
RFC891 - DCN local-network protocols

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Network Working Group D.L. Mills

Request for Comments: 891 December 1983

DCN Local-Network Protocols

This RFCis a description of the protocol used in the DCN local

networks to maintain connectivity, routing, and timekeeping

information. These procedures may be of interest to designers and

implementers of other networks.

1. IntrodUCtion

This document describes the local-net architecture and protocols

of the Distributed Computer Network (DCN), a family of local nets

based on Internet technology and an implementation of PDP11-based

software called the Fuzzball. DCN local nets have been in operation

for about three years and now include clones in the USA, UK, Norway

and West Germany. They typically include a number of PDP11 or LSI-11

Fuzzballs, one of which is elected a gateway, and often include other

Internet-compatible hosts as well.

The DCN local-net protocols are intended to provide connectivity,

routing and timekeeping functions for a set of randomly connected

personal computers and service hosts. The design philosophy guiding

the Fuzzball implementation is to incorporate complete functionality

in every host, which can serve as a packet switch, gateway and service

host all at the same time. When a set of Fuzzballs are connected

together using a haphazard collection of serial, parallel and

contention-bus interfaces, they organize themselves into a network

with routing based on minimum delay.

The purpose of this document is to describe the local-net

protocols used by the DCN to maintain connectivity, routing and

timekeeping functions. The document is an extensive revision and

eXPansion of Section 4.2 of [1] and is divided into two parts, the

first of which is an informal description of the architecture,

together with explanatory remarks. The second part consists of a

semi-formal specification of the entities and protocols used to

determine connectivity, establish routing and maintain clock

synchronization and is designed to aid in the implementation of cohort

systems. The link-level coding is described in the appendix.

2. Narrative Description

The DCN architecture is designed for local nets of up to 256

hosts and gateways using the Internet Protocol (IP) and client

protocols. It provides adaptive routing and clock synchronization

functions in an arbitrary topology including point-to-point links and

multipoint bus systems. It is intended for use in connecting personal

computers to each other and to service machines, gateways and other

hosts of the Internet community. However, it is not intended for use

in large, complex networks and does not support the sophisticated

routing and control algorithms of, for example, the ARPANET.

A brief description of the process and addressing structure used

in the DCN may be useful in the following. A DCN physical host is a

PDP11-compatible processor which supports a number of cooperating

sequential processes, each of

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which is given a unique 8-bit identifier called its port ID. Every

DCN physical host contains one or more internet processes, each of

which supports a virtual host given a unique 8-bit identifier called

its host ID.

Each virtual host can support multiple internet protocols,

connections and, in addition, a virtual clock. Each physical host

contains a physical clock which can operate at an arbitrary rate and,

in addition, a 32-bit logical clock which operates at 1000 Hz and is

assumed to be reset each day at 0000 hours UT. Not all physical hosts

implement the full 32-bit precision; however, in such cases the

resolution of the logical clock may be somewhat less.

There is a one-to-one correspondence between Internet addresses

and host IDs. The host ID is formed from a specified octet of the

Internet address to which is added a specified offset. The octet

number and offset are selected at configuration time and must be the

same for all DCN hosts sharing the local net. For class-B and class-C

nets normally the fourth octet is used in this way for routing within

the local net. In the case of class-B nets, the third octet is

considered part of the net number by DCN hosts; therefore, this octet

can be used for routing between DCN local nets. For class-A nets

normally the third octet (ARPANET logical-host field) is used for

routing where necessary.

Each DCN physical host is identified by a host ID for the purpose

of detecting loops in routing updates, which establish the

minimum-delay paths between the virtual hosts. By convention, the

physical host ID is assigned as the host ID of one of its virtual

hosts. A link to a neighbor net is associated with a special virtual

host, called a gateway, which is assigned a unique host ID.

The links connecting the various physical hosts together and to

foreign nets can be distributed in arbitrary ways, so long as the net

remains fully connected. If full connectivity is lost, due to a link

or host fault, the virtual hosts in each of the surviving segments can

continue to operate with each other and, once connectivity is

restored, with all of them.

Datagram routing is determined entirely by internet address -

there is no local leader as in the ARPANET. Each physical host

contains two tables, the Host Table, which is used to determine the

outgoing link to each other local-net host, and the Net Table, which

is used to determine the outgoing host (gateway) to each other net.

The Host Table contains estimates of roundtrip delay and logical-clock

offset for all virtual hosts in the net and is indexed by host ID.

For the purpose of computing these estimates the delay and offset of

each virtual host relative to the physical host in which it resides is

assumed zero. The single exception to this is a special virtual host

associated with an NBS radio time-code receiver, where the offset is

computed relative to the broadcast time.

The Net Table contains an entry for every neighbor net that may

be connected to the local net and, in addition, certain other nets

that are not

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neighbors. Each entry contains the net number, as well as the host ID

of the local-net gateway to that net. The routing function simply

looks up the net number in the Net Table, finds the host ID of the

gateway and retrieves the port ID of the net-output process from the

Host Table. Other information is included in the Host Table and Net

Table as described below.

The delay and offset estimates are updated by HELLO messages

exchanged on the links connecting physical-host neighbors. The HELLO

messages are exchanged frequently, but not so as to materially degrade

the throughput of the link for ordinary data messages. A HELLO

message contains a copy of the delay and offset information from the

Host Table of the sender, as well as information to compute the

roundtrip delay and logical-clock offset of the receiver relative to

the sender.

The routing algorithm is similar to that (formerly) used in the

ARPANET and other places in that the roundtrip (biased) delay estimate

calculated to a neighbor is added to each of the delay estimates given

in its HELLO message and compared with the corresponding delay

estimates in the Host Table. If a delay computed in this way is less

than the delay already in the Host Table, the routing to the

corresponding virtual host is changed accordingly. The detailed

operation of this algorithm, which includes provisions for host

up-down logic and loop suppression, is summarized in a later section.

DCN local nets are self-configuring for all hosts and neighbor

nets; that is, the routing algorithms will find minimum-delay paths

between all hosts and gateways to neighbor nets. In addition,

timekeeping information can be exchanged using special HELLO messages

between neighboring DCN local nets. For routing beyond neighbor nets

additional entries can be configured in the Net Tables as required.

In addition, a special entry can be configured in the Net Tables which

specifies the host ID of the gateway to all nets not explicitly

included in the table.

For routing via the ARPANET and its reachable nets a selected

local-net host is equipped with an IMP interface and configured with a

GGP/EGP Gateway process. This process maintains the Net Table of the

local host, including ARPANET leaders, dynamically as part of the

GGP/EGP protocol interactions with other ARPANET gateways. GGP/EGP

protocol interactions are possibly with non-ARPANET gateways as well.

The portable virtual-host structure used in the DCN encourages a

rather loose interpretation of addressing. In order to minimize

confusion in the following, the term "host ID" will be applied only to

virtual hosts, while "host number" will be applied to the physical

host, called generically the DCN host.

2.1. Net and Host Tables

There are two tables in every DCN host which control routing of

Internet Protocol (IP) datagrams: the Net Table and the Host Table.

The Net Table is used to determine the host ID of the gateway on the

route to a foreign net,

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while the Host Table is used to determine the link, with respect to

the DCN host, on the route to a virtual host. The Host Table is

maintained dynamically using updates generated by periodic HELLO

messages. The Net Table is fixed at configuration time for all DCN

hosts except those that support a GGP/EGP Gateway process. In these

cases the Net Table is updated as part of the gateway operations. In

addition, entries in either table can be changed by operator commands.

The Net Table format is shown in Figure 1.

1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Net Name


Net(2) Net(1)


Index Net(3)


Hops Gateway ID


Gateway Leader


Figure 1. Net Table Entry

The "Net Name" field defines a short (RAD50) name for the net,

while the "Net" fields define the class A/B/C net number. The

"Gateway ID" field contains the host ID of the first gateway to the

net and the "Hops" field the number of hops to it. The remaining

fields are used only by the GGP/EGP Gateway process and include the

"Index" field, which contains an index into the routing matrix. and

the "Gateway Leader" field, which contains the (byte-swapped)

local-net leader for the gateway on a neighbor net.

The Net Table contains an indefinite number of entries and is

terminated by a special entry with all "Net" fields set to zero. If

the "Hops" field of this entry is less than 255, the "Gateway ID"

field of this entry is used for all nets not in the table. If the

"Hops" field is 255 all nets not explicitly mentioned in the table

appear unreachable.

The Host Table format is shown in Figure 2.

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1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0










+ +

Local Leader

+ +


+ Update Timestamp +


Figure 2. Host Table Entry

The ordinal position of each Host Table entry corresponds to its

host ID. The "Name" field contains a short (RAD50) name for

convenient reference. The "Port ID" field contains the port ID of the

net-output process on the shortest path to this virtual host and the

"Delay" field contains the measured roundtrip delay to it. The

"Offset" field contains the difference between the logical clock of

this host and the logical clock of the local host. The "Local Leader"

field contains information used to construct the local leader of the

outgoing packet, for those nets that require it. The "Update

Timestamp" field contains the logical clock value when the entry was

last updated and the "TTL" field the time (in seconds) remaining until

the virtual host is declared down.

All fields except the "Name" field are filled in as part of the

routing update process, which is initiated upon arrival of a HELLO

message from a neighboring DCN host. This message takes the form of

an IP datagram carrying the reserved protocol number 63 and a data

field as shown in Figure 3.

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1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

--- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

Fixed Checksum

Area +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+



+ Time +




Offset Hosts (n)

--- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

Host Delay Host 0

Area +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

Offset Host 0


... ...


Delay Host n-1


Offset Host n-1

--- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

Figure 3. HELLO Message Format

There are two HELLO message formats, depending on the length of

the message. One format, sent by a DCN host to another host on the

same local net, includes both the fixed and host areas shown above.

The second format, sent in all other cases, includes only the fixed


Note that all Word fields shown are byte-swapped with respect to

the ordinary PDP11 representation. The "Checksum" field contains a

checksum covering the fields indicated. The "Date" and "Time" fields

are filled in with the local date and time of origination. The

"Timestamp" field is used in the computation of the roundtrip delay

(see below). The "Offset" field contains the offset of the block af

Internet addresses used by the local net. The "Delay Host n" and

"Offset Host n" fields represent a copy of the corresponding entries

of the Host Table as they exist at the time of origination. The

"Hosts (n)" field contains the number of entries in this table.

2.2. Roundtrip Delay Calculations

Periodically, each DCN physical host sends a HELLO message to its

neighbor on each of the communication links common to both of them.

For each of these links the sender keeps a set of state variables,

including a copy of the source-address field of the last HELLO message


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When constructing a HELLO message the sender sets the

destination-address field to this state variable and the

source-address field to its own address. It then fills in the "Date"

and "Time" fields from its logical clock and the "Timestamp" field

from another state variable. It finally copies the "Delay" and

"Offset" values from its Host Table into the message.

A host receiving a HELLO message discards it if the format is bad

or the checksum fails. If valid, it initializes a link state variable

to show that the link is up. Each time a HELLO message is transmitted

this state variable is decremented. If it decrements to zero the link

is declared down.

The host then checks if the source-address field matches the

state variable containing the last address stored. If not, the link

has been switched to a new host, so the state variables are flushed

and the link forced into a recovery state. The host then checks if

the destination-address field matches its own address. If so, the

message has been looped (legal only in the case of a broadcast net)

and the roundtrip delay information is corrected. The host and net

areas are ignored in this case. If not, the host and net areas of the

message are processed to update the Host and Net Tables.

Roundtrip delay calculations are performed in the following way.

The link input/output processes assigned each link maintain an

internal state variable which is updated as each HELLO message is

received and transmitted. When a HELLO message is received this

variable takes the value of the "Time" field minus the current

time-of-day. When the next HELLO message is transmitted, the value

assigned the "Timestamp" field is computed as the low-order 16-bits of

this variable plus the current time-of-day. The value of this

variable is forced to zero if either the link is down of the system

logical clock has been reset since the last HELLO message was


If a HELLO message is received with zero "Timestamp" field, no

processing other than filling in the internal state variable.

Otherwise, the roundtrip delay is computed as the low-order 16-bits of

the current time-of-day minus the value of this field. In order to

assure the highest accuracy, the calculation is performed only if the

length of the last transmitted HELLO message (in octets) matches the

length of the received HELLO message.

The above technique renders the calculation independent of the

clock offsets and intervals between HELLO messages at either host,

protects against errors that might occur due to lost HELLO messages

and works even when a neighbor host simply forwards the HELLO message

back to the originator without modifying it. The latter behavior,

typical of ARPANET IMPs and gateways, as well as broadcast nets, relies

on the loop-detection mechanism so that correct calculations can be

made and, furthermore, that spurious host updates can be avoided.

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2.3. Host Updates

When a HELLO message arrives which results in a valid roundtrip

delay calculation, a host update process is performed. This consists

of adding the roundtrip delay to each of the "Delay Host n" entries in

the HELLO message in turn and comparing each of these calculated

delays to the "Host Delay" field of the corresponding Host Table

entry. Each entry is then updated according to the following rules:

1. If the link connects to another DCN host on the same net and the

port ID (PID) of the link output process matches the "Port ID"

field of the entry, then update the entry.

2. If the link connects to another DCN host on the same net, the PID

of the link output process does not match the "Port ID" field and the

calculated delay is less than the "Host Delay" field by at least a

specified switching threshold (currently 100 milliseconds), then

update the entry.

3. If the link connects to a foreign net and is assigned a host ID

corresponding to the entry, then update the entry. In this case

only, use as the calculated delay the roundtrip delay.

4. If none of the above conditions are met, or if the virtual host

has been declared down and the "TTL" field contains a nonzero

value, then no update is performed.

The update process consists of replacing the "Delay" field with

the calculated delay, the "Port ID" field with the PID of the link

output process, the "Update Timestamp" field with the current time of

day and the "TTL" field by a specified value (currently 120) in

seconds. If the calculated delay exceeds a specified maximum interval

(currently 30 seconds), the virtual host is declared down by setting

the corresponding "Delay" field to the maximum and the remaining

fields as before. For the purposes of delay calculations values less

than a specified minimum (currently 100 milliseconds) are rounded up

to that minimum.

The "Offset" field is also replaced during the update process.

When the HELLO message arrives, The value of the current logical clock

is suBTracted from the "Time" field and the difference added to

one-half the roundtrip delay. The resulting sum, which represents the

offset of the local clock to the clock of the sender, is added to the

corresponding "Offset" field of the HELLO message and the sum replaces

the "Offset" field of the Host Table. Thus, the "Offset" field in the

Host Table for a particular virtual host is replaced only if that host

is up and on the minimum-delay path to the DCN host.

The purpose of the switching threshold in (2) above and the

minimum delay specification in the update process is to avoid

unnecessary switching between links and transient loops which can

occur due to normal variations in propagation delays. The purpose of

the "TTL" field test in (4) above is to ensure consistency by purging

all paths to a virtual host when that virtual host goes down.

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In addition to the updates performed as HELLO messages arrive, each

virtual host in a DCN host also performs a periodic update of its own

Host Table entry. The update procedure is identical to the above,

except that the calculated delay and offset are taken as zero. At

least one of the virtual hosts in a DCN host must have the same host

ID as the host number assigned the DCN host itself and all must be

assigned the same net number. Other than these, there are no

restrictions on the number or addresses of internet processes resident

in a single DCN host.

It should be appreciated that virtual hosts are truly portable

and can migrate about the net, should such a requirement arise. The

host update protocols described here insure that the routing

procedures always converge to the minimum-delay paths via operational

links and DCN hosts. In the case of broadcast nets such as Ethernets,

the procedures are modified slightly as described below. In this case

the HELLO messages are used to determine routing from the various

Ethernet hosts to destinations off the cable, as well as to provide

time synchronization.

2.4. Timeouts

The "TTL" field in every Host Table entry is decremented once a

second in normal operation. Thus, if following a host update another

update is not received within an interval corresponding to the value

initialized in that field, it decrements to zero, at which point the

virtual host is declared down and the Host Table entry set as

described above. The 120-second interval used currently provides for

at least four HELLO messages to be generated by every neighbor on

every link during that interval, since the maximum delay between HELLO

messages is 30 seconds on the lowest-speed link (1200 bps). Thus, if

no HELLO messages are lost, the maximum number of links between any

virtual host and any other is four.

The "TTL" field is initialized at 120 seconds when an update

occurs and when the virtual host is declared down. During the

interval this field decrements to zero immediately after being

declared down, updates are ignored. This provides a decent interval

for the bad news to propagate throughout the net and for the Host

Tables in all DCN hosts to reflect the fact. Thus, the formation of

routing loops is prevented.

The IP datagram forwarding procedures call for decrementing the

"time-to-live" field in the IP header once per second or at each point

where it is forwarded, whichever comes first. The value used

currently for this purpose is 30, so that an IP datagram can live in

the net no longer than that number of seconds. This is thus the

maximum delay allowed on any path between two virtual hosts. If this

maximum delay is exceeded in calculating the roundtrip delay for a

Host Table entry, the corresponding virtual host will be declared


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The interval between HELLO messages on any link depends on the

data rate supported by the link. As a general rule, this interval is

set at 16 times the expected roundtrip time for the longest packet to

be sent on that link. For 1200-bps asynchronous transmission and

packet lengths to 256 octets, this corresponds to a maximum HELLO

message interval of about 30 seconds.

Although the roundtrip delay calculation, upon which the routing

process depends, is relatively insensitive to net traffic and

congestion, stochastic variations in the calculated values ordinarily

occur due to coding (bit or character stuffing) and medium

perturbations. In order to suppress loops and needless path changes a

minimum switching threshold is incorporated into the routing mechanism

(see above). The interval used for this threshold, as well as for the

minimum delay on any path, is 100 milliseconds.

3. Formal Specification

The following sections provide a formal framework which describe

the DCN HELLO protocol. This protocol is run between neighboring DCN

hosts that share a common point-to-point link and provides automatic

connectivity determination, routing and timekeeping functions.

The descriptions to follow are organized as follows: First a

summary of data structures describes the global variables and packet

formats. Then three processes which implement the protocol are

described: the CLOCK, HELLO and HOST processes. The description of

these processes is organized into sections that describe (1) the local

variables used by that process, (2) the parameters and constants and

(3) the events that initiate processing together with the procedures

they evoke. In the case of variables a distinction is made between

state variables, which retain their contents between procedure calls,

and temporaries, which have a lifetime extending only while the

process is running. Except as noted below, the initial contents of

state variables are unimportant.

3.1. Data Structures

3.1.1. Global Variables


This is a 32-bit bit-string temporary variable used to contain an

Internet address.


This is an eight-bit integer state variable used to contain the

host ID of the local-net host to be used as the master clock. It

is initialized to the appropriate value depending upon the net



This is a 16-bit bit-string state variable used to contain the

date in RT-11 format. Bits 0-4 contain the year, with zero

corresponding to 1972, bits 5-9 contain the day of the month and

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bits 10-14 contain the month, starting with one for January.


This is a one-bit state variable used to indicate whether the

local date and time are synchronized with the master clock. A

value of one indicates the local clock is not synchronized with

the master clock. This variable is set to one initially and when

the local time-of-day rolls over past midnight. It is set to zero

each time a valid date and time update has been received from the

master clock.


This is a 16-bit integer temporary variable which represents the

roundtrip delay in milliseconds to a host.


This is an eight-bit integer temporary variable containing the

host ID of some host on the local net.

There is a one-to-one correspondence between the Internet

addresses of local hosts and their HIDs. The mapping between them

is selected on the basis of the octet number of the Internet

address. For DCN hosts it is the fourth octet, while for hosts

directly connected to a class-A ARPANET IMP or gateway, it is the

third octet (logical-host field). The contents of this octet are

to be added to ADDRESS-OFFSET to form the HID associated

with the address.


This is an eight-bit counter state variable indicating whether

timestamps are valid or not. While HOLD is nonzero, timestamps

should be considered invalid. When set to some nonzero value, the

counter decrements to zero at a 1-Hz rate. Its initial value is



This is a table of NHOSTS entries indexed by host ID (HID). There

is one entry for each host in the local net. Each entry has the

following format:


This is a 16-bit field containing the computed roundtrip delay

in milliseconds to host HID.


This is a 16-bit field containing the computed signed offset

in milliseconds which must be added to the local apparent

clock to agree with the apparent clock of host HID.


This is an eight-bit field containing the PID of the net-output

process selected by the routing algorithm to forward packets

to host HID.

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This is an eight-bit field used as a time-to-live indicator.

It is decremented by the HOST process once each second and

initialized to a chosen value when a HELLO message is

received. The table is initialized with the HOST-TABLE.DELAY

field set to MAXDELAY for all entries. The contents of the

other fields are unimportant.


This is a 32-bit bit-string state variable used to contain the

local host Internet address.


This is a table of NNETS entries with the following format:


This is an eight-bit field containing the host ID of the

pseudo-process to forward packets to the NET-TABLE.NET net.


This is a 24-bit field containing an Internet class-A (eight

bits), class-B (16 bits) or class-C (24 bits) net number.

Note that the actual field width for class-B net numbers is 24

bits in order to provide a subnet capability, in which the

high-order eight bits of the 16-bit host address is

interpreted as the subnet number.

The table is constructed at configuration time and must include an

entry for every net that is a potential neighbor. A neighbor net

is defined as a net containing a host that can be directly

connected to a host on the local net. The entry for such a net is

initialized with NET-TABLE.NET set to the neighbor net number and

NET-TABLE.HID set to an arbitrary vitual-host ID not assigned any

other local-net virtual host.

The remaining entries in NET-TABLE are initialized at initial-boot

time with the NET-TABLE.NET fields set to zero and the

NET-TABLE.HID fields set to a configuration-selected host ID to be

used to forward packets to all nets other than neighbor nets. In

the case where a gateway module is included in the local host

configuration, the GGP and/or EGP protocols will be used to

maintain these entries; while, in the case where no gateway

module is included, only one such entry is required.


This is a 16-bit signed integer temporary variable which

represents the offset in milliseconds to be added to the apparent

clock time to yield the apparent clock time of the neighbor host.

3.1.2. Parameters


This is an integer which represents the value of the Internet

address field corresponding to the first host in HOST-TABLE.

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This is an integer which defines the number of entries in HOST-TABLE.


This is an integer which defines the number of entries in MET-TABLE.

3.1.3. HELLO Packet Fields


This eight-bit is copied from ADDRESS-OFFSET by the sender.


Bits 0-14 of this 16-bit field are copied from DATE by the sender,

while bit 15 is copied from DATE-VALID.


This one-bit field is bit 15 of PKT.DATESTAMP.


This 32-bit field is part of the IP header. It is copied from



This is a table of PKT.NHOSTS entries, each entry of which

consists of two fields. The entries are indexed by host ID and

have the following format:


This 16-bit field is copied from the corresponding HOST-TABLE.DELAY

field by the sender.


This 16-bit field is copied from the corresponding HOST-TABLE.OFFSET

field by the sender.


This 16-bit field is part of the IP header. It is set by the sender to

the number of octets in the packet.


This eight-bit field is copied from NHOST by the sender.


This 16-bit field is part of the IP header. It is copied from

LOCAL-ADDRESS by the sender.


This 32-bit field contains the apparent time the packet was transmitted

in milliseconds past midnight UT.

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This 16-bit field contains a variable used in roundtrip delay


3.2 CLOCK Process (CLK)

The timekeeping system maintains three clocks: (1) the physical

clock, which is determined by a hardware oscillator/counter; (2) the

apparent clock, which maintains the time-of-day used by client

processes and (3) the actual clock, which represents the time-of-day

provided by an outside reference. The apparent and actual clocks are

maintained as 48-bit quantities with 32 bits of significance available

to client processes. These clocks run at a rate of 1000 Hz and are

reset at midnight UT.

The CLOCK process consists of a set of state variables along with

a set of procedures that are called as the result of hardware

interrupts and client requests. An interval timer is assumed

logically separate from the local clock mechanism, although both could

be derived from the same timing source.

3.2.1. Local Variables


This is a 48-bit fixed-point state variable used to represent the

apparent time-of-day. The decimal point is to the right of bit 16

(numbering from the right at bit 0). Bit 16 increments at a rate

equivalent to 1000 Hz independent of the hardware clock. (In the

case of programmable-clock hardware the value of CLK.CLOCK must be

corrected as described below.)


This is a hardware register that increments at rate R. It can be

represented by a simple line clock, which causes interrupts at the

line-frequency rate, or by a programmable clock, which contains a 16-bit

register that is programmed to count at a 1000-Hz rate and causes an

interrupt on overflow. The register is considered a fixed-point variable

with decimal point to the right of bit 0.


This is a 48-bit signed fixed-point state variable used to represent the

increment to be added to CLK.CLOCK to yield the actual time-of-day. The

decimal point is to the right of bit 16.

3.2.3. Parameters


This is an integer which defines the shift count used to compute a

fraction that is used as a multiplier of CLK.DELTA to correct CLK.CLOCK

once each clock-adjust interval. A value of seven is suggested.

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This is an integer which defines the clock-adjust interval in

milliseconds. A value of 500 (one-half second) is suggested for

the line clock and 4000 (four seconds) for the 1000-Hz clock.


This is a fixed-point integer which defines the increment in

milliseconds to be added to CLK.CLOCK as the result of a clock

tick. The decimal point is to the right of bit 16. In the case

of a line-clock interrupt, the value of CLOCK-TICK should be

16.66666 (60 Hz) or 20.00000 (50 Hz). In the case of a 1000-Hz

programmable-clock overflow, the value should be 65536.00000.


This is an integer which defines the number of seconds that HOLD will

count down after CLK.CLOCK has been reset. The resulting interval must be

at least as long as the maximum HELLO-INTERVAL used by any HELLO process.

3.2.3. Events and Procedures


This event is evoked as the result of a tick interrupt, in the case of a

line clock, or a counter overflow, in the case of the 1000-Hz clock. It

causes the logical clock to be incremented by the value of CLOCK-TICK.

1. Add the value of CLOCK-TICK to CLK.CLOCK.


This event is evoked once every ADJUST-INTERVAL milliseconds to slew the

apparent clock time to the actual clock time as set by the SET-CLOCK

procedure. This is done by subtracting a fraction of the correction

factor CLK.DELTA from the value of CLK.DELTA and adding the same fraction

to CLK.CLOCK. This continues until either the next SET-CLOCK call or

CLK.DELTA has been reduced to zero.

The suggested values for ADJUST-INTERVAL and ADJUST-FRACTION

represent a maximum slew rate of less than +-2 milliseconds per

second, in the case of 1000-Hz clock. The action is to smooth

noisy clock corrections received from neighboring systems to

obtain a high-quality local reference, while insuring the apparent

clock time is always monotonically increasing.

1. Shift the 48-bit value of CLK.DELTA arithmetically ADJUST-FRACTION

bits to the right, discarding bits from the right and saving the

result in a temporary variable F. Assuming the decimal point of F to

be positioned to the right of bit 16 and sign-extending as necessary,

subtract F from CLK.DELTA and add F to CLK.CLOCK.

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This event is evoked once per second to decrement the value of HOLD.

1. If the value of HOLD is zero, do nothing; otherwise, decrement its


READ-CLOCK Procedure

This procedure is called by a client process. It returns the apparent

time-of-day computed as the integer part of the sum CLK.CLOCK plus

CLK.COUNT. Note that the precision of the value returned is limited to

+-1 millisecond, so that client processes must expect the apparent

time to "run backward" occasionally due to drift corrections. When

this happens the backward step will never be greater than one

millisecond and will never occur more often than twice per second.

1. In the case of line clocks CLK.COUNT is always zero, while in

the case of programmable clocks the hardware must be

interrogated to extract the value of CLK.COUNT. If following

interrogation a counter-overflow condition is evident, add

CLOCK-TICK to CLK.CLOCK and interrogate the hardware again.

2. When the value of CLK.COUNT has been determined compute the sum

CLK.COUNT + CLK.CLOCK. If this sum exceeds the number of

milliseconds in 24 hours (86,400,000), reduce CLK.CLOCK by

86,400,000, set HOLD-INTERVAL -> HOLD, set CLOCK-VALID (bit 15

of DATE) to one, roll over DATE to the next calendar day and

start over. If not, return the integer part of the sum as the

apparent time-of-day.

The CLOCK-VALID bit is set to insure that a master-clock update is

received at least once per day. Note that, in the case of

uncompensated crystal oscillators of the type commonly used as the

1000-Hz time base, a drift of several parts per million can be

expected, which would result in a time drift of several tenths of a

second per day, if not corrected.

SET-CLOCK Procedure

This procedure is called by a client process. It sets a time-of-day

correction factor in milliseconds. The argument represents a 32-bit

signed fixed-point quantity with decimal point to the right of bit

0 that is to be added to CLK.CLOCK so that READ-CLOCK subsequently

returns the actual time-of-day.

1. If the correction factor is in the range -2**(16-ADJUST-FRACTION) to

+2**(16-ADJUST-FRACTION) - 1 (about +-128 milliseconds with the

suggested value of ADJUST-FRACTION), the value of the argument

replaces CLK.DELTA and the procedure is complete. If not, add the

value of the sign-extended argument to CLK.CLOCK and set CLK.DELTA to

zero. In addition, set HOLD-INTERVAL -> HOLD, since this

represents a relatively large step-change in apparent time.

The value of HOLD represents the remaining number of seconds

in which timestamps should be considered invalid and is used

by the HELLO process to suppress roundtrip delay calculations

which might involve invalid timestamps.

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3.3. HELLO Process

The HELLO process maintains clock synchronization with a neighbor

HELLO process using the HELLO protocol. It also participates in the

routing algorithm. There is one HELLO process and one set of local

state variables for each link connecting the host to one of its


3.3.1. Local variables


This is a one-bit switch state variable. When set to zero a

point-to-point link is assumed. When set to one a broadcast (e.g.

Ethernet) link is assumed.


This is an eight-bit counter state variable used to indicate whether the

link is up. It is initialized with a value of zero.


This is a 16-bit integer state variable used to record the length in

octets of the last HELLO message sent.


This is a 32-bit integer state variable used to contain the neighbor host

Internet address.


This is an eight-bit integer state variable used to identify the

net-output process associated with this HELLO process. It is initialized

by the kernel when the process is created and remains unchanged



This is a one-bit switch state variable. When set the HELLO process

spontaneously sends HELLO messages. When not set the HELLO process

responds to HELLO messages, but does not send them spontaneously.


This is a 32-bit integer temporary variable used to record the time of

arrival of a HELLO message.


This is a 16-bit signed integer state variable used in roundtrip delay


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3.3.2. Parameters


This is an integer which defines the interval in seconds between HELLO

messages. It ranges from about eight to a maximum of 30 seconds,

depending on line speed.


This is an integer which defines the interval in seconds a host will be

considered up following receipt of a HELLO message indicating that

host is up. A value of 120 is suggested.


This is an integer which defines the interval, in units of

HELLO-INTERVAL, that a HELLO process will consider the link up. A

value of four is suggested.


This is an integer which defines the maximum roundtrip delay in

seconds on a path to any reachable host. A value of 30 is suggested.


This is an integer which defines the minimum switching threshold in

milliseconds below which routes will not be changed. A value of 100 is


3.3.3. Events and Procedures


When a packet arrives the net-input process first sets HLO.TIMESTAMP to

the value returned by the READ-CLOCK procedure, then checks the

packet for valid local leader, IP header format and checksum. If

the protocol field in the IP header indicates a HELLO message, the

packet is passed to the HELLO process. If any errors are found

the packet is dropped.

The HELLO process first checks the packet for valid HELLO header format

and checksum. If any errors are found the packet is dropped. Otherwise,

it proceeds as follows:

1. If PKT.SOURCE is equal to LOCAL-ADDRESS, then the line to the

neighbor host is looped. If this is a broadcast link

(HLO.BROADCAST is set to one), then ignore this nicety; if

not, this is considered an error and further processing is

abandoned. Note that, in special configurations involving

other systems (e.g. ARPANET IMPs and gateways) it may be

useful to use looped HELLO to monitor connectivity. The DCN

implementation provides this feature, but is not described here.

2. Set KEEP-ALIVE-INTERVAL -> HLO.KEEP-ALIVE. This indicates the

maximum number of HELLO intervals the HLO.TSP field is

considered valid.

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3. Set PKT.TIMESTAMP - HLO.TIMESTAMP -> HLO.TSP. This is part of the

roundtrip delay calculation. The value of HLO.TSP will be

updated and returned to the neighbor in the next HELLO message

transmitted. Next, compute the raw roundtrip delay and offset:


Note: in the case of a broadcast link (HLO.BROADCAST set to one) set

DELAY to zero.

4. Perform this step only in the case of non-broadcast links

(HLO.BROADCAST set to zero). If PKT.SOURCE is not equal to

HLO.NEIGHBOR-ADDRESS, then a new neighbor has appeared on this


DELAY and proceed to the next step. This will force the line

to be declared down and result in a hold-down cycle.

Otherwise, if either PKT.TSP is zero or HOLD is nonzero, then

the DELAY calculation is invalid and further processing is

abandoned. Note that a hold-down cycle is forced in any

case if a new neighbor is recognized.

5. If processing reaches this point the DELAY and OFFSET

variables can be assumed valid as well as the remaining data

in the packet. First, if DELAY < MINDELAY, set MINDELAY ->

DELAY. This avoids needless path switching when the

difference in delays is not significant and has the effect

that on low-delay links the routing algorithm degenerates to

min-hop rather than min-delay. Then set HLO.PID -> PID. There are

two cases:

Case 1: PKT.NHOSTS is zero.

This will be the case when the neighbor host has just come up or

is on a different net or subnet. Set NEIGHBOR-ADDRESS -> ADDRESS

and call the ROUTE procedure, which will return the host

ID. Then call the UPDATE procedure. In the case of

errors, do nothing but return.

Case 2: PKT.NHOSTS is nonzero.

This is the case when the neighbor host is on the same net or

subnet. First, save the values of DELAY and OFFSET in temporary

variables F and G. Then, for each value of HID from zero to

NHOSTS-1 consider the corresponding PKT.HOSTS-TABLE entry and do

the following: Set F + PKT.HOST-TABLE.DELAY -> DELAY and

G + PKT.HOST-TABLE.OFFSET -> OFFSET and call the UPDATE procedure.

This completes processing.

ROUTE Procedure

This procedure returns the host ID in HID of the host represented

by the global variable ADDRESS.

1. First, determine if the host represented by ADDRESS is on the same

local net as LOCAL-ADDRESS. For the purposes of this

comparison bits 0-7 and 16-31 are compared for class-A nets

and bits 8-31 are compared for class-B and class-C nets. This

provides for a subnet capability, where the bits 0-7 and 16-23

(class-A) or 8-15 (class-B) are used as a subnet number.

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Case 1: The host is on the same net or subnet.

Extract the address field of ADDRESS, subtract ADDRESS-OFFSET and

store the result in HID. If 0 <= HID < NHOSTS, the procedure

completes normally; otherwise it terminates in an error


Case 2: The host is not on the same net or subnet.

Search the NET-TABLE for a match of the net fields of


NET-TABLE.HID -> HID and return normally. If the NET-TABLE.NET

field is zero, indicating the last entry in the table, set

HET-TABLE.HID -> HID and return normally. Note that, in the case

of hosts including GGP/EGP gateway modules, if no match is found

the procedure terminates in an error condition.

UPDATE Procedure

This procedure updates the entry of HOST-TABLE indicated by HID using

three global variables: DELAY, OFFSET and PID. Its purpose is to update

the HOST-TABLE entry corresponding to host ID HID. In the following all

references are to this entry.

1. If PID is not equal to HOST-TABLE.PID, the route to host HID is not

via the net-output process associated with this HELLO process. In

this case, if DELAY + MINDELAY > HOST-TABLE.DELAY, the path is longer

than one already in HOST-TABLE, so the procedure does nothing.

2. This step is reached only if either the route to host HID is via the

net-output process associated with this HELLO process or the newly

reported path to this host is shorter by at least MINDELAY.

There are two cases:


The existing path to host HID is up and this is a point-to-point

link (HLO.BROADCAST is set to zero). If DELAY < MAXDELAY the

newly reported path is also up. Proceed to the next step.

Otherwise, initiate a hold-down cycle by setting




The existing path to host HID is down. If DELAY < MAXDELAY and

HOST-TABLE.TTL is zero, the hold-down period has expired and the

newly reported path has just come up. Proceed to the next step.

Otherwise simply return.

3. In this step the HOST-DELAY entry is updated. Set



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4. For precise timekeeping, the offset can be considered valid only if

the length of the last HELLO packet transmitted is equal to

the length of the last one received. Thus, if HLO.LENGTH


otherwise, leave this field alone. Finally, if HID is equal to

CLOCK-HID and bit 15 (the DATE-VALID bit)

of DATE is zero, set PKT.DATESTAMP -> DATE and call the SET-CLOCK

procedure of the CLOCK process with argument HLO.TIMESTAMP.


This event is evoked once every HELLO-INTERVAL seconds. It determines if

a HELLO message is to be transmitted, transmits it and updates state


1. If HLO.KEEP-ALIVE is nonzero decrement its value.

2. If HLO.POLL is zero and HLO.KEEP-ALIVE is zero, do not send a HELLO

message. If either is nonzero initialize the packet fields as



Note: PKT.DESTINATION is set to zero if this is a broadcast link

(HLO.BROADCAST set to one). Also, note that bit 15 of DATE is the

DATE-VALID bit. If this bit is one the receiver will not update its

master clock from the information in the transmitted packet.

This is significant only if the sending host is on the

least-delay path to the master clock. Set PKT.TIMESTAMP to

the value returned from the READ-CLOCK procedure. If

HLO.KEEP-ALIVE is zero or HOLD is nonzero, set PKT.TSP to

zero; otherwise, set PKT.TIMESTAMP + HLO.TSP -> PKT.TSP.

3. Determine if the neighbor is on the same net or subnet. If the

neighbor is on a different net set PKT.NHOSTS to zero and

proceed with the next step. Otherwise, set NHOSTS ->

PKT.NHOSTS and for each value of HID from zero to PKT.HOSTS-1

copy the HOST-TABLE.DELAY and HOST-TABLE.OFFSET fields of the

corresponding HOST-TABLE entry in order into the packet. For

each entry copied test if the HOST-TABLE.PID field matches the

HLO.PID of the HELLO process. If so, a potential routing loop

is possible. In this case use MAXDELAY for the delay field in

the packet instead.

4. Finally, set HLO.LENGTH to the number of octets in the packet

and send the packet.

3.4. HOST Process (HOS)

This process maintains the routing tables. It is activated once per

second to scan HOST-TABLE and decrement the HOST-TABLE.TTL field of each

entry. It also performs housekeeping functions.

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3.4.1. Local variables


This is an eight-bit integer used to identify the HOST process. It is

initialized by the kernel when the process is created and remains

unchanged thereafter.


This is an eight-bit temporary variable.

3.4.2. Events and Procedures

SCAN Event

This event is evoked once each second to scan the HOST-TABLE and perform

housekeeping functions.

1. For each value of a temporary variable F from zero to NHOSTS-1 do the

following: Set LOCAL-ADDRESS -> ADDRESS and call the ROUTE

procedure, which will return the host ID HID. If F is equal

to HID, then set both DELAY and OFFSET to zero, HOS.PID -> PID

and call the UPDATE procedure. This will cause all packets

received with the local address to be routed to this process.

If HOST-TABLE.TTL is zero skip this step. Otherwise, decrement

HOST-TABLE.TTL by one. If the result is nonzero skip the

remainder of this step. Otherwise, If HOST-TABLE.DELAY <MAXDELAY set


The effect of this step is to declare a hold-down cycle when a host

goes down.

4. References

1. Mills, D.L. Final Report on Internet Research, ARPA Packet Switching

Program. Technical Report TSLAB 82-7, COMSAT Laboratories,

December 1982.

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Appendix A. Link-Level Packet Formats

A.1. Serial Links Using Program-Interrupt Interfaces

Following is a description of the frame format used on

asynchronous and synchronous serial links with program-interrupt

interfaces such as the DEC DLV11 and DPV11. This format provides

transparency coding for all messages, including HELLO messages, but

does not provide error detection or retransmission functions. It is

designed to be easily implemented and compatible as far as possible

with standard industry protocols.

The protocol is serial-by-bit, with the same interpretation on

the order of transmission as standard asynchronous and synchronous

interface devices; that is, the low-order bit of each octet is

transmitted first. The data portion of the frame consists of one

Internet datagram encoded according to a "character-stuffing"

transparency convention:

1. The frame begins with the two-octet sequence DLE-STX, in the case of

asynchronous links, or the four-octet sequence SYN-SYN-DLE-STX, in the

case of synchronous links. The data portion is transmitted next,

encoded as described below, followed by the two-octet sequence

DLE-ETX. No checksum is transmitted or expected. If it is

necessary for any reason to transmit time-fill other than in the

data portion, the DEL (all ones) is used.

2. Within the data portion of the frame the transmit buffer is

scanned for a DLE. Each DLE found causes the sequence DLE-DLE to

be transmitted. If it is necessary for some reason for the

transmitter to insert time-fill within the data portion, the

sequence DLE-DEL is used.

3. While scanning the data stream within the data portion of the

frame the sequence DLE-DLE is found, a single DLE is inserted in

the receive buffer. If the sequence DLE-ETX is found, the buffer

is passed on for processing. The sequence DLE-DEL is discarded.

Any other two-octet sequence beginning with DLE and ending with

other than DLE, ETX or DEL is considered a protocol error

(see note below).

Note: In the case of synchronous links using program-interrupt

interfaces such as the DPV11, for example, a slightly modified

protocol is suggested when both ends of the link concur. These

interfaces typically provide a parameter register which can be loaded

with a code used both to detect the receiver synchronizing pattern and

for time-fill when the transmit buffer register cannot be serviced in

time for the next character.

The parameter register must be loaded with the SYN code for this

protocol to work properly. However, should it be necessary to

transmit time-fill, a single SYN will be transmitted, rather than the

DLE-DEL sequence specified. Disruptions due to these events can be

minimized by use of the following rules:

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1. If the transmitter senses a time-fill condition (usually by a

control bit assigned for this purpose) between frames or

immediately following transmission of a DLE, the condition is ignored.

2. If the transmitter senses a time-fill condition at other times it sends

the sequence DLE-CAN.

3. If the receiver finds a SYN either between frames or immediately

following DLE, the SYN is discarded without affecting sequence


4. If the receiver finds the sequence DLE-CAN in the data portion, it

discards the sequence and the immediately preceding octet.

These rules will work in cases where a single SYN has been

inserted by the transmitter and even when a SYN has been inserted in

the DLE-CAN sequence. If an overrun (lost data) condition is sensed

at the receiver, the appropriate action is to return to the

initial-synchronization state. This should also be the action if any

code other than STX is found following the initial DLE. or if any

code other than DLE, ETX, DEL or CAN is found following a DLE in the

data portion.

A.2. Serial Links Using DDCMP Devices

Following is a description of the frame format used on DEC DDCMP links

with DMA interfaces such as the DEC DMV11 and DMR11. These interfaces

implement the DEC DDCMP protocol, which includes error detection and

retransmission capabilities. The DDCMP frame format is as follows:


SYN SYN SOH CountFlag Resp Seq Adr CRC1 Data CRC2


bits 24 14 2 8 8 8 16 ... 16

With respect to this diagram, each octet is transmitted starting from the

leftmost octet, with the bits of each octet transmitted low-order bit first.

The contents of all fields except the "Data" field are managed by the

interface. The Internet datagram is placed in this field as-is, with no

character or bit stuffing (the extent of this field is indicated by the

interface in the "Count" field.

A.3. Serial Links Using HDLC Devices

Following is a description of the frame format used on HDLC links with

program-interrupt interfaces such as the DEC DPV11.


Flag Addr Ctrl Data CRC Flag


coding 01111110 00000000 00000000 xxxxxxxx cccccccc 01111110

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With respect to this diagram, each octet is transmitted starting from

the leftmost octet, with the bits of each octet transmitted low-order

bit first. The code xxxxxxxx represents the data portion and cccccccc

represents the checksum. The bits between the "Flag" fields are

encoded with a bit-stuffing convention in which a zero bit is stuffed

following a string of five one bits. The "Addr" and "Ctrl" fields are

not used and the checksum is ignored. The Internet datagram is placed

in the "Data" field, which must be a multiple of eight bits in length.

A.4. ARPANET 1822 Links Using Local or Distant Host Interfaces

Following is a description of the frame format used with ARPANET

1822 Local or Distant Host interfaces. These interfaces can be used

to connect a DCN host to an ARPANET IMP, Gateway or Port Expander or

to connect two DCN hosts together. When used to connect a DCN host to

an ARPANET IMP, Gateway or Port Expander, a 96-bit 1822 leader is

prepended ahead of the Internet datagram. The coding of this leader

is as described in BBN Report 1822. When used to connect two DCN

hosts together, no leader is used and the frame contains only the

Internet datagram.

A.5. ARPANET 1822 Links Using HDH Interfaces

Following is a description of the frame format used with ARPANET

1822 HDH interfaces. These interfaces can be used to connect a DCN

host to an ARPANET IMP or Gateway or to connect two DCN hosts

together. In either case, the frame format is as described in

Appendix J of BBN Report 1822.

A.6. X.25 LAPB Links Using RSRE Interfaces

Following is a description of the frame format used on X.25 LAPB

links with the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment interfaces.

These interfaces implement the X.25 Link Access Protocol - Balanced

(LAPB), also known as the frame-level protocol, using a frame format

similar to that described under A.3 above. Internet datagrams are

placed in the data portion of I frames and encoded with the

bit-stuffing procedure described in A.3. There is no packet-level

format used with these interfaces.

A.7. Ethernet Links

Following is a description of the frame format used on Ethernet links.


Dest Addr Srce Addr Type Data CRC


bits 48 48 16 ... 32

With respect to this diagram, each field is transmitted starting from

the leftmost field, with the bits of each field transmitted low-order

bit first. The "Dest Addr" and "Srce Addr" contain 48-bit Ethernet

addresses, while the "Type" field contains the assigned value for IP

datagrams (0800 hex) or for

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ARP datagrams (0806 hex). The Internet datagram is placed in the

"Data" field and followed by the 32-bit checksum. The Address

Resolution Protocol (ARP) is used to establish the mapping between

Ethernet address and Internet addresses.

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