
RFC1123 - Requirements for Internet Hosts - Application and Support

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Network Working Group Internet Engineering Task Force

Request for Comments: 1123 R. Braden, Editor

October 1989

Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Application and Support

Status of This Memo

This RFCis an official specification for the Internet community. It

incorporates by reference, amends, corrects, and supplements the

primary protocol standards documents relating to hosts. Distribution

of this document is unlimited.


This RFCis one of a pair that defines and discusses the requirements

for Internet host software. This RFCcovers the application and

support protocols; its companion RFC-1122 covers the communication

protocol layers: link layer, IP layer, and transport layer.

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................... 5

1.1 The Internet Architecture .............................. 6

1.2 General Considerations ................................. 6

1.2.1 Continuing Internet Evolution ..................... 6

1.2.2 Robustness Principle .............................. 7

1.2.3 Error Logging ..................................... 8

1.2.4 Configuration ..................................... 8

1.3 Reading this Document .................................. 10

1.3.1 Organization ...................................... 10

1.3.2 Requirements ...................................... 10

1.3.3 Terminology ....................................... 11

1.4 Acknowledgments ........................................ 12

2. GENERAL ISSUES ............................................. 13

2.1 Host Names and Numbers ................................. 13

2.2 Using Domain Name Service .............................. 13

2.3 Applications on Multihomed hosts ....................... 14

2.4 Type-of-Service ........................................ 14


RFC1123 INTRODUCTION October 1989

3. REMOTE LOGIN -- TELNET PROTOCOL ............................ 16

3.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................... 16

3.2 PROTOCOL WALK-THROUGH .................................. 16

3.2.1 Option Negotiation ................................ 16

3.2.2 Telnet Go-Ahead Function .......................... 16

3.2.3 Control Functions ................................. 17

3.2.4 Telnet "Synch" Signal ............................. 18

3.2.5 NVT Printer and Keyboard .......................... 19

3.2.6 Telnet Command Structure .......................... 20

3.2.7 Telnet Binary Option .............................. 20

3.2.8 Telnet Terminal-Type Option ....................... 20

3.3 SPECIFIC ISSUES ........................................ 21

3.3.1 Telnet End-of-Line Convention ..................... 21

3.3.2 Data Entry Terminals .............................. 23

3.3.3 Option Requirements ............................... 24

3.3.4 Option Initiation ................................. 24

3.3.5 Telnet Linemode Option ............................ 25

3.4 TELNET/USER INTERFACE .................................. 25

3.4.1 Character Set Transparency ........................ 25

3.4.2 Telnet Commands ................................... 26

3.4.3 TCP Connection Errors ............................. 26

3.4.4 Non-Default Telnet Contact Port ................... 26

3.4.5 Flushing Output ................................... 26

3.5. TELNET REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY ........................... 27

4. FILE TRANSFER .............................................. 29

4.1 FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL -- FTP .......................... 29

4.1.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................... 29

4.1.2. PROTOCOL WALK-THROUGH ............................ 29 LOCAL Type ................................... 29 Telnet Format Control ........................ 30 Page Structure ............................... 30 Data Structure Transformations ............... 30 Data Connection Management ................... 31 PASV Command ................................. 31 LIST and NLST Commands ....................... 31 SITE Command ................................. 32 STOU Command ................................. 32 Telnet End-of-line Code ..................... 32 FTP Replies ................................. 33 Connections ................................. 34 Minimum Implementation; RFC-959 Section ..... 34

4.1.3 SPECIFIC ISSUES ................................... 35 Non-standard Command Verbs ................... 35 Idle Timeout ................................. 36 Concurrency of Data and Control .............. 36 FTP Restart Mechanism ........................ 36

4.1.4 FTP/USER INTERFACE ................................ 39

RFC1123 INTRODUCTION October 1989 Pathname Specification ....................... 39 "QUOTE" Command .............................. 40 Displaying Replies to User ................... 40 Maintaining Synchronization .................. 40

4.1.5 FTP REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY ......................... 41

4.2 TRIVIAL FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL -- TFTP ................. 44

4.2.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................... 44

4.2.2 PROTOCOL WALK-THROUGH ............................. 44 Transfer Modes ............................... 44 UDP Header ................................... 44

4.2.3 SPECIFIC ISSUES ................................... 44 Sorcerer's Apprentice Syndrome ............... 44 Timeout Algorithms ........................... 46 Extensions ................................... 46 Access Control ............................... 46 Broadcast Request ............................ 46

4.2.4 TFTP REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY ......................... 47

5. ELECTRONIC MAIL -- SMTP and RFC-822 ........................ 48

5.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................... 48

5.2 PROTOCOL WALK-THROUGH .................................. 48

5.2.1 The SMTP Model .................................... 48

5.2.2 Canonicalization .................................. 49

5.2.3 VRFY and EXPN Commands ............................ 50

5.2.4 SEND, SOML, and SAML Commands ..................... 50

5.2.5 HELO Command ...................................... 50

5.2.6 Mail Relay ........................................ 51

5.2.7 RCPT Command ...................................... 52

5.2.8 DATA Command ...................................... 53

5.2.9 Command Syntax .................................... 54

5.2.10 SMTP Replies ..................................... 54

5.2.11 Transparency ..................................... 55

5.2.12 WKS Use in MX Processing ......................... 55

5.2.13 RFC-822 Message Specification .................... 55

5.2.14 RFC-822 Date and Time Specification .............. 55

5.2.15 RFC-822 Syntax Change ............................ 56

5.2.16 RFC-822 Local-part .............................. 56

5.2.17 Domain Literals .................................. 57

5.2.18 Common Address Formatting Errors ................. 58

5.2.19 Explicit Source Routes ........................... 58

5.3 SPECIFIC ISSUES ........................................ 59

5.3.1 SMTP Queueing Strategies .......................... 59 Sending Strategy .............................. 59 Receiving strategy ........................... 61

5.3.2 Timeouts in SMTP .................................. 61

5.3.3 Reliable Mail Receipt ............................. 63

5.3.4 Reliable Mail Transmission ........................ 63

5.3.5 Domain Name Support ............................... 65

RFC1123 INTRODUCTION October 1989

5.3.6 Mailing Lists and Aliases ......................... 65

5.3.7 Mail Gatewaying ................................... 66

5.3.8 Maximum Message Size .............................. 68

5.4 SMTP REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY .............................. 69

6. SUPPORT SERVICES ............................................ 72

6.1 DOMAIN NAME TRANSLATION ................................. 72

6.1.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................... 72

6.1.2 PROTOCOL WALK-THROUGH ............................. 72 Resource Records with Zero TTL ............... 73 QCLASS Values ................................ 73 Unused Fields ................................ 73 Compression .................................. 73 Misusing Configuration Info .................. 73

6.1.3 SPECIFIC ISSUES ................................... 74 Resolver Implementation ...................... 74 Transport Protocols .......................... 75 Efficient Resource Usage ..................... 77 Multihomed Hosts ............................. 78 Extensibility ................................ 79 Status of RR Types ........................... 79 Robustness ................................... 80 Local Host Table ............................. 80

6.1.4 DNS USER INTERFACE ................................ 81 DNS Administration ........................... 81 DNS User Interface ........................... 81 Interface Abbreviation Facilities ............. 82


6.2 HOST INITIALIZATION .................................... 87

6.2.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................... 87

6.2.2 REQUIREMENTS ...................................... 87 Dynamic Configuration ........................ 87 Loading Phase ................................ 89

6.3 REMOTE MANAGEMENT ...................................... 90

6.3.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................... 90

6.3.2 PROTOCOL WALK-THROUGH ............................. 90

6.3.3 MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY ................... 92

7. REFERENCES ................................................. 93

RFC1123 INTRODUCTION October 1989


This document is one of a pair that defines and discusses the

requirements for host system implementations of the Internet protocol

suite. This RFCcovers the applications layer and support protocols.

Its companion RFC, "Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Communications

Layers" [INTRO:1] covers the lower layer protocols: transport layer,

IP layer, and link layer.

These documents are intended to provide guidance for vendors,

implementors, and users of Internet communication software. They

represent the consensus of a large body of technical experience and

wisdom, contributed by members of the Internet research and vendor


This RFCenumerates standard protocols that a host connected to the

Internet must use, and it incorporates by reference the RFCs and

other documents describing the current specifications for these

protocols. It corrects errors in the referenced documents and adds

additional discussion and guidance for an implementor.

For each protocol, this document also contains an explicit set of

requirements, recommendations, and options. The reader must

understand that the list of requirements in this document is

incomplete by itself; the complete set of requirements for an

Internet host is primarily defined in the standard protocol

specification documents, with the corrections, amendments, and

supplements contained in this RFC.

A good-faith implementation of the protocols that was produced after

careful reading of the RFC's and with some interaction with the

Internet technical community, and that followed good communications

software engineering practices, should differ from the requirements

of this document in only minor ways. Thus, in many cases, the

"requirements" in this RFCare already stated or implied in the

standard protocol documents, so that their inclusion here is, in a

sense, redundant. However, they were included because some past

implementation has made the wrong choice, causing problems of

interoperability, performance, and/or robustness.

This document includes discussion and explanation of many of the

requirements and recommendations. A simple list of requirements

would be dangerous, because:

o Some required features are more important than others, and some

features are optional.

o There may be valid reasons why particular vendor products that

RFC1123 INTRODUCTION October 1989

are designed for restricted contexts might choose to use

different specifications.

However, the specifications of this document must be followed to meet

the general goal of arbitrary host interoperation across the

diversity and complexity of the Internet system. Although most

current implementations fail to meet these requirements in various

ways, some minor and some major, this specification is the ideal

towards which we need to move.

These requirements are based on the current level of Internet

architecture. This document will be updated as required to provide

additional clarifications or to include additional information in

those areas in which specifications are still evolving.

This introductory section begins with general advice to host software

vendors, and then gives some guidance on reading the rest of the

document. Section 2 contains general requirements that may be

applicable to all application and support protocols. Sections 3, 4,

and 5 contain the requirements on protocols for the three major

applications: Telnet, file transfer, and electronic mail,

respectively. Section 6 covers the support applications: the domain

name system, system initialization, and management. Finally, all

references will be found in Section 7.

1.1 The Internet Architecture

For a brief introduction to the Internet architecture from a host

viewpoint, see Section 1.1 of [INTRO:1]. That section also

contains recommended references for general background on the

Internet architecture.

1.2 General Considerations

There are two important lessons that vendors of Internet host

software have learned and which a new vendor should consider


1.2.1 Continuing Internet Evolution

The enormous growth of the Internet has revealed problems of

management and scaling in a large datagram-based packet

communication system. These problems are being addressed, and

as a result there will be continuing evolution of the

specifications described in this document. These changes will

be carefully planned and controlled, since there is extensive

participation in this planning by the vendors and by the

organizations responsible for operations of the networks.

RFC1123 INTRODUCTION October 1989

Development, evolution, and revision are characteristic of

computer network protocols today, and this situation will

persist for some years. A vendor who develops computer

communication software for the Internet protocol suite (or any

other protocol suite!) and then fails to maintain and update

that software for changing specifications is going to leave a

trail of unhappy customers. The Internet is a large

communication network, and the users are in constant contact

through it. Experience has shown that knowledge of

deficiencies in vendor software propagates quickly through the

Internet technical community.

1.2.2 Robustness Principle

At every layer of the protocols, there is a general rule whose

application can lead to enormous benefits in robustness and


"Be liberal in what you accept, and

conservative in what you send"

Software should be written to deal with every conceivable

error, no matter how unlikely; sooner or later a packet will

come in with that particular combination of errors and

attributes, and unless the software is prepared, chaos can

ensue. In general, it is best to assume that the network is

filled with malevolent entities that will send in packets

designed to have the worst possible effect. This assumption

will lead to suitable protective design, although the most

serious problems in the Internet have been caused by

unenvisaged mechanisms triggered by low-probability events;

mere human malice would never have taken so devious a course!

Adaptability to change must be designed into all levels of

Internet host software. As a simple example, consider a

protocol specification that contains an enumeration of values

for a particular header field -- e.g., a type field, a port

number, or an error code; this enumeration must be assumed to

be incomplete. Thus, if a protocol specification defines four

possible error codes, the software must not break when a fifth

code shows up. An undefined code might be logged (see below),

but it must not cause a failure.

The second part of the principle is almost as important:

software on other hosts may contain deficiencies that make it

unwise to exploit legal but obscure protocol features. It is

unwise to stray far from the obvious and simple, lest untoward

effects result elsewhere. A corollary of this is "watch out

RFC1123 INTRODUCTION October 1989

for misbehaving hosts"; host software should be prepared, not

just to survive other misbehaving hosts, but also to cooperate

to limit the amount of disruption such hosts can cause to the

shared communication facility.

1.2.3 Error Logging

The Internet includes a great variety of host and gateway

systems, each implementing many protocols and protocol layers,

and some of these contain bugs and mis-features in their

Internet protocol software. As a result of complexity,

diversity, and distribution of function, the diagnosis of user

problems is often very difficult.

Problem diagnosis will be aided if host implementations include

a carefully designed facility for logging erroneous or

"strange" protocol events. It is important to include as much

diagnostic information as possible when an error is logged. In

particular, it is often useful to record the header(s) of a

packet that caused an error. However, care must be taken to

ensure that error logging does not consume prohibitive amounts

of resources or otherwise interfere with the operation of the


There is a tendency for abnormal but harmless protocol events

to overflow error logging files; this can be avoided by using a

"circular" log, or by enabling logging only while diagnosing a

known failure. It may be useful to filter and count duplicate

successive messages. One strategy that seems to work well is:

(1) always count abnormalities and make such counts accessible

through the management protocol (see Section 6.3); and (2)

allow the logging of a great variety of events to be

selectively enabled. For example, it might useful to be able

to "log everything" or to "log everything for host X".

Note that different managements may have differing policies

about the amount of error logging that they want normally

enabled in a host. Some will say, "if it doesn't hurt me, I

don't want to know about it", while others will want to take a

more watchful and aggressive attitude about detecting and

removing protocol abnormalities.

1.2.4 Configuration

It would be ideal if a host implementation of the Internet

protocol suite could be entirely self-configuring. This would

allow the whole suite to be implemented in ROM or cast into

silicon, it would simplify diskless workstations, and it would

RFC1123 INTRODUCTION October 1989

be an immense boon to harried LAN administrators as well as

system vendors. We have not reached this ideal; in fact, we

are not even close.

At many points in this document, you will find a requirement

that a parameter be a configurable option. There are several

different reasons behind such requirements. In a few cases,

there is current uncertainty or disagreement about the best

value, and it may be necessary to update the recommended value

in the future. In other cases, the value really depends on

external factors -- e.g., the size of the host and the

distribution of its communication load, or the speeds and

topology of nearby networks -- and self-tuning algorithms are

unavailable and may be insufficient. In some cases,

configurability is needed because of administrative


Finally, some configuration options are required to communicate

with obsolete or incorrect implementations of the protocols,

distributed without sources, that unfortunately persist in many

parts of the Internet. To make correct systems coexist with

these faulty systems, administrators often have to "mis-

configure" the correct systems. This problem will correct

itself gradually as the faulty systems are retired, but it

cannot be ignored by vendors.

When we say that a parameter must be configurable, we do not

intend to require that its value be explicitly read from a

configuration file at every boot time. We recommend that

implementors set up a default for each parameter, so a

configuration file is only necessary to override those defaults

that are inappropriate in a particular installation. Thus, the

configurability requirement is an assurance that it will be

POSSIBLE to override the default when necessary, even in a

binary-only or ROM-based product.

This document requires a particular value for such defaults in

some cases. The choice of default is a sensitive issue when

the configuration item controls the accommodation to existing

faulty systems. If the Internet is to converge successfully to

complete interoperability, the default values built into

implementations must implement the official protocol, not

"mis-configurations" to accommodate faulty implementations.

Although marketing considerations have led some vendors to

choose mis-configuration defaults, we urge vendors to choose

defaults that will conform to the standard.

Finally, we note that a vendor needs to provide adequate

RFC1123 INTRODUCTION October 1989

documentation on all configuration parameters, their limits and


1.3 Reading this Document

1.3.1 Organization

In general, each major section is organized into the following


(1) Introduction

(2) Protocol Walk-Through -- considers the protocol

specification documents section-by-section, correcting

errors, stating requirements that may be ambiguous or

ill-defined, and providing further clarification or


(3) Specific Issues -- discusses protocol design and

implementation issues that were not included in the walk-


(4) Interfaces -- discusses the service interface to the next

higher layer.

(5) Summary -- contains a summary of the requirements of the


Under many of the individual topics in this document, there is

parenthetical material labeled "DISCUSSION" or

"IMPLEMENTATION". This material is intended to give

clarification and explanation of the preceding requirements

text. It also includes some suggestions on possible future

directions or developments. The implementation material

contains suggested approaches that an implementor may want to


The summary sections are intended to be guides and indexes to

the text, but are necessarily cryptic and incomplete. The

summaries should never be used or referenced separately from

the complete RFC.

1.3.2 Requirements

In this document, the Words that are used to define the

significance of each particular requirement are capitalized.

These words are:

RFC1123 INTRODUCTION October 1989

* "MUST"

This word or the adjective "REQUIRED" means that the item

is an absolute requirement of the specification.


This word or the adjective "RECOMMENDED" means that there

may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to

ignore this item, but the full implications should be

understood and the case carefully weighed before choosing

a different course.

* "MAY"

This word or the adjective "OPTIONAL" means that this item

is truly optional. One vendor may choose to include the

item because a particular marketplace requires it or

because it enhances the product, for example; another

vendor may omit the same item.

An implementation is not compliant if it fails to satisfy one

or more of the MUST requirements for the protocols it

implements. An implementation that satisfies all the MUST and

all the SHOULD requirements for its protocols is said to be

"unconditionally compliant"; one that satisfies all the MUST

requirements but not all the SHOULD requirements for its

protocols is said to be "conditionally compliant".

1.3.3 Terminology

This document uses the following technical terms:


A segment is the unit of end-to-end transmission in the

TCP protocol. A segment consists of a TCP header followed

by application data. A segment is transmitted by

encapsulation in an IP datagram.


This term is used by some application layer protocols

(particularly SMTP) for an application data unit.


A [UDP] datagram is the unit of end-to-end transmission in

the UDP protocol.

RFC1123 INTRODUCTION October 1989


A host is said to be multihomed if it has multiple IP

addresses to connected networks.

1.4 Acknowledgments

This document incorporates contributions and comments from a large

group of Internet protocol experts, including representatives of

university and research labs, vendors, and government agencies.

It was assembled primarily by the Host Requirements Working Group

of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

The Editor would especially like to acknowledge the tireless

dedication of the following people, who attended many long

meetings and generated 3 million bytes of electronic mail over the

past 18 months in pursuit of this document: Philip Almquist, Dave

Borman (Cray Research), Noel Chiappa, Dave Crocker (DEC), Steve

Deering (Stanford), Mike Karels (Berkeley), Phil Karn (Bellcore),

John Lekashman (NASA), Charles Lynn (BBN), Keith McCloghrie (TWG),

Paul Mockapetris (ISI), Thomas Narten (Purdue), Craig Partridge

(BBN), Drew Perkins (CMU), and James Van Bokkelen (FTP Software).

In addition, the following people made major contributions to the

effort: Bill Barns (Mitre), Steve Bellovin (AT&T), Mike Brescia

(BBN), Ed Cain (DCA), Annette DeSchon (ISI), Martin Gross (DCA),

Phill Gross (NRI), Charles Hedrick (Rutgers), Van Jacobson (LBL),

John Klensin (MIT), Mark Lottor (SRI), Milo Medin (NASA), Bill

Melohn (Sun Microsystems), Greg Minshall (Kinetics), Jeff Mogul

(DEC), John Mullen (CMC), Jon Postel (ISI), John Romkey (Epilogue

Technology), and Mike StJohns (DCA). The following also made

significant contributions to particular areas: Eric Allman

(Berkeley), Rob Austein (MIT), Art Berggreen (ACC), Keith Bostic

(Berkeley), Vint Cerf (NRI), Wayne Hathaway (NASA), Matt Korn

(IBM), Erik Naggum (Naggum Software, Norway), Robert Ullmann

(Prime Computer), David Waitzman (BBN), Frank Wancho (USA), Arun

Welch (Ohio State), Bill Westfield (Cisco), and Rayan Zachariassen


We are grateful to all, including any contributors who may have

been inadvertently omitted from this list.



This section contains general requirements that may be applicable to

all application-layer protocols.

2.1 Host Names and Numbers

The syntax of a legal Internet host name was specified in RFC-952

[DNS:4]. One ASPect of host name syntax is hereby changed: the

restriction on the first character is relaxed to allow either a

letter or a digit. Host software MUST support this more liberal


Host software MUST handle host names of up to 63 characters and

SHOULD handle host names of up to 255 characters.

Whenever a user inputs the identity of an Internet host, it SHOULD

be possible to enter either (1) a host domain name or (2) an IP

address in dotted-decimal ("#.#.#.#") form. The host SHOULD check

the string syntactically for a dotted-decimal number before

looking it up in the Domain Name System.


This last requirement is not intended to specify the complete

syntactic form for entering a dotted-decimal host number;

that is considered to be a user-interface issue. For

example, a dotted-decimal number must be enclosed within

"[ ]" brackets for SMTP mail (see Section 5.2.17). This

notation could be made universal within a host system,

simplifying the syntactic checking for a dotted-decimal


If a dotted-decimal number can be entered without such

identifying delimiters, then a full syntactic check must be

made, because a segment of a host domain name is now allowed

to begin with a digit and could legally be entirely numeric

(see Section However, a valid host name can never

have the dotted-decimal form #.#.#.#, since at least the

highest-level component label will be alphabetic.

2.2 Using Domain Name Service

Host domain names MUST be translated to IP addresses as described

in Section 6.1.

Applications using domain name services MUST be able to cope with

soft error conditions. Applications MUST wait a reasonable

interval between successive retries due to a soft error, and MUST


allow for the possibility that network problems may deny service

for hours or even days.

An application SHOULD NOT rely on the ability to locate a WKS

record containing an accurate listing of all services at a

particular host address, since the WKS RR type is not often used

by Internet sites. To confirm that a service is present, simply

attempt to use it.

2.3 Applications on Multihomed hosts

When the remote host is multihomed, the name-to-address

translation will return a list of alternative IP addresses. As

specified in Section, this list should be in order of

decreasing preference. Application protocol implementations

SHOULD be prepared to try multiple addresses from the list until

success is oBTained. More specific requirements for SMTP are

given in Section 5.3.4.

When the local host is multihomed, a UDP-based request/response

application SHOULD send the response with an IP source address

that is the same as the specific destination address of the UDP

request datagram. The "specific destination address" is defined

in the "IP Addressing" section of the companion RFC[INTRO:1].

Similarly, a server application that opens multiple TCP

connections to the same client SHOULD use the same local IP

address for all.

2.4 Type-of-Service

Applications MUST select appropriate TOS values when they invoke

transport layer services, and these values MUST be configurable.

Note that a TOS value contains 5 bits, of which only the most-

significant 3 bits are currently defined; the other two bits MUST

be zero.


As gateway algorithms are developed to implement Type-of-

Service, the recommended values for various application

protocols may change. In addition, it is likely that

particular combinations of users and Internet paths will want

non-standard TOS values. For these reasons, the TOS values

must be configurable.

See the latest version of the "Assigned Numbers" RFC

[INTRO:5] for the recommended TOS values for the major

application protocols.














User interfaces:

Allow host name to begin with digit 2.1 x

Host names of up to 635 characters 2.1 x

Host names of up to 255 characters 2.1 x

Support dotted-decimal host numbers 2.1 x

Check syntactically for dotted-dec first 2.1 x

Map domain names per Section 6.1 2.2 x

Cope with soft DNS errors 2.2 x

Reasonable interval between retries 2.2 x

Allow for long outages 2.2 x

Expect WKS records to be available 2.2 x

Try multiple addr's for remote multihomed host 2.3 x

UDP reply src addr is specific dest of request 2.3 x

Use same IP addr for related TCP connections 2.3 x

Specify appropriate TOS values 2.4 x

TOS values configurable 2.4 x

Unused TOS bits zero 2.4 x

RFC1123 REMOTE LOGIN -- TELNET October 1989



Telnet is the standard Internet application protocol for remote

login. It provides the encoding rules to link a user's

keyboard/display on a client ("user") system with a command

interpreter on a remote server system. A subset of the Telnet

protocol is also incorporated within other application protocols,

e.g., FTP and SMTP.

Telnet uses a single TCP connection, and its normal data stream

("Network Virtual Terminal" or "NVT" mode) is 7-bit ASCII with

escape sequences to embed control functions. Telnet also allows

the negotiation of many optional modes and functions.

The primary Telnet specification is to be found in RFC-854

[TELNET:1], while the options are defined in many other RFCs; see

Section 7 for references.


3.2.1 Option Negotiation: RFC-854, pp. 2-3

Every Telnet implementation MUST include option negotiation and

subnegotiation machinery [TELNET:2].

A host MUST carefully follow the rules of RFC-854 to avoid

option-negotiation loops. A host MUST refuse (i.e, reply

WONT/DONT to a DO/WILL) an unsupported option. Option

negotiation SHOULD continue to function (even if all requests

are refused) throughout the lifetime of a Telnet connection.

If all option negotiations fail, a Telnet implementation MUST

default to, and support, an NVT.


Even though more sophisticated "terminals" and supporting

option negotiations are becoming the norm, all

implementations must be prepared to support an NVT for any

user-server communication.

3.2.2 Telnet Go-Ahead Function: RFC-854, p. 5, and RFC-858

On a host that never sends the Telnet command Go Ahead (GA),

the Telnet Server MUST attempt to negotiate the Suppress Go

Ahead option (i.e., send "WILL Suppress Go Ahead"). A User or

Server Telnet MUST always accept negotiation of the Suppress Go

RFC1123 REMOTE LOGIN -- TELNET October 1989

Ahead option.

When it is driving a full-duplex terminal for which GA has no

meaning, a User Telnet implementation MAY ignore GA commands.


Half-duplex ("locked-keyboard") line-at-a-time terminals

for which the Go-Ahead mechanism was designed have largely

disappeared from the scene. It turned out to be difficult

to implement sending the Go-Ahead signal in many operating

systems, even some systems that support native half-duplex

terminals. The difficulty is typically that the Telnet

server code does not have access to information about

whether the user process is blocked awaiting input from

the Telnet connection, i.e., it cannot reliably determine

when to send a GA command. Therefore, most Telnet Server

hosts do not send GA commands.

The effect of the rules in this section is to allow either

end of a Telnet connection to veto the use of GA commands.

There is a class of half-duplex terminals that is still

commercially important: "data entry terminals," which

interact in a full-screen manner. However, supporting

data entry terminals using the Telnet protocol does not

require the Go Ahead signal; see Section 3.3.2.

3.2.3 Control Functions: RFC-854, pp. 7-8

The list of Telnet commands has been extended to include EOR

(End-of-Record), with code 239 [TELNET:9].

Both User and Server Telnets MAY support the control functions

EOR, EC, EL, and Break, and MUST support AO, AYT, DM, IP, NOP,

SB, and SE.

A host MUST be able to receive and ignore any Telnet control

functions that it does not support.


Note that a Server Telnet is required to support the

Telnet IP (Interrupt Process) function, even if the server

host has an equivalent in-stream function (e.g., Control-C

in many systems). The Telnet IP function may be stronger

than an in-stream interrupt command, because of the out-

of-band effect of TCP urgent data.

The EOR control function may be used to delimit the

RFC1123 REMOTE LOGIN -- TELNET October 1989

stream. An important application is data entry terminal

support (see Section 3.3.2). There was concern that since

EOR had not been defined in RFC-854, a host that was not

prepared to correctly ignore unknown Telnet commands might

crash if it received an EOR. To protect such hosts, the

End-of-Record option [TELNET:9] was introduced; however, a

properly implemented Telnet program will not require this


3.2.4 Telnet "Synch" Signal: RFC-854, pp. 8-10

When it receives "urgent" TCP data, a User or Server Telnet

MUST discard all data except Telnet commands until the DM (and

end of urgent) is reached.

When it sends Telnet IP (Interrupt Process), a User Telnet

SHOULD follow it by the Telnet "Synch" sequence, i.e., send as

TCP urgent data the sequence "IAC IP IAC DM". The TCP urgent

pointer points to the DM octet.

When it receives a Telnet IP command, a Server Telnet MAY send

a Telnet "Synch" sequence back to the user, to flush the output

stream. The choice ought to be consistent with the way the

server operating system behaves when a local user interrupts a


When it receives a Telnet AO command, a Server Telnet MUST send

a Telnet "Synch" sequence back to the user, to flush the output


A User Telnet SHOULD have the capability of flushing output

when it sends a Telnet IP; see also Section 3.4.5.


There are three possible ways for a User Telnet to flush

the stream of server output data:

(1) Send AO after IP.

This will cause the server host to send a "flush-

buffered-output" signal to its operating system.

However, the AO may not take effect locally, i.e.,

stop terminal output at the User Telnet end, until

the Server Telnet has received and processed the AO

and has sent back a "Synch".

(2) Send DO TIMING-MARK [TELNET:7] after IP, and discard

all output locally until a WILL/WONT TIMING-MARK is

RFC1123 REMOTE LOGIN -- TELNET October 1989

received from the Server Telnet.

Since the DO TIMING-MARK will be processed after the

IP at the server, the reply to it should be in the

right place in the output data stream. However, the

TIMING-MARK will not send a "flush buffered output"

signal to the server operating system. Whether or

not this is needed is dependent upon the server


(3) Do both.

The best method is not entirely clear, since it must

accommodate a number of existing server hosts that do not

follow the Telnet standards in various ways. The safest

approach is probably to provide a user-controllable option

to select (1), (2), or (3).

3.2.5 NVT Printer and Keyboard: RFC-854, p. 11

In NVT mode, a Telnet SHOULD NOT send characters with the

high-order bit 1, and MUST NOT send it as a parity bit.

Implementations that pass the high-order bit to applications

SHOULD negotiate binary mode (see Section 3.2.6).


Implementors should be aware that a strict reading of

RFC-854 allows a client or server expecting NVT ASCII to

ignore characters with the high-order bit set. In

general, binary mode is expected to be used for

transmission of an extended (beyond 7-bit) character set

with Telnet.

However, there exist applications that really need an 8-

bit NVT mode, which is currently not defined, and these

existing applications do set the high-order bit during

part or all of the life of a Telnet connection. Note that

binary mode is not the same as 8-bit NVT mode, since

binary mode turns off end-of-line processing. For this

reason, the requirements on the high-order bit are stated

as SHOULD, not MUST.

RFC-854 defines a minimal set of properties of a "network

virtual terminal" or NVT; this is not meant to preclude

additional features in a real terminal. A Telnet

connection is fully transparent to all 7-bit ASCII

characters, including arbitrary ASCII control characters.

RFC1123 REMOTE LOGIN -- TELNET October 1989

For example, a terminal might support full-screen commands

coded as ASCII escape sequences; a Telnet implementation

would pass these sequences as uninterpreted data. Thus,

an NVT should not be conceived as a terminal type of a

highly-restricted device.

3.2.6 Telnet Command Structure: RFC-854, p. 13

Since options may appear at any point in the data stream, a

Telnet escape character (known as IAC, with the value 255) to

be sent as data MUST be doubled.

3.2.7 Telnet Binary Option: RFC-856

When the Binary option has been successfully negotiated,

arbitrary 8-bit characters are allowed. However, the data

stream MUST still be scanned for IAC characters, any embedded

Telnet commands MUST be obeyed, and data bytes equal to IAC

MUST be doubled. Other character processing (e.g., replacing

CR by CR NUL or by CR LF) MUST NOT be done. In particular,

there is no end-of-line convention (see Section 3.3.1) in

binary mode.


The Binary option is normally negotiated in both

directions, to change the Telnet connection from NVT mode

to "binary mode".

The sequence IAC EOR can be used to delimit blocks of data

within a binary-mode Telnet stream.

3.2.8 Telnet Terminal-Type Option: RFC-1091

The Terminal-Type option MUST use the terminal type names

officially defined in the Assigned Numbers RFC[INTRO:5], when

they are available for the particular terminal. However, the

receiver of a Terminal-Type option MUST accept any name.


RFC-1091 [TELNET:10] updates an earlier version of the

Terminal-Type option defined in RFC-930. The earlier

version allowed a server host capable of supporting

multiple terminal types to learn the type of a particular

client's terminal, assuming that each physical terminal

had an intrinsic type. However, today a "terminal" is

often really a terminal emulator program running in a PC,

perhaps capable of emulating a range of terminal types.

Therefore, RFC-1091 extends the specification to allow a

RFC1123 REMOTE LOGIN -- TELNET October 1989

more general terminal-type negotiation between User and

Server Telnets.


3.3.1 Telnet End-of-Line Convention

The Telnet protocol defines the sequence CR LF to mean "end-

of-line". For terminal input, this corresponds to a command-

completion or "end-of-line" key being pressed on a user

terminal; on an ASCII terminal, this is the CR key, but it may

also be labelled "Return" or "Enter".

When a Server Telnet receives the Telnet end-of-line sequence

CR LF as input from a remote terminal, the effect MUST be the

same as if the user had pressed the "end-of-line" key on a

local terminal. On server hosts that use ASCII, in particular,

receipt of the Telnet sequence CR LF must cause the same effect

as a local user pressing the CR key on a local terminal. Thus,

CR LF and CR NUL MUST have the same effect on an ASCII server

host when received as input over a Telnet connection.

A User Telnet MUST be able to send any of the forms: CR LF, CR

NUL, and LF. A User Telnet on an ASCII host SHOULD have a

user-controllable mode to send either CR LF or CR NUL when the

user presses the "end-of-line" key, and CR LF SHOULD be the


The Telnet end-of-line sequence CR LF MUST be used to send

Telnet data that is not terminal-to-computer (e.g., for Server

Telnet sending output, or the Telnet protocol incorporated

another application protocol).


To allow interoperability between arbitrary Telnet clients

and servers, the Telnet protocol defined a standard

representation for a line terminator. Since the ASCII

character set includes no explicit end-of-line character,

systems have chosen various representations, e.g., CR, LF,

and the sequence CR LF. The Telnet protocol chose the CR

LF sequence as the standard for network transmission.

Unfortunately, the Telnet protocol specification in RFC-

854 [TELNET:1] has turned out to be somewhat ambiguous on

what character(s) should be sent from client to server for

the "end-of-line" key. The result has been a massive and

continuing interoperability headache, made worse by

various faulty implementations of both User and Server

RFC1123 REMOTE LOGIN -- TELNET October 1989


Although the Telnet protocol is based on a perfectly

symmetric model, in a remote login session the role of the

user at a terminal differs from the role of the server

host. For example, RFC-854 defines the meaning of CR, LF,

and CR LF as output from the server, but does not specify

what the User Telnet should send when the user presses the

"end-of-line" key on the terminal; this turns out to be

the point at issue.

When a user presses the "end-of-line" key, some User

Telnet implementations send CR LF, while others send CR

NUL (based on a different interpretation of the same

sentence in RFC-854). These will be equivalent for a

correctly-implemented ASCII server host, as discussed

above. For other servers, a mode in the User Telnet is


The existence of User Telnets that send only CR NUL when

CR is pressed creates a dilemma for non-ASCII hosts: they

can either treat CR NUL as equivalent to CR LF in input,

thus precluding the possibility of entering a "bare" CR,

or else lose complete interworking.

Suppose a user on host A uses Telnet to log into a server

host B, and then execute B's User Telnet program to log

into server host C. It is desirable for the Server/User

Telnet combination on B to be as transparent as possible,

i.e., to appear as if A were connected directly to C. In

particular, correct implementation will make B transparent

to Telnet end-of-line sequences, except that CR LF may be

translated to CR NUL or vice versa.


To understand Telnet end-of-line issues, one must have at

least a general model of the relationship of Telnet to the

local operating system. The Server Telnet process is

typically coupled into the terminal driver software of the

operating system as a pseudo-terminal. A Telnet end-of-

line sequence received by the Server Telnet must have the

same effect as pressing the end-of-line key on a real

locally-connected terminal.

Operating systems that support interactive character-at-

a-time applications (e.g., editors) typically have two

internal modes for their terminal I/O: a formatted mode,

in which local conventions for end-of-line and other

RFC1123 REMOTE LOGIN -- TELNET October 1989

formatting rules have been applied to the data stream, and

a "raw" mode, in which the application has direct access

to every character as it was entered. A Server Telnet

must be implemented in such a way that these modes have

the same effect for remote as for local terminals. For

example, suppose a CR LF or CR NUL is received by the

Server Telnet on an ASCII host. In raw mode, a CR

character is passed to the application; in formatted mode,

the local system's end-of-line convention is used.

3.3.2 Data Entry Terminals


In addition to the line-oriented and character-oriented

ASCII terminals for which Telnet was designed, there are

several families of video display terminals that are

sometimes known as "data entry terminals" or DETs. The

IBM 3270 family is a well-known example.

Two Internet protocols have been designed to support

generic DETs: SUPDUP [TELNET:16, TELNET:17], and the DET

option [TELNET:18, TELNET:19]. The DET option drives a

data entry terminal over a Telnet connection using (sub-)

negotiation. SUPDUP is a completely separate terminal

protocol, which can be entered from Telnet by negotiation.

Although both SUPDUP and the DET option have been used

successfully in particular environments, neither has

gained general acceptance or wide implementation.

A different approach to DET interaction has been developed

for supporting the IBM 3270 family through Telnet,

although the same approach would be applicable to any DET.

The idea is to enter a "native DET" mode, in which the

native DET input/output stream is sent as binary data.

The Telnet EOR command is used to delimit logical records

(e.g., "screens") within this binary stream.


The rules for entering and leaving native DET mode are as


o The Server uses the Terminal-Type option [TELNET:10]

to learn that the client is a DET.

o It is conventional, but not required, that both ends

negotiate the EOR option [TELNET:9].

o Both ends negotiate the Binary option [TELNET:3] to

RFC1123 REMOTE LOGIN -- TELNET October 1989

enter native DET mode.

o When either end negotiates out of binary mode, the

other end does too, and the mode then reverts to

normal NVT.

3.3.3 Option Requirements

Every Telnet implementation MUST support the Binary option

[TELNET:3] and the Suppress Go Ahead option [TELNET:5], and

SHOULD support the Echo [TELNET:4], Status [TELNET:6], End-of-

Record [TELNET:9], and Extended Options List [TELNET:8]


A User or Server Telnet SHOULD support the Window Size Option

[TELNET:12] if the local operating system provides the

corresponding capability.


Note that the End-of-Record option only signifies that a

Telnet can receive a Telnet EOR without crashing;

therefore, every Telnet ought to be willing to accept

negotiation of the End-of-Record option. See also the

discussion in Section 3.2.3.

3.3.4 Option Initiation

When the Telnet protocol is used in a client/server situation,

the server SHOULD initiate negotiation of the terminal

interaction mode it expects.


The Telnet protocol was defined to be perfectly

symmetrical, but its application is generally asymmetric.

Remote login has been known to fail because NEITHER side

initiated negotiation of the required non-default terminal

modes. It is generally the server that determines the

preferred mode, so the server needs to initiate the

negotiation; since the negotiation is symmetric, the user

can also initiate it.

A client (User Telnet) SHOULD provide a means for users to

enable and disable the initiation of option negotiation.


A user sometimes needs to connect to an application

service (e.g., FTP or SMTP) that uses Telnet for its

RFC1123 REMOTE LOGIN -- TELNET October 1989

control stream but does not support Telnet options. User

Telnet may be used for this purpose if initiation of

option negotiation is disabled.

3.3.5 Telnet Linemode Option


An important new Telnet option, LINEMODE [TELNET:12], has

been proposed. The LINEMODE option provides a standard

way for a User Telnet and a Server Telnet to agree that

the client rather than the server will perform terminal

character processing. When the client has prepared a

complete line of text, it will send it to the server in

(usually) one TCP packet. This option will greatly

decrease the packet cost of Telnet sessions and will also

give much better user response over congested or long-

delay networks.

The LINEMODE option allows dynamic switching between local

and remote character processing. For example, the Telnet

connection will automatically negotiate into single-

character mode while a full screen editor is running, and

then return to linemode when the editor is finished.

We expect that when this RFCis released, hosts should

implement the client side of this option, and may

implement the server side of this option. To properly

implement the server side, the server needs to be able to

tell the local system not to do any input character

processing, but to remember its current terminal state and

notify the Server Telnet process whenever the state

changes. This will allow password echoing and full screen

editors to be handled properly, for example.


3.4.1 Character Set Transparency

User Telnet implementations SHOULD be able to send or receive

any 7-bit ASCII character. Where possible, any special

character interpretations by the user host's operating system

SHOULD be bypassed so that these characters can conveniently be

sent and received on the connection.

Some character value MUST be reserved as "escape to command

mode"; conventionally, doubling this character allows it to be

entered as data. The specific character used SHOULD be user


RFC1123 REMOTE LOGIN -- TELNET October 1989

On binary-mode connections, a User Telnet program MAY provide

an escape mechanism for entering arbitrary 8-bit values, if the

host operating system doesn't allow them to be entered directly

from the keyboard.


The transparency issues are less pressing on servers, but

implementors should take care in dealing with issues like:

maSKINg off parity bits (sent by an older, non-conforming

client) before they reach programs that expect only NVT

ASCII, and properly handling programs that request 8-bit

data streams.

3.4.2 Telnet Commands

A User Telnet program MUST provide a user the capability of

entering any of the Telnet control functions IP, AO, or AYT,

and SHOULD provide the capability of entering EC, EL, and


3.4.3 TCP Connection Errors

A User Telnet program SHOULD report to the user any TCP errors

that are reported by the transport layer (see "TCP/Application

Layer Interface" section in [INTRO:1]).

3.4.4 Non-Default Telnet Contact Port

A User Telnet program SHOULD allow the user to optionally

specify a non-standard contact port number at the Server Telnet


3.4.5 Flushing Output

A User Telnet program SHOULD provide the user the ability to

specify whether or not output should be flushed when an IP is

sent; see Section 3.2.4.

For any output flushing scheme that causes the User Telnet to

flush output locally until a Telnet signal is received from the

Server, there SHOULD be a way for the user to manually restore

normal output, in case the Server fails to send the expected


RFC1123 REMOTE LOGIN -- TELNET October 1989













Option Negotiation 3.2.1 x

Avoid negotiation loops 3.2.1 x

Refuse unsupported options 3.2.1 x

Negotiation OK anytime on connection 3.2.1 x

Default to NVT 3.2.1 x

Send official name in Term-Type option 3.2.8 x

Accept any name in Term-Type option 3.2.8 x

Implement Binary, Suppress-GA options 3.3.3 x

Echo, Status, EOL, Ext-Opt-List options 3.3.3 x

Implement Window-Size option if appropriate 3.3.3 x

Server initiate mode negotiations 3.3.4 x

User can enable/disable init negotiations 3.3.4 x


Non-GA server negotiate SUPPRESS-GA option 3.2.2 x

User or Server accept SUPPRESS-GA option 3.2.2 x

User Telnet ignore GA's 3.2.2 x

Control Functions

Support SE NOP DM IP AO AYT SB 3.2.3 x

Support EOR EC EL Break 3.2.3 x

Ignore unsupported control functions 3.2.3 x

User, Server discard urgent data up to DM 3.2.4 x

User Telnet send "Synch" after IP, AO, AYT 3.2.4 x

Server Telnet reply Synch to IP 3.2.4 x

Server Telnet reply Synch to AO 3.2.4 x

User Telnet can flush output when send IP 3.2.4 x


Send high-order bit in NVT mode 3.2.5 x

Send high-order bit as parity bit 3.2.5 x

Negot. BINARY if pass high-ord. bit to applic 3.2.5 x

Always double IAC data byte 3.2.6 x

RFC1123 REMOTE LOGIN -- TELNET October 1989

Double IAC data byte in binary mode 3.2.7 x

Obey Telnet cmds in binary mode 3.2.7 x

End-of-line, CR NUL in binary mode 3.2.7 x


EOL at Server same as local end-of-line 3.3.1 x

ASCII Server accept CR LF or CR NUL for EOL 3.3.1 x

User Telnet able to send CR LF, CR NUL, or LF 3.3.1 x

ASCII user able to select CR LF/CR NUL 3.3.1 x

User Telnet default mode is CR LF 3.3.1 x

Non-interactive uses CR LF for EOL 3.3.1 x

User Telnet interface

Input & output all 7-bit characters 3.4.1 x

Bypass local op sys interpretation 3.4.1 x

Escape character 3.4.1 x

User-settable escape character 3.4.1 x

Escape to enter 8-bit values 3.4.1 x

Can input IP, AO, AYT 3.4.2 x

Can input EC, EL, Break 3.4.2 x

Report TCP connection errors to user 3.4.3 x

Optional non-default contact port 3.4.4 x

Can spec: output flushed when IP sent 3.4.5 x

Can manually restore output mode 3.4.5 x

RFC1123 FILE TRANSFER -- FTP October 1989




The File Transfer Protocol FTP is the primary Internet standard

for file transfer. The current specification is contained in

RFC-959 [FTP:1].

FTP uses separate simultaneous TCP connections for control and

for data transfer. The FTP protocol includes many features,

some of which are not commonly implemented. However, for every

feature in FTP, there exists at least one implementation. The

minimum implementation defined in RFC-959 was too small, so a

somewhat larger minimum implementation is defined here.

Internet users have been unnecessarily burdened for years by

deficient FTP implementations. Protocol implementors have

suffered from the erroneous opinion that implementing FTP ought

to be a small and trivial task. This is wrong, because FTP has

a user interface, because it has to deal (correctly) with the

whole variety of communication and operating system errors that

may occur, and because it has to handle the great diversity of

real file systems in the world.


An FTP program MUST support TYPE I ("IMAGE" or binary type)

as well as TYPE L 8 ("LOCAL" type with logical byte size 8).

A machine whose memory is organized into m-bit words, where

m is not a multiple of 8, MAY also support TYPE L m.


The command "TYPE L 8" is often required to transfer

binary data between a machine whose memory is organized

into (e.g.) 36-bit words and a machine with an 8-bit

byte organization. For an 8-bit byte machine, TYPE L 8

is equivalent to IMAGE.

"TYPE L m" is sometimes specified to the FTP programs

on two m-bit word machines to ensure the correct

transfer of a native-mode binary file from one machine

to the other. However, this command should have the

same effect on these machines as "TYPE I".

RFC1123 FILE TRANSFER -- FTP October 1989 Telnet Format Control: RFC-959 Section

A host that makes no distinction between TYPE N and TYPE T

SHOULD implement TYPE T to be identical to TYPE N.


This provision should ease interoperation with hosts

that do make this distinction.

Many hosts represent text files internally as strings

of ASCII characters, using the embedded ASCII format

effector characters (LF, BS, FF, ...) to control the

format when a file is printed. For such hosts, there

is no distinction between "print" files and other

files. However, systems that use record structured

files typically need a special format for printable

files (e.g., ASA carriage control). For the latter

hosts, FTP allows a choice of TYPE N or TYPE T. Page Structure: RFC-959 Section and Appendix I

Implementation of page structure is NOT RECOMMENDED in

general. However, if a host system does need to implement

FTP for "random access" or "holey" files, it MUST use the

defined page structure format rather than define a new

private FTP format. Data Structure Transformations: RFC-959 Section 3.1.2

An FTP transformation between record-structure and file-

structure SHOULD be invertible, to the extent possible while

making the result useful on the target host.


RFC-959 required strict invertibility between record-

structure and file-structure, but in practice,

efficiency and convenience often preclude it.

Therefore, the requirement is being relaxed. There are

two different objectives for transferring a file:

processing it on the target host, or just storage. For

storage, strict invertibility is important. For

processing, the file created on the target host needs

to be in the format expected by application programs on

that host.

As an example of the conflict, imagine a record-

oriented operating system that requires some data files

to have exactly 80 bytes in each record. While STORing

RFC1123 FILE TRANSFER -- FTP October 1989

a file on such a host, an FTP Server must be able to

pad each line or record to 80 bytes; a later retrieval

of such a file cannot be strictly invertible. Data Connection Management: RFC-959 Section 3.3

A User-FTP that uses STREAM mode SHOULD send a PORT command

to assign a non-default data port before each transfer

command is issued.


This is required because of the long delay after a TCP

connection is closed until its socket pair can be

reused, to allow multiple transfers during a single FTP

session. Sending a port command can avoided if a

transfer mode other than stream is used, by leaving the

data transfer connection open between transfers. PASV Command: RFC-959 Section 4.1.2

A server-FTP MUST implement the PASV command.

If multiple third-party transfers are to be executed during

the same session, a new PASV command MUST be issued before

each transfer command, to obtain a unique port pair.


The format of the 227 reply to a PASV command is not

well standardized. In particular, an FTP client cannot

assume that the parentheses shown on page 40 of RFC-959

will be present (and in fact, Figure 3 on page 43 omits

them). Therefore, a User-FTP program that interprets

the PASV reply must scan the reply for the first digit

of the host and port numbers.

Note that the host number h1,h2,h3,h4 is the IP address

of the server host that is sending the reply, and that

p1,p2 is a non-default data transfer port that PASV has

assigned. LIST and NLST Commands: RFC-959 Section 4.1.3

The data returned by an NLST command MUST contain only a

simple list of legal pathnames, such that the server can use

them directly as the arguments of subsequent data transfer

commands for the individual files.

The data returned by a LIST or NLST command SHOULD use an

RFC1123 FILE TRANSFER -- FTP October 1989

implied TYPE AN, unless the current type is EBCDIC, in which

case an implied TYPE EN SHOULD be used.


Many FTP clients support macro-commands that will get

or put files matching a wildcard specification, using

NLST to obtain a list of pathnames. The expansion of

"multiple-put" is local to the client, but "multiple-

get" requires cooperation by the server.

The implied type for LIST and NLST is designed to

provide compatibility with existing User-FTPs, and in

particular with multiple-get commands. SITE Command: RFC-959 Section 4.1.3

A Server-FTP SHOULD use the SITE command for non-standard

features, rather than invent new private commands or

unstandardized extensions to existing commands. STOU Command: RFC-959 Section 4.1.3

The STOU command stores into a uniquely named file. When it

receives an STOU command, a Server-FTP MUST return the

actual file name in the "125 Transfer Starting" or the "150

Opening Data Connection" message that precedes the transfer

(the 250 reply code mentioned in RFC-959 is incorrect). The

exact format of these messages is hereby defined to be as


125 FILE: pppp

150 FILE: pppp

where pppp represents the unique pathname of the file that

will be written. Telnet End-of-line Code: RFC-959, Page 34

Implementors MUST NOT assume any correspondence between READ

boundaries on the control connection and the Telnet EOL

sequences (CR LF).


Thus, a server-FTP (or User-FTP) must continue reading

characters from the control connection until a complete

Telnet EOL sequence is encountered, before processing

the command (or response, respectively). Conversely, a

single READ from the control connection may include

RFC1123 FILE TRANSFER -- FTP October 1989

more than one FTP command. FTP Replies: RFC-959 Section 4.2, Page 35

A Server-FTP MUST send only correctly formatted replies on

the control connection. Note that RFC-959 (unlike earlier

versions of the FTP spec) contains no provision for a

"spontaneous" reply message.

A Server-FTP SHOULD use the reply codes defined in RFC-959

whenever they apply. However, a server-FTP MAY use a

different reply code when needed, as long as the general

rules of Section 4.2 are followed. When the implementor has

a choice between a 4xx and 5xx reply code, a Server-FTP

SHOULD send a 4xx (temporary failure) code when there is any

reasonable possibility that a failed FTP will succeed a few

hours later.

A User-FTP SHOULD generally use only the highest-order digit

of a 3-digit reply code for making a procedural decision, to

prevent difficulties when a Server-FTP uses non-standard

reply codes.

A User-FTP MUST be able to handle multi-line replies. If

the implementation imposes a limit on the number of lines

and if this limit is exceeded, the User-FTP MUST recover,

e.g., by ignoring the excess lines until the end of the

multi-line reply is reached.

A User-FTP SHOULD NOT interpret a 421 reply code ("Service

not available, closing control connection") specially, but

SHOULD detect closing of the control connection by the



Server implementations that fail to strictly follow the

reply rules often cause FTP user programs to hang.

Note that RFC-959 resolved ambiguities in the reply

rules found in earlier FTP specifications and must be


It is important to choose FTP reply codes that properly

distinguish between temporary and permanent failures,

to allow the successful use of file transfer client

daemons. These programs depend on the reply codes to

decide whether or not to retry a failed transfer; using

a permanent failure code (5xx) for a temporary error

will cause these programs to give up unnecessarily.

RFC1123 FILE TRANSFER -- FTP October 1989

When the meaning of a reply matches exactly the text

shown in RFC-959, uniformity will be enhanced by using

the RFC-959 text verbatim. However, a Server-FTP

implementor is encouraged to choose reply text that

conveys specific system-dependent information, when

appropriate. Connections: RFC-959 Section 5.2

The words "and the port used" in the second paragraph of

this section of RFC-959 are erroneous (historical), and they

should be ignored.

On a multihomed server host, the default data transfer port

(L-1) MUST be associated with the same local IP address as

the corresponding control connection to port L.

A user-FTP MUST NOT send any Telnet controls other than

SYNCH and IP on an FTP control connection. In particular, it

MUST NOT attempt to negotiate Telnet options on the control

connection. However, a server-FTP MUST be capable of

accepting and refusing Telnet negotiations (i.e., sending



Although the RFCsays: "Server- and User- processes

should follow the conventions for the Telnet

protocol...[on the control connection]", it is not the

intent that Telnet option negotiation is to be

employed. Minimum Implementation; RFC-959 Section 5.1

The following commands and options MUST be supported by

every server-FTP and user-FTP, except in cases where the

underlying file system or operating system does not allow or

support a particular command.

Type: ASCII Non-print, IMAGE, LOCAL 8

Mode: Stream

Structure: File, Record*








RFC1123 FILE TRANSFER -- FTP October 1989




*Record structure is REQUIRED only for hosts whose file

systems support record structure.


Vendors are encouraged to implement a larger subset of

the protocol. For example, there are important

robustness features in the protocol (e.g., Restart,

ABOR, block mode) that would be an aid to some Internet

users but are not widely implemented.

A host that does not have record structures in its file

system may still accept files with STRU R, recording

the byte stream literally.

4.1.3 SPECIFIC ISSUES Non-standard Command Verbs

FTP allows "experimental" commands, whose names begin with

"X". If these commands are subsequently adopted as

standards, there may still be existing implementations using

the "X" form. At present, this is true for the Directory


RFC-959 "Experimental"






All FTP implementations SHOULD recognize both forms of these

commands, by simply equating them with extra entries in the

command lookup table.


A User-FTP can access a server that supports only the

"X" forms by implementing a mode switch, or

automatically using the following procedure: if the

RFC-959 form of one of the above commands is rejected

with a 500 or 502 response code, then try the

experimental form; any other response would be passed

to the user.

RFC1123 FILE TRANSFER -- FTP October 1989 Idle Timeout

A Server-FTP process SHOULD have an idle timeout, which will

terminate the process and close the control connection if

the server is inactive (i.e., no command or data transfer in

progress) for a long period of time. The idle timeout time

SHOULD be configurable, and the default should be at least 5


A client FTP process ("User-PI" in RFC-959) will need

timeouts on responses only if it is invoked from a program.


Without a timeout, a Server-FTP process may be left

pending indefinitely if the corresponding client

crashes without closing the control connection. Concurrency of Data and Control


The intent of the designers of FTP was that a user

should be able to send a STAT command at any time while

data transfer was in progress and that the server-FTP

would reply immediately with status -- e.g., the number

of bytes transferred so far. Similarly, an ABOR

command should be possible at any time during a data


Unfortunately, some small-machine operating systems

make such concurrent programming difficult, and some

other implementers seek minimal solutions, so some FTP

implementations do not allow concurrent use of the data

and control connections. Even such a minimal server

must be prepared to accept and defer a STAT or ABOR

command that arrives during data transfer. FTP Restart Mechanism

The description of the 110 reply on pp. 40-41 of RFC-959 is

incorrect; the correct description is as follows. A restart

reply message, sent over the control connection from the

receiving FTP to the User-FTP, has the format:

110 MARK ssss = rrrr


* ssss is a text string that appeared in a Restart Marker

RFC1123 FILE TRANSFER -- FTP October 1989

in the data stream and encodes a position in the

sender's file system;

* rrrr encodes the corresponding position in the

receiver's file system.

The encoding, which is specific to a particular file system

and network implementation, is always generated and

interpreted by the same system, either sender or receiver.

When an FTP that implements restart receives a Restart

Marker in the data stream, it SHOULD force the data to that

point to be written to stable storage before encoding the

corresponding position rrrr. An FTP sending Restart Markers

MUST NOT assume that 110 replies will be returned

synchronously with the data, i.e., it must not await a 110

reply before sending more data.

Two new reply codes are hereby defined for errors

encountered in restarting a transfer:

554 Requested action not taken: invalid REST parameter.

A 554 reply may result from a FTP service command that

follows a REST command. The reply indicates that the

existing file at the Server-FTP cannot be repositioned

as specified in the REST.

555 Requested action not taken: type or stru mismatch.

A 555 reply may result from an APPE command or from any

FTP service command following a REST command. The

reply indicates that there is some mismatch between the

current transfer parameters (type and stru) and the

attributes of the existing file.


Note that the FTP Restart mechanism requires that Block

or Compressed mode be used for data transfer, to allow

the Restart Markers to be included within the data

stream. The frequency of Restart Markers can be low.

Restart Markers mark a place in the data stream, but

the receiver may be performing some transformation on

the data as it is stored into stable storage. In

general, the receiver's encoding must include any state

information necessary to restart this transformation at

any point of the FTP data stream. For example, in TYPE

RFC1123 FILE TRANSFER -- FTP October 1989

A transfers, some receiver hosts transform CR LF

sequences into a single LF character on disk. If a

Restart Marker happens to fall between CR and LF, the

receiver must encode in rrrr that the transfer must be

restarted in a "CR has been seen and discarded" state.

Note that the Restart Marker is required to be encoded

as a string of printable ASCII characters, regardless

of the type of the data.

RFC-959 says that restart information is to be returned

"to the user". This should not be taken literally. In

general, the User-FTP should save the restart

information (ssss,rrrr) in stable storage, e.g., append

it to a restart control file. An empty restart control

file should be created when the transfer first starts

and deleted automatically when the transfer completes

successfully. It is suggested that this file have a

name derived in an easily-identifiable manner from the

name of the file being transferred and the remote host

name; this is analogous to the means used by many text

editors for naming "backup" files.

There are three cases for FTP restart.

(1) User-to-Server Transfer

The User-FTP puts Restart Markers <ssss> at

convenient places in the data stream. When the

Server-FTP receives a Marker, it writes all prior

data to disk, encodes its file system position and

transformation state as rrrr, and returns a "110

MARK ssss = rrrr" reply over the control

connection. The User-FTP appends the pair

(ssss,rrrr) to its restart control file.

To restart the transfer, the User-FTP fetches the

last (ssss,rrrr) pair from the restart control

file, repositions its local file system and

transformation state using ssss, and sends the

command "REST rrrr" to the Server-FTP.

(2) Server-to-User Transfer

The Server-FTP puts Restart Markers <ssss> at

convenient places in the data stream. When the

User-FTP receives a Marker, it writes all prior

data to disk, encodes its file system position and

RFC1123 FILE TRANSFER -- FTP October 1989

transformation state as rrrr, and appends the pair

(rrrr,ssss) to its restart control file.

To restart the transfer, the User-FTP fetches the

last (rrrr,ssss) pair from the restart control

file, repositions its local file system and

transformation state using rrrr, and sends the

command "REST ssss" to the Server-FTP.

(3) Server-to-Server ("Third-Party") Transfer

The sending Server-FTP puts Restart Markers <ssss>

at convenient places in the data stream. When it

receives a Marker, the receiving Server-FTP writes

all prior data to disk, encodes its file system

position and transformation state as rrrr, and

sends a "110 MARK ssss = rrrr" reply over the

control connection to the User. The User-FTP

appends the pair (ssss,rrrr) to its restart

control file.

To restart the transfer, the User-FTP fetches the

last (ssss,rrrr) pair from the restart control

file, sends "REST ssss" to the sending Server-FTP,

and sends "REST rrrr" to the receiving Server-FTP.


This section discusses the user interface for a User-FTP

program. Pathname Specification

Since FTP is intended for use in a heterogeneous

environment, User-FTP implementations MUST support remote

pathnames as arbitrary character strings, so that their form

and content are not limited by the conventions of the local

operating system.


In particular, remote pathnames can be of arbitrary

length, and all the printing ASCII characters as well

as space (0x20) must be allowed. RFC-959 allows a

pathname to contain any 7-bit ASCII character except CR

or LF.

RFC1123 FILE TRANSFER -- FTP October 1989 "QUOTE" Command

A User-FTP program MUST implement a "QUOTE" command that

will pass an arbitrary character string to the server and

display all resulting response messages to the user.

To make the "QUOTE" command useful, a User-FTP SHOULD send

transfer control commands to the server as the user enters

them, rather than saving all the commands and sending them

to the server only when a data transfer is started.


The "QUOTE" command is essential to allow the user to

access servers that require system-specific commands

(e.g., SITE or ALLO), or to invoke new or optional

features that are not implemented by the User-FTP. For

example, "QUOTE" may be used to specify "TYPE A T" to

send a print file to hosts that require the

distinction, even if the User-FTP does not recognize

that TYPE. Displaying Replies to User

A User-FTP SHOULD display to the user the full text of all

error reply messages it receives. It SHOULD have a

"verbose" mode in which all commands it sends and the full

text and reply codes it receives are displayed, for

diagnosis of problems. Maintaining Synchronization

The state machine in a User-FTP SHOULD be forgiving of

missing and unexpected reply messages, in order to maintain

command synchronization with the server.

RFC1123 FILE TRANSFER -- FTP October 1989













Implement TYPE T if same as TYPE N x

File/Record transform invertible if poss. x

User-FTP send PORT cmd for stream mode x

Server-FTP implement PASV x

PASV is per-transfer x

NLST reply usable in RETR cmds x

Implied type for LIST and NLST x

SITE cmd for non-standard features x

STOU cmd return pathname as specified x

Use TCP READ boundaries on control conn. x

Server-FTP send only correct reply format x

Server-FTP use defined reply code if poss. x

New reply code following Section 4.2 x

User-FTP use only high digit of reply x

User-FTP handle multi-line reply lines x

User-FTP handle 421 reply specially x

Default data port same IP addr as ctl conn x

User-FTP send Telnet cmds exc. SYNCH, IP x

User-FTP negotiate Telnet options x

Server-FTP handle Telnet options x

Handle "Experimental" directory cmds x

Idle timeout in server-FTP x

Configurable idle timeout x

Receiver checkpoint data at Restart Marker x

Sender assume 110 replies are synchronous x

Support TYPE:

ASCII - Non-Print (AN) x

ASCII - Telnet (AT) -- if same as AN x

ASCII - Carriage Control (AC) 959 x

EBCDIC - (any form) 959 x



RFC1123 FILE TRANSFER -- FTP October 1989

LOCAL m x 2

Support MODE:

Stream x

Block 959 3.4.2 x


File x

Record x 3

Page x

Support commands:






SMNT 959 5.3.1 x

REIN 959 5.3.1 x




TYPE x 1

STRU x 1

MODE x 1



STOU 959 5.3.1 x


ALLO 959 5.3.1 x

REST 959 5.3.1 x



ABOR 959 5.3.1 x












RFC1123 FILE TRANSFER -- FTP October 1989

User Interface:

Arbitrary pathnames x

Implement "QUOTE" command x

Transfer control commands immediately x

Display error messages to user x

Verbose mode x

Maintain synchronization with server x


(1) For the values shown earlier.

(2) Here m is number of bits in a memory word.

(3) Required for host with record-structured file system, optional


RFC1123 FILE TRANSFER -- TFTP October 1989



The Trivial File Transfer Protocol TFTP is defined in RFC-783


TFTP provides its own reliable delivery with UDP as its

transport protocol, using a simple stop-and-wait acknowledgment

system. Since TFTP has an effective window of only one 512

octet segment, it can provide good performance only over paths

that have a small delay*bandwidth product. The TFTP file

interface is very simple, providing no access control or


TFTP's most important application is bootstrapping a host over

a local network, since it is simple and small enough to be

easily implemented in EPROM [BOOT:1, BOOT:2]. Vendors are

urged to support TFTP for booting.


The TFTP specification [TFTP:1] is written in an open style,

and does not fully specify many parts of the protocol. Transfer Modes: RFC-783, Page 3

The transfer mode "mail" SHOULD NOT be supported. UDP Header: RFC-783, Page 17

The Length field of a UDP header is incorrectly defined; it

includes the UDP header length (8).

4.2.3 SPECIFIC ISSUES Sorcerer's Apprentice Syndrome

There is a serious bug, known as the "Sorcerer's Apprentice

Syndrome," in the protocol specification. While it does not

cause incorrect operation of the transfer (the file will

always be transferred correctly if the transfer completes),

this bug may cause excessive retransmission, which may cause

the transfer to time out.

Implementations MUST contain the fix for this problem: the

sender (i.e., the side originating the DATA packets) must

never resend the current DATA packet on receipt of a

RFC1123 FILE TRANSFER -- TFTP October 1989

duplicate ACK.


The bug is caused by the protocol rule that either

side, on receiving an old duplicate datagram, may

resend the current datagram. If a packet is delayed in

the network but later successfully delivered after

either side has timed out and retransmitted a packet, a

duplicate copy of the response may be generated. If

the other side responds to this duplicate with a

duplicate of its own, then every datagram will be sent

in duplicate for the remainder of the transfer (unless

a datagram is lost, breaking the repetition). Worse

yet, since the delay is often caused by congestion,

this duplicate transmission will usually causes more

congestion, leading to more delayed packets, etc.

The following example may help to clarify this problem.


(1) Receive ACK X-1


(2) Receive DATA X

Send ACK X

(ACK X is delayed in network,

and A times out):

(3) Retransmit DATA X

(4) Receive DATA X again

Send ACK X again

(5) Receive (delayed) ACK X

Send DATA X+1

(6) Receive DATA X+1

Send ACK X+1

(7) Receive ACK X again

Send DATA X+1 again

(8) Receive DATA X+1 again

Send ACK X+1 again

(9) Receive ACK X+1

Send DATA X+2

(10) Receive DATA X+2

Send ACK X+3

(11) Receive ACK X+1 again

Send DATA X+2 again

(12) Receive DATA X+2 again

Send ACK X+3 again

RFC1123 FILE TRANSFER -- TFTP October 1989

Notice that once the delayed ACK arrives, the protocol

settles down to duplicate all further packets

(sequences 5-8 and 9-12). The problem is caused not by

either side timing out, but by both sides

retransmitting the current packet when they receive a


The fix is to break the retransmission loop, as

indicated above. This is analogous to the behavior of

TCP. It is then possible to remove the retransmission

timer on the receiver, since the resent ACK will never

cause any action; this is a useful simplification where

TFTP is used in a bootstrap program. It is OK to allow

the timer to remain, and it may be helpful if the

retransmitted ACK replaces one that was genuinely lost

in the network. The sender still requires a retransmit

timer, of course. Timeout Algorithms

A TFTP implementation MUST use an adaptive timeout.


TCP retransmission algorithms provide a useful base to

work from. At least an exponential bacKOFf of

retransmission timeout is necessary. Extensions

A variety of non-standard extensions have been made to TFTP,

including additional transfer modes and a secure operation

mode (with passwords). None of these have been

standardized. Access Control

A server TFTP implementation SHOULD include some

configurable access control over what pathnames are allowed

in TFTP operations. Broadcast Request

A TFTP request directed to a broadcast address SHOULD be

silently ignored.


Due to the weak access control capability of TFTP,

directed broadcasts of TFTP requests to random networks

RFC1123 FILE TRANSFER -- TFTP October 1989

could create a significant security hole.













Fix Sorcerer's Apprentice Syndrome x

Transfer modes:

netascii RFC-783 x

octet RFC-783 x

mail x

extensions x

Use adaptive timeout x

Configurable access control x

Silently ignore broadcast request x



RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989



In the TCP/IP protocol suite, electronic mail in a format

specified in RFC-822 [SMTP:2] is transmitted using the Simple Mail

Transfer Protocol (SMTP) defined in RFC-821 [SMTP:1].

While SMTP has remained unchanged over the years, the Internet

community has made several changes in the way SMTP is used. In

particular, the conversion to the Domain Name System (DNS) has

caused changes in address formats and in mail routing. In this

section, we assume familiarity with the concepts and terminology

of the DNS, whose requirements are given in Section 6.1.

RFC-822 specifies the Internet standard format for electronic mail

messages. RFC-822 supercedes an older standard, RFC-733, that may

still be in use in a few places, although it is obsolete. The two

formats are sometimes referred to simply by number ("822" and


RFC-822 is used in some non-Internet mail environments with

different mail transfer protocols than SMTP, and SMTP has also

been adapted for use in some non-Internet environments. Note that

this document presents the rules for the use of SMTP and RFC-822

for the Internet environment only; other mail environments that

use these protocols may be expected to have their own rules.


This section covers both RFC-821 and RFC-822.

The SMTP specification in RFC-821 is clear and contains numerous

examples, so implementors should not find it difficult to

understand. This section simply updates or annotates portions of

RFC-821 to conform with current usage.

RFC-822 is a long and dense document, defining a rich syntax.

Unfortunately, incomplete or defective implementations of RFC-822

are common. In fact, nearly all of the many formats of RFC-822

are actually used, so an implementation generally needs to

recognize and correctly interpret all of the RFC-822 syntax.

5.2.1 The SMTP Model: RFC-821 Section 2


Mail is sent by a series of request/response transactions

between a client, the "sender-SMTP," and a server, the

RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989

"receiver-SMTP". These transactions pass (1) the message

proper, which is composed of header and body, and (2) SMTP

source and destination addresses, referred to as the


The SMTP programs are analogous to Message Transfer Agents

(MTAs) of X.400. There will be another level of protocol

software, closer to the end user, that is responsible for

composing and analyzing RFC-822 message headers; this

component is known as the "User Agent" in X.400, and we

use that term in this document. There is a clear logical

distinction between the User Agent and the SMTP

implementation, since they operate on different levels of

protocol. Note, however, that this distinction is may not

be exactly reflected the structure of typical

implementations of Internet mail. Often there is a

program known as the "mailer" that implements SMTP and

also some of the User Agent functions; the rest of the

User Agent functions are included in a user interface used

for entering and reading mail.

The SMTP envelope is constructed at the originating site,

typically by the User Agent when the message is first

queued for the Sender-SMTP program. The envelope

addresses may be derived from information in the message

header, supplied by the user interface (e.g., to implement

a bcc: request), or derived from local configuration

information (e.g., expansion of a mailing list). The SMTP

envelope cannot in general be re-derived from the header

at a later stage in message delivery, so the envelope is

transmitted separately from the message itself using the

MAIL and RCPT commands of SMTP.

The text of RFC-821 suggests that mail is to be delivered

to an individual user at a host. With the advent of the

domain system and of mail routing using mail-exchange (MX)

resource records, implementors should now think of

delivering mail to a user at a domain, which may or may

not be a particular host. This DOES NOT change the fact

that SMTP is a host-to-host mail exchange protocol.

5.2.2 Canonicalization: RFC-821 Section 3.1

The domain names that a Sender-SMTP sends in MAIL and RCPT

commands MUST have been "canonicalized," i.e., they must be

fully-qualified principal names or domain literals, not

nicknames or domain abbreviations. A canonicalized name either

identifies a host directly or is an MX name; it cannot be a

RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989


5.2.3 VRFY and EXPN Commands: RFC-821 Section 3.3

A receiver-SMTP MUST implement VRFY and SHOULD implement EXPN

(this requirement overrides RFC-821). However, there MAY be

configuration information to disable VRFY and EXPN in a

particular installation; this might even allow EXPN to be

disabled for selected lists.

A new reply code is defined for the VRFY command:

252 Cannot VRFY user (e.g., info is not local), but will

take message for this user and attempt delivery.


SMTP users and administrators make regular use of these

commands for diagnosing mail delivery problems. With the

increasing use of multi-level mailing list expansion

(sometimes more than two levels), EXPN has been

increasingly important for diagnosing inadvertent mail

loops. On the other hand, some feel that EXPN represents

a significant privacy, and perhaps even a security,


5.2.4 SEND, SOML, and SAML Commands: RFC-821 Section 3.4

An SMTP MAY implement the commands to send a message to a

user's terminal: SEND, SOML, and SAML.


It has been suggested that the use of mail relaying

through an MX record is inconsistent with the intent of

SEND to deliver a message immediately and directly to a

user's terminal. However, an SMTP receiver that is unable

to write directly to the user terminal can return a "251

User Not Local" reply to the RCPT following a SEND, to

inform the originator of possibly deferred delivery.

5.2.5 HELO Command: RFC-821 Section 3.5

The sender-SMTP MUST ensure that the <domain> parameter in a

HELO command is a valid principal host domain name for the

client host. As a result, the receiver-SMTP will not have to

perform MX resolution on this name in order to validate the

HELO parameter.

The HELO receiver MAY verify that the HELO parameter really

RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989

corresponds to the IP address of the sender. However, the

receiver MUST NOT refuse to accept a message, even if the

sender's HELO command fails verification.


Verifying the HELO parameter requires a domain name lookup

and may therefore take considerable time. An alternative

tool for tracking bogus mail sources is suggested below

(see "DATA Command").

Note also that the HELO argument is still required to have

valid <domain> syntax, since it will appear in a Received:

line; otherwise, a 501 error is to be sent.


When HELO parameter validation fails, a suggested

procedure is to insert a note about the unknown

authenticity of the sender into the message header (e.g.,

in the "Received:" line).

5.2.6 Mail Relay: RFC-821 Section 3.6

We distinguish three types of mail (store-and-) forwarding:

(1) A simple forwarder or "mail exchanger" forwards a message

using private knowledge about the recipient; see section

3.2 of RFC-821.

(2) An SMTP mail "relay" forwards a message within an SMTP

mail environment as the result of an explicit source route

(as defined in section 3.6 of RFC-821). The SMTP relay

function uses the "@...:" form of source route from RFC-

822 (see Section 5.2.19 below).

(3) A mail "gateway" passes a message between different

environments. The rules for mail gateways are discussed

below in Section 5.3.7.

An Internet host that is forwarding a message but is not a

gateway to a different mail environment (i.e., it falls under

(1) or (2)) SHOULD NOT alter any existing header fields,

although the host will add an appropriate Received: line as

required in Section 5.2.8.

A Sender-SMTP SHOULD NOT send a RCPT TO: command containing an

explicit source route using the "@...:" address form. Thus,

the relay function defined in section 3.6 of RFC-821 should

not be used.

RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989


The intent is to discourage all source routing and to

abolish explicit source routing for mail delivery within

the Internet environment. Source-routing is unnecessary;

the simple target address "user@domain" should always

suffice. This is the result of an explicit architectural

decision to use universal naming rather than source

routing for mail. Thus, SMTP provides end-to-end

connectivity, and the DNS provides globally-unique,

location-independent names. MX records handle the major

case where source routing might otherwise be needed.

A receiver-SMTP MUST accept the explicit source route syntax in

the envelope, but it MAY implement the relay function as

defined in section 3.6 of RFC-821. If it does not implement

the relay function, it SHOULD attempt to deliver the message

directly to the host to the right of the right-most "@" sign.


For example, suppose a host that does not implement the

relay function receives a message with the SMTP command:

"RCPT TO:<@ALPHA,@BETA:joe@GAMMA>", where ALPHA, BETA, and

GAMMA represent domain names. Rather than immediately

refusing the message with a 550 error reply as suggested

on page 20 of RFC-821, the host should try to forward the

message to GAMMA directly, using: "RCPT TO:<joe@GAMMA>".

Since this host does not support relaying, it is not

required to update the reverse path.

Some have suggested that source routing may be needed

occasionally for manually routing mail around failures;

however, the reality and importance of this need is

controversial. The use of explicit SMTP mail relaying for

this purpose is discouraged, and in fact it may not be

successful, as many host systems do not support it. Some

have used the "%-hack" (see Section 5.2.16) for this


5.2.7 RCPT Command: RFC-821 Section 4.1.1

A host that supports a receiver-SMTP MUST support the reserved

mailbox "Postmaster".

The receiver-SMTP MAY verify RCPT parameters as they arrive;

however, RCPT responses MUST NOT be delayed beyond a reasonable

time (see Section 5.3.2).

Therefore, a "250 OK" response to a RCPT does not necessarily

RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989

imply that the delivery address(es) are valid. Errors found

after message acceptance will be reported by mailing a

notification message to an appropriate address (see Section



The set of conditions under which a RCPT parameter can be

validated immediately is an engineering design choice.

Reporting destination mailbox errors to the Sender-SMTP

before mail is transferred is generally desirable to save

time and network bandwidth, but this advantage is lost if

RCPT verification is lengthy.

For example, the receiver can verify immediately any

simple local reference, such as a single locally-

registered mailbox. On the other hand, the "reasonable

time" limitation generally implies deferring verification

of a mailing list until after the message has been

transferred and accepted, since verifying a large mailing

list can take a very long time. An implementation might

or might not choose to defer validation of addresses that

are non-local and therefore require a DNS lookup. If a

DNS lookup is performed but a soft domain system error

(e.g., timeout) occurs, validity must be assumed.

5.2.8 DATA Command: RFC-821 Section 4.1.1

Every receiver-SMTP (not just one that "accepts a message for

relaying or for final delivery" [SMTP:1]) MUST insert a

"Received:" line at the beginning of a message. In this line,

called a "time stamp line" in RFC-821:

* The FROM field SHOULD contain both (1) the name of the

source host as presented in the HELO command and (2) a

domain literal containing the IP address of the source,

determined from the TCP connection.

* The ID field MAY contain an "@" as suggested in RFC-822,

but this is not required.

* The FOR field MAY contain a list of <path> entries when

multiple RCPT commands have been given.

An Internet mail program MUST NOT change a Received: line that

was previously added to the message header.

RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989


Including both the source host and the IP source address

in the Received: line may provide enough information for

tracking illicit mail sources and eliminate a need to

explicitly verify the HELO parameter.

Received: lines are primarily intended for humans tracing

mail routes, primarily of diagnosis of faults. See also

the discussion under 5.3.7.

When the receiver-SMTP makes "final delivery" of a message,

then it MUST pass the MAIL FROM: address from the SMTP envelope

with the message, for use if an error notification message must

be sent later (see Section 5.3.3). There is an analogous

requirement when gatewaying from the Internet into a different

mail environment; see Section 5.3.7.


Note that the final reply to the DATA command depends only

upon the successful transfer and storage of the message.

Any problem with the destination address(es) must either

(1) have been reported in an SMTP error reply to the RCPT

command(s), or (2) be reported in a later error message

mailed to the originator.


The MAIL FROM: information may be passed as a parameter or

in a Return-Path: line inserted at the beginning of the


5.2.9 Command Syntax: RFC-821 Section 4.1.2

The syntax shown in RFC-821 for the MAIL FROM: command omits

the case of an empty path: "MAIL FROM: <>" (see RFC-821 Page

15). An empty reverse path MUST be supported.

5.2.10 SMTP Replies: RFC-821 Section 4.2

A receiver-SMTP SHOULD send only the reply codes listed in

section 4.2.2 of RFC-821 or in this document. A receiver-SMTP

SHOULD use the text shown in examples in RFC-821 whenever


A sender-SMTP MUST determine its actions only by the reply

code, not by the text (except for 251 and 551 replies); any

text, including no text at all, must be acceptable. The space

(blank) following the reply code is considered part of the

text. Whenever possible, a sender-SMTP SHOULD test only the

RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989

first digit of the reply code, as specified in Appendix E of



Interoperability problems have arisen with SMTP systems

using reply codes that are not listed explicitly in RFC-

821 Section 4.3 but are legal according to the theory of

reply codes explained in Appendix E.

5.2.11 Transparency: RFC-821 Section 4.5.2

Implementors MUST be sure that their mail systems always add

and delete periods to ensure message transparency.

5.2.12 WKS Use in MX Processing: RFC-974, p. 5

RFC-974 [SMTP:3] recommended that the domain system be queried

for WKS ("Well-Known Service") records, to verify that each

proposed mail target does support SMTP. Later experience has

shown that WKS is not widely supported, so the WKS step in MX

processing SHOULD NOT be used.

The following are notes on RFC-822, organized by section of that


5.2.13 RFC-822 Message Specification: RFC-822 Section 4

The syntax shown for the Return-path line omits the possibility

of a null return path, which is used to prevent looping of

error notifications (see Section 5.3.3). The complete syntax


return = "Return-path" ":" route-addr

/ "Return-path" ":" "<" ">"

The set of optional header fields is hereby expanded to include

the Content-Type field defined in RFC-1049 [SMTP:7]. This

field "allows mail reading systems to automatically identify

the type of a structured message body and to process it for

display accordingly". [SMTP:7] A User Agent MAY support this


5.2.14 RFC-822 Date and Time Specification: RFC-822 Section 5

The syntax for the date is hereby changed to:

date = 1*2DIGIT month 2*4DIGIT

RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989

All mail software SHOULD use 4-digit years in dates, to ease

the transition to the next century.

There is a strong trend towards the use of numeric timezone

indicators, and implementations SHOULD use numeric timezones

instead of timezone names. However, all implementations MUST

accept either notation. If timezone names are used, they MUST

be exactly as defined in RFC-822.

The military time zones are specified incorrectly in RFC-822:

they count the wrong way from UT (the signs are reversed). As

a result, military time zones in RFC-822 headers carry no


Finally, note that there is a typo in the definition of "zone"

in the syntax summary of appendix D; the correct definition

occurs in Section 3 of RFC-822.

5.2.15 RFC-822 Syntax Change: RFC-822 Section 6.1

The syntactic definition of "mailbox" in RFC-822 is hereby

changed to:

mailbox = addr-spec ; simple address

/ [phrase] route-addr ; name & addr-spec

That is, the phrase preceding a route address is now OPTIONAL.

This change makes the following header field legal, for


From: <craig@nnsc.nsf.net>

5.2.16 RFC-822 Local-part: RFC-822 Section 6.2

The basic mailbox address specification has the form: "local-

part@domain". Here "local-part", sometimes called the "left-

hand side" of the address, is domain-dependent.

A host that is forwarding the message but is not the

destination host implied by the right-hand side "domain" MUST

NOT interpret or modify the "local-part" of the address.

When mail is to be gatewayed from the Internet mail environment

into a foreign mail environment (see Section 5.3.7), routing

information for that foreign environment MAY be embedded within

the "local-part" of the address. The gateway will then

interpret this local part appropriately for the foreign mail


RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989


Although source routes are discouraged within the Internet

(see Section 5.2.6), there are non-Internet mail

environments whose delivery mechanisms do depend upon

source routes. Source routes for extra-Internet

environments can generally be buried in the "local-part"

of the address (see Section 5.2.16) while mail traverses

the Internet. When the mail reaches the appropriate

Internet mail gateway, the gateway will interpret the

local-part and build the necessary address or route for

the target mail environment.

For example, an Internet host might send mail to:

"a!b!c!user@gateway-domain". The complex local part

"a!b!c!user" would be uninterpreted within the Internet

domain, but could be parsed and understood by the

specified mail gateway.

An embedded source route is sometimes encoded in the

"local-part" using "%" as a right-binding routing

operator. For example, in:


the "%" convention implies that the mail is to be routed

from "relay1" through "relay2", "relay3", and finally to

"user" at "domain". This is commonly known as the "%-

hack". It is suggested that "%" have lower precedence

than any other routing operator (e.g., "!") hidden in the

local-part; for example, "a!b%c" would be interpreted as


Only the target host (in this case, "relay1") is permitted

to analyze the local-part "user%domain%relay3%relay2".

5.2.17 Domain Literals: RFC-822 Section 6.2.3

A mailer MUST be able to accept and parse an Internet domain

literal whose content ("dtext"; see RFC-822) is a dotted-

decimal host address. This satisfies the requirement of

Section 2.1 for the case of mail.

An SMTP MUST accept and recognize a domain literal for any of

its own IP addresses.

RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989

5.2.18 Common Address Formatting Errors: RFC-822 Section 6.1

Errors in formatting or parsing 822 addresses are unfortunately

common. This section mentions only the most common errors. A

User Agent MUST accept all valid RFC-822 address formats, and

MUST NOT generate illegal address syntax.

o A common error is to leave out the semicolon after a group


o Some systems fail to fully-qualify domain names in

messages they generate. The right-hand side of an "@"

sign in a header address field MUST be a fully-qualified

domain name.

For example, some systems fail to fully-qualify the From:

address; this prevents a "reply" command in the user

interface from automatically constructing a return



Although RFC-822 allows the local use of abbreviated

domain names within a domain, the application of

RFC-822 in Internet mail does not allow this. The

intent is that an Internet host must not send an SMTP

message header containing an abbreviated domain name

in an address field. This allows the address fields

of the header to be passed without alteration across

the Internet, as required in Section 5.2.6.

o Some systems mis-parse multiple-hop explicit source routes

such as:


o Some systems over-qualify domain names by adding a

trailing dot to some or all domain names in addresses or

message-ids. This violates RFC-822 syntax.

5.2.19 Explicit Source Routes: RFC-822 Section 6.2.7

Internet host software SHOULD NOT create an RFC-822 header

containing an address with an explicit source route, but MUST

accept such headers for compatibility with earlier systems.


RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989

In an understatement, RFC-822 says "The use of explicit

source routing is discouraged". Many hosts implemented

RFC-822 source routes incorrectly, so the syntax cannot be

used unambiguously in practice. Many users feel the

syntax is ugly. Explicit source routes are not needed in

the mail envelope for delivery; see Section 5.2.6. For

all these reasons, explicit source routes using the RFC-

822 notations are not to be used in Internet mail headers.

As stated in Section 5.2.16, it is necessary to allow an

explicit source route to be buried in the local-part of an

address, e.g., using the "%-hack", in order to allow mail

to be gatewayed into another environment in which explicit

source routing is necessary. The vigilant will observe

that there is no way for a User Agent to detect and

prevent the use of such implicit source routing when the

destination is within the Internet. We can only

discourage source routing of any kind within the Internet,

as unnecessary and undesirable.


5.3.1 SMTP Queueing Strategies

The common structure of a host SMTP implementation includes

user mailboxes, one or more areas for queueing messages in

transit, and one or more daemon processes for sending and

receiving mail. The exact structure will vary depending on the

needs of the users on the host and the number and size of

mailing lists supported by the host. We describe several

optimizations that have proved helpful, particularly for

mailers supporting high traffic levels.

Any queueing strategy MUST include:

o Timeouts on all activities. See Section 5.3.2.

o Never sending error messages in response to error

messages. Sending Strategy

The general model of a sender-SMTP is one or more processes

that periodically attempt to transmit outgoing mail. In a

typical system, the program that composes a message has some

method for requesting immediate attention for a new piece of

outgoing mail, while mail that cannot be transmitted

RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989

immediately MUST be queued and periodically retried by the

sender. A mail queue entry will include not only the

message itself but also the envelope information.

The sender MUST delay retrying a particular destination

after one attempt has failed. In general, the retry

interval SHOULD be at least 30 minutes; however, more

sophisticated and variable strategies will be beneficial

when the sender-SMTP can determine the reason for non-


Retries continue until the message is transmitted or the

sender gives up; the give-up time generally needs to be at

least 4-5 days. The parameters to the retry algorithm MUST

be configurable.

A sender SHOULD keep a list of hosts it cannot reach and

corresponding timeouts, rather than just retrying queued

mail items.


Experience suggests that failures are typically

transient (the target system has crashed), favoring a

policy of two connection attempts in the first hour the

message is in the queue, and then backing off to once

every two or three hours.

The sender-SMTP can shorten the queueing delay by

cooperation with the receiver-SMTP. In particular, if

mail is received from a particular address, it is good

evidence that any mail queued for that host can now be


The strategy may be further modified as a result of

multiple addresses per host (see Section 5.3.4), to

optimize delivery time vs. resource usage.

A sender-SMTP may have a large queue of messages for

each unavailable destination host, and if it retried

all these messages in every retry cycle, there would be

excessive Internet overhead and the daemon would be

blocked for a long period. Note that an SMTP can

generally determine that a delivery attempt has failed

only after a timeout of a minute or more; a one minute

timeout per connection will result in a very large

delay if it is repeated for dozens or even hundreds of

queued messages.

RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989

When the same message is to be delivered to several users on

the same host, only one copy of the message SHOULD be

transmitted. That is, the sender-SMTP should use the

command sequence: RCPT, RCPT,... RCPT, DATA instead of the

sequence: RCPT, DATA, RCPT, DATA,... RCPT, DATA.

Implementation of this efficiency feature is strongly urged.

Similarly, the sender-SMTP MAY support multiple concurrent

outgoing mail transactions to achieve timely delivery.

However, some limit SHOULD be imposed to protect the host

from devoting all its resources to mail.

The use of the different addresses of a multihomed host is

discussed below. Receiving strategy

The receiver-SMTP SHOULD attempt to keep a pending listen on

the SMTP port at all times. This will require the support

of multiple incoming TCP connections for SMTP. Some limit

MAY be imposed.


When the receiver-SMTP receives mail from a particular

host address, it could notify the sender-SMTP to retry

any mail pending for that host address.

5.3.2 Timeouts in SMTP

There are two approaches to timeouts in the sender-SMTP: (a)

limit the time for each SMTP command separately, or (b) limit

the time for the entire SMTP dialogue for a single mail

message. A sender-SMTP SHOULD use option (a), per-command

timeouts. Timeouts SHOULD be easily reconfigurable, preferably

without recompiling the SMTP code.


Timeouts are an essential feature of an SMTP

implementation. If the timeouts are too long (or worse,

there are no timeouts), Internet communication failures or

software bugs in receiver-SMTP programs can tie up SMTP

processes indefinitely. If the timeouts are too short,

resources will be wasted with attempts that time out part

way through message delivery.

If option (b) is used, the timeout has to be very large,

e.g., an hour, to allow time to expand very large mailing

lists. The timeout may also need to increase linearly

RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989

with the size of the message, to account for the time to

transmit a very large message. A large fixed timeout

leads to two problems: a failure can still tie up the

sender for a very long time, and very large messages may

still spuriously time out (which is a wasteful failure!).

Using the recommended option (a), a timer is set for each

SMTP command and for each buffer of the data transfer.

The latter means that the overall timeout is inherently

proportional to the size of the message.

Based on extensive experience with busy mail-relay hosts, the

minimum per-command timeout values SHOULD be as follows:

o Initial 220 Message: 5 minutes

A Sender-SMTP process needs to distinguish between a

failed TCP connection and a delay in receiving the initial

220 greeting message. Many receiver-SMTPs will accept a

TCP connection but delay delivery of the 220 message until

their system load will permit more mail to be processed.

o MAIL Command: 5 minutes

o RCPT Command: 5 minutes

A longer timeout would be required if processing of

mailing lists and aliases were not deferred until after

the message was accepted.

o DATA Initiation: 2 minutes

This is while awaiting the "354 Start Input" reply to a

DATA command.

o Data Block: 3 minutes

This is while awaiting the completion of each TCP SEND

call transmitting a chunk of data.

o DATA Termination: 10 minutes.

This is while awaiting the "250 OK" reply. When the

receiver gets the final period terminating the message

data, it typically performs processing to deliver the

message to a user mailbox. A spurious timeout at this

point would be very wasteful, since the message has been

RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989

successfully sent.

A receiver-SMTP SHOULD have a timeout of at least 5 minutes

while it is awaiting the next command from the sender.

5.3.3 Reliable Mail Receipt

When the receiver-SMTP accepts a piece of mail (by sending a

"250 OK" message in response to DATA), it is accepting

responsibility for delivering or relaying the message. It must

take this responsibility seriously, i.e., it MUST NOT lose the

message for frivolous reasons, e.g., because the host later

crashes or because of a predictable resource shortage.

If there is a delivery failure after acceptance of a message,

the receiver-SMTP MUST formulate and mail a notification

message. This notification MUST be sent using a null ("<>")

reverse path in the envelope; see Section 3.6 of RFC-821. The

recipient of this notification SHOULD be the address from the

envelope return path (or the Return-Path: line). However, if

this address is null ("<>"), the receiver-SMTP MUST NOT send a

notification. If the address is an explicit source route, it

SHOULD be stripped down to its final hop.


For example, suppose that an error notification must be

sent for a message that arrived with:

"MAIL FROM:<@a,@b:user@d>". The notification message

should be sent to: "RCPT TO:<user@d>".

Some delivery failures after the message is accepted by

SMTP will be unavoidable. For example, it may be

impossible for the receiver-SMTP to validate all the

delivery addresses in RCPT command(s) due to a "soft"

domain system error or because the target is a mailing

list (see earlier discussion of RCPT).

To avoid receiving duplicate messages as the result of

timeouts, a receiver-SMTP MUST seek to minimize the time

required to respond to the final "." that ends a message

transfer. See RFC-1047 [SMTP:4] for a discussion of this


5.3.4 Reliable Mail Transmission

To transmit a message, a sender-SMTP determines the IP address

of the target host from the destination address in the

envelope. Specifically, it maps the string to the right of the

RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989

"@" sign into an IP address. This mapping or the transfer

itself may fail with a soft error, in which case the sender-

SMTP will requeue the outgoing mail for a later retry, as

required in Section

When it succeeds, the mapping can result in a list of

alternative delivery addresses rather than a single address,

because of (a) multiple MX records, (b) multihoming, or both.

To provide reliable mail transmission, the sender-SMTP MUST be

able to try (and retry) each of the addresses in this list in

order, until a delivery attempt succeeds. However, there MAY

also be a configurable limit on the number of alternate

addresses that can be tried. In any case, a host SHOULD try at

least two addresses.

The following information is to be used to rank the host


(1) Multiple MX Records -- these contain a preference

indication that should be used in sorting. If there are

multiple destinations with the same preference and there

is no clear reason to favor one (e.g., by address

preference), then the sender-SMTP SHOULD pick one at

random to spread the load across multiple mail exchanges

for a specific organization; note that this is a

refinement of the procedure in [DNS:3].

(2) Multihomed host -- The destination host (perhaps taken

from the preferred MX record) may be multihomed, in which

case the domain name resolver will return a list of

alternative IP addresses. It is the responsibility of the

domain name resolver interface (see Section below)

to have ordered this list by decreasing preference, and

SMTP MUST try them in the order presented.


Although the capability to try multiple alternative

addresses is required, there may be circumstances where

specific installations want to limit or disable the use of

alternative addresses. The question of whether a sender

should attempt retries using the different addresses of a

multihomed host has been controversial. The main argument

for using the multiple addresses is that it maximizes the

probability of timely delivery, and indeed sometimes the

probability of any delivery; the counter argument is that

it may result in unnecessary resource use.

Note that resource use is also strongly determined by the

RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989

sending strategy discussed in Section 5.3.1.

5.3.5 Domain Name Support

SMTP implementations MUST use the mechanism defined in Section

6.1 for mapping between domain names and IP addresses. This

means that every Internet SMTP MUST include support for the

Internet DNS.

In particular, a sender-SMTP MUST support the MX record scheme

[SMTP:3]. See also Section 7.4 of [DNS:2] for information on

domain name support for SMTP.

5.3.6 Mailing Lists and Aliases

An SMTP-capable host SHOULD support both the alias and the list

form of address expansion for multiple delivery. When a

message is delivered or forwarded to each address of an

expanded list form, the return address in the envelope

("MAIL FROM:") MUST be changed to be the address of a person

who administers the list, but the message header MUST be left

unchanged; in particular, the "From" field of the message is



An important mail facility is a mechanism for multi-

destination delivery of a single message, by transforming

or "expanding" a pseudo-mailbox address into a list of

destination mailbox addresses. When a message is sent to

such a pseudo-mailbox (sometimes called an "exploder"),

copies are forwarded or redistributed to each mailbox in

the expanded list. We classify such a pseudo-mailbox as

an "alias" or a "list", depending upon the expansion


(a) Alias

To expand an alias, the recipient mailer simply

replaces the pseudo-mailbox address in the envelope

with each of the expanded addresses in turn; the rest

of the envelope and the message body are left

unchanged. The message is then delivered or

forwarded to each expanded address.

(b) List

A mailing list may be said to operate by

"redistribution" rather than by "forwarding". To

RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989

expand a list, the recipient mailer replaces the

pseudo-mailbox address in the envelope with each of

the expanded addresses in turn. The return address in

the envelope is changed so that all error messages

generated by the final deliveries will be returned to

a list administrator, not to the message originator,

who generally has no control over the contents of the

list and will typically find error messages annoying.

5.3.7 Mail Gatewaying

Gatewaying mail between different mail environments, i.e.,

different mail formats and protocols, is complex and does not

easily yield to standardization. See for example [SMTP:5a],

[SMTP:5b]. However, some general requirements may be given for

a gateway between the Internet and another mail environment.

(A) Header fields MAY be rewritten when necessary as messages

are gatewayed across mail environment boundaries.


This may involve interpreting the local-part of the

destination address, as suggested in Section 5.2.16.

The other mail systems gatewayed to the Internet

generally use a subset of RFC-822 headers, but some

of them do not have an equivalent to the SMTP

envelope. Therefore, when a message leaves the

Internet environment, it may be necessary to fold the

SMTP envelope information into the message header. A

possible solution would be to create new header

fields to carry the envelope information (e.g., "X-

SMTP-MAIL:" and "X-SMTP-RCPT:"); however, this would

require changes in mail programs in the foreign


(B) When forwarding a message into or out of the Internet

environment, a gateway MUST prepend a Received: line, but

it MUST NOT alter in any way a Received: line that is

already in the header.


This requirement is a subset of the general

"Received:" line requirement of Section 5.2.8; it is

restated here for emphasis.

Received: fields of messages originating from other

RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989

environments may not conform exactly to RFC822.

However, the most important use of Received: lines is

for debugging mail faults, and this debugging can be

severely hampered by well-meaning gateways that try

to "fix" a Received: line.

The gateway is strongly encouraged to indicate the

environment and protocol in the "via" clauses of

Received field(s) that it supplies.

(C) From the Internet side, the gateway SHOULD accept all

valid address formats in SMTP commands and in RFC-822

headers, and all valid RFC-822 messages. Although a

gateway must accept an RFC-822 explicit source route

("@...:" format) in either the RFC-822 header or in the

envelope, it MAY or may not act on the source route; see

Sections 5.2.6 and 5.2.19.


It is often tempting to restrict the range of

addresses accepted at the mail gateway to simplify

the translation into addresses for the remote

environment. This practice is based on the

assumption that mail users have control over the

addresses their mailers send to the mail gateway. In

practice, however, users have little control over the

addresses that are finally sent; their mailers are

free to change addresses into any legal RFC-822


(D) The gateway MUST ensure that all header fields of a

message that it forwards into the Internet meet the

requirements for Internet mail. In particular, all

addresses in "From:", "To:", "Cc:", etc., fields must be

transformed (if necessary) to satisfy RFC-822 syntax, and

they must be effective and useful for sending replies.

(E) The translation algorithm used to convert mail from the

Internet protocols to another environment's protocol

SHOULD try to ensure that error messages from the foreign

mail environment are delivered to the return path from the

SMTP envelope, not to the sender listed in the "From:"

field of the RFC-822 message.


Internet mail lists usually place the address of the

mail list maintainer in the envelope but leave the

RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989

original message header intact (with the "From:"

field containing the original sender). This yields

the behavior the average recipient expects: a reply

to the header gets sent to the original sender, not

to a mail list maintainer; however, errors get sent

to the maintainer (who can fix the problem) and not

the sender (who probably cannot).

(F) Similarly, when forwarding a message from another

environment into the Internet, the gateway SHOULD set the

envelope return path in accordance with an error message

return address, if any, supplied by the foreign


5.3.8 Maximum Message Size

Mailer software MUST be able to send and receive messages of at

least 64K bytes in length (including header), and a much larger

maximum size is highly desirable.


Although SMTP does not define the maximum size of a

message, many systems impose implementation limits.

The current de facto minimum limit in the Internet is 64K

bytes. However, electronic mail is used for a variety of

purposes that create much larger messages. For example,

mail is often used instead of FTP for transmitting ASCII

files, and in particular to transmit entire documents. As

a result, messages can be 1 megabyte or even larger. We

note that the present document together with its lower-

layer companion contains 0.5 megabytes.

RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989














Implement VRFY 5.2.3 x

Implement EXPN 5.2.3 x

EXPN, VRFY configurable 5.2.3 x

Implement SEND, SOML, SAML 5.2.4 x

Verify HELO parameter 5.2.5 x

Refuse message with bad HELO 5.2.5 x

Accept explicit src-route syntax in env. 5.2.6 x

Support "postmaster" 5.2.7 x

Process RCPT when received (except lists) 5.2.7 x

Long delay of RCPT responses 5.2.7 x

Add Received: line 5.2.8 x

Received: line include domain literal 5.2.8 x

Change previous Received: line 5.2.8 x

Pass Return-Path info (final deliv/gwy) 5.2.8 x

Support empty reverse path 5.2.9 x

Send only official reply codes 5.2.10 x

Send text from RFC-821 when appropriate 5.2.10 x

Delete "." for transparency 5.2.11 x

Accept and recognize self domain literal(s) 5.2.17 x

Error message about error message 5.3.1 x

Keep pending listen on SMTP port x

Provide limit on recv concurrency x

Wait at least 5 mins for next sender cmd 5.3.2 x

Avoidable delivery failure after "250 OK" 5.3.3 x

Send error notification msg after accept 5.3.3 x

Send using null return path 5.3.3 x

Send to envelope return path 5.3.3 x

Send to null address 5.3.3 x

Strip off explicit src route 5.3.3 x

Minimize acceptance delay (RFC-1047) 5.3.3 x


RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989


Canonicalized domain names in MAIL, RCPT 5.2.2 x

Implement SEND, SOML, SAML 5.2.4 x

Send valid principal host name in HELO 5.2.5 x

Send explicit source route in RCPT TO: 5.2.6 x

Use only reply code to determine action 5.2.10 x

Use only high digit of reply code when poss. 5.2.10 x

Add "." for transparency 5.2.11 x

Retry messages after soft failure x

Delay before retry x

Configurable retry parameters x

Retry once per each queued dest host x

Multiple RCPT's for same DATA x

Support multiple concurrent transactions x

Provide limit on concurrency x

Timeouts on all activities 5.3.1 x

Per-command timeouts 5.3.2 x

Timeouts easily reconfigurable 5.3.2 x

Recommended times 5.3.2 x

Try alternate addr's in order 5.3.4 x

Configurable limit on alternate tries 5.3.4 x

Try at least two alternates 5.3.4 x

Load-split across equal MX alternates 5.3.4 x

Use the Domain Name System 5.3.5 x

Support MX records 5.3.5 x

Use WKS records in MX processing 5.2.12 x



Alter existing header field(s) 5.2.6 x

Implement relay function: 821/section 3.6 5.2.6 x

If not, deliver to RHS domain 5.2.6 x

Interpret 'local-part' of addr 5.2.16 x


Support both 5.3.6 x

Report mail list error to local admin. 5.3.6 x


Embed foreign mail route in local-part 5.2.16 x

Rewrite header fields when necessary 5.3.7 x

Prepend Received: line 5.3.7 x

Change existing Received: line 5.3.7 x

Accept full RFC-822 on Internet side 5.3.7 x

Act on RFC-822 explicit source route 5.3.7 x

RFC1123 MAIL -- SMTP & RFC-822 October 1989

Send only valid RFC-822 on Internet side 5.3.7 x

Deliver error msgs to envelope addr 5.3.7 x

Set env return path from err return addr 5.3.7 x


Allow user to enter <route> address 5.2.6 x

Support RFC-1049 Content Type field 5.2.13 x

Use 4-digit years 5.2.14 x

Generate numeric timezones 5.2.14 x

Accept all timezones 5.2.14 x

Use non-num timezones from RFC-822 5.2.14 x

Omit phrase before route-addr 5.2.15 x

Accept and parse dot.dec. domain literals 5.2.17 x

Accept all RFC-822 address formats 5.2.18 x

Generate invalid RFC-822 address format 5.2.18 x

Fully-qualified domain names in header 5.2.18 x

Create explicit src route in header 5.2.19 x

Accept explicit src route in header 5.2.19 x

Send/recv at least 64KB messages 5.3.8 x





Every host MUST implement a resolver for the Domain Name System

(DNS), and it MUST implement a mechanism using this DNS

resolver to convert host names to IP addresses and vice-versa

[DNS:1, DNS:2].

In addition to the DNS, a host MAY also implement a host name

translation mechanism that searches a local Internet host

table. See Section for more information on this



Internet host name translation was originally performed by

searching local copies of a table of all hosts. This

table became too large to update and distribute in a

timely manner and too large to fit into many hosts, so the

DNS was invented.

The DNS creates a distributed database used primarily for

the translation between host names and host addresses.

Implementation of DNS software is required. The DNS

consists of two logically distinct parts: name servers and

resolvers (although implementations often combine these

two logical parts in the interest of efficiency) [DNS:2].

Domain name servers store authoritative data about certain

sections of the database and answer queries about the

data. Domain resolvers query domain name servers for data

on behalf of user processes. Every host therefore needs a

DNS resolver; some host machines will also need to run

domain name servers. Since no name server has complete

information, in general it is necessary to obtain

information from more than one name server to resolve a



An implementor must study references [DNS:1] and [DNS:2]

carefully. They provide a thorough description of the theory,

protocol, and implementation of the domain name system, and

reflect several years of experience.

RFC1123 SUPPORT SERVICES -- DOMAINS October 1989 Resource Records with Zero TTL: RFC-1035 Section 3.2.1

All DNS name servers and resolvers MUST properly handle RRs

with a zero TTL: return the RR to the client but do not

cache it.


Zero TTL values are interpreted to mean that the RR can

only be used for the transaction in progress, and

should not be cached; they are useful for extremely

volatile data. QCLASS Values: RFC-1035 Section 3.2.5

A query with "QCLASS=*" SHOULD NOT be used unless the

requestor is seeking data from more than one class. In

particular, if the requestor is only interested in Internet

data types, QCLASS=IN MUST be used. Unused Fields: RFC-1035 Section 4.1.1

Unused fields in a query or response message MUST be zero. Compression: RFC-1035 Section 4.1.4

Name servers MUST use compression in responses.


Compression is essential to avoid overflowing UDP

datagrams; see Section Misusing Configuration Info: RFC-1035 Section 6.1.2

Recursive name servers and full-service resolvers generally

have some configuration information containing hints about

the location of root or local name servers. An

implementation MUST NOT include any of these hints in a



Many implementors have found it convenient to store

these hints as if they were cached data, but some

neglected to ensure that this "cached data" was not

included in responses. This has caused serious

problems in the Internet when the hints were obsolete

or incorrect.


6.1.3 SPECIFIC ISSUES Resolver Implementation

A name resolver SHOULD be able to multiplex concurrent

requests if the host supports concurrent processes.

In implementing a DNS resolver, one of two different models

MAY optionally be chosen: a full-service resolver, or a stub


(A) Full-Service Resolver

A full-service resolver is a complete implementation of

the resolver service, and is capable of dealing with

communication failures, failure of individual name

servers, location of the proper name server for a given

name, etc. It must satisfy the following requirements:

o The resolver MUST implement a local caching

function to avoid repeated remote access for

identical requests, and MUST time out information

in the cache.

o The resolver SHOULD be configurable with start-up

information pointing to multiple root name servers

and multiple name servers for the local domain.

This insures that the resolver will be able to

access the whole name space in normal cases, and

will be able to access local domain information

should the local network become disconnected from

the rest of the Internet.

(B) Stub Resolver

A "stub resolver" relies on the services of a recursive

name server on the connected network or a "nearby"

network. This scheme allows the host to pass on the

burden of the resolver function to a name server on

another host. This model is often essential for less

capable hosts, such as PCs, and is also recommended

when the host is one of several workstations on a local

network, because it allows all of the workstations to

share the cache of the recursive name server and hence

reduce the number of domain requests exported by the

local network.


At a minimum, the stub resolver MUST be capable of

directing its requests to redundant recursive name

servers. Note that recursive name servers are allowed

to restrict the sources of requests that they will

honor, so the host administrator must verify that the

service will be provided. Stub resolvers MAY implement

caching if they choose, but if so, MUST timeout cached

information. Transport Protocols

DNS resolvers and recursive servers MUST support UDP, and

SHOULD support TCP, for sending (non-zone-transfer) queries.

Specifically, a DNS resolver or server that is sending a

non-zone-transfer query MUST send a UDP query first. If the

Answer section of the response is truncated and if the

requester supports TCP, it SHOULD try the query again using


DNS servers MUST be able to service UDP queries and SHOULD

be able to service TCP queries. A name server MAY limit the

resources it devotes to TCP queries, but it SHOULD NOT

refuse to service a TCP query just because it would have

succeeded with UDP.

Truncated responses MUST NOT be saved (cached) and later

used in such a way that the fact that they are truncated is



UDP is preferred over TCP for queries because UDP

queries have much lower overhead, both in packet count

and in connection state. The use of UDP is essential

for heavily-loaded servers, especially the root

servers. UDP also offers additional robustness, since

a resolver can attempt several UDP queries to different

servers for the cost of a single TCP query.

It is possible for a DNS response to be truncated,

although this is a very rare occurrence in the present

Internet DNS. Practically speaking, truncation cannot

be predicted, since it is data-dependent. The

dependencies include the number of RRs in the answer,

the size of each RR, and the savings in space realized

by the name compression algorithm. As a rule of thumb,

truncation in NS and MX lists should not occur for

answers containing 15 or fewer RRs.


Whether it is possible to use a truncated answer

depends on the application. A mailer must not use a

truncated MX response, since this could lead to mail


Responsible practices can make UDP suffice in the vast

majority of cases. Name servers must use compression

in responses. Resolvers must differentiate truncation

of the Additional section of a response (which only

loses extra information) from truncation of the Answer

section (which for MX records renders the response

unusable by mailers). Database administrators should

list only a reasonable number of primary names in lists

of name servers, MX alternatives, etc.

However, it is also clear that some new DNS record

types defined in the future will contain information

exceeding the 512 byte limit that applies to UDP, and

hence will require TCP. Thus, resolvers and name

servers should implement TCP services as a backup to

UDP today, with the knowledge that they will require

the TCP service in the future.

By private agreement, name servers and resolvers MAY arrange

to use TCP for all traffic between themselves. TCP MUST be

used for zone transfers.

A DNS server MUST have sufficient internal concurrency that

it can continue to process UDP queries while awaiting a

response or performing a zone transfer on an open TCP

connection [DNS:2].

A server MAY support a UDP query that is delivered using an

IP broadcast or multicast address. However, the Recursion

Desired bit MUST NOT be set in a query that is multicast,

and MUST be ignored by name servers receiving queries via a

broadcast or multicast address. A host that sends broadcast

or multicast DNS queries SHOULD send them only as occasional

probes, caching the IP address(es) it obtains from the

response(s) so it can normally send unicast queries.


Broadcast or (especially) IP multicast can provide a

way to locate nearby name servers without knowing their

IP addresses in advance. However, general broadcasting

of recursive queries can result in excessive and

unnecessary load on both network and servers.

RFC1123 SUPPORT SERVICES -- DOMAINS October 1989 Efficient Resource Usage

The following requirements on servers and resolvers are very

important to the health of the Internet as a whole,

particularly when DNS services are invoked repeatedly by

higher level automatic servers, such as mailers.

(1) The resolver MUST implement retransmission controls to

insure that it does not waste communication bandwidth,

and MUST impose finite bounds on the resources consumed

to respond to a single request. See [DNS:2] pages 43-

44 for specific recommendations.

(2) After a query has been retransmitted several times

without a response, an implementation MUST give up and

return a soft error to the application.

(3) All DNS name servers and resolvers SHOULD cache

temporary failures, with a timeout period of the order

of minutes.


This will prevent applications that immediately

retry soft failures (in violation of Section 2.2

of this document) from generating excessive DNS


(4) All DNS name servers and resolvers SHOULD cache

negative responses that indicate the specified name, or

data of the specified type, does not exist, as

described in [DNS:2].

(5) When a DNS server or resolver retries a UDP query, the

retry interval SHOULD be constrained by an exponential

backoff algorithm, and SHOULD also have upper and lower



A measured RTT and variance (if available) should

be used to calculate an initial retransmission

interval. If this information is not available, a

default of no less than 5 seconds should be used.

Implementations may limit the retransmission

interval, but this limit must exceed twice the

Internet maximum segment lifetime plus service

delay at the name server.

(6) When a resolver or server receives a Source Quench for


a query it has issued, it SHOULD take steps to reduce

the rate of querying that server in the near future. A

server MAY ignore a Source Quench that it receives as

the result of sending a response datagram.


One recommended action to reduce the rate is to

send the next query attempt to an alternate

server, if there is one available. Another is to

backoff the retry interval for the same server. Multihomed Hosts

When the host name-to-address function encounters a host

with multiple addresses, it SHOULD rank or sort the

addresses using knowledge of the immediately connected

network number(s) and any other applicable performance or

history information.


The different addresses of a multihomed host generally

imply different Internet paths, and some paths may be

preferable to others in performance, reliability, or

administrative restrictions. There is no general way

for the domain system to determine the best path. A

recommended approach is to base this decision on local

configuration information set by the system



The following scheme has been used successfully:

(a) Incorporate into the host configuration data a

Network-Preference List, that is simply a list of

networks in preferred order. This list may be

empty if there is no preference.

(b) When a host name is mapped into a list of IP

addresses, these addresses should be sorted by

network number, into the same order as the

corresponding networks in the Network-Preference

List. IP addresses whose networks do not appear

in the Network-Preference List should be placed at

the end of the list.

RFC1123 SUPPORT SERVICES -- DOMAINS October 1989 Extensibility

DNS software MUST support all well-known, class-independent

formats [DNS:2], and SHOULD be written to minimize the

trauma associated with the introduction of new well-known

types and local experimentation with non-standard types.


The data types and classes used by the DNS are

extensible, and thus new types will be added and old

types deleted or redefined. Introduction of new data

types ought to be dependent only upon the rules for

compression of domain names inside DNS messages, and

the translation between printable (i.e., master file)

and internal formats for Resource Records (RRs).

Compression relies on knowledge of the format of data

inside a particular RR. Hence compression must only be

used for the contents of well-known, class-independent

RRs, and must never be used for class-specific RRs or

RR types that are not well-known. The owner name of an

RR is always eligible for compression.

A name server may acquire, via zone transfer, RRs that

the server doesn't know how to convert to printable

format. A resolver can receive similar information as

the result of queries. For proper operation, this data

must be preserved, and hence the implication is that

DNS software cannot use textual formats for internal


The DNS defines domain name syntax very generally -- a

string of labels each containing up to 63 8-bit octets,

separated by dots, and with a maximum total of 255

octets. Particular applications of the DNS are

permitted to further constrain the syntax of the domain

names they use, although the DNS deployment has led to

some applications allowing more general names. In

particular, Section 2.1 of this document liberalizes

slightly the syntax of a legal Internet host name that

was defined in RFC-952 [DNS:4]. Status of RR Types

Name servers MUST be able to load all RR types except MD and

MF from configuration files. The MD and MF types are

obsolete and MUST NOT be implemented; in particular, name

servers MUST NOT load these types from configuration files.



The RR types MB, MG, MR, NULL, MINFO and RP are

considered experimental, and applications that use the

DNS cannot expect these RR types to be supported by

most domains. Furthermore these types are subject to


The TXT and WKS RR types have not been widely used by

Internet sites; as a result, an application cannot rely

on the the existence of a TXT or WKS RR in most

domains. Robustness

DNS software may need to operate in environments where the

root servers or other servers are unavailable due to network

connectivity or other problems. In this situation, DNS name

servers and resolvers MUST continue to provide service for

the reachable part of the name space, while giving temporary

failures for the rest.


Although the DNS is meant to be used primarily in the

connected Internet, it should be possible to use the

system in networks which are unconnected to the

Internet. Hence implementations must not depend on

access to root servers before providing service for

local names. Local Host Table


A host may use a local host table as a backup or

supplement to the DNS. This raises the question of

which takes precedence, the DNS or the host table; the

most flexible approach would make this a configuration


Typically, the contents of such a supplementary host

table will be determined locally by the site. However,

a publically-available table of Internet hosts is

maintained by the DDN Network Information Center (DDN

NIC), with a format documented in [DNS:4]. This table

can be retrieved from the DDN NIC using a protocol

described in [DNS:5]. It must be noted that this table

contains only a small fraction of all Internet hosts.

Hosts using this protocol to retrieve the DDN NIC host

table should use the VERSION command to check if the


table has changed before requesting the entire table

with the ALL command. The VERSION identifier should be

treated as an arbitrary string and tested only for

equality; no numerical sequence may be assumed.

The DDN NIC host table includes administrative

information that is not needed for host operation and

is therefore not currently included in the DNS

database; examples include network and gateway entries.

However, much of this additional information will be

added to the DNS in the future. Conversely, the DNS

provides essential services (in particular, MX records)

that are not available from the DDN NIC host table.

6.1.4 DNS USER INTERFACE DNS Administration

This document is concerned with design and implementation

issues in host software, not with administrative or

operational issues. However, administrative issues are of

particular importance in the DNS, since errors in particular

segments of this large distributed database can cause poor

or erroneous performance for many sites. These issues are

discussed in [DNS:6] and [DNS:7]. DNS User Interface

Hosts MUST provide an interface to the DNS for all

application programs running on the host. This interface

will typically direct requests to a system process to

perform the resolver function [DNS:1, 6.1:2].

At a minimum, the basic interface MUST support a request for

all information of a specific type and class associated with

a specific name, and it MUST return either all of the

requested information, a hard error code, or a soft error

indication. When there is no error, the basic interface

returns the complete response information without

modification, deletion, or ordering, so that the basic

interface will not need to be changed to accommodate new

data types.


The soft error indication is an essential part of the

interface, since it may not always be possible to

access particular information from the DNS; see Section


A host MAY provide other DNS interfaces tailored to

particular functions, transforming the raw domain data into

formats more suited to these functions. In particular, a

host MUST provide a DNS interface to facilitate translation

between host addresses and host names. Interface Abbreviation Facilities

User interfaces MAY provide a method for users to enter

abbreviations for commonly-used names. Although the

definition of such methods is outside of the scope of the

DNS specification, certain rules are necessary to insure

that these methods allow access to the entire DNS name space

and to prevent excessive use of Internet resources.

If an abbreviation method is provided, then:

(a) There MUST be some convention for denoting that a name

is already complete, so that the abbreviation method(s)

are suppressed. A trailing dot is the usual method.

(b) Abbreviation expansion MUST be done exactly once, and

MUST be done in the context in which the name was



For example, if an abbreviation is used in a mail

program for a destination, the abbreviation should be

expanded into a full domain name and stored in the

queued message with an indication that it is already

complete. Otherwise, the abbreviation might be

expanded with a mail system search list, not the

user's, or a name could grow due to repeated

canonicalizations attempts interacting with wildcards.

The two most common abbreviation methods are:

(1) Interface-level aliases

Interface-level aliases are conceptually implemented as

a list of alias/domain name pairs. The list can be

per-user or per-host, and separate lists can be

associated with different functions, e.g. one list for

host name-to-address translation, and a different list

for mail domains. When the user enters a name, the

interface attempts to match the name to the alias

component of a list entry, and if a matching entry can


be found, the name is replaced by the domain name found

in the pair.

Note that interface-level aliases and CNAMEs are

completely separate mechanisms; interface-level aliases

are a local matter while CNAMEs are an Internet-wide

aliasing mechanism which is a required part of any DNS


(2) Search Lists

A search list is conceptually implemented as an ordered

list of domain names. When the user enters a name, the

domain names in the search list are used as suffixes to

the user-supplied name, one by one, until a domain name

with the desired associated data is found, or the

search list is exhausted. Search lists often contain

the name of the local host's parent domain or other

ancestor domains. Search lists are often per-user or


It SHOULD be possible for an administrator to disable a

DNS search-list facility. Administrative denial may be

warranted in some cases, to prevent abuse of the DNS.

There is danger that a search-list mechanism will

generate excessive queries to the root servers while

testing whether user input is a complete domain name,

lacking a final period to mark it as complete. A

search-list mechanism MUST have one of, and SHOULD have

both of, the following two provisions to prevent this:

(a) The local resolver/name server can implement

caching of negative responses (see Section

(b) The search list expander can require two or more

interior dots in a generated domain name before it

tries using the name in a query to non-local

domain servers, such as the root.


The intent of this requirement is to avoid

excessive delay for the user as the search list is

tested, and more importantly to prevent excessive

traffic to the root and other high-level servers.

For example, if the user supplied a name "X" and

the search list contained the root as a component,


a query would have to consult a root server before

the next search list alternative could be tried.

The resulting load seen by the root servers and

gateways near the root would be multiplied by the

number of hosts in the Internet.

The negative caching alternative limits the effect

to the first time a name is used. The interior

dot rule is simpler to implement but can prevent

easy use of some top-level names.














Implement DNS name-to-address conversion 6.1.1 x

Implement DNS address-to-name conversion 6.1.1 x

Support conversions using host table 6.1.1 x

Properly handle RR with zero TTL x

Use QCLASS=* unnecessarily x

Use QCLASS=IN for Internet class x

Unused fields zero x

Use compression in responses x

Include config info in responses x

Support all well-known, class-indep. types x

Easily expand type list x

Load all RR types (except MD and MF) x

Load MD or MF type x

Operate when root servers, etc. unavailable x



Resolver support multiple concurrent requests x

Full-service resolver: x

Local caching x


Information in local cache times out x

Configurable with starting info x

Stub resolver: x

Use redundant recursive name servers x

Local caching x

Information in local cache times out x

Support for remote multi-homed hosts:

Sort multiple addresses by preference list x



Support UDP queries x

Support TCP queries x

Send query using UDP first x 1

Try TCP if UDP answers are truncated x

Name server limit TCP query resources x

Punish unnecessary TCP query x

Use truncated data as if it were not x

Private agreement to use only TCP x

Use TCP for zone transfers x

TCP usage not block UDP queries x

Support broadcast or multicast queries x

RD bit set in query x

RD bit ignored by server is b'cast/m'cast x

Send only as occasional probe for addr's x



Transmission controls, per [DNS:2] x

Finite bounds per request x

Failure after retries => soft error x

Cache temporary failures x

Cache negative responses x

Retries use exponential backoff x

Upper, lower bounds x

Client handle Source Quench x

Server ignore Source Quench x



All programs have access to DNS interface x

Able to request all info for given name x

Returns complete info or error x

Special interfaces x

Name<->Address translation x

Abbreviation Facilities: x


Convention for complete names x

Conversion exactly once x

Conversion in proper context x

Search list: x

Administrator can disable x

Prevention of excessive root queries x

Both methods x



1. Unless there is private agreement between particular resolver and

particular server.




This section discusses the initialization of host software

across a connected network, or more generally across an

Internet path. This is necessary for a diskless host, and may

optionally be used for a host with disk drives. For a diskless

host, the initialization process is called "network booting"

and is controlled by a bootstrap program located in a boot ROM.

To initialize a diskless host across the network, there are two

distinct phases:

(1) Configure the IP layer.

Diskless machines often have no permanent storage in which

to store network configuration information, so that

sufficient configuration information must be obtained

dynamically to support the loading phase that follows.

This information must include at least the IP addresses of

the host and of the boot server. To support booting

across a gateway, the address mask and a list of default

gateways are also required.

(2) Load the host system code.

During the loading phase, an appropriate file transfer

protocol is used to copy the system code across the

network from the boot server.

A host with a disk may perform the first step, dynamic

configuration. This is important for microcomputers, whose

floppy disks allow network configuration information to be

mistakenly duplicated on more than one host. Also,

installation of new hosts is much simpler if they automatically

obtain their configuration information from a central server,

saving administrator time and decreasing the probability of


6.2.2 REQUIREMENTS Dynamic Configuration

A number of protocol provisions have been made for dynamic


o ICMP Information Request/Reply messages


This obsolete message pair was designed to allow a host

to find the number of the network it is on.

Unfortunately, it was useful only if the host already

knew the host number part of its IP address,

information that hosts requiring dynamic configuration

seldom had.

o Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) [BOOT:4]

RARP is a link-layer protocol for a broadcast medium

that allows a host to find its IP address given its

link layer address. Unfortunately, RARP does not work

across IP gateways and therefore requires a RARP server

on every network. In addition, RARP does not provide

any other configuration information.

o ICMP Address Mask Request/Reply messages

These ICMP messages allow a host to learn the address

mask for a particular network interface.

o BOOTP Protocol [BOOT:2]

This protocol allows a host to determine the IP

addresses of the local host and the boot server, the

name of an appropriate boot file, and optionally the

address mask and list of default gateways. To locate a

BOOTP server, the host broadcasts a BOOTP request using

UDP. Ad hoc gateway extensions have been used to

transmit the BOOTP broadcast through gateways, and in

the future the IP Multicasting facility will provide a

standard mechanism for this purpose.

The suggested approach to dynamic configuration is to use

the BOOTP protocol with the extensions defined in "BOOTP

Vendor Information Extensions" RFC-1084 [BOOT:3]. RFC-1084

defines some important general (not vendor-specific)

extensions. In particular, these extensions allow the

address mask to be supplied in BOOTP; we RECOMMEND that the

address mask be supplied in this manner.


Historically, subnetting was defined long after IP, and

so a separate mechanism (ICMP Address Mask messages)

was designed to supply the address mask to a host.

However, the IP address mask and the corresponding IP

address conceptually form a pair, and for operational


simplicity they ought to be defined at the same time

and by the same mechanism, whether a configuration file

or a dynamic mechanism like BOOTP.

Note that BOOTP is not sufficiently general to specify

the configurations of all interfaces of a multihomed

host. A multihomed host must either use BOOTP

separately for each interface, or configure one

interface using BOOTP to perform the loading, and

perform the complete initialization from a file later.

Application layer configuration information is expected

to be obtained from files after loading of the system

code. Loading Phase

A suggested approach for the loading phase is to use TFTP

[BOOT:1] between the IP addresses established by BOOTP.

TFTP to a broadcast address SHOULD NOT be used, for reasons

explained in Section




The Internet community has recently put considerable effort

into the development of network management protocols. The

result has been a two-pronged approach [MGT:1, MGT:6]: the

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) [MGT:4] and the

Common Management Information Protocol over TCP (CMOT) [MGT:5].

In order to be managed using SNMP or CMOT, a host will need to

implement an appropriate management agent. An Internet host

SHOULD include an agent for either SNMP or CMOT.

Both SNMP and CMOT operate on a Management Information Base

(MIB) that defines a collection of management values. By

reading and setting these values, a remote application may

query and change the state of the managed system.

A standard MIB [MGT:3] has been defined for use by both

management protocols, using data types defined by the Structure

of Management Information (SMI) defined in [MGT:2]. Additional

MIB variables can be introduced under the "enterprises" and

"experimental" subtrees of the MIB naming space [MGT:2].

Every protocol module in the host SHOULD implement the relevant

MIB variables. A host SHOULD implement the MIB variables as

defined in the most recent standard MIB, and MAY implement

other MIB variables when appropriate and useful.


The MIB is intended to cover both hosts and gateways, although

there may be detailed differences in MIB application to the two

cases. This section contains the appropriate interpretation of

the MIB for hosts. It is likely that later versions of the MIB

will include more entries for host management.

A managed host must implement the following groups of MIB

object definitions: System, Interfaces, Address Translation,


The following specific interpretations apply to hosts:

o ipInHdrErrors

Note that the error "time-to-live exceeded" can occur in a

host only when it is forwarding a source-routed datagram.


o ipOutNoRoutes

This object counts datagrams discarded because no route

can be found. This may happen in a host if all the

default gateways in the host's configuration are down.

o ipFragOKs, ipFragFails, ipFragCreates

A host that does not implement intentional fragmentation

(see "Fragmentation" section of [INTRO:1]) MUST return the

value zero for these three objects.

o icmpOutRedirects

For a host, this object MUST always be zero, since hosts

do not send Redirects.

o icmpOutAddrMaskReps

For a host, this object MUST always be zero, unless the

host is an authoritative source of address mask


o ipAddrTable

For a host, the "IP Address Table" object is effectively a

table of logical interfaces.

o ipRoutingTable

For a host, the "IP Routing Table" object is effectively a

combination of the host's Routing Cache and the static

route table described in "Routing Outbound Datagrams"

section of [INTRO:1].

Within each ipRouteEntry, ipRouteMetric1...4 normally will

have no meaning for a host and SHOULD always be -1, while

ipRouteType will normally have the value "remote".

If destinations on the connected network do not appear in

the Route Cache (see "Routing Outbound Datagrams section

of [INTRO:1]), there will be no entries with ipRouteType

of "direct".


The current MIB does not include Type-of-Service in an

ipRouteEntry, but a future revision is expected to make


this addition.

We also expect the MIB to be expanded to allow the remote

management of applications (e.g., the ability to partially

reconfigure mail systems). Network service applications

such as mail systems should therefore be written with the

"hooks" for remote management.













Support SNMP or CMOT agent 6.3.1 x

Implement specified objects in standard MIB 6.3.1 x



This section lists the primary references with which every

implementer must be thoroughly familiar. It also lists some

secondary references that are suggested additional reading.


[INTRO:1] "Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Communication Layers,"

IETF Host Requirements Working Group, R. Braden, Ed., RFC-1122,

October 1989.

[INTRO:2] "DDN Protocol Handbook," NIC-50004, NIC-50005, NIC-50006,

(three volumes), SRI International, December 1985.

[INTRO:3] "Official Internet Protocols," J. Reynolds and J. Postel,

RFC-1011, May 1987.

This document is republished periodically with new RFCnumbers;

the latest version must be used.

[INTRO:4] "Protocol Document Order Information," O. Jacobsen and J.

Postel, RFC-980, March 1986.

[INTRO:5] "Assigned Numbers," J. Reynolds and J. Postel, RFC-1010,

May 1987.

This document is republished periodically with new RFCnumbers;

the latest version must be used.


[TELNET:1] "Telnet Protocol Specification," J. Postel and J.

Reynolds, RFC-854, May 1983.

[TELNET:2] "Telnet Option Specification," J. Postel and J. Reynolds,

RFC-855, May 1983.

[TELNET:3] "Telnet Binary Transmission," J. Postel and J. Reynolds,

RFC-856, May 1983.

[TELNET:4] "Telnet Echo Option," J. Postel and J. Reynolds, RFC-857,

May 1983.

[TELNET:5] "Telnet Suppress Go Ahead Option," J. Postel and J.


Reynolds, RFC-858, May 1983.

[TELNET:6] "Telnet Status Option," J. Postel and J. Reynolds, RFC-

859, May 1983.

[TELNET:7] "Telnet Timing Mark Option," J. Postel and J. Reynolds,

RFC-860, May 1983.

[TELNET:8] "Telnet Extended Options List," J. Postel and J.

Reynolds, RFC-861, May 1983.

[TELNET:9] "Telnet End-Of-Record Option," J. Postel, RFC-855,

December 1983.

[TELNET:10] "Telnet Terminal-Type Option," J. VanBokkelen, RFC-1091,

February 1989.

This document supercedes RFC-930.

[TELNET:11] "Telnet Window Size Option," D. Waitzman, RFC-1073,

October 1988.

[TELNET:12] "Telnet Linemode Option," D. Borman, RFC-1116, August


[TELNET:13] "Telnet Terminal Speed Option," C. Hedrick, RFC-1079,

December 1988.

[TELNET:14] "Telnet Remote Flow Control Option," C. Hedrick, RFC-

1080, November 1988.


[TELNET:15] "Telnet Protocol," MIL-STD-1782, U.S. Department of

Defense, May 1984.

This document is intended to describe the same protocol as RFC-

854. In case of conflict, RFC-854 takes precedence, and the

present document takes precedence over both.

[TELNET:16] "SUPDUP Protocol," M. Crispin, RFC-734, October 1977.

[TELNET:17] "Telnet SUPDUP Option," M. Crispin, RFC-736, October


[TELNET:18] "Data Entry Terminal Option," J. Day, RFC-732, June 1977.


[TELNET:19] "TELNET Data Entry Terminal option -- DODIIS

Implementation," A. Yasuda and T. Thompson, RFC-1043, February



[FTP:1] "File Transfer Protocol," J. Postel and J. Reynolds, RFC-

959, October 1985.

[FTP:2] "Document File Format Standards," J. Postel, RFC-678,

December 1974.

[FTP:3] "File Transfer Protocol," MIL-STD-1780, U.S. Department of

Defense, May 1984.

This document is based on an earlier version of the FTP

specification (RFC-765) and is obsolete.


[TFTP:1] "The TFTP Protocol Revision 2," K. Sollins, RFC-783, June



[SMTP:1] "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol," J. Postel, RFC-821, August


[SMTP:2] "Standard For The Format of ARPA Internet Text Messages,"

D. Crocker, RFC-822, August 1982.

This document obsoleted an earlier specification, RFC-733.

[SMTP:3] "Mail Routing and the Domain System," C. Partridge, RFC-

974, January 1986.

This RFCdescribes the use of MX records, a mandatory extension

to the mail delivery process.

[SMTP:4] "Duplicate Messages and SMTP," C. Partridge, RFC-1047,

February 1988.


[SMTP:5a] "Mapping between X.400 and RFC822," S. Kille, RFC-987,

June 1986.

[SMTP:5b] "Addendum to RFC-987," S. Kille, RFC-???, September 1987.

The two preceding RFC's define a proposed standard for

gatewaying mail between the Internet and the X.400 environments.

[SMTP:6] "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol," MIL-STD-1781, U.S.

Department of Defense, May 1984.

This specification is intended to describe the same protocol as

does RFC-821. However, MIL-STD-1781 is incomplete; in

particular, it does not include MX records [SMTP:3].

[SMTP:7] "A Content-Type Field for Internet Messages," M. Sirbu,

RFC-1049, March 1988.


[DNS:1] "Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities," P. Mockapetris,

RFC-1034, November 1987.

This document and the following one obsolete RFC-882, RFC-883,

and RFC-973.

[DNS:2] "Domain Names - Implementation and Specification," RFC-1035,

P. Mockapetris, November 1987.

[DNS:3] "Mail Routing and the Domain System," C. Partridge, RFC-974,

January 1986.

[DNS:4] "DoD Internet Host Table Specification," K. Harrenstein,

RFC-952, M. Stahl, E. Feinler, October 1985.


[DNS:5] "Hostname Server," K. Harrenstein, M. Stahl, E. Feinler,

RFC-953, October 1985.

[DNS:6] "Domain Administrators Guide," M. Stahl, RFC-1032, November



[DNS:7] "Domain Administrators Operations Guide," M. Lottor, RFC-

1033, November 1987.

[DNS:8] "The Domain Name System Handbook," Vol. 4 of Internet

Protocol Handbook, NIC 50007, SRI Network Information Center,

August 1989.


[BOOT:1] "Bootstrap Loading Using TFTP," R. Finlayson, RFC-906, June


[BOOT:2] "Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP)," W. Croft and J. Gilmore, RFC-

951, September 1985.

[BOOT:3] "BOOTP Vendor Information Extensions," J. Reynolds, RFC-

1084, December 1988.

Note: this RFCrevised and obsoleted RFC-1048.

[BOOT:4] "A Reverse Address Resolution Protocol," R. Finlayson, T.

Mann, J. Mogul, and M. Theimer, RFC-903, June 1984.


[MGT:1] "IAB Recommendations for the Development of Internet Network

Management Standards," V. Cerf, RFC-1052, April 1988.

[MGT:2] "Structure and Identification of Management Information for

TCP/IP-based internets," M. Rose and K. McCloghrie, RFC-1065,

August 1988.

[MGT:3] "Management Information Base for Network Management of

TCP/IP-based internets," M. Rose and K. McCloghrie, RFC-1066,

August 1988.

[MGT:4] "A Simple Network Management Protocol," J. Case, M. Fedor,

M. Schoffstall, and C. Davin, RFC-1098, April 1989.

[MGT:5] "The Common Management Information Services and Protocol

over TCP/IP," U. Warrier and L. Besaw, RFC-1095, April 1989.

[MGT:6] "Report of the Second Ad Hoc Network Management Review

Group," V. Cerf, RFC-1109, August 1989.


Security Considerations

There are many security issues in the application and support

programs of host software, but a full discussion is beyond the scope

of this RFC. Security-related issues are mentioned in sections

concerning TFTP (Sections 4.2.1,,, the SMTP VRFY and

EXPN commands (Section 5.2.3), the SMTP HELO command (5.2.5), and the

SMTP DATA command (Section 5.2.8).

Author's Address

Robert Braden

USC/Information Sciences Institute

4676 Admiralty Way

Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695

Phone: (213) 822 1511



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