
RFC726 - Remote Controlled Transmission and Echoing Telnet option

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NWG/RFC# 726 JBP DHC 8-MAR-77 08:29 39237

Remote Controlled Transmission & Echoing Telnet Option

Network Working Group Jon Postel & Dave Crocker

Request for Comments: 726 SRI-ARC UC Irvine

NIC: 39237 8 March 1977

Remote Controlled Transmssion and Echoing Telnet Option


1. Command name and code: 2

RCTE 7 2a

2. Command meanings: 3


The sender of this command REQUESTS or AGREES to use

the RCTE option, and will send instructions for

controlling the other side's terminal printer. 3a1


The sender of this option REFUSES to send instructions

for controlling the other side's terminal printer. 3b1


The sender REQUEST or AGREES to have the other side

(sender of WILL RCTE) issue commands which will control

his (sender of the DO) output to the terminal printer. 3c1


The sender of this command REFUSES to allow the other

side to control his (sender of DON'T) terminal printer. 3d1

IAC SB RCTE <cmd> [BC1 BC2] [TC1 TC2] IAC SE 3e

where: 3e1

<cmd> is one 8-bit byte having the following flags

(bits are counted from the right): 3e1a

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Remote Controlled Transmission & Echoing Telnet Option

Bit Meaning 3e1b

0 0 = Ignore all other bits in this byte and

repeat the last <cmd> that was sent. Equals

a 'continue what you have been doing'.

1 = Perform actions as indicated by other bits

in this byte. 3e1c

1 0 = Print (echo) break character

1 = Skip (don't echo) break character 3e1d

2 0 = Print (echo) text up to break character

1 = Skip (don't echo) text up to break character 3e1e

3 0 = Continue using same classes of break


1 = The two 8-bit bytes following this byte

contain flags for the new break classes. 3e1f

4 0 = Continue using same classes of transmit


1 = Reset transmit classes according to the two

bytes following 1) the break classes bytes,

if the break classes are also being reset,

or 2) this byte, if the break classes are

NOT also being reset. 3e1g

Value (decimal) of the <cmd> byte and its meaning: 3e1h

0 = Continue what you have been doing 3e1i

Even numbers greater than zero (i.e. numbers with the

right most bit off) are in error and should be

interpreted as equal to zero. When the <cmd> is an

even number greater than zero, classes bytes TC1 &

TC2 and/or BC1 & BC2 must not be sent. 3e1j

1 = Print (echo) up to AND INCLUDING break character 3e1k

3 = Print up to break character and SKIP (don't echo)

break character 3e1l

5 = Skip text (don't echo) up to break character, but

PRINT break character 3e1m

7 = Skip up to and including break character 3e1n

Add one of the previous non-zero values to one of the

following values, to get the total decimal value for

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the byte (Note that classes may not be reset without

also resetting the printing action; so an odd number

is guaranteed): 3e1o

8 = Set break classes (using the next two bytes [BC1

BC2]) 3e1p

16 = Set transmission classes (using the next two

bytes [TC1 TC2]) 3e1q

24 = Set break classes (using the next two bytes [BC1

BC2]) and the transmission classes (using the two

bytes after that [TC1 TC2]). 3e1r

Sub-commands (IAC SB RCTE...) are only sent by the

controlling host and, in addition to other functions,

functionally replace the Go-Ahead (IAC GA) Telnet

feature. RCTE also functionally replaces the Echo (IAC

ECHO) Telnet option. That is the Suppress Go-Ahead

option should be in force and the Echo option should

not be in force while the RCTE option is in use. The

echo mode on terminating use of the RCTE option should

be the default state, that is DON'T ECHO, WON'T ECHO. 3e2

Classes for break and transmission (the right-most bit

of the second byte (TC2 or BC2) represents class 1; the

left-most bit of the first byte (TC1 or BC1) represents

the currently undefined class 16: 3e3

1: Upper-Case Letter (A-Z) 3e3a

2: Lower-case Letters (a-z) 3e3b

3: Numbers (0-9) 3e3c

4: Format Effectors (<BS> <CR> <LF> <FF> <HT> <VT>) 3e3d

The sequence <cr><lf> counts as one character when

processed as the Telnet end of line, and is a

single break character when class 4 is set. The

sequence <cr><nul> counts as one character and

is a break character if and only if <cr> is a

break character (i.e. class 4 is set).

5: Non-format Effector Control Characters including

<DEL> and <ESC> 3e3e

6: . , ; : ? ! 3e3f

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7: { [ ( < > ) ] } 3e3g

8: ' " / \ % @ $ & # + - * = ^ _ ~ 3e3h

9: <Space> 3e3i

And Telnet commands (IAC . . .) sent by the user are

always to have the effect of a break character. That

is, every instance of an IAC is to be treated as a

break character, except the sequence IAC IAC. 3e3j

The representation to be displayed when printing is

called for is the obvious one for the visible

characters (classes 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8). Space (class

9) is represented by a blank space. The format

effectors (class 4) by their format effect. The

non-format effector controls (class 5) print nothing

(no space). 3e4

Initially no break classes or transmission classes are

in effect. 3e5

Please note that if all the bits are set in a Telnet

subcommand argument byte such as TC2 or BC2 then that

byte must be preceeded by an <IAC> flag byte. This is

the common convention of doubling the escape character

to use its value as data. 3e6

Sub-commands (IAC SB RCTE...) are refered to as "break

reset commands". 3e7

3. Default: 4


Neither host asserts special control over the other

host's terminal printer. 4a1

4. Motivation for the option: 5

RFC's 1, 5 and 51 discuss Network and process efficiency

and smoothness. 5a

RFC357, by John Davidson, introduces the problem of

echoing delay that occurs when a remote user Accesses a

full-duplex host, thru a satellite link. In order to save

the many thousands of miles of transit time for each

echoed character, while still permitting full server

responsiveness and clean terminal output, an echo control

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Remote Controlled Transmission & Echoing Telnet Option

similar to that used by some time-sharing systems is

suggested for the entire Network. 5b

In effect, the option described in this document

involves making a using host carefully regulate the

local terminal printer according to eXPlicit

instructions from the remote (serving) host. 5b1

An important additional issue is efficient Network

transmission. Implementation of the Davidson Echoing

Scheme will eliminate almost all server-to-user echoing. 5c

The option described in this document also requests

using hosts to buffer a terminal's input to the serving

host until it forms a useful unit (with "useful unit"

delimited by break or transmission characters as

described below). Therefore, fewer messages are sent on

the user-to-server path. 5c1

N.B.: This option is only intended for use with

full-duplex hosts. The Go-Ahead Telnet feature is

completely adequate for half-duplex server hosts. Also,

RCTE should be used in place of the ECHO Telnet option.

That is the Suppress Go-Ahead option should be in force

and the Echo option should not be in force while the RCTE

option is in use. 5d

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5. Explicit description of control mechanism: 6

User Terminal Printing Action & Control Procedure 6a

Negotiate the use of the RCTE option. Once the option

is in force the user Telnet follows the following

procedure. 6a1

1) Read an item from the network. 6a2

If the item is data, then print it and go to 1. 6a2a

If the item is a command, then set the classes and go

to 2. 6a2b

2) If the terminal input buffer is empty, then go to 3,

else go to 4. 6a3

3) Wait for an item to appear either from the terminal

or from the network. 6a4

If an item appears from the terminal, then go to 4. 6a4a

If a data item appears from the network, then print

it and go to 3. 6a4b

If a command appears from the network, then an error

has occured. 6a4c

4) Read an item from the terminal input buffer. 6a5

If the item is not a break, then print/skip it and go

to 2. 6a5a

If the item is a break, then print/skip it and go to

1. 6a5b

Note: Output from the server host may occur at any

time, such "spontaneous output" is printed in step 3. 6a6

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Remote Controlled Transmission & Echoing Telnet Option

Explanation: 6b

Both Hosts agree to use the RCTE option. After that,

the using host (IAC DO RCTE) merely acts upon the

controlling (serving) host's commands and does not

issue any RCTE commands unless and until it (using

host) decides to stop allowing use of the option (by

sending IAC DON'T RCTE). 6b1

1) The using host is synchronized with the server by

initially and when ever it returns to step 1 suspending

terminal echo printing until it receives a command from

the server. 6b2

The server may send either output to the terminal

printer or a command, and usually sends a both. 6b3

The server may send output to the terminal printer

either in response to user input or spontaneously. In

the former case, the output is processed in step 1. In

the latter case, the output is processed in step 3. 6b4

Server sends an RCTE command. The command may redefine

break and transmission classes, action to be performed

on break characters, and action to be performed on

text. Each of these independent functions is controlled

by separate bits in the <cmd> byte. 6b5

A transmission character is one which RECOMMENDS that

the using host transmit all text accumulated up to

and including its occurrence. (For network

efficiency, using hosts are DISCOURAGED (but not

prohibited) from sending before the occurrence of a

transmission character, as defined at the moment the

character is typed). 6b5a

If the transmission classes bit (bit 4) is on, the

two bytes following the two break classes bytes (or

immediately following the <cmd> byte, if the break

classes bit is not on) will indicate what classes

are to be enabled.

If the bit is OFF, the transmission classes remain

unchanged. When the RCTE option is first initiated,

NO CLASSES are in effect. That is, no character

will be considered a transmission character. (As if

both TC1 and TC2 are zero.)

A break character REQUIRES that the using host

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transmit all text accumulated up to and including its

occurrence and also causes the using host to stop its

print/discard action upon the user's input text,

until directed to do otherwise by another IAC SB RCTE

<cmd> IAC SE command from the serving host. Break

characters therefore define printing units. "Break

character" as used in this document does NOT mean

Telnet Break character. 6b5b

If the break classes bit (bit 3) is on, the two

bytes following <cmd> will indicate what classes

are to be enabled. There are currently nine (9)

classes defined, with room for expansion.

If the bit is OFF, the break classes remain

unchanged. When the RCTE option is initiated, NO

CLASSES are to be in effect. That is, no

transmission will take place in the user to server

direction until the first break reset command is

received by the user from the server.

The list of character classes, used to define break

and transmission classes are listed at the end of

this document, in the Tables Section. 6b5c

Because break characters are special, the

print/discard action that should be performed upon

them is not always the same as should be performed

upon the rest of the input text. 6b5d

For example, while typing a filename to TENEX, I

want the text of the filename to be printed

(echoed); but I do not want the <escape> (if I use

the name completion feature) to be printed.

If bit 1 is ON the break character is NOT to be


A separate bit (bit 2) signals whether or not the

text itself should be printed (echoed) to the

terminal. If bit 2 = 0, then the text IS to be

printed. 6b5e

Yet another bit (bit 0 - right-most bit) signals

whether or not any of the other bits of the command

should be checked. If this bit is OFF, then the

command should be interpreted to mean "continue

whatever echoing strategy you have been following,

using the same break and transmission classes." 6b5f

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2) The user Telnet now checks the terminal input

buffer, if it contains data it is processed in step 4,

otherwise the user Telnet waits in step 3 for further

developments. 6b6

3) The user Telnet waits until either the human user

enters some data in which case Telnet proceeeds to step

4, or an item is received from the network. If the item

from the network is data it is spontaneous output and

is printed, Telnet then continues to wait. If the item

from the network is a command then an error has

occured. In this case the user Telnet may attempt to

resynchronize the use of RCTE as indicated below. 6b7

4) Items from the terminal are processed with printing

controlled by the settings of the latest break reset

command. When a break character is processed, the cycle

of control is complete and action re-commences at step

1. 6b8

Input from the terminal is (hopefully) buffered into

units ending with a transmission or break character;

and echoing of input text is suspended after the

occurrence of a break character and until receipt of a

break reset command from the serving host. The most

recent break reset command determines the break

actions. 6b9

In summary, what is required is that for every break

character sent in the user to server direction there be

a break reset command sent in the server to user

direction. The user host initially has no knowledge of

which characters are break characters and so starts in

a state that assumes that there are no break characters

and also that no echoing is to be provided. The server

host is expected to send a break reset command to

establish the break classes and the echoing mode before

it receives any data from the user. 6b10

Synchronization and Resynchronization: 6c

The serving and using hosts must carefully synchronize

break reset commands with the transmission of break

characters. Except at the beginning of an interaction,

the serving host may only send a break reset command in

response to the Using host's having sent a break

character as defined at that time. This should

establish a one-to-one correspondence between them. (A

<cmd> value of zero, in this context, is interpreted as

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Remote Controlled Transmission & Echoing Telnet Option

a break classes reset to the same class(es) as before.)

The break reset command may be preceded by terminal

output. 6c1

The re-synchronization of the break characters and the

break reset commands is done via the exchange of the

Telnet signal Abort Output (AO) in the server to user

direction and the SYNCH in the user to server

direction. 6c2

Suppose the server wants to resynchronize the break

characters and the break reset commands. 6c3

a. The server should be sure all output to the

terminal has been printed by using, for example, the

Timing Mark Option. 6c3a

b. The server sends the AO signal. 6c3b

c. The user receives the AO signal. The user flushes

all user to server data wheather it has been echoed

or not. The user sends a SYNCH to the server. [The

SYNCH consists of the Telnet Data Mark (DM) and the

host-to-host interrupt (INS).] The user now enters

the initial state at step 1. 6c3c

d. The server receives the SYNCH and flushes any

data preceeding the DM (as always). The server now

sends a break reset command. (Actually the break

reset command could be sent at any time following the

AO.) 6c3d

Suppose the user wants to resynchronize the break

characters and the break reset commands. 6c4

a. The user should discard all user to server data

wheather it has been echoed or not. 6c4a

b. The user sends the AO signal. The user now enters

the algorithm at step 1. 6c4b

c. The server receives the AO signal. The server

discards all data buffered but not yet sent to the

user. The server sends a SYNCH to the user. The

server sends a break reset command to the user. 6c4c

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Remote Controlled Transmission & Echoing Telnet Option

Notes and Comments: 6d

Even-numbered commands, greater than zero, are in

error, since they will have the low-order bit off. The

command should be interpreted as equal to zero, which

means that any classes reset bytes ([TC1 TC2] [BC1

BC2]) will be in error. (The IAC SE, at the end of the

command, eliminates any parsing problems due to this

error.) 6d1

Serving hosts will generally instruct using hosts not

to echo break characters, even though it might be

alright to echo most break characters. For example,

<cr> is usually a safe character to echo but <esc> is

not. TENEX Exec is willing to accept either, during

filename specification. Therefore, the using host must

be instructed not to echo any break characters. 6d2

This is generally a tolerable problem, since the

serving host has to send an RCTE command at this

point, anyhow. Adding an echo for the break character

to the message will not cause any extra network

traffic. 6d2a

The RCTE Option entails a rather large overhead. In a

true character-at-a-time situation, this overhead is

not justified. But on the average, it should result in

significant savings, both in network traffic and host

wake-ups. 6d3

Buffering Problems and Transmission vs. Printing

Constraints: 6d4

There are NO mandatory transmission constraints. The

using host is allowed to send a character a time,

though this would be a waste of RCTE. The

transmission classes commands are GUIDELINES, so

deviating from them, as when the user's buffer gets

full, is allowed. 6d4a

Additionally, the using host may send a break class

character, without knowing that it is one (as with

type-ahead). 6d4b

If the user implementation is clever it may send

the user entered data to the server before it is

actually needed. This type ahead data may contain

break characters.

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Remote Controlled Transmission & Echoing Telnet Option

Assume that only space is a break character (that

is the last break reset command specified print up

to and including the break characters and set the

break classes to class 9). Suppose the user had

typed "abc<space>def<esc>ghi<cr>". The user side

RCTE could send it all to the server, but it could

print only "abc<space>", and would have to buffer

"def<esc>ghi<cr>" at least until a break reset

command was received from the server. That break

reset command could change the break ckasses

requiring rescanning the buffered string.

For example suppose the break reset command set the

break characters to class 5 and the action to print

up to but not including the break character. The

user RCTE could then print "def" and discard the

<esc>, but whould have to continue to buffer the


The problem with buffering occurs when printing on

the user's terminal must be suspended, after the user

has typed a currently valid break character and until

a break reset command is received from the serving

host. During this time, the user may be typing

merrily along. The text being typed may be SENT, but

may not yet be PRINTED. 6d4c

The more common problem of filling the transmission

buffer, while awaiting a host to host allocate from

the serving host, may also occur, but this problem is

well known to implementors and in no way special to

RCTE. 6d4d

In any case, when the buffer does fill and further

text typed by the user will be lost, the user should

be notified (perhaps by ringing the terminal bell). 6d4e

Text should be buffered by the using host until the

user types a character which belongs to the

transmission class in force at the moment the character

is typed. 6d5

Transmission class reset commands may be sent by the

serving host at any time. If they are frequently sent

separate from break class reset commands, it will

probably be better to exit from RCTE and enter regular

character at a time transmission. 6d6

It is not immediately clear what the using host should

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Remote Controlled Transmission & Echoing Telnet Option

do with currently buffered text, when a transmission

classes reset command is received. The buffering is

according to the previous transmission classes scheme. 6d7

The using host clearly should not simply wait until a

transmission character (according to the new scheme)

is typed. 6d7a

Either the buffered text should be rescanned, under

the new scheme; 6d7b

Or the buffered text should simply be sent as a

group. This is the simpler approach, and probably

quite adequate. 6d7c

It is possible to define NO BREAK CHARACTERS except

Telnet commands (IAC ...). This seems undesirable and

should not be done. 6d8

If this situation were to occur the using host should

send a Telnet command to allow the server to know

when he may reset the break classes, but the

mechanism is awkward and this case should be avoided. 6d8a

6. Sample Interaction: 7

"S:" is sent from serving (WILL RCTE) host to using host.

"U:" is sent from using (DO RCTE) host to serving host.

"T:" is entered by the terminal user.

"P:" is printed on the terminal.

Text surrounded by square brackets ([]) is commentary.

Text surrounded by angle brackets (<>) is to be taken as

a single unit. E.g., carriage return is <cr>, and the

decimal value 27 is represented <27>. 7a

The following interaction shows a logon to a Tenex,

initiation of the DED editor, insertion of some text and

the return to the Exec level. 7b

An attempt has been made to give some flavor of the

asynchrony of network I/O and the user's terminal

input. Many other possible combinations, using the same

set of actions listed below, could be devised. The

actual order of events will depend upon network and

hosts' load and the user's typing speed. 7b1

We assume that the user's Telnet is also in an "insert

linefeed" mode. That is, whenever the user types carriage

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Remote Controlled Transmission & Echoing Telnet Option

return <cr> the user Telnet sends both carriage return

and linefeed <cr><lf> (the Telnet end of line signal).

When space character occurs at the end of a line in the

example description it is shown explicitly by <sp> to

avoid confusion. Other uses of the space character are

not so marked to avoid destroying the readability of the

example. 7c

A Telnet connection has already been opened, but the

TENEX prompt has not yet been issued. The hosts first

discuss using the RCTE option: 7d

S: <IAC><WILL><RCTE> 7d1

U: <IAC><DO><RCTE> 7d2

S: TENEX 1.31.18, TENEX EXEC 1.50.2<cr><lf>@

<IAC><SB><RCTE><11><1><24><IAC><SE> 7d3

[Print the herald and echo input text up to a break

character, but do not echo the break character.

Classes 4 (Format Effectors), 5 (Non-format Effector

Controls and <DEL>), and 9 (<sp>) act as break

characters.] 7d3a

P: TENEX 1.31.18, TENEX EXEC 1.50.2<cr><lf>@ 7d4

T: LOGIN ARPA<cr> 7d5

P: LOGIN 7d6

U: LOGIN<sp> 7d7

U: ARPA<cr><lf> 7d8

S: <sp><IAC><SB><RCTE><0><IAC>SE> 7d9

P: <sp>ARPA 7d10

S: <cr><lf>(PASSWord): <IAC><SB><RCTE><7><IAC><SE> 7d11

P: <cr><lf>(PASSWORD):<sp> 7d12

T: WASHINGTON 1000<cr> 7d13

[The password "WASHINGTON" is not echoed. Printing of

"1000<cr>" is withheld] 7d13a

U: WASHINGTON<sp> 7d14

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U: 1000<cr><lf> 7d15

S: <sp><IAC><SB><RCTE><3><IAC><SE> 7d16

S: <cr><lf>JOB 17 ON TTY41 7-JUN-73 14:13<cr><lf>@

<IAC><SB><RCTE><0><IAC><SE> 7d17

P: <sp>1000 7d18

[Printing is slow at this point; so the account

number is not printed as soon as the server's command

for it is received.] 7d18a

P: <cr><lf>JOB 17 ON TTY41 7-JUN-73 14:13<cr><lf>@ 7d19

T: DED<esc><cr> 7d20

P: DED 7d21

U: DED<esc> 7d22

S: .SAV;1<IAC><SB><RCTE><0><IAC><SE> 7d23

P: .SAV;1 7d24

U: <cr><lf> 7d25

S: <cr><lf><lf>DED 3/14/73 DRO,KRK<cr><lf>:

<IAC><SB><RCTE><15><1><IAC><255><IAC><SE> 7d26

[The program is started and the DED prompt ":" is

sent. At the command level, DED responds to every

character. The server sets the break classes to all

classes.] 7d26a

P: <cr><lf><lf>DED 3/14/73 DRO,KRK<cr><lf>: 7d27

T: IThis is a test line.<cr>This is another test

line.<^Z>Q 7d28

["I" means Insert Text. The text follows, terminated

by a Control-Z. The "Q" instructs DED to Quit.] 7d28a

U: I 7d29

U: This is a test line.<cr><lf> 7d30

S: I<cr><lf>*<IAC><SB><RCTE><11><0><24><IAC><SE> 7d31

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[DED prompts the user, during text input, with an

asterisk at the beginning of every line. The server

sets the break classes to classes 4 and 5, the format

effectors and the non-format effector controls.] 7d31a

P: I<cr><lf>*This is a test line. 7d32

S: <cr><lf>*<IAC><SB><RCTE><0><IAC><SE> 7d33

P: <cr><lf>*This is another test line. 7d34

U: This is another test line.<^Z> 7d35

U: Q 7d36

[Note that the "Q" will not immediately be printed on

the terminal, since it must wait for authorization.] 7d36a

S: ^Z<cr><lf>:<IAC><SB><RCTE><15><1><IAC><255><IAC><SE> 7d37

[The returned "^Z" is two characters, not the ASCII

Control-Z or <sub>.] 7d37a

S: Q<cr><lf>@<IAC><SB><RCTE><11><1><24><IAC><SE> 7d38

P: Q<cr><lf>@ 7d39

And the user is returned to the Exec level. 7d40

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