
RFC773 - Comments on NCP/TCP mail service transition strategy

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Network Working Group V. Cerf

Request for Comments: 773 DARPA

October 1980



This memo reviews and eXPands on the mail service transition plan


The principal aim of the plan is to provide for the orderly support

of the most commonly used network service (mail) during the period of

transition from ARPANET to Internet Protocol-based operation.

The goal of the transition is, at the end, to provide in the internet

environment service which is equivalent to or better than what has

been available in the ARPANET environment. During the interim

period, when both internet and the older ARPANET-based protocols are

in use, the goal of the transition is to minimize user impact and, to

the extent possible, to minimize software development or modification

required to deal with transitional problems.

It is assumed that the reader is familiar with both the ARPANET and

internet protocol hierarchies [1-17]. The internet hierarchy is

designed to interface to many different packet networks (e.g., packet

satellite, packet radio, Ethernet, LCS Ring net, X.25 public

nets, ...), while the ARPANET hierarchy is limited to ARPANET IMPs

(This is less true of the levels above NCP, but NCP itself is closely

bound to ARPANET services).

The objective of the transition plan is to specify means by which the

ARPANET electronic mail services may be supported across the boundary

between the purely ARPANET environment and the more general internet

environment during the period of transition by ARPANET hosts to the

richer internet world.


DARPA is beginning a new phase of research into automatic electronic

message handling systems. Ultimately, it is intended that electronic

messages incorporate multiple media such as text, facsimile,

compressed digitized voice, graphics and so on. Success in this new

research will require substantial progress in developing multimode

user interfaces to computer-based services (voice input/output,

graphics, tablet/light pen, facsimile input/output, video/bit mapped

displays, ...).

At the same time, progress must be made towards an environment based

on internet protocols so as to avoid confining the results of the


October 1980 RFC773

multimedia effort to any one network. As a result, DARPA is planning

to make several transitions over the next few years, from the

existing, text-based ARPANET electronic message system to an

internet-based, multimedia electronic message system.

This paper addresses only the first of the transitions from NCP-based

text mail to TCP-based multimedia mail. The transition to the new

multimedia mail system [7,19] lies ahead, but need not be planned in

detail until we have some experience with the basic concepts. This

first step only provides for the transition to TCP-based text mail.

The basic ground rules for transition from ARPANET-based electronic

mail to internet electronic mail are the following:

1. ARPANET mailbox names must continue to work correctly.

2. No change required to mail editors which parse message headers

to compose replies and the like.

3. Accommodation of non-ARPANET mailbox designators without

change to the header parsing and checking mechanisms of mail

composition programs.

4. Automatic forwarding of messages between NCP and TCP

environments without user intervention.

5. During the transition, old style mail mechanisms must still



In order to make progress at all, it has been necessary to postulate

fairly sophisticated changes to the "mailer" function which accepts

as input an electronic text message and causes it to be delivered to

the destination (or to an intermediate forwarder).

We also posit the existence of special, well-known mail forwarding

hosts on the ARPANET which are responsible for accepting messages

from NCP (TCP)-based message senders and forwarding them to

TCP (NCP)-based message receivers.

In the ARPANET, electronic messages are transported via special

procedures of the File Transfer Protocol: MAIL and MLFL. The former

method sends electronic messages via the FTP Telnet command channel


RFC773 October 1980

Comments on NCP/TCP Mail Service Transition Strategy

while the latter achieves this by actual file transfer. In both

cases, it is generally assumed that the receiving FTP server is

colocated with the destination mailbox.

Thus, the sending procedure identifies to the receiver the

destination mailbox identifier, but not the destination host (or

network) identifier. For example, messages sent from Postel at

USC-ISIF to Adams at USC-ISIA would arrive at ISIA with an indicator

"Adams" but no indication of "ISIA". This creates some problems when

messages must be staged at an intermediate host for further

processing, as is the case when moving from an NCP-based sender to a

TCP-based receiver, or vice-versa. Similar considerations arise when

dealing with compatible, but different, message systems requiring

re-formatting of messages at intermediate points.

In the following paragraphs, a mechanism is proposed for dealing with

the naming, addressing and routing [18] of messages between systems.

At the source, it is assumed that the user has prepared the text of

the message (including "To:" and "CC:" fields) in the conventional

way [12]. The mailbox identifiers will continue to exhibit the



but "host" may in fact be a compound name (which is not necessarily

parsed), such as:







or even the name of an organization, such as:





The only restriction is that the "@" not appear in either "user" or

"host" strings in the mailbox identifier.

During message composition, the "user" or "host" portions of the


October 1980 RFC773

mailbox identifier may be verified for correctness (or at least for

validity). The "user" string may incorporate parenthetical

information such as

RAK(Richard A. Karp)@SU-AI

as is currently allowed.

After composition, messages are either sent immediately or left as

"unsent mail" files to be sent later by mailer demons. The actual

sending process uses the "host" string to determine where and how to

send the message.


At this point, we encounter the first critical new requirement to

support the transition plan. A new table is needed within the mailer

or in the host supporting the mailer or Accessible to the mailer via

the internet name server (for instance). This table must provide for

mapping of the "host" string into an internet destination address

(i.e., 32 bits: 8 bits of net, 24 bits of host), and must also

indicate whether the destination is NCP or TCP capable.

In the event that the source and destination hosts do not have a

compatible host level protocol (e.g. source is NCP only, destination

is TCP only) then the message must be passed to a "forwarder" which

can stage the transport by accepting via one protocol and forwarding

by another.

This leads to a problem for the forwarding host since the basic FTP

mail mechanism sends only the "user" portion of the mailbox

identifier ("user@host") because the assumption is that the "host" is

the destination. In the case of forwarding, the "host" is not the

forwarder. Even if we cleverly arrange for "host" to translate into

the internet address of a forwarder, we will have two problems.

First, the forwarder may need the "host" information to figure where

now to forward the message and second, depending on which network the

source is in, "host" may need to translate into different forwarder

addresses. The latter observation raises the spectre of many

different mappings of a given "host" string which would require

different tables for different mail sources. This would lead to

considerable complexity in the maintenance and distribution of tables

of forwarder addresses. Furthermore, a single-entry table mapping

"host" to forwarder would limit reliability since only one forwarder

would be bound to serve a giver "host".


RFC773 October 1980

Comments on NCP/TCP Mail Service Transition Strategy

For the NCP/TCP transition, it may be sufficient to declare some set

of well-known hosts to be NCP/TCP forwarders. Each mailer, when it

discovers an incompatible destination, can send the message to any

forwarder which is available. In addition, however, the mailer must

provide full mailbox identifier information "user@host" to the

forwarding host.

In the present mailers, only the "user" portion of the mailbox

identifier is sent, so all mailers must change to send "user@host"

when sending to a forwarder. The mailers all have to learn how to do

table look-up a new way, also, to map "host" into internet addresses

and to interpret the NCP or TCP capability information.

For purposes of this discussion, we postulate three different cases

of electronic mail service implementation which must be made to

interoperate during the transition:

1. Unchanged OLD NCP (RFC733) mail

2. NCP mail with new internet tables

3. TCP mail with new internet tables.

The second case assumes that the host has adopted a new host-string

to address table (including NCP/TCP capability bits) and new mailer -

mail server programs, but continues to use the old NCP host level

protocol, modified to send "user@host" when sending to a forwarder.

For such hosts, the only table entries which result in direct

source-destination mail delivery are those showing NCP capability.

If the destination is TCP capable only then the source host selects a

forwarder address from another table and sends the message to it for

further processing.

In the third case, the source host has fully transitioned to TCP,

uses the new internet address tables to translate host-strings into

internet addresses, and uses the new mailer - mail server.

Destinations which are NCP-compatible only are reached via NCP/TCP


Mail composition programs (e.g. SNDMSG, MSG, Hermes, MH,...) which

today use ARPANET string-to-address tables to verify the legality of

host names in mailbox entries can continue to use these "old" tables

as long as these are updated to include internet host names as well

as ARPANET host names.

Indeed, expanding the old tables is essential to handle the hardest


October 1980 RFC773

transition case: OLD NCP to new TCP mail. The three types of hosts

lead to a 3 by 3 matrix of cases of mail transfer. In all but one

case, mail is either handled directly or explicitly by forwarder.

The only case needing further explanation is OLD NCP to NEW TCP which

uses an "implicit forwarder."


If the source host has adopted the new internet tables, it can tell

whether the destination host has a compatible mail acceptance

protocol. Incompatibility is explicitly resolved by selection of an

intermediate forwarder.

If, however, the source host is still using pure NCP tables, it will

not be able to tell that a particular destination host is only

TCP-capable. To provide service for this case, it is proposed to

expand the conventional NCP host table to include internet host

names, but to map them into the addresses of implicit mail forwarders

(i.e. Aliases).

Since we are postulating a case in which the NCP host has made no

change (except for extending the host table). we also assume that the

source host cannot send the "user@host" information via FTP to the

intermediate forwarder.

This leaves the intermediate forwarder with the problem of figuring

out where to forward a message identified by "user" only. In this

case, we postulate that internet TCP-only mailboxes are registered at

implicit forwarders so that incoming mail from conventional NCP

sources can be forwarded successfully to the destination.

In the reverse direction, the source can use explicit forwarding

because it is assumed that all TCP hosts use the new internet tables.

The use of registered names in the implicit forwarder raises two


1. How can we deal with ambiguous mailbox names? (e.g. USERX@BBN

and USERX@ISI look the same if only the string "USERX" is

presented to the intermediate forwarder)

2. How can we collect, update and distribute changes to the

registries at implicit forwarders?

In the first case, we propose to duck the problem by insisting on


RFC773 October 1980

Comments on NCP/TCP Mail Service Transition Strategy

unambiguous mailbox names everywhere. This may force some internet

mail users to change their mailbox names, but we believe this will be


The second problem can be solved by collecting information on a

regular basis from all network mail users and cataloging this data in

a database which can be accessed automatically (e.g. by mailer


One possible mechanism is to make the data available through an

internet mailbox name server analogous to the internet host name

server [6]. This data might be collectible as a natural part of the

TIP LOGIN database which is under development to permit expanded

access to the ARPANET TIPs by legitimate ARPANET users.

In any case, internet mail users need supply their mailbox

information to a single collection site which would disseminate it to

all implicit forwarders on ARPANET. Note that such forwarders are

only needed on ARPANET since all other systems are starting with the

TCP-base. It is the internet mailbox users who must register,

however, since they are the ones who cannot otherwise be reached via



By their definition, NCP/TCP forwarders must be both NCP and TCP

capable. Consequently, all NCP/TCP forwarders must be ARPANET hosts.

Implicit forwarders must accept conventional NCP/FTP mail [11] and be

equipped with tables of valid internet user mailbox names which can

be associated with the proper destination host. To allow implicit

forwarders to also accept ordinary mail for users with mailboxes on

the implicit forwarder, the forwarder should check first whether

incoming mail is for a local user.

Explicit mail forwarders must be able to accept both conventional

NCP-FTP mail commands (for local user mail) and both NCP-based and

TCP-based mail server commands (whose arguments include the full

destination mailbox strings "user@host").

To prevent potentially anomalous behavior, the NCP-based and

TCP-based mail servers will offer service on socket/port 57 (71

octal). To summarize the communication patterns:

(a) TCP sends/receives mail via well known port 57.


October 1980 RFC773

(b) implicit forwarder receives conventional NCP/FTP mail on

well-known socket 3, and sends TCP mail to port 57.

c) explicit forwarder receives NCP mail on well-known socket 57,

but sends NCP mail via NCP/FTP on socket 3. TCP mail is

sent/received via port 57.


NCP hosts must at minimum, update host name tables to include aliases

for internet hosts (i.e. map to NCP implicit forwarder host


The next most useful step is to update NCP hosts to include internet

address tables and NCP/TCP capability bits so as to make use of

explicit forwarders. This requires implementation of the mail server

and modification of the mailer programs for sending mail to explicit

forwarders. This also requires addition of explicit forwarder

address tables.

Finally, a host can implement full TCP mail services, incorporating

internet name tables and explicit forwarder address tables as well.


1. Error message handling needs to be worked out in detail to assure

reasonable reporting of problems with the use of forwarders.

2. Designation of forwarding hosts.

3. Collection of internet mailbox names for implicit forwarders.

4. Format and distribution of internet name table and NCP/TCP

capability information.

5. Dealing with mail systems not compatible with NCP, TCP or RFC733.

(e.g. Telemail, On-Tyme, Phonenet, TWX, TELEX,...)


RFC773 October 1980

Comments on NCP/TCP Mail Service Transition Strategy


To encourage this transition, the following schedule is proposed:

1. January 1, l981 - implicit and explicit NCP/TCP forwarders

made available on various service hosts (e.g. TOPS-20).

2. January 1, l982 - implicit NCP/TCP forwarder service removed;

explicit forwarding service continues.

3. January 1, l983 - explicit NCP/TCP forwarding service

terminated, transition to TCP complete.


A number of people have reviewed and commented on this contribution.

Particular comments by J. Pickens, J. Postel, J. Haverty, D. Farber

and D. Adams are gratefully acknowledged.


October 1980 RFC773


1. DoD Standard Internet Protocol, IEN 128, RFC760, NTIS

ADA 079730, Jan 1980.

2. DoD Standard Transmission Control Protocol, IEN 129, RFC761,

NTIS ADA 082609, Jan 1980.

3. Postel, J., Telnet Protocol Specification, IEN 148, RFC764,

Jun 1980.

4. Postel, J., File Transfer Protocol, IEN 149, RFC765, Jun 1980.

5. Postel, J., User Datagram Protocol, RFC768, Aug 1980.

6. Postel, J., Internet Name Server, IEN 116, Aug 1979.

7. Postel, J., Internet Message Protocol, IEN 113, RFC759, Aug


8. Postel, Sunshine, Cohen, The ARPA Internet Protocol, in


9. NCP: ARPANET Protocol Handbook, NIC 7104, Jan 1978.

10. Telnet: ARPANET Protocol Handbook, NIC 7104, Jan 1978.

11. FTP: ARPANET Protocol Handbook, NIC 7104, Jan 1978.

12. D. Crocker, J. Vittal, K. Pogran, A. Henderson, Standard for the

Format of ARPA Network Text Messages, RFC733, Nov 1977.

13. Crocker, et.al., Function-Oriented Protocols for the ARPA

Computer Network, SJCC, May, 1972.

14. Carr, Crocker, Cerf, Host-Host Communication Protocol in the

ARPA Network, SJCC, May, 1970.

15. Cerf, V., The Catenet Model for Internetworking, IEN 48,

DARPA/IPTO, Jul 1978.

16. BBN 1822: Specifications for the Interconnection of a Host and

an IMP, BBN Report No. 1822.

17. Heart, et.al., The Interface Message Processor for the ARPA

Computer Network, SJCC, May, 1970.


RFC773 October 1980

Comments on NCP/TCP Mail Service Transition Strategy

18. Shoch, J., Inter-Network Naming, Addressing, and Routing,

COMPCOM, Fall 1978.

19. Postel, J., A Structured Format for Transmission of Multi-Media

Documents, RFC767, Aug 1980.

20. Cerf, V. and, J. Postel, Mail Transition Plan, RFC771,

Sep 1980.

21. Sluizer, S. and, J. Postel, Mail Transfer Protocol, RFC772,

Sep 1980.

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