows, using the

notation of RFC-793 [Postel81]:

* The send-window (SND.WND) and receive-window (RCV.WND) sizes

in the connection state block and in all sequence space

calculations are expanded from 16 to 32 bits.

* Two window shift counts are added to the connection state:

snd.scale and rcv.scale. These are shift counts to be

applied to the incoming and outgoing windows, respectively.

The precise algorithm is shown below.

* All outgoing SYN segments are sent with the Window Scale

option, containing a value shift.cnt = R that the TCP would

like to use for its receive window.

* Snd.scale and rcv.scale are initialized to zero, and are

changed only during processing of a received SYN segment. If

the SYN segment contains a Window Scale option with shift.cnt

= S, set snd.scale to S and set rcv.scale to R; otherwise,

both snd.scale and rcv.scale are left at zero.

* The window field (SEG.WND) in the header of every incoming

segment, with the exception of SYN segments, will be left-

shifted by snd.scale bits before updating SND.WND:

SND.WND = SEG.WND << snd.scale

(assuming the other conditions of RFC793 are met, and using

the "C" notation "<<" for left-shift).

* The window field (SEG.WND) of every outgoing segment, with

the exception of SYN segments, will have been right-shifted

by rcv.scale bits:

SEG.WND = RCV.WND >> rcv.scale.

TCP determines if a data segment is "old" or "new" by testing if

its sequence number is within 2**31 bytes of the left edge of the

window. If not, the data is "old" and discarded. To insure that

new data is never mistakenly considered old and vice-versa, the

left edge of the sender's window has to be at least 2**31 away

from the right edge of the receiver's window. Similarly with the

sender's right edge and receiver's left edge. Since the right and

left edges of either the sender's or receiver's window differ by

the window size, and since the sender and receiver windows can be

out of phase by at most the window size, the above constraints

imply that 2 * the max window size must be less than 2**31, or

max window < 2**30

Since the max window is 2**S (where S is the scaling shift count)

times at most 2**16 - 1 (the maximum unscaled window), the maximum

window is guaranteed to be < 2*30 if S <= 14. Thus, the shift

count must be limited to 14. (This allows windows of 2**30 = 1

Gbyte.) If a Window Scale option is received with a shift.cnt

value exceeding 14, the TCP should log the error but use 14

instead of the specified value.


To minimize the impact on the TCP protocol, the selective

acknowledgment extension uses the form of two new TCP options. The

first is an enabling option, "SACK-permitted", that may be sent in a

SYN segment to indicate that the the SACK option may be used once the

connection is established. The other is the SACK option itself,

which may be sent over an established connection once permission has

been given by SACK-permitted.

The SACK option is to be included in a segment sent from a TCP that

is receiving data to the TCP that is sending that data; we will refer

to these TCP's as the data receiver and the data sender,

respectively. We will consider a particular simplex data flow; any

data flowing in the reverse direction over the same connection can be

treated independently.

3.1 SACK-Permitted Option

This two-byte option may be sent in a SYN by a TCP that has been

extended to receive (and presumably process) the SACK option once

the connection has opened.

TCP Sack-Permitted Option:

Kind: 4


Kind=4 Length=2


3.2 SACK Option

The SACK option is to be used to convey extended acknowledgment

information over an established connection. Specifically, it is

to be sent by a data receiver to inform the data transmitter of

non-contiguous blocks of data that have been received and queued.

The data receiver is awaiting the receipt of data in later

retransmissions to fill the gaps in sequence space between these

blocks. At that time, the data receiver will acknowledge the data

normally by advancing the left window edge in the Acknowledgment

Number field of the TCP header.

It is important to understand that the SACK option will not change

the meaning of the Acknowledgment Number field, whose value will

still specify the left window edge, i.e., one byte beyond the last

sequence number of fully-received data. The SACK option is

advisory; if it is ignored, TCP acknowledgments will continue to

function as specified in the protocol.

However, SACK will provide additional information that the data

transmitter can use to optimize retransmissions. The TCP data

receiver may include the SACK option in an acknowledgment segment

whenever it has data that is queued and unacknowledged. Of

course, the SACK option may be sent only when the TCP has received

the SACK-permitted option in the SYN segment for that connection.

TCP SACK Option:

Kind: 5

Length: Variable


Kind=5 Length Relative Origin Block Size


This option contains a list of the blocks of contiguous sequence

space occupied by data that has been received and queued within

the window. Each block is contiguous and isolated; that is, the

octets just below the block,

Acknowledgment Number + Relative Origin -1,

and just above the block,

Acknowledgment Number + Relative Origin + Block Size,

have not been received.

Each contiguous block of data queued at the receiver is defined in

the SACK option by two 16-bit integers:

* Relative Origin

This is the first sequence number of this block, relative to

the Acknowledgment Number field in the TCP header (i.e.,

relative to the data receiver's left window edge).

* Block Size

This is the size in octets of this block of contiguous data.

A SACK option that specifies n blocks will have a length of 4*n+2

octets, so the 44 bytes available for TCP options can specify a

maximum of 10 blocks. Of course, if other TCP options are

introduced, they will compete for the 44 bytes, and the limit of

10 may be reduced in particular segments.

There is no requirement on the order in which blocks can appear in

a single SACK option.

Note: requiring that the blocks be ordered would allow a

slightly more efficient algorithm in the transmitter; however,

this does not seem to be an important optimization.

3.3 SACK with Window Scaling

If window scaling is in effect, then 16 bits may not be sufficient

for the SACK option fields that define the origin and length of a

block. There are two possible ways to handle this:

(1) Expand the SACK origin and length fields to 24 or 32 bits.

(2) Scale the SACK fields by the same factor as the window.

The first alternative would significantly reduce the number of

blocks possible in a SACK option; therefore, we have chosen the

second alternative, scaling the SACK information as well as the


Scaling the SACK information introduces some loss of precision,

since a SACK option must report queued data blocks whose origins

and lengths are multiples of the window scale factor rcv.scale.

These reported blocks must be equal to or smaller than the actual

blocks of queued data.

Specifically, suppose that the receiver has a contiguous block of

queued data that occupies sequence numbers L, L+1, ... L+N-1, and

that the window scale factor is S = rcv.scale. Then the

corresponding block that will be reported in a SACK option will


Relative Origin = int((L+S-1)/S)

Block Size = int((L+N)/S) - (Relative Origin)

where the function int(x) returns the greatest integer contained

in x.

The resulting loss of precision is not a serious problem for the

sender. If the data-sending TCP keeps track of the boundaries of

all segments in its retransmission queue, it will generally be

able to infer from the imprecise SACK data which full segments

don't need to be retransmitted. This will fail only if S is

larger than the maximum segment size, in which case some segments

may be retransmitted unnecessarily. If the sending TCP does not

keep track of transmitted segment boundaries, the imprecision of

the scaled SACK quantities will only result in retransmitting a

small amount of unneeded sequence space. On the average, the data

sender will unnecessarily retransmit J*S bytes of the sequence

space for each SACK received; here J is the number of blocks

reported in the SACK, and S = snd.scale.

3.4 SACK Option Examples

Assume the left window edge is 5000 and that the data transmitter

sends a burst of 8 segments, each containing 500 data bytes.

Unless specified otherwise, we assume that the scale factor S = 1.

Case 1: The first 4 segments are received but the last 4 are


The data receiver will return a normal TCP ACK segment

acknowledging sequence number 7000, with no SACK option.

Case 2: The first segment is dropped but the remaining 7 are


The data receiver will return a TCP ACK segment that

acknowledges sequence number 5000 and contains a SACK option

specifying one block of queued data:

Relative Origin = 500; Block Size = 3500

Case 3: The 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th (last) segments are


The data receiver will return a TCP ACK segment that

acknowledges sequence number 5500 and contains a SACK option

specifying the 3 blocks:

Relative Origin = 500; Block Size = 500

Relative Origin = 1500; Block Size = 500

Relative Origin = 2500; Block Size = 500

Case 4: Same as Case 3, except Scale Factor S = 16.

The SACK option would specify the 3 scaled blocks:

Relative Origin = 32; Block Size = 30

Relative Origin = 94; Block Size = 31

Relative Origin = 157; Block Size = 30

These three reported blocks have sequence numbers 512 through

991, 1504 through 1999, and 2512 through 2992, respectively.

3.5 Generating the SACK Option

Let us assume that the data receiver maintains a queue of valid

segments that it has neither passed to the user nor acknowledged

because of earlier missing data, and that this queue is ordered by

starting sequence number. Computation of the SACK option can be

done with one pass down this queue. Segments that occupy

contiguous sequence space are aggregated into a single SACK block,

and each gap in the sequence space (except a gap that is

terminated by the right window edge) triggers the start of a new

SACK block. If this algorithm defines more than 10 blocks, only

the first 10 can be included in the option.

3.6 Interpreting the SACK Option

The data transmitter is assumed to have a retransmission queue

that contains the segments that have been transmitted but not yet

acknowledged, in sequence-number order. If the data transmitter

performs re-packetization before retransmission, the block

boundaries in a SACK option that it receives may not fall on

boundaries of segments in the retransmission queue; however, this

does not pose a serious difficulty for the transmitter.

Let us suppose that for each segment in the retransmission queue

there is a (new) flag bit "ACK'd", to be used to indicate that

this particular segment has been entirely acknowledged. When a

segment is first transmitted, it will be entered into the

retransmission queue with its ACK'd bit off. If the ACK'd bit is

subsequently turned on (as the result of processing a received

SACK option), the data transmitter will skip this segment during

any later retransmission. However, the segment will not be

dequeued and its buffer freed until the left window edge is

advanced over it.

When an acknowledgment segment arrives containing a SACK option,

the data transmitter will turn on the ACK'd bits for segments that

have been selectively acknowleged. More specifically, for each

block in the SACK option, the data transmitter will turn on the

ACK'd flags for all segments in the retransmission queue that are

wholly contained within that block. This requires straightforward

sequence number comparisons.


A simple method for measuring the RTT of a segment would be: the

sender places a timestamp in the segment and the receiver returns

that timestamp in the corresponding ACK segment. When the ACK segment

arrives at the sender, the difference between the current time and

the timestamp is the RTT. To implement this timing method, the

receiver must simply reflect or echo selected data (the timestamp)

from the sender's segments. This idea is the basis of the "TCP Echo"

and "TCP Echo Reply" options.

4.1 TCP Echo and TCP Echo Reply Options

TCP Echo Option:

Kind: 6

Length: 6


Kind=6 Length 4 bytes of info to be echoed


This option carries four bytes of information that the receiving TCP

may send back in a subsequent TCP Echo Reply option (see below). A

TCP may send the TCP Echo option in any segment, but only if a TCP

Echo option was received in a SYN segment for the connection.

When the TCP echo option is used for RTT measurement, it will be

included in data segments, and the four information bytes will define

the time at which the data segment was transmitted in any format

convenient to the sender.

TCP Echo Reply Option:

Kind: 7

Length: 6


Kind=7 Length 4 bytes of echoed info


A TCP that receives a TCP Echo option containing four information

bytes will return these same bytes in a TCP Echo Reply option.

This TCP Echo Reply option must be returned in the next segment

(e.g., an ACK segment) that is sent. If more than one Echo option is

received before a reply segment is sent, the TCP must choose only one

of the options to echo, ignoring the others; specifically, it must

choose the newest segment with the oldest sequence number (see next


To use the TCP Echo and Echo Reply options, a TCP must send a TCP

Echo option in its own SYN segment and receive a TCP Echo option in a

SYN segment from the other TCP. A TCP that does not implement the

TCP Echo or Echo Reply options must simply ignore any TCP Echo

options it receives. However, a TCP should not receive one of these

options in a non-SYN segment unless it included a TCP Echo option in

its own SYN segment.

4.2 Using the Echo Options

If we wish to use the Echo/Echo Reply options for RTT measurement, we

have to define what the receiver does when there is not a one-to-one

correspondence between data and ACK segments. Assuming that we want

to minimize the state kept in the receiver (i.e., the number of

unprocessed Echo options), we can plan on a receiver remembering the

information value from at most one Echo between ACKs. There are

three situations to consider:

(A) Delayed ACKs.

Many TCP's acknowledge only every Kth segment out of a group of

segments arriving within a short time interval; this policy is

known generally as "delayed ACK's". The data-sender TCP must

measure the effective RTT, including the additional time due to

delayed ACK's, or else it will retransmit unnecessarily. Thus,

when delayed ACK's are in use, the receiver should reply with

the Echo option information from the earliest unacknowledged


(B) A hole in the sequence space (segment(s) have been lost).

The sender will continue sending until the window is filled, and

we may be generating ACKs as these out-of-order segments arrive

(e.g., for the SACK information or to aid "fast retransmit").

An Echo Reply option will tell the sender the RTT of some

recently sent segment (since the ACK can only contain the

sequence number of the hole, the sender may not be able to

determine which segment, but that doesn't matter). If the loss

was due to congestion, these RTTs may be particularly valuable

to the sender since they reflect the network characteristics

immediately after the congestion.

(C) A filled hole in the sequence space.

The segment that fills the hole represents the most recent

measurement of the network characteristics. On the other hand,

an RTT computed from an earlier segment would probably include

the sender's retransmit time-out, badly biasing the sender's

average RTT estimate.

Case (A) suggests the receiver should remember and return the Echo

option information from the oldest unacknowledged segment. Cases (B)

and (C) suggest that the option should come from the most recent

unacknowledged segment. An algorithm that covers all three cases is

for the receiver to return the Echo option information from the

newest segment with the oldest sequence number, as specified earlier.

A model implementation of these options is as follows.

(1) Receiver Implementation

A 32-bit slot for Echo option data, rcv.echodata, is added to

the receiver connection state, together with a flag,

rcv.echopresent, that indicates whether there is anything in the

slot. When the receiver generates a segment, it checks

rcv.echopresent and, if it is set, adds an echo-reply option

containing rcv.echodata to the outgoing segment then clears


If an incoming segment is in the window and contains an echo

option, the receiver checks rcv.echopresent. If it isn't set,

the value of the echo option is copied to rcv.echodata and

rcv.echopresent is set. If rcv.echopresent is already set, the

receiver checks whether the segment is at the left edge of the

window. If so, the segment's echo option value is copied to

rcv.echodata (this is situation (C) above). Otherwise, the

segment's echo option is ignored.

(2) Sender Implementation

The sender's connection state has a single flag bit,

snd.echoallowed, added. If snd.echoallowed is set or if the

segment contains a SYN, the sender is free to add a TCP Echo

option (presumably containing the current time in some units

convenient to the sender) to every outgoing segment.

Snd.echoallowed should be set if a SYN is received with a TCP

Echo option (presumably, a host that implements the option will

attempt to use it to time the SYN segment).


We have proposed five new TCP options for scaled windows, selective

acknowledgments, and round-trip timing, in order to provide efficient

operation over large-bandwidth*delay-product paths. These extensions

are designed to provide compatible interworking with TCP's that do not

implement the extensions.

The Window Scale option was originally suggested by Mike St. Johns of

USAF/DCA. The present form of the option was suggested by Mike Karels

of UC Berkeley in response to a more cumbersome scheme proposed by Van

Jacobson. Gerd Beling of FGAN (West Germany) contributed the initial

definition of the SACK option.

All three options have evolved through discussion with the End-to-End

Task Force, and the authors are grateful to the other members of the

Task Force for their advice and encouragement.


[Cheriton88] Cheriton, D., "VMTP: Versatile Message Transaction

Protocol", RFC1045, Stanford University, February 1988.

[Jain86] Jain, R., "Divergence of Timeout Algorithms for Packet

Retransmissions", Proc. Fifth Phoenix Conf. on Comp. and Comm.,

Scottsdale, Arizona, March 1986.

[Karn87] Karn, P. and C. Partridge, "Estimating Round-Trip Times

in Reliable Transport Protocols", Proc. SIGCOMM '87, Stowe, VT,

August 1987.

[Clark87] Clark, D., Lambert, M., and L. Zhang, "NETBLT: A Bulk

Data Transfer Protocol", RFC998, MIT, March 1987.

[Nagle84] Nagle, J., "Congestion Control in IP/TCP

Internetworks", RFC896, FACC, January 1984.

[NBS85] Colella, R., Aronoff, R., and K. Mills, "Performance

Improvements for ISO Transport", Ninth Data Comm Symposium,

published in ACM SIGCOMM Comp Comm Review, vol. 15, no. 5,

September 1985.

[Partridge87] Partridge, C., "Private Communication", February


[Postel81] Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol - DARPA

Internet Program Protocol Specification", RFC793, DARPA,

September 1981.

[Velten84] Velten, D., Hinden, R., and J. Sax, "Reliable Data

Protocol", RFC908, BBN, July 1984.

[Jacobson88] Jacobson, V., "Congestion Avoidance and Control", to

be presented at SIGCOMM '88, Stanford, CA., August 1988.

[Zhang86] Zhang, L., "Why TCP Timers Don't Work Well", Proc.

SIGCOMM '86, Stowe, Vt., August 1986.

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