
RFC890 - Exterior Gateway Protocol implementation schedule

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Network Working Group Jon Postel

Request for Comments: 890 ISI

February 1984

Exterior Gateway Protocol Implementation Schedule

Status of this Memo

This memo is a policy statement on the implementation of the Exterior

Gateway Protocol in the Internet. This is an official policy

statement of ICCB and DARPA.

The Current Situation

Currently the Internet has a number of smart gateways and a number of

dumb gateways. The smart gateways dynamically exchange routing

information among themselves using the Gateway Gateway

Protocol (GGP) [3]. The dumb gateways do not exchange routing

information dynamically.

The dumb gateways must be listed in the smart gateway routing tables,

and changes in dumb gateways status (e.g., adding new dumb gateways)

in the smart gateways tables requires human intervention.

The amount of routing traffic between smart gateways depends on the

number of smart gateways and the total number of networks. Since

dumb gateways typically connect a single network at the edge of the

Internet, there is typically one more network in the routing table

for each dumb gateway.

Gateways that connect a single network to the edge of the Internet

may be called "stub" gateways.

The current GGP procedures used by the smart gateways are at the

limits of their capacity. A significant change to these procedures

is urgently required. This is difficult to perform because the smart

gateways are maintained by several different groups, and because it

is difficult to isolate a subset of these gateways for testing new


The Future Situation

In the future, as it is currently envisioned, there will be a number

of co-equal autonomous systems of gateways. Each as will have its

own private internal procedures for maintaining routing information,

perhaps via an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP). The smartness of a

gateway will be the smartness of the IGP used in the autonomous

system the gateway participates in. Some gateways of each autonomous

system will exchange routing informations with some gateways of other

autonomous systems via an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) [2].

RFC890 February 1984

EGP Implementation Schedule

The factoring of the old set of smart gateways into a number of

autonomous systems allows more flexibility for the development and

testing of improved routing procedures. Different autonomous systems

can adopt different routing procedures internally, as long as they

communicate with other autonomous systems via the EGP.

The Transition Situation

The first step in the transition from the current situation to the

future situation is the replacement of all dumb gateways with

gateways that implement at least a subset of the EGP.

This subset is called the "Stub Exterior Gateway Protocol", and is

described in RFC-888 [1].

The second step is to factor the existing smart gateways into

autonomous systems. The gateways programmed and maintained by

different groups will become distinct autonomous systems. As things

are, this will result in one fairly large autonomous system and three

or four small autonomous systems. At this step the large autonomous

system will be referred to as the "core" autonomous system. All

other autonomous systems will be stubs attached to this core via EGP.

The third step is to specify the full EGP protocol, and to allow a

rich connectivity between co-equal autonomous systems.

Policy Statement

After 1-Aug-84 there shall be no dumb gateways in the Internet.

Every gateway must be a member of some autonomous system. Some

gateway of each autonomous system must exchange routing information

with some gateway of the core autonomous system using the Exterior

Gateway Protocol.


If you have a dumb gateway now, you should start doing something

today to get it upgraded to, or replaced by, an EGP gateway.

Help Available

There may be a gateway you can use already developed by someone.

People at the following places are working on EGP gateways: BBN,

MIT, Linkabit, ISI, Honeywell, and Symbolics. For more information

send a message to Joyce Reynolds at mailbox "JKReynolds@USC-ISIF".

There are plans to provide EGP functionality in Berkeley 4.2 Unix.

RFC890 February 1984

EGP Implementation Schedule

Berkeley has indicated an intention to have EGP capability available

in the standard release of 4.2 Unix before the cut off date for dumb


The is a mailing list for EGP implementers called "egp-people". To

get on or off this list send a message to the mailbox


There is a EGP testing program available on TOPS20. For information

about using it send a message to Jim Mathis at mailbox


If you need an autonomous system number send a request to Joyce

Reynolds at mailbox "JKReynolds@USC-ISIF".


[1] Seamonson, L., and E. Rosen, "Stub Exterior Gateway Protocol",

RFC-888, BBN Communications Company, January 1984.

[2] Rosen, E., "Exterior Gateway Protocol", RFC-827, Bolt Beranek

and Newman, October 1982.

[3] Hinden, R., and A. Sheltzer, "The DARPA Internet Gateway",

RFC-823, Bolt Beranek and Newman, September 1982.

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