
RFC800 - Request For Comments summary notes: 700-799

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Network Working Group J. Postel

Request for Comments: 800 J. Vernon


November 1982

Requests For Comments Summary

Notes: 700-799

This RFCis a slightly annotated list of the 100 RFCs from RFC700

through RFC799. This is a kind of status report on these RFCs.

RFCAuthor Date Title

--- ------ ---- -----

799 Mills Sep 81 Internet Name Domains

A suggestion that, as the internet grows, the space of host names

cannot remain a flat space of globally unique names, and that a

hierarchy of name domains be introdUCed; see also RFC822.

798 Katz Sep 81 Decoding Facsimile Data From the

Rapicom 450

A description of the encoding/decoding procedure for Rapicom450

facsimile machine.

797 Katz Sep 81 Format for Bitmap Files

The description of a simple file format for bitmap data.

796 Postel Sep 81 Address Mappings

A description of the way the addresses of a few actual networks are

mapped into internet addresses.

795 Postel Sep 81 Service Mappings

A description of how the internet type of service is mapped into the

actual service parameters of a few particular networks, and vice


794 Cerf Sep 81 Pre-Emption

Discusses how pre-emption of TCP connection can be implemented.

Replaces IEN 125.

793 Postel Sep 81 Transmission Control Protocol

The specification of TCP. Replaces RFCs 761 and 675.

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RFC800 November 1982

792 Postel Sep 81 Internet Control Message Protocol

The specification of ICMP. Replaces RFCs 777 and 760.

791 Postel Sep 81 Internet Protocol

The specification of IP. Replaces RFC760.

790 Postel Sep 81 Assigned Numbers

The list of numbers assigned for networks, protocols, etc. Replaces

RFCs 776, 770, 762, 758, 755, 750, 739, 604.

789 Rosen Jul 81 Vulnerabilities of Network Control

Protocols: An Example

A description of an outage in ARPANET service and the process of

determining the cause; also, suBTleties of designing network


788 Postel Nov 81 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

An old version; see RFC821.

787 Chapin July 81 Connectionless Data Transmission


A discussion of datagram service. Intended for submission to

international standards bodies.

786 Sluizer July 81 Mail Transfer Protocol: ISI TOPS20

MTP-NIMAIL Interface

The description of the way mail is passed between the MTP and the

NIMAIL programs in ISI TOPS20. Outdated.

785 Sluizer July 81 Mail Transfer Protocol: ISI TOPS20

File Definitions

The description of the file format for passing mail to the MTP program

from user mail programs in ISI TOPS20. Outdated.

784 Sluizer July 81 Mail Transfer Protocol: ISI TOPS20


The description of the program structure for the MTP implementation in

the ISI TOPS20. Outdated.

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RFC800 November 1982

783 Sollins June 81 The TFTP Protocol Revision 2

The specification of TFTP. Replaces RFCs 768, 764 and IEN 133.

782 Nabielsky undated A Virtual Terminal Management Model

A description of the elements of a virtual terminal and the management

of communications between them.

781 Su May 81 A Specification of the Internet

Protocol IP Timestamp Option

The description of IP Timestamp option, now included in the IP

specification (RFC791).

780 Sluizer May 81 Mail Transfer Protocol

An outdated Mail protocol; see RFC821.

779 Killian Apr 81 TELNET SEND-LOCATION Option

Definition of this Telnet option.

778 Mills 18 Apr 81 DCNet Internet Clock Service

Specifies a format and procedure for the exchange of messages to

maintain synchronized clocks.

777 Postel Apr 81 Internet Control Message Protocol

An old version; see RFC792.

776 Postel Jan 81 Assigned Numbers

An old version; see RFC790.

775 Mankins Dec 80 Directory Oriented FTP Commands

The definition of additional FTP Commands related to directory


774 Postel Oct 80 Internet Protocol Handbook Table of


An out-of-date table of contents for an Internet Protocol Handbook.

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RFC800 November 1982

773 Cerf Oct 80 Comments on NCP/TCP Mail Service

Transition Strategy

A discussion of issues in the transition from NCP to TCP, particularly

as related to MAIL Service.

772 Sluizer Sep 80 Mail Transfer Protocol

An old version of a Mail Protocol; see RFC821.

771 Cerf Sep 80 Mail Transition Plan

A plan for supporting mail service in the transition from NCP to TCP;

see also RFC801.

770 Postel Sep 80 Assigned Numbers

An old version; see RFC790.

769 Postel 26 Sep 80 Rapicom 450 Facsimile File Format

The definition of the exchange format of the encoded facsimile data of

the Rapicom 450; see also RFC798.

768 Postel 28 Aug 80 User Datagram Protocol

The specification of the UDP.

767 Postel Aug 80 A Structured Format for Transmission

of Multi-Media Documents

The definition of the format for the document of a multimedia message.

766 Postel Jul 80 Internet Protocol Handbook

An out-of-date table of contents for the Internet Protocol Handbook.

765 Postel Jun 80 File Transfer Protocol

The specification of FTP.

764 Postel Jun 80 Telnet Protocol Specification

The specification of Telnet.

763 Abrams 7 May 80 Role Mailboxes

A call for mailboxes with role names, such as "Management".

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762 Postel Jan 80 Assigned Numbers

An old version; see RFC790.

761 Postel Jan 80 DOD Standard Transmission Protocol

An old version; see RFC793.

760 Postel Jan 80 DOD Standard Internet Protocol

An old version; see RFC791.

759 Postel Aug 80 Internet Message Protocol

The definition of the protocol and format for the exchange of

multimedia mail. Replaces RFC753.

758 Postel Aug 79 Assigned Numbers

An old version; see RFC790.

757 Deutsch 10 Sep 79 A Suggested Solution to the Naming,

Addressing, and Delivery Problem for

ARPANET Message Systems

Discusses several proposals for handing the name to address to route

processing for computer mail. Favors a solution based on unique-ids

and a data base, see also RFCs 759, 821 and 822.

756 Pickens Jul 79 The NIC Name server--A Datagram-Based

Information Utility

Describes a Host Name to Address look up service.

755 Postel 3 May 79 Assigned Numbers

An old version; see RFC790.

754 Postel 6 Apr 79 Out-of-Net Host Addresses for Mail

A discussion of options for addressing computer mail beyond the


753 Postel Mar 79 Internet Message Protocol

An old version; see RFC759.

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RFC800 November 1982

752 Crispin 3 Jan 79 A Universal Host Table

Describes the host table used at MIT and Stanford. This has several

extensions and generalizations from the NIC standard and the table

used by most Tenex and TOPS20 hosts.

751 Lebling 10 Dec 78 Survey of FTP Mail and MLFL

A survey of hosts' responses to probes of their FTP servers to see if

servers (a) accept mail for unknown users and (b) support the MAIL and

MLFL commands.

750 Postel 26 Sep 78 Assigned Numbers

An old version; see RFC790.

749 Greenberg 18 Sep 78 Telnet SUPDUP-OUTPUT Option

Updates RFC736; see also RFCs734, 746 and 747.

748 Crispin 1 Apr 78 TELNET RANDOMLY-LOSE Option

Defines this Telnet option (note the date of this memo).

747 Crispin 21 Mar 78 Recent Extensions to the SUPDUP


An update to the SUPDUP protocol (RFC734); see also RFCs 749, 746 and


746 Stallman 17 Mar 78 The SUPDUP Graphics Extension

An extension of SUPDUP for Graphics; see also RFCs 734, 736, 747 and


745 Beeler 30 Mar 78 JANUS Interface Specifications

The specification of a symmetrical 1822 style interface.

744 Sattley 8 Jan 78 MARS - A Message Archiving and

Retrieval Service

The description of a database service for computer mail messages,

which operates via computer mail.

743 Harrenstien 30 Dec 77 FTP extension: XRSQ/XRCP

An extension to FTP mail to allow more efficient transmission of

computer mail. Now incorporated into SMTP; see RFC788.

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RFC800 November 1982

742 Harrenstien 30 Dec 77 NAME/FINGER Protocol

Defines the Name or Finger Protocol which allows one to get "who is

on" or "where is user x" information from another host.

741 Cohen 22 Nov 77 Specifications for the Network Voice

Protocol NVP

Defines the protocol used in the ARPANET packet speech eXPeriments.

740 Braden 22 Nov 77 NETRJS Protocol

Defines the protocol used for Remote Job Entry on the UCLA CCN IBM

system; replaces RFCs 599 and 189.

739 Postel 11 Nov 77 Assigned Numbers

An old version; see RFC790.

738 Harrenstien 31 Oct 77 Time Server

Defines the Time Server Protocol; see IEN 142 for the TCP and VDP


737 Harrenstien 31 Oct 77 FTP Extension: XSEN

An extenion to the Mail procedures. This function is incorporated in

the SMTP; see also RFC821.

736 Crispin 31 Oct 77 TELNET SUPDUP Option

Defines the procedure for negotiating to use the SUPDUP, protocol as a

TELNET option; see also RFCs 734, 746, 747 and 749.

735 Crocker 3 Nov 77 Revised TELNET Byte Macro Option

Obsoletes 40306

Defines a Telnet option for assigning codes to stand for strings in

Telnet connections. Replaces RFC729.

734 Crispin 7 Oct 77 SUPDUP Protocol

Description of a terminal control protocol used at STANFORD and MIT;

see also RFCs 736, 746-749.

733 Crocker 21 Nov 77 Standard for the Format of ARPA Network

Text Messages

Specification of the format for the headers of computer mail. An old

version; see RFC822.

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RFC800 November 1982

732 Day 12 Sep 77 TELNET Data Entry Terminal Option

The specification of a Telnet Option for the control of a data entry

display terminal. Replaces RFC731.

731 Day 27 Jun 77 TELNET Data Entry Terminal Option

An old version; see RFC732.

730 Postel 20 May 77 Extensible Field Addresing

Discusses some ideas on addressing that come up in the context of

changing from 8-bit to 24-bit network addresses.

729 Crocker 13 May 77 TELNET Byte Macro Option

An old version; see RFC735.

728 Day 27 Apr 77 A Minor Pitfall in the Telnet Protocol

Warns of the possibility of an unexpected occurence in Telnet

resulting from the interaction between option subnegotiations and the

telnet SYNCH operation.

727 Crispin 27 Apr 77 TELNET Logout Option

Defines a telnet option for causing a logout.

726 Postel 8 Mar 77 Remote Controlled Transmission and

Echoing Telnet Option

Defines a Telnet option for controlling the transmission and echoing

of data to smooth the response to use in high transmission delay

environments; see also RFCs 719 and 718.

725 Day 1 Mar 77 An RJE Protocol for a Resource Sharing


Describes a possible Remote Job Entry protocol.

724 Crocker 12 May 77 Proposed Official Standard for the

Format of ARPA Network Messages

An old version; see RFC822.

722 Haverty 16 Sep 76 Thoughts on Interactions in Distributed


A discussion on the design of interactive distributed services and the

kinds of primitive operations that are needed.

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721 Garlick 1 Sep 76 Out of Band Control Signals in a Host

to Host Protocol

A discussion of the control signals in transport protocols (e.g.,

NCP's Interrupt or TCP's Urgent).

720 Crocker 5 Aug 76 Address Specification Syntax for

Network Mail

A discussion of computer mail addresses, with comments on real names

vs. mailboxes, and mailing lists; see also RFC819.

719 Postel 22 Jul 76 Discussion on RCTE

A short discussion of RCTE implementation issues; see also RFCs 726

and 718.

718 Postel 30 Jun 76 Comments on RCTE from the TENEX

Implementation Experience

A short note on the Tenex implementation of RCTE; see also RFCs 726

and 719.

717 Postel 1 Jul 76 Assigned Network Numbers

An old version; see RFC790.

716 Levin 24 May 76 Interim Revision to Appendix F of BBN


A short note updating the specification of the very Distant Host 1822


714 McKenzie 21 Apr 76 A Host/Host Protocol for an

ARPANET-type Network

A specification of a NCP-like protocol for an ARPA-like network.

Interesting to compare to the NCP specification to see what the author

would do differently.

713 Haverty 6 Apr 76 MSDTP -- Message Services Data

Transmission Protocol

The specification of a set of Data Primitives for building interactive


712 Donnelley 5 Feb 76 A Distributed Capability Computing

System DCCS

A description of a Distributed Capability based computing system.

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RFC800 November 1982

708 White 5 Jan 76 Elements of a Distributed Programming


A description of a Distributed programming system; see also RFC707.

707 White 23 Dec 75 A High-Level Framework for

Network-Based Resource Sharing

A description of a programming environment for network-based programs;

see also RFC708.

706 Postel 8 Nov 75 On the Junk Mail Problem

A short note pointing out that the ARPANET maybe subject to a "denial

of service" attack by a misbehaving host.

705 Bryan 5 Nov 75 Front-End Protocol

Describes a protocol used between a PDP-11 (the ARPANET front end) and

a B6700 to support network communication.

704 Santos 15 Sep 75 IMP/Host and Host/IMP Protocol Change

Describes the changes to the 1822 interface to eliminate the

restriction of 63 IMPs.

703 Dodds 11 Jul 75 Survey of New-Protocol Telnet Servers

A poll of Telnet servers to check implementation status and Telnet

options. Updates RFCs 702, 701, 679 and 669.

702 Dodds 25 Sep 74 Survey of New-Protocol Telnet Servers

An earlier poll of Telnet server implementation status; see also

RFC's703, 701, 679, and 669.

701 Dodds Aug 74 Survey of New-Protocol Telnet Servers

An earlier poll of Telnet server implementation status; see also RFCs

703, 702, 679 and 669.

700 Mader Aug 74 A Protocol Experiment

Describes a protocol based loosely on a very early version of TCP,

used to send data to a printer server.

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