
RFC872 - TCP-on-a-LAN

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RFC872 September 1982





Bedford, Massachusetts


The sometimes-held position that the DoD Standard

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP)

are inappropriate for use "on" a Local Area Network (LAN) is

shown to be fallacious. The paper is a companion piece to

M82-47, M82-49, M82-50, and M82-51.



M. A. Padlipsky


It is the thesis of this paper that fearing "TCP-on-a-LAN"

is a Woozle which needs slaying. To slay the "TCP-on-a-LAN"

Woozle, we need to know three things: What's a Woozle? What's a

LAN? What's a TCP?


The first is rather straightforward [1]:

One fine winter's day when Piglet was brushing away the

snow in front of his house, he happened to look up, and

there was Winnie-the-Pooh. Pooh was walking round and round

in a circle, thinking of something else, and when Piglet

called to him, he just went on walking.

"Hallo!" said Piglet, "what are you doing?"

"Hunting," said Pooh.

"Hunting what?"

"Tracking something," said Winnie-the-Pooh very


"Tracking what?" said Piglet, coming closer.

"That's just what I ask myself. I ask myself, What?"

"What do you think you'll answer?"

"I shall have to wait until I catch up with it," said

Winnie-the-Pooh. "Now look there." He pointed to the

ground in front of him. "What do you see there?

"Tracks," said Piglet, "Paw-marks." he gave a little

squeak of excitement. "Oh, Pooh! Do you think it's a--a--a


Well, they convince each other that it is a Woozle, keep

"tracking," convince each other that it's a herd of Hostile

Animals, and get duly terrified before Christopher Robin comes

along and points out that they were following their own tracks

all the long.

In other Words, it is our contention that eXPressed fears

about the consequences of using a particular protocol named "TCP"

in a particular environment called a Local Area Net stem from

misunderstandings of the protocol and the environment, not from

the technical facts of the situation.


RFC872 September 1982


The second thing we need to know is somewhat less

straightforward: A LAN is, properly speaking [2], a

communications mechanism (or subnetwork) employing a transmission

technology suitable for relatively short distances (typically a

few kilometers) at relatively high bit-per-second rates

(typically greater than a few hundred kilobits per second) with

relatively low error rates, which exists primarily to enable

suitably attached computer systems (or "Hosts") to exchange bits,

and secondarily, though not necessarily, to allow terminals of

the teletypewriter and CRT classes to exchange bits with Hosts.

The Hosts are, at least in principle, heterogeneous; that is,

they are not merely multiple instances of the same operating

system. The Hosts are assumed to communicate by means of layered

protocols in order to achieve what the ARPANET tradition calls

"resource sharing" and what the newer ISO tradition calls "Open

System Interconnection." Addressing typically can be either

Host-Host (point-to-point) or "broadcast." (In some environments,

e.g., Ethernet, interesting advantage can be taken of broadcast

addressing; in other environments, e.g., LAN's which are

constituents of ARPA- or ISO-style "internets", broadcast

addressing is deemed too expensive to implement throughout the

internet as a whole and so may be ignored in the constituent LAN

even if available as part of the Host-LAN interface.)

Note that no assumptions are made about the particular

transmission medium or the particular topology in play. LAN

media can be twisted-pair wires, CATV or other coaxial-type

cables, optical fibers, or whatever. However, if the medium is a

processor-to-processor bus it is likely that the system in

question is going to turn out to "be" a moderately closely

coupled distributed processor or a somewhat loosely coupled

multiprocessor rather than a LAN, because the processors are

unlikely to be using either ARPANET or ISO-style layered

protocols. (They'll usually -- either be homogeneous processors

interpreting only the protocol necessary to use the transmission

medium, or heterogeneous with one emulating the expectations of

the other.) Systems like "PDSC" or "NMIC" (the evolutionarily

related, bus-oriented, multiple PDP-11 systems in use at the

Pacific Data Services Center and the National Military

Intelligence Center, respectively), then, aren't LANs.

LAN topologies can be either "bus," "ring," or "star". That

is, a digital PBX can be a LAN, in the sense of furnishing a

transmission medium/communications subnetwork for Hosts to do

resource sharing/Open System Interconnection over, though it

might not present attractive speed or failure mode properties.

(It might, though.) Topologically, it would probably be a

neutron star.


RFC872 September 1982

For our purposes, the significant properties of a LAN are

the high bit transmission capacity and the good error properties.

Intuitively, a medium with these properties in some sense

"shouldn't require a heavy-duty protocol designed for long-haul

nets," according to some. (We will not address the issue of

"wasted bandwidth" due to header sizes. [2], pp. 1509f, provides

ample refutation of that traditional communications notion.)

However, it must be borne in mind that for our purposes the

assumption of resource-sharing/OSI type protocols between/among

the attached Hosts is also extremely significant. That is, if

all you're doing is letting some terminals Access some different

Hosts, but the Hosts don't really have any intercomputer

networking protocols between them, what you have should be viewed

as a Localized Communications Network (LCN), not a LAN in the

sense we're talking about here.


The third thing we have to know can be either

straightforward or suBTle, depending largely on how aware we are

of the context estabished by ARPANET-style prococols: For the

visual-minded, Figure 1 and Figure 2 might be all that need be

"said." Their moral is meant to be that in ARPANET-style

layering, layers aren't monoliths. For those who need more

explanation, here goes: TCP [3] (we'll take IP later) is a

Host-Host protocol (roughly equivalent to the functionality

implied by some of ISO Level 5 and all of ISO Level 4). Its most

significant property is that it presents reliable logical

connections to protocols above itself. (This point will be

returned to subsequently.) Its next most significant property is

that it is designed to operate in a "catenet" (also known as the,

or an, "internet"); that is, its addressing discipline is sUCh

that Hosts attached to communications subnets other than the one

a given Host is attached to (the "proximate net") can be

communicated with as well as Hosts on the proximate net. Other

significant properties are those common to the breed: Host-Host

protocols (and Transport protocols) "all" offer mechanisms for

flow Control, Out-of-Band Signals, Logical Connection management,

and the like.

Because TCP has a catenet-oriented addressing mechanism

(that is, it expresses foreign Host addresses as the

"two-dimensional" entity Foreign Net/Foreign Host because it

cannot assume that the Foreign Host is attached to the proximate

net), to be a full Host-Host protocol it needs an adjunct to deal

with the proximate net. This adjunct, the Internet Protocol (IP)

was designed as a separate protocol from TCP, however, in order

to allow it to play the same role it plays for TCP for other

Host-Host protocols too.


RFC872 September 1982

In order to "deal with the proximate net", IP possess the

following significant properties: An IP implementation maps from

a virtualization (or common intermediate representation) of

generic proximate net qualities (such as precedence, grade of

service, security labeling) to the closest equivalent on the

proximate net. It determines whether the "Internet Address" of a

given transmission is on the proximate net or not; if so, it

sends it; if not, it sends it to a "Gateway" (where another IP

module resides). That is, IP handles internet routing, whereas

TCP (or some other Host-Host protocol) handles only internet

addressing. Because some proximate nets will accept smaller

transmissions ("packets") than others, IP, qua protocol, also has

a discipline for allowing packets to be fragmented while in the

catenet and reassembled at their destination. Finally (for our

purposes), IP offers a mechanism to allow the particular protocol

it was called by (for a given packet) to be identified so that

the receiver can demultiplex transmissions based on IP-level

information only. (This is in accordance with the Principle of

Layering: you don't want to have to look at the data IP is

conveying to find out what to do with it.)

Now that all seems rather complex, even though it omits a

number of mechanisms. (For a more complete discussion, see

Reference [4].) But it should be just about enough to slay the

Woozle, especially if just one more protocol's most significant

property can be snuck in. An underpublicized member of the

ARPANET suite of protocols is called UDP--the "User Datagram

Protocol." UDP is designed for speed rather than accuracy. That

is, it's not "reliable." All there is to UDP, basically, is a

mechanism to allow a given packet to be associated with a given

logical connection. Not a TCP logical connection, mind you, but a

UDP logical connection. So if all you want is the ability to

demultiplex data streams from your Host-Host protocol, you use

UDP, not TCP. ("You" is usually supposed to be a Packetized

Speech protocol, but doesn't have to be.) (And we'll worry about

Flow Control some other time.)


So whether you're a Host proximate to a LAN or not, and even

whether your TCP/IP is "inboard" or "outboard" of you, if you're

talking to a Host somewhere out there on the catenet, you use IP;

and if you're exercising some process-level/applications protocol

(roughly equivalent to some of some versions of ISO L5 and all of

L6 and L7) that expects TCP/IP as its Host-Host protocol (because

it "wants" reliable, flow controlled, ordered delivery [whoops,

forgot that "ordered" property earlier--but it doesn't matter all

that much for present purposes] over logical connections which

allow it to be


RFC872 September 1982

addressed via a Well-Known Socket), you use TCP "above" IP

regardless of whether the other Host is on your proximate net or

not. But if your application doesn't require the properties of

TCP (say for Packetized Speech), don't use it--regardless of

where or what you are. And if you want to make the decision

about whether you're talking to a proximate Host explicitly and

not even go through IP, you can even arrange to do that (though

it might make for messy implementation under some circumstances).

That is, if you want to take advantage of the properties of your

LAN "in the raw" and have or don't need appropriate applications

protocols, the Reference Model to which TCP/IP were designed

won't stop you. See Figure 2 if you're visual. A word of

caution, though: those applications probably will need protocols

of some sort--and they'll probably need some sort of Host-Host

protocol under them, so unless you relish maintaining "parallel"

suites of protocols.... that is, you really would be better off

with TCP most of the time locally anyway, because you've got to

have it to talk to the catenet and it's a nuisance to have

"something else" to talk over the LAN--when, of course, what

you're talking requires a Host-Host protocol.

We'll touch on "performance" issues in a bit more detail

later. At this level, though, one point really does need to be

made: On the "reliability" front, many (including the author) at

first blush take the TCP checksum to be "overkill" for use on a

LAN, which does, after all, typically present extremely good

error properties. Interestingly enough, however, metering of TCP

implementations on several Host types in the research community

shows that the processing time expended on the TCP checksum is

only around 12% of the per-transmission processing time anyway.

So, again, it's not clear that it's worthwhile to bother with an

alternate Host-Host protocol for local use (if, that is, you need

the rest of the properties of TCP other than "reliability"--and,

of course, always assuming you've got a LAN, not an LCN, as

distinguished earlier.)

Take that, Woozle!

Other Significant Properties

Oh, by the way, one or two other properties of TCP/IP really

do bear mention:

1. Protocol interpreters for TCP/IP exist for a dozen or

two different operating systems.

2. TCP/IP work, and have been working (though in less

refined versions) for several years.


RFC872 September 1982

3. IP levies no constraints on the interface protocol

presented by the proximate net (though some protocols

at that level are more wasteful than others).

4. IP levies no constraints on its users; in particular,

any proximate net that offers alternate routing can be

taken advantage of (unlike X.25, which appears to

preclude alternate routing).

5. IP-bearing Gateways both exist and present and exploit

properties 3 and 4.

6. TCP/IP are Department of Defense Standards.

7. Process (or application) protocols compatible with

TCP/IP for Virtual Terminal and File Transfer

(including "electronic mail") exist and have been

implemented on numerous operating systems.

8. "Vendor-style" specifications of TCP/IP are being

prepared under the aegis of the DoD Protocol Standards

Technical Panel, for those who find the

research-community-provided specs not to their liking.

9. The research community has recently reported speeds in

excess of 300 kb/s on an 800 kb/s subnet, 1.2 Mb/s on a

3 Mb/s subnet, and 9.2 kbs on a 9.6 kb/s phone

line--all using TCP. (We don't know of any numbers for

alternative protocol suites, but it's unlikely they'd

be appreciably better if they confer like

functionality--and they may well be worse if they

represent implementations which haven't been around

enough to have been iterated a time or three.)

With the partial exception of property 8, no other

resource-sharing protocol suite can make those claims.

Note particularly well that none of the above should be

construed as eliminating the need for extremely careful

measurement of TCP/IP performance in/on a LAN. (You do, after

all, want to know their limitations, to guide you in when to

bother ringing in "local" alternatives--but be very careful: 1.

they're hard to measure commensurately with alternative

protocols; and 2. most conventional Hosts can't take [or give]

as many bits per second as you might imagine.) It merely

dramatically refocuses the motivation for doing such measurement.

(And levies a constraint or two on how you outboard, if you're



RFC872 September 1982

Other Contextual Data

Our case could really rest here, but some amplification of

the aside above about Host capacities is warranted, if only to

suggest that some quantification is available to supplement the a

priori argument: Consider the previously mentioned PDSC. Its

local terminals operate in a screen-at-a-time mode, each

screen-load comprising some 16 kb. How many screens can one of

its Hosts handle in a given second? Well, we're told that each

disk fetch requires 17 ms average latency, and each context

switch costs around 2 ms, so allowing 1 ms for transmission of

the data from the disk and to the "net" (it makes the arithmetic

easy), that would add up to 20 ms "processing" time per screen,

even if no processing were done to the disk image. Thus, even if

the Host were doing nothing else, and even if the native disk

I/O software were optimized to do 16 kb reads, it could only

present 50 screens to its communications mechanism

(processor-processor bus) per second. That's 800 kb/s. And

that's well within the range of TCP-achievable rates (cf. Other

Significant Property 9). So in a realistic sample environment,

it would certainly seem that typical Hosts can't necessarily

present so many bits as to overtax the protocols anyway. (The

analysis of how many bits typical Hosts can accept is more

difficult because it depends more heavily on system internals.

However, the point is nearly moot in that even in the intuitively

unlikely event that receiving were appreciably faster in

principle [unlikely because of typical operating system

constraints on address space sizes, the need to do input to a

single address space, and the need to share buffers in the

address space among several processes], you can't accept more

than you can be given.)


The sometimes-expressed fear that using TCP on a local net

is a bad idea is unfounded.


[1] Milne, A. A., "Winnie-the-Pooh", various publishers.

[2] The LAN description is based on Clark, D. D. et al., "An

Introduction to Local Area Networks," IEEE Proc., V. 66, N.

11, November 1978, pp. 1497-1517, several year's worth of

conversations with Dr. Clark, and the author's observations

of both the open literature and the Oral Tradition (which

were sufficiently well-thought of to have prompted The MITRE

Corporation/NBS/NSA Local Nets "Brain Picking Panel" to have


RFC872 September 1982

solicited his testimony during the year he was in FACC's


[3] The TCP/IP descriptions are based on Postel, J. B.,

"Internet Protocol Specification," and "Transmission Control

Specification" in DARPA Internet Program Protocol

Specifications, USC Information Sciences Institute,

September, 1981, and on more than 10 years' worth of

conversations with Dr. Postel, Dr. Clark (now the DARPA

"Internet Architect") and Dr. Vinton G. Cerf (co-originator

of TCP), and on numerous discussions with several other

members of the TCP/IP design team, on having edited the

referenced documents for the PSTP, and, for that matter, on

having been one of the developers of the ARPANET "Reference


[4] Padlipsky, M. A., "A Perspective on the ARPANET Reference

Model", M82-47, The MITRE Corporation, September 1982; also

available in Proc. INFOCOM '83.


* In all honesty, as far as I know I started the rumor that TCP

might be overkill for a LAN at that meeting. At the next TCP

design meeting, however, they separated IP out from TCP, and

everything's been alright for about three years now--except

for getting the rumor killed. (I'd worry about Woozles

turning into roosting chickens if it weren't for the facts

that: 1. People tend to ignore their local guru; 2. I was

trying to encourage the IP separation; and 3. All I ever

wanted was some empirical data.)

NOTE: FIGURE 1. ARM in the Abstract, and FIGURE 2. ARMS,

Somewhat Particularized, may be obtained by writing to: Mike

Padlipsky, MITRE Corporation, P.O. Box 208, Bedford,

Massachusetts, 01730, or sending computer mail to


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