
RFC889 - Internet delay experiments

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group D.L. Mills

Request for Comments: 889 December 1983

Internet Delay EXPeriments

This memo reports on some measurement experiments and suggests some possible

improvements to the TCP retransmission timeout calculation. This memo is

both a status report on the measurements and advice to implementers of TCP.

1. IntrodUCtion

This memorandum describes two series of experiments designed to explore

the transmission characteristics of the Internet system. One series of

experiments was designed to determine the network delays with respect to

packet length, while the other was designed to assess the effectiveness of the

TCP retransmission-timeout algorithm specified in the standards documents.

Both sets of experiments were conducted during the October - November 1983

time frame and used many hosts distributed throughout the Internet system.

The objectives of these experiments were first to accumulate experimental

data on actual network paths that could be used as a benchmark of Internet

system performance, and second to apply these data to refine individual TCP

implementations and improve their performance.

The experiments were done using a specially instrumented measurement host

called a Fuzzball, which consists of an LSI-11 running IP/TCP and various

application-layer protocols including TELNET, FTP and SMTP mail. Among the

various measurement packages is the original PING (Packet InterNet Groper)

program used over the last six years for numerous tests and measurements of

the Internet system and its client nets. This program contains facilities to

send various kinds of probe packets, including ICMP Echo messages, process the

reply and record elapsed times and other information in a data file, as well

as produce real-time snapshot histograms and traces.

Following an experiment run, the data collected in the file were reduced

by another set of programs and plotted on a Peritek bit-map display with color

monitor. The plots have been found invaluable in the indentification and

understanding of the causes of netWord glitches and other "zoo" phenomena.

Finally, summary data were extracted and presented in this memorandum. The

raw data files, including bit-map image files of the various plots, are

available to other experimenters upon request.

The Fuzzballs and their local-net architecture, called DCN, have about

two-dozen clones scattered worldwide, including one (DCN1) at the Linkabit

Corporation Offices in McLean, Virginia, and another at the Norwegian

Telecommunications Adminstration (NTA) near Oslo, Norway. The DCN1 Fuzzball

is connected to the ARPANET at the Mitre IMP by means of 1822 Error Control

Units operating over a 56-Kbps line. The NTA Fuzzball is connected to the

NTARE Gateway by an 1822 interface and then via VDH/HAP operating over a

9.6-Kbps line to SATNET at the Tanum (Sweden) SIMP. For most experiments

described below, these details of the local connectivity can be ignored, since

only relatively small delays are involved.

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The remote test hosts were selected to represent canonical paths in the

Internet system and were scattered all over the world. They included some on

the ARPANET, MILNET, MINET, SATNET, TELENET and numerous local nets reachable

via these long-haul nets. As an example of the richness of the Internet

system connectivity and the experimental data base, data are included for

three different paths from the ARPANET-based measurement host to London hosts,

two via different satellite links and one via an undersea cable.

2. Packet Length Versus Delay

This set of experiments was designed to determine whether delays across

the Internet are significantly influenced by packet length. In cases where

the intrinsic propagation delays are high relative to the time to transmit an

individual packet, one would expect that delays would not be strongly affected

by packet length. This is the case with satellite nets, including SATNET and

WIDEBAND, but also with terrestrial nets where the degree of traffic

aggregation is high, so that the measured traffic is a small proportion of the

total traffic on the path. However, in cases where the intrinsic propagation

delays are low and the measured traffic represents the bulk of the traffic on

the path, quite the opposite would be expected.

The objective of the experiments was to assess the degree to which TCP

performance could be improved by refining the retransmission-timeout algorithm

to include a dependency on packet length. Another objective was to determine

the nature of the delay characteristic versus packet length on tandem paths

spanning networks of widely varying architectures, including local-nets,

terrestrial long-haul nets and satellite nets.

2.1. Experiment Design

There were two sets of experiments to measure delays as a function of

packet length. One of these was based at DCN1, while the other was based at

NTA. All experiments used ICMP Echo/Reply messages with embedded timestamps.

A cycle consisted of sending an ICMP Echo message of specified length, waiting

for the corresponding ICMP Reply message to come back and recording the

elapsed time (normalized to one-way delay). An experiment run, resulting in

one line of the table below, consisted of 512 of these volleys.

The length of each ICMP message was determined by a random-number

generator uniformly distributed between zero and 256. Lengths less than 40

were rounded up to 40, which is the minimum datagram size for an ICMP message

containing timestamps and just happens to also be the minimum TCP segment

size. The maximum length was chosen to avoid complications due to

fragmentation and reassembly, since ICMP messages are not ordinarily

fragmented or reassembled by the gateways.

The data collected were first plotted as a scatter diagram on a color

bit-map display. For all paths involving the ARPANET, this immediately

revealed two distinct characteristics, one for short (single-packet) messages

less than 126 octets in length and the other for long (multi-packet) messages

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longer than this. Linear regression lines were then fitted to each

characteristic with the results shown in the following table. (Only one

characteristic was assumed for ARPANET-exclusive paths.) The table shows for

each host the delays, in milliseconds, for each type of message along with a

rate computed on the basis of these delays. The "Host ID" column designates

the host at the remote end of the path, with a letter suffix used when

necessary to identify a particular run.

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Host Single-packet Rate Multi-packet Rate Comments

ID 40 125 (bps) 125 256 (bps)


DCN1 to nearby local-net hosts (calibration)

DCN5 9 13 366422 DMA 1822

DCN8 14 20 268017 Ethernet

IMP17 22 60 45228 56K 1822/ECU

FORD1 93 274 9540 9600 DDCMP base

UMD1 102 473 4663 4800 synch

DCN6 188 550 4782 4800 DDCMP

FACC 243 770 3282 9600/4800 DDCMP

FOE 608 1917 1320 9600/14.4K stat mux

DCN1 to ARPANET hosts and local nets

MILARP 61 105 15358 133 171 27769 MILNET gateway

ISID-L 166 263 6989 403 472 15029 low-traffic period

SCORE 184 318 5088 541 608 15745 low-traffic period

RVAX 231 398 4061 651 740 11781 Purdue local net

AJAX 322 578 2664 944 1081 7681 MIT local net

ISID-H 333 520 3643 715 889 6029 high-traffic period

BERK 336 967 1078 1188 1403 4879 UC Berkeley

WASH 498 776 2441 1256 1348 11379 U Washington

DCN1 to MILNET/MINET hosts and local nets

ISIA-L 460 563 6633 1049 1140 11489 low-traffic period

ISIA-H 564 841 2447 1275 1635 2910 high-traffic period

BRL 560 973 1645 1605 1825 4768 BRL local net

LON 585 835 2724 1775 1998 4696 MINET host (London)

HAWAII 679 980 2257 1817 1931 9238 a long way off

OFFICE3 762 1249 1396 2283 2414 8004 heavily loaded host

KOREA 897 1294 1712 2717 2770 19652 a long, long way off


RICE 1456 2358 754 3086 3543 2297 via VAN gateway

DCN1 to SATNET hosts and local nets via ARPANET

UCL 1089 1240 4514 1426 1548 8558 UCL zoo

NTA-L 1132 1417 2382 1524 1838 3339 low-traffic period

NTA-H 1247 1504 2640 1681 1811 8078 high-traffic period

NTA to SATNET hosts

TANUM 107 368 6625 9600 bps Tanum line

ETAM 964 1274 5576 Etam channel echo

GOONY 972 1256 6082 Goonhilly channel echo

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2.2 Analysis of Results

The data clearly show a strong correlation between delay and length, with

the longest packets showing delays two to three times the shortest. On paths

via ARPANET clones the delay characteristic shows a stonger correlation with

length for single-packet messages than for multi-packet messages, which is

consistent with a design which favors low delays for short messages and high

throughputs for longer ones.

Most of the runs were made during off-peak hours. In the few cases where

runs were made for a particular host during both on-peak and off-peak hours,

comparison shows a greater dependency on packet length than on traffic shift.

TCP implementors should be advised that some dependency on packet length

may have to be built into the retransmission-timeout estimation algorithm to

insure good performance over lossy nets like SATNET. They should also be

advised that some Internet paths may require stupendous timeout intervals

ranging to many seconds for the net alone, not to mention additional delays on

host-system queues.

I call to your attention the fact that the delays (at least for the

larger packets) from ARPANET hosts (e.g. DCN1) to MILNET hosts (e.g. ISIA)

are in the same ballpark as the delays to SATNET hosts (e.g. UCL)! I have

also observed that the packet-loss rates on the MILNET path are at present not

neglible (18 in 512 for ISIA-2). Presumably, the loss is in the gateways;

however, there may well be a host or two out there swamping the gateways with

retransmitted data and which have a funny idea of the "normal" timeout

interval. The recent discovery of a bug in the TOPS-20 TCP implementation,

where spurious ACKs were generated at an alarming rate, would seem to confirm

that suspicion.

3. Retransmission-Timeout Algorithm

One of the basic features of TCP which allow it to be used on paths

spanning many nets of widely varying delay and packet-loss characteristics is

the retranansmission-timeout algorithm, sometimes known as the "RSRE

Algorithm" for the original designers. The algorithm operates by recording

the time and initial sequence number when a segment is transmitted, then

computing the elapsed time for that sequence number to be acknowledged. There

are various degrees of sophistication in the implementation of the algorithm,

ranging from allowing only one such computation to be in progress at a time to

allowing one for each segment outstanding at a time on the connection.

The retransmission-timeout algorithm is basically an estimation process.

It maintains an extimate of the current roundtrip delay time and updates it as

new delay samples are computed. The algorithm smooths these samples and then

establishes a timeout, which if exceeded causes a retransmission. The

selection of the parameters of this algorithm are vitally important in order

to provide effective data transmission and avoid abuse of the Internet system

by excessive retransmissions. I have long been suspicious of the parameters

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suggested in the specification and used in some implementations, especially in

cases involving long-delay paths involving lossy nets. The experiment was

designed to simulate the operation of the algorithm using data collected from

real paths involving some pretty leaky Internet plumbing.

3.1. Experiment Design

The experiment data base was constructed of well over a hundred runs

using ICMP Echo/Reply messages bounced off hosts scattered all over the world.

Most runs, including all those summarized here, consisted of 512 echo/reply

cycles lasting from several seconds to twenty minutes or so. Other runs

designed to detect network glitches lasted several hours. Some runs used

packets of constant length, while others used different lengths distributed

from 40 to 256 octets. The maximum length was chosen to avoid complications

fragmented or reassembled by the gateways.

The object of the experiment was to simulate the packet delay

distribution seen by TCP over the paths measured. Only the network delay is

of interest here, not the queueing delays within the hosts themselves, which

can be considerable. Also, only a single packet was allowed in flight, so

that stress on the network itself was minimal. Some tests were conducted

during busy periods of network activity, while others were conducted during

quiet hours.

The 512 data points collected during each run were processed by a program

which plotted on a color bit-map display each data point (x,y), where x

represents the time since initiation of the experiment the and y the measured

delay, normalized to the one-way delay. Then, the simulated

retransmission-timeout algorithm was run on these data and its computed

timeout plotted in the same way. The display immediately reveals how the

algorithm behaves in the face of varying traffic loads, network glitches, lost

packets and superfluous retransmissions.

Each experiment run also produced summary statistics, which are

summarized in the table below. Each line includes the Host ID, which

identifies the run. The suffix -1 indicates 40-octet packets, -2 indicates

256-octet packets and no suffix indicates uniformly distributed lengths

between 40 and 256. The Lost Packets columns refer to instances when no ICMP

Reply message was received for thirty seconds after transmission of the ICMP

Echo message, indicating probable loss of one or both messages. The RTX

Packets columns refer to instances when the computed timeout is less than the

measured delay, which would result in a superfluous retransmission. For each

of these two types of packets the column indicates the number of instances

and the Time column indicates the total accumulated time required for the

recovery action.

For reference purposes, the Mean column indicates the computed mean delay

of the echo/reply cycles, excluding those cycles involving packet loss, while

the CoV column indicates the coefficient of variation. Finally, the Eff

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column indicates the efficiency, computed as the ratio of the total time

accumulated while sending good data to this time plus the lost-packet and

rtx-packet time.

Complete sets of runs were made for each of the hosts in the table below

for each of several selections of algorithm parameters. The table itself

reflects values, selected as described later, believed to be a good compromise

for use on existing paths in the Internet system.

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Host Total Lost Packets RTX Packets Mean CoV Eff

ID Time Time Time


DCN1 to nearby local-net hosts (calibration)

DCN5 5 0 0 0 0 11 .15 1

DCN8 8 0 0 0 0 16 .13 1

IMP17 19 0 0 0 0 38 .33 1

FORD1 86 0 0 1 .2 167 .33 .99

UMD1 135 0 0 2 .5 263 .45 .99

DCN6 177 0 0 0 0 347 .34 1

FACC 368 196 222.1 6 9.2 267 1.1 .37

FOE 670 3 7.5 21 73.3 1150 .69 .87

FOE-1 374 0 0 26 61.9 610 .75 .83

FOE-2 1016 3 16.7 10 47.2 1859 .41 .93

DCN1 to ARPANET hosts and local nets

MILARP 59 0 0 2 .5 115 .39 .99

ISID 163 0 0 1 1.8 316 .47 .98

ISID-1 84 0 0 2 1 163 .18 .98

ISID-2 281 0 0 3 17 516 .91 .93

ISID * 329 0 0 5 12.9 619 .81 .96

SCORE 208 0 0 1 .8 405 .46 .99

RVAX 256 1 1.3 0 0 499 .42 .99

AJAX 365 0 0 0 0 713 .44 1

WASH 494 0 0 2 2.8 960 .39 .99

WASH-1 271 0 0 5 8 514 .34 .97

WASH-2 749 1 9.8 2 17.5 1411 .4 .96

BERK 528 20 50.1 4 35 865 1.13 .83

DCN1 to MILNET/MINET hosts and local nets

ISIA 436 4 7.4 2 15.7 807 .68 .94

ISIA-1 197 0 0 0 0 385 .27 1

ISIA-2 615 0 0 2 15 1172 .36 .97

ISIA * 595 18 54.1 6 33.3 992 .77 .85

BRL 644 1 3 1 1.9 1249 .43 .99

BRL-1 318 0 0 4 13.6 596 .68 .95

BRL-2 962 2 8.4 0 0 1864 .12 .99

LON 677 0 0 3 11.7 1300 .51 .98

LON-1 302 0 0 0 0 589 .06 1

LON-2 1047 0 0 0 0 2044 .03 1

HAWAII 709 4 12.9 3 18.5 1325 .55 .95

OFFICE3 856 3 12.9 3 10.3 1627 .54 .97

OFF3-1 432 2 4.2 2 6.9 823 .31 .97

OFF3-2 1277 7 39 3 41.5 2336 .44 .93

KOREA 1048 3 14.5 2 18.7 1982 .48 .96

KOREA-1 506 4 8.6 1 2.2 967 .18 .97

KOREA-2 1493 6 35.5 2 19.3 2810 .19 .96


RICE 677 2 6.8 3 12.1 1286 .41 .97

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RICE-1 368 1 .1 3 2.3 715 .11 .99

RICE-2 1002 1 4.4 1 9.5 1930 .19 .98

DCN1 to SATNET hosts and local nets via ARPANET

UCL 689 9 26.8 0 0 1294 .21 .96

UCL-1 623 39 92.8 2 5.3 1025 .32 .84

UCL-2 818 4 13.5 0 0 1571 .15 .98

NTA 779 12 38.7 1 3.7 1438 .24 .94

NTA-1 616 24 56.6 2 5.3 1083 .25 .89

NTA-2 971 19 71.1 0 0 1757 .2 .92

NTA to SATNET hosts and local nets

TANUM 110 3 1.6 0 0 213 .41 .98

GOONY 587 19 44.2 1 2.9 1056 .23 .91

ETAM 608 32 76.3 1 3.1 1032 .29 .86

UCL 612 5 12.6 2 8.5 1154 .24 .96

Note: * indicates randomly distributed packets during periods of high ARPANET

activity. The same entry without the * indicates randomly distributed packets

during periods of low ARPANET activity.

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3.2 Discussion of Results

It is immediately obvious from visual inspection of the bit-map display

that the delay distribution is more-or-less Poissonly distributed about a

relatively narrow range with important exceptions. The exceptions are

characterized by occasional spasms where one or more packets can be delayed

many times the typical value. Such glitches have been commonly noted before

on paths involving ARPANET and SATNET, but the true impact of their occurance

on the timeout algorithm is much greater than I expected. What commonly

happens is that the algorithm, when confronted with a short burst of

long-delay packets after a relatively long interval of well-mannered behavior,

takes much too long to adapt to the spasm, thus inviting many superfluous

retransmissions and leading to congestion.

The incidence of long-delay bursts, or glitches, varied widely during the

experiments. Some of them were glitch-free, but most had at least one glitch

in 512 echo/reply volleys. Glitches did not seem to correlate well with

increases in baseline delay, which occurs as the result of traffic surges, nor

did they correlate well with instances of packet loss. I did not notice any

particular periodicity, such as might be expected with regular pinging, for

example; however, I did not process the data specially for that.

There was no correction for packet length used in any of these

experiments, in spite of the results of the first set of experiments described

previously. This may be done in a future set of experiments. The algorithm

does cope well in the case of constant-length packets and in the case of

randomly distributed packet lengths between 40 and 256 octets, as indicated in

the table. Future experiments may involve bursts of short packets followed by

bursts of longer ones, so that the speed of adaptation of the algorithm can be

directly deterimend.

One particularily interesting experiment involved the FOE host

(FORD-FOE), which is located in London and reached via a 14.4-Kbps undersea

cable and statistical multiplexor. The multiplexor introduces a moderate mean

delay, but with an extremely large delay dispersion. The specified

retransmission-timeout algorithm had a hard time with this circuit, as might

be expected; however, with the improvments described below, TCP performance

was acceptable. It is unlikely that many instances of such ornery circuits

will occur in the Internet system, but it is comforting to know that the

algorithm can deal effectively with them.

3.3. Improvments to the Algorithm

The specified retransmission-timeout algorithm, really a first-order

linear recursive filter, is characterized by two parameters, a weighting

factor F and a threshold factor G. For each measured delay sample R the delay

estimator E is updated:

E = F*E + (1 - F)*R .

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Then, if an interval equal to G*E expires after transmitting a packet, the

packet is retransmitted. The current TCP specification suggests values in the

range 0.8 to 0.9 for F and 1.5 to 2.0 for G. These values have been believed

reasonable up to now over ARPANET and SATNET paths.

I found that a simple change to the algorithm made a worthwhile change in

the efficiency. The change amounts to using two values of F, one (F1) when R

< E in the expression above and the other (F2) when R >= E, with F1 > F2. The

effect is to make the algorithm more responsive to upward-going trends in

delay and less respnsive to downward-going trends. After a number of trials I

concluded that values of F1 = 15/16 and F2 = 3/4 (with G = 2) gave the best

all-around performance. The results on some paths (FOE, ISID, ISIA) were

better by some ten percent in efficiency, as compared to the values now used

in typical implementations where F = 7/8 and G = 2. The results on most paths

were better by five percent, while on a couple (FACC, UCL) the results were

worse by a few percent.

There was no clear-cut gain in fiddling with G. The value G = 2 seemed

to represent the best overall compromise. Note that increasing G makes

superfluous retransmissions less likely, but increases the total delay when

packets are lost. Also, note that increasing F2 too much tends to cause

overshoot in the case of network glitches and leads to the same result. The

table above was constructed using F1 = 15/16, F2 = 3/4 and G = 2.

Readers familiar with signal-detection theory will recognize my

suggestion as analogous to an ordinary peak-detector circuit. F1 represents

the discharge time-constant, while F2 represents the charge time-constant. G

represents a "squelch" threshold, as used in voice-operated switches, for

example. Some wag may be even go on to suggest a network glitch should be

called a netspurt.

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Appendix. Index of Test Hosts

Name Address NIC Host Name


DCN1 to nearby local-net hosts (calibration)









DCN1 to ARPANET hosts and local nets








DCN1 to MILNET/MINET hosts and local nets









DCN1 to SATNET hosts and local nets via ARPANET



NTA to SATNET hosts and local nets




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