
RFC2956 - Overview of 1999 IAB Network Layer Workshop

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Network Working Group M. Kaat

Request for Comments: 2956 SURFnet EXPertiseCentrum bv

Category: Informational October 2000

Overview of 1999 IAB Network Layer Workshop

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does

not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this

memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


This document is an overview of a workshop held by the Internet

Architecture Board (IAB) on the Internet Network Layer architecture

hosted by SURFnet in Utrecht, the Netherlands on 7-9 July 1999. The

goal of the workshop was to understand the state of the network layer

and its impact on continued growth and usage of the Internet.

Different technical scenarios for the (foreseeable) future and the

impact of external influences were studied. This report lists the

conclusions and recommendations to the Internet Engineering Task

Force (IETF) community.

Table of Contents

1. IntrodUCtion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2. Conclusions and Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.1 Transparency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.2 NAT, Application Level Gateways & Firewalls . . . . . . 4

2.3 Identification and Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2.4 Observations on Address Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.5 Routing Issues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.6 Observations on Mobility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.7 DNS Issues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.8 NAT and RSIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.9 NAT, RSIP and IPv6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.10 Observations on IPv6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3. Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3.1 Recommendations on Namespace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3.2 Recommendations on RSIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3.3 Recommendations on IPv6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3.4 Recommendations on IPsec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3.5 Recommendations on DNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3.6 Recommendations on Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3.7 Recommendations on Application Layer and APIs. . . . . . 12

4. Security Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Appendix A. Participants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Author's Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Full Copyright Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

1. Introduction

From July 7 to July 9, 1999 the Internet Architecture Board (IAB)

held a workshop on the architecture of the Internet Network Layer.

The Network Layer is usually referred to as the IP layer. The goal

of the workshop was to discuss the current state of the Network Layer

and the impact various currently deployed or future mechanisms and

technologies might have on the continued growth and usage of the


The most important issues to be discussed were:

o Status of IPv6 deployment and transition issues

o Alternative technical strategies in case IPv6 is not adopted

o Globally unique addresses and 32 bit address depletion

o Global connectivity and reachability

o Fragmentation of the Internet

o End to end transparency and the progressive loss thereof

o End to end security

o Complications of address sharing mechanisms (NAT, RSIP)

o Separation of identification and location in addressing

o Architecture and scaling of the current routing system

The participants looked into several technical scenarios and

discussed the feasibility and probability of the deployment of each

scenario. Among the scenarios were for example full migration to

IPv6, IPv6 deployment only in certain segments of the network, no

significant deployment of IPv6 and increased segmentation of the IPv4

address space due to the use of NAT devices.

Based on the discussion of these scenarios several trends and

external influences were identified which could have a large impact

on the status of the network layer, such as the deployment of

wireless network technologies, mobile networked devices and special

purpose IP devices.

The following technical issues were identified to be important goals:

o Deployment of end to end security

o Deployment of end to end transport

o Global connectivity and reachability should be maintained

o It should be easy to deploy new applications

o It should be easy to connect new hosts and networks to the

Internet ("plug and ping")

By the notion "deployment of end to end transport" it is meant that

it is a goal to be able to deploy new applications that span from any

host to any other host without intermediaries, and this requires

transport protocols with similar span (see also [1]).

This document summarizes the conclusions and recommendations made by

the workshop. It should be noted that not all participants agreed

with all of the statements, and it was not clear whether anyone

agreed with all of them. The recommendations made however are based

on strong consensus among the participants.

2. Conclusions and Observations

The participants came to a number of conclusions and observations on

several of the issues mentioned in section 1. In the following

sections 2.1-2.10 these conclusions will be described.

2.1 Transparency

In the discussions transparency was referred to as the original

Internet concept of a single universal logical addressing scheme and

the mechanisms by which packets may flow from source to destination

essentially unaltered [1]. This traditional end to end transparency

has been lost in the current Internet, specifically the assumption

that IPv4 addresses are globally unique or invariant is no longer


There are multiple causes for the loss of transparency, for example

the deployment of network address translation devices, the use of

private addresses, firewalls and application level gateways, proxies

and caches. These mechanisms increase fragmentation of the network

layer, which causes problems for many applications on the Internet.

It adds up to complexity in applications design and inhibits the

deployment of new applications. In particular, it has a severe

effect on the deployment of end to end IP security.

Another consequence of fragmentation is the deployment of "split DNS"

or "two faced DNS", which means that the correspondence between a

given FQDN and an IPv4 address is no longer universal and stable over

long periods (see section 2.7).

End to end transparency will probably not be restored due to the fact

that some of the mechanisms have an intrinsic value (e.g. firewalls,

caches and proxies) and the loss of transparency may be considered by

some as a security feature. It was however concluded that end to end

transparency is desirable and an important issue to pursue.

Transparency is further explored in [1].

2.2 NAT, Application Level Gateways & Firewalls

The previous section indicated that the deployment of NAT (Network

Address Translation), Application Level Gateways and firewalls causes

loss of network transparency. Each of them is incompatible with

certain applications because they interfere with the assumption of

end to end transparency. NAT especially complicates setting up

servers, peer to peer communications and "always-on" hosts as the

endpoint identifiers, i.e. IP addresses, used to set up connections

are globally ambiguous and not stable (see [2]).

NAT, application level gateways and firewalls however are being

increasingly widely deployed as there are also advantages to each,

either real or perceived. Increased deployment causes a further

decline of network transparency and this inhibits the deployment of

new applications. Many new applications will require specialized

Application Level Gateways (ALGs) to be added to NAT devices, before

those applications will work correctly when running through a NAT

device. However, some applications cannot operate effectively with

NAT even with an ALG.

2.3 Identification and Addressing

In the original IPv4 network architecture hosts are globally,

permanently and uniquely identified by an IPv4 address. Such an IP

address is used for identification of the node as well as for

locating the node on the network. IPv4 in fact mingles the semantics

of node identity with the mechanism used to deliver packets to the

node. The deployment of mechanisms that separate the network into

multiple address spaces breaks the assumption that a host can be

uniquely identified by a single IP address. Besides that, hosts may

wish to move to a different location in the network but keep their

identity the same. The lack of differentiation between the identity

and the location of a host leads to a number of problems in the

current architecture.

Several technologies at this moment use tunneling techniques to

overcome the problem or cannot be deployed in the case of separate

address spaces. If a node could have some sort of a unique

identifier or endpoint name this would help in solving a number of


It was concluded that it may be desirable on theoretical grounds to

separate the node identity from the node locator. This is especially

true for IPsec, since IP addresses are used (in transport mode) as

identifiers which are cryptographically protected and hence MUST

remain unchanged during transport. However, such a separation of

identity and location will not be available as a near-term solution,

and will probably require changes to transport level protocols.

However, the current specification of IPsec does allow to use some

other identifier than an IP address.

2.4 Observations on Address Space

There is a significant risk that a single 32 bit global address space

is insufficient for foreseeable needs or desires. The participants'

opinions about the time scale over which new IPv4 addresses will

still be available for assignment ranged from 2 to 20 years.

However, there is no douBT that at the present time, users cannot

obtain as much IPv4 address space as they desire. This is partly a

result of the current stewardship policies of the Regional Internet

Registries (RIRs).

It was concluded that it ought to be possible for anybody to have

global addresses when required or desired. The absence of this

inhibits the deployment of some types of applications. It should

however be noted that there will always be administrative boundaries,

firewalls and intranets, because of the need for security and the

implementation of policies. NAT is seen as a significant

complication on these boundaries. It is often perceived as a

security feature because people are confusing NATs with firewalls.

2.5 Routing Issues

A number of concerns were raised regarding the scaling of the current

routing system. With current technology, the number of prefixes that

can be used is limited by the time taken for the routing algorithm to

converge, rather than by memory size, lookup time, or some other

factor. The limit is unknown, but there is some speculation, of

extremely unclear validity, that it is on the order of a few hundred

thousand prefixes. Besides the computational load of calculating

routing tables, the time it takes to distribute routing updates

across the network, the robustness and security of the current

routing system are also important issues. The only known addressing

scheme which produces scalable routing mechanisms depends on

topologically aggregated addresses, which requires that sites

renumber when their position in the global topology changes.

Renumbering remains operationally difficult and expensive ([3], [4]).

It is not clear whether the deployment of IPv6 would solve the

current routing problems, but it should do so if it makes renumbering


At least one backbone operator has concerns about the convergence

time of internetwork-wide routing during a failover. This operator

believes that current convergence times are on the order of half a

minute, and possibly getting worse. Others in the routing community

did not believe that the convergence times are a current issue. Some,

who believe that real-time applications (e.g. telephony) require

sub-second convergence, are concerned about the implications of

convergence times of a half minute on such applications.

Further research is needed on routing mechanisms that might help

palliate the current entropy in the routing tables, and can help

reduce the convergence time of routing computations.

The workshop discussed global routing in a hypothetical scenario with

no distinguished root global address space. Nobody had an idea how

to make such a system work. There is currently no well-defined

proposal for a new routing system that could solve such a problem.

For IPv6 routing in particular, the GSE/8+8 proposal and IPNG WG

analysis of this proposal ([5]) are still being examined by the IESG.

There is no consensus in the workshop whether this proposal could be

made deployable.

2.6 Observations on Mobility

Mobility and roaming require a globally unique identifier. This does

not have to be an IP address. Mobile nodes must have a widely usable

identifier for their location on the network, which is an issue if

private IP addresses are used or the IP address is ambiguous (see

also section 2.3). Currently tunnels are used to route traffic to a

mobile node. Another option would be to maintain state information

at intermediate points in the network if changes are made to the

packets. This however reduces the flexibility and it breaks the end

to end model of the network. Keeping state in the network is usually

considered a bad thing. Tunnels on the other hand reduce the MTU

size. Mobility was not discussed in detail as a separate IAB

workshop is planned on this topic.

2.7 DNS issues

If IPv6 is widely deployed, the current line of thinking is that site

renumbering will be significantly more frequent than today. This

will have an impact on DNS updates. It is not clear what the scale

of DNS updates might be, but in the most aggressive models it could

be millions a day. Deployment of the A6 record type which is defined

to map a domain name to an IPv6 address, with the provision for

indirection for leading prefix bits, could make this possible ([6]).

Another issue is the security ASPect of frequent updates, as they

would have to been done dynamically. Unless we have fully secured

DNS, it could increase security risks. Cached TTL values might

introduce problems as the cached records of renumbered hosts will not

be updated in time. This will become especially a problem if rapid

renumbering is needed.

Another already mentioned issue is the deployment of split DNS (see

section 2.1). This concept is widely used in the Intranet model,

where the DNS provides different information to inside and outside

queries. This does not necessarily depend on whether private

addresses are used on the inside, as firewalls and policies may also

make this desirable. The use of split DNS seems inevitable as

Intranets will remain widely deployed. But operating a split DNS

raises a lot of management and administrative issues. As a work

around, a DNS Application Level Gateway ([7]) (perhaps as an

extension to a NAT device) may be deployed, which intercepts DNS

messages and modifies the contents to provide the appropriate

answers. This has the disadvantage that it interferes with the use

of DNSSEC ([8]).

The deployment of split DNS, or more generally the existence of

separate name spaces, makes the use of Fully Qualified Domain Names

(FQDNs) as endpoint identifiers more complex.

2.8 NAT and RSIP

Realm-Specific IP (RSIP), a mechanism for use with IPv4, is a work

item of the IETF NAT WG. It is intended as an alternative (or as a

complement) to network address translation (NAT) for IPv4, but other

uses are possible (for example, allowing end to end traffic across

firewalls). It is similar to NAT, in that it allows sharing a small

number of external IPv4 addresses among a number of hosts in a local

address domain (called a 'realm'). However, it differs from NAT in

that the hosts know that different externally-visible IPv4 addresses

are being used to refer to them outside their local realm, and they

know what their temporary external address is. The addresses and

other information are obtained from an RSIP server, and the packets

are tunneled across the first routing realm ([9], [10]).

The difference between NAT and RSIP - that an RSIP client is aware of

the fact that it uses an IP address from another address space, while

with NAT, neither endpoint is aware that the addresses in the packets

are being translated - is significant. Unlike NAT, RSIP has the

potential to work with protocols that require IP addresses to remain

unmodified between the source and destination. For example, whereas

NAT gateways preclude the use of IPsec across them, RSIP servers can

allow it [11].

The addition of RSIP to NATs may allow them to support some

applications that cannot work with traditional NAT ([12]), but it

does require that hosts be modified to act as RSIP clients. It

requires changes to the host's TCP/IP stack, any layer-three protocol

that needs to be made RSIP-aware will have to be modified (e.g. ICMP)

and certain applications may have to be changed. The exact changes

needed to host or application software are not quite well known at

this moment and further research into RSIP is required.

Both NAT and RSIP assume that the Internet retains a core of global

address space with a coherent DNS. There is no fully prepared model

for NAT or RSIP without such a core; therefore NAT and RSIP face an

uncertain future whenever the IPv4 address space is finally exhausted

(see section 2.4). Thus it is also a widely held view that in the

longer term the complications caused by the lack of globally unique

addresses, in both NAT and RSIP, might be a serious handicap ([1]).

If optimistic assumptions are made about RSIP (it is still being

defined and a number of features have not been implemented yet), the

combination of NAT and RSIP seems to work in most cases. Whether

RSIP introduces specific new problems, as well as removing some of

the NAT issues, remains to be determined.

Both NAT and RSIP may have trouble with the future killer

application, especially when this needs QoS features, security and/or

multicast. And if it needs peer to peer communication (i.e. there

would be no clear distinction between a server and a client) or

assumes "always-on" systems, this would probably be complex with both

NAT and RSIP (see also section 2.2).

2.9 NAT, RSIP and IPv6

Assuming IPv6 is going to be widely deployed, network address

translation techniques could play an important role in the transition

process from IPv4 to IPv6 ([13]). The impact of adding RSIP support

to hosts is not quite clear at this moment, but it is less than

adding IPv6 support since most applications probably don't need to be

changed. And RSIP needs no changes to the routing infrastructure,

but techniques such as automatic tunneling ([14]) and 6to4 ([15])

would also allow IPv6 traffic to be passed over the existing IPv4

routing infrastructure. While RSIP is principally a tool for

extending the life of IPv4, it is not a roadblock for the transition

to IPv6. The development of RSIP is behind that of IPv6, and more

study into RSIP is required to determine what the issues with RSIP

might be.

2.10 Observations on IPv6

An important issue in the workshop was whether the deployment of IPv6

is feasible and probable. It was concluded that the transition to

IPv6 is plausible modulo certain issues. For example applications

need to be ported to IPv6, and production protocol stacks and

production IPv6 routers should be released. The core protocols are

finished, but other standards need to be pushed forward (e.g. MIBs).

A search through all RFCs for dependencies on IPv4 should be made, as

was done for the Y2K problem, and if problems are found they must be

resolved. As there are serious costs in implementing IPv6 code, good

business arguments are needed to promote IPv6.

One important question was whether IPv6 could help solve the current

problems in the routing system and make the Internet scale better.

It was concluded that "automatic" renumbering is really important

when prefixes are to be changed periodically to get the addressing

topology and routing optimized. This also means that any IP layer

and configuration dependencies in protocols and applications will

have to be removed ([3]). One example that was mentioned is the use

of IP addresses in the PKI (IKE). There might also be security

issues with "automatic" renumbering as DNS records have to be updated

dynamically (see also section 2.7).

Realistically, because of the dependencies mentioned, IPv6

renumbering cannot be truly automatic or instantaneous, but it has

the potential to be much simpler operationally than IPv4 renumbering,

and this is critical to market and ISP acceptance of IPv6.

Another issue is whether existing TCP connections (using the old

address(es)) should be maintained across renumbering. This would

make things much more complex and it is foreseen that old and new

addresses would normally overlap for a long time.

There was no consensus on how often renumbering would take place or

how automatic it can be in practice; there is not much experience

with renumbering (maybe only for small sites).

3. Recommendations

3.1 Recommendation on Namespace

The workshop recommends the IAB to appoint a panel to make specific

recommendations to the IETF about:

i) whether we should encourage more parts of the stack to adopt a

namespace for end to end interactions, so that a) NAT works

'better', and b) we have a little more independence between the

internetwork and transport and above layers;

ii) if so, whether we should have a single system-wide namespace

for this function, or whether it makes more sense to allow

various subsystems to chose the namespace that makes sense for


iii) and also, what namespace(s) [depending on the output of the

point above] that ought to be.

3.2 Recommendations on RSIP

RSIP is an interesting idea, but it needs further refinement and

study. It does not break the end to end network model in the same

way as NAT, because an RSIP host has explicit knowledge of its

temporary global address. Therefore, RSIP could solve some of the

issues with NAT. However, it is premature to recommend it as a

mainstream direction at this time.

It is recommended that the IETF should actively work on RSIP, develop

the details and study the issues.

3.3 Recommendations on IPv6


The current model of TLA-based addressing and routing should be

actively pursued. However, straightforward site renumbering using

TLA addresses is really needed, should be as nearly automatic as

possible, and should be shown to be real and credible by the IPv6



Network address translation techniques, in addition to their

immediate use in pure IPv4 environments, should also be viewed as

part of the starting point for migration to IPv6. Also RSIP, if

successful, can be a starting point for IPv6 transition.

While the basic concepts of the IPv4 specific mechanisms NAT and RSIP

are also being used in elements of the proposed migration path to

IPv6 (in NAT-PT for NAT, and SIIT and AIIH for RSIP), NAT and RSIP

for IPv4 are not directly part of a documented transition path to


The exact implications, for transition to IPv6, of having NAT and

RSIP for IPv4 deployed, are not well understood. Strategies for

transition to IPv6, for use in IPv4 domains using NAT and RSIP for

IPv4, should be worked out and documented by the IETF.


The draft analysis of the 8+8/GSE proposal should be evaluated by the

IESG and accepted or rejected, without disturbing ongoing IPv6

deployment work. The IESG should use broad expertise, including

liaison with the endpoint namespace panel (see section 3.1) in their


3.4 Recommendations on IPsec

It is urgent that we implement and deploy IPsec using some other

identifier than 32-bit IP addresses (see section 2.3). The current

IPsec specifications support the use of several different Identity

types (e.g. Domain Name, User@Domain Name). The IETF should promote

implementation and deployment of non-address Identities with IPsec.

We strongly urge the IETF to completely deprecate the use of the

binary 32-bit IP addresses within IPsec, except in certain very

limited circumstances, such as router to router tunnels; in

particular any IP address dependencies should be eliminated from


Ubiquitous deployment of the Secure DNS Extensions ([8]) should be

strongly encouraged to facilitate widespread deployment of IPsec

(including IKE) without address-based Identity types.

3.5 Recommendations on DNS

Operational stability of DNS is paramount, especially during a

transition of the network layer, and both IPv6 and some network

address translation techniques place a heavier burden on DNS. It is

therefore recommended to the IETF that, except for those changes that

are already in progress and will support easier renumbering of

networks and improved security, no fundamental changes or additions

to the DNS be made for the foreseeable future.

In order to encourage widespread deployment of IPsec, rapid

deployment of DNSSEC is recommended to the operational community.

3.6 Recommendations on Routing

The only known addressing scheme which produces scalable routing

mechanisms depends on topologically aggregated addresses, which

requires that sites renumber when their position in the global

topology changes. Thus recommendation 3.3.1 is vital for routing


Although the same argument applies to IPv4, the installed base is

simply too large and the PIER working group showed that little can be

done to improve renumbering procedures for IPv4. However, NAT and/or

RSIP may help.

In the absence of a new addressing model to replace topological

aggregation, and of clear and substantial demand from the user

community for a new routing architecture (i.e. path-selection

mechanism) there is no reason to start work on standards for a "next

generation" routing system in the IETF. Therefore, we recommend that

work should continue in the IRTF Routing Research Group.

3.7 Recommendations on Application layer and APIs

Most current APIs such as sockets are an obstacle to migration to a

new network layer of any kind, since they expose network layer

internal details such as addresses.

It is therefore recommended, as originally recommended in RFC1900

[3], that IETF protocols, and third-party applications, avoid any

explicit awareness of IP addresses, when efficient operation of the

protocol or application is feasible in the absence of such awareness.

Some applications and services may continue to need to be aware of IP

addresses. Until we once again have a uniform address space for the

Internet, such applications and services will necessarily have

limited deployability, and/or require ALG support in NATs.

Also we recommend an effort in the IETF to generalize APIs to offer

abstraction from all network layer dependencies, perhaps as a side-

effect of the namespace study of section 3.1.

4. Security Considerations

The workshop did not address security as a separate topic, but the

role of firewalls, and the desirability of end to end deployment of

IPsec, were underlying assumptions. Specific recommendations on

security are covered in sections 3.4 and 3.5.


[1] Carpenter, B., "Internet Transparency", RFC2775, February


[2] Hain, T., "Architectural Implications of NAT", Work in


[3] Carpenter, B. and Y. Rekhter, "Renumbering Needs Work", RFC

1900, February 1996.

[4] Ferguson, P and H. Berkowitz, "Network Renumbering Overview:

Why would I want it and what is it anyway?", RFC2071, January


[5] M. Crawford, A. Mankin, T. Narten, J.W. Stewart, III, L. Zhang,

"Separating Identifiers and Locators in Addresses: An Analysis

of the GSE Proposal for IPv6", Work in Progress.

[6] Crawford, M., and C. Huitema, "DNS Extensions to Support IPv6

Address Aggregation and Renumbering", RFC2874, July 2000.

[7] Srisuresh, P., Tsirtsis, G., Akkiraju, P. and A. Heffernan,

"DNS extensions to Network Address Translators (DNS_ALG)", RFC

2694, September 1999.

[8] Eastlake, D., "Domain Name System Security Extensions", RFC

2535, March 1999.

[9] M. Borella, D. Grabelsky, J. Lo, K. Tuniguchi "Realm Specific

IP: Protocol Specification", Work in Progress.

[10] M. Borella, J. Lo, D. Grabelsky, G. Montenegro "Realm Specific

IP: Framework", Work in Progress.

[11] G. Montenegro, M. Borella, "RSIP Support for End-to-end IPsec",

Work in Progress.

[12] M. Holdrege, P. Srisuresh, "Protocol Complications with the IP

Network Address Translator", Work in Progress.

[13] Tsirtsis, G. and P. Srisuresh, "Network Address Translation -

Protocol Translation (NAT-PT)", RFC2766, February 2000.

[14] Gilligan, R. and E. Nordmark, "Transition Mechanisms for IPv6

Hosts and Routers", RFC2893, August 2000.

[15] B. Carpenter, K. Moore, "Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4

Clouds", Work in Progress.

Appendix A. Participants

Harald Alvestrand harald@alvestrand.no

Ran Atkinson rja@corp.home.net

Rob Austein sra@hactrn.net

Steve Bellovin smb@research.att.com

Randy Bush randy@psg.com

Brian E Carpenter


Vint Cerf vcerf@MCI.NET

Noel Chiappa jnc@lcs.mit.edu

Matt Crawford crawdad@fnal.gov

Robert Elz kre@munnari.OZ.AU

Tony Hain tonyhain@microsoft.com

Matt Holdrege matt@ipverse.com

Erik Huizer huizer@cs.utwente.nl

Geoff Huston gih@telstra.net

Van Jacobson van@cisco.com

Marijke Kaat Marijke.Kaat@surfnet.nl

Daniel Karrenberg Daniel.Karrenberg@ripe.net

John Klensin klensin@jck.com

Peter Lothberg roll@Stupi.SE

Olivier H. Martin Olivier.Martin@cern.ch

Gabriel Montenegro gab@sun.com

Keith Moore moore@cs.utk.edu

Robert (Bob) Moskowitz rgm@htt-consult.com

Philip J. Nesser II pjnesser@nesser.com

Kathleen Nichols kmn@cisco.com

Erik Nordmark nordmark@eng.sun.com

Dave Oran oran@cisco.com

Yakov Rekhter yakov@cisco.com

Bill Sommerfeld sommerfeld@alum.mit.edu

Bert Wijnen wijnen@vnet.ibm.com

Lixia Zhang lixia@cs.ucla.edu

Author's Address

Marijke Kaat

SURFnet ExpertiseCentrum bv

P.O. Box 19115

3501 DC Utrecht

The Netherlands

Phone: +31 30 230 5305

Fax: +31 30 230 5329

EMail: Marijke.Kaat@surfnet.nl

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