
RFC804 - CCITT draft recommendation T.4

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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CCITT Draft Recommendation T.4





amended and agreed by Working Party XIV/2)

Draft Recommendation T.4



The CCITT, considering

a. that Recommendation T.2 refers to Group 1 type apparatus

for ISO A4 document transmission over a telephone-type

circuit in approximately six minutes;

b. that Recommendation T.3 refers to Group 2 type apparatus

for ISO A4 document transmission over a telephone-type

circuit in approximately three minutes:

c. that there is a demand for Group 3 apparatus which

enables an ISO A4 document to be transmitted over a

telephone-type circuit in approximately one minute;

d. that for a large number of applications black and white

reprodUCtion is sufficient;

e. that such a service may be requested either

alternatively with telephone conversation, or when

either or both stations are not attended; in both cases,

the facsimile operation will follow Recommendation T.30,

(unanimously) declares the view that Group 3 facsimile

apparatus for use on the general switched telephone network

and international leased circuits should be designed and

operated according to the following standards:

1. Scanning track

The message area should be scanned in the same

direction in the transmitter and receiver. Viewing the

message area in a vertical plane, the scanning direction

should be from left to right and subsequent scans should be

adjacent and below the previous scan.

2. Dimensions of apparatus

CCITT Draft Recommendation T.4 PAGE 2

The following dimensions should be used:

a. A normal definition standard and an optional higher

definition standard of 3.85 and 7.7 line/mm respectively

in vertical direction;

b. 1728 black and white picture elements along the scanned


c. A scanning line length of 215 mm. Other scanning line

lengths may be employed in which case the scanning

density should be changed to maintain the correct

picture proportions;

d. Input documents up to a minimum of ISO A4 size should be


3. Transmission time per scanning line

A total scanning line is defined as the sum of DATA

bits plus any required FILL bits plus the EOL bits. The

minimum transmission times of the total scanning line should

conform to the following:

a. 20 milliseconds recommended standard with an optional

fall-back to the 40 milliseconds option;

b. 10 milliseconds recognized option with a mandatory

fall-back to the 20 milliseconds standard;

c. 5 milliseconds recognized option with a mandatory

fall-back to the 10 milliseconds option and the 20

milliseconds standard;

d. 40 milliseconds recognized option.

The identification and choice of this minimum

transmission time is to be made in the pre-message (Phase B)

portion of the T.30 control procedure. The maximum

transmission time of any total scanning line should be less

than 5 seconds.

4. Coding scheme

The one-dimensional run length encoding scheme

recommended for Group 3 apparatus is as follows:


A line of data is composed of a series of variable

length code Words. Each code word represents a run

length of either all white or all black. White runs and

black runs alternate. A total of 1728 picture elements

represent one horizontal scanning line of the document

of standard A4 size. In order to insure that the

receiver maintains color synchronization, all DATA lines

will begin with a white run length code word. If the

actual scanning line begins with a black run, a white

run length of zero will be sent. Black or white run

lengths, up to a maximum length of one scanning line

CCITT Draft Recommendation T.4 PAGE 3

(1728 picture elements or pels) are defined by the code

words in Tables 1 and 2. The code words are of two

types: Terminating Code words and Make Up Code words.

Each run length is represented by either one Terminating

Code word or one Make Up Code word followed by a

Terminating Code word.

Run lengths in the range of 0 to 63 pels are encoded

with their appropriate Terminating Code word. Note that

there is a different list of code words for black and

white run lengths.

Run lengths in the range of 64 to 1728 pels are encoded

first by the Make Up Code word representing the run

length which is equal to or shorter than that required.

This is then followed by the Terminating Code word

representing the difference between the required run

length and the run length represented by the Make Up



This code word follows each line of DATA. It is a

unique code word that can never be found within a valid

line of DATA; therefore, resynchronization after an

error burst is possible.

In addition, this signal will occur prior to the first

DATA line of a page.

Format: 000000000001


A pause may be placed in the message flow by

transmitting FILL. FILL may be inserted between a line

of DATA and an EOL, but never within a line of DATA.

Fill must be added to insure that each line of DATA,

FILL, and EOL exceeds the minimum transmission time of a

total scanning line established in the premessage

control procedure. The maximum length for a single line

of FILL is 5 seconds, after which the receiver may


Format: variable length string of 0's.


The end of a document transmission is indicated by

sending six consecutive EOL's. Following the RTC

signal, the transmitter will send the post message

commands in the standard T.30 blocked format at the data


CCITT Draft Recommendation T.4 PAGE 4

Format: 000000000001 ... ... ... ... 000000000001

(total of 6 times)

CCITT Draft Recommendation T.4 PAGE 5

Table 1a. Terminating White Codes

Code Lng Run


00110101 8 0

000111 6 1

0111 4 2

1000 4 3

1011 4 4

1100 4 5

1110 4 6

1111 4 7

10011 5 8

10100 5 9

00111 5 10

01000 5 11

001000 6 12

000011 6 13

110100 6 14

110101 6 15

101010 6 16

101011 6 17

0100111 7 18

0001100 7 19

0001000 7 20

0010111 7 21

0000011 7 22

0000100 7 23

0101000 7 24

0101011 7 25

0010011 7 26

0100100 7 27

0011000 7 28

00000010 8 29

00000011 8 30

00011010 8 31

00011011 8 32

00010010 8 33

00010011 8 34

00010100 8 35

00010101 8 36

00010110 8 37

00010111 8 38

00101000 8 39

00101001 8 40

00101010 8 41

00101011 8 42

00101100 8 43

00101101 8 44

00000100 8 45

00000101 8 46

00001010 8 47

00001011 8 48

01010010 8 49

CCITT Draft Recommendation T.4 PAGE 6

01010011 8 50

01010100 8 51

01010101 8 52

00100100 8 53

00100101 8 54

01011000 8 55

01011001 8 56

01011010 8 57

01011011 8 58

01001010 8 59

01001011 8 60

00110010 8 61

00110011 8 62

00110100 8 63

CCITT Draft Recommendation T.4 PAGE 7

Table 1b. Make Up White Codes

Code Lng Run


11011 5 64

10010 5 128

010111 6 192

0110111 7 256

00110110 8 320

00110111 8 384

01100100 8 448

01100101 8 512

01101000 8 576

01100111 8 640

011001100 9 704

011001101 9 768

011010010 9 832

011010011 9 896

011010100 9 960

011010101 9 1024

011010110 9 1088

011010111 9 1152

011011000 9 1216

011011001 9 1280

011011010 9 1344

011011011 9 1408

010011000 9 1472

010011001 9 1536

010011010 9 1600

011000 6 1664

010011011 9 1728

CCITT Draft Recommendation T.4 PAGE 8

Table 2a. Terminating Black Codes

Code Lng Run


0000110111 10 0

010 3 1

11 2 2

10 2 3

011 3 4

0011 4 5

0010 4 6

00011 5 7

000101 6 8

000100 6 9

0000100 7 10

0000101 7 11

0000111 7 12

00000100 8 13

00000111 8 14

000011000 9 15

0000010111 10 16

0000011000 10 17

0000001000 10 18

00001100111 11 19

00001101000 11 20

00001101100 11 21

00000110111 11 22

00000101000 11 23

00000010111 11 24

00000011000 11 25

000011001010 12 26

000011001011 12 27

000011001100 12 28

000011001101 12 29

000001101000 12 30

000001101001 12 31

000001101010 12 32

000001101011 12 33

000011010010 12 34

000011010011 12 35

000011010100 12 36

000011010101 12 37

000011010110 12 38

000011010111 12 39

000001101100 12 40

000001101101 12 41

000011011010 12 42

000011011011 12 43

000001010100 12 44

000001010101 12 45

000001010110 12 46

000001010111 12 47

000001100100 12 48

000001100101 12 49

CCITT Draft Recommendation T.4 PAGE 9

000001010010 12 50

000001010011 12 51

000000100100 12 52

000000110111 12 53

000000111000 12 54

000000100111 12 55

000000101000 12 56

000001011000 12 57

000001011001 12 58

000000101011 12 59

000000101100 12 60

000001011010 12 61

000001100110 12 62

000001100111 12 63

CCITT Draft Recommendation T.4 PAGE 10

Table 2b. Make Up Black Codes

Code Lng Run


0000001111 10 64

000011001000 12 128

000011001001 12 192

000001011011 12 256

000000110011 12 320

000000110100 12 384

000000110101 12 448

0000001101100 13 512

0000001101101 13 576

0000001001010 13 640

0000001001011 13 704

0000001001100 13 768

0000001001101 13 832

0000001110010 13 896

0000001110011 13 960

0000001110100 13 1024

0000001110101 13 1088

0000001110110 13 1152

0000001110111 13 1216

0000001010010 13 1280

0000001010011 13 1344

0000001010100 13 1408

0000001010101 13 1472

0000001011010 13 1536

0000001011011 13 1600

0000001100100 13 1664

0000001100101 13 1728

CCITT Draft Recommendation T.4 PAGE 11

Note: It is recognized that machines exist which accommodate

larger paper widths whilst maintaining the standard

horizontal resolution. This option has been provided for by

the addition of the Make Up Code Set defined as follows:

Table 3. Extended Make Up Codes (Black and White)

Code Lng Run


00000001000 11 1792

00000001100 11 1856

00000001101 11 1920

000000010010 12 1984

000000010011 12 2048

000000010100 12 2112

000000010101 12 2176

000000010110 12 2240

000000010111 12 2304

000000011100 12 2368

000000011101 12 2432

000000011110 12 2496

000000011111 12 2560

The identification and choice of either the standard

code table or the extended code table is to be made in the

pre-message (Phase B) portion of the T.30 control


4.2 Two dimensional coding scheme

The one-dimensional coding scheme defined in 4.1 may be

extended as an option to a two-dimensional scheme. This is

the subject of further study.

5. Modulation and demodulation method

It is provisionally agreed that Group 3 apparatus

operating on the general switched telephone network shall

utilize the modulation scrambler, equalization and timing

signals defined in Recommendation V.27ter, specifically in

the preamble and 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 and 10.

The data signalling rates to be used are those

recommended in Recommendation V.27ter, i.e. 4800 and 2400


Note 1: Some administrations pointed out that it would not

be possible to guarantee the service at a data signalling

rate higher than 2400 bit/s.

Note 2: It should be noted that there are equipments in

service using, inter alia, other modulation methods. The

CCITT Draft Recommendation T.4 PAGE 12

arrangement of interworking between equipment conforming to

Recommendation T.4 and these existing equipments is subject

to further study.

Note 3: For higher speed operation, such as may be possible

on leased circuits, it is provisionally agreed that Group 3

apparatus may utilize the signals specifically defined in 1,

2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 12 of Recommendation V.29.

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