
RFC874 - Critique of X.25

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RFC874 September 1982





Bedford, Massachusetts


The widely touted network interface protocol, "X.25", and

its attendant conceptual framework, the International Standards

Organization's Reference Model for Open System Interconnection

(ISORM), are analyzed and found wanting. The paper is a

companion piece to M82-48, and M82-51.



M. A. Padlipsky


According to some sources, the International Standards

Organization's (ISO) "Open System Interconnection" (OSI) effort

has adopted the International Consultative Committee on Telephony

and Telegraphy (CCITT) developed X.25 protocol(s) as its Levels

1-3. ("Loose constructionists" of the ISORM would hold that X.25

is a mechanization of L1-L3 rather than the mechanization, and at

least one British source holds that "we in the U.K. don't believe

that ISO have adopted X.25.") In the U.S. Government arena,

where the author spends much of his time, the Government

Accounting Office (GAO) has suggested that the Department of

Defense (DoD) ought to consider adopting "X.25 networks,"

apparently in preference to networks based on protocols developed

by the DoD-sponsored intercomputer networking research community.

That intercomputer networking research community in turn has,

with a few recent exceptions, adhered to its commitment to the

Oral Tradition and not taken up the cudgels against X.25 in the

open literature, even though X.25 is an object of considerable

scorn in personal communications.

Although the DoD Protocol Standards Technical Panel has

begun to evolve a "Reference Model" different from ISO's for

reasons which will be touched on below, there seems to be a need

to address the deficiencies of X.25 on their own demerits as soon

as possible. Without pretending to completeness*, this paper will

attempt to do just that.

The overall intent is to deal with X.25 in the abstract;

because of who pays the bills, though, a necessary preliminary is

to at least sketch the broad reasons why the DoD in particular

should not


* Various versions of X.25 and ISO documentation were employed;

one incompleteness of note, however, is that no attempt has

been made to do proper bibliographic citation. Another

incompleteness lies in the area of "tutoriality"; that is,

appropriate prior knowledge is assumed on the part of the

reader. (The author apologizes for the omissions but hasn't

the time or the energy to be overly scholarly. Reference [3]

might be of use to the reader who feels slighted.)


RFC874 September 1982

employ intercomputer networks which base their protocol suites on

the ISO Reference Model (ISORM) with X.25 as Levels 1-3. (Note

that this is a different formulation from "use communications

subnetworks which present an X.25 interface.") Very briefly, the

DoD has concerns with "survivability," reliability, security,

investment in prior art (i.e., its research community has a

working protocol suite in place on many different operating

systems), procurability (i.e., ISORM-related protocol suites do

not as yet fully exist even on paper and the international

standardization process is acknowledged even by its advocates to

require several years to arrive at full suite specification, much

less offer available interoperable implementation), and

interoperability with a much wider range of systems than are ever

likely to receive vendor-supplied implementations of ISORM

protocol suites. Regardless of which particular concerns are

considered to dominate, the DoD cannot be eXPected to await

events in the ISO arena. (Particularly striking is the fact that

DoD representatives are not even permitted under current doctrine

to present their specific concerns in the area of security in the

sort of unclassified environment the ISO arena constitutes.)

Some zealous ISORM advocates have suggested that the DoD

research community suffers from a "Not Invented Here" syndrome

with respect to ISORM-related protocols, though, so even if the

various reasons just cited were to prevail, there would still be

an open issue at some level. At least one or two zealous members

of the research community have asserted that the problem is not

Not Invented Here, but Not Invented Right, so an assessment of

the apparent keystone of the ISORM suite, X.25, from the

perspective of whether it's "good art" ought to be appropriate.

That's what we're up to here.


RFC874 September 1982

Problems With the Conceptual Model*

There is confusion even amongst its advocates as to the real

conceptual model of X.25-based ISO networking. Some draw their

Reference Model as two "highrises," others draw "parking

garages" beside each highrise. That is, some draw the seven

ISORM layers in large rectangles (representing Hosts) next to one

another, showing each layer in communication with its "peer" in

the other Host/Open System; this implies an "end-to-end" view of

X.25. Others draw smaller rectangles between the larger ones,

with Levels 1-3 having peer relationships from the Host-OS ("Data

Terminal Equipment") to the Comm Subnet Node ("Data Circuit

Terminating Equipment"); this implies a "link-by-link" view of

X.25. This ambiguity does not engender confidence in the

architects, but perhaps the real problem is with the spectators.

Yet it is indisputable that when internetting with X.75, the

model becomes "hop-by-hop" (and it is likely it's meant to be

link-by-link even on a single comm subnet).

A major problem with such a model is that the designers have

chosen to construe it as requiring them to break the "virtual

circuit" it is supposed to be supporting whenever there is

difficulty with any one of the links. Thus, if internetting, and

on some interpretations even on one's proximate net, rerouting of

messages will not occur when needed, and all the upper levels of

protocols will have to expend space-time resources on

reconstituting their own connections with their counterparts.

(Note that the success of the reconstitution under DCE failure

appears to assume a certain flexibility in routing which is not

guaranteed by the Model.) This can scarcely be deemed sound

design practice for an intercomputer networking environment,

although many have conjectured that it probably makes sense to



* Note that we are assuming an ISO-oriented model rather than a

CCITT-oriented one (X.25/X.28/X.29) because the latter appears

to offer only "remote Access" functionality whereas the sort

of intercomputer networking we are interested in is concerned

with the full "resource-sharing" functionality the former is

striving for. This might be somewhat unfair to X.25, in that

it is taking the protocol(s) somewhat out of context; however,

it is what ISO has done before us, and if what we're really

accomplishing is a demonstration that ISO has erred in so

doing, so be it. As a matter of fact, it can also be argued

that X.25 is itself somewhat unfair--to its users, who are

expecting real networking and getting only communication; cf.

Padlipsky, M. A., "The Elements of Networking Style", M81-41,

The MITRE Corporation, October 1981, for more on the extremely

important topic of resource sharing vs. remote access.


RFC874 September 1982

Indeed, it appears the virtual circuit metaphor is in some

sense being taken almost literally (with the emphasis on the

"circuit" ASPect), in that what should be an environment that

confers the benefits of packet-switching is, at the X.25 level,

reduced to one with the limitations of circuit-switching. On the

other hand, the metaphor is not being taken literally enough in

some other sense (with the emphasis on the "virtual" aspect), for

many construe it to imply that the logical connection it

represents is "only as strong as a wire." Whether the whole

problem stems from the desire to "save bits" by not making

addresses explicitly available on a per-transmission basis is

conjectural, but if such be the case it is also unfortunate.

(As an aside, it should be noted that there is some evidence

that bit saving reaches fetish--if not pathological--proportions

in X.25: For instance, there does not even appear to be a Packet

Type field in data packets; rather--as best we can determine--for

data packets the low order bit of the "P(R)" field, which

overlaps/stands in the place of the Packet Type is always 0,

whereas in "real" Packet Type fields it's always 1. [That may,

by the way, not even be the way they do it--it's hard to tell ...

or care.])

There is also confusion even amongst its advocates as to

what implications, if any, the protocol(s) has (have) for comm

subnet node to comm subnet node (CSN) processing. Those who draw

just two highrises seem to be implying that from their

perspective the CSN (or "DCE") is invisible. This might make a

certain amount of sense if they did not assert that each floor of

a highrise has a "peer-relationship" with the corresponding floor

of the other highrise--for to do so implies excessively long

wires, well beyond the state of the wire-drawing art, when one

notices that the first floor is the physical level. (It also

appears to disallow the existence of concatenated comm subnets

into an internet, or "catenet," unless the CSN's are all

identically constituted. And those who hold that the ISORM

dictates single protocols at each level will have a hard time

making an HDLC interface into a Packet Radio Net, in all


Those who, on the other hand, "draw parking garages," seem

to be dictating that the internal structure of the CSN also

adhere to X.25 link and physical protocols. This implies that

Packet Radio or satellite CSNs, for example, cannot "be X.25."

Now that might be heartening news to the designers of such comm

subnets, but it presumably wasn't intended by those who claim

universality for X.25--or even for the ISO Reference Model.


RFC874 September 1982

Even granting that ambiguities in the conceptual model do

not constitute prima facie grounds for rejecting the protocol(s),

it is important to note that they almost assuredly will lead to

vendor implementations based on differing interpretations that

will not interoperate properly. And the unambiguous position that

virtual circuits are broken whenever X.25 says so constitutes a

flaw at least as grave as any of the ambiguities.

Another, in our view extremely severe, shortcoming of the

X.25 conceptual model is that it fails to address how programs

that interpret its protocol(s) are to be integrated into their

containing operating systems. (This goes beyond the shortcoming

of the X.25 specifications in this area, for even the advocates

of the ISORM--who, by hypothesis at least, have adopted X.25 for

their Levels 1-3--are reticent on the topic in their literature.)

Yet, if higher level protocols are to be based on X.25, there

must be commonality of integration of X.25 modules with operating

systems at least in certain aspects. The most important example

that comes to mind is the necessity for "out-of-band signals" to

take place. Yet if there is no awareness of that sort of use

reflected in the X.25 protocol's specification, implementers need

not insert X.25 modules into their operating systems in such a

fashion as to let the higher level protocols function properly

when/if an X.25 Interrupt packet arrives.

Yet much of the problem with the conceptual model might turn

out to stem from our own misunderstandings, or the

misunderstandings of others. After all, it's not easy to infer a

philosophy from a specification. (Nor, when it comes to

recognizing data packets, is it easy even to infer the

specification--but it might well say something somewhere on that

particular point which we simply overlooked in our desire to get

the spec back on the shelf rapidly.) What other aspects of X.25

appear to be "bad art"?

"Personality Problems"

When viewed from a functionality perspective, X.25 appears

to be rather schizophrenic, in the sense that sometimes it

presents a deceptively end-to-end "personality" (indeed, there

are many who think it is usable as an integral Host-Host, or

Transport, and network interface protocol, despite the fact that

its specification itself--at least in the CCITT "Fascicle"

version--points out several functional omissions where a

higher-level protocol is expected--and we have even spoken to one

or two people who say they actually do -- use it as an end-to-end

protocol, regardless); sometimes it presents a comm subnet

network interface personality (which all would agree it must);

and sometimes (according to some observers) it presents a


RFC874 September 1982

"Host-Front End Protocol" personality. Not to push the "bad art"

methaphor too hard, but this sort of violation of "the Unities"

is, if demonstrable, grounds for censure not only to literary

critics but also to those who believe in Layering. Let's look at

the evidence for the split-personality claim:

X.25 is not (and should not be) an "end-to-end" protocol in

the sense of a Transport or Host-to-Host protocol. Yet it has

several end-to-end features. These add to the space-time expense

of implementation (i.e., consume "core" and CPU cycles) and

reflect badly on the skill of its designers if one believes in

the design principles of Layering and Least Mechanism. (Examples

of end-to-end mechanisms are cited below, as mechanisms

superfluous to the network interface role.) The absence of a

datagram mode which is both required and "proper" (e.g., not Flow

Controlled, not Delivery Confirmed, not Non-delivery mechanized)

may also be taken as evidence that the end-to-end view is very

strong in X.25. That is, in ISO Reference Model (ISORM) terms,

even though X.25 "is" L1-3, it has delusions of L4-ness; in

ARPANET Reference Model (ARM) terms, even though X.25 could "be"

L I, it has delusions of L II-ness.*

X.25 is at least meant to specify an interface between a

Host (or "DTE") and a comm subnet processor (or "DCE"),

regardless of the ambiguity of the conceptual model about whether

it constrains the CSNP "on the network side." (Aside: that

ambiguity probably reflects even more badly on certain X.25

advocates than it does on the designers, for there is a strong

sense in which "of course it can't" is the only appropriate

answer to the question of whether it is meant to constrain

generic CSN processors (CSNP's) in the general case. Note,

though, that it might well be meant to constrain specific DCE's;

that is, it started life as a protocol for PTT's--or Postal,

Telephone, and Telegraph monopolies--and they are presumably

entitled to constrain themselves all they want.) Yet the

end-to-end features alluded to above are redundant to the

interfacing role, and, as noted, extraneous features have

space-time consequences. There are also several features which,

though not end-to-end, seem superfluous to a "tight" interface

protocol. Further, the reluctance of the designers to

incorporate a proper "datagram" capability in the protocol (what

they've got doesn't seem to be


* For more on the ARM, see Padlipsky, M. A., "A Perspective on

the ARPANET Reference Model", M82-47, The MITRE Corporation,

September 1982; also available in Proc. INFOCOM '83. (Some

light may also be cast by the paper on the earlier-mentioned

topic of Who Invented What.)


RFC874 September 1982

usable as a "pure"--i.e., uncontrolled at L3 but usable without

superfluous overheard by L4--datagram, but instead entails

delivery confirmation traffic like it or not; note that "seem" is

used advisedly: as usual, it's not easy to interpret the

Fascicle) suggests at least that they were confused about what

higher-level protocols need from interfaces to CSNP's, and at

worst that there is some merit to the suggestion that, to

paraphrase Louis Pouzin, "the PTT's are just trying to drum up

more business for themselves by forcing you to take more service

than you need."

Examples of mechanisms superfluous to the interface role:

1. The presence of a DTE-DTE Flow Control mechanism.

2. The presence of an "interrupt procedure" involving the

remote DTE.

3. The presence of "Call user data" as an end-to-end item

(i.e., as "more" than IP's Protocol field).

4. The "D bit" (unless construed strictly as a "RFNM" from

the remote DCE).

5. The "Q bit" (which we find nearly incomprehensible, but

which is stated to have meaning of some sort to

X.29--i.e., to at least violate Layering by having a

higher-level protocol depend on a lower level

machanism--and hence can't be strictly a network

interface mechanism).


RFC874 September 1982

The final "personality problem" of X.25 is that some of its

advocates claim it can and should be used as if it were a

Host-Front End protocol.* Yet if such use were intended, surely

its designers would have offered a means of differentiating

between control information destined for the outboard

implementation of the relevant protocols and data to be

transmitted through X.25, but there is no evidence of such

mechanisms in the protocol. "Borrowing" a Packet Type id for

H-FP would be risky, as the spec is subject to arbitrary

alteration. Using some fictitious DTE address to indicate the

proximate DCE is also risky, for the same reason. Further, using

"Call user data" to "talk to" the counterpart H-FP module allows

only 15 octets (plus, presumably, the 6 spare bits in the 16th

octet) for the conversation, whereas various TCP and IP options

might require many more octets than that. Granted that with

sufficient ingenuity--or even by the simple expedient of

conveying the entire H-FP as data (i.e., using X.25 only to get

channels to demultiplex on, and DTE-DCE flow control, with the

"DCE" actually being an Outboard Processing Environment that gets

its commands in the data fields of X.25 data packets)--X.25 might

be used to "get at" outboard protocol interpreters, but its

failure to address the issue explicitly again reflects badly on

its designers' grasp of intercomputer networking issues.

(Another possibility is that the whole H-FP notion stems from the

use of X.25 as a Host-Host


* That is, as a distributed processing mechanism which allows

Host operating systems to be relieved of the burden of

interpreting higher level protocols "inboard" of themselves by

virtue of allowing Host processes to manipulate "outboard"

interpreters of the protocols on their behalf. Note that the

outboarding may be to a separate Front-End processor or to the

CSNP itself. (The latter is likely to be found in

microprocessor-based LAN "BIU's.") Note also that when

dealing with "process-level" protocols (ARM L III;

approximately ISORM L5-7), only part of the functionality is

outboarded (e.g., there must be some Host-resident code to

interface with the native File System for a File Transfer

Protocol) and even when outboarding Host-Host protocols (ARM L

II; approximately ISORM L4 plus some of 5) the association of

logical connections (or "sockets") with processes must be

performed inboard--which is why, by the way, it's annoying to

find ISO L5 below ISO L6: because, that is, you'd like to

outboard "Presentation" functionality but its protocol expects

to interact with the "Session" protocol, the functionality of

which can't be outboarded. (Although this approach, not the

proper context for a full treatment of the H-FP approach, it

is also of interest that the approach can effectively insulate

the Host from changes in the protocol suite, which can be a

major advantage in some environments.)


RFC874 September 1982

protocol so that some might think of it in its Host aspect as

"simply" a way of getting at the H-HP. This interpretation does

give rise to the interesting observation that DCE's seem to need

a protocol as strong as TCP amongst themselves, but doesn't

strike the author as particularly convincing evidence for viewing

X.25 as anything like a proper H-FP--if for no other reason than

that a central premise of Outboard Processing is that the

Host-side H-FP module must be compact relative to an inboard

generic Network Control Program.)

X.25, then, is rather schizophrenic: It exceeds its brief

as an interface protocol by pretending to be end-to-end

(Host-Host) in some respects; it is by no means a full end-to-end

protocol (its spec very properly insists on that point on several

occasions); it's at once too full and too shallow to be a good

interface; and it's poorly structured to be treated as if it were

"just" an H-FP. (Some would phrase the foregoing as "It's

extremely ill layered"; we wouldn't argue.)

A Note on "Gateways"*

Although it was at least implied in the discussion of

conceptual model problems, one aspect of X.25/X.75 internetting

is sufficiently significant to deserve a section of its own: Not

only does the link-by-link approach taken by CCITT make it

unlikely that alternate routing can take place, but it is also

the case that ARPANET Internet Protocol (IP) based internetting

not only permits alternate routing but also could alt-route over

an "X.25 Subnet." That is, in IP's conceptual model, Gateways

attach to two or more comm subnets "as if they (the Gateways)

were Hosts." This means that they interpret the appropriate

Host-comm subnet processor protocol of whatever comm subnets

they're attached to, giving as the "proximate net address" of a

given transmission either the ultimate (internet addressed)

destination or the address of another Gateway "in the right

direction." And an implementation of IP can certainly employ an

implementation of ("DTE") X.25 to get a proximate net, so ... at

least "in an emergency" X.25 interface presenting Public Data

Networks can indeed carry IP traffic. (Note also that only the

proximate net's header has to be readable by the nodal processor

of/on the proximate net, so if some appropriate steps were taken

to render the data portion of such transmissions unintelligible

to the nodal processors, so much the better.)


* This section was added to address the ill-founded concerns of

several ISORMites that "TCP/IP won't let you use Public Data

Nets in emergencies."


RFC874 September 1982

(Further evidence that X.75 internetting is undesirable is

found in the fact that the U.S. National Bureau of Standards has,

despite its nominal adoption of the ISORM, inserted IP at

approximately L3.5 in its version of the Reference Model.)

The Off-Blue Blanket

Although touched on earlier, and not treatable at much

length in the present context, the topic of security deserves

separate mention. We are familiar with one reference in the open

literature [1] which appears to make a rather striking point

about the utility of X.25 in a secure network. Dr. Kent's point

that the very field sizes of X.25 are not acceptable from the

point of view of encryption devices would, if correct (and we are

neither competent to assess that, nor in a position to even if we

were), almost disqualify X.25 a priori for use in many arenas.

Clearly, uncertified "DCE's" cannot be permitted to read

classified (or even "private") data and so must be "encrypted

around," after all.

It would probably be the case, if we understand Dr. Kent's

point, that X.25 could be changed appropriately--if its

specifiers were willing to go along. But this is only one

problem out of a potentially large number of problems, and,

returning briefly to our concern with the interplay of X.25 and

the DoD, those persons in the DoD who know best what the problems

are and/or could be are debarred from discussing them with the

specifiers of X.25. Perhaps a sufficiently zealous ISORM

advocate would be willing to suggest that Professor Kuo's

publisher be subsidized to come out with a new edition whenever a

problem arises so that if Dr. Kent happens to spot it advantage

can continue to be taken of his ability to write for the open

literature--but we certainly hope and trust that no ISORMite

would be so tone-deaf as to fail to recognize the facetiousness

of that suggestion.

In short, it appears to be difficult to dispute the

assertion that whatever sort of security blanket X.25 could

represent would at best be an off shade of blue.

Space-Time Considerations

Another topic touched on earlier which deserves separate

mention, if only to collect the scattered data in a single

section, is that of what have been called space-time

considerations. That is, we are concerned about how well X.25 in

particular and the ISORM-derived protocols in general will

implement, both in terms of size of protocol interpreters (PI's)

and in terms of execution and delay times.


RFC874 September 1982

On the space heading, certainly the fact that X.25 offers

more functionality in its end-to-end guise than is required to

fulfill its network interface role suggests that X.25 PI's will

be bigger than they need be. As an aside--but a striking one--it

should be noted that X.25's end-to-end functions are at variance

with the ISORM itself, for the "peer entity" of a DTE X.25 entity

must surely be the local DCE X.25. Perhaps a later version of

the ISORM will introduce the polypeer and give rise to a whole

new round of Layering-Theologic controversy.* Speaking of the

ISORM itself, those who hold that each layer must be traversed on

each transmission are implicitly requiring that space (and time)

be expended in the Session and Presentation Levels even for

applications that have no need of their services. The Well-Known

Socket concept of the ARM's primary Host-Host protocol, the

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), lets Session functionality

be avoided for many applications, on the other hand--unless ISORM

L5 is to usurp the Host's user identification/authentication role

at some point. (Yes, we've heard the rumors that "null layers"

might be introduced into the ISORM; no, we don't want to get into

the theology of that either.)

On the time heading, X.25's virtual circuit view can be

debilitating--or even crippling--to applications such as

Packetized Speech where prompt delivery is preferred over ordered

or even reliable delivery. (Some hold that the X.25 datagram

option will remedy that; others hold that it's not "really

datagrams"; we note the concern, agree with the others, and pass

on.) Speaking of reliable delivery, as noted earlier some

observers hold that in order to present an acceptable virtual

circuit X.25 must have a protocol as strong as TCP "beneath"

itself; again, we're in sympathy with them. Shifting focus again

to the ISORM itself, it must be noted that the principle that

"N-entities" must communicate with one another even in the same

Host via "N-1 entities" even in the same Host is an over-zealous

application of the Principle of Layering that must consume more

time in the interpreting of the N-1 protocol than would a direct

interface between N-level PI's or such process-level protocols as

FTP and Telnet, as is done in the ARPANET-derived model.

Other space-time deficiencies could be adduced, but perhaps

a shortcut will suffice. There is a Law of Programming

(attributed to Sutherland) to the effect that "Programs are like

waffles: you should always throw the first one out." Its

relevance should become


* And perhaps we now know why some just draw the highrises.


RFC874 September 1982

clear when it is realized that (with the possible exception of

X.25) ISORM PI's are in general either first implementations or

not even implemented yet (thus, the batter, as it were, is still

being mixed). Contrast this with the iterations the

ARPANET-derived PI's--and, for that matter, protocols--have gone

through over the years and the grounds for our concern over

X.25/ISORM space-time inefficiency become clear irrespective of

corroborative detail. Factor in the consideration that space-time

efficiency may be viewed as contrary to the corporate interests

of the progenitors of X.25 ("the PTT's") and at least the current

favorite for ISORM Level 4 (ECMA--the European Computer

Manufacturers' Association), and it should become clear why we

insist that space-time considerations be given separate mention

even though touched upon elsewhere.*

Getting Physical

Still another area of concern over X.25 is that it dictates

only one means of attaching a "DTE" to a "DCE." That is, earlier

references to "the X.25 protocol(s)" were not typographical

errors. Most of the time, "X.25" refers to ISORM Level 3;

actually, though, the term subsumes L2 and L1 as well. Indeed,

the lowest levels constitute particular bit serial interfaces.

This is all very well for interfacing to "Public Data Nets"

(again, it must be recalled that X.25's roots are in CCITT), but

is scarcely appropriate to environments where the communications

subnetwork may consist of geosynchronous communications satellite

channels, "Packet Radios," or whatever. Indeed, even for

conventional Local Area Networks it is often the case that a

Direct Memory Access arrangement is desired so as to avoid

bottlenecking--but DMA isn't HDLC, and the "vendor supported X.25

interface" so prized by some won't be DMA either, one imagines.

(Speaking of LAN's, at least the evolving standard in that

arena--"IEEE 802"--apparently will offer multiple physical

interfaces depending on comm subnet style [although there is some

disagreement on this point amongst readers of their draft specs];

we understand, however, that their Level 2 shares X.25's end-end

aspirations--and we haven't checked up on DMA capability.) X.25,

then, imposes constraints upon its users with regard to interface

technology that are inappropriate.


* The broad issue of design team composition is amplified in

Padlipsky, M. A., "The Illusion of Vendor Support", M82-49,

The MITRE Corporation, September 1982.


RFC874 September 1982

Other Observers' Concerns

This paper owes much to conversations with a number of

people, although the interpretations of their concerns are the

author's responsibility. Mention should be made, however, of a

few recent documents in the area: The Defense Communications

Agency (DCA Code J110) has sent a coordinated DoD position [2] to

NBS holding that X.25 cannot be the DoD's sole network interface

standard; Dr. Vinton Cerf of the ARPA Information Processing

Technology Office made a contribution to the former which

contains a particularly lucid exposition of the desirability of

proper "datagram" capability in DoD comm subnets [3]; Mr. Ray

McFarland of the DoD Computer Security Evaluation Center has also

explored the limitations of X.25 [4]. Whether because these

authors are inherently more tactful than the present author, or

whether their positions are more constraining, or even whether

they have been more insulated from and hence less provoked by

uninformed ISORMite zealots, none has seen fit to address the

"quality" of X.25. That this paper chooses to do so may be

attributed to any one of a number of reasons, but the author

believes the key reason is contained in the following:


X.25 is not a good thing.


[1] Kent, S. T., "Security in Computer Networks," in Kuo, F.,

Ed., Protocols and Techniques for Data Communications

Networks, Prentice-Hall, 1981, pp. 369-432.

[2] Letter to NBS from P. S. Selvaggi, Chief, Interoperability

and Standards Office, 7 April 1982.

[3] Cerf, V. G., "Draft DoD Position Regarding X.25" in undated

letter to P. S. Selvaggi.

[4] Personal communications.

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