
RFC2964 - Use of HTTP State Management

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group K. Moore

Request for Comments: 2964 University of Tennessee

BCP: 44 N. Freed

Category: Best Current Practice Innosoft

October 2000

Use of HTTP State Management

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the

Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


The IESG notes that this mechanism makes use of the .local top-level

domain (TLD) internally when handling host names that don't contain

any dots, and that this mechanism might not work in the eXPected way

should an actual .local TLD ever be registered.


The mechanisms described in "HTTP State Management Mechanism" (RFC-

2965), and its predecessor (RFC-2109), can be used for many different

purposes. However, some current and potential uses of the protocol

are controversial because they have significant user privacy and

security implications. This memo identifies specific uses of

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) State Management protocol which

are either (a) not recommended by the IETF, or (b) believed to be

harmful, and discouraged. This memo also details additional privacy

considerations which are not covered by the HTTP State Management

protocol specification.

1. IntrodUCtion

The HTTP State Management mechanism is both useful and controversial.

It is useful because numerous applications of HTTP benefit from the

ability to save state between HTTP transactions, without encoding

such state in URLs. It is controversial because the mechanism has

been used to accomplish things for which it was not designed and is

not well-suited. Some of these uses have attracted a great deal of

public criticism because they threaten to violate the privacy of web

users, specifically by leaking potentially sensitive information to

third parties such as the Web sites a user has visited. There are

also other uses of HTTP State Management which are inappropriate even

though they do not threaten user privacy.

This memo therefore identifies uses of the HTTP State Management

protocol specified in RFC-2965 which are not recommended by the IETF,

or which are believed to be harmful and are therefore discouraged.

This document occasionally uses terms that appear in capital letters.

When the terms "MUST", "MUST NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", and "MAY"

appear capitalized, they are being used to indicate particular

requirements of this specification. A discussion of the meanings of

the terms "MUST", "SHOULD", and "MAY" appears in [RFC-1123]; the

terms "MUST NOT" and "SHOULD NOT" are logical extensions of this


2. Uses of HTTP State Management

The purpose of HTTP State Management is to allow an HTTP-based

service to create stateful "sessions" which persist across multiple

HTTP transactions. A single session may involve transactions with

multiple server hosts. Multiple client hosts may also be involved in

a single session when the session data for a particular user is

shared between client hosts (e.g., via a networked file system). In

other Words, the "session" retains state between a "user" and a

"service", not between particular hosts.

It's important to realize that similar capabilities may also be

achieved using the "bare" HTTP protocol, and/or dynamically-generated

Html, without the State Management extensions. For example, state

information can be transmitted from the service to the user by

embedding a session identifier in one or more URLs which appear in

HTTP redirects, or dynamically generated HTML; and the state

information may be returned from the user to the service when such

URLs appear in a GET or POST request. HTML forms can also be used to

pass state information from the service to the user and back, without

the user being aware of this happening.

However, the HTTP State Management facility does provide an increase

in functionality over ordinary HTTP and HTML. In practice, this

additional functionality includes:

(1) The ability to exchange URLs between users, of resources

Accessed during stateful sessions, without leaking the state

information associated with those sessions. (e.g. "Here's the

URL for the FooCorp web catalog entry for those sandals that

you wanted.")

(2) The ability to maintain session state without "cache-busting".

That is, separating the session state from the URL allows a web

cache to maintain only a single copy of the named resource. If

the state is maintained in session-specific URLs, the cache

would likely have to maintain several identical copies of the


(3) The ability to implement sessions with minimal server

configuration and minimal protocol overhead, as compared to

other techniques of maintaining session state.

(4) The ability to associate the user with session state whenever a

user accesses the service, regardless of whether the user

enters through a particular "home page" or "portal".

(5) The ability to save session information in stable storage, so

that a "session" can be maintained across client invocations,

system reboots, and client or system crashes.

2.1. Recommended Uses

Use of HTTP State Management is appropriate whenever it is desirable

to maintain state between a user and a service across multiple HTTP

transactions, provided that:

(1) the user is aware that session state is being maintained and

consents to it,

(2) the user has the ability to delete the state associated with

such a session at any time,

(3) the information oBTained through the ability to track the

user's usage of the service is not disclosed to other parties

without the user's explicit consent, and

(4) session information itself cannot contain sensitive information

and cannot be used to obtain sensitive information that is not

otherwise available to an eavesdropper.

This last point is important because cookies are usually sent in the

clear and hence are readily available to eavesdroppers.

An example of such a recommended use would be a "shopping cart",

where the existence of the shopping cart is explicitly made known to

the user, the user can explicitly "empty" his or her shopping cart

(either by requesting that it be emptied or by purchasing those

items) and thus cause the shared state to be discarded, and the

service asserts that it will not disclose the user's shopping or

browsing habits to third parties without the user's consent.

Note that the HTTP State Management protocol effectively allows a

service provider to refuse to provide a service, or provide a reduced

level of service, if the user or a user's client fails to honor a

request to maintain session state. Absent legal prohibition to the

contrary, the server MAY refuse to provide the service, or provide a

reduced level of service, under these conditions. As a purely

practical consideration, services designed to utilize HTTP State

Management may be unable to function properly if the client does not

provide it. Such servers SHOULD gracefully handle such conditions

and explain to the user why the full level of service is not


2.2. Problematic Uses

The following uses of HTTP State Management are deemed inappropriate

and contrary to this specification:

2.2.1. Leakage of Information to Third Parties

HTTP State Management MUST NOT be used to leak information about the

user or the user's browsing habits to other parties besides the user

or service, without the user's explicit consent. Such usage is

prohibited even if the user's name or other externally-assigned

identifier are not exposed to other parties, because the state

management mechanism itself provides an identifier which can be used

to compile information about the user.

Because such practices encourage users to defeat HTTP State

Management mechanisms, they tend to reduce the effectiveness of HTTP

State Management, and are therefore considered detrimental to the

operation of the web.

2.2.2. Use as an Authentication Mechanism

It is generally inappropriate to use the HTTP State Management

protocol as an authentication mechanism. HTTP State Management is

not designed with such use in mind, and safeguards for protection of

authentication credentials are lacking in both the protocol

specification and in widely deployed HTTP clients and servers. Most

HTTP sessions are not encrypted and "cookies" may therefore be

exposed to passive eavesdroppers. Furthermore, HTTP clients and

servers typically store "cookies" in cleartext with little or no

protection against exposure. HTTP State Management therefore SHOULD

NOT be used as an authentication mechanism to protect information

from being exposed to unauthorized parties, even if the HTTP sessions

are encrypted.

The prohibition against using HTTP State Management for

authentication includes both its use to protect information which is

provided by the service, and its use to protect potentially sensitive

information about the user which is entrusted to the service's care.

For example, it would be inappropriate to expose a user's name,

address, telephone number, or billing information to a client that

merely presented a cookie which had been previously associated with

the user.

Similarly, HTTP State Management SHOULD NOT be used to authenticate

user requests if unauthorized requests might have undesirable side-

effects for the user, unless the user is aware of the potential for

such side-effects and explicitly consents to such use. For example,

a service which allowed a user to order merchandise with a single

"click", based entirely on the user's stored "cookies", could

inconvenience the user by requiring her to dispute charges to her

credit card, and/or return the unwanted merchandise, in the event

that the cookies were exposed to third parties.

Some uses of HTTP State Management to identify users may be

relatively harmless, for example, if the only information which can

be thus exposed belongs to the service, and the service will suffer

little harm from the exposure of such information.

3. User Interface Considerations for HTTP State Management

HTTP State Management has been very controversial because of its

potential to expose information about a user's browsing habits to

third parties, without the knowledge or consent of the user. While

such exposure is possible, this is less a flaw in the protocol itself

than a failure of HTTP client implementations (and of some providers

of HTTP-based services) to protect users' interests.

As implied above, there are other ways to maintain session state than

using HTTP State Management, and therefore other ways in which users'

browsing habits can be tracked. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine

how the HTTP protocol or an HTTP client could actually prevent a

service from disclosing a user's "click trail" to other parties if

the service chose to do so. Protection of such information from

inappropriate exposure must therefore be the responsibility of the

service. HTTP client implementations inherently cannot provide such

protection, though they can implement countermeasures which make it

more difficult for HTTP State Management to be used as the mechanism

by which such information is exposed.

It is arguable that HTTP clients should provide more protection in

general against inappropriate exposure of tracking information,

regardless of whether the exposure were facilitated by use of HTTP

State Management or by some other means. However, issues related to

other mechanisms are beyond the scope of this memo.

3.1. Capabilities Required of an HTTP Client

A user's willingness to consent to use of HTTP State Management is

likely to vary from one service to another, according to whether the

user trusts the service to use the information appropriately and to

limit its exposure to other parties. The user therefore SHOULD be

able to control whether his client supports a service's request to

use HTTP State Management, on a per-service basis. In particular:

(1) Clients MUST NOT respond to HTTP State Management requests

unless explicitly enabled by the user.

(2) Clients SHOULD provide an effective interface which allows

users to review, and approve or refuse, any particular requests

from a server to maintain state information, before the client

provides any state information to the server.

(3) Clients SHOULD provide an effective interface which allows

users to instruct their clients to ignore all requests from a

particular service to maintain state information, on a per-

service basis, immediately in response to any particular

request from a server, before the client provides any state

information to the server.

(4) Clients SHOULD provide an effective interface which allows a

user to disable future transmission of any state information to

a service, and/or discard any saved state information for that

service, even though the user has previously approved a

service's request to maintain state information.

(5) Clients SHOULD provide an effective interface which allows a

user to terminate a previous request not to retain state

management information for a given service.

3.2. Limitations of the domain-match algorithm

The domain-match algorithm in RFC-2965 section 2 is intended as a

heuristic to allow a client to "guess" whether or not two domains are

part of the same service. There are few rules about how domain names

can be used, and the structure of domain names and how they are

delegated varies from one top-level domain to another (i.e. the

client cannot tell which part of the domain was assigned to the

service). Therefore NO string comparison algorithm (including the

domain-match algorithm) can be relied on to distinguish a domain that

belongs to a particular service, from a domain that belongs to

another party.

As stated above, each service is ultimately responsible for ensuring

that user information is not inappropriately leaked to third parties.

Leaking information to third parties via State Management by careful

selection of domain names, or by assigning domain names to hosts

maintained by third parties, is at least as inappropriate as leaking

the same information by other means.

4. Security Considerations

This entire memo is about security considerations.

5. Authors' Addresses

Keith Moore

University of Tennessee Computer Science Department

1122 Volunteer Blvd, Suite 203

Knoxville TN, 37996-3450

EMail: moore@cs.utk.edu

Ned Freed

Innosoft International, Inc.

1050 Lakes Drive

West Covina, CA 81790

EMail: ned.freed@innosoft.com

6. References

[RFC1123] Braden, R., "Requirements for Internet Hosts --

Application and Support", STD 3, RFC1123, October 1989.

[RFC2965] Kristol, D. and L. Montulli, "HTTP State Management

Mechanism", RFC2965, October 2000.

[RFC2109] Kristol, D. and L. Montulli, "HTTP State Management

Mechanism", RFC2109, February 1997.

7. Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this

document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other

Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be

followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than


The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







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