
RFC803 - Dacom 450/500 facsimile data transcoding

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Dacom 450/500 Facsimile Data Transcoding

A. Agarwal, M. J. O'Connor and D. L. Mills

2 November 1981

1. IntrodUCtion

As part of our effort in support of the DARPA Internet Program,

software modules to encode and decode facsimile data for the Dacom 450

and 500 models Computerfax facsimile machines have been constructed.

The purpose of these modules is to map the data representations used by

these machines to and from bit-map and run-length representations in

programs for editing, transmission and archiving facsimile images. The

modules are written in the PDP-11 MACRO-11 assembly language and can be

incorporated into programs for, among others, the RT-11 operating system

and the DCNET BOS or VOS operating systems.

The first part of this report describes in detail the Dacom 450

data compression algorithm and is an update and correction to an earlier

memorandum [2]. Following this, the encoding and decoding algorithms

are described along with the supporting programs and file formats.

Reference [3] describes another implementation of the decoding

algorithm. Grateful acknowledgment is made to E. A. Poe of Rapicom

for his assistance in this effort.

The second part of this report describes briefly the Dacom 500 data

compression algorithm as used by the INTELPOST electronic-mail network

under development by the US Postal Service and several foreign

administrations. These machines conform to the CCITT T.4 Draft

Recommendation, described in [5]. Supporting programs and file formats

are described.

2. Dacom 450 Data Compression Principles

The encoding algorithm for the Dacom 450 processes lines scanned by

the machine to produce a two-dimensional run-length code described by

Weber [1]; however, this article contains a number of errors and

omissions, many of which were discovered only after considerable

analysis and eXPerimentation [2,3]. The machine operates over a

coordinate space of l726 by approximately 2200 pels when in

high-resolution (detail) mode. In normal (quality) mode the vertical

resolution is halved, so that about 1100 lines are transmitted, while in

express mode about 733 lines are transmitted (missed lines are filled in

on playback by replicating previous lines).

Data are encoded two rows at a time using a two-dimensional

run-length code. Each row-pair is scanned left-to-right and the

line-pairs themselves processed top-to-bottom of the document. Figure 1

shows how the pels are represented.

Dacom 450/500 Facsimile Data Transcoding PAGE 2


... x(1,j) x(1,j+1) ...


... x(2,j) x(2,j+1) ...


Direction of scan ->

Figure 1. Data Representation

For each j the vector (x(1,j),x(2,j)) represents the contents of

the jth column, where x(i,j) can take on values of zero (white) or one

(black). Each of the four possible vectors ranging over these values

will be called a state (Dacom calls these "modes") with the succession

of transitions between these states determined by the picture content of

the particular line-pair. Scanning of the line-pairs follows one after

the other with no special end-of-line code in the data itself. For the

purpose of later discussion and comparison with the published data, the

following conventions will be used (note: the pels read top-bottom):

Pels Vector State


W-W (0,0) 0

B-W (1,0) 1

W-B (0,1) 2

B-B (1,1) 3

The algorithm used by Dacom to generate the transmitted data as the

columns are scanned can be described as the non-deterministic

finite-state automaton (nfsa) shown in Figure 2. Conceptually, the nfsa

starts at the beginning of a page in a designated state and at a point

just after scanning the jth column in the jth state. It then scans the

(j + 1)th column and enters that state while emitting the string of bits

shown in the figure.

In the states corresponding to W-W (0) and B-B (3) a special

run-length encoding techniques is used. There are two state variables

associated with each of these two states, one variable used as a

run-length counter and the other the field length (in bits) of this

counter. Upon each entry to either of these two states the counter is

initialized at zero and counts up for every additional column of the

same state. At the end of the run the value of this counter is

transmitted extending with high-order zeros, if necessary, to fill the

field length specified. If, however, the counter equals 2**n - 1, where

n is the field length, then a sequence of n one-bits is emitted and the

counter re-initialized at zero with a field length of n + 1. Thus, if

n = 3, a run length of three is transmitted as {010} and a run length of

seven as {110}, while a run length of eight as two Words, {111} followed

by {0000}. The field-length variables are maintained separately for

both the W-W and B-B states, and at each re-entry to either of these

states the previous values are used.

Dacom 450/500 Facsimile Data Transcoding PAGE 3






.--------------. .---------------.


.-> 1 --------------------> 2 ->.

0 B-W 101 W-B 1

\<- <-------------------- <-'


\--------------' \---------------'





0111 1 1000 1




.--------------. .---------------.



3 <-------------------- 0 -----'


--------------------> <--------'


\--------------' \---------------'


\----' \----'

run run

Figure 2. NFSA Model of Encoding

Dacom 450/500 Facsimile Data Transcoding PAGE 4

Field-length values are constrained not to exceed seven, so that

runs exceeding l27 with n = 7 will be encoded as a separate 7-bit word

of one-bits for each run of l27 except the last, which must always

contain at least one zero-bit. The field length n is decreased by one

under the following circumstances: the current run has been encoded as a

single n-bit field, and for n in the range four through seven the two

high-order bits are zero or for n equal to three the single high-order

bit is zero. The field length is not allowed to be reduced below two


The encoding algorithm starts in state 0 with both field lengths

set to 7.

2.1. Dacom 450 Decoding Algorithm

For reasons of speed and simplicity it is desirable that the Dacom

450 decoding algorithm be modeled on the basis of a deterministic

finite-state automaton (dfsa). Using straightforward formal procedures,

the dfsa of Figure 3 can be constructed. This machine makes one state

transition for every bit, except for the W-W (0) and B-B (3) states,

which must be treated specially in any case. The states are labeled in

such a way as to correspond to those of Figure 2 for states numbered

from zero to three.

The decoded output symbols, in this case the columns corresponding

to each of the states, are represented by the states themselves. Upon

entry to state B-W (1) or W-B (2) a run-length counter is initialized to

one. Each traversal of a loop back to the same state increments this

counter and, upon exit to any other state, the value of this counter

represents the number of columns to be produced. Upon entry to state

W-W (0) or B-B (3) the run-length counter is initialized to zero and the

associated field-length state variable n established. For each

successive n bits of all-ones, the counter is increased by 2**n - 1 and

then n itself increased by one, but not above seven. If the next n bits

are not all ones, then the counter is increased by the value represented

by the n-bit field plus one. Finally, if upon entry to either state the

next n bits are not all ones, n is decreased by one according to the

rule mentioned in the preceding section.

Dacom 450/500 Facsimile Data Transcoding PAGE 5

.-----------. .-----------.

.----- -----.

9 6

.- <--. .--> -.

\-----------' \ / \-----------'

1 0 \ / 1 0

.->Error \ / Error<-.

0 \ / 1

.-----------. \ / .-----------.

1 \ / 0

.--- 7 \ 10 ---.

/ \

\-----------' / \ \-----------'

A / \ A

/ \

1 / \ 0

.-----------. 0 / \ 1 .-----------.

---' \---

5 8

\-----------' \-----------'


1 0

.-----------. .-----------.

-> <-

1 2

B-W <-----. .-----> W-B

\-----------' \-----------'


0 1

\-----' \-----'

0 .-----------. 0



.-----. \-----------' .-----.



.-----------. 1 1 .-----------.

\--> ------' 0 \------ <--'

3 <-------------------- 0

\----> B-B --------------------> W-W <----'

\-----------' 0 \-----------'

Figure 3. DFSA Model of Encoding

Dacom 450/500 Facsimile Data Transcoding PAGE 6

2.2. Formatting Considerations

Data are encoded for transmission by the Dacom 450 in 585-bit

frames, consisting of a 24-bit synchronization code, 37-bit leader,

512-bit information area and l2-bit checksum. There are two kinds of

frames distinguished by leader format, one for setup or initialization

and the other for the data itself. Serial binary image data are placed

in the data area of succeeding data frames.

The header of each frame is shown in Figure 4. The various fields

are defined in Table 1 following the Figure.


Sync Code Leader Data CRC Code


24 / 37 \ 512 12

.-------' \----------------------.

/ +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+

Flags Count X Pos Black White State


7 \ 10 12 3 3 2





2 1 1 1 1 1

Figure 4. Frame Format

Dacom 450/500 Facsimile Data Transcoding PAGE 7

Table 1. Header Field Definitions

Field Width Function Setup Data

(bits) Block Block


Sync Code 24 Synchronization 30474730 (octal)

Seq 2 Sequence number 00 00,01,10,11

RUN 1 Initialize-start 0 1

COFB 1 Unknown 0 0

RPT 1 Unknown 1 0

Spare 1 Unknown 0 0

SUB 1 Indicates setup frame 1 0

Count 10 Number of bits in data All 1's

field (0 - 512)

X Pos 12 Current position on All 1's

scan line (0 - 1725)

Black 3 Current black field All 1's

length (2 - 7)

White 3 Current white field All 1's

length (2 - 7)

State 2 Current state (0 - 3) All 1's

Data 512 Data (0 - 512 bits)

CRC Code 12 CRC checksum. Uses polynomial

x**12 + x**8 + x**7 + x**5 + x**3 + 1

Dacom 450/500 Facsimile Data Transcoding PAGE 8

Setup frames have additional information in the data field; the

various fields and their functions are described in Table 2.

Table 2. Field Definitions for Setup Frame.

Field Width Function


Start bit 1 Always zero

Speed bit 1 Set if express mode

Detail bit 1 Set if detail mode (speed and detail

bits both zero for quality mode)

14 inch 1 Set if 14-inch paper

5 inch 1 Set if 5-inch inch paper (14-inch

and 5-inch inch paper bits both zero

for 11-inch paper)

Paper present 1 Set if paper present in scanner

Spare 5 Can have any value

Multi-page 1 Set if multi-page mode

20 All 0's

480 Alternate 1's and 0's

The tailing setup frames differ from the leading setup frames only

in bits which indicate whether the system is operating in single or

multiple page mode and whether paper is present in the scanner.

All n-bit numeric fields (except Seq) are transmitted by the Dacom

450 machine least-significant-bit (LSB) first (i.e. Count, X Pos,

Black, White, State, CRC, and run length words in the data field).

All other fields are transmitted left-most bit first.

There are a few important points to be considered in regard to the

header of a data frame. The header contains enough information about

the state of the decoding algorithm to be able to re-establish correct

decoding in the event of loss or mutilation of a data frame. The

decoding algorithm resets its state variables to those in the header

each time it begins decoding a new data frame. One of the most

difficult problems encountered while constructing the decoding algorithm

was the correct synchronization of the algorithm as it proceeds across

the frame boundary with respect to the header information. In order for

synchronization to be maintained, the operation of the algorithm must

Dacom 450/500 Facsimile Data Transcoding PAGE 9

follow exactly that described in the previous section.

This requirement for every data frame to be self-synchronizing,

leads to a few suBTleties in the encoding algorithm which seem quite

natural, but were not very obvious in the beginning.

1. Transition bits(s) labeling the arcs on the state transition diagram

in Figure 2 are not broken across frames. Similarly, individual

run-length words are not broken across frames.

2. If a frame ends with a transition, the header of the next frame

contains the state to which the transition is made.

3. If a frame ends with a transition out of state 0 or 3, then the

transition bit (0 or 1) is inserted at the end of the current frame

(not at the beginning of the next frame).

4. The field lengths for black and white runs in the header include

changes that may have been caused at the end of the previous frame.

5. If a frame begins with a white or black run, then this run is

treated (for purpose of decreasing its field length) as if it were

the beginning of a new run, since there is no information in the

header to indicate otherwise.

The decoding algorithm is initialized at the first data frame

received after the sequence of setup frames at the beginning of

transmission. The first data frame has a count of zero, indicating no

data bits are in the frame. The second data frame begins the actual

document; however, its X position appears to be irrelevant. Instead, we

assume the initial X position at this time is one pel to the left of the

right margin (-l mod l726). With these assumptions succeeding X

positions of the algorithm and the frame headers agree.

2.3. The Decoding Program

The decoding algorithm described above has been implemented in the

PDP-11 MACRO-11 assembly language for the RT-11 operating system. This

program contains extensive features for selectively dumping frames and

tracing the operation of the algorithm. It is designed to operate on a

file containing the raw data generated by the machine and does not

depend upon any prior reformatting of the data. However, it will

operate also on files in the so-called UCL format [4], which has been

adopted as the standard for use in the Internet Program. The existing

DCNET supporting software for the Dacom 450 uses the UCL format and

operates normally to copy data directly between the machine and the

file, with decoding operations done at a later time. However, there is

no intrinsic factor, except processing-rate limitations, why input data

could not be decoded directly from the machine.

In operation, the program scans the input data one bit at a time

and searches for the synchronization pattern. Note that all data

processed are inverted from the natural interface conventions. When a

Dacom 450/500 Facsimile Data Transcoding PAGE 10

synchronization pattern is found, the header and data portions are

extracted and the various state variable checked and reset, if

necessary. Checksum verification is performed according to the

polynomial 1 + x**3 + x**5 + x**7 + x**8 + x**12. In the case of setup

frames the format (detail, quality, express), page length (14, 8-l/2,

5-l/4) and multiple-page indicators are extracted from the data area.

Finally, under control of specified options, the header and data

portions of the frame are printed with appropriate headings.

The decoding algorithm itself is called for each data frame. It

produces an output consisting of a sequence of run-length pairs which

can be used to form bit maps and other representations of the data.

Optionally, a printed trace of the operations performed by the algorithm

can be produced.

2.4. The Encoding Program

The encoding algorithm has been implemented in the PDP-11 MACRO-11

assembly language for the RT-11 operating system. The program accepts

facsimile data in 16-bit run-length format or bit-map format. The input

data would normally be in a file, possibly obtained by translating some

other representation (e.g., T.4 format) to run-length or bit-map format.

The program produces an output consisting of data compressed in Dacom

450 format and packed in 585-bit frames along with the corresponding

header and checksum information.

The encoding program needs to be careful about how to break data

across frames and how many bits of data to insert in each frame. The

rules mentioned in section 2.2. help to solve the first problem. The

second problem is a little less understood. The problem arises because

data bits are required by the printing mechanism at a constant rate, but

successive frames transmitted at the line rate can contain different

amounts of decoded information, leading to buffer overrun in extreme


In order to compensate for the rate mismatch, it has been found

sufficient to control the size of the data portion of the frame

according to a simple set of empirical rules which produce results quite

similar to the scanner iteslf. According to these rules, a frame is

"full" when it contains more than 500 bits of data or when the data

represents more than 4800*X pels (or columns) of information,

where X = 2 for transmission rate 2.4 kbs,

X = 1 for transmission rate 4.8 kbs,

X = 1/2 for transmission rate 9.6 kbs.

2.5. Dacom 450 File Formats

Dacom 450 facsimile data is ordinarily stored as an RT-11 file in

the so-called UCL format [4]. In this format, each 585-bit frame is

stored in a 76-byte record. The first byte specifies the length of the

record, the second specifies a command and the remaining 72 bytes

contain the 585 bits of the original Dacom 450 frame zero-filled at the

Dacom 450/500 Facsimile Data Transcoding PAGE 11

end. The command byte is coded as follows:

a. 56 (70 octal): The data field contains a setup frame (the first

record of the file). The length byte is 76 (114 octal).

b. 57 (71 octal): The data field contains a data frame (the remaining

records in the file except the last one). The length byte is 76

(114 octal).

c. 58 (72 octal): End of file (the last frame of the file). There is

no data field and the length byte is 2.

2.6. Run-Length and Bit-Map File Formats

The decode program produces 16-bit run length words as its output.

Each run is encoded in a 16-bit word, with white in positive and black

in negative two's complement values. A zero word terminates each line,

with the trailing white run suppressed if present. An all-white line is

encoded as a single run of length one followed by a zero word. The file

is terminated by a line of length zero, that is, a single zero word.

Bit-map files consist of a four-byte header followed by the data.

The header consists of two 2-byte quantities, the first of which

represents the number of pels in a line and the second the number of

lines in the page. Each scanning line of data is represented in an

integral number of bytes, the last byte of a line zero-filled if


3. Dacom 500 Data Compression Principles

The Dacom 500 machines are high-speed versions of the Dacom 450

machines and operate in the 50-Kbps range using the T.4 compression

algorithm. This algorithm, described in the [5], is a one-dimensional

one, rather than the two-dimensional one used in the Dacom 450 and

described in previous sections. Since this algorithm is well known and

the subject of an international standard, it will not be further

discussed here.

3.1. Dacom 500 Decoding Algorithm

The decoding program has been implemented in the PDP-11 MACRO-11

assembly language for the DCNET and RT-11 operating systems. It

operates on a file containing facsimile data encoded using the T.4

algorithm and produces a file in bit-map format.

The decoding program scans the input data bit-by-bit and recognizes

sequences of bits which form valid run-length codes (see the tables in

[5]). The table of Huffman codes can be represented as a binary tree

with the values of the run lengths (e.g. 1, 2, 64, 1728, etc.) at the

terminal nodes and each branch labeled 0 or 1. The code for any run

length then is the sequence of branch labels on the path from the root

to the terminal node representing this length.

Dacom 450/500 Facsimile Data Transcoding PAGE 12

The tables for black and white run-length codes are stored as

separate binary trees in the decoding program. The decoding algorithm

starts by initializing an accumulator at zero. It then begins at the

root of the corresponding tree and traverses the tree as it consumes

bits one-by-one from the input. When a terminal node is reached, the

value stored at that node is added to the accumulator. If a make-up

node is reached, the value at that node is added to the accumulator and

the search is resumed with the same tree to obtain the terminating

value; otherwise, the accumulator represents the current run length and

the search resumes with the alternate tree.

3.2. Dacom 500 Encoding Program

The encoding program is also implemented in the PDP-11 MACRO-11

assembly language for the DCNET and RT-11 operating systems. It scans

the bit-map input and encodes each run of black or white pels by a

simple table lookup of the Huffman codes. It operates on a file

containing facsimile data in bit-map format and produces a file in T.4

format. The T.4 specifications [5] require a minimum transmission time

per scan line of 4.3 milliseconds, which at 50-Kbps corresponds to 242

bits (DATA bits plus any required FILL bits plus the EOL bits equal 242

bits minimum).

3.3. Dacom 500 File Formats

The file consists of a number of 512-byte blocks, the first of

which is the header. The header contains a list of two-byte entries,

the first of which contains the number of pages and the remaining the

lengths (in blocks) of each page in turn. The remaining blocks of the

file contain the data for each page in T.4 format. The data for each

page is preceded by a page-setup command and succeeded by a

page-end-of-record command, as transmitted by the Dacom 500. The format

of both commands consists of the 12-bit T.4 EOL code (000000000001)

repeated six times and followed by a special 4-bit code word also

repeated six times. The special code word consists of bits B1 through

B4 as defined below.


0 = 7.7 lines per millimeter

1 = future option, not implemented


0 = short length (Letter size)

1 = long length (Legal size)


0 = no document present (end of page)

1 = document present (beginning of page)


Dacom 450/500 Facsimile Data Transcoding PAGE 13

3.4. Comparison of Facsimile Formats and Transcoding Speeds

Four different file formats are presently used in our system for

facsimile data storage: Dacom 450, Dacom 500 (T.4), 16-bit run-length

and bit-map. The sizes of typical files (in megabits) in these formats

are shown below for comparison.

File Dacom Dacom 16-bit

450 500 run-length


PNGUIN 0.22 0.5 0.27

INTELP 0.62 0.77 3.3

PANDA 1.02 2.03 6.41

The file called PNGUIN is a block drawing of dancing penguins and

represents a "small" file. The file called INTELP is a composite

INTELPOST test image with text and graphics and represents a "medium"

file. Finally, the file called PANDA is a half-tone newspaper

photograph of a giant panda and represents a "monster" file (this file

was recorded on the Dacom 450 in quality mode and is therefore about

half the size it would be in detail mode). The size of the bit-map file

for all these images is 3.8 megabits.

Figure 5 shows the file sizes (in 512-byte blocks) and transcoding

times (in seconds) for the INTELPOST test page. The file sizes are

indicated on the boxes, while the transcoding times are indicated on the

arrows. All times were obtained on the LSI-11/23 processor.

193 925

+-----------+ 95 +-----------+


T.4 Bit-map


+-----------+ 165 +-----------+



.----------------------' 110


+-----------+ 89 +-----------+


Run-length Dacom 450


+-----------+ 153 +-----------+

413 155

Figure 5. File Sizes and Transcoding Times

Dacom 450/500 Facsimile Data Transcoding PAGE 14

4. References

1. Weber, D.R. An adaptive run-length encoding algorithm. ICC-75,

IEEE, San Francisco, California, June 1975.

2. Palmer, L.C. Final Report, COMSAT Participation in the DARPA Packet

Satellite Internetworking and Speech Applications Program. COMSAT

Laboratories, July 1980.

3. Katz, A. Decoding Facsimile Data from the Rapicom 450. DARPA

Network Working Group Report RFC-798, USC/Information Sciences

Institute, September 1981.

4. Postel, J. Rapicom 450 Facsimile File Formats. DARPA Network

Working Group Report RFC-769, USC/Information Sciences Institute,

September 1980.

5. Draft Recommendation T.4 - Standardization of Group 3 Facsimile for

Document Transmission. CCITT Study Group XIV Contribution #25-E,

December 1977. (Also in RFC-804).

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