
RFC100 - Categorization and guide to NWG/RFCs

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Network Working Group P. Karp

Request for Comments: XXXX MITRE

NIC: 5761 26 February 1971

Categorization and Guide to NWG/RFCs

The NWG/RFCGuide is an attempt to introdUCe some order into the

NWG/RFCseries, which now numbers 102. The Guide categorizes the

NWG/RFCnotes, identifies topics under discussion and the relevant

NWG/RFCs, and indicates whether the notes are current, obsolete, or


A minimum subset of NWG/RFCs is identified. This subset consists of

the NWG/RFCs that one should read to quickly become familiar with the

current status of topics.

For historical reasons and for readers interested in tracing through

the stages of development of a topic, a brief summary is given for

each NWG/RFCrelevant to a particular category.

This initial Guide is being issued as a NWG/RFCsince it establishes

the basis for future releases. So, please comment! Suggestions,

criticism, corrections, etc., will be accepted for a period of

approximately two weeks. Be critical as I have not had to implement

an NCP and probably have some misconceptions regarding various

technical points. An official version will be released on March 26.

The Guide will then be a unique series of documents, separate from

NWG/RFCs (as is the Document No. 1, No. 2 series).

With regard to renumbering NWG/RFCs, I am inclined to keep she

sequential numbering scheme presently employed. The main reason for

this position is that the current numbers have both historical and

semantic significance. For example, reference to "#33, #66, #83,

etc." is a convenient shorthand (reminiscent of the old corny joke

about joke #s) used extensively during meetings. The list of

"current status" NWG/RFCnumbers should dispel any fear of

maintaining stacks of NWG/RFCs for quick reference. The subject is

not closed, however, and I will entertain any objections,

suggestions, etc.


The NWG/RFCnotes are partitioned into 9 categories, which in turn

are divided into subcategories. For each category the official

document (if any), unresolved issues, and documents to be published

are identified.

For each subcategory, relevant NWG/RFCs are listed and a brief

description of the topics addressed in each note is given.

The categories are again listed and the current NWG/RFCs identified

(p. 23). The NWG/RFCs in the list comprise the subset defining

"current status". Note that most of the documentation in the subset

addresses topics in Category D - Subsystem Level Protocol, where at

the present time most issues are unresolved.

Finally, the NWG/RFCs are listed by number, with a reference to the

relevant categories (p. 26).


A.1 Distribution list

NWG/RFC#s: 3, 10, 16, 24, 27, 30, 37, 52, 69, 95

The distribution list contains names, addresses, and phone numbers

for recipients of NWG/RFCs. The most recent list, NWG/RFC95,

designates the Technical Liaison as the recipient for each site and

supersedes all other RFCs in this category.

A.2 Meeting announcements

NWG/RFC#s: 35, 43, 45, 54, 75, 85, 87, 99

General network working group meetings are held approximately every

three months. Special subcommittee meetings are held on an ad hoc

basis. All related NWG/RFCs are obsolete except 87, announcing a

graphics meeting to be held at MIT in April and 99, announcing a

general NWG meeting, Atlantic City, May 16-20.

A.3 Meeting minutes

NWG/RFC#s: 21, 37, 63, 77, 82

The meeting minutes present highlights of issues discussed at general

NWG meetings and report definite decisions that are made.

To be published: A NWG/RFCwill be published by Dick Watson, SRI,

reporting on the NWG meeting held at the University of Illinois,

February 17-19.

A.4 Guide to NWG/RFCs

NWG/RFC#s: 84, 100

The NWG/RFCGuide categorizes the NWG/RFCnotes, identifies topics

under discussion, the relevant NWG/RFCs, and denotes whether the

notes are current, obsolete, or superseded. Included in this

category are lists of NWG/RFCs, ordered by number (as in 84) and/or

by author.

A.5 Policies

NWG/RFC#s: 18, 24, 25, 27, 30, 37, 41, 48, 53, 54, 72, 73, 77, 82,


NWG/RFCs categorized as policy contain official stands on issues

i.e., the position taken by S. Crocker, NWG Chairman. The issues

covered are varied.

In particular:

77 and 82 discuss meeting policy.

72, 73, 77, and 82 discuss the decision to delay making changes to

the Host/Host protocol in order to first gain eXPerience with the

network. A committee to propose specific changes has been formed.

37 discusses changes to the Host/Host protocol and the schedule for

introducing modifications.

53 sets forth the mechanism for establishing and modifying the

official Host/Host protocol.

54 presents the initial official protocol.

48 presents some suggestions for policy on some outstanding issues.

41 requests the tagging of IMP-IMP teletype messages.

Documentation conventions for NWG/RFCs are given in 24, 27, and 30.

25 and 18 designate uses for particular link numbers. 25 has been

superseded by 37 and 48. 18 is obsolete.

102 discusses the issuing of Document #2, in lieu of the official

modification procedure outlined in 53.


Official document: BBN Memo No. 1822 (latest revision - February


Unresolved issues: Location of first byte of data in a message.

To be published: Document No. 2 will be written by S. Crocker and

will, among other things, resolve the first byte location issue.

B.1 General Topics

NWG/RFC#s: 17, 17a, 19, 21, 33, 36, 37, 38, 46, 47, 102

In particular:

17 raised several questions regarding HOST/IMP protocol. In 17a,BBN

responds to the questions.

19 proposes that the hosts control the ordering of IMP/Host traffic

rather than getting messages delivered in the order received by the

IMP. This proposal is counter to BBN's position, specifically

expressed in 47; that is, buffering is a Host rather than an IMP

function. The purpose of buffering in the IMP is to handle surges of

traffic, thus IMP buffers should be empty. NWG/RFC19 is obsolete.

21 discusses changes to BBN Memo No. 1822. The remarks are obsolete.

33 contains a general description of the interface between a host and

the IMP. NWG/RFC47 comments on NWG/RFC33.

The use of RFNMs (type 10 and type 5 messages) to control flow is

discussed in NWG/RFCs 36, 37 and 46. The official position in "cease

on link" (i.e., discontinue the mechanism) is presented in 102 and

renders obsolete the remarks in 36, 37, and 46.

38 discusses the changes to message format that would be necessary if

multiplexing connections over links was allowed.

B.2 Marking/Padding

NWG/RFC#s: 44, 48, 49, 50, 54, 64, 65, 67, 70, 102

In particular:

102 presents the decision of the Host/Host protocol committee to

abandon the marking convention and to ignore padding. The issue of

whether to have the first data byte begin after 72 bits of header or

to use double physical transmission (NWG/RFC#s 65, 67) is discussed.

The former official position is expressed in 54: "All regular

messages consist of a 32 bit leader, marking, text, and padding.

Marking is a (possibly null) sequence of zeros followed by a 1;

padding is a 1 followed by a (possibly null) sequence of zeros."

Several proposals to eliminate marking have been made. 64 suggests a

hardware modification to eliminate marking/padding by adding

appropriate counters to Host/IMP interfaces. 65 suggests breaking

regular messages into two messages. 67 supports 65. 72 and 73 suggest

that such changes be postponed until sufficient experience with the

network is gained.

44 introduces the notion of double padding and presents two

alternative approaches when a message does not end on a Host Word


a) The host provides padding in addition to the IMPS ("double


b) The host shifts messages to end on a word boundary.

48 explains double padding in more detail and discusses the pros and

cons. A suggestion is made to use marking to adjust the word

baundary (alternative b). NWG/RFCs 49 and 50 are concurrences with


70 presents a method to handle the stripping of padding from a


All NWG/RFCs in this category have been superseded by 102.


Host/Host protocol specifies the procedures by which connections for

inter-Host interprocess communication over the network are

established, maintained, and terminated. The software which

implements the protocol within each Host is called the Network

Control Program (NCP). The topics included in this category are

connection establishment and termination, flow control, interrupt

handling, error control and status testing, dynamic reconnection, and

the relationship between connections and links.

Official documents: Document No. 1 by S. Crocker, 3 August 1970, with

modifications presented in NWG/RFC102.

Unresolved issues: Length of control messages

Location in message of first byte of data

Flow control algorithm

Socket identification format

To be published: Document No. 2 will be written by S. Crocker and

will resolve the first three issues. A NWG/RFCwill be written by J.

Heafner, in collaboration with E. Meyer and G. Grossman. presenting

the pros and cons on alternative proposals for socket number


C.1 Host/Host Protocol Proposals

NWG/RFC#s: 9, 11, 22, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50,

54, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 65, 68, 93, 102

The official Host/Host protocol presented in Document No. 1 is based

on the proposals, discussions, acceptance, and rejection of ideas in

the above list of NWG/RFCs, up to and including 59.

In particular:

9, 11, and 22 represent an early attempt at a Host/Host protocol. 11

supersedes 9 and 22 contains some modifications to control message

formats presented in 11. The protocol was not considered powerful

enough because it didn't provide for inter-host communication without

logging in. This protocol was thrown out as a result of a network

meeting in December 1969.

33 is the basis for the current protocol. It was presented at the

SJCC, 1970.

36 is a modification of 33. It discusses connection establishment

without switching, flow control, and introduces the idea of

reconnection. Control commands are summarized. 36 was distributed at

a Network meeting in March 1970.

37 presents the reaction to 36 and presents ideas on reconnection

flow control and decoupling of links and connections. Provisions of

error detection, status testing, experimentation and expansions are


38, 39, 40, 44, 49 and 50 are comments written in response to the

meeting. 46 is also a comment but in the form of a rewrite of 33. 46

introduces the notion of interrupts, INT, and ECO for status testing.

47 concerns the philosophy behind the notion of a link.

48 summarizes the issues discussed in the above NWG/RFCs.

54 is the initial official protocol submitted for criticism,

comments, etc. It introduces a new mechanism for flow control in

which the receiving host allocates buffer space and notifies the

sending host of the space available.

57 and 59 comment on 54.

Document No. 1 differs from NWG/RFC54 as follows: commands GVB and

RET have been added for flow control and error condition codes have

been added to ERR. NWG/RFC102 presents some modifications to

Document No. 1: fixed lengths are specified for ECO, ERP, and ERR; a

new pair of commands RST and RRP (suggested in 57) are added.

60, 61, and 62 propose new Host/Host protocols, quite different from

the current official protocol. 62 supersedes 61. 60 and 62 are worth

considering for possible implementation in future protocols.

Hopefully, more documents of a similar nature will be generated as

experience is gained with the current protocol.

NWG/RFCs 65 and 68 comment on Document No. 1.

93 points out an ambiguity in Document No. 1 regarding the

requirement of a message data type in the message sent from server

socket 1. The ambiguity is resolved by 102 which eliminates message

data type from level 2 protocol.

C.2 NCPs (Description, Structure, Techniques)

NWG/RFC#s: 9, 11, 22, 23, 33, 36, 44, 46, 48, 55, 70, 71, 74, 89

This category includes RFCs which give details of system calls, table

structures, implementation techniques, etc.

In particular:

NWG/RFCs 9, 11, and 22 are obsolete

23 is a general statement on sending or receiving multiple control

messages in a single communication.

33 discusses the system calls used for interaction between the NCP

and a user process.

36 describes a possible implementation giving table structures and

their interrelationships.

44 lists the system calls that SDC feels should operate, includes

spec. of calls to NCP.

NWG/RFC48 presents Postel's and Crocker's view on the environment in

which a host time-sharing system operates, suggests some system

calls, and presents a design to illustrate the components of an NCP.

55 presents a prototypical NCP which implements the initial official

protocol specified in 54. It is offered as an illustrative example.

70 gives some techniques for stripping the padding from a message.

71 presents the method employed by the CCN-Host at UCLA to

resynchronize flow control when an input error occurs.

74 documents the implementation of sections of the NCP at UCSB.

89 gives a brief description of the "interim interim NCP" (IINCP) on

the MIT Dynamic Modeling PDP-6/10 used to run some experiments.

C.3 Connection Establishment and Termination

NWG/RFC#s: 33, 36, 39, 44, 49, 50, 54, 60, 62

The NWG/RFCs in this category present the system calls and control

commands used to establish and terminate connections, i.e., the

handshaking that must transpire before connections are established or


In particular:

36 presents a rough scenario of connection establishment which

differs from that specified in 33 in that establishment does not

include procedures for switching procedures.

39 suggests the addition of a command TER to supplement CLS.

44 discusses the use of the CLS command and suggests that two

commands BLS and CLS be adopted.

46, 46, and 50 all discuss queuing of RFCs.

54 presents the initial official method for establishing and

terminating connections.

60 and 62 present schemes different from the official protocol.

C.4 Flow Control

NWG/RFC#s: 19, 33, 36, 37, 46, 47, 54, 59, 60, 65, 68, 102

The NWG/RFCs in this category address the problem of controlling the

flow of messages from the sending socket to the receive socket. The

official position is stated in Document No. 1 with an unresolved

issue pending as described in NWG/RFC102.

In particular:

19 suggests that Hosts may want the capability of agreeing to lock

programs into core for more efficient core-to-core transfers. This

may require different handling of RFNMs.

33 describes the use of RFNM (type 10 rather than 5) on a link to

control flow. A control command RSM (resume) is defined to allow the

host to signal for resumption of message flow. 46 describes the same


37 describes the effect some proposed changes (for reconnect and

decoupling of connections and links) would have on RFNMs and "cease

on link."

46 (MIT's rewrite of protocol) introduces BLK and RSM commands as an

alternative to "cease on link", SPD and RSM commands.

47 presents BBN's position that buffering be handled by the Host, not

the IMP.

54 introduces a new flow control mechanism in which the receiving

host is required to allocate buffer space for each connection and not

notify the sending host of bit sizes. A new command, ALL to allocate

space is sent from the receiving host to the sending host. With this

new mechanism, 33, 37, 46, and 47 become obsolete.

59 presents the objections of Project MAC and Lincoln Labs to the

flow control mechanism introduced in 54. Their preference is for

"cease on link" which allocates buffer space on demand.

60, which defines a simplified NCP protocol, presents a method of

flow control based on the requirement that connections are full


65 comments on Document No. 1. With respect to flow control, it

disagrees with the allocation mechanism and the introduction of

irregular message to make the cease mechanism work.

68 proposes modifications to RFNM by defining three forms which would

insure control of data and would replace the memory allocation


102 eliminates the cease mechanism and introduces potential

modifications to the flow control mechanism. The latter will be

resolved and presented in Document No. 2.

C.5 Error Control and Status Testing

NWG/RFC#s: 2, 37, 39, 40, 46, 48, 54, 57, 102

This category addresses schemes for detecting and controlling errors

and for Host status reporting and testing.

In particular:

2 talks about error checking and gives an algorithm for implementing

a checksum. It also recommends that Hosts should have a mode in

which positive verification of all messages is required.

37 brings up the topics of error detection and status testing, which

are expanded by RAND in 39 and 40. 39 introduces control commands ERR

for error checking and QRY, HCU, and HGD for status testing. 40

expands on the discussion, suggests error codes, introduces RPY as a

response to QRY, and suggests that NOP could be used for reporting

Host status.

46 concurs with 40 on ERR and introduces ECO to test communication

between NCPs.

48 recommends that ERR, as presented in 40 and 46, be adopted, that a

distinction be made between resource errors and other error types,

that ECO, presented in 46, be of variable length, and that an ECO,

ERP command pair be adopted.

54 officially specifies the control commands ERR, ECO, and ERP. The

official protocol doesn't include a specific list of error types nor

does it recommend the action to be taken. Suggestions for extensions

to error detection and recovery and Host/Host status testing are


57 presents a list of error types and suggests new commands OVF for

overflow errors and RST/RSR for host status testing.

102 sets fixed lengths for ERR, ECO, and ERP control commands. RST

and RSR are adopted.

C.6 Interrupt

NWG/RFC#s: 46, 48, 49, 50, 54, 102

The interrupt system call and the INT control commands are used to

interrupt a process. This is actually a third level issue. The

NWG/RFCs leading up to the decision to include INR and INS in the

official protocol are summarized below.

In particular:

46 introduces the INT command as a method for interrupting a process.

48 recommends adoption of INT with the restriction that the feature

should not be used during communication with systems which scan for

interrupts and that INT should not be used on non-console type

connections (see D.2).

49 expands on the explanation of INT. 50 concurs with proposal 46,

that INT is useful.

54 induces INT, INS control commands in the official protocol as an

escape mechanism, where interpretation is a local matter.

102 discusses synchronization of interrupt signals, presents two

implementation schemes, and relegates the topic to third level

protocol. INS should be used to indicate a special code in the input


C.7 Dynamic Reconnection

NWG/RFC#s: 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50

The notion of dynamic reconnection was introduced early in the

Host/Host protocol design. However, the consensus was that it

introduced complexities with which the initial NCP implementations

did not want to cope. The need for dynamic reconnection was

questioned; NWG/RFC48 explains why it was included and considered


In particular:

33 introduces the concept of switching connections to the Logger. 36

presents a scheme for dynamic reconnection, i.e., reconnection can

take place after the flow is started.

37 presents two methods suggested by BBN for handling reconnection.

38 discusses changes to proposed END and RDY control commands that

would be necessary if connections were multiplexed over links.

39 states that dynamic reconnection is too complex.

44 presents two cases where reconnection could be used, suggests that

the cases be separated, and recommends implementation of only the

case of a simple connection switch within the same Host.

46 recommends that dynamic reconnection be reserved for further

Host/Host protocol implementations.

48 discusses the aesthetics of dynamic reconnection in detail but

concedes that it won't be included in the initial protocol. 49 and 50

concur with the decision.

C.8 Relation Between Connections and Links

NWG/RFC#s: 37, 38, 44, 48

A connection is an extension of a link. The NWG/RFCs in this

category discuss this relationship.

In particular:

37 presents the pros and cons on decoupling connections and links. 38

recommends that connections be multiplexed over links. Two cases

where this would be useful are presented. The effect on the proposed

protocol is discussed. Both 37 and 38 suggest the inclusion of the

destination socket as part of the text of the message and recommend

that messages should be send over any unblocked link.

44 suggests the use of link numbers in control commands (except RFSs)

due to the 1 to 1 correspondence between links and foreign socket


48 recommends leaving links and connections coupled.

C.9 Other

Other topics that fall into the category of Host/Host protocol are:

Marking/Padding: see B.2

Record/Message Boundaries: see D.5

Experimentation and Expansion. The assignment of links for

experimentation and expansion is discussed in NWG/RFC#s 37 and 48.

Instance Tag: The addition of an instance tag to the socket

identifier is introduced in 46, is supported by 49 and 50, and is not

recommended in 48. The matter is unresolved (see "To be published",

section C).

Broadcast Facility: A control command to implement a broadcast

facility as introduced in 39. It was not supported in 48.


Official document: none

Unresolved issues: all

To be published: Three committees have been set up to address user

level issues, specifically: logger, console, and TELNET protocols

(D.1, D.2, D.3); data transformation (D.4); and, graphics protocol

(D.6). Status reports will be published prior to the next Network

meeting (May 1971). In addition, a companion paper to 98 discussing

console protocol has been promised by MIT MAC and G. Grossman (Ill.)

will issue an RFCproposing a file transmission protocol.

D.1 Logger Protocol

NWG/RFC#s: 33, 46, 48, 49, 50, 56, 66, 74, 77, 79, 82, 88, 91, 93,

97, 98

Logger Protocol specifies the procedures by which a user gets

connected to a remote Host. The logger is a process, always in

execution, which listens for login requests.

In particular:

33 proposes that the logger listen to calls on socket #0. It then

switches to the assigned socket. The sequence of events is


46 proposes a User Control and Communication (UCC) module, which

implements logger protocol and permits the logger to interact with

the NCP. It proposes the use of two full-duplex pseudo-typewriter


48 proposes that sockets <U, H, 0> and <U, H, 1> designate either the

input and output sockets of a copy of the logger or the console


49 is a write-up of a combination of the proposals presented in 46

and 48. 49 presents the disadvantages of the new proposal and reverts

back to supporting the UCC of 46.

50 indicates RAND support for the UCC presented in 46.

56 defines a send-logger and a receive-logger with a full-duplex

connection. The logger handles one request at a time; requests are

queued. The receiver logger is identified as user 0 on socket 0.

66 introduces a dial-up protocol (Initial Connection Protocol, ICP)

to get a process at one site in contact with the logger at another


74 documents the logger implemented at UCSB.

77 and 82 report the discussion of logger protocol at the FJCC 1970

Network meeting. E. Harslem and E. Meyer agreed to write proposals.

79 discusses a conflict between Document No. 1 and NWG/RFC66

regarding the use of ALL prior to connection establishment.

80 presents a variation of 66 that rectifies the conflict. 80 also

suggests that ICP should apply to more than just the logger i.e., let

user 0 signify the logger.

88 documents the logger implemented as part of NETRJS, which allows

Access to RJS at UCLA's CCN. The ICP described in 66 and 80 is

adhered to. The logger is designated as user 0.

91 contains a description of the logger for the PDP-10 at Harvard.

93 points out an ambiguity in the Host/Host protocol of Document No.

1 regarding the requirement of message data type for ICP. The

ambiguity is rectified by NG/RFC102.

97 includes the ICP (as proposed in 80) used to establish connection

to NIC.

98 is the logger protocol proposal issued by E. Meyer.

D.2 Console Protocol

NWG/RFC#s: 20, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 56, 66, 74, 77, 82, 88, 91, 96,

97, 98

Console protocol will specify conventions for what goes out over the

network. Included are conventions for echoing, character set,

interrupt or break, end of line, message formats.

In particular:

20 suggests a standard of 7-bit ASCII in an 8-bit byte, with the high

order bit 0.

44 discusses three possibilities for echoing over the network

(echoing, no echoing, optional echoing) and states a preference for

no echoing. 44 also states a preference for establishing a network

common code where all code conversion is performed on outgoing text;

thus, all incoming text would be in the common code.

46 proposes the use of interrupt on the third level. An interrupt

means "quit" when sent from a requestor process to a created process.

The command level is entered.

48 and 49 relegate issues of echoing and code conversion to third

level protocol.

50 and 56 support adoption of ASCII for the network standard

character set. 56 also discusses two uses of break characters

(interrupt): in a panic situation and to exit from subsystem. Three

message formats (character by character, end by carriage return,

several command lines per message) are discussed. A recommendation

that echoing be handled locally is made.

66 specifies that the standard console use 7-bit ASCII in 8 bits with

the 8th bit on (note the conflict with 20). It also specifies the

use of INR for break or interrupt.

74 documents console protocol implemented by UCSB.

77 and 82 report on console protocol topics (echoing, full vs half

duplex) discussed at the Network meeting, FJCC 1970.

88 documents conventions used by NETRJS for RJS at CCN, UCLA.

91 discusses code standards.

96 and 97 document conventions used for NIC at SRI ARC.

98 proposes specifications for general console communications and

addresses full vs half duplex, character escapes, and action


D.3 TELNET Protocol

NWG/RFC#s: 15, 33, 76, 80, 83, 91, 96, 97

TELNET is a subsystem permitting a teletype-like terminal at a remote

Host for function as a teletype at the serving Host. TELNET protocol

specifies user level interface to the network by way of network

system calls.

In particular:

15 introduces the TELNET concept and presents a sample dialogue

between Utah's PDP-10 and SRI's 940. System primitives are proposed.

33 describes TELNET and gives essentially the same example as in 15.

76 describes a terminal user control language for Illinois's PDP-11

ARPA Network Terminal System. The protocol defined permits the user

to utilize the network at a symbolic level.

80 and 83 introduce the concept of a Protocol Manager that can manage

protocol sequences between consoles and the network. The Form

Machine (see D.4) can be used for translations.

91 contains a proposal for a User/User protocol that has the ability

to function as TELNET.

96 describes a series of experiments to be conducted using the TELNET

subsystem at SRI ARC.

97 presents a detailed proposal for a standard TELNET protocol.

D.4 NIL, DEL, and Form Machines

NWG/RFC#s: 5, 31, 42, 51, 63, 80, 83, 96

NIL, DEL, and Form Machines are proposals of similar methods for

adapting user programs and/or data to the network. A committee

chaired by J. Heafner has been formed to plan, implement, and

exercise a language for reconfiguring data streams.

In particular:

NIL (Network Interchange Language), described in 51, introduces the

concept of an abstract network machine which would permit a user to

consider the computer network as an overall computing facility. All

dialogue would take place between hosts and the network machine. NIL

permits the description of the environment and the description of the

Front End of an interactive system. Sublanguages for describing

control, operation, data declaration, and environment are used. With

NIL, the network machine can operate in standard mode as well as

user-defined extended mode. The network machine can act as a user of

a Host; conversely, a Host can be a user of a network machine. Each

Host will have a generator to generate a translator from the

descriptive sublanguage inputs.

DEL (Decode - Encode Language), described in 5, utilizes a front end

translator at the using site to translate the using site characters

to the server host character set. Return messages are subsequently

translated locally to the local standard. Immediate feedback in an

interactive mode is also handled locally. DEL can be used for the

operation of large display-oriented systems. Provisions are given

for representing a universal hardware. The syntax is included.

Two proposals for the Form Machine have been given. 80 introduces the

concept of the Form Machine, an experimental software package

operating on regular expressions that describe data formats. 83

presents a different approach: a syntax-driven interpreter which

operates on a grammar which is an _ordered_ set of replacement rules.

83 contains a description of the Form Machine with some examples of

replacement rules for particular data types. Application of the

Form-Machine to program protocols is also discussed.

31 proposes a message description language as a standard symbolic

method for defining and describing binary messages. In the future,

the descriptive language could be used as input to generators of data

translation programs.

42 proposes the use of message data types prior to the development of

network languages specifying the syntax and semantics of messages.

Programs would extract the message data type and transform the data

accordingly. Both standard and local types would be handled (as in

RFC#51), probably using tables stored at one location such as NIC.

62 presents data typed codes.

96 includes a discussion on a Front End for NLS (T) and suggests that

further study be given to standard languages as presented in 51.

D.5 Record/Message Boundaries

NWG/RFC#s: 13, 49, 50, 58, 63, 77, 82, 91

Positions that no special structures should be imposed on data

transmission are presented in 49 and 91. 50 and 58 disagree. 58

claims that logical and physical message distinctions exist and that

logical messages must begin on a physical message boundary.

63 reports a decision from a meeting that records may begin anywhere

in a message. In a later meeting, 77 and 82, the issue was reopened.

Discussion included consideration of methods of indicating the end of

message and alternatives were given. Earlier RFCs had discussed

these alternatives: 13 proposes a 0 length message to specify EOF; 50

proposes use of a bit count preceding the transmission and discusses

solutions to the problem of dropping bits.

D.6 Network Graphics

NWG/RFC#s: 43, 77, 80, 82, 86, 87, 89, 94

Proposals specifying network graphics protocol are in the formative


In particular:

43 mentions LIL, in interpretable language at Lincoln Labs that can

handle interactive graphics.

77 and 82 discuss the formation of a working group to specify

procedures for using graphics over the network.

80 states that graphics oriented descriptions will added to the Form


86 is a proposal for a network standard format for a data stream to

control graphics displays. 87 announces a network graphics meeting to

be hosted by MIT and suggests discussion topics. Both 86 and 87 are

attempts to stimulate some interest in the generation of graphics

protocol proposals.

89 describes a Harvard-MIT graphics experiment using the network.

94 comments on 8 and presents an alternate proposal.

D.7 File Transmission

NWG/RFC#s: 13, 38, 77, 82, 91

The subject of file transmission over the network is at the informal

discussion stage. Nothing substantive has been published as NWG/RFCs

om this category.

In particular:

13 proposes using a 0 length message to specify EOF.

38 recommends routing multiple connections over the same link to

handle file transmissions over the network.

77 and 82 summarize comments on file transmission problems aired at

the Network meeting in Houston, Nov. 1970.

91 describes how PDP-10 file transmission could be handled over the



Official document: none

Unresolved issues: Should NCPs be altered to keep measurement


E.1 General

NWG/RFC#s: 77, 82

Both 77 and 82 report on the comments made at the Network meeting,

Houston 1970, regarding network measurements. UCLA and BBN are

officially responsible for gathering network statistics. Is it

reasonable to alter the NCP to keep statistics?

E.2 Clock

NWG/RFC#s: 28, 29, 32, 34

The NWG/RFCs in this category discuss requirements for a clock to

measure network delay.

In particular:

28 is concerned with the installation of a real-time clock at SRI ARC

and requests comments concerning network time standards for delay


29 responds to 28, stating that a millisecond clock should be


32 discusses the desirability of adding a network clock for

measurement of user-oriented message delays. A one millisecond

resolution is a reasonable specification. The problems of clock

synchronization and long term accuracy are addressed.

34 describes the SRI ARC clock on the XDS 940.


NWG/RFC#s 78, 89

Reports on experience with the network are starting to be published.

As sites begin to get their NCPs up, more notes in this category

should be generated and are encouraged.

In particular:

78 describes NCP checkout between UCSB and RAND.

89 describes initial activity on the network between MIT MAC Dynamic

Modelling/Computer Graphics PDP-6/10 System and the Harvard PDP-10.


Official document. None

Unresolved issues: Procedures for entering documentation at NIC.

To be published. Dick Watson, SRI ARC, will publish documentation

specifications and procedures.

G.1 General

NWG/RFC#s 77, 82

77 and 82 contain general comments on storing system documentation



NWG/RFC#s: 77, 82, 96, 97

77 and 82 contain summaries of Engelbart's discussion of NIC at the

Network meeting in Houston, November, 1970.

96 and 97 contain details of third level protocol implementation of



NWG/RFC#s: 74

74 presents specifications for network use of the UCSB On-Line System



NWG/RFC#s: 88, 90

88 describes the protocol implementation for RJE.

90 specifies the resources available at CCN, operating as a Network

Service Center.

G.5 University of Illinois

NWG/RFC#s: 76

76 describes the PDP-11 ARPA Network Terminal System implementation.


To be published: B. Kahn, BBN, will generate an RFCdiscussing

important considerations for an accounting mechanism.

NWG.RFC#s: 77, 82

This topic will be addressed by the long-range Host/Host protocol

committee, set up at the Network meeting, University of Illinois,

February 1971.

77 and 82 discuss the need for some network accounting scheme,

primarily for sites classified as Service Centers rather than

Research Centers.


The topics grouped in this catch-all category may in the future

constitute independent categories.

I.1 Hardware

NWG/RFC#s: 12, 64

12 contains diagrams that indicate the logical sequence of hardware

operations which occur within the IMP/Host interface.

64 proposes a hardware solution to getting rid of marking. 64 has

been superseded by 102.

I.2 Request for References

NWG/RFC#s: 81

81 requests references concerning communications.

Issues and Current NWG/RFCs

Subset reflecting current status:

NWG/RFC#s: 5, 12, 30-33, 41, 47, 48, 51, 53-56, 60, 62, 66, 74,

76-78, 80-83, 86-91, 94-100, 102


A.1 Distribution List

NWG/RFC#s: 95

A.2 Meeting Announcements

NWG/RFC#s: 87, 99

A.3 Meeting Minutes

NWG/RFC#s: 77, 82

A.4 Guide to NWG/RFCs

NWG/RFC#s: 100

A.5 Policies

NWG/RFC#s: 30, 41, 53, 77, 82, 102


Official document: BBN Memo No. 1822

B.1 General

NWG/RFC#s: 33, 47, 102

B.2 Marking/Padding

NWG/RFC#s: 102


Official document: Document No. 1, S. Crocker, 3 August 1970

C.1 Host/Host Protocol Proposals

NWG/RFC#s: 33, 48, 54, 60, 62, 102

C.2 NCPs (Description, Structure, Techniques)

NWG/RFC#s: 55, 74

C.3 Connection Establishment and Termination

NWG/RFC#s: 54

C.4 Flow Control

NWG/RFC#s: 54 102

C.5 Error Control and Status Testing

NWG/RFC#s: 54, 102

C.6 Interrupt

NWG/RFC#s: 54, 102

C.7 Dynamic Reconnection

NWG/RFC#s: 47

C.8 Relation Between Connections and Links

NWG/RFC#s: 48


D.1 Logger Protocol

NWG/RFC#s: 56, 66, 80,98

D.2 Console Protocol

NWG/RFC#s: 66, 77, 82, 96, 97, 98

D.3 TELNET Protocol

NWG/RFC#s: 33, 96, 97

D.4 NIL, DEL, Form Machines

NWG/RFC#s: 5, 31, 51, 83

D.5 Record/Message Boundaries

NWG/RFC#s: 77, 82, 91

D.6 Network Graphics

NWG/RFC#s: 86, 87, 94

D.7 File Transmission

NWG/RFC#s: 77, 82, 91


E.1 General

NWG/RFC#s: 77, 82

E.2 Clock

NWG/RFC#s: 32


NWG/RFC#s: 78, 89


G.1 General

NWG/RFC#s: 77, 82


NWG/RFC#s: 77, 82, 96, 97


NWG/RFC#s: 74


NWG/RFC#s: 88, 90

G.5 Illinois

NWG/RFC#s: 76


NWG/RFC#s: 77, 82


I.1 Hardware

NWG/RFC#s: 12

I.2 Request for References

NWG/RFC#s: 81

List of NWG/RFC#'s 1-102 With Cross-Reference to Categorized Topics

NWG/RFC1: HOST Software

S. Crocker (UCLA) 7 April 1969


NWG/RFC2: HOST Software

B. Duvall (SRI) 9 April 1969

C.5, otherwise obsolete

NWG/RFC3: Documentation Conventions

S. Crocker (UCLA) 9 April 1969


NWG/RFC4: Network Timetable

E. Shapiro (SRI) 24 March 1969



J. Rulifson (SRI) 2 June 1969


NWG/RFC6: Conversation with Bob Kahn

S. Crocker (UCLA) 10 April 1969


NWG/RFC7: HOST/IMP Interface

G. Deloche (UCLA) 5 May 1969


NWG/RFC8: ARPA Network Functional Specifications

G. Deloche (UCLA) 5 May 1969


*indicates inclusion in the subset of "current issues".

NWG/RFC9: HOST Software

G. Deloche (UCLA) 1 May 1969

C.1 C.2

NWG/RFC10: Documentation Conventions

S. Crocker 29 July 1969


NWG/RFC11: Implementation of the HOST-HOST Software Procedures in


G. Deloche (UCLA) 1 August 1969

C.1 C.2

*NWG/RFC12: IMP/HOST Interface Flow Diagram

M. Wingfield (UCLA) 26 August 1969


NWG/RFC13: Referring to NWG/RFC11

V. Cerf (UCLA) 20 August 1969

D.5 D.7

NWG/RFC14: (never issued)

NWG/RFC15: Network Subsystem for Time-Sharing HOSTS

C. S. Carr (UTAH) 25 September 1969


NWG/RFC16: MIT (address)

S. Crocker 27 August 1969


NWG/RFC17 & Some Questions Re: HOST-IMP Protocol


J. E. Kreznar (SDC) 27 August 1969


NWG/RFC18: (use of links 1 and 2)

V. Cerf (UCLA) September 1969


NWG/RFC19: Two Protocol Suggestions to Reduce

Congestion at Swap-bound Nodes

J. E. Kreznar (SDC) 7 October 1969

B.1 C.4

NWG/RFC20: ASCII Format for Network Interchange

V. Cerf (UCLA) 10 October 1969


NWG/RFC21: (report of Network meeting)

V. Cerf (UCLA) 17 October 1969

A.3 B.1

NWG/RFC22: HOST-HOST Control Message Formats

V. Cerf (UCLA) 17 October 1969

C.1 C.2

NWG/RFC23: Transmission of Multiple Control Messages

G. Gregg (UCSB) 16 October 1969


NWG/RFC24: Documentation Conventions

S. Crocker (UCLA) 21 November 1969

A.1 A.5

NWG/RFC25: No High Link Numbers

S. Crocker (UCLA) 30 October 1969


NWG/RFC26: (never issued)

NWG/RFC27: Documentation Conventions

S. Crocker (UCLA) 6 December 1969

A.1 A.5

NWG/RFC28: Time Standards

B. English (ARC) 13 January 1970


NWG/RFC29: Note in Response to Bill English's

Request for Comments

R. Kahn (BBN) 19 January 1970


NWG/RFC30: Documentation Conventions

S. Crocker (UCLA) 4 February 1970

A.1 A.5

*NWG/RFC31: Binary Message Forms in Computer Networks

D. Borrow (BBN)

W.R. Sutherland (LINC) February 1968


*NWG/RFC32: Connecting M.I.T. Computers to the ARPA

Computer-to-Computer Communication Network

D. Vedder (MAC) 31 January 1969


*NWG/RFC33: New HOST-HOST Protocol

S. Crocker (UCLA) 12 February 1970

B.1 C.1 C.2 C.3 C.4 C.7 D.1 D.3

NWG/RFC34: Some Brief Preliminary Notes on the ARC Clock

B. English (ARC) 26 February 1970


NWG/RFC35: Network Meeting

S. Crocker (UCLA) 3 March 1970


NWG/RFC36: Protocol Notes

S. Crocker (UCLA) 16 March 1970

B.1 C.1 C.2 C.3 C.4 C.7

NWG/RFC37: Network Meeting Epilogue, etc.

S. Crocker (UCLA) 20 March 1970

A.1 A.3 B.1 C.1 C.4 C.5 C.7 C.8 C.9

NWG/RFC38: Comments on Network Protocol from NWG/RFC36

S.M. Wolfe (UCLA) 20 March 1970

B.1 C.1 C.7 C.8 D.7

NWG/RFC39: Comments on Protocol Re: NWG/RFC36

E. Harslem (RAND)

J. Heafner (RAND) 25 March 1970

C.1 C.3 C.5 C.7 C.9

NWG/RFC40: More Comments on the Forthcoming Protocol

E. Harslem (RAND)

J. Heafner (RAND) 27 March 1970

C.1 C.5

*NWG/RFC41: IMP-IMP Teletype Communication

J. Melvin (ARC) 30 March 1970


NWG/RFC42: Message Data Types

E. I. Ancona (LINC) 31 March 1970


NWG/RFC43: Proposed Meeting

A. G. Nemeth (LINC) 8 April 1970

A.2 D.6

NWG/RFC44: Comments on NWG/RFC33 and 36

A. Shohani (SDC)

R. Long (SDC)

A. Kandsberg (SDC) 10 April 1970

B.2 C.1 C.2 C.3 C.7 C.8 D.2

NWG/RFC45: New Protocol is Coming

J. Postel (UCLA)

S. Crocker (UCLA) 14 April 1970


NWG/RFC46: ARPA Network Protocol Notes

E. W. Meyer Jr. (MAC) 17 April 1970

B.1 C.1 C.2 C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 C.7 D.1

*NWG/RFC47: BBN's Comments on NWG/RFC33

J. Postel (UCLA)

S. Crocker (UCLA) 20 April 1970

B.1 C.4

*NWG/RFC48: A Possible Protocol Plateau

J. Postel (UCLA)

S. Crocker (UCLA) 21 April 1970

A.5 B.2 C.1 C.2 C.5 C.6 C.7 C.9 D.1 D.2

NWG/RFC49: Conversations with Steve Crocker

E. W. Meyer Jr. (MAC) 25 April 1970

B.2 C.1 C.3 C.6 C.7 C.9 D.1 D.2 D.5

NWG/RFC50: Comments on the Meyer Proposal

E. Harslem (RAND)

J. Heafner (RAND) 30 April 1970

B.2 C.1 C.3 C.6 C.7 C.9 D.1 D.2 D.5

*NWG/RFC51: Proposal for a Network Interchange Language

M. Elie (UCLA) 4 May 1970


NWG/RFC52: Updated Distribution List

S. Crocker, J. Postel 1 July 1970


*NWG/RFC53: An Official Protocol Mechanism

S. Crocker (UCLA) 9 June 1970


*NWG/RFC54: An Official Protocol Proffering

S. Crocker (UCLA) 18 June 1970

A.2 A.5 B.2 C.1 C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6

*NWG/RFC55: A Prototypical Implementation of the NCP

J. Newkirk, et al (HARV) 19 June 1970


*NWG/RFC56: Third Level Protocol

E. Belove, et al (HARV) 19 June 1970

D.1 D.2

NWG/RFC57: Thoughts and Reflections on NWG/RFC54

M. Kraley, J. Newkirk (HARV) 19 June 1970

C.1 C.5

NWG/RFC58: Logical Message Synchronization

T. P. SKINner (MAC) 26 June 1970


NWG/RFC59: Flow Control - Fixed Versus Demand Allocation

E. W. Meyer Jr. 27 June 1970

C.1 C.4

*NWG/RFC60: A Simplified NCP Protocol

R. Kalin (LINC) 13 July 1970

C.1 C.3 C.4

NWG/RFC61: A Note on Interprocess Communications in a Resource

Sharing Computer Network

D. Walden (BBN) 17 July 1970

superseded by 62

*NWG/RFC62: A Note on Interprocess Communications in a Resource

Sharing Computer Network Sharing Computer Network

D. Walden (BBN) 3 August 1970

C.1 C.3

NWG/RFC63: Belated Network Meeting Report

V. Cerf (UCLA) 31 July 1970

A.3 D.4 D.5

NWG/RFC64: Getting Rid of Marking

M. Elie (undated)

B.2 H.2

NWG/RFC65: Comments on Host-Host Protocol Document No. 1

(by S. Crocker - 8/3/70)

D. Walden (BBN) 29 August 1970

B.2 C.1 C.4

*NWG/RFC66: 3rd level Ideas and Other Noise

S. Crocker (UCLA) 26 August 1970

D.1 D.2

NWG/RFC67: Proposed Changes to Host/IMP Spec to Eliminate Marking

W. Crowther (BBN) (undated)


NWG/RFC68: Comments on Memory Allocation Control Commands


M. Elie (UCLA) 31 August 1970

NWG/RFC69: Distribution List Change for MIT

A. Bhushan (MAC) 22 September 1970


NWG/RFC70: A Note on Padding

S. Crocker (UCLA) 15 October 1970

B.2 C.2

NWG/RFC71: Reallocation in Case of Input Error

T. Schipper (UCLA) 25 September 1970


NWG/RFC72: Proposed Moratorium on Changes to Network Protocol

R.D. Bressler (MAC) 28 September 1970


NWG/RFC73: Response to NWG/RFC67

S. Crocker (UCLA) 25 September 1970


*NWG/RFC74: Specification for Network Use of the UCSB On-Line


J. White 16 October 1970

D.1 D.2 G.3

NWG/RFC75: Network Meeting

S. Crocker (UCLA) 14 October 1970


*NWG/RFC76: Connection-By-Name: User-Oriented Protocol

J. Bouknight et al., (ILL) 28 October 1970

D.3 G.5

*NWG/RFC77: Network Meeting Report

J. Postel (UCLA) 20 November 1970

A.3 A.5 D.1 D.2 D.5 D.6 D.7 E.1 G.1 G.2 H

*NWG/RFC78: NCP Status Report: UCSB/RAND

E. Harslem et al., (RAND) (undated)


NWG/RFC79: Logger Protocol Error

E. W. Meyer, Jr. (MAC) 16 November 1970


*NWG/RFC80: Protocols and Data Formats

E. Harslem et al., (RAND) 1 December 1970

D.3 D.4 D.6

*NWG/RFC81: Request for Reference Information

J. Bauknight (Ill.) 3 December 1970


*NWG/RFC82: Network Meeting Notes

E. Meyer (MAC) 9 December 1970

A.3 A.5 D.1 D.2 D.5 D.6 D.7 E.1 G.1 G.2 H

*NWG/RFC83: Language - Machine for Data Reconfiguration

R. Anderson et al. (RAND) 18 December 1970

D.3 D.4

NWG/RFC84: List of NWG/RFC's 1- 80

NIC 23 December 1970


NWG/RFC85: Network Working Group Meeting

S. Crocker (ULA) 28 December 1970


*NWG/RFC86: Proposal for a Network Standard Format for a Data

Stream to Control Graphics Display

S. Crocker (UCLA) 5 January 1971


*NWG/RFC87: Topics for Discussion at the Next Network Working

Group Meeting

A. Vezza (MAC) 12 January 1971

A.2 D.6

*NWG/RFC88: NETRJS - A Third Level Protocol for Remote Job Entry

R. Braden, S. M. Wolfe (UCLA) 13 January 1971

D1. D.2 G.4

*NWG/RFC89: Some Historic Moments in Networking

B. Metcalfe (MAC, Harvard) 19 January 1971

C.2 D.6 F

*NWG/RFC90: CCN as a Network Service Center

R. T. Braden (UCLA) 25 January 1971


*NWG/RFC91: A Proposed User-User Protocol

G. Mealy (Harvard) 27 December 1970

D.1 D.2 D.3 D.5 D.7

NWG/RFC92: (Not Received)

NWG/RFC93: Initial Connection Protocol

A. McKenzie (BBN) 27 January 1971


*NWG/RFC94: Some Thoughts on Network Graphics

E. Harslem, J. Heafner (RAND) 3 February 1971


*NWG/RFC95: Distribution of NWG/RFC's Through the NIC

S. Crocker 4 February 1971


*NWG/RFC96: An Interactive Network Experiment to Study Modes of

Accessing the Network Information Center

D. Watson (SRI-ARC) 12 February 1971

D.2 D.3 D.4 G.2

*NWG/RFC97: A First Cut at a Proposed TELNET Protocol

J. Melvin, D. Watson (SRI-ARC) 15 February 1971

D.1 D.2 D.3 G.2

*NWG/RFC98: Logger Protocol Proposal

E. Meyer, T. Skinner (MAC) 11 February 1971

D.1 D.2

*NWG/RFC99: Network Meeting

P. Karp 22 February 1971


*NWG/RFC100: Categorization and Guide to NG/RFCs

P. Karp (MITRE) 20 February 1971


NWG/RFC101: (Not Received)

*NWG/RFC102: Output of Host/Host Protocol Glitch

Cleaning Committee

S. Crocker 22, 23 February 1971

A.5 B.1 B.2 C.1 C.4 C.5 C.6

[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]

[ into the online RFCarchives by Gottfried Janik 2/98 ]

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