
RFC2961 - RSVP Refresh Overhead Reduction Extensions

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group L. Berger

Request for Comments: 2961 LabN Consulting, LLC

Category: Standards Track D. Gan

Juniper Networks, Inc.

G. Swallow

Cisco Systems, Inc.

P. Pan

Juniper Networks, Inc.

F. Tommasi

S. Molendini

University of Lecce

April 2001

RSVP Refresh Overhead RedUCtion Extensions

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.


This document describes a number of mechanisms that can be used to

reduce processing overhead requirements of refresh messages,

eliminate the state synchronization latency incurred when an RSVP

(Resource ReserVation Protocol) message is lost and, when desired,

refreshing state without the transmission of whole refresh messages.

The same extensions also support reliable RSVP message delivery on a

per hop basis. These extension present no backwards compatibility


Table of Contents

1 Introduction and Background ................................2

1.1 Trigger and Refresh Messages ...............................4

2 Refresh-Reduction-Capable Bit ..............................4

3 RSVP Bundle Message ........................................5

3.1 Bundle Header ..............................................5

3.2 Message Formats ............................................6

3.3 Sending RSVP Bundle Messages ...............................7

3.4 Receiving RSVP Bundle Messages .............................8

4 MESSAGE_ID Extension .......................................8

4.1 Modification of Standard Message Formats ...................9

4.2 MESSAGE_ID Objects ........................................10

4.3 MESSAGE_ID_ACK and MESSAGE_ID_NACK Objects ................11

4.4 Ack Message Format ........................................11

4.5 MESSAGE_ID Object Usage ...................................12

4.6 MESSAGE_ID_ACK Object and MESSAGE_ID_NACK Object Usage ....14

4.7 Multicast Considerations ..................................15

4.7.1 Reference RSVP/Routing Interface ..........................16

4.8 Compatibility .............................................16

5 Summary Refresh Extension .................................17

5.1 MESSAGE_ID LIST, SRC_LIST and MCAST_LIST Objects ..........18

5.2 Srefresh Message Format ...................................24

5.3 Srefresh Message Usage ....................................25

5.4 Srefresh NACK .............................................28

5.5 Preserving RSVP Soft State ................................28

5.6 Compatibility .............................................29

6 EXPonential Back-Off Procedures ...........................29

6.1 Outline of Operation ......................................30

6.2 Time Parameters ...........................................30

6.3 Retransmission Algorithm ..................................31

6.4 Performance Considerations ................................31

7 Acknowledgments ...........................................31

8 Security Considerations ...................................32

9 References ................................................32

10 Authors' Addresses ........................................33

11 Full Copyright Statement...................................34

1. Introduction and Background

Standard RSVP [RFC2205] maintains state via the generation of RSVP

refresh messages. Refresh messages are used to both synchronize

state between RSVP neighbors and to recover from lost RSVP messages.

The use of Refresh messages to cover many possible failures has

resulted in a number of operational problems. One problem relates to

scaling, another relates to the reliability and latency of RSVP


The scaling problems are linked to the resource requirements (in

terms of processing and memory) of running RSVP. The resource

requirements increase proportionally with the number of sessions.

Each session requires the generation, transmission, reception and

processing of RSVP Path and Resv messages per refresh period.

Supporting a large number of sessions, and the corresponding volume

of refresh messages, presents a scaling problem.

The reliability and latency problem occurs when a non-refresh RSVP

message is lost in transmission. Standard RSVP [RFC2205] recovers

from a lost message via RSVP refresh messages. In the face of

transmission loss of RSVP messages, the end-to-end latency of RSVP

signaling is tied to the refresh interval of the node(s) experiencing

the loss. When end-to-end signaling is limited by the refresh

interval, the delay incurred in the establishment or the change of a

reservation may be beyond the range of what is acceptable for some


One way to address the refresh volume problem is to increase the

refresh period, "R" as defined in Section 3.7 of [RFC2205].

Increasing the value of R provides linear improvement on transmission

overhead, but at the cost of increasing the time it takes to

synchronize state.

One way to address the reliability and latency of RSVP Signaling is

to decrease the refresh period R. Decreasing the value of R

increases the probability that state will be installed in the face of

message loss, but at the cost of increasing refresh message rate and

associated processing requirements.

An additional issue is the time to deallocate resources after a tear

message is lost. RSVP does not retransmit ResvTear or PathTear

messages. If the sole tear message transmitted is lost, then

resources will only be deallocated once the "cleanup timer" interval

has passed. This may result in resources being allocated for an

unnecessary period of time. Note that even when the refresh period

is adjusted, the "cleanup timer" must still expire since tear

messages are not retransmitted.

The extensions defined in this document address both the refresh

volume and the reliability issues with mechanisms other than

adjusting refresh rate. The extensions are collectively referred to

as the "Refresh Overhead Reduction" or the "Refresh Reduction"

extensions. A Bundle message is defined to reduce overall message

handling load. A MESSAGE_ID object is defined to reduce refresh

message processing by allowing the receiver to more readily identify

an unchanged message. A MESSAGE_ACK object is defined which can be

used to detect message loss and support reliable RSVP message

delivery on a per hop basis. A summary refresh message is defined to

enable refreshing state without the transmission of whole refresh

messages, while maintaining RSVP's ability to indicate when state is

lost and to adjust to changes in routing.



document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

1.1. Trigger and Refresh Messages

This document categorizes RSVP messages into two types: trigger and

refresh messages. Trigger messages are those RSVP messages that

advertise state or any other information not previously transmitted.

Trigger messages include messages advertising new state, a route

change that alters a reservation path, or a modification to an

existing RSVP session or reservation. Trigger messages also include

those messages that include changes in non-RSVP processed objects,

such as changes in the Policy or ADSPEC objects.

Refresh messages represent previously advertised state and contain

exactly the same objects and same information as a previously

transmitted message, and are sent over the same path. Only Path and

Resv messages can be refresh messages. Refresh messages are

identical to the corresponding previously transmitted message, with

some possible exceptions. Specifically, the checksum field, the

flags field and the INTEGRITY object may differ in refresh messages.

2. Refresh-Reduction-Capable Bit

To indicate support for the refresh overhead reduction extensions, an

additional capability bit is added to the common RSVP header, which

is defined in [RFC2205].

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Vers Flags Msg Type RSVP Checksum


Send_TTL (Reserved) RSVP Length


Flags: 4 bits

0x01: Refresh (overhead) reduction capable

When set, indicates that this node is willing and capable of

receiving all the messages and objects described in this

document. This includes the Bundle message described in

Section 3, the MESSAGE_ID objects and Ack messages described

in Section 4, and the MESSAGE_ID LIST objects and Srefresh

message described in Section 5. This bit is meaningful only

between RSVP neighbors.

Nodes supporting the refresh overhead reduction extensions must also

take care to recognize when a next hop stops sending RSVP messages

with the Refresh-Reduction-Capable bit set. To cover this case,

nodes supporting the refresh overhead reduction extensions MUST

examine the flags field of each received RSVP message. If the flag

changes from indicating support to indicating non-support then,

unless configured otherwise, Srefresh messages (described in Section

5) MUST NOT be used for subsequent state refreshes to that neighbor

and Bundle messages (Section 3) MUST NOT be sent to that neighbor.

Note, a node that supports reliable RSVP message delivery (Section 4)

but not Bundle and Srefresh messages, will not set the Refresh-

Reduction-Capable bit.

3. RSVP Bundle Message

An RSVP Bundle message consists of a bundle header followed by a body

consisting of a variable number of standard RSVP messages. A Bundle

message is used to aggregate multiple RSVP messages within a single

PDU. The term "bundling" is used to avoid confusion with RSVP

reservation aggregation. The following subsections define the

formats of the bundle header and the rules for including standard

RSVP messages as part of the message.

3.1. Bundle Header

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Vers Flags Msg type RSVP checksum


Send_TTL (Reserved) RSVP length


The format of the bundle header is identical to the format of the

RSVP common header [RFC2205]. The fields in the header are as


Vers: 4 bits

Protocol version number. This is version 1.

Flags: 4 bits

0x01: Refresh (overhead) reduction capable

See Section 2.

0x02-0x08: Reserved

Msg type: 8 bits

12 = Bundle

RSVP checksum: 16 bits

The one's complement of the one's complement sum of the entire

message, with the checksum field replaced by zero for the

purpose of computing the checksum. An all-zero value means

that no checksum was transmitted. Because individual sub-

messages may carry their own checksum as well as the INTEGRITY

object for authentication, this field MAY be set to zero. Note

that when the checksum is not computed, the header of the

bundle message will not be covered by any checksum. If the

checksum is computed, individual sub-messages MAY set their own

checksum to zero.

Send_TTL: 8 bits

The IP TTL value with which the message was sent. This is used

by RSVP to detect a non-RSVP hop by comparing the Send_TTL with

the IP TTL in a received message.

RSVP length: 16 bits

The total length of this RSVP Bundle message in bytes,

including the bundle header and the sub-messages that follow.

3.2. Message Formats

An RSVP Bundle message must contain at least one sub-message. A

sub-message MAY be any message type except for another Bundle


0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Vers Flags 12 RSVP checksum


Send_TTL (Reserved) RSVP length


// First sub-message //


// More sub-messages.. //


3.3. Sending RSVP Bundle Messages

Support for RSVP Bundle messages is optional. While message bundling

helps in scaling RSVP, by reducing processing overhead and bandwidth

consumption, a node is not required to transmit every standard RSVP

message in a Bundle message. A node MUST always be ready to receive

standard RSVP messages.

RSVP Bundle messages can only be sent to RSVP neighbors that support

bundling. Methods for discovering such information include: (1)

manual configuration and (2) observing the Refresh-Reduction-Capable

bit (see Section 2) in the received RSVP messages. RSVP Bundle

messages MUST NOT be used if the RSVP neighbor does not support RSVP

Bundle messages.

RSVP Bundle messages are sent hop by hop between RSVP-capable nodes

as "raw" IP datagrams with protocol number 46. The IP source address

is an address local to the system that originated the Bundle message.

The IP destination address is the RSVP neighbor for which the sub-

messages are intended.

RSVP Bundle messages SHOULD NOT be sent with the Router Alert IP

option in their IP headers. This is because Bundle messages are

addressed directly to RSVP neighbors.

Each RSVP Bundle message MUST occupy exactly one IP datagram, which

is approximately 64K bytes. If it exceeds the MTU, the datagram is

fragmented by IP and reassembled at the recipient node.

Implementations may choose to limit each RSVP Bundle message to the

MTU size of the outgoing link, e.g., 1500 bytes. Implementations

SHOULD also limit the amount of time that a message is delayed in

order to be bundled. Different limits may be used for trigger and

standard refresh messages. Trigger messages SHOULD be delayed a

minimal amount of time. Refresh messages may be delayed up to their

refresh interval. Note that messages related to the same Resv or

Path state should not be delayed at different intervals in order to

preserve ordering.

If the RSVP neighbor is not known or changes in next hops cannot be

identified via routing, Bundle messages MUST NOT be used. Note that

when the routing next hop is not RSVP capable it will typically not

be possible to identify changes in next hop.

Any message that will be handled by the RSVP neighbor indicated in a

Bundle Message's destination address may be included in the same

message. This includes all RSVP messages that would be sent out a

point-to-point link. It includes any message, such as a Resv,

addressed to the same destination address. It also includes Path and

PathTear messages when the next hop is known to be the destination

and changes in next hops can be detected. Path and PathTear messages

for multicast sessions MUST NOT be sent in Bundle messages when the

outgoing link is not a point-to-point link or when the next hop does

not support the refresh overhead reduction extensions.

3.4. Receiving RSVP Bundle Messages

If the local system does not recognize or does not wish to accept a

Bundle message, the received messages shall be discarded without

further analysis.

The receiver next compares the Send_TTL with which a Bundle message

is sent to the IP TTL with which it is received. If a non-RSVP hop

is detected, the number of non-RSVP hops is recorded. It is used

later in processing of sub-messages.

Next, the receiver verifies the version number and checksum of the

RSVP Bundle message and discards the message if any mismatch is


The receiver then starts decapsulating individual sub-messages. Each

sub-message has its own complete message length and authentication

information. With the exception of using the Send_TTL from the

header of the Bundle message, each sub-message is processed as if it

was received individually.

4. MESSAGE_ID Extension

Three new objects are defined as part of the MESSAGE_ID extension.

The objects are the MESSAGE_ID object, the MESSAGE_ID_ACK object, and

the MESSAGE_ID_NACK objects. The first two objects are used to

support acknowledgments and reliable RSVP message delivery. The last

object is used to support the summary refresh extension described in

Section 5. The MESSAGE_ID object can also be used to simply provide

a shorthand indication of when the message carrying the object is a

refresh message. Such information can be used by the receiving node

to reduce refresh processing requirements.

Message identification and acknowledgment is done on a per hop basis.

All types of MESSAGE_ID objects contain a message identifier. The

identifier MUST be unique on a per object generator's IP address

basis. No more than one MESSAGE_ID object may be included in an RSVP

message. Each message containing a MESSAGE_ID object may be

acknowledged via a MESSAGE_ID_ACK object, when so indicated.

MESSAGE_ID_ACK and MESSAGE_ID_NACK objects may be sent piggy-backed

in unrelated RSVP messages or in RSVP Ack messages. RSVP messages

carrying any of the three object types may be included in a bundle

message. When included, each object is treated as if it were

contained in a standard, non-bundled, RSVP message.

4.1. Modification of Standard Message Formats


included in the standard RSVP messages, as defined in [RFC2205].

When included, one or more MESSAGE_ID_ACK or MESSAGE_ID_NACK objects

MUST immediately follow the INTEGRITY object. When no INTEGRITY

object is present, the MESSAGE_ID_ACK or MESSAGE_ID_NACK objects MUST

immediately follow the message or sub-message header. Only one

MESSAGE_ID object MAY be included in a message or sub-message and it

MUST follow any present MESSAGE_ID_ACK or MESSAGE_ID_NACK objects.

When no MESSAGE_ID_ACK or MESSAGE_ID_NACK objects are present, the

MESSAGE_ID object MUST immediately follow the INTEGRITY object. When

no INTEGRITY object is present, the MESSAGE_ID object MUST

immediately follow the message or sub-message header.

The ordering of the ACK objects for all standard RSVP messages is:

<Common Header> [ <INTEGRITY> ]



4.2. MESSAGE_ID Objects

MESSAGE_ID Class = 23


Class = MESSAGE_ID Class, C_Type = 1

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Flags Epoch




Flags: 8 bits

0x01 = ACK_Desired flag

Indicates that the sender requests the receiver to send an

acknowledgment for the message.

Epoch: 24 bits

A value that indicates when the Message_Identifier sequence has

reset. SHOULD be randomly generated each time a node reboots

or the RSVP agent is restarted. The value SHOULD NOT be the

same as was used when the node was last operational. This

value MUST NOT be changed during normal operation.

Message_Identifier: 32 bits

When combined with the message generator's IP address, the

Message_Identifier field uniquely identifies a message. The

values placed in this field change incrementally and only

decrease when the Epoch changes or when the value wraps.




Class = MESSAGE_ID_ACK Class, C_Type = 1

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Flags Epoch




Flags: 8 bits

No flags are currently defined. This field MUST be zero on

transmission and ignored on receipt.

Epoch: 24 bits

The Epoch field copied from the message being acknowledged.

Message_Identifier: 32 bits

The Message_Identifier field copied from the message being



Class = MESSAGE_ID_ACK Class, C_Type = 2

Definition is the same as the MESSAGE_ID_ACK object.

4.4. Ack Message Format

Ack messages carry one or more MESSAGE_ID_ACK or MESSAGE_ID_NACK

objects. They MUST NOT contain any MESSAGE_ID objects. Ack messages

are sent between neighboring RSVP nodes. The IP destination address

of an Ack message is the unicast address of the node that generated

the message(s) being acknowledged. For messages with RSVP_HOP

objects, such as Path and Resv messages, the address is found in the

RSVP_HOP object. For other messages, such as ResvConf, the

associated IP address is the source address in the IP header. The IP

source address is an address of the node that sends the Ack message.

The Ack message format is as follows:

<ACK Message> ::= <Common Header> [ <INTEGRITY> ]



For Ack messages, the Msg Type field of the Common Header MUST be

set to 13.

Section 4.6 provides guidance on when an Ack message should be used

and when MESSAGE_ID objects should be sent piggy-backed in other

RSVP messages.

4.5. MESSAGE_ID Object Usage

The MESSAGE_ID object may be included in any RSVP message other than

the Ack and Bundle messages. The MESSAGE_ID object is always

generated and processed over a single hop between RSVP neighbors.

The IP address of the object generator, i.e., the node that creates

the object, is represented in a per RSVP message type specific

fashion. For messages with RSVP_HOP objects, such as Path and Resv

messages, the generator's IP address is found in the RSVP_HOP object.

For other messages, such as ResvConf message, the generator's IP

address is the source address in the IP header. Note that MESSAGE_ID

objects can only be used in a Bundle sub-messages, but not in a

Bundle message. As is always the case with the Bundle message, each

sub-message is processed as if it was received individually. This

includes processing of MESSAGE_ID objects.

The Epoch field contains a generator selected value. The value is

used to indicate when the sender resets the values used in the

Message_Identifier field. On startup, a node SHOULD randomly select

a value to be used in the Epoch field. The node SHOULD ensure that

the selected value is not the same as was used when the node was last

operational. The value MUST NOT be changed unless the node or the

RSVP agent is restarted.

The Message_Identifier field contains a generator selected value.

This value, when combined with the generator's IP address, identifies

a particular RSVP message and the specific state information it

represents. The combination of Message_Identifier and Epoch can also

be used to detect out of order messages. When a node is sending a

refresh message with a MESSAGE_ID object, it SHOULD use the same

Message_Identifier value that was used in the RSVP message that first

advertised the state being refreshed. When a node is sending a

trigger message, the Message_Identifier value MUST have a value that

is greater than any other value previously used with the same Epoch

field value. A value is considered to have been used when it has

been sent in any message using the associated IP address with the

same Epoch field value.

The ACK_Desired flag is set when the MESSAGE_ID object generator

wants a MESSAGE_ID_ACK object sent in response to the message. Such

information can be used to ensure reliable delivery of RSVP messages

in the face of network loss. Nodes setting the ACK_Desired flag

SHOULD retransmit unacknowledged messages at a more rapid interval

than the standard refresh period until the message is acknowledged or

until a "rapid" retry limit is reached. Rapid retransmission rate

MUST be based on the exponential exponential back-off procedures

defined in section 6. The ACK_Desired flag will typically be set

only in trigger messages. The ACK_Desired flag MAY be set in refresh

messages. Issues relate to multicast sessions are covered in a later


Nodes processing incoming MESSAGE_ID objects SHOULD check to see if a

newly received message is out of order and can be ignored. Out of

order messages SHOULD be ignored, i.e., silently dropped. Out of

order messages can be identified by examining the values in the Epoch

and Message_Identifier fields. To determine ordering, the received

Epoch value must match the value previously received from the message

sender. If the values differ then the receiver MUST NOT treat the

message as out of order. When the Epoch values match and the

Message_Identifier value is less than the largest value previously

received from the sender, then the receiver SHOULD check the value

previously received for the state associated with the message. This

check should be performed for any message that installs or changes

state. (Includes at least: Path, Resv, PathTear, ResvTear, PathErr

and ResvErr.) If no local state information can be associated with

the message, the receiver MUST NOT treat the message as out of order.

If local state can be associated with the message and the received

Message_Identifier value is less than the most recently received

value associated with the state, the message SHOULD be treated as

being out of order.

Note that the 32-bit Message_Identifier value MAY wrap. To cover the

wrap case, the following expression may be used to test if a newly

received Message_Identifier value is less than a previously received


if ((int) old_id - (int) new_id > 0) {

new value is less than old value;


MESSAGE_ID objects of messages that are not out of order SHOULD be

used to aid in determining if the message represents new state or a

state refresh. Note that state is only refreshed in Path and Resv

messages. If the received Epoch values differs from the value

previously received from the message sender, the message is a trigger

message and the receiver MUST fully process the message. If a Path

or Resv message contains the same Message_Identifier value that was

used in the most recently received message for the same session and,

for Path messages, SENDER_TEMPLATE then the receiver SHOULD treat the

message as a state refresh. If the Message_Identifier value is

greater than the most recently received value, the receiver MUST

fully processes the message. When fully processing a Path or Resv

message, the receiver MUST store the received Message_Identifier

value as part of the local Path or Resv state for future reference.

Nodes receiving a non-out of order message containing a MESSAGE_ID

object with the ACK_Desired flag set, SHOULD respond with a

MESSAGE_ID_ACK object. Note that MESSAGE_ID objects received in

messages containing errors, i.e., are not syntactically valid, MUST

NOT be acknowledged. PathErr and ResvErr messages SHOULD be treated

as implicit acknowledgments.

4.6. MESSAGE_ID_ACK Object and MESSAGE_ID_NACK Object Usage

The MESSAGE_ID_ACK object is used to acknowledge receipt of messages

containing MESSAGE_ID objects that were sent with the ACK_Desired

flag set. A MESSAGE_ID_ACK object MUST NOT be generated in response

to a received MESSAGE_ID object when the ACK_Desired flag is not set.

The MESSAGE_ID_NACK object is used as part of the summary refresh

extension. The generation and processing of MESSAGE_ID_NACK objects

is described in further detail in Section 5.4.

MESSAGE_ID_ACK and MESSAGE_ID_NACK objects MAY be sent in any RSVP

message that has an IP destination address matching the generator of

the associated MESSAGE_ID object. This means that the objects will

not typically be included in the non hop-by-hop Path, PathTear and

ResvConf messages. When no appropriate message is available, one or

more objects SHOULD be sent in an Ack message. Implementations

SHOULD include MESSAGE_ID_ACK and MESSAGE_ID_NACK objects in standard

RSVP messages when possible.

Implementations SHOULD limit the amount of time that an object is

delayed in order to be piggy-backed or sent in an Ack message.

Different limits may be used for MESSAGE_ID_ACK and MESSAGE_ID_NACK

objects. MESSAGE_ID_ACK objects are used to detect link transmission

losses. If an ACK object is delayed too long, the corresponding

message will be retransmitted. To avoid such retransmission, ACK

objects SHOULD be delayed a minimal amount of time. A delay time

equal to the link transit time MAY be used. MESSAGE_ID_NACK objects

may be delayed an independent and longer time, although additional

delay increases the amount of time a desired reservation is not


4.7. Multicast Considerations

Path and PathTear messages may be sent to IP multicast destination

addresses. When the destination is a multicast address, it is

possible that a single message containing a single MESSAGE_ID object

will be received by multiple RSVP next hops. When the ACK_Desired

flag is set in this case, acknowledgment processing is more complex.

There are a number of issues to be addressed including ACK implosion,

number of acknowledgments to be expected and handling of new


ACK implosion occurs when each receiver responds to the MESSAGE_ID

object at approximately the same time. This can lead to a

potentially large number of MESSAGE_ID_ACK objects being

simultaneously delivered to the message generator. To address this

case, the receiver MUST wait a random interval prior to acknowledging

a MESSAGE_ID object received in a message destined to a multicast

address. The random interval SHOULD be between zero (0) and a

configured maximum time. The configured maximum SHOULD be set in

proportion to the refresh and "rapid" retransmission interval, i.e,

such that the maximum time before sending an acknowledgment does not

result in retransmission. It should be noted that ACK implosion is

being addressed by spreading acknowledgments out in time, not by ACK


A more fundamental issue is the number of acknowledgments that the

upstream node, i.e., the message generator, should expect. The

number of acknowledgments that should be expected is the same as the

number of RSVP next hops. In the router-to-router case, the number

of next hops can often be oBTained from routing. When hosts are

either the upstream node or the next hops, the number of next hops

will typically not be readily available. Another case where the

number of RSVP next hops will typically not be known is when there

are non-RSVP routers between the message generator and the RSVP next


When the number of next hops is not known, the message generator

SHOULD only expect a single response. The result of this behavior

will be special retransmission handling until the message is

delivered to at least one next hop, then followed by standard RSVP

refreshes. Refresh messages will synchronize state with any next

hops that don't receive the original message.

4.7.1. Reference RSVP/Routing Interface

When using the MESSAGE_ID extension with multicast sessions it is

preferable for RSVP to obtain the number of next hops from routing

and to be notified when that number changes. The interface between

routing and RSVP is purely an implementation issue. Since RSVP

[RFC2205] describes a reference routing interface, a version of the

RSVP/routing interface updated to provide number of next hop

information is presented. See [RFC2205] for previously defined

parameters and function description.

o Route Query

Mcast_Route_Query( [ SrcAddress, ] DestAddress,

Notify_flag )

-> [ IncInterface, ] OutInterface_list,


o Route Change Notification

Mcast_Route_Change( ) -> [ SrcAddress, ] DestAddress,

[ IncInterface, ] OutInterface_list,


NHops_list provides the number of multicast group members

reachable via each OutInterface_list entry.

4.8. Compatibility

All nodes sending messages with the Refresh-Reduction-Capable bit set

will support the MESSAGE_ID Extension. There are no backward

compatibility issues raised by the MESSAGE_ID Class with nodes that

do not set the Refresh-Reduction-Capable bit. The MESSAGE_ID Class

has an assigned value whose form is 0bbbbbbb. Per RSVP [RFC2205],

classes with values of this form must be rejected with an "Unknown

Object Class" error by nodes not supporting the class. When the

receiver of a MESSAGE_ID object does not support the class, a

corresponding error message will be generated. The generator of the

MESSAGE_ID object will see the error and then MUST re-send the

original message without the MESSAGE_ID object. In this case, the

message generator MAY still choose to retransmit messages at the

"rapid" retransmission interval. Lastly, since the MESSAGE_ID_ACK

class can only be issued in response to the MESSAGE_ID object, there

are no possible issues with this class or Ack messages. A node MAY

support the MESSAGE_ID Extension without supporting the other refresh

overhead reduction extensions.

5. Summary Refresh Extension

The summary refresh extension enables the refreshing of RSVP state

without the transmission of standard Path or Resv messages. The

benefits of the described extension are that it reduces the amount of

information that must be transmitted and processed in order to

maintain RSVP state synchronization. Importantly, the described

extension preserves RSVP's ability to handle non-RSVP next hops and

to adjust to changes in routing. This extension cannot be used with

Path or Resv messages that contain any change from previously

transmitted messages, i.e., are trigger messages.

The summary refresh extension builds on the previously defined

MESSAGE_ID extension. Only state that was previously advertised in

Path and Resv messages containing MESSAGE_ID objects can be refreshed

via the summary refresh extension.

The summary refresh extension uses the objects and the ACK message

previously defined as part of the MESSAGE_ID extension, and a new

Srefresh message. The new message carries a list of

Message_Identifier fields corresponding to the Path and Resv trigger

messages that established the state. The Message_Identifier fields

are carried in one of three Srefresh related objects. The three

objects are the MESSAGE_ID LIST object, the MESSAGE_ID SRC_LIST

object, and the MESSAGE_ID MCAST_LIST object.

The MESSAGE_ID LIST object is used to refresh all Resv state, and

Path state of unicast sessions. It is made up of a list of

Message_Identifier fields that were originally advertised in

MESSAGE_ID objects. The other two objects are used to refresh Path

state of multicast sessions. A node receiving a summary refresh for

multicast path state will at times need source and group information.

These two objects provide this information. The objects differ in

the information they contain and how they are sent. Both carry

Message_Identifier fields and corresponding source IP addresses. The

MESSAGE_ID SRC_LIST is sent in messages addressed to the session's

multicast IP address. The MESSAGE_ID MCAST_LIST object adds the

group address and is sent in messages addressed to the RSVP next hop.

The MESSAGE_ID MCAST_LIST is normally used on point-to-point links.

An RSVP node receiving an Srefresh message, matches each listed

Message_Identifier field with installed Path or Resv state. All

matching state is updated as if a normal RSVP refresh message has

been received. If matching state cannot be found, then the Srefresh

message sender is notified via a refresh NACK.

A refresh NACK is sent via the MESSAGE_ID_NACK object. As described

in the previous section, the rules for sending a MESSAGE_ID_NACK

object are the same as for sending a MESSAGE_ID_ACK object. This

includes sending MESSAGE_ID_NACK object both piggy-backed in

unrelated RSVP messages or in RSVP ACK messages.




Class = MESSAGE_ID_LIST Class, C_Type = 1

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Flags Epoch





// : //





Flags: 8 bits

No flags are currently defined. This field MUST be zero on

transmission and ignored on receipt.

Epoch: 24 bits

The Epoch field from the MESSAGE_ID object corresponding to the

trigger message that advertised the state being refreshed.

Message_Identifier: 32 bits

The Message_Identifier field from the MESSAGE_ID object

corresponding to the trigger message that advertised the state

being refreshed. One or more Message_Identifiers may be



Class = MESSAGE_ID_LIST Class, C_Type = 2

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Flags Epoch






// : //






Where a Source_Message_Identifier_Tuple consists of:




Source_IP_Address (4 bytes)



Class = MESSAGE_ID_LIST Class, C_Type = 3

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Flags Epoch






// : //






Where a IPv6 Source_Message_Identifier_Tuple consists of:




IPv6 Source_IP_Address

(16 Bytes)


Flags: 8 bits

No flags are currently defined. This field MUST be zero on

transmission and ignored on receipt.

Epoch: 24 bits

The Epoch field from the MESSAGE_ID object corresponding to the

trigger message that advertised the state being refreshed.


The Message_Identifier field from the MESSAGE_ID object

corresponding to the trigger message that advertised the Path

state being refreshed. One or more Message_Identifiers may be

included. Each Message_Identifier MUST be followed by the

source IP address corresponding to the sender described in the

Path state being refreshed.


The IP address corresponding to the sender of the Path state

being refreshed.


Class = MESSAGE_ID_LIST Class, C_Type = 4

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Flags Epoch







// : //







Where a Multicast_Message_Identifier_Tuple consists of:




Source_IP_Address (4 bytes)


Destination_IP_Address (4 bytes)



Class = MESSAGE_ID_LIST Class, C_Type = 5

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1


Flags Epoch


IPv6 Multicast_





// : //



IPv6 Multicast_




Where a IPv6 Multicast_Message_Identifier_Tuple consists of:




IPv6 Source_IP_Address

(16 Bytes)


IPv6 Destination_IP_Address

(16 Bytes)


Flags: 8 bits

No flags are currently defined. This field MUST be zero on

transmission and ignored on receipt.

Epoch: 24 bits

The Epoch field from the MESSAGE_ID object corresponding to the

trigger message that advertised the state being refreshed.

Message_Identifier: 32 bits

The Message_Identifier field from the MESSAGE_ID object

corresponding to the trigger message that advertised the Path

state being refreshed. One or more Message_Identifiers may be

included. Each Message_Identifier MUST be followed by the

source IP address corresponding to the sender of the Path state

being refreshed, and the destination IP address of the session.


The IP address corresponding to the sender of the Path state

being refreshed.


The destination IP address corresponding to the session of the

Path state being refreshed.

5.2. Srefresh Message Format

Srefresh messages carry one or more MESSAGE_ID LIST, MESSAGE_ID


MESSAGE_ID MCAST_LIST objects MAY be carried in the same Srefresh

message. MESSAGE_ID SRC_LIST can not be combined in Srefresh

messages with the other objects. A single Srefresh message MAY

refresh both Path and Resv state.

Srefresh messages carrying Message_Identifier fields corresponding to

Path state are normally sent with a destination IP address equal to

the address carried in the corresponding SESSION objects. The

destination IP address MAY be set to the RSVP next hop when the next

hop is known to be RSVP capable and either (a) the session is unicast

or (b) the outgoing interface is a point-to-point link. Srefresh

messages carrying Message_Identifier fields corresponding to Resv

state MUST be sent with a destination IP address set to the Resv

state's previous hop.

Srefresh messages sent to a multicast session's destination IP

address, MUST contain MESSAGE_ID SRC_LIST objects and MUST NOT


Srefresh messages sent to the RSVP next hop MAY contain either or


include any MESSAGE_ID SRC_LIST objects.

The source IP address of an Srefresh message is an address of the

node that generates the message. The source IP address MUST match

the address associate with the MESSAGE_ID objects when they were

included in a standard RSVP message. As previously mentioned, the

source address associated with a MESSAGE_ID object is represented in

a per RSVP message type specific fashion. For messages with RSVP_HOP

objects, such as Path and Resv messages, the address is found in the

RSVP_HOP object. For other messages, such as ResvConf message, the

associated IP address is the source address in the IP header.

Srefresh messages that are addressed to a session's destination IP

address MUST be sent with the Router Alert IP option in their IP

headers. Srefresh messages addressed directly to RSVP neighbors

SHOULD NOT be sent with the Router Alert IP option in their IP


Each Srefresh message MUST occupy exactly one IP datagram. If it

exceeds the MTU, the datagram is fragmented by IP and reassembled at

the recipient node. Srefresh messages MAY be sent within an RSVP

Bundle messages. Although this is not expected since Srefresh

messages can carry a list of Message_Identifier fields within a

single object. Implementations may choose to limit each Srefresh

message to the MTU size of the outgoing link, e.g., 1500 bytes.

The Srefresh message format is:

<Srefresh Message> ::= <Common Header> [ <INTEGRITY> ]



<srefresh list> <source srefresh list>


[ <srefresh list> ]

<source srefresh list> ::= <MESSAGE_ID SRC_LIST>

[ <source srefresh list> ]

For Srefresh messages, the Msg Type field of the Common Header MUST

be set to 15.

5.3. Srefresh Message Usage

An Srefresh message may be generated to refresh Resv and Path state.

If an Srefresh message is used to refresh some particular state, then

the generation of a standard refresh message for that particular

state SHOULD be suppressed. A state's refresh interval is not

affected by the use of Srefresh message based refreshes.

When generating an Srefresh message, a node SHOULD refresh as much

Path and Resv state as is possible by including the information from

as many MESSAGE_ID objects in the same Srefresh message. Only the

information from MESSAGE_ID objects that meet the source and

destination IP address restrictions, as described in Sections 5.2,

may be included in the same Srefresh message. Identifying Resv state

that can be refreshed using the same Srefresh message is fairly

straightforward. Identifying which Path state may be included is a

little more complex.

Only state that was previously advertised in Path and Resv messages

containing MESSAGE_ID objects can be refreshed via an Srefresh

message. Srefresh message based refreshes must preserve the state

synchronization properties of Path or Resv message based refreshes.

Specifically, the use of Srefresh messages MUST NOT result in state

being timed-out at the RSVP next hop. The period at which state is

refreshed when using Srefresh messages MAY be shorter than the period

that would be used when using Path or Resv message based refreshes,

but it MUST NOT be longer.

The particular approach used to trigger Srefresh message based

refreshes is implementation specific. Some possibilities are

triggering Srefresh message generation based on each state's refresh

period or, on a per interface basis, periodically generating Srefresh

messages to refresh all state that has not been refreshed within the

state's refresh interval. Other approaches are also possible. A

default Srefresh message generation interval of 30 seconds is

suggested for nodes that do not dynamically calculate a generation


When generating an Srefresh message, there are two methods for

identifying which Path state may be refreshed in a specific message.

In both cases, the previously mentioned refresh interval and source

IP address restrictions must be followed. The primary method is to

include only those sessions that share the same destination IP

address in the same Srefresh message.

The secondary method for identifying which Path state may be

refreshed within a single Srefresh message is an optimization. This

method MAY be used when the next hop is known to support RSVP and

when either (a) the session is unicast or (b) the outgoing interface

is a point-to-point link. This method MUST NOT be used when the next

hop is not known to support RSVP or when the outgoing interface is to

a multi-Access network and the session is to a multicast address.

The use of this method MAY be administratively configured. When

using this method, the destination address in the IP header of the

Srefresh message is usually the next hop's address. When the use of

this method is administratively configured, the destination address

should be the well known group address When the outgoing

interface is a point-to-point link, all Path state associated with

sessions advertised out the interface SHOULD be included in the same

Srefresh message. When the outgoing interface is not a point-to-

point link, all unicast session Path state SHOULD be included in the

same Srefresh message.

Identifying which Resv state may be refreshed within a single

Srefresh message is based simply on the source and destination IP

addresses. Any state that was previously advertised in Resv messages

with the same IP addresses as an Srefresh message MAY be included.

After identifying the Path and Resv state that can be included in a

particular Srefresh message, the message generator adds to the

message MESSAGE_ID information matching each identified state's

previously used object. For all Resv state and for Path state of

unicast sessions, the information is added to the message in a

MESSAGE_ID LIST object that has a matching Epoch value. (Note only

one Epoch value will be in use during normal operation.) If no

matching object exists, then a new MESSAGE_ID LIST object is created.

Path state of multicast sessions may be added to the same message

when the destination address of the Srefresh message is the RSVP next

hop and the outgoing interface is a point-to-point link. In this

case the information is added to the message in a MESSAGE_ID

MCAST_LIST object that has a matching Epoch value. If no matching

object exists, then a new MESSAGE_ID MCAST_LIST object is created.

When the destination address of the message is a multicast address,

then identified information is added to the message in a MESSAGE_ID

SRC_LIST object that has a matching Epoch value. If no matching

object exists, then a new MESSAGE_ID SRC_LIST object is created.

Once the Srefresh message is composed, the message generator

transmits the message out the proper interface.

Upon receiving an Srefresh message, the node MUST attempt to identify

matching installed Path or Resv state. Matching is done based on the

source address in the IP header of the Srefresh message, the object

type and each Message_Identifier field. If matching state can be

found, then the receiving node MUST update the matching state

information as if a standard refresh message had been received. If

matching state cannot be identified, then an Srefresh NACK MUST be

generated corresponding to the unmatched Message_Identifier field.

Message_Identifier fields received in MESSAGE_ID LIST objects may

correspond to any Resv state or to Path state of unicast sessions.

Message_Identifier fields received in MESSAGE_ID SRC_LIST or

MCAST_LIST objects correspond to Path state of multicast sessions.

An additional check must be performed to determine if a NACK should

be generated for unmatched Message_Identifier fields associated with

Path state of multicast sessions, i.e., fields that were carried in

MESSAGE_ID SRC_LIST or MCAST_LIST objects. The receiving node must

check to see if the node would forward data packets originated from

the source corresponding to the unmatched field. This check,

commonly known as an RPF check, is performed based on the source and

group information carried in the MESSAGE_ID SRC_LIST and MCAST_LIST

objects. In both objects the IP address of the source is listed

immediately after the corresponding Message_Identifier field. The

group address is listed immediately after the source IP address in

MESSAGE_ID MCAST_LIST objects. The group address is the message's

destination IP address when MESSAGE_ID SRC_LIST objects are used.

The receiving node only generates an Srefresh NACK when the node

would forward packets to the identified group from the listed sender.

If the node would forward multicast data packets from a listed sender

and there is a corresponding unmatched Message_Identifier field, then

an appropriate Srefresh NACK MUST be generated. If the node would

not forward packets to the identified group from a listed sender, a

corresponding unmatched Message_Identifier field is silently ignored.

5.4. Srefresh NACK

Srefresh NACKs are used to indicate that a received

Message_Identifier field carried in MESSAGE_ID LIST, SRC_LIST, or

MCAST_LIST object does not match any installed state. This may occur

for a number of reasons including, for example, a route change. An

Srefresh NACK is encoded in a MESSAGE_ID_NACK object. When

generating an Srefresh NACK, the epoch and Message_Identifier fields

of the MESSAGE_ID_NACK object MUST have the same value as was

received. MESSAGE_ID_NACK objects are transmitted as described in

Section 4.6.

Received MESSAGE_ID_NACK objects indicate that the object generator

does not have any installed state matching the object. Upon

receiving a MESSAGE_ID_NACK object, the receiver performs an

installed Path or Resv state lookup based on the Epoch and

Message_Identifier values contained in the object. If matching state

is found, then the receiver MUST transmit the matching state via a

standard Path or Resv message. If the receiver cannot identify any

installed state, then no action is required.

5.5. Preserving RSVP Soft State

As discussed in [RFC2205], RSVP uses soft state to address a large

class of potential errors. RSVP does this by periodically sending a

full representation of installed state in Resv and Path messages.

Srefresh messages are used in place of the periodic sending of

standard Path and Resv refresh messages. While this provides scaling

benefits and protects against common network events such as packet

loss or routing change, it does not provide exactly the same error

recovery properties. An example error that could potentially be

recovered from via standard messages but not with Srefresh messages

is internal corruption of state. This section recommends two methods

that can be used to better preserve RSVP's soft state error recovery

mechanism. Both mechanisms are supported using existing protocol


The first mechanism uses a checksum or other algorithm to detect a

previously unnoticed change in internal state. This mechanism does

not protect against internal state corruption. It just covers the

case where a trigger message should have been sent, but was not.

When sending a Path or Resv trigger message, a node should run a

checksum or other algorithm, such as [MD5], over the internal state

and store the result. The choice of algorithm is an administrative

decision. Periodically the node should rerun the algorithm and

compare the new result with the stored result. If the values differ,

then a corresponding standard Path or Resv refresh message should be

sent and the new value should be stored. The recomputation period

should be set based on the computation resources of the node and the

reliability requirements of the network.

The second mechanism is simply to periodically send standard Path and

Resv refresh messages. Since this mechanism uses standard refresh

messages, it can recover from the same set of errors as standard

RSVP. When using this mechanism, the period that standard refresh

messages are sent must be longer than the interval that Srefresh

messages are generated in order to gain the benefits of using the

summary refresh extension. When a standard refresh message is sent,

a corresponding summary refresh SHOULD NOT be sent during the same

refresh period. When a node supports the periodic generation of

standard refresh messages while Srefreshes are being used, the

frequency of generation of standard refresh messages relative to the

generation of summary refreshes SHOULD be configurable by the network


5.6. Compatibility

Nodes supporting the summary refresh extension advertise their

support via the Refresh-Reduction-Capable bit in the RSVP message

header. This enables nodes supporting the extension to detect each

other. When it is not known if a next hop supports the extension,

standard Path and Resv message based refreshes MUST be used. Note

that when the routing next hop does not support RSVP, it will not

always be possible to detect if the RSVP next hop supports the

summary refresh extension. Therefore, when the routing next hop is

not RSVP capable the Srefresh message based refresh SHOULD NOT be

used. A node MAY be administratively configured to use Srefresh

messages in all cases when all RSVP nodes in a network are known to

support the summary refresh extension. This is useful since when

operating in this mode, the extension properly adjusts to the case of

non-RSVP next hops and changes in routing.

Per section 2, nodes supporting the summary refresh extension must

also take care to recognize when a next hop stops sending RSVP

messages with the Refresh-Reduction-Capable bit set.

6. Exponential Back-Off Procedures

This section is based on [Pan] and provides procedures to implement

exponential back-off for retransmission of messages awaiting

acknowledgment, see Section 4.5. Implementations MUST use the

described procedures or their equivalent.

6.1. Outline of Operation

The following is one possible mechanism for exponential back-off

retransmission of an unacknowledged RSVP message: When sending such a

message, a node inserts a MESSAGE_ID object with the ACK_Desired flag

set. The sending node will retransmit the message until a message

acknowledgment is received or the message has been transmitted a

maximum number of times. Upon reception, a receiving node

acknowledges the arrival of the message by sending back a message

acknowledgment (that is, a corresponding MESSAGE_ID_ACK object.)

When the sending node receives the acknowledgment retransmission of

the message is stopped. The interval between retransmissions is

governed by a rapid retransmissio

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