
RFC1046 - Queuing algorithm to provide type-of-service for IP links

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group W. Prue

Request for Comments: 1046 J. Postel


February 1988

A Queuing Algorithm to Provide Type-of-Service for IP Links

Status of this Memo

This memo is intended to eXPlore how Type-of-Service might be

implemented in the Internet. The proposal describes a method of

queuing which can provide the different classes of service. The

technique also prohibits one class of service from consuming

excessive resources or excluding other classes of service. This is

an "idea paper" and discussion is strongly encouraged. Distribution

of this memo is unlimited.


The Type-of-Service (TOS) field in IP headers allows one to chose

from none to all the following service types; low delay, high

throughput, and high reliability. It also has a portion allowing a

priority selection from 0-7. To date, there is nothing describing

what should be done with these parameters. This discussion proposes

an approach to providing the different classes of service and

priorities requestable in the TOS field.

Desired Attributes

We should first consider how we want these services to perform. We

must first assume that there is a demand for service that exceeds

current capabilities. If not, significant queues do not form and

queuing algorithms become superfluous.

The low delay class of service should have the ability to pass data

through the net faster than regular data. If a request is for low

delay class of service only, not high throughput or high reliability,

the Internet should provide low delay for relatively less throughput,

with less than high reliability. The requester is more concerned

with promptness of delivery than guaranteed delivery. The Internet

should provide a Maximum Guaranteed Delay (MGD) per node, or better,

if the datagram successfully traverses the Internet. In the worst

case, a datagram's arrival will be MGD times the number of nodes

traversed. A node is any packet switching element, including IP

gateways and ARPANET IMP's. The MGD bound will not be affected by

the amount of traffic in the net. During non-busy hours, the delay

provided should be better than the guarantee. If the delay a

satellite link introduces is less than the MGD, that link should be

considered in the route. If however, the MGD is less than the

satellite link can provide, it should not be used. For this

discussion it is assumed that delay for individual links are low

enough that a sending node can provide the MGD service.

Low delay class of service is not the same as low Round Trip Time

(RTT). Class of service is unidirectional. The datagrams responding

to low delay traffic (i.e., Acking the data) might be sent with a

high reliability class of service, but not low delay.

The performance of TCP might be significantly improved with an

accurate estimate of the round trip time and the retransmission

timeout. The TCP retransmission timeout could be set to the maximum

delay for the current route (if the current route could be

determined). The timeout value would have to be redetermined when

the number of hops in the route changes.

High throughput class of service should get a large volume of data

through the Internet. Requesters of this class are less concerned

with the delay the datagrams have crossing the Internet and the

reliability of their delivery. This type of traffic might be served

well by a satellite link, especially if the bandwidth is high.

Another attribute this class might have is consistent one way

traversal time for a given burst of datagrams. This class of service

will have its traversal times affected by the amount of Internet

load. As the Internet load goes up, the throughput for each source

will go down.

High reliability class of service should see most of its datagrams

delivered if the Internet is not too heavily loaded. Source Quenches

(SQ) should not be sent only when datagrams are discarded. SQs

should be sent well before the queues become full, to advise the

sender of the rate that can be currently supported.

Priority service should allow data that has a higher priority to be

queued ahead of other lower priority data. It is important to limit

the amount of priority data. The amount of preemption a lower

priority datagram suffers must also be limited.

It is assumed that a queuing algorithm provides these classes of

service. For one facility to be used over another, that is, making

different routing decisions based upon the TOS, requires a more

sophisticated routing algorithm and larger routing database. These

issues are not discussed in this document.

Applications for Class of Service

The following are examples of how classes of service might be used.

They do not necessarily represent the best choices, but are presented

only to illustrate how the different classes of service might be used

to advantage.

Interactive timesharing Access using a line-at-a-time or character-

at-a-time terminal (TTY) type of access is typically low volume

typing speed input with low or high volume output. Some Internet

applications use echoplex or character by character echoing of user

input by the destination host. PC devices also have local files that

may be uploaded to remote hosts in a streaming mode. Supporting such

traffic can require several types of service. User keyboard input

should be forwarded with low delay. If echoplex is used, all user

characters sent and echoed should be low delay to minimize the

echoing delay. The computer responses should be regular or high

throughput depending upon the volume of data sent and the speed of

the output device. If the computer response is a single datagram of

data, the user should get low delay for the response, to minimize the

human/computer interaction time. If however the output takes a while

to read and digest, low delay computer responses are a waste of

Internet resources. When streaming input is being sent the data

should be sent requesting high throughput or regular class of


The IBM 3270 class of terminals typically have traffic volumes

greater than TTY access. Echoplex is not needed. The output devices

usually handle higher speed output streams and most sites do not have

the ability to stream input. Input is typically a screen at a time,

but some PC implementations of 3270 use a variation of the protocol

to effectively stream in volumes of data. Low delay for low volume

input and output is appropriate. High throughput is appropriate for

the higher volume traffic.

Applications that transfer high volumes of data are typically

streaming in one direction only, with acks for the data, on the

return path. The data transfer should be high throughput and the

acks should probably be regular class of service. Transfer

initiation and termination might be served best with low delay class

of service.

Requests to, and responses from a time service might use low delay

class of service effectively.

These suggestions for class of service usage implies that the

application sets the service based on the knowledge it has during the

session. Thus, the application should have control of this setting

dynamically for each send data request, not just on a per

session/conversation/transaction basis. It would be possible for the

transport level protocol to guess (i.e., TCP), but it would be sub-



When we provide class of service queuing, one class may be more

desirable than the others. We must limit the amount of resources

each class consumes when there is contention, so the other classes

may also operate effectively. To be fair, the algorithm provides the

requested service by reducing the other service attributes. A

request for multiple classes of service is an OR type of request not

an AND request. For example, one can not get low delay and high

throughput unless there is no contention for the available resources.

Low Delay Queuing

To support low delay, use a limited queue so requests will not wait

longer than the MGD on the queue. The low delay queue should be

serviced at a lower rate than other classes of service, so low delay

requests will not consume excessive resources. If the number of low

delay datagrams exceeds the queue limit, discard the datagrams. The

service rate should be low enough so that other data can still get

through. (See discussion of service rates below.) Make the queue

limit small enough so that, if the datagram is queued, it will have a

guaranteed transit time (MGD). It seems unlikely that Source Quench

flow control mechanisms will be an effective method of flow control

because of the small size of the queue. It should not be done for

this class of service. Instead, datagrams should just be discarded

as required. If the bandwidth or percentage allocated to low delay

is such that a large queue is possible (see formula below), SQs

should be reconsidered.

The maximum delay a datagram with low delay class of service will

experience (MGD), can be determined with the following information:

N = Queue size for low delay queue

P = Percentage of link resources allocated to low delay

R = Link rate (in datagrams/sec.)


Max Delay = -----

P * R

If Max Delay is held fixed, then as P and R go up, so does N. It is

probable that low delay service datagrams will prove to be, on the

average, smaller than other traffic. This means that the number of

datagrams that can be sent in the allocated bandwidth can be larger.

High Reliability Queuing

To support high reliability class of service, use a queue that is

longer than normal (longer queue means higher potential delay). Send

SQ earlier (smaller percentage of max queue length) and don't discard

datagrams until the queue is full. This queue should have a lower

service rate than high throughput class of service.

Users of this class of service should specify a Time-to-Live (TTL)

which is made appropriately longer so that it will survive longer

queueing times for this class of service.

This queuing procedure will only be effective for Internet

unreliability due to congestion. Other Internet unreliability

problems such as high error rate links or reliability features such

as forward error correcting modems must be dealt with by more

sophisticated routing algorithms.

High Throughput Queuing

To support high throughput class of service have a queue that is

treated like current IP queuing. It should have the highest service

rate. It will experience higher average through node delay than low

delay because of the larger queue size.

Another thing that might be done, is to keep datagrams of the same

burst together when possible. This must be done in a way that will

not block other traffic. The idea is to deliver all the data to the

other end in a contiguous burst. This could be an advantage by

allowing piggybacking acks for the whole burst at one time. This

makes some assumptions about the overlying protocol which may be


Regular Service Queuing

For datagrams which request none of the three classes of service,

queue the datagrams on the queue representing the least delay between

the two queues, the high throughput queue or the high reliability

queue. If one queue becomes full, queue on the other. If both

queues are full, follow the source quench procedure for regular class

of service (see RFC-1016), not the procedure for the queue the

datagram failed to attain.

In the discussion of service rates described below, it is proposed

that the high throughput queue get service three times for every two

times for the high reliability queue. Therefore, the queue length of

the high reliability queue should be increased by 50% (in this

example) to compare the lengths of the two queues more accurately. A

simplification to this method is to just queue new data on the queue

that is the shortest. The slower service rate queue will quickly

exceed the size of the faster service rate queue and new data will go

on the proper queue. This however, would lead to more packet

reordering than the first method.

Service Rates

In this discussion, a higher service rate means that a queue, when

non-empty, will consume a larger percentage of the available

bandwidth than a lower service rate queue. It will not block a lower

service rate queue even if it is always full.

For example, the service pattern could be; send low delay 17% of the

time, high throughput 50% of the time, and high reliability 33% of

the time. Throughput requires the most bandwidth and high

reliability requires medium bandwidth. One could achieve this split

using a pattern of L, R,R, T,T,T, where low delay is "L", high

reliability is "R", and high throughput is "T'. We want to keep the

high throughput datagrams together. We therefore send all of the

high throughput data at one time, that is, not interspersed with the

other classes of service. By keeping all of the high throughput data

together, we may help higher level protocols, such as TCP, as

described above. This would still be done in a way to not exceed the

allowed service rate of the available bandwidth.

These service rates are suggestions. Some simplifications can be

considered, such as having only two routing classes; low delay, and



There is the ability to select 8 levels of priority 0-7, in addition

to the class of service selected. To provide this without blocking

the least priority requests, we must give preempted datagrams

frustration points every time a higher priority request cuts in line

in front of it. Thus if a datagram with low priority waits, it will

always get through even when competing against the highest priority

requests. This assumes the TTL (Time-to-Live) field does not expire.

When a datagram with priority arrives at a node, the node will queue

the datagram on the appropriate queue ahead of all datagrams with

lower priority. Each datagram that was preempted gets its priority

raised (locally). The priority data will not bump a lower priority

datagram off its queue, discarding the data. If the queue is full,

the newest data (priority or not) will be discarded. The priority

preemption will preempt only within the class of service queue to

which the priority data is targeted. A request specifying regular

class of service, will contend on the queue where it is placed, high

throughput or high reliability.

An implementation strategy is to multiply the requested priority by 2

or 4, then store the value in a buffer overhead area. Each time the

datagram is preempted, increment the value by one. Looking at an

example, assume we use a multiplier of 2. A priority 6 buffer will

have an initial local value of 12. A new priority 7 datagram would

have a local value of 14. If 2 priority 7 datagrams arrive,

preempting the priority 6 datagram, its local value is incremented to

14. It can no longer be preempted. After that, it has the same

local value as a priority 7 datagram and will no longer be preempted

within this node. In our example, this means that a priority 0

datagram can be preempted by no more than 14 higher priority

datagrams. The priority is raised only locally in the node. The

datagram could again be preempted in the next node on the route.

Priority queuing changes the effects we were oBTaining with the low

delay queuing described above. Once a buffer was queued, the delay

that a datagram would see could be determined. When we accepted low

delay data, we could guarantee a certain maximum delay. With this

addition, if the datagram requesting low delay does not also request

high priority, the guaranteed delay can vary a lot more. It could be

1 up to 28 times as much as without priority queuing.

Discussion and Details

If a low delay queue is for a satellite link (or any high delay

link), the max queue size should be reduced by the number of

datagrams that can be forwarded from the queue during the one way

delay for the link. That is, if the service rate for the low delay

queue is L datagrams per second, the delay added by the high delay

link is D seconds and M is the max delay per node allowed (MGD) in

seconds, then the maximum queue size should be:

Max Queue Size = L ( M - D), M > D

= 0 , M <= D

If the result is negative (M is less than the delay introduced by the

link), then the maximum queue size should be zero because the link

could never provide a delay less than the guaranteed M value. If the

bandwidth is high (as in T1 links), the delay introduced by a

terrestrial link and the terminating equipment could be significant

and greater than the average service time for a single datagram on

the low delay queue. If so, this formula should be used to reduce

the queue size as well. Note that this is reducing the queue size

and is not the same as the allocated bandwidth. Even though the

queue size is reduced, the chit scheme described below will give low

delay requesters a chance to use the allocated bandwidth.

If a datagram requests multiple classes of service, only one class

can be provided. For example, when both low delay and high

reliability classes are requested, and if the low delay queue is

full, queue the data on the high reliability queue instead. If we

are able to queue the data on the low delay queue, then the datagram

gets part of the high reliability service it also requested, because,

once data is queued, data will not be discarded. However, the

datagram will be routed as a low delay request. The same scheme is

used for any other combinations of service requested. The order of

selection for classes of service when more than one is requested

would be low delay, high throughput, then high reliability. If a

block of datagrams request multiple classes of service, it is quite

possible that datagram reordering will occur. If one queue is full

causing the other queue to be used for some of the data, data will be

forwarded at different service rates. Requesting multiple classes of

service gives the data a better chance of making it through the net

because they have multiple chances of getting on a service queue.

However, the datagrams pay the penalty of possible reordering and

more variability in the one way transmission times.

Besides total buffer consumption, individual class of service queue

sizes should be used to SQ those aSKINg for service except as noted


A request for regular class of service is handled by queuing to the

high reliability or high throughput queues evenly (proportional to

the service rates of queue). The low delay queue should only receive

data with the low delay service type. Its queue is too small to

accept other traffic.

Because of the small queue size for low delay suggested above, it is

difficult for low delay service requests to consume the bandwidth

allocated. To do so, low delay users must keep the small queue

continuously non-empty. This is hard to do with a small queue.

Traffic flow has been shown to be bursty in nature. In order for the

low delay queue to be able to consume the allocated bandwidth, a

count of the various types being forwarded should be kept. The

service rate should increase if the actual percentage falls too low

for the low delay queue. The measure of service rates would have to

be smoothed over time.

While this does sound complicated, a reasonably efficient way can be

described. Every Q seconds, where Q is less than or equal to the

MGD, each class gets N M P chits proportional to their allowed

percentage. Send data for the low delay queue up to the number of

chits it receives decrementing the chits as datagrams are sent. Next

send from the high reliability queue as many as it has chits for.

Finally, send from the high throughput queue. At this point, each

queue gets N M P chits again. If the low delay queue does not

consume all of its chits, when a low delay datagram arrives, before

chit replenishment, send from the low delay queue immediately. This

provides some smoothing of the actual bandwidth made available for

low delay traffic. If operational experience shows that low delay

requests are experiencing excessive congestion loss but still not

consuming the classes allocated bandwidth, adjustments should be

made. The service rates should be made larger and the queue sizes

adjusted accordingly. This is more important on lower speed links

where the above formula makes the queue small.

What we should see during the Q seconds is that low delay data will

be sent as soon as possible (as long as the volume is below the

allowed percentage). Also, the tendency will be to send all the high

throughput datagrams contiguously. This will give a more regular

measured round trip time for bursts of datagrams. Classes of service

will tend to be grouped together at each intermediate node in the

route. If all of the queues with datagrams have consumed all of

their allocated chits, but one or more classes with empty queues have

unused chits then a percentage of these left over chits should be

carried over. Divide the remaining chit counts by two (with round

down), then add in the refresh chit counts. This allows a 50% carry

over for the next interval. The carry over is self limiting to less

than or equal to the refresh chit count. This prevents excessive

build up. It provides some smoothing of the percentage allocation

over time but will not allow an unused queue to build up chits

indefinitely. No timer is required.

If only a simple subset of the described algorithm is to be

implemented, then low delay queuing would be the best choice. One

should use a small queue. Service the queue with a high service rate

but restrict the bandwidth to a small reasonable percentage of the

available bandwidth. Currently, wide area networks with high traffic

volumes do not provide low delay service unless low delay requests

are able to preempt other traffic.


When the output speed and volume match the input speed and volume,

queues don't get large. If the queues never grow large enough to

exceed the guaranteed low delay performance, no queuing algorithm

other than first in, first out, should be used.

The algorithm could be turned on when the main queue size exceeds a

certain threshold. The routing node can periodically check for queue

build up. This queuing algorithm can be turned on when the maximum

delays will exceed the allowed nodal delay for low delay class of

service. It can also be turned off when queue sizes are no longer a



Several issues need to be addressed before type of service queuing as

described should be implemented. What percentage of the bandwidth

should each class of service consume assuming an infinite supply of

each class of service datagrams? What maximum delay (MGD) should be

guaranteed per node for low delay datagrams?

It is possible to provide a more optimal route if the queue sizes for

each class of service are considered in the routing decision. This,

however, adds additional overhead and complexity to each routing

node. This may be an unacceptable additional complexity.

How are we going to limit the use of more desirable classes of

service and higher priorities? The algorithm limits use of the

various classes by restricting queue sizes especially the low delay

queue size. This helps but it seems likely we will want to

instrument the number of datagrams requesting each Type-of-Service

and priority. When a datagram requests multiple classes of service,

increment the instrumentation count once based upon the queue

actually used, selecting, low delay, high throughput, high

reliability, then regular. If instrumentation reveals an excessive

imbalance, Internet operations can give this to administrators to

handle. This instrumentation will show the distribution for types of

service requested by the Internet users. This information can be

used to tune the Internet to service the user demands.

Will the routing algorithms in use today have problems when routing

data with this algorithm? Simulation tests need to be done to model

how the Internet will react. If, for example, an application

requests multiple classes of service, round trip times may fluctuate

significantly. Would TCP have to be more sophisticated in its round

trip time estimator?

An objection to this type of queuing algorithm is that it is making

the routing and queuing more complicated. There is current interest

in high speed packet switches which have very little protocol

overhead when handling/routing packets. This algorithm complicates

not simplifies the protocol. The bandwidth being made available is

increasing. More T1 (1.5 Mbps) and higher speed links are being used

all the time. However, in the history of communications, it seems

that the demand for bandwidth has always exceeded the supply. When

there is wide spread use of optical fiber we may temporarily

experience a glut of capacity. As soon as 1 gigabit optical fiber

link becomes reasonably priced, new applications will be created to

consume it all. A single full motion high resolution color image

system can consume, as an upper limit, nearly a gigabit per second

channel (30 fps X 24 b/pixel X 1024 X 1024 pixels).

In the study of one gateway, Dave Clark discovered that the per

datagram processing of the IP header constituted about 20% of the

processing time. Much of the time per datagram was spent on

restarting input, starting output and queuing datagrams. He thought

that a small additional amount of processing to support Type-of-

Service would be reasonable. He suggests that even if the code does

slow the gateway down, we need to see if TOS is good for anything, so

this experiment is valuable. To support the new high speed

communications of the near future, Dave wants to see switches which

will run one to two orders of magnitude faster. This can not be done

by trimming a few instructions here or there.

From a practical perspective, the problem this algorithm is trying to

solve is the lack of low delay service through the Internet today.

Implementing only the low delay queuing portion of this algorithm

would allow the Internet to provide a class of service it otherwise

could not provide. Requesters of this class of service would not get

it for free. Low delay class of datagram streams get low delay at

the cost of reliability and throughput.

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