
RFC102 - Output of the Host-Host Protocol glitch cleaning committee

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group Steve Crocker, Chairman

Request for Comments: 102 at BBN, Cambridge

NIC#5763 22, 23 February 1971



At the NWG meeting in Urbana on 17-19 February 1971, a

committee was established to look at the Host/Host protocol

and see what changes were immediately desirable or necessary.

The committee is chaired by Steve Crocker, and has eight

other members:

Ray Tomlinson BBN (Tenex)

Jim White UCSB

Gary Grossman Illinois

Tom Barkalow Lincoln (TX2)

Will Crowther BBN (IMPs)

Bob Bressler MIT (Dynamic Modeling

Doug McKay IBM (Yorktown)

Dan Murphy BBN (Tenex)

A number of topics were discussed. On some of these topics, a

consensus was reached on whether or not to recommend a change, and if

so, what the change should be. On the remaining topics, specific

alternatives were proposed but no consensus was reached.

The committee will immediately canvas the network community and

gather reaction to its recommendations and the proposed alternatives.

The committee will then reconvene at UCLA on 8 March 1971 and decide

on final recommendations. Steve Crocker will then write Document #2.

This sequence is in lieu of the change procedure outlined in NWG/RFC


Specific Recommendations

1. The ECO and ERP command should each be 8 bits long.

2. The ERR command should be 96 bits long.

3. Message Data Types should be eliminated. Third-level protocol

people may reinstate such a mechanism.

4. The Cease mechanism should be discontinued.

5. A new pair of one byte commands RST (reset) and RRP (reset reply)

should be added. The RST should be interpreted as a signal to

purge the NCP tables of any existing entries which arose from the

sending Host. The RRP command should be returned to acknowledge

receipt of the RST. The Host sending the RST may proceed after

receiving either a RST or a RRP in return. A RST may be returned

if the second Host comes up after the first Host.

6. Although it was suggested at the Urbana meeting that connections

should be full-duplex, the committee recommends against this


7. Messages should be an integral number of bytes, and the number of

bytes and the byte size should be specified in each message. The

marking convention should be abandoned and the padding ignored.

The number of bytes in the message should be a 16-bit number

following the leader. The byte size should be in the next 8-bit

field. Two suggestions were generated for the starting point of

the text, and these are eXPlained in the next session.

For flow control purposes, the number of bits in a message is the

product of the number of bytes and the byte size. The leader and

other fixed format fields are not counted.

8. The problem of synchronizing the interrupt signal in a console

input stream was considered. We consider the console input

scanner as a process and note two reasonable implementations: it

may either read characters as fast as it can, looking for the

interrupt character and throwing away characters if there is no

room in the user process' input queue; it may read characters only

as fast as the user process can receive them, (or at least has

room for them).

The first implementation guarantees that the interrupt character

(e.g., control - C on the PDP-10 10/50) will always be acted on, but

requires that the using process interpret the output stream to detect

when it is sending too fast. The second implementation avoids

overrun but may not allow for sending an interrupt code. Note that

in the first case, allocation is alway renewed as soon as possible by

the console input interpreter; whereas in the second case, allocation

is renewed only as the result of acceptance of data by the user


We decided that this is really a third-level protocol matter, viz,

use the INS to mean that a special code has been inserted into the

input stream. In conjunction with this, create the special code to

be put into the input sequence.

This special code would be network-wide and independent of the

particular interrupt character peculiar to the serving system. The

scheme for interrupting a serving process is that the using process

inserts the serving Host's interrupt sequence, followed by the

network special code, and also issue the INS.


1. Length of Control Messages

In accordance with other specifications, control messages should be

an integral number of 8-bit bytes, the length should be specified in

the byte count field, and control commands should not be split across


Unresolved was whether to specially limit the length of control

messages. The two choices are.

a) no special limit ( ~ 1000 bytes)

b) 120 bytes

2. Message Format

It was agreed to abandon marking and include the text length in the

form of a byte count and byte size. Unresolved was where to begin

the first byte of data. The two choices are:

a) have the first data byte begin after 72 bits of leader, byte

count, byte size and spacing. The message format would then be as

in the diagram:



_ _ _ _ LEADER _ _ _ _




BYTE SIZE--------->


<--------------Beginning of first

_________________________ data byte

b) use the double physical transmission scheme presented in

NWG/RFC67. When sending a regular message, the Host would send a

leader, byte count and byte size and terminate transmission. The

second transmission would be the data.

At the receiving end, the IMP would transmit 64 bits of leader,

byte count, byte size and spacing, and stop transmission. The

next transmission would be only the data.

3. Allocation

With respect to the allocation mechanism embodied in the ALL, GVB and

RET commands, two alternatives were proposed:

a) make no change.

b) The flow control algorithm should be changed to keep track of

two quantities: messages and bits. The ALL, GVB, and RET commands

each have two data fields. The ALL command allocates a message

limit and a bit limit. The GVB command contains two fractions,

and the RET command returns both messages and bits. When sending

a message, the sending NCP decrements its message counter by 1 and

its bit counter by the text length of the message. The sending

NCP may not cause either of its counters to go negative. The

message counter would be 16 bits long.

[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]

[ into the online RFCarchives by Gottfried Janik 02/98 ]

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