
RFC2963 - A Rate Adaptive Shaper for Differentiated Services

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
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Network Working Group O. Bonaventure

Request for Comments: 2963 FUNDP

Category: Informational S. De Cnodder


October 2000

A Rate Adaptive Shaper for Differentiated Services

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


This memo describes several Rate Adaptive Shapers (RAS) that can be

used in combination with the single rate Three Color Markers (srTCM)

and the two rate Three Color Marker (trTCM) described in RFC2697 and

RFC2698, respectively. These RAS improve the performance of TCP when

a TCM is used at the ingress of a diffserv network by redUCing the

burstiness of the traffic. With TCP traffic, this reduction of the

burstiness is accompanied by a reduction of the number of marked

packets and by an improved TCP goodput. The proposed RAS can be used

at the ingress of Diffserv networks providing the Assured Forwarding

Per Hop Behavior (AF PHB). They are especially useful when a TCM is

used to mark traffic composed of a small number of TCP connections.

1. Introduction

In DiffServ networks [RFC2475], the incoming data traffic, with the

AF PHB in particular, could be subject to marking where the purpose

of this marking is to provide a low drop probability to a minimum

part of the traffic whereas the excess will have a larger drop

probability. Such markers are mainly token bucket based such as the

single rate Three Color Marker (srTCM) and two rate Three Color

Marker (trTCM) described in [RFC2697] and [RFC2698], respectively.

Similar markers were proposed for ATM networks and simulations have

shown that their performance with TCP traffic was not always

satisfactory and several researchers have shown that these

performance problems could be solved in two ways:

1. increasing the burst size, i.e. increasing the Committed Burst

Size (CBS) and the Peak Burst Size (PBS) in case of the trTCM, or

2. shaping the traffic such that a part of the burstiness is removed.

The first solution has as major disadvantage that the traffic sent to

the network can be very bursty and thus engineering the network to

provide a low packet loss ratio can become difficult. To efficiently

support bursty traffic, additional resources such as buffer space are

needed. Conversely, the major disadvantage of shaping is that the

traffic encounters additional delay in the shaper's buffer.

In this document, we propose two shapers that can reduce the

burstiness of the traffic upstream of a TCM. By reducing the

burstiness of the traffic, the adaptive shapers increase the

percentage of packets marked as green by the TCM and thus the overall

goodput of the users attached to such a shaper.

Such rate adaptive shapers will probably be useful at the edge of the

network (i.e. inside Access routers or even network adapters). The

simulation results in [Cnodder] show that these shapers are

particularly useful when a small number of TCP connections are

processed by a TCM.

The structure of this document follows the structure proposed in

[Nichols]. We first describe two types of rate adaptive shapers in

section two. These shapers correspond to respectively the srTCM and

the trTCM. In section 3, we describe an extension to the simple

shapers that can provide a better performance. We briefly discuss

simulation results in the appendix.

2. Description of the rate adaptive shapers

2.1. Rate adaptive shaper

The rate adaptive shaper is based on a similar shaper proposed in

[Bonaventure] to improve the performance of TCP with the Guaranteed

Frame Rate [TM41] service category in ATM networks. Another type of

rate adaptive shaper suitable for differentiated services was briefly

discussed in [Azeem]. A RAS will typically be used as shown in

figure 1 where the meter and the marker are the TCMs proposed in

[RFC2697] and [RFC2698].




+--------+ +-------+ +--------+

Incoming Outgoing

Packet ==> RAS ==> Meter ==> Marker ==>Packet

Stream Stream

+--------+ +-------+ +--------+

Figure 1. Rate adaptive shaper

The presentation of the rate adaptive shapers in Figure 1 is somewhat

different as described in [RFC2475] where the shaper is placed after

the meter. The main objective of the shaper is to produce at its

output a traffic that is less bursty than the input traffic, but the

shaper avoids to discard packets in contrast with classical token

bucket based shapers. The shaper itself consists of a tail-drop FIFO

queue which is emptied at a variable rate. The shaping rate, i.e.

the rate at which the queue is emptied, is a function of the

occupancy of the FIFO queue. If the queue occupancy increases, the

shaping rate will also increase in order to prevent loss and too

large delays through the shaper. The shaping rate is also a function

of the average rate of the incoming traffic. The shaper was designed

to be used in conjunction with meters such as the TCMs proposed in

[RFC2697] and [RFC2698].

There are two types of rate adaptive shapers. The single rate rate

adaptive shaper (srRAS) will typically be used upstream of a srTCM

while the two rates rate adaptive shaper (trRAS) will usually be used

upstream of a trTCM.

2.2. Configuration of the srRAS

The srRAS is configured by specifying four parameters: the Committed

Information Rate (CIR), the Maximum Information Rate (MIR) and two

buffer thresholds: CIR_th (Committed Information Rate threshold) and

MIR_th (Maximum Information Rate threshold). The CIR shall be

specified in bytes per second and MUST be configurable. The MIR

shall be specified in the same unit as the CIR and SHOULD be

configurable. To achieve a good performance, the CIR of a srRAS will

usually be set to the same value as the CIR of the downstream srTCM.

A typical value for the MIR would be the line rate of the output link

of the shaper. When the CIR and optionally the MIR are configured,

the srRAS MUST ensure that the following relation is verified:

CIR <= MIR <= line rate

The two buffer thresholds, CIR_th and MIR_th shall be specified in

bytes and SHOULD be configurable. If these thresholds are

configured, then the srRAS MUST ensure that the following relation


CIR_th <= MIR_th <= buffer size of the shaper

The chosen values for CIR_th and MIR_th will usually depend on the

values chosen for CBS and PBS in the downstream srTCM. However, this

dependency does not need to be standardized.

2.3. Behavior of the srRAS

The output rate of the shaper is based on two factors. The first one

is the (long term) average rate of the incoming traffic. This

average rate can be computed by several means. For example, the

function proposed in [Stoica] can be used (i.e. EARnew = [(1-eXP(-

T/K))*L/T] + exp(-T/K)*EARold where EARold is the previous value of

the Estimated Average Rate, EARnew is the updated value, K a

constant, L the size of the arriving packet and T the amount of time

since the arrival of the previous packet). Other averaging functions

can be used as well.

The second factor is the instantaneous occupancy of the FIFO buffer

of the shaper. When the buffer occupancy is below CIR_th, the output

rate of the shaper is set to the maximum of the estimated average

rate (EAR(t)) and the CIR. This ensures that the shaper buffer will

be emptied at least at a rate equal to CIR. When the buffer

occupancy increases above CIR_th, the output rate of the shaper is

computed as the maximum of the EAR(t) and a linear function F of the

buffer occupancy for which F(CIR_th)=CIR and F(MIR_th)=MIR. When the

buffer occupancy reaches the MIR_th threshold, the output rate of the

shaper is set to the maximum information rate. The computation of

the shaping rate is illustrated in figure 2. We expect that real

implementations will only use an approximate function to compute the

shaping rate.


Shaping rate

MIR =========



EAR(t) ----------------//



CIR ============


CIR_th MIR_th Buffer occupancy

Figure 2. Computation of shaping rate for srRAS

2.4. Configuration of the trRAS

The trRAS is configured by specifying six parameters: the Committed

Information Rate (CIR), the Peak Information Rate (PIR), the Maximum

Information Rate (MIR) and three buffer thresholds: CIR_th, PIR_th

and MIR_th. The CIR shall be specified in bytes per second and MUST

be configurable. To achieve a good performance, the CIR of a trRAS

will usually be set at the same value as the CIR of the downstream

trTCM. The PIR shall be specified in the same unit as the CIR and

MUST be configurable. To achieve a good performance, the PIR of a

trRAS will usually be set at the same value as the PIR of the

downstream trRAS. The MIR SHOULD be configurable and shall be

specified in the same unit as the CIR. A typical value for the MIR

will be the line rate of the output link of the shaper. When the

values for CIR, PIR and optionally MIR are configured, the trRAS MUST

ensure that the following relation is verified:

CIR <= PIR <= MIR <= line rate

The three buffer thresholds, CIR_th, PIR_th and MIR_th shall be

specified in bytes and SHOULD be configurable. If these thresholds

are configured, then the trRAS MUST ensure that the following

relation is verified:

CIR_th <= PIR_th <= MIR_th <= buffer size of the shaper

The CIR_th, PIR_th and MIR_th will usually depend on the values

chosen for the CBS and the PBS in the downstream trTCM. However,

this dependency does not need to be standardized.

2.5. Behavior of the trRAS

The output rate of the trRAS is based on two factors. The first is

the (long term) average rate of the incoming traffic. This average

rate can be computed as for the srRAS.

The second factor is the instantaneous occupancy of the FIFO buffer

of the shaper. When the buffer occupancy is below CIR_th, the output

rate of the shaper is set to the maximum of the estimated average

rate (EAR(t)) and the CIR. This ensures that the shaper will always

send traffic at least at the CIR. When the buffer occupancy

increases above CIR_th, the output rate of the shaper is computed as

the maximum of the EAR(t) and a piecewise linear function F of the

buffer occupancy. This piecewise function can be defined as follows.

The first piece is between zero and CIR_th where F is equal to CIR.

This means that when the buffer occupancy is below a certain

threshold CIR_th, the shaping rate is at least CIR. The second piece

is between CIR_th and PIR_th where F increases linearly from CIR to

PIR. The third part is from PIR_th to MIR_th where F increases

linearly from PIR to the MIR and finally when the buffer occupancy is

above MIR_th, the shaping rate remains constant at the MIR. The

computation of the shaping rate is illustrated in figure 3. We

expect that real implementations will use an approximation of the

function shown in this figure to compute the shaping rate.


Shaping rate

MIR ======



PIR ///



EAR(t) ----------------//



CIR ============


CIR_th PIR_th MIR_th Buffer occupancy

Figure 3. Computation of shaping rate for trRAS

3. Description of the green RAS.

3.1. The green rate adaptive shapers

The srRAS and the trRAS described in the previous section are not

aware of the status of the meter. This entails that a RAS could

unnecessarily delay a packet although there are sufficient tokens

available to color the packet green. This delay could mean that TCP

takes more time to increase its congestion window and this may lower

the performance with TCP traffic. The green RAS shown in figure 4

solves this problem by coupling the shaper with the meter.

Status Result

+----------+ +----------+


+--------+ +-------+ +--------+

Incoming green Outgoing

Packet ==> RAS ==> Meter ==> Marker ==>Packet

Stream Stream

+--------+ +-------+ +--------+

Figure 4. green RAS

The two rate adaptive shapers described in section 2 calculate a

shaping rate, which is defined as the maximum of the estimated

average incoming data rate and some function of the buffer occupancy.

Using this shaping rate, the RAS computes the time schedule at which

the packet at the head of the queue of the shaper is to be released.

The main idea of the green RAS is to couple the shaper with the

downstream meter so that the green RAS knows at what time the packet

at the head of its queue would be accepted as green by the meter. If

this time instant is earlier than the release time computed from the

current shaping rate, then the packet can be released at this time

instant. Otherwise, the packet at the head of the queue of the green

RAS will be released at the time instant calculated from the current

shaping rate.

3.2. Configuration of the Green single rate Rate Adaptive Shaper


The G-srRAS must be configured in the same way as the srRAS (see

section 2.2).

3.3. Behavior of the G-srRAS

First of all, the shaping rate of the G-srRAS is calculated in the

same way as for the srRAS. With the srRAS, this shaping rate

determines a time schedule, T1, at which the packet at the head of

the queue is to be released from the shaper.

A second time schedule, T2, is calculated as the earliest time

instant at which the packet at the head of the shaper's queue would

be colored as green by the downstream srTCM. Suppose that a packet

of size B bytes is at the head of the shaper and that CIR is the

Committed Information Rate of the srTCM in bytes per second. If we

denote the current time by t and by Tc(t) the amount of green tokens

in the token bucket of the srTCM at time t, then T2 is equal to

max(t, t+(B-Tc(t))/CIR). If B is larger than CBS, the Committed

Burst Size of the srTCM, then T2 is set to infinity.

When a packet arrives at the head of the queue of the shaper, it will

leave this queue not sooner than min(T1, T2) from the shaper.

3.4 Configuration of the Green two rates Rate Adaptive Shaper (G-trRAS)

The G-trRAS must be configured in the same way as the trRAS (see

section 2.4).

3.5. Behavior of the G-trRAS

First of all, the shaping rate of the G-trRAS is calculated in the

same way as for the trRAS. With the trRAS, this shaping rate

determines a time schedule, T1, at which the packet at the head of

the queue is to be released from the shaper.

A second time schedule, T2, is calculated as the earliest time

instant at which the packet at the head of the shaper's queue would

be colored as green by the downstream trTCM. Suppose that a packet

of size B bytes is at the head of the shaper and that CIR is the

Committed Information Rate of the srTCM in bytes per second. If we

denote the current time by t and by Tc(t) (resp. Tp(t)) the amount of

green (resp. yellow) tokens in the token bucket of the trTCM at time

t, then T2 is equal to max(t, t+(B-Tc(t))/CIR,t+(B-Tp(t))/PIR). If B

is larger than CBS, the committed burst size, or PBS, the peak burst

size, of the srTCM, then T2 is set to infinity.

When a packet arrives at the head of the queue of the shaper, it will

leave this queue not sooner than min(T1, T2) from the shaper.

4. Assumption

The shapers discussed in this document assume that the Internet

traffic is dominated by protocols such as TCP that react

appropriately to congestion by decreasing their transmission rate.

The proposed shapers do not provide a performance gain if the traffic

is composed of protocols that do not react to congestion by

decreasing their transmission rate.

5. Example services

The shapers discussed in this document can be used where the TCMs

proposed in [RFC2697] and [RFC2698] are used. In fact, simulations

briefly discussed in Appendix A show that the performance of TCP can

be improved when a rate adaptive shaper is used upstream of a TCM.

We expect such rate adaptive shapers to be particularly useful at the

edge of the network, for example inside (small) access routers or

even network adapters.

6. The rate adaptive shaper combined with other markers

This document explains how the idea of a rate adaptive shaper can be

combined with the srTCM and the trTCM. This resulted in the srRAS

and the G-srRAS for the srTCM and in the trRAS and the G-trRAS for

the trTCM. Similar adaptive shapers could be developed to support

other traffic markers such as the Time Sliding Window Three Color

Marker (TSWTCM) [Fang]. However, the exact definition of such new

adaptive shapers and their performance is outside the scope of this


7. Security Considerations

The shapers described in this document have no known security


8. Intellectual Property Rights

The IETF has been notified of intellectual property rights claimed in

regard to some or all of the specification contained in this

document. For more information consult the online list of claimed


9. Acknowledgement

We would like to thank Emmanuel Desmet for his comments.

10. References

[Azeem] Azeem, F., Rao, A., Lu, X. and S. Kalyanaraman, "TCP-

Friendly Traffic Conditioners for Differentiated

Services", Work in Progress.

[RFC2475] Blake S., Black, D., Carlson, M., Davies, E., Wang, Z.

and W. Weiss, "An Architecture for Differentiated

Services", RFC2475, December 1998.

[Bonaventure] Bonaventure O., "Integration of ATM under TCP/IP to

provide services with a minimum guaranteed bandwidth",

Ph. D. thesis, University of Liege, Belgium, September


[Clark] Clark D. and Fang, W., "Explicit Allocation of Best-

Effort Packet Delivery Service", IEEE/ACM Trans. on

Networking, Vol. 6, No. 4, August 1998.

[Cnodder] De Cnodder S., "Rate Adaptive Shapers for Data Traffic

in DiffServ Networks", NetWorld+Interop 2000 Engineers

Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, May 10-11, 2000.

[Fang] Fang W., Seddigh N. and B. Nandy, "A Time Sliding

Window Three Colour Marker (TSWTCM)", RFC2859, June


[Floyd] Floyd S. and V. Jacobson, "Random Early Detection

Gateways for Congestion Avoidance", IEEE/ACM

Transactions on Networking, August 1993.

[RFC2697] Heinanen J. and R. Guerin, "A Single Rate Three Color

Marker", RFC2697, September 1999.

[RFC2698] Heinanen J. and R. Guerin, "A Two Rate Three Color

Marker", RFC2698, September 1999.

[RFC2597] Heinanen J., Baker F., Weiss W. and J. Wroclawski,

"Assured Forwarding PHB Group", RFC2597, June 1999.

[Nichols] Nichols K. and B. Carpenter, "Format for Diffserv

Working Group Traffic Conditioner Drafts", Work in


[Stoica] Stoica I., Shenker S. and H. Zhang, "Core-stateless

fair queueuing: achieving approximately fair bandwidth

allocations in high speed networks", ACM SIGCOMM98, pp.

118-130, Sept. 1998

[TM41] ATM Forum, Traffic Management Specification, verion

4.1, 1999


A. Simulation results

We briefly discuss simulations showing the benefits of the proposed

shapers in simple network environments. Additional simulation results

may be found in [Cnodder].

A.1 description of the model

To evaluate the rate adaptive shaper through simulations, we use the

simple network model depicted in Figure A.1. In this network, we

consider that a backbone network is used to provide a LAN

Interconnection service to ten pairs of LANs. Each LAN corresponds

to an uncongested switched 10 Mbps LAN with ten workstations attached

to a customer router (C1-C10 in figure A.1). The delay on the LAN

links is set to 1 msec. The MSS size of the workstations is set to

1460 bytes. The workstations on the left hand side of the figure

send traffic to companion workstations located on the right hand side

of the figure. All traffic from the LAN attached to customer router

C1 is sent to the LAN attached to customer router C1'. There are ten

workstations on each LAN and each workstation implements SACK-TCP

with a maximum window size of 64 KBytes.

2.5 msec, 34 Mbps 2.5 msec, 34 Mbps

<--------------> <-------------->

\+---+ +---+/

- C1--------------+ +--------------C1'-

/+---+ +---+\+---+ +---+/

- C2------------+ +------------C2'-

/+---+ +---+\+---+ +---+/

- C3----------+ +----------C3'-

/+---+ +---+\+---+ +---+/

- C4--------+ +-+----------+ +----------+-+ +--------C4'-

/+---+ +---+\+---+ +--- ---+ +---+/

- C5------------ ER1 ----- ER2 ------------C5'-

/+---+ +--- ---+ +---+\+---+ +---+/

- C6--------+ +----------+ +----------+ +--------C6'-

/+---+ +---+\+---+ <-------> +---+/

- C7------------+ 70 Mbps +------------C7'-

/+---+ 10 msec +---+\+---+ +---+/

- C8-------------+ +-------------C8'-

/+---+ +---+\+---+ +---+/

- C9--------------+ +--------------C9'-

/+---+ +---+\+---+ +----+/

-C10---------------+ +---------------C10'-

/+---+ +----+Figure A.1. the simulation model.

The customer routers are connected with 34 Mbps links to the backbone

network which is, in our case, composed of a single bottleneck 70

Mbps link between the edge routers ER1 and ER2. The delay on all the

customer-edge 34 Mbps links has been set to 2.5 msec to model a MAN

or small WAN environment. These links and the customer routers are

not a bottleneck in our environment and no losses occurs inside the

edge routers. The customer routers are equipped with a trTCM

[Heinanen2] and mark the incoming traffic. The parameters of the

trTCM are shown in table A.1.

Table A.1: configurations of the trTCMs

Router CIR PIR Line Rate

C1 2 Mbps 4 Mbps 34 Mbps

C2 4 Mbps 8 Mbps 34 Mbps

C3 6 Mbps 12 Mbps 34 Mbps

C4 8 Mbps 16 Mbps 34 Mbps

C5 10 Mbps 20 Mbps 34 Mbps

C6 2 Mbps 4 Mbps 34 Mbps

C7 4 Mbps 8 Mbps 34 Mbps

C8 6 Mbps 12 Mbps 34 Mbps

C9 8 Mbps 16 Mbps 34 Mbps

C10 10 Mbps 20 Mbps 34 Mbps

All customer routers are equipped with a trTCM where the CIR are 2

Mbps for router C1 and C6, 4 Mbps for C2 and C7, 6 Mbps for C3 and

C8, 8 Mbps for C4 and C9 and 10 Mbps for C5 and C10. Routers C6-C10

also contain a trRAS in addition to the trTCM while routers C1-C5

only contain a trTCM. In all simulations, the PIR is always twice as

large as the CIR. Also the PBS is the double of the CBS. The CBS

will be varied in the different simulation runs.

The edge routers, ER1 and ER2, are connected with a 70 Mbps link

which is the bottleneck link in our environment. These two routers

implement the RIO algorithm [Clark] that we have extended to support

three drop priorities instead of two. The thresholds of the

parameters are 100 and 200 packets (minimum and maximum threshold,

respectively) for the red packets, 200 and 400 packets for the yellow

packets and 400 and 800 for the green packets. These thresholds are

reasonable since there are 100 TCP connections crossing each edge

router. The parameter maxp of RIO for green, yellow and red are

respectively set to 0.02, 0.05, and 0.1. The weight to calculate the

average queue length which is used by RED or RIO is set to 0.002


The simulated time is set to 102 seconds where the first two seconds

are not used to gather TCP statistics (the so-called warm-up time)

such as goodput.

A.2 Simulation results for the trRAS

For our first simulations, we consider that routers C1-C5 only

utilize a trTCM while routers C6-C10 utilize a rate adaptive shaper

in conjunction with a trTCM. All routers use a CBS of 3 KBytes. In

table A.2, we show the total throughput achieved by the workstations

attached to each LAN as well as the total throughput for the green

and the yellow packets as a function of the CIR of the trTCM used on

the customer router attached to this LAN. The throughput of the red

packets is equal to the difference between the total traffic and the

green and the yellow traffic. In table A.3, we show the total

throughput achieved by the workstations attached to customer routers

with a rate adaptive shaper.

Table A.2: throughput in Mbps for the unshaped traffic.

green yellow total

2Mbps [C1] 1.10 0.93 2.25

4Mbps [C2] 2.57 1.80 4.55

6Mbps [C3] 4.10 2.12 6.39

8Mbps [C4] 5.88 2.32 8.33

10Mbps [C5] 7.57 2.37 10.0

Table A.3: throughput in Mbps for the adaptively shaped


green yellow total

2Mbps [C6] 2.00 1.69 3.71

4Mbps [C7] 3.97 2.34 6.33

6Mbps [C8] 5.93 2.23 8.17

8Mbps [C9] 7.84 2.28 10.1

10Mbps [C10] 9.77 2.14 11.9

This first simulation shows clearly that the workstations attached to

an edge router with a rate adaptive shaper have a clear advantage,

from a performance point of view, with respect to workstations

attached to an edge router with only a trTCM. The performance

improvement is the result of the higher proportion of packets marked

as green by the edge routers when the rate adaptive shaper is used.

To evaluate the impact of the CBS on the TCP goodput, we did

additional simulations were we varied the CBS of all customer


Table A.4 shows the total goodput for workstations attached to,

respectively, routers C1 (trTCM with 2 Mbps CIR, no adaptive

shaping), C6 (trRAS with 2 Mbps CIR and adaptive shaping), C3 (trTCM

with 6 Mbps CIR, no adaptive shaping), and C8 (trRAS with 6 Mbps CIR

and adaptive shaping) for various values of the CBS. From this

table, it is clear that the rate adaptive shapers provide a

performance benefit when the CBS is small. With a very large CBS,

the performance decreases when the shaper is in use. However, a CBS

of a few hundred KBytes is probably too large in many environments.

Table A.4: goodput in Mbps (link rate is 70 Mbps) versus CBS

in KBytes.

CBS 2_Mbps_unsh 2_Mbps_sh 6_Mbps_unsh 6_Mbps_sh

3 1.88 3.49 5.91 7.77

10 2.97 2.91 6.76 7.08

25 3.14 2.78 7.07 6.73

50 3.12 2.67 7.20 6.64

75 3.18 2.56 7.08 6.58

100 3.20 2.64 7.00 6.62

150 3.21 2.54 7.11 6.52

200 3.26 2.57 7.07 6.53

300 3.19 2.53 7.13 6.49

400 3.13 2.48 7.18 6.43

A.3 Simulation results for the Green trRAS

We use the same scenario as in A.2 but now we use the Green trRAS


Table A.5 and Table A.6 show the results of the same scenario as for

Table A.2 and Table A.3 but the shaper is now the G-trRAS. We see

that the shaped traffic performs again much better, also compared to

the previous case (i.e. where the trRAS was used). This is because

the amount of yellow traffic increases with the expense of a slight

decrease in the amount of green traffic. This can be explained by

the fact that the G-trRAS introduces some burstiness.

Table A.5: throughput in Mbps for the unshaped traffic.

green yellow total

2Mbps [C1] 1.10 0.95 2.26

4Mbps [C2] 2.41 1.66 4.24

6Mbps [C3] 3.94 1.97 6.07

8Mbps [C4] 5.72 2.13 7.96

10Mbps [C5] 7.25 2.29 9.64

Table A.6: throughput in Mbps for the adaptively shaped


green yellow total

2Mbps [C6] 1.92 1.75 3.77

4Mbps [C7] 3.79 3.24 7.05

6Mbps [C8] 5.35 3.62 8.97

8Mbps [C9] 6.96 3.48 10.4

10Mbps [C10] 8.69 3.06 11.7

The impact of the CBS is shown in Table A.7 which is the same

scenario as Table A.4 with the only difference that the shaper is now

the G-trRAS. We see that the shaped traffic performs much better

than the unshaped traffic when the CBS is small. When the CBS is

large, the shaped and unshaped traffic performs more or less the

same. This is in contrast with the trRAS, where the performance of

the shaped traffic was slightly worse in case of a large CBS.

Table A.7: goodput in Mbps (link rate is 70 Mbps) versus CBS

in KBytes.

CBS 2_Mbps_unsh 2_Mbps_sh 6_Mbps_unsh 6_Mbps_sh

3 1.90 3.44 5.62 8.44

10 2.95 3.30 6.70 7.20

25 2.98 3.01 7.03 6.93

50 3.06 2.85 6.81 6.84

75 3.08 2.80 6.87 6.96

100 2.99 2.78 6.85 6.88

150 2.98 2.70 6.80 6.81

200 2.96 2.70 6.82 6.97

300 2.94 2.70 6.83 6.86

400 2.86 2.62 6.83 6.84

A.4 Conclusion simulations

From these simulations, we see that the shaped traffic has much

higher throughput compared to the unshaped traffic when the CBS was

small. When the CBS is large, the shaped traffic performs slightly

less than the unshaped traffic due to the delay in the shaper. The

G-trRAS solves this problem. Additional simulation results may be

found in [Cnodder]

Authors' Addresses

Olivier Bonaventure

Infonet research group

Institut d'Informatique (CS Dept)

Facultes Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix

Rue Grandgagnage 21, B-5000 Namur, Belgium.

EMail: Olivier.Bonaventure@info.fundp.ac.be

URL: http://www.infonet.fundp.ac.be

Stefaan De Cnodder

Alcatel Network Strategy Group

Fr. Wellesplein 1, B-2018 Antwerpen, Belgium.

Phone: 32-3-240-8515

Fax: 32-3-240-9932

EMail: stefaan.de_cnodder@alcatel.be

Full Copyright Statement

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.

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Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of

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The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be

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This document and the information contained herein is provided on an







Funding for the RFCEditor function is currently provided by the

Internet Society.

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