
RFC915 - Network mail path service

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group Marc A. Elvy

Request for Comments: 915 Harvard University

Rudy Nedved

Carnegie-Mellon University

December 1984



This RFCproposes a new service for the ARPA-Internet community and

requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Distribution

of this memo is unlimited.


The network mail path service fills the current need of people to

determine mailbox addresses for hosts that are not part of the

ARPA-Internet but can be reached by one or more relay hosts that have

Unix To Unix Copy (UUCP) mail, CSNET mail, MAILNET mail, BITNET mail,


Anyone can use the service if they have TCP/TELNET to one of the

hosts with a mail path server.


Currently many hosts that are not connected to the ARPA-Internet

network can send mail to and receive mail from the ARPA-Internet

community. The ARPA-Internet community sends mail using mailbox

addresses of the form "user@host" or "local-part@domain" [1, 5]. In

an effort to provide service to hosts not connected directly to the

ARPA-Internet, mail maintainers have used the feature that the

"local-part" of the mailbox address is locally interpreted to imbed

specially encoded mail routing or relaying information. These

encoded mailbox addresses have a variety of forms and have become

common practice. For example:






It is important that people be able to communicate, but it is clear

from the rampant confusion and frustration that something must be

RFC915 Month Year

Network Mail Path Service

provided to make it easier for people to address mail to

non-ARPA-Internet hosts. The result, for a variety of reasons, has

been the work and development of the Domain Name system and

facilities [2, 3, 7, 9], and it is eXPected to make mailbox addresses

be as simple as the current ARPA-Internet mailbox format (e.g.,


How do people discover the special encoded addresses for

non-ARPA-Internet host mailboxes until the domain name system is

working and covering the majority of hosts in the mail world? The

proposed solution to this problem is to provide a network service for

the ARPA-Internet and a mail service for the non-ARPA-Internet hosts

that, given a host and an optional addressing system or communication

protocol or some other piece of information, supplies the mailbox

address format for sending mail to that host. For example,

"nedved@Carnegie.MAILNET" would be translated by the server to

"nedved%Carnegie.MAILNET@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA". This memo covers the

proposed network service.


Unless otherwise noted, all numbers are in decimal.

The term "host", as used in this document, describes one computer

system which may have more than one name associated with it. It may

have a name for each network or mail connection it supports and may

have several nicknames or aliases for the computer and/or for each

set of network names that the computer has acquired.


The network service is a connection based application on TCP [4]. A

server listens for TCP connections on the assigned port of 117 [8].

It responds to the connection with a coded greeting message and waits

for a command line. For each command line sent to the server, the

server will respond with a coded message. The special command QUIT

causes the server to respond with a coded closing message and closes

the connection.

RFC915 Month Year

Network Mail Path Service


One of the goals is to provide the service to as many ARPA-Internet

hosts as possible. In the current ARPA-Internet, experience has shown

that software people first implement TELNET/TCP [6] before any other

network application or protocol. Therefore, it is a sub-goal that

people be able to Access the service using available programs (with

minimal modifications) that implement TELNET/TCP. Therefore,

TELNET/TCP on port 117 will work correctly. The server understands

TELNET options but refuses all option negotiations that disagree with

the NVT characteristics defined by the TELNET protocol (see [6]),

does not echo, and expects command lines to end with <CRLF> (ASCII

code 13 (octal 15) followed by code 10 (octal 12)). Character

echoing and line editing is expected to be handled by the user host

for the benefit of the user.

Mail systems and other programs are also expected to be able to

access and understand the service. Each command reply can have

multiple line responses with text understandable by the novice user.

Each command is encoded so as to make it easy for a program to parse

the lines and extract interesting information, such as whether the

operation was successful.


Given the developing nature of the protocol and its intent, the

command lines are composed of a command (case ignored) followed by

white space, the argument(s) and a <CRLF>. The white space is

required if any arguments are supplied but the arguments are

optional. White space following the command and any optional

arguments are ignored.

<cmdline> := <cmd> [<WS> <args>] [<WS>] <CRLF>

<WS> := [<WS>] <WS> <TAB> <SPACE>

Coded response lines have the rigid format of a 3-digit decimal code

followed by a space or a dash followed by text composed of characters

within the ASCII range 32 to 126 (octal 40 to 176) with <CRLF> at the

end of the line. The dash after the 3-digit code indicates at least

one more response line will be supplied while the space indicates the

current response line is the last one.

<rspline> := <digit><digit><digit><cont><rtext><CRLF>

<cont> := <SPACE> "-"

RFC915 Month Year

Network Mail Path Service

<rtext> := ASCII characters in the range 32 to 126.

Some of the successful response text to certain commands have rigid

formats so programs can extract path information. The commands that

have format restrictions are clearly noted and the response format is

documented with the command.

The response codes are in the range from 200 to 599 inclusively. The

following paragraphs provide the break down for each digit.

The first, most significant, digit is the success indicator. It

breaks down into the simple success and total failure responses but

includes the ability to communicate a temporary failure condition and

the need for further information that has worked so well for SMTP [5]

and other similiar protocols. The codes are:

2xx Positive reply.

3xx Intermedate reply. Positive acknowlegement but more

information is neccessary.

4xx Temporary error. Try again later.

5xx Permanent error. Do not retry.

The second digit is used to classify the response to provide a flavor

for certain types of success. The flavor is apparent in providing the

response on whether a host name is known by a domain name server or

not. The codes are:

x0x Command related response.

x1x Connection related response.

x2x Database related response.

x3x Domain transition related response.

x4x Data added response.

x5x Data deleted response.

x6x Data modified response.

RFC915 Month Year

Network Mail Path Service


The minimum implementation is the support of three commands: HELP,

PATH and QUIT. The HELP command provides some level of documentation

and possibly lists the known addressing or communication protocols.

The PATH command takes as a required argument a user name or id

followed by a "@", followed by a domain style host name whose domain

components may be an addressing protocol, a communication

environment, or an unofficial or colloquial domain.

S: (server listens on port 117)

U: (user connects to port 117)

S: 210-Welcome to the CMU network mail path service.

S: 210 Type 'HELP' for help.

U: help

S: 200-The server currently knows about the following mail worlds:


S: 200-Use the PATH command with "user@host.world" to get the

S: 200 ARPA-Internet mail address.

U: path root@inria.uucp

S: 220 philabs!mcvax!inria!root@SEISMO.ARPA

U: quit

S: 211 Bye bye.

S: (server closes connection)


The protocol is designed to provide a flexible but conservative

mechanism for providing responses and adding experimental or extended


<user connects to server>

The server responds with a message indicating the status of the

server and optional information.

210 Greeting message indicating the server is ready.

410 The server is down for some unknown reason for a short


510 The server is unavailable.

HELP [<arg>]

The server can respond with general help information about the

server, about the specific topic described by "arg", or it can

RFC915 Month Year

Network Mail Path Service

indicate that something is temporarily wrong with the HELP

facility. It is strongly recomended that the general HELP

command documentation be implemented and expanded.

200 General or specific documentation given.

220 Documentation given from a database.

421 Service temporarily unavailable.

501 Command not implemented or topic not known.

PATH <user>@<host>

The server normally responds with either the mail path that

will work for the given mailbox address or indicates the domain

style host name is unknown. If the database is in transition or

inconsistent, a temporary or permanent error can be supplied.

220 Rigid format route given.

230 Rigid format route given. Domain servers should be


420 Database problems. Try again later.

501 Invalid argument form or null argument given.

520 No such host found in database.

521 Host name is ambiguous.

When a route is supplied with the 2xx success responses. It has a

fixed format with a one-line response. The format is as follows:


The "local-part" and "domain" components are defined under the

SMTP protocol [5] and are intended to be used over SMTP



Respond and close the server down.

211 Close the connection down.

RFC915 Month Year

Network Mail Path Service

One special code is reserved and is used for a special case. The code

is 412 and is sent when the server has been waiting for a response

for more then 2 minutes and has decided to timeout the connection.

After the "412 <timeout msg>" is sent, the server may close or

possibly abort the connection.

Because of the somewhat experimental nature of the server, additional

commands are expected to be added as they become needed. No

restrictions are placed on the names of these experimental commands

other then the must not conflict with the basic commands and are not

allowed to be abbreviated (i.e., "SEAR" can not be used for



It is important to understand that the server is an aid to users that

may have minimal amount of information about the host. Therefore the

PATH command takes domain style host names that may be complete or

incomplete specifications for the host and may be common or

colloquial domain names. The servers look through the entire database

for anything that matches and try to find the best answer

disregarding any local domain information. If several hosts have the

same nickname or alias and lack distinguishing domain components, the

server returns an error response containing all of the hosts found.

Some implementation may even break down the host name and indicate in

error messages that even though it did not find the host, it found

something else that might be what the user wanted.


As mentioned previously, the mail path service is not intended to be

a replacement or a parallel service to the domain name system. It is

a stop gap measure and, when most of the domain name system is in

place, will probably be disabled on some or most of the hosts with

the service.

Mail systems should check the domain name servers for the specified

host before trying a mail path server. The mail path servers should

be modified when one or more domain servers are in place to check if

a host is part of the domain system and to generate an error or an

indication (but still include the path information) if a host is

found to be a part of the domain system.

The names used by the mail path servers have no official standing in

the ARPA-Internet community and have colloquial origins. The domain

name components are based on the adminstrative entities involved

whereas many of the current unofficial common domain style names for

RFC915 Month Year

Network Mail Path Service

non-ARPA-Internet hosts are based on the protocol used, the relay

host used, or some acronym that someone dreamed up. Only a few of

the current domain style names that are privately in use are expected

to be used by the ARPA-Internet community when the domain name

service is in use by the majority of the ARPA-Internet community.


The greatest problem with the new service, as implemented, is that it

reports paths from the service host rather than from the user's host.

This is due to the nature of software. It would be more convenient

if it reported a correct path from the caller's host, but this would

require a different method of database management (a method which

could quickly compute the path from the caller's machine or a machine

which would be willing to keep updated databases for each host (which

is impractical)).

Two minor problems exist with the database used by the software. Many

relay hosts exist in several different protocol or addressing name

spaces but under different names. The current software cross

referencing for the multiple protocol relay hosts is done by hand,

but, given the seeming reliability of these relay hosts, the problem

does not appear to be significant. The second problem is that the

data should be collected from the actual relay hosts to ensure

correctness, but in many cases this is impossible.


Find a route to CMU-CC-TE in the CARNEGIE part of MAILNET for user id


S: (server listens on port 117)

U: (user connects to port 117)

S: 210-Welcome to the CMU network mail path service

S: 210 Type 'HELP' for help.



U: quit

S: 211 Bye bye.

S: (server closes connection)

RFC915 Month Year

Network Mail Path Service

Find a route to a host which has an unknown addressing system or

communication protocol and for which the name may be an alias:

S: (server listens on port 117)

U: (user connects to port 117)

S: 210-Welcome to the CMU network mail path service

S: 210 Type 'HELP' for help.

U: path mss@dartvax

S: 220 mss%dartmouth@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA

U: quit

S: 211 Bye bye.

S: (server closes connection)

Find a route to a host that is known by a very long domain style name

but is not in the current ARPA-Internet host tables:

S: (server listens on port 117)

U: (user connects to port 117)

S: 210-Welcome to the CMU network mail path service

S: 210 Type 'HELP' for help.

U: path rob@vax1.cent.lanc.ac.uk

S: 220 rob%vax1.cent.lanc@UCL-CS.ARPA

U: quit

S: 211 Bye bye.

S: (server closes connection)

Find a route to a host without any additional information and the

name is discovered to be ambiguous:

S: (server listens on port 117)

U: (user connects to port 117)

S: 210-Welcome to the CMU network mail path service

S: 210 Type 'HELP' for help.

U: path brad@pitt

S: 521-Several hosts found under the name of 'pitt', try one of:

S: 521-brad@pitt.UUCP

S: 521-brad@pitt.CSNET

U: path brad@pitt.CSNET

S: 220


U: quit

S: 211 Bye bye.

S: (server closes connection)

RFC915 Month Year

Network Mail Path Service


The original protocol was documented by Marc Elvy for a server that

he and Alan Langerman built. The server used the pathalias software

created by Steve Bellovin, as modified by Peter Honeyman and Robert

T. Morris, to maintain the host to host connection database. The

software provided a way for people to make sense out of the jungle of

UUCP hosts. The Info-Nets@MIT-MC mailing list, created and maintained

by Robert Krawitz, made the CMU and Harvard mail path projects aware

of each other and the people on the list provided many of the mail

relay databases that are in use by the mail path servers. The

original server may be accessed through TCP port 117 on harvard.arpa

-- the "pathto" program that runs under 4.2BSD UNIX may be oBTained

as a front end to the server from RFC915@HARVARD.ARPA.

The current protocol scope was changed by Rudy Nedved to cover

BITNET, CSNET, MAILNET and other "mail networks" and further refined

by Marc Elvy, Alan Langerman and others.

Comments should be sent to RFC-915@HARVARD.ARPA or mailed (via the

U.S. Postal Service) to:

Marc A. Elvy

108 Aiken Computation Laboratory

33 Oxford Street

Harvard University

Cambridge, MA 02138

(617) 495-5849

Rudy Nedved

Department of Computer Science

Carnegie-Mellon University

Schenley Park

Pittsburgh, PA 15213

(412) 578-7685

RFC915 Month Year

Network Mail Path Service


[1] Crocker, D. "Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text

Messages". RFC822, Department of Electrical Engineering,

University of Delaware, August, 1982.

[2] Mockapetris, P. "Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities".

RFC882, USC/Information Sciences Institute, Novemeber, 1983.

[3] Mockapetris, P. "Domain Names - Implementation Specification".

RFC883, USC/Information Sciences Institute, Novemeber, 1983.

[4] Postel, J. "Transmission Control Protocol- DARPA Internet

Program Protocol Specification". RFC793, USC/Information

Sciences Institute, September, 1981.

[5] Postel, J. "Simple Mail Transfer Prootcol". RFC821,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, August, 1982.

[6] Postel, J., and J. Reynolds. "Telnet Protocol Specification".

RFC854, USC/Information Sciences Institute, May, 1983.

[7] Postel, J. "Domain Name System Implementation Schedule".

RFC897, USC/Information Sciences Institute, Feburary, 1984.

[8] Reynolds, J., and J. Postel. "Assigned Numbers". RFC923,

USC/Information Sciences Institute, October, 1984.

[9] Su, Z., and Postel, J. "The Domain Naming Convention for

Internet User Applications". RFC819, SRI International,

August, 1982.

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