
RFC2954 - Definitions of Managed Objects for Frame Relay Service

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-31
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Network Working Group K. Rehbehn

Request for Comments: 2954 Megisto Systems

Obsoletes: 1604 D. Fowler

Category: Standards Track Syndesis Limited

October 2000

Definitions of Managed Objects

for Frame Relay Service

Status of this Memo

This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the

Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet

Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state

and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.


This memo defines an extension to the Management Information Base

(MIB) for use with network management protocols in Transmission

Control Protocol/Internet Protocol-based (TCP/IP) internets. In

particular, it defines objects for managing the frame relay service.

This document obsoletes RFC1604.

Table of Contents

1 The SNMP Management Framework ................................ 2

2 Overview ..................................................... 3

2.1 Scope of MIB ............................................... 3

2.2 Transiting Multiple Frame Relay Networks ................... 5

2.3 Access Control ............................................. 5

2.4 Frame Relay Service MIB Terminology ........................ 6

2.5 Relation to Other MIBs ..................................... 8

2.5.1 System Group ............................................. 8

2.5.2 Interfaces Table (ifTable, ifXtable) ..................... 8

2.5.3 Stack Table for DS1/E1 Environment ....................... 12

2.5.4 Stack Table for V.35 Environments ........................ 14

2.5.5 The Frame Relay/ATM PVC Service Interworking MIB ......... 14

2.6 Textual Convention Change .................................. 15

3 Object Definitions ........................................... 15

3.1 The Frame Relay Service Logical Port ....................... 17

3.2 Frame Relay Management VC Signaling ........................ 22

3.3 Frame Relay PVC End-Points ................................. 32

3.4 Frame Relay PVC Connections ................................ 45

3.5 Frame Relay Accounting ..................................... 53

3.6 Frame Relay Network Service Notifications .................. 56

3.7 Conformance Information .................................... 57

4 Acknowledgments .............................................. 67

5 References ................................................... 67

6 Security Considerations ...................................... 69

7 Authors' Addresses ........................................... 70

APPENDIX A Update Information .................................. 71

Intellectual Property Rights ................................... 75

Full Copyright Statement ....................................... 76

1. The SNMP Management Framework

The SNMP Management Framework presently consists of five major


o An overall architecture, described in RFC2571 [1].

o Mechanisms for describing and naming objects and events for the

purpose of management. The first version of this StrUCture of

Management Information (SMI) is called SMIv1 and described in STD

16, RFC1155 [2], STD 16, RFC1212 [3] and RFC1215 [4]. The

second version, called SMIv2, is described in STD 58, RFC2578

[5], STD 58, RFC2579 [6] and STD 58, RFC2580 [7].

o Message protocols for transferring management information. The

first version of the SNMP message protocol is called SNMPv1 and

described in STD 15, RFC1157 [8]. A second version of the SNMP

message protocol, which is not an Internet standards track

protocol, is called SNMPv2c and described in RFC1901 [9] and RFC

1906 [10]. The third version of the message protocol is called

SNMPv3 and described in RFC1906 [10], RFC2572 [11] and RFC2574


o Protocol operations for accessing management information. The

first set of protocol operations and associated PDU formats is

described in STD 15, RFC1157 [8]. A second set of protocol

operations and associated PDU formats is described in RFC1905


o A set of fundamental applications described in RFC2573 [14] and

the view-based access control mechanism described in RFC2575


A more detailed introduction to the current SNMP Management Framework

can be found in RFC2570 [16].

Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed

the Management Information Base or MIB. Objects in the MIB are

defined using the mechanisms defined in the SMI.

This memo specifies a MIB module that is compliant to the SMIv2. A

MIB conforming to the SMIv1 can be produced through the appropriate

translations. The resulting translated MIB must be semantically

equivalent, except where objects or events are omitted because no

translation is possible (use of Counter64). Some machine readable

information in SMIv2 will be converted into textual descriptions in

SMIv1 during the translation process. However, this loss of machine

readable information is not considered to change the semantics of the


2. Overview

These objects are used to manage a frame relay Service. At present,

this applies to the following value of the ifType variable in the

IF-MIB [26]:

frameRelayService (44)

This section provides an overview and background of how to use this

MIB and other potential MIBs to manage a frame relay service.

2.1. Scope of MIB

The Frame Relay Service MIB supports Customer Network Management

(CNM) of a frame relay network service. Through the use of this and

other related MIBs, a frame relay service customer's NMS can monitor

the customer's UNI/NNI logical ports and PVCs. It provides customers

with access to configuration data, performance monitoring

information, and fault detection for the delivered frame relay

service. As an option, an SNMP agent supporting the Frame Relay

Service MIB may allow customer-initiated PVC management operations

such as creation, deletion, modification, activation, and

deactivation of individual PVCs. However, internal ASPects of the

network (e.g., switching elements, line cards, and network routing

tables) are beyond the scope of this MIB.

The Frame Relay Service MIB models all interfaces and PVCs delivered

by a frame relay service within a single virtual SNMP system for the

purpose of comprehensively representing the customer's frame relay

service. The customer's interfaces and PVCs may physically exist on

one or more devices within the network topology. An SNMP agent

providing support for the Frame Relay Service MIB as well as other

appropriate MIBs to model a single virtual frame relay network

service is referred to as a Frame Relay Service (FRS) agent.

Internal communication mechanisms between the FRS agent and

individual devices within the frame relay network delivering the

service are implementation specific and beyond the scope of this MIB.

The customer's NMS will typically access the SNMP agent implementing

the Frame Relay Service MIB over a frame relay permanent virtual

connection (PVC). SNMP access over a frame relay PVC is achieved

through the use of SNMP over UDP over IP encapsulated in Frame Relay

according to STD 55, RFC2427 and ITU X.36 Annex D [23]. Alternate

access mechanisms and SNMP agent implementations are possible.

This MIB will NOT be implemented on user equipment (e.g., DTE). Such

devices are managed using the Frame Relay DTE MIB (RFC2115[18]).

However, concentrators may use the Frame Relay Service MIB instead of

the Frame Relay DTE MIB.

This MIB does not define managed objects for the physical layer.

Existing physical layer MIBs (e.g., DS1 MIB) and Interface MIB will

be used as needed in FRS Agent implementations.

This MIB supports frame relay PVCs. This MIB may be extended at a

later time to handle frame relay SVCs.

A switch implementation may support this MIB for the purpose of

configuration and control of the frame relay service beyond the scope

of traditional customer network management applications. A number of

objects (e.g. frLportTypeAdmin) support administrative actions that

impact the operation of frame relay switch equipment in the network.

This is reflected in the differences between the two MIB compliance


o the frame relay service compliance module

(frnetservCompliance), and

o the frame relay switch compliance module


The frame relay service compliance module does not support the

administrative control objects used for switch management.

2.2. Transiting Multiple Frame Relay Networks

This MIB is only used to manage a single frame relay service offering

from one network service provider. Therefore, if a customer PVC

traverses multiple networks, then the customer must poll a different

FRS agent within each frame relay network to retrieve the end-to-end

view of service.

Figure 1 illustrates a customer ("User B") NMS accessing FRS agents

in three different frame relay networks (I, J, and K).


Customer Network Management Station

(SNMP based)


^ ^ ^


^ ^ ^

+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+

Originating FR FR FR Terminating

+--------+ Network I Network J Network K +--------+

--- --- --- --- User B


+--------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +--------+

PVC Segment 1 PVC Segment 2 PVC Segment 3


Multi-network PVC


NNI = Network-to Network Interface

UNI = User-to-Network Interface

Figure 1, Multi-network PVC

2.3. Access Control

A frame relay network is shared amongst many frame relay subscribers.

Each subscriber will only have access to their information (e.g.,

information with respect to their interfaces and PVCs). The FRS agent

should provide instance level granularity for MIB views.

2.4. Frame Relay Service MIB Terminology

Access Channel - An access channel generically refers to the DS1/E1

or DS3/E3-based UNI access channel or NNI access channel across which

frame relay data transits. An access channel is the access pathway

for a single stream of user data.

Within a given DS1 line, an access channel can denote any one of the


o Unchannelized DS1 - the entire DS1 line is considered an access

channel. Each access channel is comprised of 24 DS0 time slots.

o Channelized DS1 - an access channel is any one of 24 channels.

Each access channel is comprised of a single DS0 time slot.

o Fractional DS1 - an access channel is a grouping of NxDS0 time

slots (NX56/64 Kbps, where N = 1-23 DS0 Time slots per Fractional

DS1 Access Channel) that may be assigned in consecutive or

non-consecutive order.

Within a given E1 line, a channel can denote any one of the following:

o Unchannelized E1 - the entire E1 line is considered a single

access channel. Each access channel is comprised of 31 E1 time


o Channelized E1 - an access channel is any one of 31 channels.

Each access channel is comprised of a single E1 time slot.

o Fractional E1 - an access channel is a grouping of N E1 time

slots (NX64 Kbps, where N = 1-30 E1 time slots per FE1 access

channel) that may be assigned in consecutive or non-consecutive


Within a given unformatted line, the entire unformatted line is

considered an access channel. Examples include RS-232, V.35, V.36 and

X.21 (non-switched), and unframed E1 (G.703 without G.704).

Access Rate - The data rate of the access channel, eXPressed in

bits/second. The speed of the user access channel determines how

rapidly the end user can inject data into the network.

Bc - The Committed Burst Size (Bc) is the maximum amount of

subscriber data (expressed in bits) that the network agrees to

transfer, under normal conditions, during a time interval Tc.

Be - The Excess Burst Size (Be) is the maximum amount of subscriber

data (expressed in bits) in excess of Bc that the network will

attempt to deliver during the time interval Tc. This data (Be) is

delivered in general with a lower probability than Bc.

CIR - The Committed Information Rate (CIR) is the subscriber data

rate (expressed in bits/second) that the network commits to deliver

under normal network conditions. CIR is averaged over the time

interval Tc (CIR = Bc/Tc).

DLCI - Data Link Connection Identifier

Logical Port - This term is used to model the frame relay "interface"

on a device.

NNI - Network to Network Interface

Permanent Virtual Connection (PVC) - A virtual connection that has

its end-points and bearer capabilities defined at subscription time.

Time slot (E1) - An octet within the 256-bit information field in

each E1 frame is defined as a time slot. Time slots are position

sensitive within the 256-bit information field. Fractional E1 service

is provided in contiguous or non-contiguous time slot increments.

Time slot (DS0) - An octet within the 192-bit information field in

each DS1 frame is defined as a time slot. Time slots are position

sensitive within the 192-bit information field. Fractional DS1

service is provided in contiguous or non-contiguous time slot


UNI - User to Network Interface

N391 - Full status (status of all PVCs) polling counter

N392 - Error threshold

N393 - Monitored events count

T391 - Link integrity verification polling timer

T392 - Polling verification timer

nT3 - Status enquiry timer

nN3 - Maximum status enquiry counter

2.5. Relation to Other MIBs

2.5.1. System Group

Use the System Group of the SNMPv2-MIB [27] to describe the Frame

Relay Service (FRS) agent. The FRS agent may be monitoring many

frame relay devices in one network. The System Group does not

describe frame relay devices monitored by the FRS agent.

sysDescr: ASCII string describing the FRS agent.

Can be up to 255 characters long. This field is

generally used to indicate the network providers

identification and type of service offered.

sysObjectID: Unique OBJECT IDENTIFIER (OID) for the

FRS agent.

sysUpTime: Clock in the FRS agent; TimeTicks

in 1/100s of a second. Elapsed type since

the FRS agent came on line.

sysContact: Contact for the FRS agent.

ASCII string of up to 255 characters.

sysName: Domain name of the FRS agent, for example,


sysLocation: Location of the FRS agent.

ASCII string of up to 255 characters.

sysServices: Services of the managed device. The value "2",

which implies that

the frame relay network is providing

a subnetwork level service, is recommended.

2.5.2. Interfaces Table (ifTable, ifXtable)

This specifies how the Interfaces Group defined in the IF MIB [26]

shall be used for the management of frame relay based interfaces, and

in conjunction with the Frame Relay Service MIB module. This memo

assumes the interpretation of the evolution of the Interfaces group

to be in accordance with: "The interfaces table (ifTable) contains

information on the managed resource's interfaces. Each sub-layer

below the internetwork layer of a network interface is considered an

interface." Thus, the ifTable allows the following frame relay-based

interfaces to be represented as table entries:

- Frame relay interfaces in equipment (e.g., switches, routers or

networks) supporting frame relay. This level is concerned with

generic frame counts and not with individual virtual connections.

In accordance with the guidelines of ifTable, frame counts per

virtual connection are not covered by ifTable, and are considered

interface specific and covered in the Frame Relay Service MIB module.

In order to interrelate the ifEntries properly, the Interfaces Stack

Group shall be supported.

Some specific interpretations of ifTable for frame relay follow.

Object Use for the generic Frame Relay layer

====== =============================================

ifIndex Each frame relay port is represented by an


ifDescr Description of the frame relay interface.

ASCII string describing the UNI/NNI logical

port. Can be up to 255 characters long.

ifType The value allocated for Frame Relay Service

is equal to 44.

ifMtu Set to maximum frame size in octets for this

frame relay logical port.

ifSpeed Peak bandwidth in bits per second available

for use. This could be the speed of the

logical port and not the access rate. Actual

user information transfer rate (i.e., access

rate) of the UNI or NNI logical port in bits

per second (this is not the clocking speed).

For example, it is 1,536,000 bits per second

for a DS1-based UNI/NNI logical port and

1,984,000 bits per second for an E1-based

UNI/NNI logical port.

ifPhysAddress The primary address for this logical port

assigned by the frame relay interface

provider. An octet string of zero length if

no address is used for this logical port.

ifAdminStatus The desired administrative status of the

frame relay logical port.

ifOperStatus The current operational status of the Frame

Relay UNI or NNI logical port.

ifLastChange The value of sysUptime at the last

re-initialization of the logical port. The

value of sysUpTime at the time the logical

port entered its current operational state.

If the current state was entered prior to the

last re-initialization of the local network

management subsystem, then this object

contains a zero value.

ifInOctets The number of received octets. This counter

only counts octets from the beginning of the

frame relay header field to the end of user


ifInUcastPkts The number of received unerrored, unicast


ifInDiscards The number of received frames discarded.

Specifically, frames discarded due to ingress

buffer congestion and traffic policing.

ifInErrors The number of received frames that are

discarded because of an error. Specifically,

frames that are too long or too short, frames

that are not a multiple of 8 bits in length,

frames with an invalid or unrecognized DLCI,

frames with an abort sequence, frames with

improper flag delimitation, and frame that

fail FCS.

ifInUnknownProtos The number of packets discarded because of an

unknown or unsupported protocol. For Frame

Relay Service interfaces, this counter will

always be zero.

ifOutOctets The number of transmitted octets. This

counter only counts octets from the beginning

of the frame relay header field to the end of

user data.

ifOutUcastpkts The number of unerrored, unicast frames sent.

ifOutDiscards The number of frames discarded in the egress

direction. Possible reasons are as follows:

policing, congestion.

ifOutErrors The number of frames discarded in the egress

direction because of an error. Specifically,

frames that are aborted due to a transmitter


ifName This variable is not applicable for Frame

Relay Service interfaces, therefore, this

variable contains a zero-length string.

ifInMulticastPkts The number of received unerrored, multicast


ifInBroadcastPkts This variable is not applicable for Frame

Relay Service interfaces, therefore, this

counter is always zero.

ifOutMulticastPkts The number of sent unerrored, multicast


ifOutBroadcastPkts This variable is not applicable for Frame

Relay Service interfaces, therefore, this

counter is always zero.

ifHCInOctets Only used for DS3-based (and greater) Frame

Relay logical ports. The number of received

octets. This counter only counts octets

from the beginning of the frame relay header

field to the end of user data.

ifHCOutOctets Only used for DS3-based (and greater) Frame

Relay logical ports. The number of

transmitted octets. This counter only counts

octets from the beginning of the frame relay

header field to the end of user data.

ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable Set to true(1). It is recommended that the

underlying physical layer notifications be

disabled since both are not required.

Notifications are enabled at the frame relay

service layer specifically because PVC

notifications are not to be sent if the frame

relay interface fails. Without a

linkUp/linkDown notification, the management

station would receive no notification of the


ifHighSpeed Set to the user data rate of the frame relay

logical port in millions of bits per second.

If the user data rate is less than 1 Mbps,

then this value is zero.

ifPromiscuousMode Set to false(2).

ifConnectorPresent Set to false(2).

Frame relay network service interfaces support the Interface Stack

Group. Frame relay network service interfaces do not support any

other groups or objects in the Interfaces group of the IF MIB.

2.5.3. Stack Table for DS1/E1 Environment

This section describes by example how to use ifStackTable to

represent the relationship of frame relay service to ds0 and

ds0Bundles with ds1 interfaces [20].

Example: A frame relay service is being carried on 4 ds0s of a ds1.


Frame Relay Service





+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+

ds0 ds0 ds0 ds0

+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+




The assignment of the index values could for example be:

ifIndex Description

1 FrameRelayService (type 44)

2 ds0Bundle (type 82)

3 ds0 #1 (type 81)

4 ds0 #2 (type 81)

5 ds0 #3 (type 81)

6 ds0 #4 (type 81)

7 ds1 (type 18)

The ifStackTable is then used to show the relationships between the

various interfaces.

ifStackTable Entries

HigherLayer LowerLayer

0 1

1 2

2 3

2 4

2 5

2 6

3 7

4 7

5 7

6 7

7 0

In the case where the frame relay service is using a single ds0, then

the ds0Bundle is not required.


Frame Relay Service








The assignment of the index values could for example be:

ifIndex Description

1 FrameRelayService (type 44)

2 ds0 (type 81)

3 ds1 (type 18)

The ifStackTable is then used to show the relationships between the

various interfaces.

ifStackTable Entries

HigherLayer LowerLayer

0 1

1 2

2 3

3 0

2.5.4. Stack Table for V.35 Environments

This section describes by example how to use ifStackTable to

represent the relationship of frame relay service with V.35



Frame Relay Service





An example of index values in this case could be:

ifIndex Description

1 FrameRelayService (type 44)

2 v35 (type 33)

Note type 33 (RS232-like MIB) is used instead of type 45 (V.35). V35

does not pertain to this environment.

The ifStackTable is then used to show the relationships between the

various interfaces.

ifStackTable Entries

HigherLayer LowerLayer

0 1

1 2

2 0

2.5.5. The Frame Relay/ATM PVC Service Interworking MIB

Connections between two frame relay endpoints are represented with an

entry in the frPVCConnectTable of this MIB. Both endpoints are

represented with rows in the frPVCEndptTable. The

frPVCEndptConnectIdentifier object of each endpoint points to the

frPVCConnectTable cross-connect table row for the connection.

In contrast, a connection that spans frame relay and ATM endpoints is

represented with an entry in the frAtmIwfConnectionTable of the

FR/ATM PVC Service Interworking MIB defined in [28].

In the case of an inter-worked connection, the

frPVCEndptConnectIdentifier object is set to zero. Instead, the

frPVCEndptAtmIwfConnIndex object is set to the index of the FR/ATM

IWF cross-connect table row.

The frame relay PVC cross-connect table (frPVCConnectTable) does not

contain an entry for the FR/ATM inter-worked connection.

2.6. Textual Convention Change

Version 1 of the Frame Relay Service MIB contains MIB objects defined

with the DisplayString textual convention. In version 2 of this MIB,

the syntax for these objects has been updated to use the (now

preferred) SnmpAdminString textual convention. The new TC provides

support for a greater variety of international character sets.

The working group realizes that this change is not strictly supported

by SMIv2. In our judgment, the alternative of deprecating the old

objects and defining new objects would have a more adverse impact on

backward compatibility and interoperability, given the particular

semantics of these objects.

3. Object Definitions




NOTIFICATION-TYPE, transmission,

Counter32, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI

TimeStamp, RowStatus FROM SNMPv2-TC



InterfaceIndex, ifIndex FROM IF-MIB



LAST-UPDATED "200009280000Z" -- September 28, 2000

ORGANIZATION "IETF Frame Relay Service MIB Working Group"


"WG Charter:






Email Archive:


Chair: Andy Malis

Vivace Networks, Inc.

Email: Andy.Malis@vivacenetworks.com

WG editor: Kenneth Rehbehn

Megisto Systems, Inc.

Email: krehbehn@megisto.com

Co-author: David Fowler

Syndesis Limited,

EMail: fowler@syndesis.com"


"The MIB module to describe generic objects for

Frame Relay Network Service."


-- Revision History


REVISION "200009280000Z"


"Published as RFC2954.

The major new features of this revision include:

o Support for read-write capability to

provision switch components providing service,

o Support for cross-connection via a frame relay

to ATM service interworking function,

o Support for frame relay fragmentation,

o Additional frame counters to track frame


Refer to Appendix A for a comprehensive list of

changes since RFC1604."

REVISION "199311161200Z"


"Published as RFC1604."

::= { transmission 44 }


OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { frnetservMIB 1 }


OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { frnetservMIB 2 }


OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { frnetservTraps 0 }


-- The Frame Relay Service Logical Port


frLportTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The Frame Relay Logical Port Information table is

an interface-specific addendum to the generic

ifTable of the Interface MIB."

::= { frnetservObjects 1 }

frLportEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX FrLportEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An entry in the Frame Relay Logical Port

Information table."

INDEX { ifIndex }

::= { frLportTable 1 }

FrLportEntry ::=


frLportNumPlan INTEGER,

frLportContact SnmpAdminString,

frLportLocation SnmpAdminString,

frLportType INTEGER,


frLportVCSigProtocol INTEGER,


frLportDLCIIndexValue Integer32,

frLportTypeAdmin INTEGER,

frLportVCSigProtocolAdmin INTEGER,

frLportFragControl INTEGER,

frLportFragSize Integer32


frLportNumPlan OBJECT-TYPE







MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the network

address numbering plan for this UNI/NNI logical

port. The network address is the object

ifPhysAddress. The value none(4) implies that

there is no ifPhysAddress. The FRS agent will

return an octet string of zero length for

ifPhysAddress. The value other(1) means that an

address has been assigned to this interface, but

the numbering plan is not enumerated here."

REFERENCE "E.164 [29]

X.121 [30]"

::= { frLportEntry 1 }

frLportContact OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the network

contact for this UNI/NNI logical port."

::= { frLportEntry 2 }

frLportLocation OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the frame

relay network location for this UNI/NNI logical


::= { frLportEntry 3 }






MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the type of

network interface for this logical port."

::= { frLportEntry 4 }









UNITS "Octets"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the Q.922

Address field length and DLCI length for this

UNI/NNI logical port."

REFERENCE "Q.922 [25]"

::= { frLportEntry 5 }

frLportVCSigProtocol OBJECT-TYPE








MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the Local

In-Channel Signaling Protocol that is used for

this frame relay UNI/NNI logical port.

none(1): Interface does not use a PVC

signaling protocol

lmi(2): Interface operates the Stratacom/

Nortel/DEC Local Management

Interface Specification protocol

ansiT1617D(3): Interface operates the ANSI T1.617

Annex D PVC status protocol

ansiT1617B(4): Interface operates the ANSI


Annex B procedures

ccittQ933A(5): Interface operates the ITU Q.933

Annex A PVC status protocol"


T1.617 Annex D [17],

Q.933 Annex A [22]"

::= { frLportEntry 6 }

frLportVCSigPointer OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS deprecated


"The value of this object is used as a pointer to

the table that contains the Local In-Channel

Signaling Protocol parameters and errors for this

UNI/NNI logical port.

This object has been deprecated to reflect the

fact that the local in-channel signaling

parameters are accessed from a single table

(frMgtVCSigTable) that includes parameters for all

possible signaling protocols. Early design

anticipated multiple tables, one for each

signaling protocol."

::= { frLportEntry 7 }


SYNTAX Integer32 (16..4194303)

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"This object contains a hint to be used for

frPVCEndptDLCIIndex when creating entries in the

frPVCEndptTable. The SYNTAX of this object

matches the SYNTAX of the frPVCEndptDLCIIndex - an

object that is restricted to legal Q.922 DLCI

values for the size of the address field.

The value 0 indicates that no unassigned entries

are available.

To oBTain the frPVCEndptDLCIIndex value for a new

entry, the manager issues a management protocol

retrieval operation to obtain the current value of

this object. After each retrieval, the agent must

modify the value to the next unassigned index to

prevent assignment of the same value to multiple

management systems.

A management system should repeat the read to

obtain a new value should an attempt to create the

new row using the previously returned hint fail."

REFERENCE "Q.922 [25]"

::= { frLportEntry 8 }

frLportTypeAdmin OBJECT-TYPE





MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The value of this object desired identifies the

type of network interface for this logical port."

::= { frLportEntry 9 }

frLportVCSigProtocolAdmin OBJECT-TYPE








MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the desired

Local In-Channel Signaling Protocol that is used

for this frame relay UNI/NNI logical port. This

value must be made the active protocol as soon as

possible on the device.

Refer to frLportVCSigProtocol for a description of

each signaling protocol choices."


T1.617 Annex D [17],

Q.933 Annex A [22]"

::= { frLportEntry 10 }

frLportFragControl OBJECT-TYPE





MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"This object controls the transmission and

reception of fragmentation frames for this UNI or

NNI interface.

on(1) Frames are fragmented using the interface

fragmentation format

Note: The customer side of the interface

must also be configured to fragment


off(2) Frames are not fragmented using the

interface fragmentation format."


DEFVAL { off }

::= { frLportEntry 11 }

frLportFragSize OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (0..4096)

UNITS "Octets"

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The value of this object is the size in octets of

the maximum size of each fragment to be sent when

fragmenting. This object is only used by the

fragmentation transmitter, and the two sides of

the interface may differ. The fragment size

includes the octets for the frame relay header,

the UI octet, the NLPID, the fragmentation header,

and the fragment payload. If frLportFragControl is

set to off, this value should be zero."


DEFVAL { 0 }

::= { frLportEntry 12 }


-- Frame Relay Management VC Signaling




MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The Frame Relay Management VC Signaling

Parameters and Errors table."

::= { frnetservObjects 2 }



MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An entry in the Frame Relay Management VC

Signaling Parameters Errors table."

INDEX { ifIndex }

::= { frMgtVCSigTable 1 }

FrMgtVCSigEntry ::=


frMgtVCSigProced INTEGER,

frMgtVCSigUserN391 INTEGER,

frMgtVCSigUserN392 INTEGER,

frMgtVCSigUserN393 INTEGER,

frMgtVCSigUserT391 INTEGER,

frMgtVCSigNetN392 INTEGER,

frMgtVCSigNetN393 INTEGER,

frMgtVCSigNetT392 INTEGER,



frMgtVCSigUserLinkRelErrors Counter32,

frMgtVCSigUserProtErrors Counter32,

frMgtVCSigUserChanInactive Counter32,

frMgtVCSigNetLinkRelErrors Counter32,

frMgtVCSigNetProtErrors Counter32,

frMgtVCSigNetChanInactive Counter32,

frMgtVCSigProcedAdmin INTEGER,

frMgtVCSigUserN391Admin INTEGER,

frMgtVCSigUserN392Admin INTEGER,

frMgtVCSigUserN393Admin INTEGER,

frMgtVCSigUserT391Admin INTEGER,

frMgtVCSigNetN392Admin INTEGER,

frMgtVCSigNetN393Admin INTEGER,

frMgtVCSigNetT392Admin INTEGER,

frMgtVCSigNetnT3Admin INTEGER








MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the local

in-channel signaling procedural role that is used

for this UNI/NNI logical port. Bidirectional

procedures implies that both user-side and

network-side procedural roles are used.

u2nnet(1) Logical port operates user to network

procedure in the role of the network


bidirect(2) Logical port operates the

bidirectional procedure (both user

and network side roles)

u2nuser(3) Logical port operates user to network

procedure in the role of the user


REFERENCE "Q.933 Annex A [22],

T1.617 Annex D [17]"

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 1 }



UNITS "Polls"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the User-side

N391 full status polling cycle value for this

UNI/NNI logical port. If the logical port is not

performing user-side (bidirectional) procedures,

then this object is not instantiated and an

attempt to read will result in the noSuchInstance

exception response."

REFERENCE "Q.933 Annex A [22],

T1.617 Annex D [17]"

DEFVAL { 6 }

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 2 }



UNITS "Events"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the User-side

N392 error threshold value for this UNI/NNI

logical port. If the logical port is not

performing user-side (bidirectional) procedures,

then this object is not instantiated."

REFERENCE "Q.933 Annex A [22],

T1.617 Annex D [17]"

DEFVAL { 3 }

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 3 }



UNITS "Events"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the User-side

N393 monitored events count value for this UNI/NNI

logical port. If the logical port is not

performing user-side (bidirectional) procedures,

then this object is not instantiated."

REFERENCE "Q.933 Annex A [22],

T1.617 Annex D [17]"

DEFVAL { 4 }

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 4 }



UNITS "Seconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the User-side

T391 link integrity verification polling timer

value for this UNI/NNI logical port. If the

logical port is not performing user-side

procedures, then this object is not instantiated."

REFERENCE "Q.933 Annex A [22],

T1.617 Annex D [17]"

DEFVAL { 10 }

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 5 }



UNITS "Events"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the Network-

side N392 error threshold value (nN2 for LMI) for

this UNI/NNI logical port. If the logical port is

not performing network-side procedures, then this

object is not instantiated."

REFERENCE "Q.933 Annex A [22],

T1.617 Annex D [17],

LMI [24]"

DEFVAL { 3 }

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 6 }



UNITS "Events"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the Network-

side N393 monitored events count value (nN3 for

LMI) for this UNI/NNI logical port. If the

logical port is not performing network-side

procedures, then this object is not instantiated."

REFERENCE "Q.933 Annex A [22],

T1.617 Annex D [17],

LMI [24]"

DEFVAL { 4 }

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 7 }



UNITS "Seconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the Network-

side T392 polling verification timer value (nT2

for LMI) for this UNI/NNI logical port. If the

logical port is not performing network-side

procedures, then this object is not instantiated."

REFERENCE "Q.933 Annex A [22],

T1.617 Annex D [17],

LMI [24]"

DEFVAL { 15 }

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 8 }



UNITS "Events"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the Network-

side nN4 maximum status enquires received value

for this UNI/NNI logical port. If the logical

port is not performing network-side procedures or

is not performing LMI procedures, then this object

is not instantiated.

This object applies only to LMI and always has a

value of 5."


::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 9 }


SYNTAX INTEGER (5 10 15 20 25 30)

UNITS "Seconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the Network-

side nT3 timer (for nN4 status enquires received)

value for this UNI/NNI logical port. If the

logical port is not performing network-side

procedures or is not performing LMI procedures,

then this object is not instantiated.

This object applies only to LMI."


DEFVAL { 20 }

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 10 }

frMgtVCSigUserLinkRelErrors OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "Errors"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of user-side local in-channel

signaling link reliability errors (i.e., non-

receipt of Status/Status Enquiry messages or

invalid sequence numbers in a Link Integrity

Verification Information Element) for this UNI/NNI

logical port. If the logical port is not

performing user-side procedures, then this object

is not instantiated."

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 11 }

frMgtVCSigUserProtErrors OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "Errors"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of user-side local in-channel

signaling protocol errors (i.e., protocol

discriminator, unnumbered information, message

type, call reference, and mandatory information

element errors) for this UNI/NNI logical port. If

the logical port is not performing user-side

procedures, then this object is not instantiated."

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 12 }

frMgtVCSigUserChanInactive OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "Events"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of times the user-side channel was

declared inactive (i.e., N392 errors in N393

events) for this UNI/NNI logical port. If the

logical port is not performing user-side

procedures, then this object is not instantiated."

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 13 }

frMgtVCSigNetLinkRelErrors OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "Errors"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of network-side local in-channel

signaling link reliability errors (i.e., non-

receipt of Status/Status Enquiry messages or

invalid sequence numbers in a Link Integrity

Verification Information Element) for this UNI/NNI

logical port."

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 14 }

frMgtVCSigNetProtErrors OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "Errors"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of network-side local in-channel

signaling protocol errors (i.e., protocol

discriminator, message type, call reference, and

mandatory information element errors) for this

UNI/NNI logical port."

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 15 }

frMgtVCSigNetChanInactive OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32

UNITS "Events"

MAX-ACCESS read-only

STATUS current


"The number of times the network-side channel was

declared inactive (i.e., N392 errors in N393

events) for this UNI/NNI logical port."

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 16 }

frMgtVCSigProcedAdmin OBJECT-TYPE






MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the local

in-channel signaling procedural role that is used

for this UNI/NNI logical port. Bidirectional

procedures implies that both user-side and

network-side procedural roles are used.

u2nnet(1) Logical port operates user to network

procedure in the role of the network


bidirect(2) Logical port operates the

bidirectional procedure (both user

and network side roles)

u2nuser(3) Logical port operates user to network

procedure in the role of the user


REFERENCE "Q.933 Annex A [22],

T1.617 Annex D [17]"

DEFVAL { u2nnet }

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 17 }

frMgtVCSigUserN391Admin OBJECT-TYPE


UNITS "Polls"

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the desired

User-side N391 full status polling cycle value for

this UNI/NNI logical port. If the logical port is

not performing user-side (bidirectional)

procedures, then this object is not instantiated."

REFERENCE "Q.933 Annex A [22],

T1.617 Annex D [17]"

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 18 }

frMgtVCSigUserN392Admin OBJECT-TYPE


UNITS "Events"

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the desired

User-side N392 error threshold value for this

UNI/NNI logical port. If the logical port is not

performing user-side (bidirectional) procedures,

then this object is not instantiated."

REFERENCE "Q.933 Annex A [22],

T1.617 Annex D [17]"

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 19 }

frMgtVCSigUserN393Admin OBJECT-TYPE


UNITS "Events"

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the desired

User-side N393 monitored events count value for

this UNI/NNI logical port. If the logical port is

not performing user-side (bidirectional)

procedures, then this object is not instantiated."

REFERENCE "Q.933 Annex A [22],

T1.617 Annex D [17]"

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 20 }

frMgtVCSigUserT391Admin OBJECT-TYPE


UNITS "Seconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the desired

User-side T391 link integrity verification polling

timer value for this UNI/NNI logical port. If the

logical port is not performing user-side

procedures, then this object is not instantiated."

REFERENCE "Q.933 Annex A [22],

T1.617 Annex D [17]"

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 21 }

frMgtVCSigNetN392Admin OBJECT-TYPE


UNITS "Events"

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the desired

Network-side N392 error threshold value (nN2 for

LMI) for this UNI/NNI logical port. If the

logical port is not performing network-side

procedures, then this object is not instantiated."

REFERENCE "Q.933 Annex A [22],

T1.617 Annex D [17],

LMI [24]"

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 22 }

frMgtVCSigNetN393Admin OBJECT-TYPE


UNITS "Events"

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the desired

Network-side N393 monitored events count value

(nN3 for LMI) for this UNI/NNI logical port. If

the logical port is not performing network-side

procedures, then this object is not instantiated."

REFERENCE "Q.933 Annex A [22],

T1.617 Annex D [17],

LMI [24]"

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 23 }

frMgtVCSigNetT392Admin OBJECT-TYPE


UNITS "Seconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the desired

Network-side T392 polling verification timer value

(nT2 for LMI) for this UNI/NNI logical port. If

the logical port is not performing network-side

procedures, then this object is not instantiated."

REFERENCE "Q.933 Annex A [22],

T1.617 Annex D [17],

LMI [24]"

::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 24 }


SYNTAX INTEGER (5 10 15 20 25 30)

UNITS "Seconds"

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"The value of this object identifies the desired

Network-side nT3 timer (for nN4 status enquires

received) value for this UNI/NNI logical port. If

the logical port is not performing network-side

procedures or is not performing LMI procedures,

then this object is not instantiated. This object

applies only to LMI."


::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 25 }


-- Frame Relay PVC End-points




MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The Frame Relay PVC End-Point table. This table

is used to model a PVC end-point. This table

contains the traffic parameters and statistics for

a PVC end-point.

This table is used to identify the traffic

parameters for a bi-directional PVC segment end-

point, and it also provides statistics for a PVC

segment end-point.

A PVC segment end-point is identified by a UNI/NNI

logical port index value and DLCI index value.

If the frame relay service provider allows the

frame relay CNM subscriber to create, modify or

delete PVCs using SNMP, then this table is used to

identify and reserve the requested traffic

parameters of each PVC segment end-point. The

Connection table is used to 'connect' the end-

points together. Not all implementations will

support the capability of

creating/modifying/deleting PVCs using SNMP as a

feature of frame relay CNM service.

Uni-directional PVCs are modeled with zero valued

traffic parameters in one of the directions (In or

Out direction) in this table.

To create a PVC, the following procedures shall be


1) Create the entries for the PVC segment

endpoints in the frPVCEndptTable by specifying

the traffic parameters for the bi-directional

PVC segment endpoints. As shown in figure 2, a

point-to-point PVC has two endpoints, thus two

entries in this table. Uni-directional PVCs

are modeled with zero valued traffic

parameters in one direction; all the `In'

direction parameters for one frame relay PVC

End-point or all the `Out' direction

parameters for the other frame relay PVC


In _____________________________ Out

>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

______ Frame Relay Network ________

Out In


Frame Relay Frame Relay


Endpoint Endpoint

Figure 2, PVC Terminology

2) Go to the Frame Relay Connection Group."

::= { frnetservObjects 3 }



MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An entry in the Frame Relay PVC Endpoint table."

INDEX { ifIndex, frPVCEndptDLCIIndex }

::= { frPVCEndptTable 1 }

FrPVCEndptEntry ::=


frPVCEndptDLCIIndex Integer32,

frPVCEndptInMaxFrameSize Integer32,

frPVCEndptInBc Integer32,

frPVCEndptInBe Integer32,

frPVCEndptInCIR Integer32,

frPVCEndptOutMaxFrameSize Integer32,

frPVCEndptOutBc Integer32,

frPVCEndptOutBe Integer32,

frPVCEndptOutCIR Integer32,

frPVCEndptConnectIdentifier Integer32,

frPVCEndptRowStatus RowStatus,

frPVCEndptRcvdSigStatus INTEGER,

frPVCEndptInFrames Counter32,

frPVCEndptOutFrames Counter32,

frPVCEndptInDEFrames Counter32,

frPVCEndptInExcessFrames Counter32,

frPVCEndptOutExcessFrames Counter32,

frPVCEndptInDiscards Counter32,

frPVCEndptInOctets Counter32,

frPVCEndptOutOctets Counter32,

frPVCEndptInDiscardsDESet Counter32,

frPVCEndptInFramesFECNSet Counter32,

frPVCEndptOutFramesFECNSet Counter32,

frPVCEndptInFramesBECNSet Counter32,

frPVCEndptOutFramesBECNSet Counter32,

frPVCEndptInCongDiscards Counter32,

frPVCEndptInDECongDiscards Counter32,

frPVCEndptOutCongDiscards Counter32,

frPVCEndptOutDECongDiscards Counter32,

frPVCEndptOutDEFrames Counter32,

frPVCEndptAtmIwfConnIndex Integer32



SYNTAX Integer32 (16..4194303)

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The value of this object is equal to the DLCI

value for this PVC end-point.

The values are restricted to the legal range for

the size of address field supported by the logical

port (frLportAddrDLCILen)."

REFERENCE "Q.922 [25]"

::= { frPVCEndptEntry 1 }

frPVCEndptInMaxFrameSize OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4096)

UNITS "Octets"

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The value of this object is the size in octets of

the largest frame relay information field for this

PVC end-point in the ingress direction (into the

frame relay network). The value of

frPVCEndptInMaxFrameSize must be less than or

equal to the corresponding ifMtu for this frame

relay UNI/NNI logical port."


Q.922 [25]

Q.933 [22]"

DEFVAL { 1600 }

::= { frPVCEndptEntry 2 }


SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)

UNITS "Bits"

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The value of this object is equal to the

committed burst size (Bc) parameter (measured in

bits) for this PVC end-point in the ingress

direction (into the frame relay network).

Note that the max value of this range is lower

than the max value allowed by Q.933 (16383 *


Note that the value is encoded in bits whilst the

Q.933 Link layer core parameters information

element encodes this information using octet


REFERENCE "Q.933 [22]"

::= { frPVCEndptEntry 3 }


SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)

UNITS "Bits"

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The value of this object is equal to the excess

burst size (Be) parameter (measured in bits) for

this PVC end-point in the ingress direction (into

the frame relay network).

Note that the max value of this range is lower

than the max value allowed by Q.933 (16383 *


Note that the value is encoded in bits whilst the

Q.933 Link layer core parameters information

element encodes this information using octet


REFERENCE "Q.933 [22]"

::= { frPVCEndptEntry 4 }


SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)

UNITS "Bits per Second"

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The value of this object is equal to the

committed information rate (CIR) parameter

(measured in bits per second) for this PVC end-

point in the ingress direction (into the frame

relay network).

Note that the max value of this range is lower

than the max value allowed by Q.933 (2047 *


REFERENCE "Q.933 [22]"

::= { frPVCEndptEntry 5 }

frPVCEndptOutMaxFrameSize OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4096)

UNITS "Octets"

MAX-ACCESS read-create

STATUS current


"The value of this object is the size in octets of

the largest frame relay information field for this

PVC end-point in the egress direction (out of the

frame relay network). The value of

frPVCEndptOutMaxFrameSize must be less than or

equal to the corresponding ifMtu for this frame

relay UNI/NNI logical port."


Q.922 [25]

Q.933 [22]"

DEFVAL { 1600 }

::= { frPVCEndptEntry 6 }


SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)


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