
RFC730 - Extensible field addressing

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RFC730 20 May 77

Extensible Field Addressing

Network Working Group Jon Postel

Request for Comments: 730 USC-ISI

NIC: 40400 20 May 1977

Extensible Field Addressing


This memo discusses the need for and advantages of the eXPression of

addresses in a network environment as a set of fields. The suggestion

is that as the network grows the address can be extended by three

techniques: adding fields on the left, adding fields on the right, and

increasing the size of individual fields. Carl Sunshine has described

this type of addressing in a paper on source routing [1].


Change in the Host-IMP Interface

The revised Host-IMP interface provides for a larger address space for

hosts and IMPs [2]. The old inteface allowed for a 2 bit host field and

a 6 bit IMP field. The new interface allows a 8 bit host field and a 16

bit IMP field. In using the old interface it was common practice to

treat the two fields as a single eight bit quantity. When it was

necessary to refer to a host by number a decimal number was often used.

For example host 1 on IMP 1 was called host 65. Doug Wells has pointed

out some of problems associated with attempting to continue such useage

as the new interface comes into use [3]. If a per field notation had

been used no problems would arise.

Some examples of old and new host numbers are:

Host Name Host IMP old # new #


SRI-ARC 0 2 2 2

UCLA-CCN 1 1 65 65537

ISIA 1 22 86 65558

ARPA-TIP 2 28 156 131100

BBNA 3 5 197 196613

Multinetwork Systems

The prospect of interconnections of networks to form a complex

multinetwork system poses additional addressing problems. The new

Host-IMP interface specification has reserved fields in the leader to

Postel [page 1]

RFC730 20 May 77

Extensible Field Addressing

carry network addresses [2]. There is experimental work in progress on

interconnecting networks [4, 5, 6]. We should be prepared for these

extensions to the address space.

The addressing scheme should be expandable to increase in scope when

interconnections are made between complex systems.

Multiprocessor Hosts

There may be configurations of hardware that could be interfaced to a

network as a single host that in fact contain multiple processors.

Tasks could be associated with processors such that it is desirable to

dispatch network messages associated with certain sockets or message-ids

to certain processors. For example it might be desirable to service all

Telnet use from one processor and all FTP use from a different


The addressing scheme should be expandable to explicitly address the

fine structure within a host when that is desirable.

Some examples where such fine structure addressing would have been

useful in the ARPANET are:

At ISI, we have the capability of emulating computers using the PRIM

system [7]. For many applications it is desirable to add the emulated

host to the network. Since the emulation is carried out under control

of a program operating under Tenex, we have a host within a host.

Extensible addressing of hosts would provide the necessary handle.

SCRL once had a PDP-11 connected by VDH to an IMP at UCSB. It became

necessary to add a second PDP-11 to the network. The two PDP-11s were

already physically connected and it would have been a simple matter to

have the first serve as a multiplexor for both. However, because of

the limitations in the network addressing structure, there was no way

to identify the two hosts to other sites on the network. A new IMP

had to be installed!

In many other cases, it is desirable to have two hosts share the same

front end to the network. With the current limitation, one IMP port

must be consumed for each host.

Postel [page 2]

RFC730 20 May 77

Extensible Field Addressing


The necessary solution to the problem posed by the change in the

Host-IMP inteface is to always represent the address by fields. This

solution provides for a natural growth into an internetwork environment,

and allows explicit addressing of the fine structure within a host if

that is desirable.

The fields should be written in a natural way, and i believe that means

that the most general field should come first with additional fields

specifying more and more details of the address. In the current case

this would lead to the following fields:

Network / IMP / Host / Message-Identifier

A problem with simple field addressing is the desire to specify only the

fields that are necessary given the local context. A program

interpreting the address is then unsure what the first field represents.

Some clues are needed in the address specification for correct parsing

to be possible. Dave Crocker has described a syntax for a similar

problem in network Access of data [8].

Specific Sugestion

Specifically i suggest that we adopt a field based extensible address

scheme where each field is separated from its neighbors by a delimiter

character and each field has a name. When an address is specified the

name of the most general field must also be indicated.


<address> ::= <field-name> ":" <fields>

<field-name> ::= "NET" "IMP" "HOST" "MESSAGE-ID"

<fields> ::= <field> <field> "/" <fields>

<field> ::= a decimal number


NET:1/3/5/7 names message-id 7 at host 5 on imp 3 in network 1.

HOST:6 names host 6 on whatever imp this message originates on.

Postel [page 3]

RFC730 20 May 77

Extensible Field Addressing

One might ask: What is all the fuss about, isn't this a non-problem?,

The answer is: Almost. There are very few places where any real

difficulties arise, but we have to change the way we think about host

addresses. The places where there is a problem are typically little

used, except one. The place where humans will see a difficulty is in

the TIP "open" command [9], and to a lesser extent the user Telnet and

user FTP "connect" commands. Other places are in the MAIL netaddress

field, the FTP "sock" command [10], the Telnet reconnection option [11],

and in the NIC maintained list of official host names [12].


The suggestion is that we adopt field based extensible addressing to

provide for growth in three ways:

(1) growth of the number of hosts and IMPs by allowing these fields to

grow in size independently of each other;

(2) growth in scope by the addition of fields on the left to provide

for multinetwork systems;

(3) growth in fine structure by addition of fields on the right for the

implementation of hosts as mininetworks.

Postel [page 4]

RFC730 20 May 77

Extensible Field Addressing


[1] Sunshine, C. "Source Routing and Computer Networks," Computer

Communication Review, Vol. 7, Number 1, ACM Special Interest

Group on Communications (SIGCOMM), January 1977. Also

circulated as INWG General Note number 133.

[2] BBN, "The Interconnection of a Host and an IMP," Report 1822,

Bolt Beranek and Newman, Revised January 1976.

[3] Wells, D., "Impact of New IMP Leaders on Higher-level

Protocols," ARPA Network Message

[MIT-Multics]1.2.BBBJGbHZPXdDjl, MIT, 19 May 1977.

[4] Beeler, et.al. "Gateway Design for a Computer Network

Interconnection," PRTN 156, February 1976.

[5] Cerf, V., Y. Dalal, and C. Sunshine. "Specification of an

Internet Transmission Control Program," INWG General 72, RFC

675, Revised December 1974.

[6] Cerf, V. "Specification of TCP version 2," March 1977.

[7] Britt, B. et.al. "PRIM System: Overview," ISI/RR-77-58,

Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern

California, March 1977.

[8] Crocker, D., "Network Standard Data Specification Syntax," RFC

645, Network Information Center Catalog Number 30899, 27 June


[9] Malman, J., "User's Guide to the Terminal IMP," Report 2138,

Bolt Beranek and Newman, Network Information Center Catalog

Number 10916, Revised March 1976.

[10] Neigus, N., "File Transfer Protocol," RFC542, Network

Information Center Catalog Number 17759, 12 August 1973.

Contained in "ARPANET Protocol Handbook," Network Information

Center Catalog Number 7104, Revised 1 April 1976.

[11] Thomas, R., "Telnet Reconnection Option," Network Information

Center Catalog Number 15391, August 1973. Contained in "ARPANET

Protocol Handbook," Network Information Center Catalog Number

7104, Revised 1 April 1976.

[12] [Offfice-1]<NETINFO>HOSTS.TXT

Postel [page 5]

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