
RFC1110 - Problem with the TCP big window option

王朝system·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group A. McKenzie

Request for Comments: 1110 BBN STC

August 1989

A Problem with the TCP Big Window Option

Status of this Memo

This memo comments on the TCP Big Window option described in RFC

1106. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


The TCP Big Window option discussed in RFC1106 will not work

properly in an Internet environment which has both a high bandwidth *

delay prodUCt and the possibility of disordering and duplicating

packets. In such networks, the window size must not be increased

without a similar increase in the sequence number space. Therefore,

a different approach to big windows should be taken in the Internet.


TCP was designed to work in a packet store-and-forward environment

characterized by the possibility of packet loss, packet disordering,

and packet duplication. Packet loss can occur, for example, by a

congested network element discarding a packet. Packet disordering

can occur, for example, by packets of a TCP connection being

arbitrarily transmitted partially over a low bandwidth terrestrial

path and partially over a high bandwidth satellite path. Packet

duplication can occur, for example, when two directly-connected

network elements use a reliable link protocol and the link goes down

after the receiver correctly receives a packet but before the

transmitter receives an acknowledgement for the packet; the

transmitter and receiver now each take responsibility for attempting

to deliver the same packet to its ultimate destination.

TCP has the task of recreating at the destination an exact copy of

the data stream generated at the source, in the same order and with

no gaps or duplicates. The mechanism used to accomplish this task is

to assign a "unique" sequence number to each byte of data at its

source, and to sort the bytes at the destination according to the

sequence number. The sorting operation corrects any disordering. An

acknowledgement, timeout, and retransmission scheme corrects for data

loss. The uniqueness of the sequence number corrects for data


As a practical matter, however, the sequence number is not unique; it

is contained in a 32-bit field and therefore "wraps around" after the

transmission of 2**32 bytes of data. Two additional mechanisms are

used to insure the effective uniqueness of sequence numbers; these

are the TCP transmission window and bounds on packet lifetime within

the Internet, including the IP Time-to-Live (TTL). The transmission

window specifies the maximum number of bytes which may be sent by the

source in one source-destination roundtrip time. Since the TCP

transmission window is specified by 16 bits, which is 1/65536 of the

sequence number space, a sequence number will not be reused (used to

number another byte) for 65,536 roundtrip times. So long as the

combination of gateway action on the IP TTL and holding times within

the individual networks which interconnect the gateways do not allow

a packet's lifetime to exceed 65,536 roundtrip times, each sequence

number is effectively unique. It was believed by the TCP designers

that the networks and gateways forming the internet would meet this

constraint, and such has been the case.

The proposed TCP Big Window option, as described in RFC1106, eXPands

the size of the window specification to 30 bits, while leaving the

sequence number space unchanged. Thus, a sequence number can be

reused after 4 roundtrip times. Further, the Nak option allows a

packet to be retransmitted (i.e., potentially duplicated) by the

source after only one roundtrip time. Thus, if a packet becomes

"lost" in the Internet for only about 5 roundtrip times it may be

delivered when its sequence number again lies within the window,

albeit a later cycle of the window. In this case, TCP will not

necessarily recreate at the destination an exact copy of the data

stream generated at the source; it may replace some data with earlier


Of course, the problem described above results from the storage of

the "lost" packet within the net, and its subsequent out-of-order

delivery. RFC1106 seems to describe use of the proposed options in

an isolated satellite network. We may hypothesize that this network

is memoryless, and thus cannot deliver packets out of order; it

either delivers a packet in order or loses it. If this is the case,

then there is no problem with the proposed options. The Internet,

however, can deliver packets out of order, and this will likely

continue to be true even if gigabit links become part of the

Internet. Therefore, the approach described in RFC1106 cannot be

adopted for general Internet use.

Author's Address

Alex McKenzie

Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.

10 Moulton Street

Cambridge, MA 02238

Phone: (617) 873-2962


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