
RFC524 - Proposed Mail Protocol

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Network Working Group J. White

Request for Comments: 524 SRI-ARC

NIC: 17140 13 June 1973

A Proposed Mail Protocol


This is the document I offered in (15146,) to write. It's a proposed

specification for handling mail in the Network -- a Mail Protocol.

Main handling is currently implemented as two FTP commands, MAIL and

MLFL, which permit an FTP user process to deliver a file or string of

text to an FTP server process, designating it as mail to be made

available to a user, identified by a local name, in its host. The

protocol proposed here is mUCh richer than that, both in terms of the

functions it supports, and in terms of the flexibility it provides.

Although one can (I think) and might, implement software on the basis

of this document, this REALLY IS a Request for Comments. Comments,

questions, position papers are solicited. There are, I'm sure, bugs

in the protocol specified here, and I hope that readers will point

them out via RFCas they discover them.

Various members of the Network community have, during the last few

months, pointed out to me specific inadequacies in the existing mail

commands and asked me to be conscious of them in designing a new

protocol. I've tried to do that. If anyone feels that his concern

wasn't properly dealt with here, or that it slipped through the

cracks entirely (for which I apologize in advance), I would

appreciate it if he would prod me once more.



The Mail Protocol (MP) is implemented by Mail user and server

processes, in keeping with the model for previous high-level

protocols. The Mail user and server processes are further

specified to be also FTP user and server processes, respectively.

That is, MP is implemented as a set of commands Accessible from

within the FTP command space.

The MP command set is defined to lie conceptually within a

subsystem, invoked from the FTP command space with the command


NOTE: Since a command called 'MAIL' already exists within the

FTP command space, the command name 'XMAIL' might substitute

for 'MAIL' while the current mail commands are being phased


The MP command set may or may not (according to the implementation

of a particular server) be implemented by a process distinct from

that which implements FTP proper.

The following are implications of the 'subsystem' concept, of

which the reader (and implementer) must be aware:

(1) Names of MP commands are known only within the MP

subsystem. MP commands must (and should naturally) be rejected

by the server if the user process presents them outside of the


(2) Exit from the Mail subsystem (to the FTP command space) is

effected with and only with the command EXIT <CRLF>. FTP

commands must be rejected by the server if the user presents

them while inside the subsystem (i.e., before EXIT is issued).

(3) The same command name may be assigned without ambiguity to

two entirely different commands, provided that one lies within

the FTP command space and the other within MP, the two being

distinguishable by their contexts. MP and FTP therefore do not

compete for command names, and MP command names may be chosen

without regard for the environment in which the subsystem


NOTE: It so happens that there are commands DEFINED within MP

which duplicate the functions of FTP commands and bear the same

names. The effective result is that some commands are

eXPlicitly allowed within MP. The reader will understand that

this fact is consistent with the conventions described in 1-3

above, and that no ambiguities result.

The subsystem concept (if not the name 'subsystem') is taken from

Mike Padlipsky's Unified User Level Protocol (UULP), which the

author of the present document strongly supports. The fact that

MP is accessed from FTP, rather than both FTP and MP being

accessed independently from a more general executive program, is

simply a concession to the fact that FTP is widely implemented and

UULP isn't. The author hopes that protocol development will, in

the near future, begin to proceed along the lines exemplified by


MP conforms to FTP in general syntax. In particular, commands and

their responses are strings of NVT characters; command names are

limited to four or fewer, upper- or lower-case, alphameric

characters, and are terminated by the character SP; commands are

generally terminated with the TELNET New Line sequence (CR LF);

command responses contain both numeric (process readable) and text

(human readable) portions. Both reader and implementer are

referred to the FTP protocol document for a detailed description

of such matters; no attempt has been made to duplicate the

discussion in the present document.

The FTP protocol document assigns those replies whose second digit

is '6' to RJE functions. In like manner MP appropriates those

reply codes whose second digit is '7' for reporting results

peculiar to its functions. It is, however, the author's position

that FTP, MP, and the RJE protocol are all best implemented as

subsystems under a common UULP executive, in which case a single

subset of the reply space could be used unambiguously by all three

protocols (and any yet to be defined), since every reply would

implicitly be qualified by the name of the subsystem from which it



MP defines mail to be text communicated between users (both human

and processes) in less that (but ideally approaching) real time.

The definition excludes so-called console-to-console

communication, where users exchange information at the character

or line level.

Pieces of mail are characterized by such attributes as title,

content, author, and recipient. A piece of mail may be a one- or

two-line message sent from one individual to another, a draft of a

document sent by one individual to a design group for review, a

polished, formal document sent from one group to another, a

message sent to a human user by a process (e.g., an RJE server

process might notify a user by Network Mail when his job has

completed), etc. All such forms of communication are mail and are

supported by MP.

Pieces of mail can be forwarded from one location to another

Pieces of mail can be replied to.

The identity of the author of a piece of mail can be verified,

avoiding forgery and misrepresentation.

Pieces of mail can be permanently recorded, assigned a long-term

identifier by which they can be forever be retrieved for

reference, and entered in catalogs. And access to such recorded

mail can be restricted to a specified subset of the user


Some hosts accept mail whose recipients reside elsewhere in the

Network, and assume responsibility for delivering the mail to them

(worrying about retrying delivery when hosts are down, etc.), and

acknowledging its delivery to the sender.

The picture being painted for the reader is one in which processes

cooperate in various ways to flexibly move and manage Network

mail. The author claims (without proof, of course) that the

picture will in the future get yet more complicated, but that the

proposal specified here can be conveniently enlarged to handle

that picture too.


The rest of this document consists of the following components:


The concepts introduced briefly in the section above are more

formally defined, and their manner of representation in the

protocol specified.


The command sequence is defined by which a user process

initiates each of the logical functions (e.g., Distribution,

Recording, Delivery) which can be performed by a Mail server



An example of the command-response exchange between a user and

server is given.


A summary of MP commands is given.


Reply code assignments are given and briefly explained.


The formal syntax of the command language is specified.

In all sections but the last (i.e., the formal syntax presentation),

verbose keyWord forms are employed, in the interests of clarity.

These verbose forms have no existence anywhere but in this document;

in implementing a Mail user or server process, the terse keyword

forms which appear in the formal syntax presentation are to be



Terms are listed here in alphabetical order. Words or phrases which

appear in the definitions with initial letters capitalized are

themselves formally defined elsewhere in the glossary.

ACCESS LIST (for a piece of Recorded Mail)

That set of individuals with access to a piece of Recorded Mail,

and for each such individual, the type(s) of access granted to


An Access List is represented in the Protocol as a series of

command pairs (juxtaposed in the command stream), each pair

consisting of an ACCESS command followed immediately (and

optionally) by an ACCESSTYPES command. Each pair of commands

corresponds to one individual in the set.

ACCESS <individual> <CA>

ACCESSTYPE <accesstypes> <CA>

Command arguments identify the Individual to whom access is

granted, and specify the kind(s) of access allowed him.

Either Read Access, Controlling Access, or both may be


If no Individual is specified, All is implied. In the

absence of an explicit ACCESSTYPES command, one with only

Read Access specified is to be assumed.

In the absence of an explicit Access List, one granting Read

Access to All and Controlling Access to the Author(s) and the

Clerk is to be assumed.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT (for a piece of Mail)

A form of Unrecorded Mail, generated by a Distribution Agent,

whose Recipient is the Monitor for a previous piece of Mail, which

acknowledges Delivery -- successful or otherwise -- to the

Recipient(s) of that first piece of Mail.

An Acknowledgment bears the Serial Number of the Mail it

acknowledges, as the Reference Serial Number.


The attribute of an Acknowledgment which determines the

circumstances under which it will be generated by the Distribution


The following Acknowledgment Conditions are defined:


Acknowledgment is given when all Deliveries are complete,

regardless of whether or not they are all completed



Acknowledgment is given when all Deliveries are complete if

and only if Delivery to one or more Recipient(s) fails.


An Acknowledgment is never made.

An Acknowledgment Condition is represented in the Protocol by the


ACKCONDITION <ackcondition> <CA>

In the absence of an explicit ACKCONDITION command, one with an

argument of FAILURE is to be assumed.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT TYPE (for Acknowledgments and Progress Reports)

The attribute of an Acknowledgment or Progress Report which

determines the nature of its Content.

The following Acknowledgment Types are defined:


The Content of a TERSE Acknowledgment or Progress Report is

specified by the Protocol to be an unembellished list of the

Mail's Recipient(s), and the current Delivery Status for

each (except that those Recipient(s) whose Delivery Status

is SUCCESSFUL shall not be included in the list).

The Content of a TERSE Acknowledgment is one or more

instances of the following:

<deliverystatus> <individual> <CRLF>

TERSE Acknowledgments and Progress Reports are intended to

be process-readable.


The Content of a VERBOSE Acknowledgment or Progress Report

is not specified by the Protocol, but might include a list

of those Recipient(s) to whom the Mail could not be

delivered and why, the times at which Delivery was made to

others, etc.

VERBOSE Acknowledgments and Progress Reports are intended to

be human-readable.

An Acknowledgment Type is represented in the Protocol by the


ACKTYPE <acktype> <CA>

In the absence of an explicit ACKTYPE command, one with an

argument of TERSE is to be assumed.


Every conceivable Individual.

AUTHOR (of a piece of Mail)

An Individual (there may be more than one) given formal

recognition for having authored a piece of Mail.

AUTHOR LIST (for a piece of Mail)

That set of Individuals who are Author(s) of a piece of Mail.

An Author List is represented in the Protocol as an Individual

List of type AUTHOR.

CATALOG (of Recorded Mail)

A named data base containing the Citation for each member of a set

of logically related pieces of Recorded Mail.

CATALOG LIST (for a Piece of Recorded Mail)

That set of Catalogs which each contain the Citation for a piece

of Recorded Mail

A Catalog List is represented in the Protocol as a series of

instances (juxtaposed in the command stream) of the following

command. Each instance corresponds to one Catalog in the set.

CATALOG <catalog> <CA>

CITATION (for a piece of Recorded Mail)

The Static and Dynamic Attributes of a piece of Recorded Mail.


Any one of the Static or Dynamic Attributes which comprise a


CITATION RETRIEVAL (for a piece of Recorded Mail)

The act of retrieving selected Citation Component(s).


A specified subset of the Citation Component(s) for a piece of

Recorded Mail.

A Citation Template is represented in the Protocol by the command:

CITATIONTEMPLATE <citationtemp> <CA>

The argument is a list of Citation Component(s). In the absence

of an explicit CITATIONTEMPLATE command (or if the argument is

null), one specifying Content only is to be assumed.


That Individual who prepares a piece of Mail for Recording,

Distribution, or Delivery. Conceptually, the Individual with

proof-reading responsibility for the piece of Mail.

A Clerk is represented in the Protocol as an Individual List of

type CLERK and length 1.

COMMENTS (for a piece of Mail)

An informal, perhaps verbose description of the Content of a piece

of Mail, or any other information the Author(s) wish to have made

accessible to the Recipient(s) of the Mail.

Comments are represented in the Protocol by the command:

COMMENTS <comments> <CA2>

In the absence of an explicit COMMENTS command, one with a null

argument is to be assumed.

CONTENT (of a piece of Mail)

It's text.

Content is represented in the protocol by either of the two

commands below:


The FILE command implies that the Content of the Mail will

be transmitted (immediately) as a file using the FTP data

transfer commands (e.g., BYTE, SOCK, TYPE) currently in

effect. FILE is exactly equivalent in use to an FTP STOR

command (in its use of data transfer commands, in its

establishment of the data connection, etc.), except that no

pathname is required, and the server, rather than depositing

the transmitted file in his file system, disposes of it in a

manner appropriate for Mail.

TEXT <string> <CA2>

The TEXT command implies that the Content of the Mail

follows on the TELNET connection as a series of lines, each

delimited from the preceding one by CR LF, and terminated

finally by a CA2.

CONTROLLING ACCESS (to a piece of Recorded Mail)

The right of an Individual to modify a Dynamic Attribute of a

piece of Recorded Mail.

Recording Agents permit an Individual to modify a Dynamic

Attribute of a piece of Recorded Mail if and only if he can

properly identify himself as someone having Controlling Access to

that Mail.

CREATION DATE (of a piece of Mail)

The date and time at which the final draft of a piece of Mail is

completed by the Clerk before he releases it to a Delivery,

Distribution, or Recording Agent for further processing. A single

Creation Date is associated with each piece of Mail. In general,

this date is different from the Delivery or Recording Date, since

Mail often must be queued (for another host to come up) within the

Delivery, Distribution, or Recording Agent's host before Delivery

of Recording can occur.

A Creation Date is represented in the Protocol by the command:

CREATIONDATE <datetime> <CA>

CUTOFF INTERVAL (for Distribution of a piece of Mail)

That period of time, measured from the Distribution Date, after

which the Distribution Agent is to abandon Delivery attempts for

those Recipient(s) to whom Delivery has not yet been effected.

A Cutoff Interval is represented in the Protocol by the command:

CUTOFF <interval> <CA>

In the absence of an explicit CUTOFF command, one specifying an

Interval of 7 days is to be assumed.

DELIVERY (of a piece of Mail)

The act of transmitting a piece of Mail to the host of one of it's



A process which effects Delivery of a piece of Mail. A

Distribution Agent is by nature also a Delivery Agent.

DELIVERY DATE (of a piece of Mail to one of its Recipient(s))

The date and time at which a piece of Mail is Delivered by the

Delivery Agent to a Recipient's system. A multitude of Delivery

Dates, one for each Recipient, are associated with each piece of


DELIVERY STATUS (for a piece of Mail with respect to a Recipient)

A measure of the extent to which a Delivery Agent has been

successful, at a given point in time, in Delivering a piece of

Mail to one of its Recipient(s). A multitude of Delivery Status',

one for each Recipient, are associated with each piece of Mail.

The following Delivery Status' are defined:


Delivery was rejected by the Recipient's system (e.g., the

connection request was rejected, the Mail server process

doesn't support Delivery, the Recipient was not recognized

by the server).


Delivery was accomplished successfully.


Either the Recipient's host was disconnected from the Net at

every Delivery attempt, or no Mail server process has ever

responded to the connection attempt. Hope of Delivery has

been abandoned.


Either the Recipient's host has been disconnected from the

Net at every Delivery attempt, or no Mail server process has

yet responded to the connection attempt. Delivery attempts

are continuing periodically.


No delivery attempt has yet been made.

DELIVERY TYPE (for a Delivery)

The nature of the piece of Mail being delivered.

The following Delivery Types are defined:


A Delivery of type FORWARD represents a piece of Recorded or

Unrecorded Mail which is being Forwarded.


A Delivery of type MAIL represents a piece of Recorded or

Unrecorded Mail whose ultimate source is an Individual.

This is the "normal" Delivery type.


A Delivery of type NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGMENT represents a

piece of Unrecorded Mail generated by a Distribution Agent

and acknowledging unsuccessful or partially unsuccessful

Delivery of a previous piece of Mail (identified by

Reference Serial Number) to it's Recipient(s). The

Recipient for this piece of "system" Mail is the Monitor for

the previous piece of Mail.


A Delivery of type POSITIVE ACKNOWLEDGMENT represents a

piece of Unrecorded Mail generated by a Distribution Agent

and acknowledging successful Delivery of a previous piece of

Mail (identified by Reference Serial Number) to it's

Recipient(s). The Recipient for this piece of "system" Mail

is the Monitor for the previous piece of Mail.


A Delivery of type PROGRESS REPORT represents a piece of

Unrecorded Mail generated by a Distribution Agent and

reporting the Delivery of a previous piece of Mail

(identified by Reference Serial Number) to it's

recipient(s). The Recipient for this piece of "system" Mail

is the Monitor for the previous piece of Mail.


A Delivery of type REPLY represents a piece of Recorded or

Unrecorded Mail generated in reply (or pertaining) to a

previous piece of Mail (identified by Reference Serial


Delivery Type is represented in the Protocol by the command:

DELIVERYTYPE <deliverytype> <CA>

In the absence of an explicit DELIVERYTYPE command, one with

argument of MAIL is to be assumed.

DISTRIBUTE DATE (for a piece of Mail)

The date and time at which a piece of Mail is presented to a

Distribution Agent for Distribution.

DISTRIBUTION (of a piece of Mail)

The act of Delivering a piece of Mail to its Recipient(s).

Distribution can be effected by either the Clerk's Delivery Agent,

or by a Distribution Agent acting on his behalf.


A Mail server process which acts as intermediary in the delivery

process by accepting Mail for Recipient(s) in hosts other than its

own, and then assuming responsibility for Delivering the Mail to

them and returning Acknowledgment to the appointed Monitor.


In the Delivery or Distribution of a piece of Mail, that set of

Individuals who are to receive Delivery of the Mail.

In the Recording of Mail, that set of Individuals who have

received formal and authorized Delivery of a piece of Mail. The

list is kept current by Distribution Agents. Of course, any

Individual with Read Access to the Mail can himself Deliver it

informally to anyone he chooses without that fact's being

reflected in the Distribution list.

A Distribution List is represented in the Protocol as a series of

command quintuplets (juxtaposed in the command stream), each

quintuplet consisting of a RECIPIENT command, followed immediately

(and optionally) by any or all of the following in the order



Each quintuplet corresponds to one individual in the set.

RECIPIENT <individual> <CA>


This command is appropriate only in the context of the

Delivery function. If the previous RECIPIENT command

illicits the reply:

474 Recipient unrecognized: is General Delivery


the issuance of the GENERALDELIVERY command constitutes

consent to proceed with General Delivery to that Recipient.

If no such consent is given, the RECIPIENT command stands

rejected. Unsolicited (i.e., unprompted for) GENERAL

DELIVERY commands in the Distribution List are treated by

the server as NOPs.

GREETING <greeting> <CA>

The GREETING command specifies the Greeting to be seen by

the Recipient.

If the first quintuplet in the list contains no GREETING

command, one with a null argument is assumed. Thereafter,

in the absence of an explicit GREETING command, one

identical to that for the previous quintuplet is assumed.

SIGNATURE <signature> <CA>

The SIGNATURE command specifies the Signature to be seen by

the Recipient.

If the first quintuplet in the list contains no SIGNATURE

command, one with a null argument is assumed. Thereafter,

in the absence of an explicit SIGNATURE command, one

identical to that for the previous quintuplet is assumed.

DISPOSITION <disposition> <CA>

The DISPOSITION command identifies the intent with which the

Mail is Delivered to the Recipient by the Author(s), and may

take any, all, or none of the following as arguments:


The Author(s) request a Reply from the Recipient.


The Author(s) expect some action on the part of the

Recipient. If ACTION doesn't appear, then the Mail is

intended for the Recipient's information only.


The Author(s) declare that examination of the Mail by

the Recipient is urgent. In such cases, the

Recipient's Mail server process may, upon Delivery,

choose to interrupt the Recipient if he happens to be

logged in at a terminal.

No specific action in response to the presence of any of

these arguments is required; the server is free if he likes

to treat DISPOSITION commands as NOPs.

The absence of a DISPOSITION command implies one with no

arguments (i.e., for the Recipient's information only, no

Reply required, and not urgent).

DYNAMIC ATTRIBUTES (of a piece of Recorded Mail)

Those attributes of a piece of Recorded Mail -- Distribution List,

Access List, and Catalog List -- which, though given initial

values at Recording Time, can always be modified by an Individual

with Controlling Access to the piece of Mail.

FORWARDING (of Mail received for an Individual)

The act of transferring that set of Mail which has been previously

Delivered to but not Read by an Individual, to another Individual.

Users who are known at more than one host can cause their unRead

Mailto be gathered in to a central location by performing the

Forwarding function at each such host (both Individuals being, in

this case, instances of the same User). Mail which has been

Forwarded is considered to have been Read at its source.


That Individual whose Delivered but UnRead Mail is to be


A Forwardee is represented in the Protocol as an Individual List

of type FORWARDEE and length 1.

GENERAL DELIVERY (of a piece of Mail to an unrecognized Recipient)

The act on the part of a server of accepting Delivery of a piece

of Mail on behalf of an intended Recipient whose name the server

doesn't recognize. The server retains the Recipient's name, and

makes it and the other information provided by the user process

available to some competent person, who attempts to make sense of

the Recipient's name. If the Recipient is recognized, the Mail is

'hand' delivered to the appropriate Individual.

General Delivery of a piece of Mail to one of its intended

Recipient(s) is performed only after the server informs the user

process of its intent and receives the user process' consent. If

that consent is not given, or if the server doesn't implement

General Delivery, the server rejects the Delivery attempt for that


Consent for General Delivery is represented in the Protocol by the



GREETING (for the Delivery of a piece of Mail to a Recipient)

A short greeting to a Recipient of a piece of Mail. 'Dear Dave' is

a valid and perhaps typical Greeting.

A Greeting is represented in the Protocol by the command:

GREETING <greeting> <CA>

ID (for an Individual)

The password which an Individual may have to present to a Mail

server process, to prove his identity.

An Id is represented in the Protocol by the command:

ID <id> <CA>

Ids have nothing to do with accounting, and when required by a

server, they're required only to protect that server from forgery

or misrepresentation.


An instance of a User, identified by NIC Ident, or by the

combination of host and Mailbox Name.

INDIVIDUAL LIST (of type "t" and length "n")

A set of Individuals.

An Individual List is represented in the Protocol as a series of

"n" command pairs (juxtaposed in the command stream), each pair

consisting of a "t" command, followed immediately by an ID

command. Each pair corresponds to one Individual in the set.

The ID command is given by the Mail user process at the option of

the Mail server process; and whenever the server requires it, he

must prompt for it with an appropriate reply to the preceding "t"

command. If no such prompt is given, the user process is not

obliged to provide the ID command, but may if it chooses, in which

case the server is obliged to treat it as if it had been prompted

for and found correct.

The ID command is a mechanism by which the server can assure

himself that the user process is not acting without proper

authorization from the Individual(s) involved, i.e., a mechanism

by which a server can protect himself against forgery,

misrepresentation, etc.

"t" <individual> <CA>

ID <id> <CA>


A body of text communicated from one set of Individual(s) to

another, in less than (but ideally approaching) real time.


The name a User employs at a host to send and receive Mail.

MONITOR (for a piece of Mail)

The Individual who is the recipient for Acknowledgments and

Progress Reports.

A Monitor is represented in the Protocol as an Individual List of

type MONITOR and length 1.

Monitor defaults to the Clerk if not explicitly specified.

PROGRESS REPORT (for a piece of Mail)

A form of Unrecorded Mail, generated periodically during the

distribution process by a Distribution Agent, whose Recipient is

the Monitor for a previous piece of Mail, and whose Content is a

list of the Recipient(s) and the current Delivery Status for each.

A Progress Report bears the Serial Number of the Mail whose status

it reports, as the Reference Serial Number.


The Mail Protocol (MP).

READ (a piece of previously-Delivered Mail)

The act, on the part of the User, of examining a piece of

Delivered Mail.

READ ACCESS (to a piece of Recorded Mail)

The right of an Individual to retrieve the Content of a piece of

Recorded Mail.

Recording Agents permit an Individual to retrieve the Content of a

piece of Recorded Mail if and only if he can properly identify

himself as someone having Read Access to that Mail. An Individual

can retrieve the Citation (except Content) from the Recording

Agent independently of whether or not he has Read Access to the


READ DATE (of a piece of Mail for one of its Recipient(s))

The date and time, necessarily following Delivery, at which a

piece of Mail is Read by a Recipient. A multitude of Read Dates,

one for each Recipient, are associated with each piece of Mail.

RECIPIENT (of a piece of Mail)

An Individual who has or is to receive Delivery of a piece of



A piece of Mail whose Citation is available on a long-term

(indefinite) basis from a Recording Agent.


The service provided by a Recording Agent.


A Mail server process which accepts Mail, permanently Records its

Citation, and assigns a pathname by which that information can at

any time be retrieved by an Individual with appropriate access.


The date and time at which a piece of Mail is presented to a

Recording Agent for Recording. A single Recording Date is

associated with each piece of Recorded Mail.

REFERENCE SERIAL NUMBER (for an Acknowledgment, Progress Report, or


The Serial Number of the piece of Mail to which an Acknowledgment,

Progress Report, or Reply refers.

A Reference Serial Number is represented in the protocol by the


REFERENCESERIAL <serialnumber> <CA>

In the absence of an explicit REFERENCESERIAL command, no Serial

Number is to be assumed.

REPLY (to a previous piece of Mail)

A piece of Recorded or Unrecorded Mail whose Author(s) are

Recipient(s) of a previous piece of Mail, and which replies or

pertains to that same piece of Mail and bears its Serial Number,

as the Reference Serial Number.

REPORT INTERVAL (for a Progress Report)

The interval between Progress Reports.

A Report Interval is represented in the Protocol by the command:


In the absence of an explicit REPORTINTERVAL command, one with an

argument whose value is effectively infinite is to be assumed

(i.e., no Progress Reports are to be made).


The Individual on whose behalf a Mail user process connects to and

interacts with a Mail server process.

A Requestor is represented in the Protocol as an Individual List

of type REQUESTOR and length 1.

SERIAL NUMBER (for a piece of Mail)

A short-term identifier, assigned to a piece of Mail by the Clerk

(or his system), which accompanies Acknowledgments, Progress

Reports, and Replies, and is used to correlate the latter with the

former. The lifetime of a Serial Number is conceptually from its

assignment by the Clerk until the Delivery of the Recipient(s)

Reply(s) to the Author(s) (or until their decision to send no


A serial Number is represented in the Protocol by the command:

SERIAL <serialnumber> <CA>

In the absence of an explicit SERIAL command, no Serial Number is

to be assumed.

SIGNATURE (for the delivery of a piece of Mail to a Recipient)

A human-readable indication of the Author(s) of a piece of Mail.

The string 'Jim and Dick' is a valid Signature.

A Signature is represented in the Protocol by the command:

SIGNATURE <signature> <CA>

STATIC ATTRIBUTES (of a piece of Recorded Mail)

Those attributes of a piece of Recorded Mail -- Content, Title,

Comments, Author(s), Clerk, and Creation Date -- which are forever

fixed at Recording Time, and hence can never be modified.

Static Attributes can be independently specified with commands

described elsewhere, or specified collectively by reference to an

existing piece of Recorded Mail. The command which follows

assigns to the current piece of Mail the Static Attributes of the

piece of Recorded Mail it references, and is exactly equivalent to

an appropriate set of TITLE, COMMENTS, etc. commands.

LOCATION <fileaddr> <CA>

TITLE (of a piece of Mail)

A concise description of the Content of a piece of Mail.

A Title is represented in the Protocol by the command:

TITLE <title> <CA>

In the absence of an explicit TITLE command, one with a null

argument is to be assumed.


Mail which is never presented to a Recording Agent for permanent

storage and cataloging, but which is simply Delivered to its

Recipient(s) by a Delivery Agent.

UPDATE REQUEST (to a Recording Agent for a piece of Recorded Mail)

A request made of a Recording Agent to add, replace, or delete an

Individual from the Access or Distribution List for a piece of

Mail; or to add or delete a Catalog from the Catalog List.

An Update Request is represented in the Protocol by the command:

UPDATETYPE <updatetype> <CA>

followed immediately in the command stream by an Access,

Distribution or Catalog List.


A process or human who sends and/or receives Mail.


The act of verifying an ID as that of a specified Individual.


A Mail server process which performs User Verification


A MP function is the request by a Mail user process and the

subsequent performance by a server, of a major task related to the

management of Mail. The following functions are defined:








One might expect that within the Network there would be just a few

Recording Agents (who implement the Recording, Citation Retrieval,

and Update Citation functions); a few Distribution Agents (who

implement the Distribution function); one or two User Verification

Agents (who implement the User Verification Function); and many hosts

who implement the Delivery and Forwarding functions.

In general, a host is free to implement any, all, or none of the

functions defined by the Protocol; and a host is free to require a

login (for purposes of accounting) before permitting a user process

access to any of the function(s) it has implemented.

An FTP server process who chooses to not implement MP or a particular

MP function simply rejects the command that requests the

unimplemented server with the reply:

400 Function not implemented.

A server who chooses to require login before allowing access to the

MP subsystem or to an MP function, simply rejects the command that

requests the charged-for service with the reply:

332 Login first, please.

The functions defined in MP are:


The Recording function is invoked with the command:


Once this command is given, the user process shall provide the

following (in any order that suits it):

(1) Any Static Attributes desired.

Content and Clerk are required. Defaults for other

Static Attributes (applied by the server if the

appropriate commands don't appear) are as follows:

Title or Comments as specified in the glossary.

Author to the Clerk.

Creation Date to the Recording Date.

(2) Initial values for any Dynamic Attributes desired.

Defaults (applied by the server if the appropriate

commands don't appear) are as follows:

Distribution and Catalog Lists to null.

Access List as specified in the glossary.

The Recording function is terminated with either of the



EXIT represents normal termination, and causes the server to

perform the Recording function for which parameters have just

been given. ABORT represents abnormal termination and effects

exit from the function with no action having been taken by the

server; the whole command exchange, beginning with RECORD, is

therefore a NOP.


The Delivery function is invoked with the command:


Once this command is given, the user process shall provide the

following (in any order that suits it):

(1) Any Static Attributes desired.

Content is required. Defaults for other Static

Attributes (applied by the server if the appropriate

commands don't appear) are as follows:

Title or Comments as specified in the glossary.

Clerk to null

Author to the Clerk.

Creation Date to the Delivery Date.

(2) Any Dynamic Attributes desired.

Distribution List is required. Defaults (applied by the

server if the appropriate commands don't appear) are as


Catalog List to null

Access List as specified in the glossary.

Both of these attributes are for the Recipient's

information only when presented in the context of

Delivery, so defaulting them to null simply implies

that the Clerk doesn't desire that they be

communicated to the Recipient.

(3) Any or all of the following optional parameters:

(a) Delivery Type

(b) Acknowledgment Type

The specification of this parameter is appropriate if

and only if the Delivery Type is POSITIVE or NEGATIVE


Acknowledgment Type tells the server how to interpret

the Content of the Acknowledgment.

(c) Serial Number

The Serial Number assigned to the piece of Mail being

Delivered. This parameter is inappropriate unless the

Delivery type is FORWARD (in which case the Serial

Number is the one preserved from the previous

Delivery), MAIL, or REPLY.

(d) Reference Serial Number

The Serial Number assigned to the piece of Mail to

which the current piece of Mail is either an

Acknowledgment, Progress Report, or Reply. The

specification of this parameter is therefore

inappropriate if the Delivery Type is MAIL.

The Delivery function is terminated with either of the



EXIT represents normal termination, and causes the server to

perform the Delivery function for which parameters have just

been given. ABORT represents abnormal termination and effects

exit from the function with no action having been taken by the

server; the whole command exchange, beginning with DELIVER, is

therefore a NOP.


The Distribution function is invoked with the command:


Once this command is given, the user process shall provide the

following (in any order that suits it):

(1) Any Static Attributes desired.

Content is required. Defaults for other Static

Attributes (applied by the server if the appropriate

commands don't appear) are as follows:

Title or Comments as specified in the glossary.

Clerk to null

Author to the Clerk.

Creation Date to the Delivery Date.

(2) Any Dynamic Attributes desired.

Distribution List is required. Defaults (applied by the

server if the appropriate commands don't appear) are as


Catalog List to null

Access List as specified in the glossary.

Both of these attributes are for the Recipient(s)

information only when presented in the context of

Distribution, so defaulting them to null simply

implies that the Clerk doesn't desire that they be

communicated to the Recipient(s).

(3) Any or all of the following optional parameters:

(a) Delivery Type


(b) Serial Number

The Serial Number of the Mail being Distributed.

The Distribution Agent will relay this Serial

Number to each Recipient at Delivery.

(c) Reference Serial Number

The Serial Number of the piece of Mail to which the

current piece of Mail is a Reply. The Distribution

Agent will relay this Serial Number to each

Recipient at Delivery. The specification of this

parameter is appropriate if and only if the

Delivery Type is REPLY.

(d) Acknowledgment Condition

An Acknowledgment is requested from the

Distribution Agent if and only if the

Acknowledgment Condition is other than NEVER.

(e) Acknowledgment Type

(f) Cutoff Interval

(g) Report Interval

Progress Reports are requested from the

Distribution Agent if and only if this parameter is

specified explicitly.

(h) Monitor

This parameter is ignored unless either an

Acknowledgment or Progress Reports (or both) are


The Distribution function is terminated with either of the



EXIT represents normal termination, and causes the server to

perform the Distribution function for which parameters have

just been given. ABORT represents abnormal termination and

effects exit from the function with no action having been

taken by the server; the whole command exchange, beginning

with DISTRIBUTE, is therefore a NOP.


The Forwarding function is invoked with the command:


Once this command is given, the user process shall provide the

following (in any order that suits it):

(1) Forwardee

(2) Distribution list

This is the set of Individual(s) to whom the Mail is to

be Forwarded.

The Forwarding function is terminated with either of the



EXIT represents normal termination, and causes the server to

perform the Forwarding function for which parameters have just

been given. ABORT represents abnormal termination and effects

exit from the function with no action having been taken by the

server; the whole command exchange, beginning with FORWARD, is

therefore a NOP.


The Citation Retrieval function is invoked with the command:


Once this command is given, the user process shall provide the

following (in any order that suits it):

(1) The pathname of the piece of Mail whose Citation is to

be retrieved:

PATHNAME <pathname> <CA>

(2) Any or all of the following optional parameters:

(a) Citation Template

(b) Requestor

This parameter is required if and only if Content is

requested and Read Access happens not to be granted to

All, in which case the server verifies that the

Requestor has Read Access to the piece of Mail.

(c) FILE <CA>

This command is appropriate if and only if Content is

requested. The presence of this command implies that

the Content of the Mail is to be returned to the user

process (following the return on the TELNET connection

of any other Citation Component(s) requested) as a

file using the FTP data transfer commands (e.g., BYTE,

SOCK, TYPE) currently in effect. FILE is exactly

equivalent in effect to an FTP RETR command (in its

use of data transfer commands, in its establishment of

the data connection etc.) except that no pathname is


In the absence of a FILE command, Content is returned

on the TELNET connection like any other Citation


The server returns the Citation Components in the

order requested by the user process (except that

Content, if requested as a file, is always returned

after the 'end of citation' indication), each as a

reply whose numeric code is 172 and whose text is

exactly the command normally used to communicate that

same parameter to the server. A reply whose numeric

code is 173 terminates the reply list.

Title and Content, which (in general) may each contain

the TELNET New Line sequence (CR LF), are represented

as continued replies, using the FTP reply continuation

convention (see the FTP protocol document). The first

four characters of each reply line except the first

and last are blanks inserted by the server which must

be deleted by the user process to correctly recover

the value of the Title or Content.

The Citation Retrieval function is terminated with either of

the commands:


EXIT represents normal termination, and causes the server to

perform the Citation Retrieval function for which parameters

have just been given. ABORT represents abnormal termination

and effects exit from the function with no action having been

taken by the server; the whole command exchange, beginning with

RETRIEVE, is therefore a NOP.


The Update Citation function is invoked with the command:


Once this command is given, the user process shall provide the

following (in any order that suits it):

(1) Requestor

This parameter is required unless Controlling Access has

been granted to All, in which case it is treated as a NOP

if given. The server verifies that the Requestor has

Controlling Access to the piece of Mail.

(2) One or more Update Requests

The Update Citation function is terminated with either of the



EXIT represents normal termination, and causes the server to

perform the Update Citation function for which parameters have

just been given. ABORT represents abnormal termination and

effects exit from the function with no action having been taken

by the server; the whole command exchange, beginning with

UPDATE, is therefore a NOP.


The User Verification function is invoked with the command:


Once this command is given, the user process shall specify

any number of Requestors.

The server prompts for the Id for each, the user process

provides it, and the server returns a reply whose numeric

code is 272 is the Id is correct or 472 otherwise.

The User Verification function is terminated with either of the




In the example below, a short message is recorded for public access,

and distributed to a single recipient. The user process is assumed

already connected to the server.

Note: This would be the implementation of NIC Journal Submission,

where the NIC is understood to be both a Recording and

Distribution Agent.

Replies from the server are in brackets.


The Mail system is invoked.

[261 RE DE DI FW CI UP UV -- supported.]


The Recording function is invoked.

[200 OK.]

TITL SMFS Runs on TENEX 1.31 at the NIC <CA>

A Title is given

[200 OK.]

TEXT The NIC came up on TENEX 1.31 on 1-APR. <CRLF> I tried SMFS

here on the new monitor and it <CRLF> works fine. I don't

understand why I had <CRLF> problems running your copy of the code

at <CRLF> BBN-TENEX. Are you still unable to reference <CRLF> the

same archived file from two different <CRLF> TENEXs? <CA2>

The Content of the message is entered.

[200 OK.]


The Clerk is identified as White at SRI-ARC.

[330 OK. Now Id, please]

ID id <CA>

His Id is supplied.

[200 OK.]


Exit from the Recording function is effected, and the pathname

'15490' is returned by the Recording Agent for the now Recorded


[270 15490 -- is assigned as the pathname.]


The Distribution function is invoked.

[200 OK.]

LOC SRI-ARC 15490 <CA>

The message just recorded is specified for Distribution.

[200 OK.]


The Recipient is specified via NIC Ident to be Dave Crocker at


[200 OK.]

GREE Dave <CA>

A Greeting is given.

[200 OK.]


A reply is requested.

[200 OK.]


The message is signed.

[200 OK.]


Acknowledgment of the Mail's Delivery is requested whether

Delivery succeeds or fails..

[200 OK.]


The Acknowledgment is to be terse.

[200 OK.]

CUT 1 D <CA>

If Delivery hasn't been effected within 24 hours, the attempt

is to be abandoned (and an Acknowledgment of failure returned).

The Monitor (to whom the Acknowledgment is sent) is allowed to

default to the Clerk.

[200 OK.]

SERI serial <CA>

A Serial Number is assigned for purposes of coordinating

Acknowledgment and Reply. A desirable implementation of the

sender's user and server processes is one in which the Serial

Number is assigned by the user process, rather than by the

human user himself in such a way that his server process can

automatically make the association between original Mail, and

subsequent Acknowledgment and Reply.

[200 OK.]


Exit from the Distribution function is effected.

[200 OK.]


Exit from the Mail subsystem is effected.

[200 OK.]


Every command requires at least one reply from the server.



ACCESS <individual> <CA>

ACCESSTYPES <accesstypes> <CA>

ACKCONDITION <ackcondition> <CA>

ACKTYPE <acktype> <CA>

AUTHOR <individual> <CA>

CATALOG <catalog> <CA>

CITATIONTEMPLATE <citationtemp> <CA>

CLERK <individual> <CA>

COMMENTS <comments> <CA>

CREATIONDATE <datetime> <CA>

CUTOFF <interval> <CA>


DELIVERYTYPE <deliverytype> <CA>

DISPOSITION <disposition> <CA>





FORWARDEE <individual> <CA>


GREETING <greeting> <CA>

ID <id> <CA>

LOCATION <fileaddr> <CA>


MONITOR <individual> <CA>

PATHNAME <pathname> <CA>

RECIPIENT <individual> <CA>


REFERENCESERIAL <serialnumber> <CA>


REQUESTOR <individual> <CA>


SERIAL <serialnumber> <CA>

SIGNATURE <signature> <CA>

TEXT <string> <CA2>

TITLE <title> <CA>


UPDATETYPE <updatetype> <CA>



The following commands borrowed from FTP are defined (also) as MP

commands to support the transfer of the Content of a piece of Mail

in 'file' form. The reader is referred to the FTP protocol

document for a description of their use and syntax. The borrowed

commands are:


The following commands borrowed from FTP are defined (also) as MP

commands to permit changes of accounting parameters within the MP

subsystem. The accounting parameters in force when the subsystem

is entered apply (if necessary) within the subsystem until

changed. Values to which the parameters may have been changed

while in the subsystem continue in effect upon return to the FTP

command space. The borrowed commands are:


The following miscellaneous commands borrowed from FTP are defined

also as MP commands:



This list is undouBTedly incomplete; some crucial reply code

assignments may be missing despite the author's attempt to foresee

the kinds of interaction that might arise between user and server and

the responses from the server that they would require.

172 <A Citation Component>

In response to the EXIT command which terminates the Citation

Retrieval function.

173 End of citation.

Following a list of 172 replies.

200 OK.

This is the standard, positive acknowledgment used throughout

the Protocol.

270 <pathname> -- is assigned as the pathname.

In response to the EXIT command which terminates the Record


271 <functionlist> -- supported.

In response to the MAIL command by which the user process

gains entry to the Mail subsystem. This response is

mandatory, and from it the user process can quickly determine

what function(s) are supported by the server.

272 Requestor is who he says he is.

In response to an ID command in the User Verification

function. This reply informs the user process that the Id

given is in fact that of the Individual specified.

330 OK. Now Id, please.

In response to the first command in each pair of commands in

an Individual List. This reply requires the next command from

the user process to be ID.

332 Login first, please.

In response to any command which invokes a Mail function

(e.g., RECORD, DISTRIBUTE, DELIVER), or to the MAIL command

itself. This reply implies that the requested function is

supported by the server, but that the user is required to

login before invoking it.

400 Function not implemented.

In response to any command which invokes a Mail function

(e.g., RECORD, DISTRIBUTE, DELIVER), or to the MAIL command

itself. This reply implies that the requested function is not

supported by the server.

431 Incorrect Id.

In response to the ID command in an Individual List command

pair. This reply implies that the Id specified was incorrect.

440 <Error relayed from Recording Agent>

In response to the LOCATION command. This reply implies that

the server attempted to retrieve the specified piece of Mail

from an FTP server but failed because it returned the error

reply whose text is duplicated in the current reply.

470 No such pathname.

In response to the PATHNAME command (in the Citation Retrieval

function). This reply implies that the specified pathname is

not recognized by the server.

471 No unRead Mail to Forward.

In response to the EXIT command which terminates the

Forwarding Function.

472 Requestor is NOT who he says he is.

In response to an ID command in the User Verification

function. This reply informs the user process that the Id

given is NOT that of the Individual specified.

473 You don't have Read Access to the Mail.

In response to the LOCATION command, or to the PATHNAME

command in a Citation Retrieval function. This reply implies

that the Requestor doesn't have Read Access to the piece of


474 Recipient unrecognized; is General Delivery OK?

In response to an instance of the RECIPIENT command in a

Distribution List (in the context of the Delivery function).

This response implies that the Recipient in unrecognized, but

that the server will attempt General Delivery to him if the

user process responds with a GENERALDELIVERY command;

otherwise the Recipient is rejected.

475 That Individual is not at this host.

570 No such NIC Ident or Mailbox Name.

In response to any command in which a NIC Ident or Mailbox

Name appears as an argument. This reply implies that the

Individual specified does not exist.

571 Invalid host.

In response to any command in which a host address or standard

host name appears as an argument. This reply implies that no

such host exists.

572 No such catalog.

In response to the CATALOG command. This reply implies that

no such Catalog exists.

Any '500' reply.

Any of the error replies associated with FTP RETR/STOR commands.


The terse keyword forms to be employed in actually implementing a

Mail user or server process are generated by deleting character(s)

from the corresponding verbose forms. Those deleted characters are

included but enclosed in brackets throughout the description which

follows. Spaces can be used freely between terminal elements of the

syntax, and in some cases, at least one space must separate two

elements whose boundary could not otherwise be distinguished.

<CA2> ::= TELNET Go Ahead character

<CA> ::= TELNET new line (CR LF)

<CRLF> ::= CR LF

<accesstypes> ::= <readaccess> <controlaccess>

<ackcondition> ::= A[LWAYS] F[AILURE] N[EVER]

<acktype> ::= T[ERSE] V[ERBOSE]

<action> ::= A[CTION] null

<catalog> ::= <string>

<citationcomp> ::= D[ISTRIBUTION]L[IST] A[CESS]L[IST]




<citationtemp> ::= <citationcomp> <citationcomp>


<command> ::= <shortbody> <CA> <longbody> <CA2>

<comments> ::= <string>

<controlaccess> ::= C[ONTROLLING] null

<count> ::= decimal integer

<date> ::= <dayofmonth> / <month> / <year>

<datetime> ::= <date> <time>

<dayofmonth> ::= decimal integer, 1-31

<days> ::= <count> D[AYS]

<deliverystatus> ::= F[AILED] S[UCCESSFUL] T[IMED OUT]


<deliverytype> ::= F[ORWARD] M[AIL] N[EGATIVE




<disposition> ::= <rsvp> <action> <interrupt>

<fileaddr> ::= <host> <pathname>

<functionlist> ::= <functiontype> <functiontype>





<globalname> ::= * <nicident>

<greeting> ::= <string>

<host> ::= <hostname> <hostaddress>

<hostaddress> ::= decimal integer, 0-255

<hostname> ::= standard host name

<hour> ::= decimal integer, 0-23

<hours> ::= <count> H[OURS]

<individual> ::= <localname> <globalname>

<interrupt> ::= I[NTERRUPT] null

<interval> ::= <days> <hours> <days> <hours>

<localname> ::= <mailbox> @ <host> <mailbox> @

NOTE: Host defaults to that of the server

<longbody> ::= COM[MENTS] <comments>

TEXT <string>

<mailbox> ::= <string>

<minute> ::= decimal integer, 0-59

<month> ::= decimal integer, 1-12

<nicident> ::= <string>

<id> ::= <string>

<pathname> ::= <string>

<readaccess> ::= R[EAD] null

<rsvp> ::= R[SVP] null

<serialnumber> ::= <string>

<shortbody> ::= ABOR[T]

ACC[ESS] <individual>

ACKC[ONDITION] <ackcondition>

ACKT[YPE] <acktype>

AC[CESS]TY[PES] <accesstypes>

AUTH[OR] <individual>

CAT[ALOG] <catalog>

CLER[K] <individual>

CR[EATION]DA[TE] <datetime>

CUT[OFF] <interval>

C[ITATION]TEM[PLATE] <citationtemp>


DE[LIVERY]TY[PE] <delivverytype>

DISP[OSITION] <disposition>




FOR[WARDE]E <individual>



GREE[TING] <greeting>


LOC[ATION] <fileaddr>


MON[ITOR] <individual>

PATH[NAME] <pathname>

RECI[PIENT] <individual>


REQ[UESTO]R <individual>

R[EFERENCE]SER[IAL] <serialnumber>

R[EPORT]INT[ERVAL] <interval>

SERI[AL] <serialnumber>

SIGN[ATURE] <signature>

TITL[E] <title>


UP[DATE]TY[PE] <updatetype>


<signature> ::= <string>

<string> ::= any non-zero number of visible characters

(in particular, CA and CA2 are excluded)

<time> ::= <hour> : <minute> <timezone>

<timezone> ::= EST EDT CST CDT MST MDT PST


<title> ::= <string>

<updatetype> ::= A[DD] R[EPLACE] D[ELETE]

<year> ::= full year in decimal (e.g., 1973)

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