
RFC1125 - Policy requirements for inter Administrative Domain routing

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Network Working Group D. Estrin

Request for Comments: 1125 USC Computer Science Department

November 1989



The purpose of this memo is to focus discussion on particular

problems in the Internet and possible methods of solution. No

proposed solutions in this document are intended as standards for the

Internet. Rather, it is hoped that a general consensus will emerge

as to the appropriate solution to sUCh problems, leading eventually

to the development and adoption of standards. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.


Efforts are now underway to develop a new generation of routing

protocol that will allow each Administrative Domain (AD) in the

growing Internet (and internets in general) to independently eXPress

and enforce policies regarding the flow of packets to, from, and

through its resources. (FOOTNOTE 1: The material presented here

incorporates discussions held with members of the IAB Autonomous

Networks Research Group and the Open Routing Working Group.) This

document articulates the requirements for policy based routing and

should be used as input to the functional specification and

evaluation of proposed protocols.

Two critical assumptions will shape the type of routing mechanism

that is devised: (1) the topological organization of ADs, and (2) the

type and variability of policies expressed by ADs. After justifying

our assumptions regarding AD topology we present a taxonomy, and

specific examples, of policies that must be supported by a PR

protocol. We conclude with a brief discussion of policy routing

mechanisms proposed in previous RFCs (827, 1102, 1104, 1105). Future

RFCs will elaborate on the architecture and protocols needed to

support the requirements presented here.


The Research Internet has evolved from a single backbone wide area

network with many connected campus networks, to an internet with

multiple cross-country backbones, regional Access networks, and a

profusion of campus networks. (FOOTNOTE 2: The term Research Internet

refers to a collection of government, university, and some private

company, networks that are used by researchers to access shared

computing resources (e.g., supercomputers), and for research related

information exchange (e.g., distribution of software, technical

documents, and email). The networks that make up the Research

Internet run the DOD Internet Protocol [1].) At times during its

development the Research Internet topology appeared somewhat chaotic.

Overlapping facilities and lateral (as opposed to hierarchical)

connections seemed to be the rule rather than the exception. Today

the Research Internet topology is becoming more regular through

coordination of agency investment and adoption of a hierarchy similar

to that of the telephone networks'. The result is several

overlapping wide area backbones connected to regional networks, which

in turn connect to campus networks at universities, research

laboratories, and private companies. However, the telephone network

has lateral connections only at the highest level, i.e., between long

haul carriers. In the Research Internet there exist lateral

connections at each level of the hierarchy, i.e., between campus (and

regional) networks as well.

Additional complexity is introduced in the Research Internet by

virtue of connections to private networks. Many private companies are

connected to the Research Internet for purposes of research or

support activities. These private companies connect in the same

manner as campuses, via a regional network or via lateral links to

other campuses. However, many companies have their own private wide

area networks which physically overlap with backbone and/or regional

networks in the research internet, i.e., private vertical bypass


Implicit in this complex topology are organizational boundaries.

These boundaries define Administrative Domains (ADs) which preclude

the imposition of a single, centralized set of policies on all

resources. The subject of this paper is the policy requirements for

resource usage control in the Research Internet.

In the remainder of this section we describe the policy routing

problem in very general terms. Section 4 examines the constraints and

requirements that makes the problem challenging, and leads us to

conclude that a new generation of routing and resource control

protocols are needed. Section 5 provides more detail on our

assumptions as to the future topology and configuration of

interconnected ADs. We return to the subject of policy requirements

in Section 7 and categorize the different types of policies that ADs

in the research internet may want to enforce. Included in this

section are examples of FRICC policy statements. (FOOTNOTE 3: The

Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee (FRICC) is made up

of representatives of each of the major agencies that are involved in

networking. They have been very effective in coordinating their

efforts to eliminate inefficient redundancy and have proposed a plan

for the next 10 years of internetworking for the government,

scientific, and education community [2].) Section 7 identifies types

of policy statements that are problematic to enforce due to their

dynamics, granularity, or performance implications. Several proposed

mechanisms for supporting PR (including RFCs 827, 1102, 1104, 1105)

are discussed briefly in Section 8. Future RFCs will elaborate on the

architecture and protocols needed to support the requirements

presented here.


Previous protocols such as the Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP)[3]

embodied a limited notion of policy and ADs. In particular,

autonomous system boundaries constrained the flow of routing database

information, and only indirectly affected the flow of packets

themselves. We consider an Administrative Domain (AD) to be a set of

hosts and network resources (gateways, links, etc.) that is governed

by common policies. In large internets that cross organization

boundaries, e.g., the Research Internet, inter-AD routes must be

selected according to policy-related parameters such as cost and

access rights, in addition to the traditional parameters of

connectivity and congestion. In other Words, Policy Routing (PR) is

needed to navigate through the complex web of policy boundaries

created by numerous interconnected ADs. Moreover, each AD has its own

privileges and perspective and therefore must make its own evaluation

of legal and preferred routes. Efforts are now underway to develop a

new generation of routing protocol that will allow each AD to

independently express and enforce policies regarding the flow of

packets to, from, and through its resources [4]. (FOOTNOTE 4: These

issues are under investigation by the IAB Autonomous Networks

Research Group and the IAB Open Routing Working Group. For further

information contact the author.)

The purpose of this paper is to articulate the requirements for such

policy based routing. Two critical assumptions will shape the type of

routing mechanism that is devised:

* The topological organization of ADs, and

* The type and variability of policies expressed by ADs.

We make use of the policies expressed by owners of current Research

Internet resources and private networks connected to the Research

Internet to generalize types of policies that must be supported. This

top down effort must be done with attention to the technical

implications of the policy statements if the result is to be useful

in guiding technical development. For example, some ADs express the

desire to enforce local constraints over how packets travel to their

destination. Other ADs are only concerned with preventing use of

their own network resources by restricting transit. Still other ADs

are concerned primarily with recovering the expense of carrying

traffic and providing feedback to users so that users will limit

their own data flows; in other words they are concerned with

charging. We refer to ADs whose primary concern is communication to

and from hosts within their AD as stub and to ADs whose primary

concern is carrying packets to and from other ADs as transit}. If we

address control of transit alone, for example, the resulting

mechanisms will not necessarily allow an AD to control the flow of

its packets from source to destination, or to implement flexible

charging schemes. (FOOTNOTE 5: Gene Tsudik uses the analogy of

international travel to express the need for source and transit

controls. Each country expresses its own policies about travel to and

through its land. Travel through one country enroute to another is

analogous to transit traffic in the network world. A traveler

collects policy information from each of the countries of interest

and plans an itinerary that conforms to those policies as well as the

preferences of the traveler and his/her home nation. Thus there is

both source and transit region control of routing.) Our purpose is

to articulate a comprehensive set of requirements for PR as input to

the functional specification, and evaluation, of proposed protocols.


Before proceeding with our description of topology and policy

requirements this section outlines several assumptions and

constraints, namely: the lack of global authority, the need to

support network resource sharing as well as network interconnection,

the complex and dynamic mapping of users to ADs and privileges, and

the need for accountability across ADs. These assumptions limit the

solution space and raise challenging technical issues.

The purpose of policy based routing is to allow ADs to interconnect

and share computer and network resources in a controlled manner.

Unlike many other problems of resource control, there is no global

authority. Each AD defines its own policies with respect to its own

traffic and resources. However, while we assume no global authority,

and no global policies, we recognize that complete autonomy implies

no dependence and therefore no communication. The multi-organization

internets addressed here have inherent regions of autonomy, as well

as requirements for interdependence. Our mechanisms should allow ADs

to design their boundaries, instead of requiring that the boundaries

be either impenetrable or eliminated.

One of the most problematic ASPects of the policy routing

requirements identified here is the need to support both network

resource sharing and interconnection across ADs. An example of

resource sharing is two ADs (e.g., agencies, divisions, companies)

sharing network resources (e.g., links, or gateways and links) to

take advantage of economies of scale. Providing transit services to

external ADs is another example of network resource sharing.

Interconnection is the more common example of ADs interconnecting

their independently used network resources to achieve connectivity

across the ADs, i.e., to allow a user in one AD to communicate with

users in another AD. In some respects, network resource control is

simpler than network interconnection control since the potential

dangers are fewer (i.e., denial of service and loss of revenue as

compared with a wide range of attacks on end systems through network

interconnection). However, controlled network resource sharing is

more difficult to support. In an internet a packet may travel

through a number of transit ADs on its way to the destination.

Consequently, policies from all transit ADs must be considered when a

packet is being sent, whereas for stub-AD control only the policies

of the two end point ADs have to be considered. In other words,

controlled network resource sharing and transit require that policy

enforcement be integrated into the routing protocols themselves and

can not be left to network control mechanisms at the end points.

(FOOTNOTE 6&7: Another difference is that in the interconnect case,

traffic traveling over AD A's network resources always has a member

of AD A as its source or destination (or both). Under resource

sharing arrangements members of both AD A and B are connected to the

same resources and consequently intra-AD traffic (i.e., packets

sourced and destined for members of the same AD) travels over the

resources. This distinction is relevant to the writing of policies in

terms of principal affiliation. Economies of scale is one motivation

for resource sharing. For example, instead of interconnecting

separately to several independent agency networks, a campus network

may interconnect to a shared backbone facility. Today,

interconnection is achieved through a combination of AD specific and

shared arrangements. We expect this mixed situation to persist for

"well-connected" campuses for reasons of politics, economics, and

functionality (e.g., different characteristics of the different

agency-networks). See Section 5 for more discussion.)

Complications also result from the fact that legitimate users of an

AD's resources are not all located in that AD. Many users (and their

computers) who are funded by, or are affiliated with, a particular

agency's program reside within the AD of the user's university or

research laboratory. They reside in a campus AD along with users who

are legitimate users of other AD resources. Moreover, any one person

may be a legitimate user of multiple AR resources under varying

conditions and constraints (see examples in Section 6). In addition,

users can move from one AD to another. In other words, a user's

rights can not be determined solely based on the AD from which the

user's communications originate. Consequently, PR must not only

identify resources, it must identify principals and associate

different capabilities and rights with different principals. (The

term principal is taken from the computer security community[7].)

One way of reducing the compromise of autonomy associated with

interconnection is to implement mechanisms that assure

accountability} for resources used. Accountability may be enforced a

priori, e.g., access control mechanisms applied before resource usage

is permitted. Alternatively, accountability may be enforced after

the fact, e.g., record keeping or metering that supports detection

and provides evidence to third parties (i.e., non-repudiation).

Accountability mechanisms can also be used to provide feedback to

users as to consumption of resources. Internally an AD often decides

to do away with such feedback under the premise that communication is

a global good and should not be inhibited. There is not necessarily a

"global good" across AD boundaries. Therefore, it becomes more

appropriate to have resource usage visible to users, whether or not

actual charging for usage takes place. Another motivation that

drives the need for accountability across AD boundaries is the

greater variability in implementations. Different implementations of

a single network protocol can vary greatly as to their efficiency

[8]. We can not assume control over implementation across AD

boundaries. Feedback mechanisms such as metering (and charging in

some cases) would introduce a concrete incentive for ADs to employ

efficient and correct implementations. PR should allow an AD to

advertise and apply such accounting measures to inter-AD traffic.

In summary, the lack of global authority, the need to support network

resource sharing as well as network interconnection, the complex and

dynamic mapping of users to ADs and rights, and the need for

accountability across ADs, are characteristics of inter-AD

communications which must be taken into account in the design of both

policies and supporting technical mechanisms.


Before discussing policies per se, we outline our model of inter-AD

topology and how it influences the type of policy support required.

Most members of the Internet community agree that the future Internet

will connect on the order of 150,000,000 termination points and

100,000 ADs. However, there are conflicting opinions as to the AD

topology for which we must design PR mechanisms. The informal

argument is described here.

SIMPLE AD TOPOLOGY AND POLICY MODEL Some members of the Internet

community believe that the current complex topology of interconnected

ADs is a transient artifact resulting from the evolutionary nature of

the Research Internet's history. (FOOTNOTE 9: David Cheriton of

Stanford University articulated this side of the argument at an

Internet workshop in Santa Clara, January, 1989). The critical points

of this argument relate to topology and policy. They contend that in

the long term the following three conditions will prevail:

* The public carriers will provide pervasive, competitively

priced, high speed data services.

* The resulting topology of ADs will be

stub (not transit) ADs connected to regional

backbones, which in turn interconnect via multiple,

overlapping long haul backbones, i.e., a hierarchy with

no lateral connections between stub-ADs or regionals,

and no vertical bypass links.

* The policy requirements of the backbone and stub-ADs

will be based only on charging for resource usage at the

stub-AD to backbone-AD boundary, and to settling accounts

between neighboring backbone providers (regional to long haul,

and long haul to long haul).

Under these assumptions, the primary requirement for general AD

interconnect is a metering and charging protocol. The routing

decision can be modeled as a simple least cost path with the metric

in dollars and cents. In other words, restrictions on access to

transit services will be minimal and the functionality provided by

the routing protocol need not be changed significantly from current

day approaches.

COMPLEX AD TOPOLOGY AND POLICY MODEL The counter argument is that a

more complex AD topology will persist. (FOOTNOTE 10: Much of the

remainder of this paper attempts to justify and provide evidence for

this statement.) The different assumptions about AD topology lead to

the significantly different assumptions about AD policies.

This model assumes that the topology of ADs will in many respects

agree with the previous model of increased commercial carrier

participation and resulting hierarchical structure. However, we

anticipate unavoidable and persistent exceptions to the hierarchy.

We assume that there will be a relatively small number of long haul

transit ADs (on the order of 100), but that there may be tens of

thousands of regional ADs and hundreds of thousands of stub ADs

(e.g., campuses, laboratories, and private companies). The competing

long haul offerings will differ, both in the services provided and in

their packaging and pricing. Regional networks will overlap less and

will connect campus and private company networks. However, many

stub-ADs will retain some private lateral links for political,

technical, and reliability reasons. For example, political

incentives cause organizations to invest in bypass links that are not

always justifiable on a strict cost comparison basis; specialized

technical requirements cause organizations to invest in links that

have characteristics (e.g., data rate, delay, error, security) not

available from public carriers at a competitive rate; and critical

requirements cause organizations to invest in redundant back up links

for reliability reasons. These exceptions to the otherwise regular

topology are not dispensible. They will persist and must be

accommodated, perhaps at the expense of optimality; see Section 5 for

more detail. In addition, many private companies will retain their

own private long haul network facilities. (FOOTNOTE 11: While

private voice networks also exist, private data networks are more

common. Voice requirements are more standardized because voice

applications are more uniform than are data applications, and

therefore the commercial services more often have what the voice

customer wants at a price that is competitive with the private

network option. Data communication requirements are still more

specialized and dynamic. Thus, there is less opportunity for economy

of scale in service offerings and it is harder to keep up to date

with customer demand. For this reason we expect private data networks

to persist for the near future. As the telephone companies begin to

introduce the next generation of high speed packet switched services,

the scenario should change. However, we maintain that the result will

be a predominance, but not complete dominance, of public carrier use

for long haul communication. Therefore, private data networks will

persist and the routing architecture must accommodate controlled

interconnection.) Critical differences between the two models follow

from the difference in assumptions regarding AD topology. In the

complex case, lateral connections must be supported, along with the

means to control the use of such connections in the routing


The different topologies imply different policy requirements. The

first model assumes that all policies can be expressed and enforced

in terms of dollars and cents and distributed charging schemes. The

second model assumes that ADs want more varied control over their

resources, control that can not be captured in a dollars and cents

metric alone. We describe the types of policies to be supported and

provide examples in the following section, Section 6. In brief, given

private lateral links, ADs must be able to express access and

charging related restrictions and privileges that discriminate on an

AD basis. These policies will be diverse, dynamic, and new

requirements will emerge over time, consequently support must be

extensible. For example, the packaging and charging schemes of any

single long haul service will vary over time and may be relatively

elaborate (e.g., many tiers of service, special package deals, to

achieve price discrimination).

Note that these assumptions about complexity do not preclude some

collection of ADs from "negotiating away" their policy differences,

i.e., forming a federation, and coordinating a simplified inter-AD

configuration in order to reduce the requirements for inter-AD

mechanisms. However, we maintain that there will persist collections

of ADs that will not and can not behave as a single federation; both

in the research community and, even more predominantly, in the

broader commercial arena. Moreover, when it comes to interconnecting

across these federations, non-negotiable differences will arise

eventually. It is our goal to develop mechanisms that are applicable

in the broader arena.

The Internet community developed its original protocol suite with

only minimal provision for resource control [9]. This was

appropriate at the time of development based on the assumed community

(i.e., researchers) and the ground breaking nature of the technology.

The next generation of network technology is now being designed to

take advantage of high speed media and to support high demand traffic

generated by more powerful computers and their applications [10]. As

with TCP/IP we hope that the technology being developed will find

itself applied outside of the research community. This time it would

be inexcusable to ignore resource control requirements and not to pay

careful attention to their specification.

Finally, we look forward to the Internet structure taking advantage

of economies of scale offered by enhanced commercial services.

However, in many respects the problem that stub-ADs may thus avoid,

will be faced by the multiple regional and long haul carriers

providing the services. The carriers' charging and resource control

policies will be complex enough to require routing mechanisms similar

to ones being proposed for the complex AD topology case described

here. Whether the network structure is based on private or

commercial services, the goal is to construct policy sensitive

mechanisms that will be transparent to end users (i.e., the

mechanisms are part of the routing infrastructure at the network

level, and not an end to end concern).


This section outlines a taxonomy of internet policies for inter-AD

topologies that allow lateral and bypass links. The taxonomy is

intended to cover a wide range of ADs and internets. Any particular

PR architecture we design should support a significant subset of

these policy types but may not support all of them due to technical

complexity and performance considerations. The general taxonomy is

important input to a functional specification for PR. Moreover, it

can be used to evaluate and compare the suitability and completeness

of existing routing architectures and protocols for PR; see Section


We provide examples from the Research Internet of the different

policy types in the form of resource usage policy statements. These

statements were collected through interviews with agency

representatives, but they do not represent official policy. These

sample policy statements should not} be interpreted as agency policy,

they are provided here only as examples.

Internet policies fall into two classes, access and charging. Access

policies specify who can use resources and under what conditions.

Charging policies specify the metering, accounting, and billing

implemented by a particular AD.


We have identified the following types of access policies that ADs

may wish to enforce. Charging policies are described in the

subsequent section. Section 6.3 provides more specific examples of

both access and charging policies using FRICC policy statements.

Access policies typically are expressed in the form: principals of

type x can have access to resources of type y under the following

conditions, z. The policies are categorized below according to the

definition of y and z. In any particular instance, each of the

policy types would be further qualified by definition of legitimate

principals, , x, i.e., what characteristics x must have in order to

access the resource in question.

We refer to access policies described by stub and transit ADs. The

two roles imply different motivations for resource control, however

the types of policies expressed are similar; we expect the supporting

mechanisms to be common as well.

Stub and transit access policies may specify any of the following



Source/Destination policies prevent or restrict communication

originated by or destined for particular ADs (or hosts or user

classes within an AD).


Path sensitive policies specify which ADs may or may not be passed

through en route to a destination. The most general path sensitive

policies allow stub and transit ADs to express policies that depend

on any component in the AD path. In other words, a stub AD could

reject a route based on any AD (or combination of ADs) in the route.

Similarly, a transit AD could express a packet forwarding policy that

behaves differently depending upon which ADs a packet has passed

through, and is going to pass through, en route to the destination.

Less ambitious (and perhaps more reasonable) path sensitive policies

might only discriminate according to the immediate neighbor ADs

through which the packet is traveling (i.e., a stub network could

reject a route based on the first transit AD in the route, and a

transit AD could express a packet forwarding policy that depends upon

the previous, and the subsequent, transit ADs in the route.)


This type of policy restricts access to special resources or

services. For example, a special high throughput, low delay link may

be made available on a selective basis.


These policies provide a guaranteed percentage of a resource on a

selective, as needed basis. In other words, the resource can be used

by others if the preferred-AD's offered load is below the guaranteed

level of service. The guarantee may be to always carry intra-AD

traffic or to always carry inter-AD traffic for a specific AD.


Temporal policies restrict usage based on the time of day or other

time related parameters.


Usage may be restricted to a specific high level protocol such as

mail or file transfer. (Alternatively, such policies can be

implemented as source/destination policies by configuring a host(s)

within an AD as an application relay and composing policy terms that

allow inter-AD access to only that host.)


There may be a limit on the amount of traffic load a source may

generate during a particular time interval, e.g., so many packets in

a day, hour, or minute.


Conditions may be specified regarding the authenticability of

principal identifying information. Some ADs might require some form

of cryptographic proof as to the identity and affiliations of the

principal before providing access to critical resources.

The above policy types usually exist in combination for a particular

AD, i.e., an AD's policies might express a combination of transit,

source/destination, and QOS restrictions. This taxonomy will evolve

as PR is applied to other domains.

As will be seen in Section 6.3 an AD can express its charging and

access policies in a single syntax. Moreover, both stub and transit

policies can co-exist. This is important since some ADs operate as

both stub and transit facilities and require such hybrid control.


Stub and transit charging policies may specify the following


* UNIT OF ACCOUNTING (e.g., dollars or credits).

* BASIS FOR CHARGING (e.g., per Kbyte or per Kpkt).

* ACTUAL CHARGES (e.g., actual numbers such as $.50/Mbyte).

* WHO IS CHARGED OR PAID (e.g., originator of packet,

immediate neighbor from whom packet was received, destination

of packet, a third party collection agent).

* WHOSE PACKET COUNT is used (e.g., source, destination, the

transit AD's own count, the count of some upstream or

downstream AD).

* BOUND ON CHARGES (e.g., to limit the amount that a stub

AD is willing to spend, or the amount that a transit AD is

willing to carry.)

The enforcement of these policies may be carried out during route

synthesis or route selection [4].


The following policy statements were collected in the fall of 1988

through interviews with representatives of the federal agencies most

involved in supporting internetworking. Once again we emphasize that

these are not official policy statements. They are presented here to

provide concrete examples of the sort of policies that agencies would

like to enforce.

Expressing policies as Policy Terms (PTs)

Each policy is described in English and then expressed in a policy

term (PT) notation suggested by Dave Clark in [4]. Each PT

represents a distinct policy of the AD that synthesized it. The

format of a PT is:

[(H{src},AD{src},AD{ent}),(H{dst},AD{dst},AD{exit}),UCI, Cg,Cb]

Hsrc stands for source host, ADsrc for source AD, ADent for entering

AD (i.e., neighboring AD from which traffic is arriving directly),

Hdst for destination host, ADdst for destination AD, ADexit for exit

AD (i.e.,neighboring AD to which traffic is going directly), UCI for

user class identifier, and Cg and Cb for global and bilateral

conditions, respectively. The purpose of a PT is to specify that

packets from some host, H{src}, (or a group of hosts) in a source AD,

AD{src}, are allowed to enter the AD in question via some directly

connected AD, AD{ent}, and exit through another directly connected

AD, AD{exit}, on its way to a host, H{dst}, (or a group of hosts) in

some destination AD, AD{dst}. User Class Identifier (UCI) allows for

distinguishing between various user classes, e.g., Government,

Research, Commercial, Contract, etc. Global Conditions (Cg)

represent billing and other variables. Bilateral Conditions (Cb)

relate to agreements between neighboring ADs, e.g., related to

metering or charging. In the example policy terms provided below we

make use of the following abbreviations: Fricc for

{DOE,NASA,DCA,NSF}, F for Federal Agency, Re for Regional, U for

University, Co for Commercial Corporation, and Cc for Commercial

Carrier. A hyphen, -, means no applicable matches.

By examining a PT we can identify the type of policy represented, as

per the taxonomy presented earlier.

* If an AD specifies a policy term that has a null (-) entry for

the ADexit, then it is disallowing transit for some group of users,

and it is a transit policy.

* If an AD specifies a policy term that lists itself

explicitly as ADsrc or ADdst, it is expressing restrictions on who

can access particular resources within its boundaries, or on who inside

can oBTain external access. In other words the AD is expressing a

source/destination policy.

* If ADexit or ADentr is specified then the policy expressed is an

exit/entrance path policy.

* If the global conditions include charging, QOS, resource

guarantee, time of day, higher level application, resource limit, or

authentication related information it is obviously a charging, QOS,

resource guarantee, temporal, higher level application, resource

limit, or authentication policy, respectively.

As seen below, any one PT typically incorporates a combination of

policy types.


In the following examples all policies (and PTs) are symmetrical

under the assumption that communication is symmetrical.


1. NSF will carry traffic for any host connected to a F/Re network

talking to any other host connected to a F/Re via any F/Re entry and

exit network, so long as there is it is being used for research or

support. There is no authentication of the UCI and no per packet

charging. NSFnet is a backbone and so does not connect directly to

universities or companies...thus the indication of {F/Re} instead of

{F/Re/U/Co} as ADent and ADexit.

[NSF1: (*, {F/Re}, {F/Re})(*, {F/Re}, {F/Re}){research,support}

{unauthenticated UCI,no-per-pkt charge}{}]

2. NSF will carry traffic to user and expert services hosts in NSF

AD to/from any F/Re AD, via any F/Re AD. These are the only things

that directly connect to NSFnet.

[NSF2: ({User svcs, Expert Svcs},{NSF},{F/Re})(*,{F/Re},{-}){}{}{}]


1. DOE will carry traffic to and from any host directly connected to

DOE so long as it is used for research or support. There is no

authentication of the UCI and no per packet charging.

[DOE1: (*,DOE,-)(*,*,*){research,support}

{unauthenticated UCI,no-per-packet charge}{}]

2. DOE will carry traffic for any host connected to a F/Re network

talking to any other host connected to a F/Re via any F/Re entry and

exit network without regard to the UCI. There is no authentication of

the UCI and no per packet charging. (in other words DOE is more

restrictive with its own traffic than with traffic it is carrying as

part of a resource sharing arrangement.)

[DOE2: (*,{F/Re},{F/Re})(*,{F/Re},{F/Re}){}

{unauthenticated UCI, no-per-pkt charge}{}]


1. Nasa will accept any traffic to/from members of the Nasa AD. But

no transit. No UCI authentication and no per packet charge.

[NASA1: (*,*,*)(*,Nasa,-){Nasa-research, support}

{unauthenticated UCI,no-per-packet-charge}{}]

2. Nasa will carry transit traffic to/from other federal agency

networks if it is in support of research, and if the total use of

available BW by non-nasa Federal agencies is below n%. NOTE THAT this

non-interference policy type needs some more work in terms of

integrating it into the routing algorithms. See Section 7.

[NASA2: (*,{F},*)(*,{F},*){research,support}

{per-packet accounting, limited to n% of available BW}{}]

3. NASA will carry commercial traffic to federal and regional and

university ADs for nasa research or support. But it will not allow

transit. The particular entry AD is not important.

[NASA3: (*,{Co},*} (*,{F/R/U},*) {NASA research,support}

{unauthenticated UCI, no per packet charge}{}]

4. On a case by case basis NASA may provide access to its resources

on a cost reimbursed basis. Transit traffic will not be carried on

this basis.

[NASA4: (*,*,-)(*,*,-){}

{per-packet-charge, limited to n% of available BW} {}]


1. DARPA will carry traffic to/from any host in DARPA AD from any

external host that can get it there so long as UCI is research or

support. No UCI authentication or per packet charge.

[DARPA1: (*,*,*)(*,DARPA,-){research,support}

{unauthenticated-UCI, no per packet charge}{}]

2. DARPA will carry traffic for any host connected to a F/Re/U/Co

network talking to any other host connected to a F/Re/U/Co via any

F/Re/U/Co entry and exit network, so long as there is it is being

used for research or support, and the network is not heavily

congested!!. There is no authentication of the UCI and no per packet

charging. NOTE: Darpa would like to say something about the need to

enter the Darpa AD at the point closest to the destination...but i

don't know how to express this...

DARPA2: (*,{F/R/U/Co},{F/R/U/Co})(*,{F/R/U/Co},{F/R/U/Co})

{research,support}{unauthenticated-UCI,no per packet charge,

non-interference basis}{}]


1. DCA will not carry any transit traffic. It will only accept and

send traffic to and from its mailbridge(s) and only from and to hosts

on other F/Re nets. All packets are marked and charged for by the



{unauthenticated UCI, all incoming packets marked, per-kilopacket



Interviews with regional network administrations are now underway. In

general their policies are still in formation due to the relatively

recent formation of these regional networks. However, for the sake of

illustration we provide an example of a hypothetical regional's

network policies.


1. Regional A will carry traffic from/to any directly connected

F/Re/U network to any F/Re/U network via NSF if it is for a research

or support UCI. (NSF requires that all Regional networks only pass it

traffic that complies with its, NSF's, policies!)

[Regional A:(*,{F/Re/U},{F/Re/U})(*,{F/Re/U},NSF){research,support}

{unauthenticated UCI, no-per-packet charge}{}]


1. Regional B will carry traffic from/to any directly connected

F/Re/U network to any F/Re/U network via a commercial carrier

regardless of its UCI. In this case the packets are charged for since

the commercial carrier charges per kilopacket.

[Regional B:(*,{F/Re/U},{F/Re/U})(*,{F/Re/U},Cc){}

{unauthenticated UCI, per-kilopacket charge}{}]


Similar interviews should be conducted with administrators of campus

and private networks. However, many aspects of their policies are

contingent on the still unresolved policies of the regionals and

federal agencies. In any event, transit policies will be critical

for campus and private networks to flexibly control access to lateral

links and private wide area networks, respectively. For example, a

small set of university and private laboratories may provide access

to special gigabit links for particular classes of researchers. On

the other hand, source/destination policies should not be used in

place of network level access controls for these end ADs.


Currently commercial communication services play a low level role in

most parts of today's Research Internet; they provide the

transmission media, i.e.,leased lines. In the future we expect

commercial carriers to provide increasingly higher level and enhanced

services such as high speed packet switched backbone services.

Because such services are not yet part of the Research Internet

infrastructure there exist no policy statements.

Charging and accounting are certain to be an important policy type in

this context. Moreover, we anticipate the long haul services market

to be highly competitive. This implies that competing service

providers will engage in significant gaming in terms of packaging and

pricing of services. Consequently, the ability to express varied and

dynamic charging policies will be critical for these ADs.


Most of this paper has lobbied for articulation of relatively

detailed policy statements in order to help define the technical

mechanisms needed for enforcement. We promoted a top down design

process beginning with articulation of desired policies. Now we feel

compelled to mention requirements that are clearly problematic from

the bottom up perspective of technical feasibility.

* Non-interference policies are of the form "I will provide

access for principals x to resources y so long as it does not

interfere with my internal usage." The problem with such policies

is that access to an AD at any point in time is contingent upon a

local, highly dynamic, parameter that is not globally available.

Therefore such a policy term could well result in looping,

oscillations, and excessive route (re)computation overhead,

both unacceptable. Consequently, this is one type of policy that

routing experts suggest would be difficult to support in a very

large decentralized internetwork.

* Granularity can also be problematic, but not as deVistating as

highly dynamic PR contingencies. Here the caution is less specific.

Very fine grain policies, which restrict access to particular

hosts, or are contingent upon very fine grain user class

identification, may be achieved more efficiently with network

level access control [11] or end system controls instead of

burdening the inter-AD routing mechanism.

* Security is expensive, as always. Routing protocols are subject

to fraud through impersonation, data substitution, and denial of

service. Some of the proposed mechanisms provide some means for

detection and non-repudiation. However, to achieve a priori

prevention of resource misuse is expensive in terms of per

connection or per packet cryptographic overhead. For some

environments we firmly believe that this will be necessary and

we would prefer an architecture that would accommodate such

variability [12].

In general, it is difficult to predict the impact of any particular

policy term. Tools will be needed to assist people in writing and

validating policy terms.


Previous routing protocols have addressed a narrower definition of

PR, as appropriate for the internets of their day. In particular, EGP

[3], DGP[13], and BGP[6] incorporate a notion of policy restrictions

as to where routing database information travels. None are intended

to support policy based routing of packets as described here. More

recent routing proposals such as Landmark [14] and Cartesian [15]

could be used to restrict packet forwarding but are not suited to

source/destination, and some of the condition-oriented, policies. We

feel these policy types are critical to support. We note that for

environments (e.g., within an AD substructure) in which the simple-

AD-topology conjecture holds true, these alternatives may be


RFC1104 [5] provides a good description of shorter term policy

routing requirements. Braun classifies three types of mechanisms,

policy based distribution of route information, policy based packet

forwarding, and policy based dynamic allocation of network resources.

The second class is characterized by Dave Clark's PR architecture,

RFC1102 [4]. With respect to the longer term requirements laid out

in this document, only this second class is expressive and flexible

enough to support the multiplicity of stub and transit policies. In

other words, the power of the PR approach (e.g., RFC1102) is not just

in the added granularity of control pointed out by Braun, i.e., the

ability to specify particular hosts and user classes. Its power is in

the ability to express and enforce many types of stub and transit

policies and apply them on a discriminatory basis to different ADs.

In addition, this approach provides explicit support for stub ADs to

control routes via the use of source routing. (FOOTNOTE 12:

Moreover, the source routing approach loosens the requirements for

every AD to share a complete view of the entire internet by allowing

the source to detect routing loops.) (FOOTNOTE 13: The match

between RFC1102 and the requirements specified in this document is

hardly a coincidence since Clark's paper and discussions with him

contributed to the requirements formulation presented here. His work

is currently being evaluated and refined by the ANRG and ORWG.)


Along with the emergence of very high speed applications and media,

resource management has become a critical issue in the Research

Internet and internets in general. A fundamental characteristic of

the resource management problem is allowing administratively ADs to

interconnect while retaining control over resource usage. However, we

have lacked a careful articulation of the types of resource

management policies that need to be supported. This paper addresses

policy requirements for the Research Internet. After justifying our

assumptions regarding AD topology we presented a taxonomy and

examples of policies that must be supported by a PR protocol.


Members of the Autonomous Networks Research Group and Open Routing

Working Group have contributed significantly to the ideas presented

here, in particular, Guy Almes, Lee Breslau, Scott Brim, Dave Clark,

Marianne Lepp, and Gene Tsudik. In addition, Lee Breslau and Gene

Tsudik provided detailed comments on a previous draft. David Cheriton

inadvertently caused me to write this document. Sharon Anderson's

contributions deserve special recognition. The author is supported

by research grants from National Science Foundation, AT&T, and GTE.


[1] J. Postel, Internet Protocol, Network Information Center, RFC

791, September 1981.

[2] G. Vaudreuil, The Federal Research Internet Coordinating

Committee and National Research Network, ACM SIG Computer

Communications Review,April 1988.

[3] E. Rosen, Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP), Network Information

Center, RFC827, October 1982.

[4] D. Clark, Policy Routing in Internet Protocols, Network

Information Center, RFC1102, May 1989.

[5] H.W.Braun, Models of Policy Based Routing, Network Information

Center, RFC1104, June 1989.

[6] K. Lougheed, Y. Rekhter, A Border Gateway Protocol, Network

Information Center, RFC1105, June 1989.

[7] J. Saltzer, M. Schroeder, The Protection of Information in

Computer Systems, Proceedings of the IEEE, 63, 9 September 1975.

[8] V. Jacobson, Congestion Avoidance and Control. Proceedings of

ACM Sigcomm, pp. 106-114, August 1988, Palo Alto, CA.

[9] David Clark, Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols,

Proceedings of ACM Sigcomm, pp. 106-114, August 1988, Palo Alto,


[10] Gigabit Networking Group, B. Leiner, Editor. Critical Issues in

High Bandwidth Networking, Network Information Center, RFC1077,

November 1988.

[11] D. Estrin, J. Mogul and G. Tsudik, Visa Protocols for Controlling

Inter-Organizational Datagram Flow, To appear in IEEE Journal on

Selected Areas in Communications, Spring 1989.

[12] D. Estrin and G. Tsudik, Security Issues in Policy Routing, IEEE

Symposium on Research in Security and Privacy, Oakland, CA. May

1-3 1989.

[13] M. Little, The Dissimilar Gateway Protocol, Technical report

[14] P. Tsuchiya, The Landmark Hierarchy: A new hierarchy for routing

in very large networks, IEEE SIGCOMM 88, Palo Alto, CA. September


[15] G. Finn, Reducing the Vulnerability of Dynamic Computer Networks

USC/Information Sciences Institute, Technical Report, ISI/RR-88-

201 July 1988.

[16] A. Nakassis Routing Algorithm for Open Routing, Unpublished

paper, Available from the author at the National Institute of

Standards and Technology (formerly NBS), Washington D.C.


This memo does not address the security aspects of the issues



Deborah Estrin

University of Southern California

Computer Science Department

Los Angeles, CA 90089-0782

Phone: (213) 743-7842


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