
RFC771 - Mail transition plan

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Network Working Group V. Cerf (ARPA)

Request for Comments: 771 J. Postel (ISI)

September 1980



This is a draft memo and comments are requested.


The principal aim of the mail service transition plan is to provide

orderly support for computer mail service during the period of

transition from the old ARPANET protocols to the new Internet


This plan covers only the transition from the current text computer

mail in the ARPANET environment to text computer mail in an Internet

environment. This plan does not address a second transition from

text only mail to multimedia mail [10,11].

The goal is to provide equivalent or better service in the new

Internet environment as was available in the ARPANET environment.

During the interim period, when both protocol environments are in

use, the goal is to minimize the impact on users and existing

software, yet to permit the maximum mail exchange connectivity.

It is assumed that the user is familiar with both the ARPANET and

Internet protocol environments [1-8]. The Internet protocols are

designed to be used in a diverse collection of networks including the

ARPANET, Packet Radio nets, Satellite nets, and local nets (e.g.,

Ethernets, Ring nets); while the ARPANET protocol are, of course,

limited to the ARPANET.

The Internet protocol environment specifies TCP as the host-to-host

transport protocol. The ARPANET protocol environment specifies NCP

as the host-to-host transport protocol. Both TCP and NCP provide

connection type process-to-process communication. The problem in the

transition is to bridge these two different interprocess

communication systems.

The objective of this plan is to specify the means by which the

ARPANET computer mail services may be extended into the Internet

system without disruptive changes for the users during the



September 1980 RFC771

Mail Transition Plan


The model of the computer mail system taken here separates the mail

composition and reading functions from the mail transport functions.

In the following, the discussion will be hoplessly TOPS20-oriented.

We appologize to users of other systems, but we feel it is better to

discuss examples we know than to attempt to be abstract.

In the ARPANET mail service, composition and reading is done with

user programs such as HERMES, MSG, MM, etc., while mail transmission

is done by system programs such as MAILER (sending) and FTPSRV


One element of the ARPANET mail service is the assumption that every

source of mail can have a direct interprocess communication

connection (via the NCPs) to every destination for mail. (There are

some cases where special handling and forwarding of mail violates

this assumption.)

Mailbox names are of the form "MAILBOX@HOST", and it is assumed that

MAILBOX is a destination mailbox on that host.

The messages are actually transmitted according to the provisions of

the File Transfer Protocol. Mail may be transimitted via either the

control connection (MAIL command), or via a data connection (MLFL

command). In either case, the argument specifies only the mailbox

since the destination host is assumed to be the host receiving the


For example: messages sent from Postel at USC-ISIF to Cerf at

USC-ISIA would arrive at ISIA with the argument "Cerf" but no

indication of the host.


Mailboxes are of the form "mailbox@host" where mailbox is usually a

name like "Postel" and host is a host identifier like "USC-ISIF". In

some cases it will be useful to allow the host to be a compound name

such as:








RFC771 September 1980

Mail Transition Plan

or even the name of an organization:





The only restriction is that "@" not appear in either the "mailbox"

or the "host" strings in the destination address.

To actually send the message the mailer program must convert the host

string into the physical address to which to transmit the message.

This name-to-address conversion is typically done by looking the name

up in a table and finding the physical address in another field of

that table entry. This means that all the compound and organization

names (and any other alternate names or synonyms) must also be in the

host table.


Sometimes the mailbox part of the destination address is a compound

name and is used to mark a set of mailboxes which are not really on

the host at all, but rather on another host which is connected to

this host in a non-standard way.

It is important to users of computer mail that replies to messages

may be easily composed with automatic assistance from the mail

processing programs. To preserve this capability it is important

that a host understand the mailbox part of every address in every

message it sends if the host part of the address is itself.

That is, for every message, in every header field, in every address

"m@h", host h must understand all values of m. Thus when a host

prepares a message it should check all the addresses that appear in

the header and for any address whose host part is this host the

mailbox part should be verified.


September 1980 RFC771

Mail Transition Plan


The basic ground rules for the transition are:

1. ARPANET mailbox names must continue to work correctly.

2. No changes should be required to mail editor software which

parses message headers to compose replies and the like.

Specifically, non-ARPANET mailbox designators must be

accommodated without change to the parsing and checking mechanisms

of mail processing programs.

3. Automatic forwarding of messages between NCP and TCP

environments without user (or operator) intervention.

For the communication of messages between NCP and TCP hosts a mail

relay service will be provided on a few hosts that implement both TCP

and NCP. These will be "well known" in the same sense that sockets

or ports for contacting Telnet or FTP servers are well known.

To make use of these relay servers changes will be made to the mailer

programs. The mailer program will be responsible for determining if

the destination address of the message is directly reachable via the

interprocess communication system it has available (TCP or NCP or

both), or if the mail must be relayed. If the mail must be relayed,

the mailer must choose a relay server and transmit the message to it.

The basis for the decision the mailer must make is an eXPanded host

name table. There will be a table which translates host names to

physical addresses. The physical addresses in this table will be the

32-bit Internet addresses. (This makes sense for even NCP-only hosts,

since after 1 January 1981 even they must use 96-bit leader format

which requires 24-bit ARPANET physical addresses). Each entry in

this table will also have some flag bits.

The flag bits will include information to indicate if the host in

this entry is (1) a NCP host with "old tables", (2) a NCP host with

"new tables", (3) a TCP host, or (4) some other kind of host. All

TCP hosts are assumed to have "new tables". "Old tables" are those

without these flag bits, while "new tables" do have these flags.

A separate table may be useful to list the addresses of the hosts

with relay servers.


RFC771 September 1980

Mail Transition Plan

When a message is sent to a relay server, the control information (in

the argument of the mail transfer command) must be augmented to

include the destination host identifier.

The relay server may accept messages to be relayed without knowing

that destination mailbox is actually reachable. This means that it

may later discover that the destination mailbox does not exist (or

some other condition prevents mail delivery). To be able to report

the error to the originating user, the mailbox (mailbox@host) of the

originating user must be included in the argument of the mail

transfer command. If the argument does not contain the address of

the originating user no error response is attempted. The error

report, which is itself a message, does not carry an originator

address in the command argument to avoid the possibility of a endless

chain of error reports (however, an originator address does appear

the header).

Since the originating host will act as if the mail was successfully

delivered when it is accepted by the relay server, it deletes any

back up copies of the message it was keeping in case of errors. For

this reason, the relay server must include the complete message in

any error report it sends to the originator. The relay server should

parse the addresses in the argument before accepting a message. If

it does not understand how deliver locally, or both relay and reply

(if the originating address is present) to the message, it should not

accept it.

There are enough differences in the transmission procedure that the

relay server will use a distinct mail transfer protocol, separate

from the file transfer protocol.


The mail trasfer protocol to be used by the relay server and all TCP

hosts is documented in reference [9].


There are nine cases of mail exchange, the three by three matrix of

(1) old-table NCP hosts, (2) new-table NCP hosts, (3) TCP hosts.

There are also two transfer mechanisms: file transfer and mail

transfer. The diagonal is easy, each type of host can exchange mail

with other hosts of its type. The other cases are more suBTle.


September 1980 RFC771

Mail Transition Plan

An old-table NCP host is assumed to have a table with 32-bit physical

addresses, but no flag bits. It has NCP and file transfer. It does

not have the separate mail transfer protocol.

An new-table NCP host is assumed to have a table with 32-bit physical

addresses, and the flag bits. It has NCP and file transfer. It also

has the new separate mail transfer.

An TCP host is assumed to have a table with 32-bit physical

addresses, and the flag bits. It has the new separate mail transfer.

It probably has a file transfer, but does not use it for mail.

1. Old-table NCP to Old-table NCP

This transfer is direct and uses the old mechanisms -- NCP and

file transfer.

2. New-table NCP to Old-table NCP

This transfer is direct and uses the old mechanisms -- NCP and

file transfer.

3. TCP to Old-table NCP

This transfer must use a relay server. The first transfer (from

the TCP host to the relay server) is via TCP and the mail transfer

protocol. The second transfer (from the relay server to the

old-table NCP) is via NCP and file transfer protocol.

4. Old-table NCP to New-table NCP

This transfer is direct and uses the old mechanisms -- NCP and

file transfer.

5. New-table NCP to New-table NCP

This transfer is done with the NCP and the mail transfer protocol,

that is, using the old interprocess communication system and the

new mail transmission scheme.

6. TCP to New-table NCP

This transfer must use a relay server. The first transfer (from

the TCP host to the relay server) is via TCP and the mail transfer

protocol. The second transfer (from the relay server to the

new-table NCP) is via NCP and mail transfer protocol.


RFC771 September 1980

Mail Transition Plan

7. Old-table NCP to TCP

This transfer must use a special relay server. The first transfer

(from the old-table NCP to the relay server) is via NCP and the

file transfer protocol. The second transfer (from the relay

server to the TCP host) is via TCP and mail transfer protocol.

This relay server must be special because the messages coming from

the old-table NCP host will not have the destination host

information in the command argument. This relay server must have

a list of registered TCP user mailboxes and their associated TCP

host identifiers. Since such a registry could be potentially

large and frequently changing (and will grow as more TCP hosts

come into existence) it will be necessary to limit the mailboxes

on the registry.

8. New-table NCP to TCP

This transfer must use a relay server. The first transfer (from

the new-table NCP to the relay server) is via NCP and the mail

transfer protocol. The second transfer (from the relay server to

the TCP host) is via TCP and mail transfer protocol.

9. TCP to TCP

This transfer is direct and uses the new mechanisms -- TCP and the

mail transfer protocol.

In general, whenever possible the new procedures are to be used.


A substantial portion of the mail sent is addressed to multiple

recipients. It would substantially cut the transmission and

processing costs if such multiple recipient mail were transfered

using the multiple recipient technique available for use in both the

old file transfer protocol [12] and new mail transfer protocol [9].

The relay servers will attempt to use a multiple recipient commands

whenever applicable on transmitting messages, and will accept such

commands when revceiving messages.


September 1980 RFC771

Mail Transition Plan


The impact on the mail composition and reading programs is minimal.

If these programs use a table to recognize, complete, or verify host

identifiers, then they must be modified to use the new table.

To assist the user in replying to messages it will be important that

all addresses in the header fields (TO:, CC:, etc.) be complete with

both the mailbox and host parts. In some cases this has not

previously been necessary since the addresses without host parts

could be assumed to be local to the originating host, and the sending

host was recorded by the receiving host. When the messages were sent

directly the originating host was the sending host, but when messages

are relayed the originating host will not be the host sending the

mail to the destination host.


RFC771 September 1980

Mail Transition Plan


[1] Cerf, V., "The Catenet Model for Internetworking," IEN 48,

DARPA/IPTO, July 1978.

[2] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol," RFC760, USC/Information

Sciences Institute, NTIS ADA079730, January 1980.

[3] Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol," RFC761,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, NTIS ADA082609,

January 1980.

[4] Postel, J., "Telnet Protocol Specification," RFC764,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, June 1980.

[4] Postel, J., "File Transfer Protocol," RFC765,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, June 1980.

[5] Postel, J., "Assigned Numbers," USC/Information Sciences

Institute, RFC762, January 1980.

[6] Postel, J., "Internet Protocol Handbook," USC/Information

Sciences Institute, RFC766, July 1980.

[7] Feinler, E. and, J. Postel, "ARPANET Protocol Handbook,"

NIC 7104, Network Information Center, SRI International,

January 1978.

[8] Crocker, D., J. Vittal, K. Pogran, and, D. Henderson,

"Standards for the Format of ARPA Network Text Messages,"

RFC733 7104, Network Information Center, SRI International,

November 1977.

[9] Sluizer, S. and, J. Postel, "Mail Transfer Protocol,"

USC/Information Sciences Institute, RFCrrr, September 1980.

[10] Postel, J., "Internet Message Protocol," USC/Information

Sciences Institute, RFC759, August 1980.

[11] Postel, J., "A Structured Format for Transmission of

Multi-Media Documents," USC/Information Sciences Institute,

RFC767, August 1980.

[12] Harrenstien, K., "FTP Extension: XRSQ/XRCP,"

SRI International, RFC743, December 1977.

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