
RFC799 - Internet name domains

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group D. L. Mills

Request for Comments: 799 COMSAT Laboratories

September 1981

Internet Name Domains

1. IntrodUCtion

In the long run, it will not be practicable for every internet

host to include all internet hosts in its name-address tables. Even

now, with over four hundred names and nicknames in the combined

ARPANET-DCNET tables, this has become awkward. Some sort of

hierarchical name-space partitioning can easily be devised to deal

with this problem; however, it has been wickedly difficult to find one

compatible with the known mail systems throughout the community. The

one proposed here is the product of several discussions and meetings

and is believed both compatible with existing systems and extensible

for future systems involving thousands of hosts.

2. General Topology

We first observe that every internet host is uniquely identified

by one or more 32-bit internet addresses and that the entire system is

fully connected. For the moment, the issue of protocol compatibility

will be ignored, so that all hosts can be assumed MTP-competent. We

next impose a topological covering on the space of all internet

addresses with a set of so-called name domains. In the natural model,

name domains would correspond to institutions such as ARPA, UCL and

COMSAT, and would not be necessarily disjoint or complete. While in

principle name domains could be hierarchically structured, we will

assume in the following only a single-level structure.

Every name domain is associated with one or more internet

processes called mail forwarders and the name of that domain is the

name for any of these processes. Each forwarder process for a

particular domain is eXPected to maintain duplicate name-address

tables containing the names of all hosts in its domain and, in

addition, the name of at least one forwarder process for every other

domain. Forwarder processes may be replicated in the interests of

robustness; however, the resulting complexities in addressing and

routing will not be discussed further here. A particular internet

host may support a number of forwarder processes and their collective

names represent nicknames for that host, in addition to any other

names that host may have. In the following an internet host

supporting one or more forwarder proceses will be called simply a


Every host is expected to maintain name-address tables including

the names of at least one forwarder for every

Internet Name Domains PAGE 2

domain together with additional hosts as convenient. A host may

belong to several domains, but it is not necessary that all hosts in

any domain, be included in its tables. Following current practice,

several nicknames may be associated with the principal name of a host

in any domain and these names need not be unique relative to any other

domain. Furthermore, hosts can be multi-homed, that is, respond to

more than one address. For the purpose of mail forwarding and

delivery, we will assume that any of these addresses can be used

without prejudice. The use of multi-homing to facilitate source

routing is a topic for future study.

3. Naming Conventions

In its most general form, a standard internet mailbox name has

the syntax

<user>.<host>@<domain> ,

where <user> is the name of a user known at the host <host> in the

name domain <domain>. This syntax is intended to suggest a

three-level hierarchically structured name (reading from the right)

which is unique throughout the internet system. However, hosts within

a single domain may agree to adopt another structure, as long as it

does not conflict with the above syntax and as long as the forwarders

for that domain are prepared to make the requisite transformations.

For instance, let the name of a domain including DCNET be COMSAT and

the name of one of its hosts be COMSAT-DLM with Mills a user known to

that host. From within the COMSAT domain the name Mills@COMSAT-DLM

uniquely identifies that mailbox as could, for example, the name

Mills.COMSAT-DLM@COMSAT from anywhere in the internet system.

However, Mills@COMSAT-DLM is not necessarily meaningful anywhere

outside the COMSAT domain (but it could be).

A typical set of name domains covering the current internet

system might include ARPA (ARPANET), COMSAT (DCNET), DCA (EDNET,


(INTELPOSTNET) and the various public data networks. The ARPA

forwarder would use a name-address table constructed from the latest

version of the HOSTS.TXT table in the NIC data base. The other

forwarders would construct their own, but be expected to deposit a

copy in the NIC data base.

4. Mail Transport Principles

In the interests of economy and simplicity, it is expected that

the bulk of all mail transport in the internet system will take place

directly from originator to recipient

Internet Name Domains PAGE 3

host and without intermediate relay. A technique of caching will

probably be necessary for many hosts in order to reduce the traffic

with forwarders merely to learn the internet address associated with a

correspondent host. This naturally encourages naming strategies

designed to minimize duplicate names in the various domains; however,

such duplicates are not forbidden.

There are several reasons why some messages will have to be

staged at an intermediate relay, among them the following:

1. It may not be possible or convenient for the originator

and recipient hosts to be up on the internet system at

the same time for the duration of the transfer.

2. The originator host may not have the resources to

perform all name-address translations required.

3. A direct-connection path may not be feasible due to

regulatory economic or security constraints.

4. The originator and recipient hosts may not recognize the

same lower-level transport protocol (e.g. TCP and NCP).

A mail relay is an internet process equipped to store an MTP

message for subsequent transmission. A mail forwarder is a mail

relay, but not all relays are forwarders, since they might not include

the full name-address capability required of forwarders. In addition,

relays may not be competent in all domains. For instance, a MTP/TCP

relay may not understand NCP. In other Words, the forwarders must be

fully connected, but the relays may not.

The particular sequence of relays traversed by a message is

determined by the sender by means of the source route specification in

the MRCP command. There are several implications to this:

1. Advisory messages returned to the originator by a relay

or recipient host are expected to traverse the route in

reverse order.

2. Relay host names follow the same naming convention as

all host names relative to their domain. Since it may

not be possible (see below) to use internet addresses to

dis-ambiguate the domain, the complete standard internet

name .<host>@<domain> is required everywhere.

3. There is no current provision for strict/loose route

specifications. If, in fact, the "ordinary" host

specification @<host> were used, each relay or forwarder

Internet Name Domains PAGE 4

would use the rules outlined in the next section for

routing. This may result in additional relay hops.

5. Forwarder Operations

This section describes a likely scenario involving hosts, relays

and forwarders and typical internet routes. When a forwarder receives

a message for <user>.<host>@<domain>, it transforms <host> if

necessary and forwards the message to its address found in the

name-address table for <domain>. Note that a single host can be a

forwarder for several independent domains in this model and that these

domains can intersect. Thus, the names Mills@USC-ISIE,

Mills.USC-ISIE@ARPA and Mills.USC-ISIE@COMSAT can all refer to the

same mailbox and the names USC-ISIE, ARPA and COMSAT can, conceivably,

all be known in the same domain. Such use would be permissable only

in case the name USC-ISIE did not conflict with other names in this


In order for this scheme to work efficiently, it is desireable

that messages transiting forwarders always contain standard internet

mailbox names. When this is not feasible, as in the current ARPANET

mail system, the forwarder must be able to determine which domain the

message came from and edit the names accordingly. This would be

necessary in order to compose a reply to the message in any case.

In the RFC-780 model a message arriving at a forwarder is

processed by the MTP server there. The server extracts the first

entry in the recipient-route field of an MRCP command. There are two

cases, depending on whether this entry specifies a domain name or a

host name. If a domain name, as determined by a search of a universal

table, it refers to one of the domains the server represents. If not,

it must a name or nickname of the server's host relative to ooe of the

domains to which the sender belongs. This allows a distinction to be

made between the domains COMSAT and INTELPOST on one hand and the

COMSAT host COMSAT-PLA on the other, all of which might be represented

by the same internet address, and implies that domain names must be

unique in all domains.

The server next extracts the second entry in the recipient-route

field of the MRCP command and resolves its address relative to the

domain established by the first entry. If the second entry specifies

an explicit domain, then that overrides the first entry. If not and

the first entry specifies a domain, then that domain is effective.

However, if the first entry specifies the server's host, it may not be

apparent which domain is intended. For instance, consider the

following two MRCP commands:

Internet Name Domains PAGE 5

MRCP to:<@COMSAT,Mills@HOST> and


where Mills.HOST@COMSAT and Mills.HOST@INTELPOST are distinct

mailboxes on different hosts. A receiving host supporting forwarders

for both COMSAT and INTELPOST can then preserve this distinction and

forward correctly using the above rules.

Now let the forwarder host have the name FORWARDER in both the

COMSAT and INTELPOST domains and consider its options when receiving

the command


The forwarder is being asked simply to relay within the domain of the

sender; however, it belongs to more than one domain! The obvious way

to resolve this issue would be to forbid the use of implicit domains,

as represented by Mills@HOST, and require the full internet mailbox

names Mills.HOST@COMSAT or Mills.HOST@INTELPOST. It is also possible

to dis-ambiguate the domain by inspecting the first entry of the

sender-route field of the MAIL command (see below).

6. Source and Return Routing

In the RFC-780 model, routes can be specified in the

recipient-route field of the MRCP command and in the sender-route

field of the MAIL command. In point of fact, neither the

recipient-route or sender-route is necessary if the originator

specifies standard internet mailbox names. So long as the routes,

when used, consist only of domain names, there is no conflict with the

current RFC-780 specification. If for some reason forwarding must be

done via other hosts, then the use of a complete and unambigous syntax

like .<host>@<domain> is required in order to avoid problems like that

described above.

The present RFC-780 specification requires the receiver to

construct a name for the sender and insert this at the beginning of

the sender-route. Presumably, the only information it has to

construct this name is the internet address of the sender. Consider

the case, as in the example above, where multiple domains are

supported by a single server on a particular host. If hosts receiving

a message relayed via that server were to map its address into a name,

there would be no way to determine which domain was intended. We

conclude that the sending host must update the sender-route as well as

the recipient-route. It does this simply by copying the first entry

in the recipient-route as received as the new first entry in the


Internet Name Domains PAGE 6

7. Editing the RFC-733 Header

Every effort should be made to avoid editing the RFC-733 header,

since this is an invasive procedure requiring extensive analysis. It

is expected that newly developed mail systems will be aware of the

standard internet mailbox syntax and ensure its use everywhere in the

RFC-733 and RFC-780 fields. On the occasions where this is not

possible, such as in many current ARPANET hosts, the necessary editing

should be performed upon first entry to the internet mail system from

the local mail system. This avoids the problems mentioned above and

simplifies reply functions.

In the case of ARPANET hosts, the editing operations assume that

all names in the form <anything>@<domain>, where <domain> is the name

of a domain, are unchanged. Names in the form <anything>@<host>,

where <host> is the name of a host in the ARPA domain, are transformed

to the form <anything>.<host>@ARPA. Anything else is an error.

Before handing off to an ARPANET NCP mailer, an ARPA MTP forwarder

might optionally transform <anything>.<host>@ARPA to <anything>@<host>

in order to reduce the forwarder traffic when local mail systems are

available. Similar situations might exist elsewhere.

8. Concluding Remarks

This memorandum is intended to stimulate discussion, not simulate


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