
RFC1049 - Content-type header field for Internet messages

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Network Working Group M. Sirbu

Request for Comments: 1049 CMU

March 1988



This RFCsuggests proposed additions to the Internet Mail Protocol,

RFC-822, for the Internet community, and requests discussion and

suggestions for improvements. Distribution of this memo is



A standardized Content-type field allows mail reading systems to

automatically identify the type of a strUCtured message body and to

process it for display accordingly. The structured message body must

still conform to the RFC-822 requirements concerning allowable

characters. A mail reading system need not take any specific action

upon receiving a message with a valid Content-Type header field. The

ability to recognize this field and invoke the appropriate display

process accordingly will, however, improve the readability of

messages, and allow the exchange of messages containing mathematical

symbols, or foreign language characters.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2. Problems with Structured Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3. The Content-type Header Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3.1. Type Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3.2. Version Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3.3. Resource Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3.4. Comment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1. Introduction

As defined in RFC-822, [2], an electronic mail message consists of a

number of defined header fields, some containing structured

information (e.g., date, addresses), and a message body consisting of

an unstructured string of ASCII characters.

The success of the Internet mail system has led to a desire to use

the mail system for sending around information with a greater degree

of structure, while remaining within the constraints imposed by the

limited character set. A prime example is the use of mail to send a

document with embedded TROFF formatting commands. A more

sophisticated example would be a message body encoded in a Page

Description Language (PDL) such as Postscript. In both cases, simply

mapping the ASCII characters to the screen or printer in the usual

fashion will not render the document image intended by the sender; an

additional processing step is required to produce an image of the

message text on a display device or a piece of paper.

In both of these examples, the message body contains only the legal

character set, but the content has a structure which produces some

desirable result after appropriate processing by the recipient. If a

message header field could be used to indicate the structuring

technique used in the message body, then a sophisticated mail system

could use such a field to automatically invoke the appropriate

processing of the message body. For example, a header field which

indicated that the message body was encoded using Postscript could be

used to direct a mail system running under Sun Microsystem's NEWS

window manager to process the Postscript to produce the appropriate

page image on the screen.

Private header fields (beginning with "X-") are already being used by

some systems to affect such a result (e.g., the Andrew Message System

developed at Carnegie Mellon University). However, the widespread

use of such techniques will require general agreement on the name and

allowed parameter values for a header field to be used for this


We propose that a new header field, "Content-type:" be recognized as

the standard field for indicating the structure of the message body.

The contents of the "Content-Type:" field are parameters which

specify what type of structure is used in the message body.

Note that we are not proposing that the message body contain anything

other than ASCII characters as specified in RFC-822. Whatever

structuring is contained in the message body must be represented

using only the allowed ASCII characters. Thus, this proposal should

have no impact on existing mailers, only on mail reading systems.

At the same time, this restriction eliminates the use of more general

structuring techniques such as Abstract Syntax Notation, (CCITT

Recommendation X.409) as used in the X.400 messaging standard, which

are octet-oriented.

This is not the first proposal for structuring message bodies.

RFC-767 discusses a proposed technique for structuring multi-media

mail messages. We are also aware that many users already employ mail

to send TROFF, SCRIBE, TEX, Postscript or other structured

information. Such postprocessing as is required must be invoked

manually by the message recipient who looks at the message text

displayed as conventional ASCII and recognizes that it is structured

in some way that requires additional processing to be properly

rendered. Our proposal is designed to facilitate automatic

processing of messages by a mail reading system.

2. Problems with Structured Messages

Once we introduce the notion that a message body might require some

processing other than simply painting the characters to the screen we

raise a number of fundamental questions. These generally arise due

to the certainty that some receiving systems will have the facilities

to process the received message and some will not. The problem is

what to do in the presence of systems with different levels of


First, we must recognize that the purpose of structured messages is

to be able to send types of information, ultimately intended for

human consumption, not eXPressable in plain ASCII. Thus, there is no

way in plain ASCII to send the italics, boldface, or greek characters

that can be expressed in Postscript. If some different processing is

necessary to render these glyphs, then that is the minimum price to

be paid in order to send them at all.

Second, by insisting that the message body contain only ASCII, we

insure that it will not "break" current mail reading systems which

are not equipped to process the structure; the result on the screen

may not be readily interpretable by the human reader, however.

If a message sender knows that the recipient cannot process

Postscript, he or she may prefer that the message be revised to

eliminate the use of italics and boldface, rather than appear

incomprehensible. If Postscript is being used because the message

contains passages in Greek, there may be no suitable ASCII

equivalent, however.

Ideally, the details of structuring the message (or not) to conform

to the capabilities of the recipient system could be completely

hidden from the message sender. The distributed Internet mail system

would somehow determine the capabilities of the recipient system, and

convert the message automatically; or, if there was no way to send

Greek text in ASCII, inform the sender that his message could not be


In practice, this is a difficult task. There are three possible


1. Each mail system maintains a database of capabilities of

remote systems it knows how to send to. Such a database

would be very difficult to keep up to date.

2. The mail transport service negotiates with the receiving

system as to its capabilities. If the receiving system

cannot support the specified content type, the mail is

transformed into conventional ASCII before transmission.

This would require changes to all existing SMTP

implementations, and could not be implemented in the case

where RFC-822 type messages are being forwarded via Bitnet or

other networks which do not implement SMTP.

3. An expanded Directory service maintains information on mail

processing capabilities of receiving hosts. This eliminates

the need for real-time negotiation with the final

destination, but still requires direct interaction with the

directory service. Since directory querying is part of mail

sending as opposed to mail composing/reading systems, this

requires changes to existing mailers as well as a major

change to the domain name directory service.

We note in passing that the X.400 protocol implements approach number

2, and that the Draft Recommendations for X.DS, the Directory

Service, would support option 3.

In the interest of facilitating early usage of structured messages,

we choose not to recommend any of the three approaches described

above at the present time. In a forthcoming RFCwe will propose a

solution based on option 2, requiring modification to mailers to

support negotiation over capabilities. For the present, then, users

would be obliged to keep their own private list of capabilities of

recipients and to take care that they do not send Postscript, TROFF

or other structured messages to recipients who cannot process them.

The penalty for failure to do so will be the frustration of the

recipient in trying to read a raw Postscript or TROFF file painted on

his or her screen. Some System Administrators may attempt to

implement option 1 for the benefit of their users, but this does not

impose a requirement for changes on any other mail system.

We recognize that the long-term solution must require changes to

mailers. However, in order to begin now to standardize the header

fields, and to facilitate experimentation, we issue the present RFC.

3. The Content-type Header Field

Whatever structuring technique is specified by the Content-type

field, it must be known precisely to both the sender and the

recipient of the message in order for the message to be properly

interpreted. In general, this means that the allowed parameter

values for the Content-type: field must identify a well-defined,

standardized, document structuring technique. We do not preclude,

however, the use of a Content-type: parameter value to specify a

private structuring technique known only to the sender and the


More precisely, we propose that the Content-type: header field

consist of up to four parameter values. The first, or type parameter

names the structuring technique; the second, optional, parameter is a

version number, ver-num, which indicates a particular version or

revision of the standardized structuring technique. The third

parameter is a resource reference, resource-ref, which may indicate a

standard database of information to be used in interpreting the

structured document. The last parameter is a comment.

In the Extended Backus Naur Form of RFC-822, we have:

Content-Type:= type [";" ver-num [";" 1#resource-ref]] [comment]

3.1. Type Values

Initially, the type parameter would be limited to the following set

of values:



These values are not case sensitive. POSTSCRIPT, Postscript, and

POStscriPT are all equivalent.

POSTSCRIPT Indicates the enclosed document consists of

information encoded using the Postscript Page

Definition Language developed by Adobe Systems,

Inc. [1]

SCRIBE Indicates the document contains embedded formatting

information according to the syntax used by the

Scribe document formatting language distributed by

the Unilogic Corporation. [6]

SGML Indicates the document contains structuring

information to according the rules specified for

the Standard Generalized Markup Language, IS 8879,

as published by the International Organization for

Standardization. [3] Documents structured according

to the ISO DIS 8613--Office Docment Architecture and

Interchange Format--may also be encoded using SGML


TEX Indicates the document contains embedded formatting

information according to the syntax of the TEX

document production language. [4]

TROFF Indicates the document contains embedded formatting

information according to the syntax specified for the

TROFF formatting package developed by AT&T Bell

Laboratories. [5]

DVI Indicates the document contains information according

to the device independent file format produced by


"X-"atom Any type value beginning with the characters "X-" is

a private value.

3.2. Version Number

Since standard structuring techniques in fact evolve over time, we

leave room for specifying a version number for the content type.

Valid values will depend upon the type parameter.

ver-num:= local-part

In particular, we have the following valid values:


ver-num:= "1.0"/"2.0"/"null"

For type=SCRIBE

ver-num:= "3"/"4"/"5"/"null"

For type=SGML


3.3. Resource Reference

resource-ref:= local-part

As Apple has demonstrated with their implementation of the

Laserwriter, a very general document structuring technique can be

made more efficient by defining a set of macros or other similar

resources to be used in interpreting any transmitted stream. The

Macintosh transmits a LaserPrep file to the Laserwriter containing

font and macro definitions which can be called upon by subsequent

documents. The result is that documents as sent to the Laserwriter

are considerably more compact than if they had to include the

LaserPrep file each time. The Resource Reference parameter allows

specification of a well known resource, such as a LaserPrep file,

which should be used by the receiving system when processing the


Resource references could also include macro packages for use with

TEX or references to preprocessors such as eqn and tbl for use with

troff. Allowed values will vary according to the type parameter.

In particular, we propose the following values:


resource-ref:= "laserprep2.9"/"laserprep3.0"/"laserprep3.1"/


For type = TROFF

resource-ref:= "eqn"/"tbl"/"me"/local-part

3.4. Comment

The comment field can be any additional comment text the user

desires. Comments are enclosed in parentheses as specified in


4. Conclusion

A standardized Content-type field allows mail reading systems to

automatically identify the type of a structured message body and to

process it for display accordingly. The strcutured message body must

still conform to the RFC-822 requirements concerning allowable

characters. A mail reading system need not take any specific action

upon receiving a message with valid Content-Type header field. The

ability to recognize this field and invoke the appropriate display

process accordingly will, however, improve the readability of

messages, and allow the exchange of messages containing mathematical

symbols, or foreign language characters.

In the near term, the major use of a Content-Type: header field is

likely to be for designating the message body as containing a Page

Definition Language representation such as Postscript.

Additional type values shall be registered with Internet Assigned

Numbers Coordinator at USC-ISI. Please contact:

Joyce K. Reynolds

USC Information Sciences Institute

4676 Admiralty Way

Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695

213-822-1511 JKReynolds@ISI.EDU


1. Adobe Systems, Inc. Postscript Language Reference Manual.

Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1985.

2. Crocker, David H. RFC-822: Standard for the Format of ARPA

Internet Text Messages. Network Information Center,

August 13, 1982.

3. ISO TC97/SC18. Standard Generalized Markup Language.

Tech. Rept. DIS 8879, ISO, 1986.

4. Knuth, Donald E. The TEXbook. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.,


5. Ossanna, Joseph F. NROFF/TROFF User's Manual. Bell

Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey, 1976. Computing Science

Technical Report No.54.

6. Unilogic. SCRIBE Document Production Software. Unilogic, 1985.

Fourth Edition.

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